Encore of Europe: Gameplay Thread

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« Reply #325 on: July 25, 2018, 01:35:17 AM »
« edited: July 25, 2018, 01:38:27 AM by Spamage »

Russians Reassert Control Over Georgia
   Georgia had existed as a de facto independent state following the death of Solomon I and David X taking the throne. With Russia distracted first to the west, then the east, the small kingdom possessed a degree of security. Yet, with peace declared between the Russians and the Chinese, Emperor Paul could now act. Wasting no time, a massive Russian Army marched on Tblisi and quickly surrounded the city. As David X had sent thousands of men to aid the Safavids in their war against the Durrani, Georgian forces were depleted and unable to hold the line, as the King well knew. When the Russians made an initial offer of mercy, David X swearing fealty to Paul along the lines of King Solomon, the young monarch relented. Tblisi surrendered peacefully and was spared the fate of so many places during the past year, avoiding a sack. Now, with Georgia once more a Russian protectorate, Emperor Paul can rest easy knowing that the Caucuses are secure.

Western Confederacy is Born
In Response to Expansion, Native Tribes Unite
    Following the defeat of the Iroquois and other major tribes in the 1750s and 1760s, many in the Fifteen Colonies thought the days of easy expansion had begun. This, clearly, would not be the case. The shattering of the Iroquois confederacy had many unintended consequences. First and foremost, it freed the tribes of the Ohio River Valley from their technical status as dependencies of Onondaga. The Miami, Wabash, Illinois, Kickapoo, and countless other tribes in the region have united under the leadership of Joseph Brant.
     Indeed, it was this group which conducted raids against the settlements of Quebec and the Fifteen Colonies. They demand solid assurances from both London and Montreal that westward expansion will be halted entirely and that no new colonies will be established in British North America, preparing to use force if necessary. Furthermore, they would like the British to withdraw from their forts in the sparsely populated Great Lakes region. The natives are surprisingly well-armed and argue that they have little to lose.
      Naturally, frontier communities in both realms have argued for a military response, though the effectiveness of this could be challenged by tribes who know the area better than either the colonists or Europeans. It will be up to them to decide if military force or diplomacy will prevail.

German League Expanded Amid Declarations of Protest
Denmark Declares Unilateral Secession!
    Frederick William was determined to reform the German League, especially with its recent expansion. In a reform package christened the “Hamburg Reforms” (in honor of the host city) wide changes were put forward. A legislative body for the entire League, along the lines of the Imperial Diet, was proposed, offering semi-proportional representation based on population. Christened the Bundestag, it provides each member with at least one vote, but no more than five. Diplomacy, such as declarations of war, would be conducted by the Bundestag. Furthermore, trade would be centralized, a customs barrier established with nations outside the league and no tariffs within.
     While there were many who rushed forward and adopted the Hamburg Reforms, some Princes were less enthusiastic. The King of Saxony has delayed, looking for some sort of halfway accommodation. So too has the Duke of the Palatine (former Elector Charles Theodore) been a bit tepid. Minor states generally passed the package though, not to mention Frederick William’s ordering of its establishment in Prussia.
     A key issue is the question of whether the League is a group of voluntary members, who can come and go as they please, or if no one is allowed to secede. For Wurttemburg, surrounded by Imperial Princes, and Denmark, eventually to be inherited by Scandinavia, these issues were particularly relevant. The ability of states to leave or have a half-membership has not been elaborated on, but that did not mean that members would not seek to try and find out.
     King Christian of Denmark declared his view that Denmark would no longer be a part of the German League quite vocally following the announcement of the Hamburg Reforms. Immediately withdrawing all delegates and erecting a trade barrier, tensions began to rise. Denmark itself was not the center of the controversy, rather their possession of Schleswig-Holstein. This area is split in population between Danes and Germans. For many in the German League, the King’s actions at Copenhagen are seen as tyrannical and threatening to force Germans out of a body in which they would like to remain. At the new Bundestag session in Hamburg there have been forceful denunciations by several delegates and calls for Prussia to do something. Yet, with Scandinavia a clear ally of the Kingdom of Denmark, some have also urged caution.
     Prussia did not entirely sit on its hands, that much must be conceded. Danish colonies in Madagascar and elsewhere were seized, being taken as “payment” for the Christian’s decision to withdraw. Whether these lands will be returned is an open question as tensions have continued to escalate.

War between Netherlands and Brazil!
Dutch Shell Rio De Janiero, Attempt to Land and Capture President Lisboa
    Infuriated by the Brazilian seizure of their colonies, the Dutch were determined to act. King William I ordered a massive fleet to shell the city of Rio de Janiero, the capitol of the Republic of Brazil. In this act of war, unless one considers Brazil’s earlier seizure of Guyana the start of the conflict, the diplomatic status of the two realms was made clear. For hours on end Dutch cannons shot through the city, killing dozens of residents. A landing made later in the day in order to capture the President failed, the Brazilian Army of the South providing strong resistance and President de Lisboa fleeing the city.
     Tensions in Rio and Amsterdam are at extremely high levels. Subjects in both realms are calling for an agressive war, the Dutch to seize back Guyana and the Brazilians to end the Dutch presence in the Caribbean. Whatever the case, as recent wars have shown, it should not be assumed this conflict will remain isolated between these two powers.

Britain Invades Portugal
Jose II Established in Lisbon Amid Tension
    In a move that was somewhat overshadowed by the stunning developments in Italy, but is no less important, Britain moved to restore Jose II Braganza to the Portuguese throne by force, launching a massive expedition. Landing at Porto, the British found the locals to be war-weary and unwilling to put up much of a fight. Though Jose was not necessarily popular due to his association with his mother, people had seen enough war and were sick of it. With little opposition the city switched sides and became a center of British operations for the remainder of the campaign.
     It would be a brief fight. With the small kingdom blockaded by the British Navy, and a second expedition being landed outside Lisbon, King Joao's chances seemed to dimish daily. Jose II and the remains of his army of exiles, now out of Portugal for several years, enthusiastically conducted the brief siege. Joao VI surrendered once the British fleet arrived in the harbor of Lisbon following the crippling of the Portuguese Navy. Promised mercy, he has been arrested and moved to Porto. Jose II Braganza, son of Maria I and grandon of the beloved King Pedro, now sits on the throne. Could Portugal's continued crisis, dating from Maria's radical proclamations in 1782, finally be at an end? Or will Spain seek to undermine the new King and reassert control of the realm?

Middle Europe Boom
Scandinavian, Polish, Prussian, and Austrian Economies Growing Steadily
    Observers have noticed great economic changes sweeping through Northern Europe over the past few years, in particular due to the activity of Tadeusz Kosciusko, Gustav III, Frederick William II, and Joseph II to encourage economic productivity. Indeed, some suspect the transitions here are early indications they will make the shift that France and Britain have already begun to embark on.
     Scandinavia has had the highest degree of improvement, coming as it does after the utter devastation of Iceland. An ambitious project building roads throughout the realm in order to connect major cities has begun. This is coupled with attempts to build local industry in several towns, which initially appears to be a success.
     In Austria, Joseph II's land reforms, whatever the controversy surrounding them, has continued to yield success. Economic growth is being achieved in areas previously stagnant due to the opening up of so much formerly stagnant land to development. Many younger sons can rest easy, knowing now that property aquisition is not as difficult.
    Poland has benefitted immensely from the Revolution and recovery following the Civil War. With fighting raging elsewhere, the demand for Polish goods has increased. This, coupled with an adaptability, integration of refugees, and abolition of the guilds has freed up massive parts of the labor market and allowed for more economic activity.
    Prussia has benefitted primarily from trade, though the effects are still great in the homeland. Insterting itself into the slave trade, and expanding that trade into East Africa, the Prussians have driven up the price of slaves and turned a nice profit. This is not to mention the opening of China, attempts by the government to make tea a popular European beverage, minerals from New Prussia, and more. The standard of living in this once rather poor corner of Germany seems to be on the rise.

White Lotus Rebellion Continues
Expands Amid Growing Pushback from Beijing
    The decision of the Zhiazhuang Emperor to make peace with Russia was seen as a wise and necessary move. China lost very little in the settlement and the White Lotus Rebellion could be effectively handled. The Emperor ordered brutality, hundreds being killed in the first few months. This did have the effect of further enflaming tensions. Within the army there was widespread desertion. This is not to mention the thousands of men who could have been raised who have joined the rebels. Though they remain confined to the south, not yet having ignited any significant support north of the Yangtze, and the Qing Dynasty retains the upper hand, the rebels are still a force to be reckoned with.
     Indeed, the Emperor's decision to further open up the realm is what's driving their growth in numbers. More and more Chinese are resenting the reversal of a centuries-old policy, viewing the rebellion as a natural outcome of Chinese interaction with the outside world.
     Korea would see modest gains for the Qing, though the Joseon Dynasty continues to hold out. This war will not easily be solved and could serve as a point where valuable troops are tied down while China bleeds.

Louis Philippe, Duc du Orleans Named "King of Louisiana"
Will Louis XVI Accept This Appointment?
    The Kingdom of Louisiana, looking for a monarch, settled on the first Prince of the Blood in France, the Duke of Orleans. A distant Bourbon cousin, he stood next in line to inherit the French Throne after Louis XVI's male descendants. A man inspired by the Louisianan example, and vowing to be a just King, has privately accepted the appointment on the condition that Louis XVI also agrees. Furthermore, the Duke of Orleans would also like to maintain his French estates, even if he does relocate to New Orleans. How will Louis XVI respond to this development? Many are watching Versailles closely.
     Meanwhile in Louisiana, the news was met with a mixed reaction. Were they to merely swap one Bourbon for another? Funded by a foreign power, the Republican faction in New Orleans seems to be growing. Perhaps the arrival King Louis Philippe, assuming he is permitted to come, will be able to set them in line.
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« Reply #326 on: July 25, 2018, 03:20:52 AM »

Declarations from Berlin (VII)

Having much to comment on given the rapidly evolving situation in Europe, and taking some brief time apart of the necessary mourning for the countless victims across Italy upon the bloody conclusion of the war, His Majesty Frederick William II finds it necessary to speak up upon the stunning news which have arrived from the East. The citizens and subjects of the Kingdom of Prussia and its dependencies, the members of the German League, the various states of Europe and our trusted and valuable allies must be informed of the INSULT that has been inflicted on the Kingdom of Prussia.

Despite knowing full well of the present situation on the port of Karachi, Hapsburg troops have conducted themselves with the outmost disrespect for Prussian interests and sovereignity in this unwarranted and intrusive intervention, claiming mere pretexts for an act which on by itself is already an insult, one His Majesty the Emperor would have found intolerable had it been inflicted on his person and realms. Not content with acting so recklessly, we hear that after the systematic use of force alleged messages have been discovered, portraying narratives which do not match logic nor facts.

One important conclusion must stand. Having had months to thoroughly investigate the horrible series of events in Cologne, Vienna and Munich, and having taken it upon themselves to place blame into Prussia despite having no clear evidence, the only result that could be produced are demonstratively false documents which are all too easy to plant or falsify for any power interested in falsely blaming our Kingdom. His Majesty King Frederick William II cannot refrain from reiterating the fundamentally unsustainable nature of these documents, which contradict reason itself on their convenient, nonsensical placement and have no plausible justification either for their existence or for their inexplicable presence on Karachi lest they be planted or forged from the start.

However, and despite the fact that Prussian sovereignty has been violated by Hapsburg troops, we are sincere in our desire for peace between Vienna and Berlin, just as we are keen to spare thousands upon thousands of Germans from the horrors of war instead of rushing into a reckless response. Whilst we hope that the Emperor will find it on his wisdom to decisively act on the side of reason by dissociating himself from these fabrications, refrain from further attacks on Prussian sovereignty and evacuate Karachi and associated zones, we are nonetheless prepared to request and submit to third-party mediation so the peace within Germany may not be disturbed any further.

x Frederick William II, King of Prussia

OOC: Most likely my sole statement before the next turn is up.
Atlas Institution
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« Reply #327 on: July 25, 2018, 05:30:36 AM »

 بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
In the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful

In the name of his Sacred and Imperial Majesty Sultan Abdul Hamid Han, Sovereign of The Sublime House of Osman, Sultan of Sultans, Khan of Khans the Two Seas, Commander of the faithful and Successor of the Prophet of the lord of the Universe, Custodian of the Holy Cities of Mecca, Medina and Kouds, Emperor of Rome, Padishah of The Three Cities of Istanbul, Edirne and Bursa, etc. etc.

On the Jerusalem

Lowlife criminals that launched a treacherous attack of the holy city of three faith does not deserve to be called Christians, as they betrayed everything Jesus (Peace Be Upon Him) teached and died for. The savage destruction of the Al Buraq showed their true Pagan face to the people of Jerusalem and the wide world. The earthly form of the Holy Wall might be destroyed, but whenever its name is invoked, it shall remind us and the world of what all Ottomans stood for and defended so fericiously.

There is no stronger testimony toward the Ottoman idea of the people of three Abrahamic faiths living together in peace and mutual respect than Jerusalem Muslims, Christian and Jews rising together against barbarians and vanquishing them. Let's it be known all attempts to pit the Peoples of the Book against each other shall result only in bitter tears for such agressors.

On Persia

Even the Sultan's abudant patience must ran out at some point, as it just happen with Persia. Following months of schemes by the former Shah, who was alternatively attempting to force the Ottoman State into his war to reverse his desperate situation, and to use said distraction to expand on the west, using Oman as a platform to launch his crusade. We have no reason to believe Oman was in any part knowing conspirator and accordingly we shall respect its independence.

On Venice

The Sublime Porte remains committed to help our Venetian friends recover from the war forced upon them by mad Sardinian heretics. Any aid the legitimate government of the Most Serene would ask for shall be given with no second thoughts.

On Assassinations

His Sacred and Imperial Majesty the Sultan once again asks His Imperial Majesty Joseph II to refrain, in the common interest of all European powers, from making definitive accusations without an unbeatable proof. The Ottoman-Austrian relationships improved significantly over recent months and we are determined not to let this be in vain.
Atlas Institution
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« Reply #328 on: July 25, 2018, 09:49:27 AM »

His Sacred and Imperial Majesty the Sultan's issues, that finally forced him to intervene militarily, were solely with now fortunately deposed House of Safavid, never with the noble people of ancient and mighty Persia, that the former Shah was leading, via his stupidity, into an abyss.

The Sublime Porte neither plans nor shall support any attempts to end Persian sovereignty, whether by partitioning the country or imposing a puppet regime. While territorial modifications are unavoidable, we shall not use this opportunity to simply grab the patches of Persian land.

A deposed Shah and other members of his family that are in our custody shall remain in respectful imprisonment until further notice (meaning I'm not going to castrate them and sell as eunuchs, as tempting as it sounds).
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« Reply #329 on: July 27, 2018, 11:23:40 PM »
« Edited: July 28, 2018, 01:04:22 PM by Spamage »

The Encore of Europe
Turn 6: 1787

Nations, Leaders, & Players:

Major Powers:
Russian Empire- Emperor Paul Petrovich (HenryWallace)
Kingdom of France- King Louis XVI Bourbon (Windjammer)
Kingdom of Prussia- King Frederick William II Hohenzollern (Lumine)
Archduchy of Austria- Emperor Joseph II Habsburg (Dereich)
Kingdom of Great Britain- King George III of Hanover (Blair)
Kingdom of Spain- King Charles IV Bourbon (LouisvilleThunder)
Ottoman Empire- Sultan Abdul Hamid I (Kalwejt)
Polish-Lithuanian Republic- President Tadeusz Kosciuszko (Not_Madigan)
Kingdom of Scandinavia-King Gustav III of Holstein-Gottorp (YPestis)
Republic of Quebec-President Louis-Philippe de Vaudreuil(Dr Novella)
Kingdom of the Netherlands- King William I of Orange (JacksonHitchcock)
Qing Dynasty- Zhiazhuang Emperor (Dkrol)
Kingdom of Louisiana- Prime Minister Etienne de Bore (TimTurner)
Republic of Brazil- President José da Silva Lisboa (Not_Madigan)
Kingdom of Naples- King Ferdinand IV Bourbon (X)

Economic Standings:
Kingdom of France- Strong
Kingdom of Great Britain- Strong
Archduchy of Austria- Strong
Kingdom of Scandinavia- Strong
Kingdom of Prussia- Strong
Republic of Poland-Lithuania- Strong

Russian Empire- Moderate
Qing Dynasty- Moderate
Ottoman Empire- Moderate
Kingdom of Naples- Moderate
Republic of Brazil- Moderate
Kingdom of Quebec- Moderate
Kingdom of the Netherlands- Moderate

Kingdom of Spain- Weak
Kingdom of Louisiana- Weak

President Tadeusz Kosciuszko- Very High
Emperor Joseph II Habsburg- Very High

King George III- High
Provisional President José da Silva Lisboa- High
King Frederick William II Hohenzollern- High
Prime Minister Louis-Philippe de Vaudreuil- High
King Ferdinand IV Bourbon- High
King Louis XVI Bourbon- High

Emperor Paul Petrovich of Russia- Moderate
Sultan Abdul Hamid I- Moderate
King William I of Orange- Moderate
Zhiazhuang Emperor- Moderate
King Gustav III of Holstein-Gottorp- Moderate

King Charles IV Bourbon- Low
Prime Minister Etienne de Bore- Low

Ongoing Conflicts:
Quebec War of Independence: Republic of Quebec vs. Kingdom of Spain (1781-)
Great Italian War: Kingdom of France, Kingdom of Naples, Republic of Venice (nominally) vs. Kingdom of Sardinia-Piedmont (1785-)
Sino-Korean War: Qing Dynasty vs. Joseon Dynasty (1783-)
Safavid-Durrani War: Former Safavid Dynasty, Austria (informally) vs. Durrani Empire, Qing Dynasty, Ottoman Empire, Kingdom of Prussia (1785-)
Louisianan War of Independence: Republic of Louisiana vs. Kingdom of Spain (1784-)

Russian Empire:
-Your decision to end war with China was met with a mixed reception in Russia, even if you managed to gain a small colony in Africa as part of the deal. For the second time Russians feel as though more could have been extracted, this being even more clear when the internal state of the Qing Dynasty is considered. Whatever their quibbles with your deal though, there is little sense in dwelling on the past. What will your primary foreign policy aims be now that Russia is at peace for the first time since 1783?

-Georgia has been formally restored to vassal status, their meager armed forces being elsewhere and unable to protect Tblisi. Now, some in Moscow (where your Court resides while St. Petersburg is repaired) believe David X should be punished for his Safavid dealings and treachery against Russia. They advise that the “King” of Georgia be stripped of his title, imprisoned, and the realm absorbed into the Russian Empire. Perhaps you could even adopt the title yourself. Others see David as a valuable vassal, if an untrustworthy one. Certainly, it could be good policy to have a leader located in the Caucuses and able to defend in case of Ottoman attack. Or perhaps you could restore one of the heirs of the late King Solomon, though this would divide the small kingdom internally.

-Persia has collapsed at the hands of a sizeable foreign coalition. It has long been a desire of both yourself and your mother to extend Russian influence even further south. There are some at Court who believe that you should strike and attempt to seize your own piece of the pie before a new dynasty can be safely established on the throne. Yet, while resistance would probably be limited initially, you must also consider the aims of surrounding realms. The Ottomans have been open with their interest in Azerbaijan, while the Durrani seem to want to prevent any further Russian expansion by seizing land along the Oxus. Will you take this opportunity and risk enflaming tensions with those who fought to overthrow Ismail III or should that realm be conceded so that Russian peace can be maintained?

Archduchy of Austria:
-Karachi has been won, but Persia lost. War with Prussia seems like an increasing possibility but is still avoidable. It is up to you to decide what will be done based on the disturbing evidence recovered in Karachi. Furthermore, with Prussia seeming to strengthen the German League, there are some who view that in and of itself as a provocation. Yet, there are also those who desire peace. It cannot be forgotten that the last four wars against that Kingdom have ended either inconclusively or with an Austrian defeat, wasting valuable wealth with little to show for it. They believe you and Berlin ought to come to some sort of final understanding, them recognizing your influence over South and West Germany, while you concede the Protestant North. What will be done about the alarming reports issued by your officials that Frederick William could be personally responsible for the death of your wife?

-Your aid was helpful in accelerating the demise of Sardinia-Piedmont, but now Italy remains an unstable mess. Venice is in a three-way civil war, a conservative provisional government claims that Benedetto of Savoy should be restored to the throne, and some diehard Catholic Republicans remain in control of Sardinia. What are your aims for organizing a peace? Will you seek to restore order to Venice as some have suggested? Will Austria seek any concessions from either the former Papal States or former Holy People’s Republic? Your voice will be important in determining the future of Italy. Along those lines, what will your papal policy be? How will you help European Catholics overcome the division of the past few years?

-Although you have been widowed, and the murder of your wife was a grave shock, your marriage was always an unhappy one. Perhaps the death of Maria Josepha, especially now that Bavaria has been secured for your son, provides you with the opportunity to forge new binding ties with another European realm. Will you seek the hand of another foreign princess, strengthening your diplomatic position even if it looks as though you are disregarding your dead wife? Or should finding young King Maximilian a bride be a bigger priority?

Kingdom of France:
-With the Durrani friendly to the northwest of French India, and the Kingdom of Mysore an outright ally, there are some who have begun to consider the next steps for your government here. They have their eyes on Burma, especially considering the fall of Nepal into the Qing orbit. There are many French officials in India who see the opportunity to further expand the French Colonial Empire here. This would preempt any Chinese attempts to expand their influence south and provide a vast new market for French goods. Others are more cautious, believing the tiny principalities should be offered vassal status, with Burma itself being left as is. What is your view on the matter? Will French India expand? Or should internal order be prioritized?

-With the collapse of much of the Holy People’s Republic, France has been blessed with sizeable territorial gains in Italy. Now, with the conservative provisional government in Sardinia-Piedmont seeking a settlement, some have urged for you to ignore them and partition the peninsula with Austria. Indeed, granting the throne to Benedetto could be dangerous. He is old, yes, but with his wife/niece consigned to a convent, he has every opportunity to remarry and deliver a new heir to the House of Savoy, thereby saving the dynasty from extinction. This would prevent the Bourbons from ever taking this region. What will your Italian policy be now that the specter of Sardinia-Piedmont seems to be dead?

-You will undoubtedly be a key player in the future of the Catholic Church, controlling the Roman ruins and having been the patron of one of the two papal claimants. France must now consider how it will move forward on the major papal vacancy. Will you appoint your own Pope and repair Avignon as some have encouraged? Should you agree to join a general European conclave? Will you continue with your encouragement of social Catholicism now that Catholic Republicanism has been dealt a grievous blow? The integrity of the Western Church may have been damaged by the crisis of the past few years, but if it is to recover to its former glory, you will undoubtedly have a part to play.

Kingdom of Great Britain:
-Scandinavia has begun to establish numerous colonies quite close to lands that are either claimed by you or quite profitable for your realm. In particular, this has been noticed in North America. Besides their arrival on Baffin Island, they have also just created a sizeable trade outpost on Hudson Bay. The settlers of Quebec have also begun to threaten this possession, ignoring the border more and more, with your local garrison lacking the numbers due to its isolation. As this is a region that is quite profitable, due to the fur trade, there are some who think the Scandinavians and Quebecois should be expelled. Others believe a treaty should be signed in order to demark who shall own what in this isolated area. Will you take a belligerent attitude to these upstart powers’ attempts to reinsert themselves into the colonial game or should a treaty be signed? Maybe they should just be ignored until they do something more concrete? Perhaps the region could be abandoned if it is too troublesome, in exchange for trade privileges or the right to retain a military presence.

-Jose II has been firmly established on the Portuguese throne. The new King has been most pleased by your aid and wishes that Britain establish a temporary presence in the realm in order to ward off Spanish aggression. Particularly, he would like British soldiers stationed on the Spanish-Portuguese border for a year or two while he reorganizes his realm’s armed forces. Furthermore, he requests free trade with Britain in order to better repair the damaged economy of Portugal with two invasions and the loss of their colonial empire. How much will you concede to Jose II? Furthermore, what is to be done with the former Joao VI, who sits in British custody at Porto?

-The natives in the New World have formed the Western Confederacy, threatening the Fifteen Colonies unless their demands are not met. While Benjamin Franklin, your appointee, has urged for some level of restraint and negotiations, frontier colonists are far more aggressive. They believe that the Natives can only be coerced by armed force and that you must defend your claim to the land. Whatever the case, with the unification of the separate tribes, much of your influence in the Great Lakes region has become limited. Perhaps they could be coerced into becoming a British protectorate, though this could infuriate the Anglo-Americans. Whatever the case, some new policy will be necessary.

Kingdom of Prussia:
-Your intervention in Persia seems to have been crucial in defeating the Safavid Empire and capturing Shah Ismail III. What form of government will you push for in the remainder of the Empire? Should Prussia take colonial concessions? There are also issues of grave concern in this region as well. Austria has also attacked the port city that was supposed to be yours. While some in Berlin urge caution, reminding you other great powers have had colonial disputes without the situation escalating into war, others believe Prussia’s pride has been insulted by the attack on Karachi and subsequent attempts to blame you for the murder of Joseph II’s family. How will you respond to this move?

-The Hamburg Reforms have been approved by most of the minor members, but there are some major holdouts and other issues to address. Saxony, the Palatinate, and Württemberg have all requested some sort of partial membership, where a great degree of local autonomy is maintained yet they cooperate economically. Will you permit this sort of half-in, half-out membership? On top of this, in the most blatant rejection of the Hamburg Reforms, the King of Denmark has unilaterally withdrawn from the League. This could set a dangerous precedent if it is allowed to stand and turn your federation into little more than a Protestant Holy Roman Empire. How will you respond? The Bundestag has narrowly approved military action to liberate Germans in Schleswig-Holstein. Will you support this move and seek to enforce it?  You must be careful though, as Denmark will likely look to Scandinavia for protection.

-Famed philosopher Immanuel Kant has issued a stinging rebuke of your new national policies, condemning Prussian involvement in the slave trade as well as the actions taken by you and your uncle to create colonies across the globe. Arguing that all social relationships should be based on rational contractualism, it is his view that no individual could rationally consent to becoming a slave, thereby condemning the whole institution. There are many in Prussia who share Kant’s philosophy and have been open in their criticism of your government. Yet, Prussia has also profited greatly by opening itself up to the world, as expansion into Chinese and East African markets has demonstrated. Will you censor this philosopher or allow him and his ilk to continue to second-guess your government? There are arguments in favor of either choice.

Kingdom of Scandinavia:
-Denmark has declared its independence from the German League and looks to you for aid. Although they have not come to actual blows with the Prussians yet, save for minor colonial squabbles that saw all of their overseas territories lost again, there are growing concerns about Schleswig-Holstein. Members of the German League have called for the liberation of their brethren, even seeking to push a measure through the new German Bundestag. It will be up to you to ensure the realm of your future grandchildren is not partitioned. How will you proceed?

-Scandinavian colonial power grows, with your new African and American settlements expanding as you ordered. Some in Stockholm have suggested that you follow Prussia’s path and seek to use your new holdings as a center for the slave trade, pointing out how monopolistic Frederick William’s government has become, driving up prices in order to expand profits. Others point out the moral issue, believing slavery is an intolerable evil, this evil extending to the transport of slaves. Still, it is a profitable idea and could make your colonies less of a financial burden, as they have begun to be due to your desire to settle so many different areas. Perhaps private enterprise could conduct the evil with the government only profiting from their taxes. Whatever the case, the choice is yours King Gustav III.

-Your realm, with the obvious exception of Iceland, has been blessed with a growing population due to a stable economy and improvements in medicine. Yet, this, coupled with your encouragement of new economic developments, has begun to destabilize the traditional system. There are calls for forced breaking up of sizeable estates in order to open up more land to those who are deprived of it due to the growth in population. While resettlement to Iceland had been an attractive tool, many are loathe to lose the cultural and kinship ties from their immeadiate area. Similarly, there is some internal migration occcuring as well. With the opening up of more jobs in new industries, outsiders are quickly relocating to these communities and seeking work, generating hostilities from locals who desire to conserve their old community. Some say these are just natural growing pains of a changing economy, but others fear it could challenge your government if not handled. What will you do about overpopulation and the migration growing as a result of new opportunities?

Kingdom of Spain:
-Spain was largely inactive while the French and Austrians faced the remains of Sardinia-Piedmont. This saved lives, though at the expense of Spanish glory. Inactivity has undermined the morale in Sardinia itself, the only place where the radicals remain in control. Furthermore, a failure to pursue action in Corsica has resulted in a retreat from that island entirely, the men there being send to Sardinia. How will you recover from the inaction of the past year and insure that Spain is recognized for its early contribution in the Great Italian War?

-Portuguese chaos continues, as the British have finally committed themselves fully to the cause of Jose II. Joao VI, your father’s puppet but lately a thorn in your side, has been overthrown and arrested. With British soldiers and ships teeming throughout your neighbor, some are wondering if you ought to contest this challenge to your influence or let the matter stand, finally putting the Portuguese issue to rest. Whatever the case, British intervention here is just one in a long litany of provocations. The Battle of the Florida Keys, their harboring of Queen Maria, the whispers of their culpability in your father’s assassination are all others. How will you manage Portugal?

-As one of the staunchest Catholic nations in Europe, your realm has a vested interest in the future of the Papacy. The deaths of both Benedict XVII and Gregory XVI, while gruesome, may provide you with an opportunity to help restore unity to the Church. With Italy in ruins and the ranks of Italian cardinals thinned by the massacres of Rome and Avignon, it is up to you, France, Austria, and Poland to direct the future of the Church. What are your proposals? How will you ensure that the horrors of the past few years are not easily repeated and Papal prestige restored?
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« Reply #330 on: July 27, 2018, 11:24:24 PM »
« Edited: July 28, 2018, 01:02:36 PM by Spamage »

Ottoman Empire:
-Ismail III sits safely in an Ottoman cell, his Empire showing all signs of internal collapse following the virtual decapitation of its government with the capture of Isfahan. As one of the victorious powers, what concessions will you demand from the Persians? Will you seek to set up a new dynasty or take vast tracts of land? How will those who have refused to lay down their arms against a “Turkish invasion” be handled in the former Safavid territory? As this realm sits on the border of some of your most important provinces, the options must be weighed carefully.

-The so-called “Tenth Crusade” was a shock to your realm, but as Sultan Abdul Hamid stated, it also drew the three faiths closer together. Eastern Christians, Muslims, and Jews were all equally horrified by the arrival of Benedict XVII and helped expel him together. Yet, in the fighting the holiest site of Judaism has been destroyed. The Jews demand concessions in Jerusalem, both due to their loyalty and to the hardship they have now endured. They would like the Jewish Quarter of the old city expanded at the expense of other areas. Furthermore, Jewish leaders would like the former site of the Western Wall to be turned over to their administration perpetually. Will you grant these concessions, which could aggravate other groups but do seem reasonable, or will you argue that all sides suffered losses in the Sardinian attack on the Holy Land?

-Venice has fallen into chaos, a three-way civil war erupting in the destabilized Republic. The newly declared, Slavic Republic of Illyria is perhaps the greatest threat to your realm. Not only does it border your own Slavic territories, the memory of the Serbian rising remaining strong, but it also is generally hostile to your aims. Your realm privately assured Venice that the Sardinians would withdraw. The Venetians did not envision that “withdrawing” would mean the outright devastation of the capitol. Another issue of the Venetian civil war is their colony in North Africa. Will you seize it in order to prevent growing local outrage from spreading? You must act carefully. Perhaps coordinating policy with Austria could be an effective way to come to some sort of mutually beneficial outcome. You both have Slavic populations that need to be kept docile and you both border the decaying Republic of Venice. Is this enough to bridge centuries of distrust?

Kingdom of Quebec:
-The growth of the Western Confederacy in the Great Lakes regions is very concerning. Isolated raids that have occurred off and on for the past few years could turn into something worse unless either force is employed or a peaceful settlement negotiated. While decades ago Quebec had some of the strongest relations with Native Americans, the growth of the nation’s population since the declaration of independence has strained relations. Consistently European settlers have pushed the frontier further and further west, either isolating or expelling the tribes there. Now the tribes are pushing back, ignoring cultural rivalries in a bid for survival. What is to be done?

-The marriage of your daughter to King Henry was celebrated throughout the realm. Though former republicans were quite indignant, they were outnumbered by ordinary citizens seeing the move as an act of stability. Some conservatives and vast landholders see the marriage as a sign that a new order should be established. They would like for yourself and King Henry to organize a formal class of nobility for your young realm, granting them privileges enjoyed by many of the rich in Europe. While this move would certainly be in line with your recent actions, it could also backfire and be portrayed as a reversal of everything Quebec has fought for. Will you institute a class of nobility in the Kingdom?

-A group of reformist businessmen, craftsmen, and merchants has become quite vocal recently. Founding an organization titled the “Sons of the Revolution”, they have begun to openly promote republican principles, advocate for greater action in defense of the fellow French in Louisiana and demand a definitive recognition of your independence from Spain. It is widely suspected they are being funded by a foreign power as their growth has been sudden and quite unsuspected. Will you seek to find out who is giving this group funds? Should some of their demands be met? Will republicanism be tolerated or should the organization be suppressed? How will you balance principles of liberty and demands for stability?

Polish-Lithuanian Republic:
-Your offer of a council to mediate the disputes in the Catholic Church ultimately came to nothing in 1786, with the refusal of either France of Sardinia-Piedmont to participate. Yet, since then, the situation seems to have resolved itself, with the deaths of both Gregory XVI and Benedict XVII. Now more than ever, Catholicism needs leadership. The Throne of St. Peter lies vacant and Rome sits in ruins. As a major Catholic realm, alongside Austria, France and Spain, you will have a key role in determining the future of the Church. Will you propose a council for reform following the obvious flaws demonstrated in both France and Italy? Should a simple conclave be held? If so, where? This is the issue of the time in the Church and could shape Catholicism for decades to come.

-Scandinavia, Prussia, Venice, the Netherlands, Austria, France, Britain, Denmark, Spain, Portugal, and now even Russia have established some sort of colonial presence abroad. Ranging from the vast settler empires of Britain and Spain to the minor trade colonies of Russia and Austria, Poland is increasingly the only European realm not involved in this growing network of trade around the globe. There are some in Warsaw who believe that, as stability has been restored, Poland should seek to create its own outposts around the globe. Others believe colonialism goes against the republican spirit of the nation and is too expensive with no major benefit. Will you seek to establish a Polish presence outside of Europe or will you listen to those worried about the potential costs of such an endeavor?

-Several old noble families, having fled the realm during the first revolution in the 1750s have finally requested to return, seeing the general stability and the immediate unlikelihood of the old system being restored. They were long a thorn in the side of the Revolution, undermining its support in other courts of Europe with exaggerations of events in Warsaw, yet their flight also meant the loss of a substantial amount of wealth. Repatriating them could be valuable, though you would have to ensure they swore to surrender claims to all old titles and properties. Will they be welcomed back? Should they be allowed to vote? What will you do to these old families requesting to return from years of exile in Prussia, Austria, and Russia?

Kingdom of the Netherlands:
-First Brazil expelled your colonists, now they have seized land to which they have no claim. The loss of Guyana was stunning and your attempt to attack Rio out of revenge was praised throughout the Netherlands. Yet, you are just one realm and possess limited capabilities to take out such a sizeable ex-colony, as the failure of Portugal to recapture Brazil following their declaration of independence demonstrates. Will you continue to fight and prove your critics wrong? Perhaps a blockade could be tried? Maybe other powers could get involved on your behalf, particularly Spain and Britain? It will be up to you to decide how you will get your territories back.

-Your eastern policy has had some success during the previous year, though there were setbacks as well. One failure was the King of Mysore refusing your offer of protectorate status. The introduction of opium into Japan, on the other hand, has been surprisingly fruitful. Quickly the good has begun to spread out of the ports cities and into the island as a whole. Naturally, local officials are furious, your merchants being unable to deny responsibility. They are demanding you cease the opium trade entirely, as it is damaging to their citizens. Yet, it has also proven profitable… How will you respond to Japanese demands?

-There are whispers of imminent action in major Dutch cities. Reportedly, upset about expensive military spending with little to show for it, the Republican faction is at its highest level of activity since the late 1750s, when you were forced into exile as a young child only to be restored by British and Prussian arms. Will you seek to preempt a rebellion? Or is this merely bluster, a ruse by a foreign power to divide your realm at a time of international conflict? How will you handle the supposed rebirth of the Republicans in the Netherlands?

Qing Dynasty:
-With peace with Russia, the collapse of the Safavids, and the confirmation of a puppet on the throne of Nepal, your dynasty’s early wars seem to be paying off. China has avoided a terrible crisis, though the realm continues to bleed. Your trade decisions have caused more people to flock to the banner of the rebels, while Korea continued to be a thorn in your side. The Joseon ruler has offered you a white peace in exchange for your guarantee of their perpetual independence, and there is a sizeable faction at court pushing for you to agree. Others desire that you ignore Korea’s offer, defeat the rebels, and them remind them of why the Qing were once their overlords. How will you handle your two remaining conflicts?

-Your aid was crucial in the defeat of the Safavids and the Qing Dynasty must definitely have a voice if any settlement is reached for the history of Persia. The Durrani, your allies, have requested Chinese backing for their annexation of territory along the Oxus River. In return they would like to expand trade, open their realm up to Chinese merchants, and abolish any sort of tariffs with your Empire. Furthermore, they would like a defensive alliance and are willing to send a moderate expeditionary force against the White Lotus rebels, but only if you can secure their gains. Will you back the Durrani, or should the greater stability of the Middle East be prioritized?

-The lottery for resettlement has been widely applauded and likely prevented the rebellion in the south from getting any worse. Yet, as with almost any political decision, there are those who have voiced their concern. The sizeable Manchurian faction at Court resents the resettlement of your ancestral homeland with sedentary foreigners. They view it as a threat to local culture and the more nomadic way of life, should pastoral land be opened up to agriculture as is appearing increasingly likely. Will you placate them by decreasing, or even halting the lottery as some have demanded? Or should you reject the Manchu past and embrace Han Chinese culture entirely in order to ease tensions in the Middle Kingdom, even if it means alienating allies. What will be done about the resettlement actions?

Republic of Brazil:
-The Dutch have launched a treacherous assault on your capitol after you did them the favor of containing their slave revolt. Even if you did take Guyana as payment, their actions are unacceptable. Although their kidnapping attempt of you failed, thanks to the valor of your Southern Army, there is still widespread outrage. The Brazilians may have been willing to forgive the initial attempt to invade during the War of Independence, but this has crossed a line. There are a variety of actions you can take to expand the war against the Kingdom of the Netherlands. Some are calling for Caribbean operations, others want a defensive war to be fought, arguing you have too few people to beat them. Perhaps fighting on the Atlantic is the way forward. Whatever the case, how will you fight the Dutch?

-A new idea has come to rise in response to the invasion of Guyana and the subsequent Dutch attack. There are some Brazilian hawks who are urging you to issue a national policy that will forbid further European colonization of South America perpetually. Some even think the idea should apply to both Americas. This would not be a declaration of war on colonial powers, merely a statement of defense to rebels and against the creation of new dominions by the Old World. Others see this as too provocative, risking the ire of larger realms such as Britain and Spain. They instead believe the issue of colonization is one of national sovereignty and ought not be dictated from Rio. Will you adopt this new doctrine or allow the old colonizers to continue to expand? Whatever the case, bear in mind a proclamation is one thing, concrete action something else entirely.

-The Prussians have largely cornered the market for slaves, prices growing greatly during the past few years. One of your nation’s largest exports is sugar, a good that requires intense labor to produce and often results in a high degree of turnover on plantations. Needless to say, some planters are very unhappy and would like for you to either negotiate lower prices with the Prussians or seek to grab a share of the market for yourself. As the first realm in the world to have protections of slavery written in its constitution, you must consider how this sizeable portion of the electorate will be pleased. Or, as some have suggested, the high prices could serve as a way to get existing owners to treat them more civilly. Maybe it could even help the practice die out eventually. How will you handle this touchy issue?

Kingdom of Louisiana:
-You have named Louis Philippe as your King and he has provisionally accepted. It is up to you to contact the King of France in order to achieve his acceptance so the new King of Louisiana can arrive. Are you willing to make concessions in order to do so?

-The announcement of a monarchy has spurred the rise of several “Republican Societies” in your small nation. These groups, likely aided by foreign funds, have vocally opposed your actions and demanded that a republic be instituted, the monarch be left without a veto, and not be a hereditary title. Initial reports have agents operating out of Quebec as primarily responsible, though that could merely be cover for another power. How will you respond to these groups? Should they be suppressed or allowed to express their personal views?

-As the new Prime Minister, you must pick a faction to side with in the Parliament of Louisiana. The body is divided between the conservatives, who have backed your decision to name a King but want even closer ties with France, and the reformists, who are more republican in nature and desire friendship with Great Britain. Either one, coupled with your group of supporters, would have enough votes to command a majority in Parliament. Which faction, if any, will you side with? Remaining neutral could put your term as Prime Minister in jeopardy…

Kingdom of Naples:
-The wretched Sardinians seem to have been defeated, with Naples playing an important role in their downfall. As the only remaining independent Italian principality that is in a position to negotiate (Venice is, obviously, a bit occupied with internal affairs) what will be your demands for peace and the reorganization of Italy? How should Sardinian colonies be distributed? On a similar matter, what is your view on the issue of the Papal succession? Many Italian cardinals, a group that has held the Papacy for centuries, were either killed or discredited by the schism. Perhaps a Neapolitan ally would be an acceptable compromise for other powers?

-Your realm was spared the worst of the fighting, but that does not mean there was no damage. "Savornola Brigades" were particularly active in rural parts of the Kingdom of Naples during the Great Italian War, terrorizing locals and undermining local officials. There were also some collaborators in the city of Naples itself following the suprise attack a couple of years ago. Now that you are at peace, some are wondering what is to be done about these bandits and traitors. Should they be offered a blanket pardon in an attempt at reconciliation, or should there be brutal punishments meted out?

-Foreign policy wise, Naples sits in a unique position. The Spanish have a strong influence at Court, due to your brother being the King of Spain. Yet, there is also an Austrian faction, led by your wife Queen Maria Carolina, the sister of Emperor Joseph II. The French have limited support as well, due to their aid in defeating the Sardinians. As some think Naples is not large enough to fend for itself, as the attack by Sardinia showed, will you bind yourself to any major power? How will you use foreign relations to achieve diplomatic aims. You do have several children that could be great for marriage alliances...

Armies & Locations

Kingdom of Prussia
60,000 Army of the East
60,000 Army of the West
10,000 Army of New Prussia
23,023 Army of Persia
2,000 Army of Guyana
8,000 Volunteer Army
40,000 men garrisoned
(Can raise 7,000 more)

Kingdom of France
51,564 Army of the Alps
50,300 Army of Rome
22,071 Army of Naples
40,000 Army of the North
60,000 men garrisoned
40,000 Army & Garrison of India
(Can raise 5,000 more)

Kingdom of Great Britain
25,000 Army of General Wolfe
32,900 Garrison of Britain
62,081 Armies of Portugal
5,000 Army of Ireland
15,000 Army & Garrison of the 15 Colonies
20,000 Army of Savannah
3,000 Army & Garrison of Australia
3,500 Army of Charleston
2,500 Ghana Garrison
100 Falklands Garrison
(Can raise 18,000 more)

Kingdom of Scandinavia

10,000 Army of Finland
10,000 Army of Sweden
80,000 Army of Scandinavia
10,000 Army of Norway
20,200 men garrisoned
(Can raise 2,300 more)

Kingdom of Spain
49,701 Army of Naples
8,972 Army of Sardinia
9,502 Army of Corsica
22,000 men garrisoned
10,000 Garrison of New Spain
16,809 Army of Santo Domingo
21,046 Army of South America
2,000 Army & Garrison of the Philippines
(can raise 2,000 more)

Russian Empire
48,800 men garrisoned
114,663 Army of Georgia
92,128 Army of Russia
(can raise 8,000 more)

Archduchy of Austria
52,000 Army of Bohemia
70,000 Army of Vienna
10,000 Army of Bavaria
29,000 Army of Milan
30,000 Army of Tuscany
10,000 Army of Karachi
26,153 Army of Persia
17,558 Army of Rome
45,000 men garrisoned
(can raise 5,000 more)

Ottoman Empire
61,089 Army of the Balkans
38,041 Army of Persia
27,000 Army of Tripolitania
9,762 Army of Azerbaijan
1,700 Army of Timor
1,000 Army of Mauritius
42,100 men garrisoned
(can raise 39,800 more)

Polish-Lithuanian Republic
140,000 men raised and mobile
30,000 men garrisoned
(can raise 40,000 more)

Republic of Quebec
25,000 men raised and mobile
10,000 Southern Army
5,000 Army of the Frontier
10,000 men garrisoned
(Can raise 12,000 more)

Kingdom of the Netherlands
25,000 ‬men raised and mobile
5,000 Army of New Holland
21,324 Army of Saint Domingue
7,000 Army of the East Indies
8,021 Army of Rio (at Saint Domingue)
15,000 ‬men garrisoned
 (‬Can raise ‬5,000 ‬more)

Qing Dynasty
72,463 Army of the North
28,444 Army of Southwest Korea
41,138 Army of Northeast Korea
68,332 Army of the South
39,772 Army of Afghanistan
18,906 Army of Sichuan
(Can raise 90,000 more)

Republic of Brazil
25,000 Army of the South
5,000 Army of Guyana
23,000 Army of the North
(Can raise 20,000 more)

Republic of Louisiana
17,000 Army of New Orleans
2,000 Northern Frontier Force
(Can raise 10,000 more)

Kingdom of Naples
42,000 Army of Rome
10,000 Army of Sicily
20,000 men garrisoned
(Can raise 5,000 more)

Navies of the World
Kingdom of Great Britain
205 Ships of the Line
126 Frigates

Kingdom of France
160 Ships of the Line
60 Frigates

United Provinces of the Netherlands
52 ‬Ships of the Line
40 ‬Frigates

Kingdom of Spain
65 Ships of the Line
42 Frigates

Russian Empire
21 Ships of the Line
7 Frigates

Kingdom of Scandinavia
48 Ships of the Line
20 Frigates

Kingdom of Prussia
35 Ships of the Line
17 Frigates

Kingdom of Portugal
33 Ships of the Line
14 Frigates

Polish-Lithuanian Republic
16 Ships of the Line
16 Frigates

Ottoman Empire
25 Ships of the Line
10 Frigates

Archduchy of Austria
11 Ships of the Line
3 Frigates

Kingdom of Naples
10 Ships of the Line
2 Frigates

Republic of Quebec
4 Ships of the Line
8 Frigates
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« Reply #331 on: July 27, 2018, 11:55:40 PM »

Statement on the Old Nobility
All former citizens who wish to return to the Polish-Lithuanian Republic are welcome to come back home, provided they are willing to swear an oath declaring their support for the Republic, and the principles under which it operates. Specifically, if they are willing to renounce all allegiance to any king or prince under the Sun, and swear that they shall defend the Republic and its laws against both its foreign and domestic enemies, they shall be permitted to return and take their place among the Republic’s citizens, with no titles or privileges marking them as any more — or any less — than any other citizen.

Tadeusz Kościuszko
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« Reply #332 on: July 28, 2018, 03:02:39 AM »

It is a question of time before my grandson will get married.
Any realms, NPCs or not, who is interested in a wedding is welcolme to do so.
The King of France has always put his family first, as demonstrated by his commitment to help the King of Naples.
Atlas Institution
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« Reply #333 on: July 29, 2018, 08:25:21 AM »

Out of respect for his noble status as a former sovereign, the deposed Shah of Iran shall be granted a honorable and comfortable exile in the Ottoman island of Timor.
YaBB God
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« Reply #334 on: July 29, 2018, 09:26:51 PM »
« Edited: July 29, 2018, 09:40:52 PM by DKrol »

Statement from Yuanming Yuan

On Persia

His Imperial Majesty, Son of Heaven, Emperor of China has announced in his divine wisdom a change in policy. The Army of Afghanistan, and all other forces deemed necessary, are hereby committed to the cause of the Durranis. Chinese blood was not shed for the Durrani cause to be crushed under the new Shah. The Durrani have a claim to the lands around the Oxus River and that claim will be recognized.
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« Reply #335 on: July 30, 2018, 10:06:45 AM »

His Sacred and Imperial Majesty Sultan Abdul Hamid Han has long been concerned with rapidly deteriorating situation in the Italian Peninsula and the risk of war and lawlessness spreading beyond its borders. It is the Sultan's proposal for fellow responsible European powers to consider establishing, for mutual defense and benefit, a cordon sanitaire around the peninsula, before a proper consensus is reached how to resolve this challenge.

(Or maybe we should just declare it a closed mental asylum? Tongue)
Atlas Institution
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« Reply #336 on: July 30, 2018, 05:39:52 PM »

It is our pleasure to announce Persian government had accepted the coalition's terms

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Atlas Politician
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« Reply #337 on: July 31, 2018, 09:28:07 AM »

It is our pleasure to announce Persian government had accepted the coalition's terms

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« Reply #338 on: July 31, 2018, 01:21:13 PM »

It is our pleasure to announce Persian government had accepted the coalition's terms

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x Frederick William II, King of Prussia
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« Reply #339 on: July 31, 2018, 01:25:45 PM »

Declarations from Berlin (VIII)

His Majesty Frederick William II is pleased to announce that the Kingdom of Prussia will formally offer full diplomatic recognition of the Republic of Brazil. Furthermore, that after negotiations an economic understanding has been reached regarding the price of slaves and of sugar, an arrangement which we expect will be highly benefitial to the economy of both our nations and, in domestic terms, the people of Prussia and the Zollverein of the German League. We extend our praise to President José da Silva Lisboa for his diplomatic skill.

x Frederick William II, King of Prussia
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« Reply #340 on: July 31, 2018, 05:25:20 PM »

It is our pleasure to announce Persian government had accepted the coalition's terms

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x Frederick William II, King of Prussia

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« Reply #341 on: July 31, 2018, 07:34:40 PM »


Persian Peace
A New Era Dawns as Safavids Are Destroyed
Proposed Borders

     With the sudden capture of Ismail III, the leadership of the Safavid Empire was thrown into disarray. It was clear that, by massing his forces all on the east and assuming the Ottomans would not act, the Shah had been caught off guard. The remainder of his army, demoralized despite moderate incursions into the Durrani Empire, began to disintegrate as it became clear the war could not be won. Those left in leadership roles had little choice but to accept the conditions forced upon the remainder of the Persian Empire.
     First was the restoration of the Afsharid Dynasty. Shahrokh Mirza Afshar, overthrown in the chaos of the 1750s and 1760s, was restored as ruler of Persia. While he vowed reconciliation en route to Mashad, the new capitol, his actions would be harsh. Within the realm most former Safavid officials in the military or civil service were purged. Members of the Zand Dynasty were rounded up and slaughtered alongside the remaining Safavids besides Ismail III. Although he would be condemned for these harsh measures, the new Shah has argued that it is long past time to end the dynastic instability in his realm. He would also undertake several popular moves. Shia Islam was restored as the state religion, the title of Ayatollah was renounced, and taxes were lowered as it would be less necessary to have a sizeable military. Tentative friendship was declared with both the Ottoman Empire and Durrani in order to ensure stability.
    Another notable development with the subjugation of Persia was the sizeable concessions extracted by foreign realms. Scandinavians occupied the island of Hormuz, a grant made by the last Safavid and confirmed by the new Afsharids. Prussia meanwhile took control of the port of Bandar Abbas without incident. There were larger losses as well. The Ottomans absorbed Azerbaijan and the Arab-speaking areas to the southeast, much to the consternation of regular Persians, who have only come to resent the Turks even more. The Durrani, meanwhile, would be rather liberal in taking land along the Oxus. Quite a bit of former Safavid territory to the northeast has been seized by Kabul. Furthermore, Persian ports have been forced open to foreign trade, causing a wave of speculation and rushed trading as Europeans seek to establish themselves.
    To the north, Khan Yadigar II of Khiva would use the change of dynasties as a chance to declare independence. The Afsharids, still in the process of purging and reorganizing the military, could only stand by as yet another territory was lost to them without incident. Now, although thankfully independent, Persia sits at its weakest state since the time of its division between feuding dynasties earlier in the century. How long people will be willing to overlook the forced nature of the Afsharid return remains to be seen, but some level of revanchism in the coming years should probably be expected. The coalition has made its peace, now let it enforce it.
     As for Shah Ismail III, while en route to East Timor he would be brutally murdered. The Ottoman vessel stopped to resupply in Chinese Macau. The locals, hearing rumors that the former enemy was onboard, easily captured the former ruler as the Ottoman crew stepped aside. The onetime Shahanshah (“King of Kings”) was brutally beaten to death by a mob of Chinese peasants. Thus, with the murder or arrest of the rest of his family back in Persia, the Safavid Dynasty has come to an ignoble end. After ruling Persia since 1501, the last spark has been extinguished.
    As for the future of the region, that remains unclear. There is still a sizeable contingent of Austrians in the region that could challenge this new order before it is allowed to stabilize. Furthermore, Russia was not consulted in this agreement. Whether Czar Paul will challenge this weakened Afsharid restoration is also an open question. In any case, the Persian-Durrani War is itself concluded. Many now hope there will be time to enjoy the peace and rebuild the realm which, while not physically damaged, has been greatly shaken.

Dutch Brutally Expelled From Japan
Blamed for Importation of Opium into Shogunate
     The Dutch decision to smuggle opium into Japan seemed to be a profitable one. Within months it would become clear the locals were easy targets for the good. Yet, the local government was not naïve. With the Netherlands being the only European trading partner of the Japanese, not to mention the fact that the addiction outbreak began in the port city of Nagasaki (where the only Dutch trade port was located) the shogunate decided it was time to act. First proclamations were spread throughout the island banning the consumption of opium on the pain of death. Second, the Dutch were forbidden from access to the main port city. Then, the final stroke hit. Attacking under the cover of darkness, a flotilla of Japanese ships and samurai landed on the trade island. The Dutch merchants were caught off guard. Despite their superior ships and firepower, they were overwhelmed. Evidence of Amsterdam’s complicity in the trade of opium into Japan was uncovered by the invaders. While one trade vessel of Dutch would escape to the East Indies, the rest have likely been slaughtered. In any case, as expected, there has been no news from Japan, which now seems more committed than ever to sealing itself off from the Western World.
    Some in Amsterdam seek revenge, believing a proper expedition could teach the Japanese a lesson. Others argue that, already at war with Brazil, the expulsion of Dutch traders should be ignored for the time being. Even so, William I’s reputation has been further damaged by news of the assault on Dutch traders in Nagasaki. The loss of a trade outpost in Japan is as harmful to his image as the loss of Guyana. The Republicans have become even more vocal, despite active and brutal repression by the Dutch military.
     Perhaps some other power could become Japan’s primary trade partner. Even so, as they have ruled out Catholics in the past and now have expelled the Netherlands, it is unclear who could assume the role. They have little reason to trust anyone after so many betrayals or attempts to spread foreign ideas in the island nation. Maybe force could convince them…

     Content with the expansion of the German League and feeling secure in his position, 1787 seemed to be a good year for King Frederick William of Prussia. That would change on an early February morning in Berlin. The King, riding his carriage from Charlottenburg Palace en route to Sanssouci in Potsdam was targeted. A series of shots rang out, though the would-be assassin was quickly subdued. None of them came close to hitting the King and it soon became clear the shooter was greatly mentally disturbed.
     Preliminary research has revealed the man to be a disgruntled Dane, demanding the unilateral recognition of his nation’s independence. He seems to have been assaulted by a couple of overzealous Germans in Schleswig-Holstein, causing his outburst and decision to move against the King of Prussia. Though he has been staunchly disavowed and condemned by the government in Copenhagen, there was widespread outrage throughout Prussia. It was one thing for a King of Spain to be blown up or an Austrian Empress stabbed to death, but the murder of a Hohenzollern King is a step too far.
     Naturally there have been some who have sought out foreign connections in this incident. Some believe Scandinavia orchestrated the attempt on the King’s life, pointing out their close relationship with Denmark and desire to defend Schleswig-Holstein. Others see the Habsburgs as responsible, especially given their attempts to pin the murder of Empress Josepha and the Habsburg heir on King Frederick William. Of course, Poland is a suspect as well. That realm has long nursed grievances against Prussia. Corsica, though distant, is another potential actor, given their resentment of Frederick William’s unilateral abandonment of them to the Spanish. Or perhaps the murder was just as it seems, the attempt of a madman to stop Prussian demands regarding Schleswig-Holstein. Even so, Berlin has been shaken by this act. Some hope this is used in order to extract further concessions from Denmark.
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« Reply #342 on: July 31, 2018, 08:16:38 PM »

Statement from Brazil on Hostilities with Holland

President Lisboa wishes to state that, despite the Dutch attack upon the Republic after saving the people of Guyana and allowing them the protection and rights Brazil provides, we do still wish for peace.  As such, we wish to request third party mediation between our two nations in the interests of seeking a negotiated end to hostilities.  May god Bless the Republic of Brazil and the Kingdom of the Netherlands with peace, lest more men perish in an unnecessary war.

José da Silva Lisboa, President of the Republic of Brazil
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« Reply #343 on: August 01, 2018, 05:46:15 AM »

On the Ex-Shah's Demise

Although the Sultan is not pleased with one of his vessels being attacked, He has no reason to believe it was anything else than a local mob going mad. With no Ottoman personel harmed, He shall consider it an unfortunate event that shall not affect our relations with the Divine Emperor of China.

On the Jerusalem

The day crusaders were crushed by the people of Jerusalem shall become a national holiday.

Remains of the Wall, known to Muslim as the Buraq and to Jews as Kotel, shall be preserved as a monument for the posterity to learn from the people of three Abrahamic faiths standing together against foreign aggression. Jewish and Muslim communities of Jerusalem shall assume joint administration of this national shrine, alternating every two months, showing the world the denominations can work together in peace as well.

On Oman

The Sultan has no reason to believe Oman was being in any was complicit with the Safavid schemes. We regard the Imam as our brother and the Oman's sovereignty as natural. Shall any foreign power attempt to establish its authority, official or disguised, over Oman, the Sultan shall consider it a hostile act.

On Georgia

The Kingdom of Georgia is a sovereign realm that can enter any diplomatic agreements. Commenting or taking stance over their dealings with Russia would be inappropriate.

On Brazil

The Sublime Porte has no political nor commercial interests in Americas to justify any involvement. The Sultan was among first rulers to recognize Brazil's independence and it shall continue to be the official Ottoman policy.
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« Reply #344 on: August 01, 2018, 11:07:37 AM »

As much as His Sacred and Imperial Majesty Sultan Abdul Hamid Han grieves over the virtual collapse of Venetia, he must recognize it as a political fact. The newly-declared Slavic Republic of Illyria is now the Ottoman neighbour and He extends his hand in hope for mutually respectful relations across the border.
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« Reply #345 on: August 01, 2018, 02:19:53 PM »

The King of France is pleased to announce a new trade partner has been found, increasing France's trade both in Asia and in Europe.

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« Reply #346 on: August 01, 2018, 04:53:09 PM »

The King of France is pleased to announce a new trade partner has been found, increasing France's trade both in Asia and in Europe.

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Senator & Ambassador Dwarven Dragon
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« Reply #347 on: August 01, 2018, 06:10:51 PM »

The King of Great Britain is pleased to announce a new trade partner:

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The King of Great Britain hereby orders that the following individual be executed by hanging:

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The King of Great Britain hereby declares war against the so-called Western Confederacy and orders the Army and Garrison of the 15 colonies to begin battle immediately.
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« Reply #348 on: August 02, 2018, 12:11:54 AM »

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x Gustav III, King of Scandinavia
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« Reply #349 on: August 02, 2018, 02:23:25 AM »

The Most Exalted Ottoman State do hereby announces its renounciation of using military force in Europe under any circumstances, unless required by the existing treaties of mutual defense.
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