The Sword of Damocles (Gameplay Thread) (Early 1930)

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Atlas Icon
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« on: May 23, 2016, 09:36:12 AM »
« edited: December 04, 2016, 10:25:49 PM by Lumine »

The Sword of Damocles
(Gameplay Thread)



GM: Lumine

Chancellor Wilhelm Marx / German Empire (Cranberry)
CiC General Douglas MacArthur / USA (Mauldania)
President Francois de la Rocque / France (Windjammer)
Prime Minister Winston Churchill / United Kingdom (Weyfield)
Minister of War Enver Pasha / Ottoman Empire (Kalwejt)
Prince Felix Yusupov / Crimean State (Garlan Gunter)
Prime Minister Alexander Kerensky / Provisional Government of Russia (Blair)
General Secretary Julian Besteiro / People’s Republic of Spain (Spamage)
Prince Saionji Kinmochi / Japanese Empire (Dereich)
Tsar Nicholas I of Romania / Kingdom of Romania (Kingpoleon)
Prime Minister Chiang Kai Shek / China (NeverAgain)
Emperor Victor Emmanuel III / Kingdom of Italy (SouthernGothic)

Wars, Economy and Popularity:

Ongoing Wars:

Russian Civil War:
(Various Russian states)
Ceasefire Phase (no current hostilities)

Popularity Ratings:

Prime Minister Alexander Kerensky: High
President Francois de la Rocque: High
Prime Minister Winston Churchill: High
Chancellor Wilhelm Marx: Medium
CiC General Douglas MacArthur: Medium
General Secretary Julian Besteiro: Medium
Prince Saionji Kinmochi: Medium
Tsar Nicholas I of Romania: Medium
Emperor Victor Emmanuel III: Medium
Minister of War Enver Pasha: Low
Prince Felix Yusupov: Low
Prime Minister Chiang Kai Shek: Low

Economic Ratings:

Republic of France: Strong
German Empire: Strong
United Kingdom: Strong
Kingdom of Italy: Moderate
Japanese Empire: Moderate
Ottoman Empire:  Moderate
Provisional Government of Russia: Weak
People's Republic of Spain: Weak
Kingdom of Romania: Weak
Crimea: Weak
Chinese Empire: Weak
United States of America: Weak
Atlas Icon
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« Reply #1 on: May 23, 2016, 09:39:30 AM »
« Edited: May 23, 2016, 01:16:42 PM by Lumine »


War Units:

Our new warfare system is based on BoP, but simplified to make it less of a pain to simulate. We will continue to use specific army numbers, and battles will be simulated with dice rolls. Armies are granted two dice each battle, with additional dice added on relative advantages and disadvantages (terrain, morale, commander, numerical superiority, etc). Rather than exact numbers, we will use UNITS to fight wars, every country having a determined number in peacetime.

Four things to have in mind:

1.- It is assumed all your overseas territories have garrisons. That means those territories will be defended in case of war, but in order to be able to attack you need to assign extra troops.

2.- There are special units and technologies to be unlocked. These will come with time, bu for the time being, we use WWI style warfare, with no Aircraft Carriers and no Tanks (yet).

3.- Mobilization will increase your army size when you declare war, replenish your current divisions and give you extra ones. That said, the more trops you send to the field, the more your economy suffers.

4.- Logistics matter. No nation can field, say, 1,000,000 men in Libya and keep them fed and supplied. Likewise, Normandy-style landings are far from a possibility, so amphibious landings must be planned well since they won't be able to start with large forces.

Now, regarding units:

Land Units: We go with the principle of divisions of different types (each divison has between 10,000 to 15,000 men). All countries have available Infantry (standard), Militia (cheaper, less organized infantry) and Cavarly (the faster units, less effective against infantry). Some countries will be granted access to specialized divisions, like paratroopers, marines or armored divisions.

Sea Units: Same as BoP, you form fleets with different naval types. Aircraft Carries (AC) are forbidden at the start, what you have available is Battleships (BB), Cruisers (CR), Destroyers (DD) and Submarines (SUB). Some nations get naval combat bonuses (UK and Japan, for example), but we won't go into deeper detail (no tonnage or other excessive things).

Air Units:
Not WW2 air combat to be sure, but still important. We use "wings" of about a 100 airplanes each. You have fighter wings (air superiority, defense, escort and so on), bombers (various bombing missions) and transports (to do air bridges, supply, paratrooper missions).

Current Armies:

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Atlas Icon
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« Reply #2 on: May 23, 2016, 09:42:47 AM »
« Edited: May 23, 2016, 03:53:44 PM by Lumine »

Turn One:  Early 1927

Photograph of the Kita Tanfo earthquake, event that has claimed 3,000 lives in Japan


1.- Many congratulations on your confirmation, General. With your rivals Roosevelt, Hoover and Pershing accepting your victory, it seems you have the National Security Council fully on side for the time being. It’s time for the Inauguration Speech of your administration, along with your legislative program for the NSC. What will you focus on this year?

2.- Former Presidents Hearst and McAdoo have escaped to Cuba along with their loyalists and a small part of the fleet, with the Cuban government declaring independence while the McAdoo Administration forms a government in exile in Guantanamo Bay. Will you leave them to irrelevance, demand their return and risk war, negotiate with the Cubans?

3.- Most states have temporarily quieted down, despite the KKK guerrilla trying (and failing) to organize. While most state governments remain in place with “advisers” from the military, the South is under martial law due to its loyalty to McAdoo and its resistance to civil rights. How should the South be treated? Self-government? Military administration? Perhaps, a second Reconstruction?


1.- You are now the master of the Spanish Revolutionary Party, having purged your biggest rivals. Alas, the constant struggles have led to confusion as of the current stance of the party and the People’s Republic, some defending a more socialist and federal approach, others standing with the communist and more authoritarian wing, and others even proposing an aggressive expansion and sponsoring of revolutionary movements. What is the path to follow for the revolution?

2.- The attempts to de-Christianize Spain have met significant setbacks in the past year, as the population finds it hard to suddenly abandon Catholicism. The matter has become explosive in Navarre, where the powerful Carlist movement openly calls for disobedience and holds secret masses with the crowds. How will you deal with Navarre?

3.- General Secretary, a plea of help has come to you. While your relationship with Portugal has remained once of prudence, the revolutionary groups have openly requested your aid in their attempts to topple the Portuguese Monarchy for good. Likewise, Grigory Zinoviev requests military and economic aid to his Archangelsk Government. Is it time to expand the Revolution?

United Kingdom:

1.- Evening, Prime Minister. Six months of Conservative government have seen you remain popular with the public as the economic and domestic situation stabilizes, but there is a lot to be done still. How will you work with Parliament this year and what measures will you seek to pass?

2.- The issue of Ireland needs solving at some point, even if military occupation has pacified the island for now. Should the issue be left for later or tackled now? Should the island be split among unionist and loyalists to create a dominion? Should there be a single Irish government? The British public want the issue to go away, but the matter is sensitive.

3.- A cabinet meeting today led to the Foreign Secretary expressing his concerns over the situation of Canada now that a military government is in control of the United States. Canada is independent and British troops are forbidden by treaty, but the country elected to retain the British King as monarch and feels very much close to the Empire.


1.- My condolences on the passing of the King, your Grace. As the new King you are in control of Romania, but the matter of your older brother Carol (the original heir to the throne, who was disowned after marrying his commoner lover) that lives in exile in Rome remains controversial. What will you do about Prince Carol?

2.- A new coalition government has taken place, much more reformist and center-left than any previous Romanian government. Prime Minister Pantea meets with you to coordinate the policies to follow on his parliamentary term. What shall be done?

3.- Some believe it is time to create closer ties to other countries, even if the public remains hostile to Germans, Ottomans and the Magyar Republic. It has been suggested Romania could forge arrangements or alliances with Bulgaria, the former states of Austria-Hungary, the nationalist government in Ukraine, Greece, Crimea and so on. Will Romania remain neutral and isolated, or will it join the alliance system?
Atlas Icon
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« Reply #3 on: May 23, 2016, 04:45:31 PM »


1.- Welcome, Prince Saionji. The past years have seen you recover from the crisis that almost caused the collapse of the government, but the balance of power remains a thing to be considered in today’s Japan. With Seiyukai dominant on Parliament you have a safe base from which to act to, and an audience has been scheduled with Hara Takasi and His Majesty regarding the policies for the year. What will you do?

2.- Disaster has struck Kyoto as a powerful earthquake (known as Kita Tango) causes major damage. Losses have been estimated in 3,000 deaths and more than 7,000 injured, and while no major industry has been hit many have been left homeless. Will the government seek outside help or take matters personally?

3.- The internal situation in China has taken a turn for the worse as the Kuomintang and the Communist Party seem close to civil war. Despite both sides being openly anti-Japanese, some believe this presents a chance to regain influence and leverage in Chinese politics. Will Japan act in any regarding this internal conflict?


1.- As another year of the Cross of Fire government passes, the economic question remains open. With rearmament programs and social measures having restored the French economy to give it considerable strength, the Economic Ministry presents two alternatives: ramp up military spending to fully rearm France (which could very well cause a conflict) or lower military spending to focus on economic development and defuse potential tension. What will you do?

2.- While efforts to mobilize the French youth have been successful, some say the time has come to take a more aggressive approach, making participation in the party youth compulsory or even mandatory to indoctrinate the next generation and solidify your hold on power. Will you proceed with these plans? Take another route?

3.- Pierre Laval, your former ally in the struggle to become Prime Minister, has come to you with a proposition. Laval believes that despite the territorial gains of Italy against France in the Great War an alliance with Italy is not only desirable, but possible due to the strong catholic support in both regimes. Laval has also asked to be named Foreign Minister, believing he can put his skill and reduce the isolation of France.


1.- With the dissolution of the Chamber of Deputies causing a good deal of dissent in the country, a special meeting of the Imperial Council and the College Cardinals has been called in Rome. It is time to plan ahead for the next months.

2.- The situation in the People’s Republic of Spain remains complicated as Catholicism is harshly repressed and areas like Navarre seem on the brink of revolt, not to mention the former Spanish King annoys you daily with pleas to do something about Spain. War is out of the question, but perhaps the Pope could be of help?

3.- While Italian positions in Libya remain strong in the coastline, the Senoussi tribes and the desert Bedouins still control the interior and remain a source for trouble. Some say the resources needed to expand the lands controlled in Libya would be wasted there, and others believe the natives and tribes can be easily overpowered. What will you do?


1.- Matters have grown increasingly complicated after your outmaneuvered the Communists and took the office of Prime Minister. Li Dazhao often denounces you on his speeches and makes constant calls for a general election, even as assassinations and bombings become daily. How will you deal with the Communists?

2.- Despite the Chinese Army remaining of a large amount of conscripts, its quality still leaves much to be desired. Your cabinet is divided on where to seek military support for further modernization, France, Germany and the United Kingdom coming up as the more likely options. Will you proceed with army modernization? If so, will it be through national methods or Westerner influence?

3.- Despite a campaign sponsored by the Emperor managing to severely reduce opium addiction in China, it seems new shipments of opium are being produced in Shanghai under the zone of British administration. The Secret Police believes the British Government to have no involvement in the affair, but the source seems large and addiction threatens to become a problem. Will you react to this?
Atlas Icon
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« Reply #4 on: May 23, 2016, 05:03:02 PM »

Ottoman Empire:

1.- Evening, Minister. Recent reports by the police and the security services report that over the past few months the popular support for the current regime seems to be dwindling, even if the economy has remained stable. What measures will the Empire pursue this year, and do you have any plans to enforce your personal popularity?

2.- Emissaries from Bosnia-Hercegovina and Albania have arrived to the Palace today to present their respects to you and the Sultan. Going into serious matters, both have proposed the possibility of an arrangement with the Empire to receive financial and military aid, as well as support against potential aggression in the Balkans. Alas, this might be seen as a hostile gesture by Greece, Italy and the Magyar Republic. What will you do?

3.- Controversy has arisen in the army as some Turkish officers accuse Armenian officers (and soldiers of different ethnicities) of enticing treason against the Sultan. Some believe this is a chance to purge the army from disloyal elements and ban Armenians from service, while others see this as a false accusation. Will you act on it?


1.- A new Government, a new era for Germany. Braun, Stresemann and the President of the Reichstag have come today to the Reich Chancellery building, asking for the legislative priorities of the year now that the honeymoon period has ended. What is Germany to do?

2.- Calls for aid have been issued by the so called “Government of German Volga”, the rump state of German emigrates that have carved an unstable ethnic realm of their own. Many in cabinet (particularly the SPD) advise against actions that could risk conflict in Russia as the state doesn’t look stable, but conservatives in the Reichstag launch furious tirades against the abandonment of the “German brothers in the middle of conflict”. What shall be done?

3.- A curious meeting took place today in your office, as two known politicians and generals have come to offer their services. Franz von Papen, former head of the Intelligence Service and now head of the right wing of Zentrum as a Reichstag Deputy, and Colonel Kurt von Schleicher, darling of the General Staff. Both have requested positions inside the government promising to be of use, although neither Stresemann nor Braun have a positive opinion on them.


1.- Your government now controls Moscow and, armed with a large and well trained force, it stands as the strongest faction in Russia for the time being. The Government, however, is split. General Wrangel believes the time is right to strike against another of the warlord or revolutionary states, whereas Milyukov  advises against hostilities reminding you that the Russian economy is far from strong. What will be done?

2.- The Duma has gathered to humbly ask for your presence and that of the cabinet, and to discuss matters pertaining this year. Will the government enact any particular policies as we move forward in the conflict to cement control over the land and secure further stability?
3.- Despite losses taken in the war, financial experts have detected that large amounts of the fortune of Prince Yusupov of Crimea remain in some cities under government control. The expropriation of those reserves could aid the war effort, but cause an incident with Crimea and by extension the Ottomans. Will you act on that?


1.- Evening, Prince Yusupov. A complicated meeting took place today between you and your military commanders, as they denounce the limitations on Crimea placed by the Ottoman Empire as your nominal overlord. Mainly, they protest the inability to have a navy or an air force given the rise of the Provisional Government and the hostility Ukraine shows to your lands. 
2.- While the Ottomans remain a strong ally, some believe Crimea would benefit from having other friends and other channels of communication. Some point to the Balkans, some to Germany, some even to the other generals with warlord states of their own. What will you do?
Atlas Icon
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« Reply #5 on: May 23, 2016, 05:05:17 PM »


-War declarations are FORBIDDEN for players, whether against another player or against NPC countries. The only country authorized to wage war this turn is the Russian Provisional Government. If you declare war while not having authorization, I'll retcon it and will not acknowledge it. This will change in due time, but I'm not giving dates so you don't prepare in exact advance.

The game is on.
YaBB God
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« Reply #6 on: May 23, 2016, 06:07:22 PM »

To: The Russian Empire, The United Kingdom, The Ottoman Empire, The Kingdom of Romania, The Empire of China, The Kingdom of Italy, Various NPC Monarchies

From: The Empire of Japan

In celebration of the Emperor's ascension and coming of age, it is His wish that the young Monarchs and heirs of the world attend his coronation in Tokyo for a summit and meeting of the Monarchs of the next generation in two months time. As the Emperor has written,

Peace and Harmony
Blooms like flowers in the sun
Through noble friendship.

It is the hope of Japan that friendship and understanding between the next generation of rulers will ensure a bright and prosperous future for all the world. The Emperor believes that only through friendship can the next generation wash away the sins and grievances of the past and begin again. His hand and the hand of Japanese friendship is open to all.  Security arrangements and other necessities can be prepared separately.

This request is sent to
Edward, Prince of Wales
Alexei II, Emperor and Autocrat of All the Russias
Nicholas, Tsar of Romania
Wilhelm, German Crown Prince
Ahmed Nihad Effendi
Umberto, Prince of Piedmont
PuYi (or other if Guangxu had an heir)
and various European and Asian monarchs/heirs (I.E. Yi Un of Korea, Rama VII of Siam, Princess Juliana of the Netherlands, the future Fredrick IX etc...)

X Prince Saionji Kinmochi, Senior Advisor to the Imperial Court
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« Reply #7 on: May 23, 2016, 09:53:27 PM »

Implementing the Spanish Revolution
Turn 1 Public Orders

The New Flag of the People's Republic of Spain

Domestic Reorganization of the People's Republic:
The Spanish goverment recognizes there is work to be done in order to remove the stain of monarchism, capitalism, and inefficiency in the land. We must implement the Revolution in Spain.

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The Official De-Christianization Policy of the People's Republic:
The Spanish government accepts the following three statements as a fact in regards to the Catholic Church: it has for centuries oppressed the Spanish people through tithes and priviledges, it has spread superstition across the land and throughout Spanish homes and resisted scientific fact, and its priests have been a source of corruption and debauchery. Therefore it is clear this situation must be immeadiately be rectified. The People's Republic hereby takes the following move in regards to the Catholic Church:

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Spanish Church after being seized by the People's Republic
YaBB God
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« Reply #8 on: May 24, 2016, 02:57:14 AM »

To: The Empire of Japan
From: The German Empire

Crown Prince Friedrich Wilhelm will most happily attend this joyful celebration, and pay his tribute, congratulations and best wishes to the Emperor, in representation of the German Empire and the House of Hohenzollern.
Atlas Institution
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« Reply #9 on: May 24, 2016, 03:10:22 AM »

The Ottoman Empire. Turn 1

1. Having always cherished our relations with the great Empire of Japan, Ahmed Nihad Effendi will be most happy to attend on behalf of the Sultan and pay his respects to the Emperor.

2. The Ottoman Empire shares a great deal of history with the people of Albania and Bosnia-Herzegovina. In the interest of peace and stability in the region, we have long renounced our territorial claims in the Balkans (yes, Bulgaria, we actually mean it), but no one can expect that we should forsake our brothers in faith. Their welfare and security will always remain important to us, and it should not be seen as hostile towards any other state in the region. We are looking forward to exchange of ideas with Albania and Bosnia.

3. The Ottoman Empire applauds General MacArthur's efforts to bring peace and stability to his great homeland. We have greatly enjoyed our friendship with America in the past and never forget about this.

4. The Ottoman Petroleum Authority shall undertake active efforts to locate any futher sources of oil in the regions of Syria, Mesopotamia and Palestine. (I remember ordering this in the previous game, but if somehow nothing changed, I'll reiterate this again). Furthermore, the OPA shall investigate, whether our oil producing regions in Azerbaijan and the Caucasus can increase it's productivity.

5. The Ottoman Empire is a multinational state and it's people bound by shared history and the continuous present road to progress and welfare. Our Armenian brothers are integral part of this. (Non-public: secret police and the military counterintelligence shall take a close look at these serious allegations).

6. Having contacted our German allies, we task responsible agencies with choosing German companies to be awarded with contracts to improve our defense industry and to accommodate specialists send by the German government to help us. (See private messages)
Garlan Gunter
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« Reply #10 on: May 24, 2016, 04:39:07 AM »


Unlike vast tracts of the unhappy motherland, Crimea is ordered, safe and at peace with the potential to prosper. Accordingly, the Grand Prince and Great Khan Felix Yusuf Yusupov judges the time right to set forth certain proclamations and decrees.

Religion and Succession

The Great Khan and Grand Prince himself announces his adoption of Islam, the ancient creed of his Nogai ancestors, signified by his taking the additional forename of Yusuf, that of the Khan of Crimea and old foe of Tsar Ivan the Terrible from whom he descends. The Grand Princess Irina Alexandrovna of Russia, his wife, remains however a daughter of the Russian Orthodox Church, as does their daughter and heiress, Princess Irina.

Islam, Orthodoxy, Roman Catholicism and Protestantism may all rest assured of the Grand Khanate's protection and support. In future any men born to or marrying into the family will be expected to observe Moslem practice, while the princesses of the blood will continue in Orthodoxy. Thus shall the freedoms of Russian, Tatar, and Czech alike be severally guaranteed.

Taxation and Defence

The Great Khan and Grand Prince intends to rule with a light and generous hand, but the Khanate must be defended. Soldiers in the Khanate's army are consequently exempt from taxation.

Liberalisation of Foreign Taxation and Commerce

The Grand Prince is eager to attract distinguished foreign guests to visit his beautiful, exciting and well-ordered state and help it flourish into the future. Financially liquid travellers will be guaranteed a vision of the authentic dream of Tartary unpolluted by the century's turmoils, as well as all the best delights civilisation can afford - the Princely casinos at Sebastopol, the spectacular evening entertainments of a city fast recovering from the atrocities of war, superb sporting opportunities in a country of unparalleled unspoiltness, and personal receptions at the legendary Yusupov Palace beside Koreiz, with friendly access to the Princely Court.

Companies, banks and personal financiers will be welcomed to Sebastopol and offered competitively liberal tax-free arrangements, on an initial gift of a lump sum to the princely treasury.

Games of chance and gambling shall be conducted with tax-free winnings; casino managers will pay a light tax to the princely treasury.

The Grand Prince is unrestricted by petty bourgeois concerns and will foster the traditional production, refinement and trade in opiates, hashish and other long-established intoxicants. It is only protectionism and middle-class prurience that leads to the consumption of such products in impure, unrestrained, and dangerous forms. Here in the Grand Khanate we intend to show the world how to live with pleasure and not shame. [Private/implicit: cf this and 'evening entertainments, Crimea is also a haven of people-trafficking and proverbial for sexually indiscriminate prostitution, from the lowest of street-walkers in Sebastopol to independently rich, cultivated courtesans in their own dachas.]

Personal Morality

The Grand Prince takes the view that private matters should remain private. The Church and the Imams may preach as they will, and the faithful are free and indeed encouraged to listen, but the secular arm of the law has other concerns than intervening in personal liberty.

Signed upon 2nd January 1927, in the name of God Most High, Mohammed His Prophet, and the Virgin Mary His Mother,

Felix Yusuf Yusupov, Prince Yusupov, Great Khan of Crimea, Grand Prince of Sebastopol
Irina Alexandrovna Romanova-Yusupova, Grand Duchess of Russia and Grand Princess of Sebastopol
The Princess Irina Felixovna Yusupova, Crown Princess to Crimea and Sebastopol
Atlas Institution
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« Reply #11 on: May 24, 2016, 05:07:26 AM »

The Ottoman Empire is applauding Grand Prince and Great Khan Felix Yusuf Yusupov's wise decision to embrace the Muslim faith. It will not only, we believe, strengthen the bond between His Majesty and his people, but also bring our two great nations closer together.
YaBB God
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« Reply #12 on: May 24, 2016, 06:59:04 AM »

The German Empire - Turn 1

The following was, as per the agreement of coalition between the Zentrum, SDP and DDP, agreed upon by the council of ministers, and is brought before the Reichstag, in order to be debated and made into law:

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The council of ministers has furthermore agreed on the following resolution to be passed by the Reichstag:

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Franz von Papen receives the backing of the Chancellor and the ministers of the Zentrum to stand as candidate for the position of Parliamentary Leader of the party. Kurt von Schleicher is appointed a direct comissioner between the General Staff and the Council of Ministers, however, receives no official ministerial position.
White Trash
Southern Gothic
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« Reply #13 on: May 24, 2016, 07:48:23 AM »
« Edited: May 24, 2016, 07:53:40 AM by The Mouth of the South »

The Holy Kingdom of Italy

1. Regarding the situation in Spain, an appearance by the Holy Father before the Senate of the Republic addressed the issue:

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The Senate voted to take in any and all Catholics fleeing the leftist government in Spain. The question on whether or not Italy would intervene in Spain is left unresolved.

2. The Holy Kingdom of Italy graciously accepts the offer by the Japanese Empire, and will be sending Prince Umberto and his retinue to the celebration on behalf of both the Emperor and the Papacy.

3. The Senate of the Republic moves to establish the Italian Imperial Petroleum Cartel. The IIPC will work in the Empire's Libyan holdings in order to establish a suitable infrastructural system for the extraction of petroleum. In order to quell possible encroachment by the indigenous tribes, a division of infantry will be deployed to Tunis.

4. In the joint meeting between the College of Cardinals and the Senate of the Republic, the two groups decided to have the secular government recognize the College as a legislative body. The Senate will take up the role of the lower house, while the Cardinals will take the former role of the Senate. In effect, the Chamber of Deputies has simply been replaced by the Senate, and the Senate has been replaced by the College of Cardinals.

5. The Senate has called for a positioning of the Italian fleet to Sardinia which will make regular patrols of the Balearic islands and the Spanish coast. This fleet will be made up of 2 Battleships and 8 cruisers. The ships will be instructed not cross over into Spanish territorial waters, but will be coming very close.
Atlas Institution
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« Reply #14 on: May 24, 2016, 08:47:25 AM »

(OOC: Nice touch, Southern Gothic. You've got yourself a House of Lords, only made up of bishops only)

1. A delegation of Ottoman Navy and Air Force shall be dispatched to Sevastopol for a fact finding mission and consultations on possible development of Crimean own navy and air corps.

2. A delegation of the Ottoman Army shall visit Hejaz in order to asses the situation there.

3. The Ottoman ships, based in Syria, shall engage in regular patrols on Syrian and Palestinian coast.

4. Two submarines shall be sent to the Persian Gulf to watch the Saudi coast.
White Trash
Southern Gothic
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« Reply #15 on: May 24, 2016, 08:53:18 AM »

(OOC: Do I control the eastern part of the Red Sea? I can't tell with the colors o_0)
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« Reply #16 on: May 24, 2016, 09:51:54 AM »

The People's Republic is proud to announce we have made the following agreement with the Ottoman Empire.

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X- Julian Besteiro, General Secretary of the People's Republic

X - Ismail Enver Pasha, on behalf of the Sultan
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« Reply #17 on: May 24, 2016, 10:08:33 AM »

     The People's Republic of Spain officially condemns Italian actions and likewise urge all other powers to do so as well. Patrolling close to the Baeleric Islands achieves little, all the while leaving the potential open for war should an accident occur. We further condemn the meddling of the corrupt theocracy in our affairs. Any priest attempting to escape to Italy will immeadiately be brought into state custody, for they may attempt to sabotage the new people's government with their information on Spain.

     We find it interesting the Pope, a man whose own predecessor was brutally murdered by Italian thugs, has the gall to criticize Spain for becoming a secular state. We reject Catholicism because it has a brutal history of violence, opression, and falsehoods that were only further confirmed by actions in Rome. By removing this noxious weed (the Curch) from Spanish society we will be better able to face the day to day challenges of the world than if we were blinded by superstition. It is with recent actions in mind that we must officially announce the strict limiting of communications with Italy until such time they pledge openly not to meddle in the affairs of our nation. We cannot have the people of Spain be corrupted by Capitalist, theocratic propaganda spewing out of other nations.

     We call on other nations to condemn agressive Italian actions. Regardless of our government system, we remain a sovereign and legitimate state and demand to be treated as such. These naval actions are clearly intended to be a threat and achieve little other than risking war.

Julian Besteiro, General Secretary of the People's Republic
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« Reply #18 on: May 24, 2016, 10:09:01 AM »

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This treaty has been signed between Frnce and Italy.

x President Laroque

France is glad to have a strong new ally.
White Trash
Southern Gothic
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« Reply #19 on: May 24, 2016, 10:36:01 AM »

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This treaty has been signed between Frnce and Italy.

x President Laroque

France is glad to have a strong new ally.

x Emperor Emmanuel III.

(OOC: I hope Spain starts sweating like a dog)
YaBB God
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« Reply #20 on: May 24, 2016, 10:38:13 AM »

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OOC: This has been signed between Germany and the Ottoman Empire some time ago, just thought it would be good for you all to know (Crimea is included in that as well, by the way, as you can see)
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« Reply #21 on: May 24, 2016, 11:08:36 AM »
« Edited: May 24, 2016, 11:13:46 AM by Mauldania »

My fellow Americans, I stand here today in unfamiliar territory. A position in life that has never before been occupied. I assure you that the appointment of the office of Commander in Chief of The Great American Republic, the United States of America, is equal parts sadness to elation.

Sadness from the corrupt individuals who held the position of President. Individuals that sold out America to evil organizations to prop themselves up. Sadness from lack of respect to the forefathers, the constitution, flag and all other great men that came before them.

Elation from being the man chosen as the representation to the previous republic as it was intended. To preside over the greatest nation in the world and help it fulfill it's destiny. As your Commander in Chief, I will give every bit that I have to offer to you. The men that have been under my command know what I speak of, the Generals and congressmen that elected know what I speak of. Soon the world will know what I speak of. I promise to serve this office as faithfully and committed as I served as a soldier and as a general.

God Bless The Great American Republic, The United States of America

Commander in Chief
Douglas MacArthur

Points of term:

- The South
-- Eradicate the Klu Klux Klan- Not for racism, for treason against the United States.
--- One week of amnesty to turn in and renounce membership
---- All States are to cease any aid and turn in any and all information pertaining to the Klu Klux Klan.
----- Assignment of General John G Pershing over Martial Law. Orders: Anyone person, groups or entities (state or otherwise) shown to willingly aid the Klu Klux Klan will be stripped of land, titles, positions and possessions. Also, subject to prosecution up to but not limited to treason. End Martial Law as soon as possible.

- The State of Cuba
-- I do not recognize Cuban independence.
--- Turn over Hearst and McAdoo - Pardons available to any others who seek it. Especially those that assist in turning over Hearst and McAdoo.
---- Elect your own governor and join the Great American Republic as the newest member of our union.

- Military
-- Full naval blockade on the rogue territory of Cuba, nothing in or out except Hearst and McAdoo.
--- Full desegregation of the Military.
---- Establishment of the American Military University.
----- Free education for active duty members so long as your duties are not interfered with.
------ The establishment of the MacArthur Bill, buy into the bill during enlistment, post enlistment receive money (a larger sum than you bought in with) for education.
------- Modernization of military.

-- Hemp. Grow it. Cultivate it. Use it. Export it.
--- abolishment of all taxes except one. A one time tax at time of purchase on all new goods and services.
---- Increase trade, import and export.
----- Oil, find it, extract it, clean it, export it, import oil, clean it, use it.

Subject to change for the needs of the Great American Republic.

-Commander in Chief
Douglas MacArthur
Atlas Institution
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« Reply #22 on: May 24, 2016, 12:03:06 PM »

(OOC: Confirming trade pact with Spain)

The Ottoman Empire does not recognize a pathetic "government-in-exile", formed in Cuba by one failed former President. (Hang Hearst High)
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« Reply #23 on: May 24, 2016, 12:11:04 PM »
« Edited: May 24, 2016, 12:43:25 PM by Spamage »

Spanish Response to Italian Agression

"The claw of the Italian invader intends to enslave us."

The above poster is to be distributed throughout the People's Republic.

Radio address by the General Secretary to the Spanish Nation:
"My Spanish brethren,

     For the past few days my government has recieved threats from the Italians. First they proposed  naval actions against us and now they are threatening privately to hold military operations on the border. There was once a time when Spain ruled over Italy, but the incompetence of the House of Hapsburg has made that era a distant memory. It is time for the Spanish nation to improve itself, so we are no longer at the point where such enemies of the state can openly threaten us. Our former great leaders would weep if they knew Italians were threatening the great Spanish nation.

     With your commitment we can return the People's Republic to its rightful place as a European great power. We are all Spaniards, committed to spreading the Revolution and showing these wretched and agressive Italians we demand freedom from superstition and corruption. I call on every citizens to be vigilant and on the watch for Italian actions. Actions in support of the Church, which is clearly behnind the scenes run by the Italian government, are still forbidden but we now urge our citizens to report to the government when neighbors and associates have been shown to be collabarating with one of Spain's enemies by practicing Catholicism. This will allow us to eliminate any Italian influence in our great and new society.

     Another way the common people can defeat the Italian menace is by working to full productivity. It is the actions of those in the factories, in the fields, and in the offices of this nation that drive the nation. Efficiency and loyalty are great ways to show your love for the new government as well as opposeition to the Papist-Royalist-Italian conspiracy.

     We shall not attack Italy, but if we are invaded by foreign powers I remain confident the people of Spain will provide adequate resistance. We survived the invasions of Napoleon, so too can we survive attacks by France and Italy today. I would warn the Pope not to underestimate the love of Spanish citizens for our glorious nation. "
Atlas Institution
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« Reply #24 on: May 24, 2016, 01:34:24 PM »

The Ottoman Empire is deeply concerned about the crisis situation emerging on the Iberian Peninsula. Having no vital interests in the region, as well as not representing either Catholic nor revolutionary politics, the Ottoman Empire would be willing to mediate between the two sides.
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