The Sword of Damocles (Gameplay Thread) (Early 1930) (user search)

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Author Topic: The Sword of Damocles (Gameplay Thread) (Early 1930)  (Read 32648 times)
Garlan Gunter
Jr. Member
Posts: 702
United Kingdom

« on: May 24, 2016, 04:39:07 AM »


Unlike vast tracts of the unhappy motherland, Crimea is ordered, safe and at peace with the potential to prosper. Accordingly, the Grand Prince and Great Khan Felix Yusuf Yusupov judges the time right to set forth certain proclamations and decrees.

Religion and Succession

The Great Khan and Grand Prince himself announces his adoption of Islam, the ancient creed of his Nogai ancestors, signified by his taking the additional forename of Yusuf, that of the Khan of Crimea and old foe of Tsar Ivan the Terrible from whom he descends. The Grand Princess Irina Alexandrovna of Russia, his wife, remains however a daughter of the Russian Orthodox Church, as does their daughter and heiress, Princess Irina.

Islam, Orthodoxy, Roman Catholicism and Protestantism may all rest assured of the Grand Khanate's protection and support. In future any men born to or marrying into the family will be expected to observe Moslem practice, while the princesses of the blood will continue in Orthodoxy. Thus shall the freedoms of Russian, Tatar, and Czech alike be severally guaranteed.

Taxation and Defence

The Great Khan and Grand Prince intends to rule with a light and generous hand, but the Khanate must be defended. Soldiers in the Khanate's army are consequently exempt from taxation.

Liberalisation of Foreign Taxation and Commerce

The Grand Prince is eager to attract distinguished foreign guests to visit his beautiful, exciting and well-ordered state and help it flourish into the future. Financially liquid travellers will be guaranteed a vision of the authentic dream of Tartary unpolluted by the century's turmoils, as well as all the best delights civilisation can afford - the Princely casinos at Sebastopol, the spectacular evening entertainments of a city fast recovering from the atrocities of war, superb sporting opportunities in a country of unparalleled unspoiltness, and personal receptions at the legendary Yusupov Palace beside Koreiz, with friendly access to the Princely Court.

Companies, banks and personal financiers will be welcomed to Sebastopol and offered competitively liberal tax-free arrangements, on an initial gift of a lump sum to the princely treasury.

Games of chance and gambling shall be conducted with tax-free winnings; casino managers will pay a light tax to the princely treasury.

The Grand Prince is unrestricted by petty bourgeois concerns and will foster the traditional production, refinement and trade in opiates, hashish and other long-established intoxicants. It is only protectionism and middle-class prurience that leads to the consumption of such products in impure, unrestrained, and dangerous forms. Here in the Grand Khanate we intend to show the world how to live with pleasure and not shame. [Private/implicit: cf this and 'evening entertainments, Crimea is also a haven of people-trafficking and proverbial for sexually indiscriminate prostitution, from the lowest of street-walkers in Sebastopol to independently rich, cultivated courtesans in their own dachas.]

Personal Morality

The Grand Prince takes the view that private matters should remain private. The Church and the Imams may preach as they will, and the faithful are free and indeed encouraged to listen, but the secular arm of the law has other concerns than intervening in personal liberty.

Signed upon 2nd January 1927, in the name of God Most High, Mohammed His Prophet, and the Virgin Mary His Mother,

Felix Yusuf Yusupov, Prince Yusupov, Great Khan of Crimea, Grand Prince of Sebastopol
Irina Alexandrovna Romanova-Yusupova, Grand Duchess of Russia and Grand Princess of Sebastopol
The Princess Irina Felixovna Yusupova, Crown Princess to Crimea and Sebastopol
Garlan Gunter
Jr. Member
Posts: 702
United Kingdom

« Reply #1 on: May 30, 2016, 07:26:06 AM »

On the Tragic Late Demises of Prince Carol of Romania and his wife, commonly called Zizi Lambrino

We have been acquainted with the Romanian Royal House since Our childhood; we lament the misfortunes that have befallen the family to the uttermost. We do not rule out a sad but innocent explanation; Miss Lambrini's death may have been due to natural causes, and the Prince had previously shown himself fond enough of her to forsake a crown - perhaps he felt the same way about life itself. But We must admit the chances of foul play are not negligible.

We therefore announce a full and fair enquiry, sanctioned by Our Suzerain in Stamboul and not neglecting any possible outcome. We have not heard King Nicolas's speech, but We sincerely hope that the Romanian press has mischaracterised its tone. The Grand Prince of Crimea does not take orders from the King of Romania. We must regretfully regard any such orders, should they prove truthful, as a hostile act, designed to distract the world's attention from what appears an atrocity that must be considered - that of royal fratricide.

Signed and pronounced, 6th July 1927

Felix Yusuf Yusupov, Prince Yusupov, Grand Khan of the Crimea and Grand Prince of Sebastopol
Garlan Gunter
Jr. Member
Posts: 702
United Kingdom

« Reply #2 on: June 04, 2016, 07:46:14 PM »
« Edited: June 04, 2016, 08:02:56 PM by Garlan Gunter »

The Great Khanate of Crimea will afford every assistance and courtesy to its distinguished Romanian visitors. However, the guards of the late Prince Carol have been taken into Crimean custody as suspected accessories in the murder plot. The Romanian commissioners will be permitted to interview the said guards under Crimean surveillance.

The Crimean State differs from the Kingdom of Romania in its attitude to the demise of Mme Carol von Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen, commonly known as Mlle Zizi Lambrino. The circumstances of her death are being treated as suspicious in equal measure to her husband's.

Until such time as King Nicolas's innocence in either matter is assured, the Crimea would prefer to delay any endorsement of the German-Ottoman Treaty with Romania, although the State will acquiesce to direct commandment from the Sublime Porte if necessary.

Signed 16th September 1927,

Jaroslav Hasek, Minister of Information

[The Crimean press is filled with ribald rumours about the Romanian commissioners into the murder, who are characterised as pawns of King Nicolas and notoriously adulterous lovers of his mother, the Queen Dowager Marie.]
Garlan Gunter
Jr. Member
Posts: 702
United Kingdom

« Reply #3 on: June 30, 2016, 01:16:56 PM »

The Great Khanate of Crimea and Grand Principality of Sevastopol declares war upon the Kingdom of Bulgaria, in accordance with its alliance and allegiance to the Sublime Porte.

Prince Yusupov stresses that he will remain neutral in any war against Greece and Serbia, and strongly objects to any projected aggression against the Magyar State or, in particular, Czechia, a country he regards as a close cultural and political friend.
Garlan Gunter
Jr. Member
Posts: 702
United Kingdom

« Reply #4 on: July 06, 2016, 07:09:18 PM »
« Edited: July 06, 2016, 07:11:41 PM by Garlan Gunter »

London expresses extreme concern about the German Empire's actions in the Balkans, especially given that the world had come speedily to expect better of Chancellor Marx.

Should the German Empire accept a wider front of battle encompassing the Magyar State, the British Empire will interpret this as a directly hostile act, deserving an exactly proportionate retaliation.

Furthermore, the British Cabinet formally requests that Berlin withdraw its forces from the Balkan front and instead send, as befits the Chancellor's professed liberal internationalism, diplomats to the negotiation table. It is ugly to behold the regime that laid down the law to the Catholic Powers on Spain, and then easily allowed itself to receive the honours of the Nobel Committee, trespassing so grotesquely against its own preaching.

If the German Empire insists on resorting to force and not reason, Britain cannot rule out any responding course of action.

Britain expresses herself more than willing to assist in a mediating capacity.

Signed for the British Cabinet, May 12th 1928, Leo Amery, Foreign Secretary
Garlan Gunter
Jr. Member
Posts: 702
United Kingdom

« Reply #5 on: July 08, 2016, 10:10:44 AM »


Winston Churchill - First Lord of the Treasury (Prime Minister)
The Earl of Birkenhead - Lord Chancellor
The Marquess Curzon of Kedleston - Lord President of the Council, Leader of the House of Lords
The Duke of Marlborough - Lord Privy Seal
Sir Kingsley Wood - Chancellor of the Exchequer
Hilton Young - Home Secretary
Leo Amery - Foreign Secretary
Sir Philip Sassoon - Colonial Secretary
Duff Cooper - Secretary of State for War
Edward Wood - Secretary of State for India
The Marquess of Londonderry - Secretary for Air
The Marquess of Linlithgow - Secretary of State for Scotland
Bolton Eyres-Monsell - First Lord of the Admiralty
The Baron Beaverbrook - President of the Board of Trade
The Viscount Lymington - Minister of Agriculture
Francis Urquhart - President of the Board of Education
Viscountess Astor - Minister of Labour
Baron Lloyd - First Commissioner of Works
Walter Guinness - Minister of Health
Sir Douglas Hogg - Attorney General
Garlan Gunter
Jr. Member
Posts: 702
United Kingdom

« Reply #6 on: July 08, 2016, 10:25:57 AM »

France would like to reiterate that it would back any initiative his friends from Russia, the UK or Italy would have in mind regarding the Balkan crisis.

With all due respect, France, Italy or the Russian Provisional Government have displayed unwarranted hostility toward Germany and the Ottoman Empire, so we can't see them as constructive force in calming down tensions in the Balkans.

London notes with interest that the Ottoman Diplomatic Service does not appear to rule out the prospect of British arbitration. We have a long and varied history with the Sublime Porte and feel that despite recent enmities, we can provide a model of realistic, hard-headed co-operation on this matter, should other parties desire. Signed for the Cabinet, Leo Amery
Garlan Gunter
Jr. Member
Posts: 702
United Kingdom

« Reply #7 on: July 19, 2016, 12:19:25 PM »

The British Empire stands ready to ratify and guarantee the terms of the proposed Ottoman treaty with Greece.

We also hope to lead efforts for a peaceful solution in Bulgaria; the abdication of the present Tsar and pacific undertakings from his successor seem to constitute a reasonable compromise, with no territory conceded by either party, no reparations sought for damage inflicted, and a neutral peace-keeping force dispatched to the border.

Signed for His Majesty's Government, Leo Amery, Foreign Secretary
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