Dynasties and Empires - Gameplay Thread (End of 1521)

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F. Joe Haydn
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« Reply #75 on: November 17, 2018, 10:42:48 AM »

Manuel I, King of Portugal and the Algarves

We wholeheartedly condemn this horrid breach of faith by the Holy Roman Emperor. By attacking a realm that had declared for Crusade, he has shown himself to be a treacherous, backstabbing knave. It is an unconscionable, evil, and wholly unChristian action. It's no wonder, then, that the Emperor received the endorsement of the Sultan in his election bid, for he is clearly in bed with the Infidel.
Garlan Gunter
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« Reply #76 on: November 17, 2018, 01:04:58 PM »

Holy Father! Kings and Princes of Christendom!

A Crusading Kingdom stands ravished and violated; a sacred treaty ruptured; a royal marriage sanctified by the Pope's own blessing foully rent by murder and rapine.

But Scotland does not quail, nor do her fair hands tremble as they uphold the Holy Rood of Christ.

This English King named himself an Emperor before pride consumed him utterly. My royal cousin of Portugal, and fellow Crusading prince, points out astutely his pact with the Infidel, one I myself was, to my and Scotland's great sorrow, persuaded to overlook.

What subject now will do such a tyrant's bidding? Which of his so-called Imperial subjects, bought with English gold from a great purse now altogether spent, will stand with this monster, this spoliator of marriage altars, who has abducted his own sister, Scotland's Dowager Queen, for Hell itself knows what vile and lustful purpose?

It is not for me, the Governor of Scotland only, to choose for the English their rightful king. I will say indeed that I know Richard de la Pole in person for a true knight, a valiant friend and a good man, and that I admire the Duke of Buckingham's splendid repute as a right scion of Plantagenet and fair noble lord. Equally, I know neither man would ride roughshod over the rights of Princess Mary, guiltless daughter of the tyrant, or of my own beloved, cruelly seized betrothed and sworn wife before God, Queen Margaret. Let us all do God's work together first, and depose the son of Belial who prances sportive beneath his bloated crown.

Scotland does, however, openly back and avouch the exceptional claim of the noble Sir Richard de la Pole, called the White Rose, already rightwise Earl of Suffolk and Duke of York when he enters his own, to the High Kingship of Ireland, last possessed by Edward Bruce, my own ancestor of immortal memory.

Furthermore, as our true Scots stand powerless to assist the heathen in such circumstances, and as we are assailed by depraved and drooling demoniac devourers of their own sisters, I do call upon the Scots Church to treat these sad present wars as in themselves a holy Crusade, until the false King Henry is done, denounced and deposed.

Scotland is far from friendless, I do believe. Cousins of Denmark and of Portugal. My own beloved kinsman and sire of France, at whose hand I have myself been dubbed knight, cherisher of our long immortal Auld Alliance. Holy Father, whom I have the honour to claim as kin through my sweet niece Catherine de' Medici. Scotland calls for your aid now. Let this King-Emperor of Lustland and the Dominions of Pride and Gluttony be cursed with book and bell, his person excommunicate, his lands lain under interdict. Let his false election be overturned and the poor folk who labour under his gilded yoke seek some kinder Emperor. Let his kingdoms be assailed by land and sea, his colonies despoiled, his honour shent. And, by the love of all that has been held honourable, holy and chivalric since good King Arthur's day in these very isles of ours, aid me to recover mine own love and wife, Margaret.

Once the dragon lies slain, then, I pledge, our alliance shall turn on the Turk that nurtured him.

For Scotland and Jesu!

Prince John, Duke of Albany
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« Reply #77 on: November 17, 2018, 05:23:56 PM »

King Charles I of Spain is pleased to announce he has reached an agreement with the Most Serene Republic of Venice regarding their colony in the New World. He looks forward to continued cooperation with that historic realm.

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X Doge Leonardo Loredan.
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« Reply #78 on: November 17, 2018, 07:45:40 PM »

It is the grand pleasure of the King of Poland, Grand Duke of Lithuania to proclaim a treaty with his dearest nephew:

The Treaty of Krakow:
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x His Most Royal Majesty, Sigismund, King of Poland, Grand Duke of Lithuania
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« Reply #79 on: November 18, 2018, 08:15:54 AM »

For his treason against the rightful authority of his lord, the King of England and the Holy Roman Emperor, we declare that Edward Stafford, also known as the Duke of Buckingham, is hereby cast outside the Holy Church.
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« Reply #80 on: November 18, 2018, 12:46:02 PM »

It is the grand pleasure of the King of Poland, Grand Duke of Lithuania to proclaim a treaty with his dearest nephew:

The Treaty of Krakow:
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x His Most Royal Majesty, Sigismund, King of Poland, Grand Duke of Lithuania
x Louis II, King of Hungary and Bohemia
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« Reply #81 on: November 19, 2018, 01:51:43 AM »
« Edited: November 20, 2018, 02:01:31 AM by DKrol »

Henry VIII Tudor, Elected Holy Roman Emperor, Forever August, King of the Germans, King of Italy, King of the Romans, and Coronated King of England, Lord of Ireland, and Regent of Scotland

I, Henry VIII Tudor, Elected Holy Roman Emperor, Forever August, King of the Germans, King of Italy, King of the Romans, and Coronated King of England, Lord of Ireland, and Regent of Scotland, do hereby proclaim that the following message is to be read from the pulpit of each church in the Kingdom on the Sunday hence and spread by the good Brothers of Saint George in town squares and public spaces.

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Garlan Gunter
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« Reply #82 on: November 19, 2018, 03:43:12 AM »

Arise, sons of Erin!
Red-handed princes of Ulster!
Arise, and bid the ravens banquet
At the bidding of High King Richard.
There shall be weeping long for them,
The fat lords of the island of Britain,
When Richard restores to us our own.
Arise, princes, singers and sons
Of the harp and the sword...

- Extract from the battle song of a bard in the employ of the Geraldines, 1520
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« Reply #83 on: November 22, 2018, 12:41:29 AM »
« Edited: November 22, 2018, 10:29:03 AM by Lumine »

End of 1520

Anglo-Scottish War:
Henry VIII increases his support from the nobility, Albany stops Suffolk's advance at Edinburgh, Allied fleet smashes the English at sea

English invasion of Scotland:

Following the costly victory at Berwick-Upon-Tweed the English army led by the Duke of Suffolk was ordered to march all the way to Edinburgh to end the Regency of Lord Albany once and for all, and aided on this task by naval reinforcements Suffolk set upon his task. Albany, exerting himself despite his wound took on a very active role to drive back the English invasion, casting the invaders in a highly negative light through the effective use of propaganda, rallying the nobility not to allow another disaster like Flodden and preparing raiding parties to harass and slow his opponent. More controversially, he also took substantial funds from the Scottish Church to pay for thousands of mercenaries, an act which drew moderate outrage in Scotland and quite a debate among the Cardinals in Rome.

Despite being slowed down due to the constant attacks on his supply line Suffolk made it to the outer defenses of Edinburgh in good order, and his supporting naval squadron destroyed the remnants of the Scottish fleet before it could join its new allies and then established a naval blockade of the city. With the population in a state of panic the Lord Protector and the Scottish lords nonetheless held the advantage in numbers due to the use of mercenaries, and resolved to stand strong on their fortifications. For three days Lord Suffolk launched attack after attack and met defeat after not being able to break the enemy defenses, eventually withdrawing back to occupied territory once it became clear his losses were once again higher than those of his foes and having successfully sent Margaret Tudor back to England despite a rescure attempt.

Cheering for their victory, the Scottish lords were soon reinforced by the arrival of French reinforcements led by the Duke of Alencon.

Tudors and Plantagenets:

Reacting to the latest round of rebellions against the Crown Emperor Henry resolved to bolster his support amongst his own subjects, and succeeded up to a reasonable point. The removal of the Duke of Richmond from the succession, while ruining his prestige with the Saxon Elector - who angrily broke the betrothal pact with England - cemented the resolve of Queen Catherine of Aragon, who at once rallied to Henry and crucially bolstered his support among the high nobility by preventing their defection to Buckingham or the White Rose. And once the hated French chose to intervene in what eventually became the Battle of Dover and the landings in Scotland the Emperor could at least have the consolation that much of the crowd was at least outwardly hostile to a foreign invasion.

Assembling another army to put down the biggest domestic danger, Henry set the Earl of Essex on the task of crushing Buckingham, and after rallying support and volunteers from the Tudor loyalist areas of Wales Essex met Buckingham at Gloucester with the numbers on his side. Following a brief but intense battle Buckingham's army was outmatched by their enemies and forced to withdraw, although the Duke was able to escape with a significant fraction of his forces into Devon. Despite the inability to capture Buckingham Essex did took a high profile prisoner in the person of the Earl of Moray, James IV's illegitimate son (and Ambassador to England) who had escaped from London into the Buckingham camp.

Whilst Essex was soon forced to return to England once the news of the Battle of Dover became known and with Buckingham unable to continue fighting for the time being Ireland also featured its own share of carnage. Having grown overtly confident the White Rose and his allies descended upon Ormond to smash the pro-Tudor lords and take a bold step towards claiming the throne, only to be met by a force of German mercenaries recruited by Henry before the seas ended up closed for the English. At the Battle of Limerick the Plantagenets and Tudors waged battle, and despite the brave efforts of the White Rose it was the Ormonds who narrowly carried the day. As a result Ireland remains deeply divided, without either side having the advantage.

The Foreign Intervention:

Although the domestic situation had shown signs of improvement for Henry, the war was about to explode into something much larger due to a vast foreign intervention agreed upon by the many allies of Lord Albany: one by one King Manuel of Portugal, King Francis of France and King Christian of Denmark all joined the pro-Scottish coalition and set upon the task of fighting Henry, assembling a powerful joint fleet in the Channel and forcing the divided and outnumbered English fleet into battle. The resulting Battle of Dover was a disaster for the English, much of their vaunted fleet sunk or damaged as the coastline suddenly became available.

The one Monarch who had chosen to take the gamble of invasion was Christian of Denmark, who by virtue of hiring an even larger mercenary corps - despite the risk of bankruptcy - and by bringing in veterans of the Swedish campaign had over 15,000 men landing in Sussex and marching in full speed towards London for a quick storming of the capital. Alas, the combined news of the foreign intervention, the Battle of Gloucester and the decision by Queen Catherine to stand besides her husband had galvanized the population of London to resist the Danish invaders. As the Earl of Essex raced to return to London and the Court was evacuated at the last moment the Danish army was forced to lay siege to the city due to the bitter resistance of its inhabitants.

Death of a Pope:
Leo X found dead in Rome, College of Cardinals braces for a competitive conclave, Church divided among Reformers and Conservatives

It had been a troubled period for the Papacy as the demands for Church Reform and the strong push of others to cast the reformers as heretics continued to tension and divide the Church, and despite the work of Pope Leo X to find a compromise the Papacy found itself under fire as well. The strong rebuke of von Eck instead of Luther, the calls for the Crusade unraveled by the Berwick ambush, the sense of conspiracies in the air after the Pope was almost attacked by a fanatical monk, all factors which continued to fuel the tension even as the Pope found success in renegotiating the Treaty of Tordesillas, managed to receive tentative support from Luther instead of harsh criticism.

It was on this environment that at a morning at the end of December the Pope's servants called for the guard and set the alarms: Pope Leo X was dead. Having led the Church through seven years of papacy and only 45 years old his sudden death undoubtedly shocked Rome as his opponents and supporters once again took to the streets to assert their strong opinions on the Pope, and the Papal troops could only barely contain what could have been a riot. Although the College of Cardinals has been quick to rebuke rumours that contradict the official version, there's constant talk in Rome of a series of events which cast further suspicions on the situation, ranging from the persistent claim that the marriage blessing for the Duke of Albany was manufactured and the Pope possibly manipulated to the whispers that assert that one or more foreign ambassadors were heard to be consulting with other Cardinals on various matters.

While it is not yet known how other monarchs will react to the news some reactions have already taken place within Germany itself, where Luther - rapidly growing in popularity and legitimacy - and his reformers have mourned the death of the Pope and spoken favorably of him, and the ultra-radical reformers have hinted that the Pope could very well have been murdered by the ultra-conservatives on account of the past attempt on his life. As to the Cardinals in Rome, it is up to them - and the foreign Cardinals who can reach the city in time - to choose a new Pope in what promises to be a controversial and highly competitive Conclave.

The Colonization Boom:
Denmark and France enter the colonial game, Portugal reaches the Spice Islands, Military Orders fight the Aztecs

If the past year had begun a large scramble for the New World and for unexplored lands, it was in 1520 that such a drive among European nations became a permanent reality. Although the modifications to the Treaty of Tordesillas only allowed the English to start settling in North America, it was the Danes who once again sought to undermine the Tudors by sending their own large expedition to reach the recently discovered Newfoundland, three different colonies being established despite the harsh conditions and the so far significant cost to the Danish treasury. Although choosing not to send an expedition to America the French took a surprising step as well, having their own expedition land at southernmost corners of Africa and establish a trade port in the Cape of Good Hope. While the port has been established despite the enormous distance, native remain remarkably hostile to the Frenchmen.

The Portuguese, having decided that no further gains could be obtain through usage of their naval power against the Ottomans, resolved to upstage the still missing Howard and Magellan expeditions by sending Sequeira and the Asian fleet to the east in hopes of finding the Islands first. For weeks and months Sequeira fought after leaving Malacca - thus unaware of the Ottoman offensive - and navigated across countless islands and tribes before finally reaching the much hoped objective at the end of the year: several islands that could reasonably be identified as the "Spice Islands" were discovered. Sequeira himself struck a decent relationship with some local tribes, and returned to Malacca with his battered ships filled to the brim with rich spices. Neither the Haspburg or Tudor expeditions are anywhere to be seen as of yet.

In the meantime, King Charles took immediate actions to correct the course of his efforts in the New World following the Cortés fiasco, successfully assuaging the Governor of Cuba and defusing the tension and taking a historic step to continue the new war against the Aztec Empire: the successful signing of an arrangement with the old Military Orders of the Iberian Peninsula (Calatrava, Santiago, Montesa and Alcantara), all of which agreed to travel towards Veracruz and take up the fight against the Aztec heretics in the name of the Lord. Despite the sheer ambition of the enterprise the necessary arrangements and the travels of the vanguard force took up most of the year, the new Crusaders landing in a Veracruz besieged by the Tlaxcaltec forces of Xicotencatl.

By the end of 1520 the Iberian Crusaders had broken up the siege of Veracruz and expanded across the coast by building forts of striking alliances with a handful of minor tribes, although the Aztec Empire and several hostile tribes remained strong or almost unscathed. While reports of growing disease are reaching the Crusaders, it appears the new plague for the natives is yet to reach Tenochtitlan and the Empire itself.

The Wars on the East:
Sweden falls to Denmark, Crimean Khan raids Lithuania, Siege of Moscow ends in failure

The Fall of Sweden:

Despite the popular reaction sparked at Stockholm and other important cities by Lady Christina and supporters of independence, it remained a fact that the Danes had more experienced and larger forces, and could enjoy from a much calmer Sweden after the initial effects of a policy of leniency towards former rebels. With Eric Trolle the new Swedish Regent - and despite the unpopularity of his son - the Swedish rebels could not muster enough forces to break out of their present sieges, and with no help forthcoming from any European monarch (something Christina bitterly lamented and denounced), the cites were soon running low on supplies and realized resistance could no longer be maintained. City after city and noble atfer noble stood down and swore loyalty to Regent Trolle, and by the end of the year Christina herself and her supporters yielded Stockholm.

Although Christian II has finally found victory in Sweden it remains to be seen what he will do with his former opponents, and whether the rebel strength in the country was truly spent.

The Crimean Raid:

Having seriously considered the possibility of raids against Moscow in 1519 or against the Boyar rebels in the first months of 1520, Khan Mehmed I Giray had finally settled on a proper target after being encouraged by many at his court: Lithuania. Reasoning that he had a unique chance and being given a free hand by his Ottoman overlords Khan Mehmed threw himself and thousands of cavalry forces into a series of raids into southern Lithuania and across the border with the Khanate, pillaging and burning entire towns and seizing hundreds - if not thousands of inhabitants - as slaves to be sold. The raid itself has thus far been a substantial blow against Poland-Lithuania and a critical factor in the Boyar success at Moscow, although the Khan's forces have no advanced enough yet to threaten the main cities of Sigismund's domains.

Defeat at Moscow:

The first few weeks of the siege of Moscow had resulted in a stalemate for the Allied forces intending to seize the capital, despite the continuation of the heavy bombardment strategy (which at one point almost forced the surrender of the city) the siege dragged on for months as factor upon factor weakened the pro-Vasily forces remaining on the area. On one hand by the uprising of large parts of the Grand Duchy as more and more nobles and peasants rejected what they saw as the "Polish yoke" and formed their own units to support the rebels at Moscow, and on the other by the negative effects of the Crimean raid on the Polish supply lines. Eventually reinforced by a large Rebel force the Pro-Vasily forces were forced to withdraw from the siege into close positions, and the Moscow Boyars reasserted their defiance by proclaiming Prince Yury Ivanovich as Grand Duke Yury II.

Frisian Revolt crushed:
Hapsburg victory in Frisia, Charles I consolidates his domains, outrage after deposition of the Duke of Guelders

Significantly bolstered by successes such as the canonization of his grandmother Isabella, Charles I continued his work to increase his authority over the separate Hapsburg domains, finding both success and controversy in said process. Efforts to win over the Cortes in Castile met with a mixed reaction as while the concession regarding local officers proved popular - and may have defused a potentially dangerous situation -, the Cortes refused conceding the required tax concessions for the King as decentralization for Castile was denied. The King left soon afterwards for Naples and Austria at a curious stalemate, having failed to obtain the desired resources but with his new Viceroy the Duke of Frias being able to govern without major disturbances thus far.

The King's own tour of both Naples and Austria won him new supporters and increased his popularity and authority in such regions, putting him at an excellent position to enter what seemed like highly productive talks with the Palatinate and Brandenburg to obtain marriages for himself and for Prince Ferdinand. As this took place a Hapsburg field army entered Frisia to put down the revolt for good, and found its task significantly eased by the English blockade of the Rebels and the lack of support for the Frisians from any foreign monarch. Despite the bitter resistance of Grutte Pier and his hardened veterans at the Battle of Hindeloopen the Frisians were outmatched and crushed on the battlefield, Pier dying in battle as his captains became prisoners.

Said victory allowed the Hapsburg to reestablish direct rule over Friesland and thus seemingly secure their standing in the Hapsburg Netherlands, although that particular success would not stop the war. Indeed, the Hapsburg forces left several of the Princes-Electors stunned as their fought their way into Guelders in a shock intervention, smashing the enemy forces and overthrowing the ruling Duke as temporary Hapsburg rule was established over the very uneasy and hostle province. Despite the general support among the Electors for the end of the Frisian revolt the overthrow of the Duke of Guelders has been badly received within the Empire, the marriage negotiations for the Hapsburgs suspended as some of the Electors discuss the matter and whether the Emperor will involve himself on the matter.

The Crusade goes on:
Ottomans raid Portuguese India, Venetians fight piracy in the Mediterranean, Shah Ismail I passes away

Ottoman-Portuguese War:

Fresh from victory at Aden and with Yemen virtually established as an Ottoman possession, Crown Prince Suleiman was allowed to return closer to home to put down the recent revolts in Anatolia, finding success at crushing the rebellion on the battlefield despite the ongoing tension and resentment in the region on his methods. As Sequeira and his fleet left for the Spice Islands, the Ottomans transported a number of ships into the sea and followed through with an offensive against the Portuguese possessions in India, a brutal yet effective campaign which supported by the lack of Portuguese naval power led to the destruction of several Portuguese trading posts and, more importantly, the fall of the key outpost of Goa to the Portuguese, temporarily interrupting the flow of trade.

Raids across the Mediterranean:

The first months of the Crusade were followed by the sudden rise of pirate activity across the Western Mediterranean from the semi-autonomous states in Algiers and Tunis, they respective Sultans seemingly taking the opportunity to launch a series of profitable and bloody raids on several Christian ships which initially proved quite a blow to Western trade. Alas, the Venetians had taken the precaution of intensifying their own patrols across the sea to combat piracy, with the end result of the various pirate fleets meeting reasonably strong Venetian naval squadrons and losing the vast majority of the early naval encounters. By the end of the year the Algiers and Tunis pirate efforts have been left with a bloody nose by the Venetian fleet, but the struggle is far from over.

The death of the Shah:

Across the sea and into the East it seemed as if the relationship between the Ottoman Empire and the Safavid Empire could be improved after years of struggle, the Ottoman economic pressure being finally eased up as both nations began to enjoy a renewed flow of trade. And yet the Safavid Empire continued to struggle over the continued isolation of the Shah, thought to be a broken man following the trauma he experienced during his last war with the Ottomans. Indeed, it appeared to many that it was the Vizier Mirza Shah Hossein who was essentially running the Empire through the vacuum of power, all while the Shaw grew more depressed and uninterested in daily affairs. Despite his legendary accomplishments and his incredibly young age (33), the Shah was found dead by his servants in Tabriz of natural causes, although some have referred to the Shah as having died of a "broken spirit." This leaves the Safavid Empire at a complex spot as Vizier Mirza Shah Hossein will probably take up the Regency for the new young Shah, Prince Tahmasp.

The World at the End of 1520

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« Reply #84 on: November 25, 2018, 02:08:52 AM »
« Edited: November 26, 2018, 02:52:23 AM by Lumine »

Turn Three: 1521

The Cast:
In Western Europe:
Kingdom of France: King Francis I Valois (Windjammer)
Kingdom of England and Ireland: Emperor Henry VIII Tudor (Dkrol)
Kingdom of Portugal: King Manuel I Aviz (HenryWallace)
Kingdom of Castile and Aragon: King Charles I Hapsburg (Spamage)
Kingdom of Scotland: Lord Protector John Stewart, Duke of Albany (Garlan Gunter)
Republic of Venice: Doge Leonardo Loredan (GoTfan)

The Sultan and the Vizier:
Ottoman Empire: Sultan Selim I Osman (Dereich)
Safavid Empire: Vizier Mirza Shah Hossein (Dr_Novella)

The Rulers in the East:
Kingdom of Denmark and Norway: King Christian II Oldenburg (JacksonHitchcock)
Kingdom of Hungary and Bohemia: King Louis II Jagiellon (YPestis25)
Kingdom of Poland and Lithuania: King Sigismund I Jagiellon (Kingpoleon)
Teutonic Knights: Grand Master Albrecht von Hohenzollern (NewTennesseanPolitician)
Grand Duchy of Moscow: Grand Duke Vasily III Rurik (King Saul)

Player Crisis:

Francis I Valois:
-Popularity: High
-Prestige: High
-Economy: Medium

Your Majesty,

-Victory at the sea has smashed the English fleet and limited use of troops has prevented major economic damage, but the Tudors are still standing in what promises to be a long war for the British Islands. To that it must be added that the recently landed colonists in the Cape are facing hard times due to the sheer hostility of the natives, and will probably require a steady and expense flow of resources to maintain the first French colony. How deeply will you commit to the war to your colonial efforts?

-After the sudden death of Leo X a new Papal Conclave is about to begin, and one in which French influence may very well prove decisive on account of the French cardinals and those who have held pro-French views thus far. Both the French-born cardinals and your Ambassador to Rome await with great interest your strategy – or whether you’ll involve yourself at all – on the coming election.

-Due to ill health Suzanne, Duchess of Bourbon has died at last, leaving the powerful Constable of Bourbon a widow without sons to carry the claims of Suzanne to a vast portion of the lands and titles held by Bourbon. While the Constable has proclaimed his right to hold that inheritance as outlined on his wife’s will, Queen Mother Louise has wasted no time pushing her own claim and effectively undermine the Constable with some influential groups, leaving both sides with plenty of supporters for their claims. How is the coming dispute to be handled?

Henry VIII Tudor:
-Popularity: Low
-Prestige: Medium
-Economy: Very Low

Your Majesty,

-Although your actions on the succession have brought back support from Queen Catherine and many in the high nobility, the situation in the British Islands is dire. With the fleet lost and a Danish army besieging London England is now under attack from a vast French-Scottish-Portuguese-Danish coalition which does not only outnumber your forces, but that is in control of more resources as well. Can you turn things around and gain the upper hand against the odds?

-Due to the invasion of England and the high cost of the war the treasury is almost empty, making it hard to pay for extra investments such as the mercenary forces in Ireland. With new sources of funding being decisive to keep your rule over the islands afloat your advisors have gathered to discuss how to obtain the necessary resources. Do you have any plans to replenish the treasury?

-Although your energies are bound to be spent on the Anglo-Scottish War, there are also issues to be resolved as Holy Roman Emperor following a series of concerning missives from your Imperial Chancellor. Luther and his followers continue to be on the rise and growing in numbers after they were seen to have the implicit tolerance of the Papacy, Saxony has apparently cut ties with England following the removal of the Duke of Richmond from the succession, and more importantly, the Hapsburg removal of the Duke of Guelders has been widely seen as unlawful and or dangerous. What will you do?

 Manuel I Aviz:
-Popularity: Medium
-Prestige: High
-Economy: Medium

-So far the first year of the crusade against the Ottoman Empire has not gone well for the Kingdom, having lost both the Yemen campaign and Goa following the crippling Ottoman raid against your holdings in India. On the other hand, the discovery of much of the Spice Islands by Sequeira promises incredible wealth should the trade routes be reopened and the Ottomans fought back before they take control over the seas. How will you go from here?

-Encouraging but not fully positive news arrived back from Brazil following the latest efforts toward expansion, noting that on the bright side new – but initially costly - settlements are being built and that the first shipments of Brazilwood have turned a nice profit, even if it will take some time to establish a vast, steady route. On the more negative side, there’s been a heavily negative reaction from natives both towards missionaries and to efforts to enslave them upon rejecting to aid the colonists, leading to the first raids against Portuguese settlements. What will be your instructions to the colonial forces?

-Despite the current losses to the Ottomans your advisers have been quick to point out there are other opportunities to be found in terms of finding new allies in the war, ranging from the promising links established with the Ethiopian Empire to the change in leadership inside the Safavid Empire to the still vassal Kingdom of Ormus, although Ormus itself has to contend with its own disputes with their nominal vassals in Bahrain. Will you seek to form a coalition against the Ottomans with local realms, even if most of them are not Christian?

Charles I Hapsburg:
-Popularity: Medium
-Prestige: Medium
-Economy: Medium

-There are mixed news to be found on your latest campaign in Frisia, which has same time raised your prestige and re-established Hapsburg order in the region and yet invoked the distrust and or wrath of several of the Princes Electors after the Guelders matter, leading to the temporary suspension of your marriage negotiations with Brandenburg and the Palatinate – particularly as both realms will be looking with interest at the Emperor’s reaction – and provoking sustained unrest in Guelders due to the popularity of the deposed Duke. How will you react to this and will you approach the Emperor?

-Your aunt Queen Catherine of England writes a personal missive to you following her decision to rally behind Henry, making a passionate plea for you to save England after the attack of the foreign coalition and arguing that their removal from the throne will cost your realms a relevant and potential ally. Intervention could mean a prolonged, bloody war with the French and all that such a conflict would entail, and yet, can the Hapsburg kingdoms afford the danger of a French dominated England?

-The Pope is dead, and with such an event comes a pivotal moment for the Church. Whilst the Hapsburg cardinals native to your realms are few they are prestigious, and could command additional votes depending on how you side on the reform debate. Will you involve yourself in the Conclave struggle with a candidate of your own and seek the decisive advantage of a pro-Hapsburg pope? And furthermore, should Cardinals serving in high office such as Adrian of Utrecht attend the Conclave?

Duke of Albany:
-Popularity: High
-Prestige: Medium
-Economy: Very Low

-Edinburgh has been saved and with it your Regency, the Scottish nobility and most of the Kingdom rallying under your banner to keep the hated English out and take revenge for Flodden and Berwick. Still, even with the French reinforcements the English still have an able commander and decent forces, the strain placed on your wounds has severely compromised your health and there is no way to predict how successful an invasion of England proper would be. Will you go on the offensive to seize the moment or play a more cautious game?

-While the use of Church funding has allowed you to recruit vast mercenary forces the sheer amount of troops, the cost of mobilizing the Scottish army and the Edinburgh blockade have all hit the Scottish economy hard, making it dubious such investments like the mercenaries can be kept for long unless additional measures are taken. How will you ensure you can continue to support the war without bankrupting Scotland?

-A most concerning rumor has spread from Rome since around the death of the Pope – and now repeated by handful of influential figures of the Church -, arguing that the blessing of your marriage with Margaret Tudor was either falsified or brought upon by dubious means. So far it doesn’t appear to have harmed your position, but with several bishops displeased at your requisitions and an environment of deep distrust within Rome it could pose a problem moving forward. What will you do about it?

Leonardo Loredan:
-Popularity: High
-Prestige: High
-Economy: High

-The decision to dispatch Venetian patrols across the Mediterreanean has proven wise, if also fateful following the so far successful naval battles against the pirate raids of Algiers and Tunis. With both realms seemingly set on continuing the naval campaign it will be important for the Republic to decide whether a more extensive intervention needs to be undertaken to ensure the seas remain free, even thought it might invoke the wrath of the Ottoman Empire. What should be done?

-So far the St. Mark colony has been significantly fortified, as have Cyprus and Crete, and the Venetian Army of professionals begins to take form. The downside of these successes is that the economic cost is steady and high, and has already begun to eat away at the treasury despite it being extensive enough to afford some time for preparations. How will you address the rising cost of keeping St. Marks, the army and these extensive new fortifications?

-With the Pope dead and the Conclave upon us it will also fall to Venice to play a potentially significant role in it, as the three Venetian cardinals on the Vatican are both wealthy and willing to listen to your thoughts as to who should become the new Pope. With your Cardinals having the potential to play kingmaker at some point, how will you handle the matter?

Christian II Oldenburg:
-Popularity: High
-Prestige: Very High
-Economy: Very Low

-Victory has been found in Sweden at last with the surrender of Stockholm and Lady Christina, allowing Regent Eric Trolle to once again claim the Kingdom of Sweden as part of the Kalmar Union as your humble – if supposedly semi-autonomous – vassal. Still, with the war over and your prestige and popularity in Denmark proper at an all-time high it is now necessary to decide what to do with the defeated rebels and their leadership (Christina included), particularly as figures such as Archbishop Trolle demand harsh punishments and warn leniency could just as easily bring another rebellion. What should be done?

-The downside to your many enterprises in Sweden, England and the expansion of colonies in Newfoundland has been the utter collapse of the Danish treasury due to the combined cost of the wars and colonial efforts, making it even doubtful your vast mercenary forces in England can be payed should new sources of revenue and funding not be found. Can you ensure the treasury finds some respite before debts start to accumulate?

-As per your desires Danish settlers currently build several new settlements in Newfoundland and mark the foundations of a potential colonial empire, with the downside that the terrible weather and apparent lack of economic opportunities makes the colonization efforts hard and highly expensive. Will you seek to make the Newfoundland settlements profitable through alternate means, and continue their expansion despite the large cost?

Louis II Jagiellon:
-Popularity: Low
-Prestige: Low
-Economy: Very Low

-The appointment of Istvan Werboczy has allowed you some respite and earned you a thus far capable and loyal servant, if one under constant attack and criticisms from both the Cardinal and the Voivodes of Transylvania. Now fifteen years of age it is believed your personal actions become more and more credible, although it will take quite an achievement or dramatic event for Hungary and Bohemia to fully recognize you as in control of the Kingdoms. Additionally, despite the ill health of the Cardinal the new Papal Election affords an interesting opportunity to be exploited. How will you navigate court politics and the Conclave?

-Following much debate and deadlock the council of nobles in Buda has made slow progress, but at the very least it has had some effectiveness in bringing some nobles on side and raising the prestige of the Crown. So far some agreements have been reached in terms of the Tripartitum regarding the nobility’s privileges (and serfdom), and despite much opposition some limited census efforts have been reluctantly approved. Alas, the nobles remain opposed to the new proposals for a militia system and display their distrust at empowering the crown with new military forces, a significant political roadblock. How will you address it?

-It appears to the eyes of many observers that the Hapsburgs have either committed an insult of sorts or shown their displeasure by seeking a different marriage arrangement for Ferdinand von Hapsburg than your sister, match that would have taken place already were it not for the Guelders controversy. The court appears divided as some call to break ties with the Hapsburgs and take a hostile view of the proxy Queen still in Austria, while others would prefer to mend the relationship and ensure Ferdinand does marry Mary. What should be done?

Sigismund I Jagiellon:
-Popularity: High
-Prestige: High
-Economy: Very Low

-After a prolonged struggle the attempt to siege Moscow and place Vasily back on the throne has failed, resulting in a significant cost despite the Polish forces falling back in good order. Even worse has been the large-scale raid of the Crimean Khan across the south of Lithuania, costing you several vassals to slavery and delivering a harsh blow to the economy at a time in which the treasury is approaching critical levels. How will you repel the Khan and wage the coming campaign in Moscow?

-Due to the costs of waging war on Moscow, the losses sustained because of the Khan and the latest royal expenses the Polish treasury – much like other European kingdoms – it at very low levels and in need of extra revenue, leading Signor Machiavelli and the new advisers to suggest that it is finally time to face the Sejm and find way to the crown better funded to pursue your various projects, although of course it will always be difficult to change an status quo currently beneficial to the nobility. What should be done?

-In the aftermath of the fall of Sweden to Christian of Denmark a few groups of Swedish rebels – including nobles – have entered Polish-Lithuanian territory in hopes of asylum, petitioning the Crown to take them in and grant them protection from what they swear will be a harsh revenge on behalf of Christian after his victory. Will you grant refuge to the Swedish rebels at the risk of entering into a controversy with the Danish King?

Albrecht von Hohenzollern:
-Popularity: Very Low
-Prestige: Low
-Economy: Low

-Following a brutal campaign in Moscow the main army of the Order stands damaged and somewhat exhausted, having suffered the most punishment due to the Vasily loyalists melting away and the Polish forces often leaving the offensives to the Knights. While a continuation of the campaign is certainly possible there are some clear signs of dissent between the Knights, and with the Crimeans attacking your allies it is uncertain whether your ally will continue to support the Moscow intervention. Will the Knights continue to fight?

-Seemingly unpunished after his act of defiance Master von Plettenberg and the Livonian Knights have started to make more steps concerning their autonomy, making constant efforts to free themselves from the influence of the Teutonic Order while the lack of response to the concerns of your own Knights over the treaty with Poland has seemingly added more fire into the concerns at home. What should be done about this?

-Although the Teutonic Order has no direct influence on the Papal Election per se through Cardinals – other than the potential case of the Mainz Elector -, the next Pope and his vision of the Order’s future could very well prove decisive to you. Will you seek to influence the Papal Election in any way?

Vasily III Rurik:
-Popularity: Very Low
-Prestige: Low
-Economy: Low

-Despite a long siege defeat has been found at the gates of Moscow, and your brother crowned as roughly half the duchy has risen to his tentative manner. However, your closest supporters remain adamant that the war is not yet lost, and that it can always be possible to raise another army or take the fight to Yury once again with the proper support and planning. Finding yourself at the most critical moment of your reign as Grand Duke, what will you do?

-Although it could be quite a risk in terms of a reaction, some have seen in the defeat of the Swedes an opportunity, arguing volunteers could be found among the Swedish exiles or by encouraging those residing in regions such as Finland to escape Danish rule. While it could certainly be a temporary solution to the loss of your more experienced troops, it might also mean invoking the wrath of Christian II. What will you do?

-After the negative impact of the Teutonic-Polish intervention within the Grand Duchy a curious divide has begun to emerge within your camp, as a still small number of nobles wonders if given the dire situation it might not be wiser for different and new – even if temporary – allies, even as the majority insist the support of the Knights and the Polish King is required for eventual victory. Will you seek a different set of alliances?

Selim I Osman:
-Popularity: Very High
-Prestige: Very High
-Economy: High

-So far the early part of the Crusade called by the Pope and other European monarchs has been contained successfully, Yemen being claimed for the Empire and Goa and such other Portuguese Indian settlements having been at least temporarily captured. Still, other potential rivals such as the Venetians or the Poles could still be drawn into the war by areas of tension such piracy and the Crimean raids. How will the efforts to defeat the Crusade proceed?

-It has become a persistent rumor that efforts by the Kingdom of Hungary to increase its security at the border are underway, something which the local Governor has found both insulting and a source of concern. Indeed, a missive from that Governor argues the Empire should demand the return of the annual tribute it was once received from the Hungarians to keep young King Louis on his place, even at the risk of increasing tensions. Will you make such a demand?

-Following up the easing up on trade with Persia new caravans has slowly started to enter the roads once again, so far helping to cover a significant part of the cost of current military operations and returning some important materials back into the Empire, if at a slow pace. Should the process of economic re-integration be accelerated despite the complex political situation of the Safavids, or left as it currently is?
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« Reply #85 on: November 26, 2018, 02:04:14 AM »

The Royal Families of Europe, 1521

The Aviz:

Monarch: Manuel I of Portugal (b. 1469), married to Eleanor of Austria (b. 1498)
1.   Joao (b. 1502), Crown Prince
2.   Isabel (b. 1503)
3.   Beatriz (b. 1504)
4.   Luis (b. 1506)
5.   Fernando (b. 1507)
6.   Alfonso (b. 1509)
7.   Henrique (b. 1512)
8.   Duarte (b. 1515)
9.     Pedro (b. 1520)
Important Relatives:
10.   Eleanor (b. 1458), the King’s surviving widowed sister

The Osmans:
Monarch: Sultan Selim I (b. 1470), married to Hafsa Sultan (b. 1475)
1.   Suleiman (b. 1494), Crown Prince, married to Mahidevran (b. 1500)
2.     Hatice (b. 1496), Beyhan (b. 1497), Hafize (b. 1499), Fatma (b. 1500), Hafsa (b. 1500) and Sah (b. 1507), the Sultan's daughters
Important Relatives:
3.   Mahmud (b. 1512), Mustafa (b. 1515) and Mehmed (b. 1521), Suleiman’s sons
4.   Üveys Pasha (b. 1498), the Sultan’s stepson

The Tudors:
Monarch: Henry VII of England (b. 1491), married to Catherine of Aragon (b. 1485)
1.   Mary (b. 1516), betrothed to Joachim Hector of Brandenburg (b. 1505)
2.     Henry, Duke of Richmond (b. 1518)
Important Relatives:
3.   Margaret, Queen Dowager of Scotland (b. 1489), the King’s elder sister
4.   James V, King of Scotland (b. 1512), Margaret’s son and Margaret Douglas (b. 1515), Margaret’s daughter
5.   Mary, former Queen of France (b. 1496), the King’s younger sister, married to Charles Brandon, Duke of Suffolk (b. 1484)
6.   Henry Brandon (b. 1516), Frances Brandon (b. 1517), Eleanor Brandon (1519), Suffolk and Mary’s children
7.   Edward Stafford, Duke of Buckingham (b. 1478), distant relative of the King
8.   Richard de la Pole, the White Rose, Earl of Suffolk (b. 1480), Yorkist claimant

The Valois:
Monarch: Francis I of France (b. 1494), married to Claude, Duchess of Britanny (b. 1499)
1.   Charlotte (b. 1516)
2.   Francis (b. 1518), Dauphin of France
3.     Henry (b. 1519)
4.     Madeleine (b. 1520)
Important Relatives:
5.   Louise of Savoy (b. 1476), the King’s mother
6.   Marguerite de Valois  (b. 1492), the King’s sister
7.   Charles, Duke of Alencon (b. 1489), Marguerite’s husband and prince du sang
8.   Charles, Duke of Bourbon (b. 1490), prince du sang
9.   Charles, Duke of Vendome (b. 1489), prince du sang

The Hapsburgs:
Monarch: Charles I of Castile and Aragon (b. 1500)
Issue: None.
Important Relatives:
1.   Joanna I, Queen of Castile (b. 1479), the King’s mother
2.   Ferdinand (b. 1501), the King’s brother and heir, betrothed to Anne of Hungary
3.   Eleanor, Queen of Portugal (b. 1498), the King’s sister, married to Manuel I of Portugal
4.   Isabella, Queen of Denmark (b. 1501), the King’s sister, married to Christian II of Denmark
5.   Mary, Queen of Hungary (b. 1505), the King’s sister, married to Louis II of Hungary
6.   Catherine (b. 1507)
7.   Margaret of Austria (b. 1480), the King’s aunt, widowed
8.   Catherine of Aragon (b. 1485), the King’s aunt, married to Henry VIII of England

The Stewarts:
Monarch: James V of Scotland (b. 1512)
Issue: None
Important Relatives:
1.   Margaret, Queen Dowager of Scotland (b. 1489), the King’s mother
2.   Margaret Douglas (b. 1515), The King's half sister
3.   John Stewart, Duke of Albany (b. 1481), Regent of Scotland and heir presumptive

The Jagiellons of Hungary:
Monarch: Louis II of Hungary and Bohemia (b. 1506), married to Mary of Hapsburg (b. 1505)
Issue: None.
Important Relatives:
1.   Anne of Hungary (b. 1503), the King's sister (b. 1501)
2.   Sigismund I (b. 1467), King of Poland, the King's uncle

The Jagiellons of Poland-Lithuania:
Monarch: Sigismund I of Poland and Lithuania (b. 1467), married to Bona Sforza (b. 1494)
1.     Jan (b. 1499)
2.     Regina (b. 1501)
3.     Katarzyna (b. 1503)
4.   Hedwig (b. 1513)
5.   Anna (b. 1515)
6.     Isabella (b. 1519)
7.     Nikolas (b. 1520), Crown Prince
Important Relatives:
8.     Louis II of Hungary and Bohemia (b. 1506), the King's nephew
9.   Barbara (b. 1478), the King's surviving sister, Duchess Consort of Saxony

The Oldenburgs:
Monarch: Christian II of Denmark and Norway (b. 1481), married to Isabella of Austria (b. 1501)
1.   John (b. 1518), Crown Prince
2.   Dorothea (b. 1520)
Important Relatives:
3.   Francis (b. 1497), the King’s brother
4.   Elizabeth  (b. 1485), the King’s sister, married to Joachim Nestor, Elector of Brandenburg
5.   Frederick (b. 1471), the King's uncle, married to Sophie of Pomerania (b. 1498)
6.     Christian (b. 1503) and Dorothea (b. 1504), Frederick's son and daughter

The Safavids:
Monarch: Tahmasp I of the Safavid Empire (b. 1514)
Issue: None.
Important Relatives:
1.     Tajlu Khanum (b. 1485), the Shah's mother
2.   Alqas (b. 1515), Sam (b. 1518) and Bahram (b. 1518), the Shah's brothers
3.     Gunish (b. 1507), Pari (b. 1508), Zainab (b. 1519), Farangis (b. 1519), Mahin (b. 1519), the Shah's sisters

The Ruriks:
Monarch: Vasily III of Moscow (b. 1479)
Issue: None.
Important Relatives:
1.   Yury II of Moscow (b. 1480), Dimitry (b. 1481) and Andrey (b. 1490), the Grand Duke's unmarried brothers
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« Reply #86 on: November 26, 2018, 02:10:59 AM »

Current Armies and Navies:

Kingdom of France:
Currently has limited forces in Scotland.
Can mobilize up to three and a half field armies.
18 ships.

Kingdom of England and Ireland:
Currently has a field army in Scotland and another in England, plus mercenaries in Ireland.
Cannot mobilize more armies.
13 ships.

Kingdom of Portugal:
Currently has limited forces in Brazil and the Spice Islands.
Can mobilize up to half a field army.
54 ships.

Kingdom of Castile and Aragon:
Currently has a field army in Guelders, and Military Orders in America.
Can mobilize up to five field armies.
25 ships.

Kingdom of Scotland:
Currently has a field army plus mercenaries in Scotland, plus mercenaries in Ireland.
Cannot mobilize more armies.
No navy.

Republic of Venice:
Currently has a partial standing army in Venice.
Can mobilize up to one field army.
118 ships.

Kingdom of Denmark and Norway:
Currently has half a field army in Sweden, plus half a field army and mercenary forces in England.
Cannot mobilize more armies.
29 ships.

Kingdom of Hungary and Bohemia:
Can mobilize up to two field armies.
No navy.

Kingdom of Poland and Lithuania:
Currently has a field army in the Moscow area.
Can mobilize up to two field armies.
5 ships.

Teutonic Knights:
Currently has a field army in the Moscow area.
Cannot mobilize more armies.
5 ships.

Grand Duchy of Moscow:
Currently has a partial field army in the Moscow area.
Cannot mobilize more armies.
No navy.

Ottoman Empire:
Currently fields one field army in Yemen.
Can mobilize up to seven field armies.
95 ships.

Safavid Empire:
Can mobilize up to four field armies.
No navy.
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« Reply #87 on: November 26, 2018, 02:51:18 AM »
« Edited: November 26, 2018, 11:14:13 PM by Lumine »

Special Event: 1521 Conclave

Preview: Following the sudden and suspicious death of Pope Leo X (Medici), the College of Cardinals is summoned to Rome to choose a new Pope at a time in which the Catholic Church faces strong dissent over the Reform debate within Germany and controversy over the so far unsuccessful crusade against Selim I and the Ottoman Empire. With the Medici family weakened yet desperate to keep their hold on the Papacy and enemy factions such as the Colonna preparing to challenge their supremacy, and with several prominent kings with Cardinals to their name at war with each other, there are no guarantees as to who might seize the Chair of St. Peter.

Rules: The deadline for this Special Event is Friday afternoon. Until then players will be able to fight this election through intrigue, bribery, negotiations and other moves (creativity will be rewarded), and will have the added benefit of having Cardinals who may follow their voting orders in the case of France, Hungary, Venice, Spain and England. A Pope can only be elected with a 2/3 vote, the number depending on how many Cardinals get to the Conclave.

The College of Cardinals:

The Medici Faction: Led by the respected Cardinal Giulio de Medici and boasting the largest numbers with thirteen relatively solid votes (Cardinals de Medici, Armellini de Medici, Cibo, Salviati, Ridolfi, Pucci, Passerini, Rangoni, Cesi, Numai, Gonzaga, Petrucci and Campeggio), the Medici Faction is generally percieved to be politically moderate on questions of reform and the political struggle between monarchs, having tried to keep the Papacy stable and navigate the crisis under Leo X and seen as keen to retain its current privileges rather than willing to accept many changes. While Giulio de Medici is their natural candidate, the fact that the faction is fully Italian means several possible compromise candidates are part of it.

The Colonna Faction: Led by the ambitious Cardinal Pompeo Colonna, the Colonna-aligned Cardinals are the second strongest faction by virtue of numbers with ten supporters (Colonna, Piccolomini, Giacobazzi, Ciocchi del Monte, de Grassis, Dominico de Cupis, Accolti, Ponzetti, Fieschi and Pallavicini), and are generally the rivals of the Medici through their own Papal ambitions and the generally conservative nature of their Cardinals. Whilst Colonna himself has been known for his past support for the Hapsburgs, the Cardinal and his supporters are nearly as pragmatic as the Medici, and can also boast candidates that extend beyond Colonna.

The Orsini-Farnese Faction: Less organized as a group than the Medicis and the Colonnas, the supporters of Cardinal Franciotto Orsini (including Orsini and Corneto) and Cardinal Alessandro Farnese (Farnese, Ferrero, Viterbo and della Valle) have loosely banded together at the start of the Conclave as a six-vote group, intending to play kingmaker depending on how the Conclave goes. Due to the variety of the group both Orsini and Farnese are seen as possible candidates and in the case of Farnese even a strong challenger, although they face the problem of disunity given Orsini's anti-Medici and pro-French views and Farnese's more open minded views.

The French Faction: Years of efforts by Louis XII have been undone by the deaths in recent years of several key French cardinals, but the faction can still command six votes with the combination of French cardinals de Castelnau Clermont de Lodève, de Bourbon de Vendome and de Lorraine and the strongly pro-French Italians Cardinals Soderini, Scaramuzzia Trivulsio and Agostino Trivulzio. While the three Italians will not blindly follow every command of King Francis, they're believed to be a reliable block for their master's intentions, the Trivulsios seen as the more plausible candidates.

The Hapsburg Faction: Standing at the same number than the French - six -, the Cardinals seen to be close to Charles I are a varied group in terms of nationality, combining both reformist (Utrecht) and conservative (Cajetan) views. They include the Spaniards de Vich and de Carvajal, the Dutch Adrian of Utrecht, the German Matthias Lang and the Italians Cajetan and Cesarini, all of which combine into a group which despite its numbers has at least three plausible candidates in Carvajal, Cajetan and Utrecht.

The Venetian Faction: The smallest organized faction, the Doge of Venice can command the respect and tentative support of the three Venetian cardinals (Grimani, Cornaro and Pisano), all of them linked to the wealthy merchant and noble families of Venice. Having taken a relatively pro-French view due to the alliance, they have nonetheless not lost their capacity for pragmatism and a keen interest for advancement.

The Other Cardinals: Closing up the list are the remaining six Cardinals, all of them non italians: Brandenburg, the pro-indulgence Elector of Mainz; de La Marck, the moderate from Liege; Schinner, the fiery anti French Swiss; Bakocz, the powerful but ailing Hungarian; Wolsey, Emperor Henry's Chancellor and the young Cardinal Infante Alfonso of Portugal, not allowed to vote until turning 18 years of age in 1527. Out of them both Wolsey and Bakocz are thought to have serious Papal aspirations, but will require the support of several Italians or several monarchs to stand a chance.

With a total of 50 Cardinals and 49 eligible to vote, the highest possible number of Cardinals to be elected is 33.

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« Reply #88 on: November 26, 2018, 03:02:10 AM »
« Edited: November 26, 2018, 10:34:08 AM by Lumine »

Mirza Shah Hossein:
-Popularity: Low
-Prestige: Medium
-Economy: Medium

-Following seven years as the Vizier of the Empire, you are now in command after the sudden death of your friend the Shah, leaving the seven years old Tahmasp as the nominal ruler of the Empire in need of a regency. Still, much work remains ahead if you wish for your regency to be consolidated, having not only to contend with the Shah's mother Tajlu Khanum but with the divided Qizilbash tribes, their disdain for the native Iranians and their own desire for power. How will you cement your rule?

-The end of the embargo on the Empire due to Selim's orders has averted a crisis for now, and the renewed flow of trade is significantly aiding the economy to recover despite its limited size for the time being. How should the relationship with the Ottomans be handled now? Should the opportunity be seized while they're busy with the Crusader? Should stronger ties be sought and reconciliation enacted?

-The reopening of trade means products such as silk will soon reach European markets again - particularly in the Italian cities -, opening the door to renewed diplomatic and economic relationships with Europe beyond the Portuguese enclave at Ormus. Indeed, many wonder whether you will take a posture of isolation or seek to engage with the Westerners despite the potential risks. What will you do?
Atlas Politician
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« Reply #89 on: November 26, 2018, 05:53:49 AM »

Proclamation from the King of France on Pope Leo X
It is with great sadness that I heard about the passing of Pope Leo X, a man dedicated to the well being of the church. Sadly, I'm deeply persuaded that his Holiness has been murdered . Leo X's health deteriorating suddenly isn't a coincidence. The King of France will conduct an investigation on this matter and hopefully the truth will be revealed.

I rise today to commemorate his legacy. The King of France openly proclaims his support on the Pope's last actions regarding the indulgences and Martin Luther , who should be heard. The King of France is now openly favourable for the hosting of a general council of the Church.

As for the question of the Crusade, I believe that Leo X's main goal was to improve the well being of the christians in this area. With all due respect, I believe some other ways than a crusade would be used to achieve this goal.

In catholic brotherhood,
King Francis
Huey Long is a Republican
New Tennessean Politician
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« Reply #90 on: November 26, 2018, 09:19:32 AM »

Albrecht von Hohenzollern, Grandmaster of the Teutonic Order

On the passing of Pope Leo X, it has reached the knowledge of the Teutonic Order that a new Pope must be selected to replace him. As such, we support Cardinal Albert of Brandenburg, the Elector of Mainz, to replace Pope Leo X as Albert is a wise and respectable cardinal who will continue the legacy of Pope Leo X. On the idea of the pope being murdered, while there is no evidence of foul play for now, it is the idea of the grandmaster that all servants of the Pope in his final day of life are questioned extensively in order for the truth of a murder, if it did happen, to be out and for the culprits to be caught and dealt with effectively.
Atlas Politician
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« Reply #91 on: November 26, 2018, 09:38:46 AM »

Albrecht von Hohenzollern, Grandmaster of the Teutonic Order

On the passing of Pope Leo X, it has reached the knowledge of the Teutonic Order that a new Pope must be selected to replace him. As such, we support Cardinal Albert of Brandenburg, the Elector of Mainz, to replace Pope Leo X as Albert is a wise and respectable cardinal who will continue the legacy of Pope Leo X. On the idea of the pope being murdered, while there is no evidence of foul play for now, it is the idea of the grandmaster that all servants of the Pope in his final day of life are questioned extensively in order for the truth of a murder, if it did happen, to be out and for the culprits to be caught and dealt with effectively.
Grand Maester,
What is your opinion about the indulgences?
Atlas Star
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« Reply #92 on: November 26, 2018, 01:05:06 PM »

Sigismund I, King of Poland, Grand Duke of Lithuania

We call on all nations to condemn the illegal advancement of the Crimean Khanate against our nation. Their raids are intolerable, their tactics are cruel, and their soldiers are monsters. Those vile snakes who dare such an invasion are the sworn enemies of all good men, be they Orthodox, Catholic, Mohammedan, or Jew. May the Divine Judge deal with me, be it ever so severely, if our invaders are not consumed by the sword as a forest is consumed by flames.
YaBB God
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« Reply #93 on: November 27, 2018, 12:09:27 AM »

Henry VIII Tudor, Elected Holy Roman Emperor, Forever August, King of the Germans, King of Italy, King of the Romans, and Coronated King of England, Lord of Ireland, and Regent of Scotland

I, Henry VIII Tudor, Elected Holy Roman Emperor, Forever August, King of the Germans, King of Italy, King of the Romans, and Coronated King of England, Lord of Ireland, and Regent of Scotland do hereby proclaim the following, to be confirmed by the Parliament at its next session.

A sales tax will be introduced in the realm. 5% of each monetary exchange is to be collected by the Justice of Peace for the county and given to the Crown.

A poll tax will be introduced in the realm. Each lay male over the age of 16 must pay one groat to the Justice of the Peace for the country to be given to the Crown.

These are temporary taxes aimed to protect our Kingdom from foreign invasion and will cease upon the securing of the realm.

Further, I, Henry VIII Tudor, do hereby proclaim that Martin Luther's teachings are contrary to those of the one, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church. His words bring people towards sin and mischief and away from the one true light of the Lord our God. This was the will of the late Pope Leo, as he had expressed to me in private communication.

Further, I, Henry VIII Tudor, do hereby order that all men lay down their arms against me, as Holy Roman Emperor. As the late Pope Leo showed with the excommunication of Edward Stafford, it is a sin to take up arms and rebel against your Lord. Men who lay their arms down at this time will be greeted with the Mercy of the Lord and treated kindly, and with forgiveness.

Further, I, Henry VIII Tudor, do hereby proclaim my support for my nephew, King Charles of Castile and Aragon, in the removal of the Duke of Guelders, for the Duke had taken up arms against his rightful Lord, as Edward Stafford had against me, and for which Edward Stafford has been excommunicated. It is only right that the standard that His Holiness set for Edward Stafford be applied across all of Christendom.
Garlan Gunter
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« Reply #94 on: November 27, 2018, 11:46:23 AM »

Device for the succession and protection of the Kingdom of Scotland

Lords spiritual and temporal, commons of our realm,

Although battle has brought our nation victory and salvation once again, the treachery of the English has left me sore wounded and forced to make hard provisions for the future.

Should I perish and Queen Margaret remain in English captivity, Lord Angus & Douglas will remain in command of Scotland's army, and Lord Arran will by law be heir presumptive after our beloved King.

However, I will and bequeath the regency of Scotland to His Most Christian Majesty of France, provided only that King James's marriage to Mlle Charlotte is carried out by proxy forthwith, trusting our oldest ally to protect our bounds. Until that marriage takes place, I nominate Archbishop Beaton of St Andrew's as the realm's unifying Regent.

A newer but no less close friend, my cousin and your king's, Christian II of Denmark, is hereby hailed as protector of Scots waters until our navy is rebuilt, with temporary right to protect and command all of our kingdom's outlying isles of Shetland, Orkney and the West. I also transmit to him entirely Scotland's claim to the Isle of Man, of old part of Christian's Kingdom of Norway.

Should our King and myself perish without issue, the next heirs are, in order, Lords Arran, Lennox, and Argyll. Equally of course no lord guilty of treason with the English can expect to wear the Scots crown.

These provisions are made immediately for Scotland's safety in her hour of dire need. Now let us all take the fight to our inveterate, incestuous foe.

For God and St Andrew

Prince John, Duke of Albany, Governor of Scotland
YaBB God
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« Reply #95 on: November 27, 2018, 03:35:00 PM »

Henry VIII Tudor, Elected Holy Roman Emperor, Forever August, King of the Germans, King of Italy, King of the Romans, and Coronated King of England, Lord of Ireland, and Regent of Scotland

I, Henry VIII Tudor, Elected Holy Roman Emperor, Forever August, King of the Germans, King of Italy, King of the Romans, and Coronated King of England, Lord of Ireland, and Regent of Scotland do hereby proclaim the following as my free and true thoughts on the actions of Martin Luther. They are to be read by all men of the cloth and spread across my realms and all of Christendom.

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YaBB God
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« Reply #96 on: November 28, 2018, 01:52:18 AM »

Henry VIII Tudor, Elected Holy Roman Emperor, Forever August, King of the Germans, King of Italy, King of the Romans, and Coronated King of England, Lord of Ireland, and Regent of Scotland

I, Henry VIII Tudor, Elected Holy Roman Emperor, Forever August, King of the Germans, King of Italy, King of the Romans, and Coronated King of England, Lord of Ireland, and Regent of Scotland do hereby proclaim the following message, delivered by me to my assembled followers in the town of Maidenhead in the county of Berkshire, be spread by the Justices of the Peace in town squares and public spaces.

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Garlan Gunter
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« Reply #97 on: November 29, 2018, 06:33:39 AM »

Men of Scotland and of Christendom,

Fittingly does the English King address his folk from his town of Maidenhead, for by his deeds is his realm and empire being rent and ravished.

Erstwhile this Henry accused me of 'hiding in a palace'. I have sacrificed a quiet and comfortable existence in the Auvergne for my country, taken wounds for Scotland through the Englishman's treachery, and led my folk to victory in their despite, while bluff Hal, so broad and vigorous, leans on his servants of Suffolk and Essex.

I would like nothing more than to settle this affair sword to sword, as a nobleman does in a matter that concerns his wife's honour, but till I can rise from my bed I cannot. I challenge this boastful King to fight a trial by battle with my champion, the Earl of Angus and Douglas, instead if he dares.

Truly this King and Emperor is a great captain, general and paladin, he who lolls among lutes scribbling theological treatises, in between poisoning whatever Popes threaten to cross his whims, or pawing at his own wronged sisters. He who has lost his fleet and fled his capital, oppresses his own ancestral lands of Wales by force, who durst not set foot in the Empire he purchased, who dares contrariwise to name himself a regent of Scots when every true Scottish heart cries havoc and cometh upon him as doth a righteous storm of vengeance upon the wheaten tare.

We of the Holy Alliance have no quarrel with Englishman and Christians, and urge them to lay down arms in support of a hypocrite and a sybarite, or to raise them in his overthrow and the ultimate cause of Holy Church and Crusade. We remember well the rights of the Princess Mary, and admire our noble enemy Queen Catherine as a brave generalissima indeed, unfortunate only in that she is obliged to protect so base a lord beneath her skirts. But we shall not rest until the monster, the demon, the faithless, the coward, is plucked forth and hurled face down from his luxurious seat.

x Prince John, Duke of Albany, Governor of Scotland
Atlas Politician
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« Reply #98 on: November 29, 2018, 01:55:50 PM »

Proclamation from the King of France on trade
The King of France is pleased to announce these following agreements have been successfully negotiated:
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Junior Chimp
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« Reply #99 on: November 29, 2018, 08:08:00 PM »

Venice hereby declares its neutrality in the conflicts ravaging Europe. We see no immediate danger to the Republic, and therefore have no desire to get involved.

Our ports shall remain free to all nations, but any attempt to bring hostilities into Venetian waters will be met with sudden and overwhelming force.
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