The Sword of Damocles (Gameplay Thread) (Early 1930) (user search)

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Author Topic: The Sword of Damocles (Gameplay Thread) (Early 1930)  (Read 32665 times)
Posts: 46
« on: May 24, 2016, 11:08:36 AM »
« edited: May 24, 2016, 11:13:46 AM by Mauldania »

My fellow Americans, I stand here today in unfamiliar territory. A position in life that has never before been occupied. I assure you that the appointment of the office of Commander in Chief of The Great American Republic, the United States of America, is equal parts sadness to elation.

Sadness from the corrupt individuals who held the position of President. Individuals that sold out America to evil organizations to prop themselves up. Sadness from lack of respect to the forefathers, the constitution, flag and all other great men that came before them.

Elation from being the man chosen as the representation to the previous republic as it was intended. To preside over the greatest nation in the world and help it fulfill it's destiny. As your Commander in Chief, I will give every bit that I have to offer to you. The men that have been under my command know what I speak of, the Generals and congressmen that elected know what I speak of. Soon the world will know what I speak of. I promise to serve this office as faithfully and committed as I served as a soldier and as a general.

God Bless The Great American Republic, The United States of America

Commander in Chief
Douglas MacArthur

Points of term:

- The South
-- Eradicate the Klu Klux Klan- Not for racism, for treason against the United States.
--- One week of amnesty to turn in and renounce membership
---- All States are to cease any aid and turn in any and all information pertaining to the Klu Klux Klan.
----- Assignment of General John G Pershing over Martial Law. Orders: Anyone person, groups or entities (state or otherwise) shown to willingly aid the Klu Klux Klan will be stripped of land, titles, positions and possessions. Also, subject to prosecution up to but not limited to treason. End Martial Law as soon as possible.

- The State of Cuba
-- I do not recognize Cuban independence.
--- Turn over Hearst and McAdoo - Pardons available to any others who seek it. Especially those that assist in turning over Hearst and McAdoo.
---- Elect your own governor and join the Great American Republic as the newest member of our union.

- Military
-- Full naval blockade on the rogue territory of Cuba, nothing in or out except Hearst and McAdoo.
--- Full desegregation of the Military.
---- Establishment of the American Military University.
----- Free education for active duty members so long as your duties are not interfered with.
------ The establishment of the MacArthur Bill, buy into the bill during enlistment, post enlistment receive money (a larger sum than you bought in with) for education.
------- Modernization of military.

-- Hemp. Grow it. Cultivate it. Use it. Export it.
--- abolishment of all taxes except one. A one time tax at time of purchase on all new goods and services.
---- Increase trade, import and export.
----- Oil, find it, extract it, clean it, export it, import oil, clean it, use it.

Subject to change for the needs of the Great American Republic.

-Commander in Chief
Douglas MacArthur
Posts: 46
« Reply #1 on: May 24, 2016, 01:51:39 PM »

Is Canada under China rule?
Posts: 46
« Reply #2 on: May 24, 2016, 02:00:45 PM »

Sorry that was a joke. I just saw they had the same colors on the new map
Posts: 46
« Reply #3 on: May 25, 2016, 12:51:31 PM »

To the Cuban people,

I do not wish to bring you harm. This conflict can be resolved peacefully, I am giving you the power to do so. Two men, not even native sons, for peace. Help me resolve this issue, join the The Great American Republic, The United States of America. Your city counselors, your mayors, your governor, your traditions, your heritage, with our federal government; enjoy all the benefits of joining our republic. The Great American Republic is not your enemy, you will find we are very easy to work with.

Commander in Chief, The Great American Republic, the United States of America.
Douglas MacArthur
Posts: 46
« Reply #4 on: May 25, 2016, 01:18:01 PM »

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The above has been agreed upon by the German Empire and the United States of America.

x Wilhelm Marx
Kanzler des Deutschen Reiches

Posts: 46
« Reply #5 on: May 25, 2016, 02:11:09 PM »

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x Abdülmecid II*
Sultan of the Ottoman Empire and Caliph of Islam

*As told to sign by Enver Pasha

Posts: 46
« Reply #6 on: May 25, 2016, 03:55:06 PM »

It is the opinion as the Commander in Chief of the Great American Republic, The United States of America, that the Franco-Italian alliance and the Spanish socialist movement don't want peace nor do they want shared economic prosperity. Perhaps, those of us that do, should impose strict trade tariffs or cease all trade on the juvenile governments until they can enter talks as adults. Or perhaps not. Just a thought.

Douglas MacArthur.
Posts: 46
« Reply #7 on: May 31, 2016, 11:13:26 AM »

Turn Two:

MacArthur sees the unrest in the South and commends General Pershing on keeping the region from exploding. No further orders from the President regarding the South at this time. General Pershing is free to act as he sees fits.

The Great American Republic continues to look for ways to decrease the debt and create a surplus. General MacArthur has send messages and messengers to speak with the Canadian, Mexican Brazilian and Panamanian governments as well as few other S. American countries. We will also probe into which government positions are no longer needed and can be privatized to help cut debt. The Republic encourages it's citizens to shop with the money saved from the abolished taxes, to help stimulate the economy.

The Cuban blockade is still underway, no ships are to fire unless fired upon. A display of air power will be shown around the island of Cuba. There will also be leaflets dropped onto Cuba, to the Cuban people imploring them turn over Hearst and McAdoo and that the USA is their friend. The American Government wants this ended peacefully and wants the Cuban citizens to know. The Great American republic will also look to work with other S. American countries to put pressure on Cuba to turn over the traitors.
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