The Sword of Damocles (Gameplay Thread) (Early 1930)

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Author Topic: The Sword of Damocles (Gameplay Thread) (Early 1930)  (Read 32711 times)
Atlas Icon
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« Reply #25 on: May 24, 2016, 01:41:59 PM »

(OOC: Do I control the eastern part of the Red Sea? I can't tell with the colors o_0)

You control Somalia and Eritrea, but I changed the map to make it clearer (I also changed the color of Hejaz and made Spain red per Spamage's wishes):

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« Reply #26 on: May 24, 2016, 01:51:39 PM »

Is Canada under China rule?
Atlas Icon
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« Reply #27 on: May 24, 2016, 01:53:41 PM »

These questions go in the other thread, but no. Canada is independent, it has chosen to have George V as monarch but a treaty with the US forbids Canada returning to the Commonwealth.
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« Reply #28 on: May 24, 2016, 02:00:45 PM »

Sorry that was a joke. I just saw they had the same colors on the new map
White Trash
Southern Gothic
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« Reply #29 on: May 24, 2016, 02:15:24 PM »

The Ottoman Empire is deeply concerned about the crisis situation emerging on the Iberian Peninsula. Having no vital interests in the region, as well as not representing either Catholic nor revolutionary politics, the Ottoman Empire would be willing to mediate between the two sides.

The Pope is a bit worried about having a Muslim nation be the arbiter between two Catholic countries. The Emperor is open to the idea, but the Pope much prefers France or Portugal.
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« Reply #30 on: May 24, 2016, 02:36:24 PM »

The Ottoman Empire is deeply concerned about the crisis situation emerging on the Iberian Peninsula. Having no vital interests in the region, as well as not representing either Catholic nor revolutionary politics, the Ottoman Empire would be willing to mediate between the two sides.

The Pope is a bit worried about having a Muslim nation be the arbiter between two Catholic countries. The Emperor is open to the idea, but the Pope much prefers France or Portugal.

We very strongly object to being referred to by Italy as a "Catholic Country". Spain is secular now and Italy must accept this. That being said, we applaud the Ottomans for their initiative and look forward to their aid in resolving this clear crisis brewing in Europe. We are more than happy to send representatives to Istanbul.
YaBB God
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« Reply #31 on: May 24, 2016, 03:01:01 PM »

Since Germany suspects France might, due to their recent alliance with Italy, not completely palatable to Spain, she would offer herself as mediator. We hold no alliances or grudges with either partner, and as member of the Catholic Church himself, Chancellor Marx should be an acceptable choice for the Pope.

A nice, quaint spa town such as Bad Ems would serve as an ideal place for negotiations, if the respective nations would agree.
Atlas Institution
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« Reply #32 on: May 24, 2016, 03:02:31 PM »

We believe Germany may indeed be posed best to hold such conference.
Atlas Icon
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« Reply #33 on: May 24, 2016, 03:08:31 PM »

If Spain and Italy agree to a peace conference in Germany, I'll open a thread for those purposes.
White Trash
Southern Gothic
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« Reply #34 on: May 24, 2016, 04:21:35 PM »
« Edited: May 24, 2016, 04:56:33 PM by The Mouth of the South »

Both the Emperor and the Papacy agree to having the peace talks be held in Germany, but only on the condition that France be invited as well. France is a major player in the region and has a stake in the results of the talks and it would be a great injustice to exclude them. In addition, the Italians refuse to attend peace talks until the persecution of Catholics desists.

As far as the Pope is concerned, Spain is a Catholic country. And as far as Italian foreign policy is concerned, the Pope's word is Vox Dei.
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« Reply #35 on: May 24, 2016, 04:38:42 PM »

Both the Emperor and the Papacy agree to having the peace talks be held in Germany, but only on the condition that France be invited as well. France is a major player in the region and has a stake in the results of the talks and it would be a great injustice to exclude them.

As far as the Pope is concerned, Spain is a Catholic country. And as far as Italian foreign policy is concerned, the Pope's word is Vox Dei.

I consent to the plans to hold the talks in Germany, and am even willing to include France, so long as certain assurances can be given. Seeing as France is allied with the Italians, we fear being double-teamed and forced into concessions we do not wish to make. We will only accept the French attendence if, before the Conference, both Italy and France recognize the People's Republic as the legitimate government in Spain and denounce the claims of King Alfonso, who is universally hated for entering us into a world war late and on the losing side.
Atlas Politician
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« Reply #36 on: May 24, 2016, 04:39:55 PM »

France and Italy refuse to join the peace talks until the Spain government stop persecuting the catholics
White Trash
Southern Gothic
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« Reply #37 on: May 24, 2016, 04:52:40 PM »

France and Italy refuse to join the peace talks until the Spain government stop persecuting the catholics

The Pope and the Senate second this.
Atlas Politician
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« Reply #38 on: May 24, 2016, 05:00:27 PM »

Pierre Laval is appointed  as French ambassador in Italy. Consolidating the alliance with Italy is a top priority.

France doesn't plan to aggressively raise our military spendings. The top biggest priority of the French Republic is to improve the economy and make the lives of french better.
    - With our new alliance with Italy, trades will be more and more important, making both italian and french economy better and better.
    - Workers' lives must be improved. The Ministy of Hygiene and Health is hereby created. Considering his important work for improving workers, Abbe Lemire is hereby appointed Minister of Hygiene and Health. The focus of this minister is to improve the workers' conditions.
     - Other announcements will be made later.

- The French law (1905) separating the church and the the state is hereby abolished. With a communist country close to our borders, catholics around the world must remain united against this threat. Now in France, the concordat signed between Napoleon and France in the 1900's  is now the law again of this country.
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« Reply #39 on: May 24, 2016, 05:04:26 PM »

France and Italy have repeatedly shown themselves unwilling to negotiate in good faith. Spain was willing to discuss concrete steps to take action and better Europe, but are outraged by this insult. We thus refuse to attend any conference due to the repeated insults hurled at our nation: be it fleets near our border, joint military exercises, or a refusal to wait until the summit in Germany to make such insulting demands. It is clear they too will be the ones to first declare war. I hope the threat of such wretched powers from the outside reminds my fellow citizens of the importance of Spanish Unity in the face of agression.

We would like it to be noted for posterity that we were willing to negotiate in good faith but cannot anymore due to French attempts to hold any potential deal hostage. The People's Republic is not the agressor, the Franco-Italian Alliance is.

Good day,
Julian Besteiro, General Secretary
Atlas Politician
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« Reply #40 on: May 24, 2016, 05:05:44 PM »

France and Italy have repeatedly shown themselves unwilling to negotiate in good faith. Spain was willing to discuss concrete steps to take action and better Europe, but are outraged by this insult. We thus refuse to attend any conference due to the repeated insults hurled at our nation: be it fleets near our border, joint military exercises, or a refusal to wait until the summit in Germany to make such insulting demands. It is clear they too will be the ones to first declare war. I hope the threat of such wretched powers from the outside reminds my fellow citizens of the importance of Spanish Unity in the face of agression.

We would like it to be noted for posterity that we were willing to negotiate in good faith but cannot anymore due to French attempts to hold any potential deal hostage. The People's Republic is not the agressor, the Franco-Italian Alliance is.

Good day,
Julian Besteiro, General Secretary
Willing to negociate that?

France and Italy will never allow catholics to be persecuted no matter where they can be. This will never be negociated by us, considering it must be a given.
Atlas Institution
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« Reply #41 on: May 24, 2016, 05:11:07 PM »

The Ottoman Empire is greatly disturbed by the crisis looming in Western Europe. Having suffered thorough many wars in our history, we believe that years of peace and stability greatly benefited all nations.

I most respectfully implore Italy and France to consider taking less belligerent attitude. We understand that Spain may be sensitive about their sovereignty.

The Ottoman Empire will, until last convinceable moment, support a peaceful resolution. However, any potential aggressor must realize that their action will make all countries of Europe very uneasy. We'll certainly adopt a very guarded attitude in such unfortunate event.

Last, but absolutely not least, we propose to the non-aligned powers, such as the United Kingdom and Japan, to support a mediation.
White Trash
Southern Gothic
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« Reply #42 on: May 24, 2016, 05:16:18 PM »

It is the opinion of the Senate that the government in Spain is the aggressor. The forces of Italy and France hope only to solve a great humanitarian crisis in the region, but the radicals in Spain refuse to stop oppressing their citizens for even a second. It is clear that the Spaniards are intentionally sabotaging the talks so they can lead us all one step closer to war.

The Senate will only say this one more time, the Spanish government either puts a halt to the persecution immediately, or there will be no talks.
Atlas Star
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« Reply #43 on: May 24, 2016, 05:27:16 PM »


Urgent Issues:
1. Prince Carol, while not reinstated to the line of succession and therefore King, shall be recognized as a Prince of our great nation. The Tsar, in his wisdom, has decreed that the Prince is pardoned, with the permission of the government granted. He will receive the title of Grand Prince of Romania, which is granted him and his heirs as recognition of their royal blood and is in title above Duke but below Crown Prince and equal with the Tsar's children. However, any heir of his born not of royal wife is excluded from his titles and rights thereof.

2. Reform and leftism are not inherently bad, especially with the moderation we trust the coalition to employ. The Tsar recognizes the coalition as legitimate and rulers by vote of the people. The Tsar says he will not veto the government if legislation is passed making it to where every man 18 or older may vote.

3. It is not joining the alliance system that I wish for. Ideally, no allies would be needed. However, as a result of the open belligerence of nations, we shall consider it. This system is not inherently bad, but Romania will test it. If a nation wishes to be friends, let it.

4. Romania requests that any and all attempts to make war seize and urges many mediators to any such peace conference. The input of as many of the powers that be as possible will ensure against angering any nation which is not invited and, intentionally or not, threatened.

1. Romania will begin promoting trade by declaring that any business selling anything made in Romania by Romanians to anyone in Romania with Romania money will have any and all fees involving the selling of goods that cost below a certain amount(say, the equivalent of one hundred pounds) cut in half.

2. The Department of the Treasury is to continue minor interventions into the economy to ensure stability in prices, wages, goods, services, supplies, demands, and inflation. The printing of money is to be lowered 5% of what it was last year every year until inflation reaches about -0.5%.

1. Research armored vehicles more.
2. Continue research into the Air Force.
3. Provide rough initial+yearly cost of making an infantry, a militia, and a cavalry brigade(separately).

To: Nations involved in the Franco-Spanish Catholic Crisis
From: Tsardom of Romania

We ask that all threats and words be carefully thought through. Hasty decisions may cause many deaths and blood on the hands of the nations involved.

To: Japan
From: The Tsardom of Romania
Crown Prince Mircea will attend with his sister, Princess Ileana, and Prime Minister Gherman Pantea. The Tsar himself is most unfortunately unable to attend. He hopes you will excuse his absence.
Atlas Institution
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« Reply #44 on: May 24, 2016, 06:08:47 PM »

We applaud a common sense attitude regarding the criris displayed by Romania.
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« Reply #45 on: May 24, 2016, 06:53:15 PM »

The claim made by Italy that we are the agressors is as false as the God they worship. It was Italian naval aggression and patrols near the Baeleric Islands that provoked it all. That being said, we are willing to ignore the belligirent and insulting demands made by the Italians/French and still come to Germany to discuss a solution, though only if our original demands for recognition and the repudiation of King Alfonso are still met.

We find it interesting that the Pope expresses concern for the secularization of Spain and claims to care for Church throughout the world and yet the Popes for centuries have come from Italy. If Catholicism truly is a world religion, then why have other nationalities not been represented on St Peter's Throne? The Church today is a corrupt institution attempting to exert control and make demands over land to which it has no claim.

We look forward to sending a delegation to Berlin if our original demands are met. We desire peace and no bloodshed regardless of what other powers may say.

Julian Besteiro, General Secretary
YaBB God
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« Reply #46 on: May 24, 2016, 07:06:44 PM »

The Empire of Japan applauds the mediation efforts of the Ottoman and German Empires. Though it is the opinion of the Japanese Government that meddling so far beyond our shores is improper, we are more than willing to put in a word for peace. World peace and stability will not be ensured without understanding. Understanding will not come without a meeting of minds.

We encourage all parties to withdraw their reservations and discuss grievances together as equals at the bargaining table.
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Ireland, Republic of
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« Reply #47 on: May 24, 2016, 08:57:54 PM »
« Edited: May 24, 2016, 09:03:45 PM by Weyfield »


1. Edward, Prince of Wales, graciously accepts Prince Saionji Kinmochi's invitation.

2. These bloody years of Ireland's history must not be allowed to be repeated. As the unionists and loyalists do not wish to leave the great Empire, their desires must be respected. Too, the nationalists have aptly displayed their desire for some manner of independence. The ministers propose that Ireland be split between North and South - the Unionists remaining apart of the Britain under the Act of Union, 1801, and the South having Home Rule outside of the union of Britain while still swearing an oath to His Majesty, King George. The British Parliament invites Ireland's leading politicians to visit London to negotiate these terms, though total independence will not be accepted.

3. The British Empire will stand firm against the spread of socialism. To the People's Republic of Spain we say that should any further action be taken to agitate the Portuguese monarchy and government, or indeed any other governments on this globe, harsh measures will be imposed upon the lands of Spain.

4. A prerogative of Churchill's government will be the setting up of a welfare state. He will put this to a team of economists to organize this, focusing on the old, the sick and aiding the unemployed in becoming employed.
Atlas Institution
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« Reply #48 on: May 25, 2016, 04:56:52 AM »

We echo the Japanese statement. There's no harm at all for any side to see what's on the table without preconditions. They are not make any commitments except for trying to talk issues over.

We sincerely wish to avoid this, but any relations between the Ottoman Empire and the side that initiate hostilities, would severely deteriorate. And that's not something we're looking forward.
Atlas Institution
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« Reply #49 on: May 25, 2016, 06:22:15 AM »

3. The British Empire will stand firm against the spread of socialism. To the People's Republic of Spain we say that should any further action be taken to agitate the Portuguese monarchy and government, or indeed any other governments on this globe, harsh measures will be imposed upon the lands of Spain.

The Ottoman Empire is as uneasy about the possibility of spreading the revolution as the British Empire, and we understand London's concerns for their oldest ally, that is Portugal. We are feeling very similarly now, that our ally in Hejaz is facing threats as well from the Wahhabi barbarians.

However, we firmly believe that any unilateral military action against Spain by Italy and her allies would accomplish exactly the opposite: instead of destroying the revolution, it will only radicalize thousands of people in Europe and across the globe.
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