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July 08, 2024, 07:15:19 AM
News: Election Simulator 2.0 Released. Senate/Gubernatorial maps, proportional electoral votes, and more - Read more

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 on: Today at 07:13:48 AM 
Started by Proud Independent - Last post by Open Source Intelligence
If I were Trump, I'd pick the two finalists, then throw it to the Convention. Get my own drama focused on me and my ticket compared to everything going on with the Democrats.

 on: Today at 07:12:48 AM 
Started by Meclazine for Israel - Last post by Meclazine for Israel
6 July 2024

Alice Springs, Northern Territory

Locked Down under Curfew for 3 Nights after 3 Police Officers Bashed By Local Gangs.

The police officers were allegedly assaulted near Stott Terrace bridge in the early hours of Sunday morning.(ABC News: Xavier Martin)

One female off-duty officer was allegedly pulled to the ground and had her handbag stolen, while another female officer was allegedly punched in the face and kicked multiple times, with her mobile phone taken.

A male officer was also punched and kicked multiple times, police said.

Two of the women later attended Alice Springs Hospital with minor injuries.

 on: Today at 07:10:16 AM 
Started by Almost Anyone But Biden Or Trump (ABBoT but not Greg Abbott) - Last post by Open Source Intelligence
So I serve as a National Delegate from WA and I am shocked at how little the Biden campaign used their "right to review" regarding national delegates. There are numerous national delegates from WA state who originally registered as uncommitted and only changed to running as Biden delegates once it was clear uncommitted was only going to get 2 delegates out of WA state. In addition there are also tons of delegates who were Sanders delegates in 16 and 20 (such as myself). From my knowledge the Biden campaign only axed a single candidate for delegate. I would not be so sure that the delegates nation-wide are going to be people who love Biden and would never go against his candidacy.

I'd like to point out this post has amazingly disappeared.

 on: Today at 07:09:20 AM 
Started by OSR stands with Israel - Last post by Zinneke

 on: Today at 07:03:23 AM 
Started by Almost Anyone But Biden Or Trump (ABBoT but not Greg Abbott) - Last post by Open Source Intelligence

You use the words nobility and Palace Guard in your post, yet we don't have a nobility or a Palace Guard either. So metaphors are good for you but no one else? Colonels' coup more or less describes what you were describing: people with some power, but not the power choosing to overthrow.

What it is is the American equivalent of a vote of no confidence in a parliamentary system. Although we don't have formal procedures for that in the US system, it is functionally the same thing.

There's something lost though with this explanation you forward. Right now, Joe Biden is formally in power. The only way to remove Mr. Biden from being formally in power against his will is either 1.) conviction of impeachment, 2.) the 25th Amendment is invoked by his Cabinet, or 3.) death.

The talk about what is going on now is not Joe Biden formally in power, it's the term of the President from January 2025 to January 2029 and who the Democratic nominee for the 2024 general election is. It is Joe Biden's place on a private political party function on whether they choose to nominate him for the next 4 years. By the rules, he's won everything that binds delegates (by default as no one significant chose to run against him), and if he chooses to not step aside, to remove him they have to choose to change the rules governing the National Convention. That's not a vote of no confidence in a parliamentary system. The parliamentary term to use would be one from Australia where they call it a leadership spill.

 on: Today at 06:51:39 AM 
Started by Woody - Last post by iceman
but how would that work out if they are both from the same home state?

 on: Today at 06:48:54 AM 
Started by 🦀🎂🦀🎂 - Last post by Coldstream
Badenoch also changes her mind mid sentence sometimes, there’s few people less suited to high office than her even in the Tory party. Patel, Braverman, Jenrick are all terrible and yet all magnitudes better.

 on: Today at 06:44:02 AM 
Started by JRP1994 - Last post by Chancellor Tanterterg
All the red avatar bloomers who told me Hunter Biden wouldn't hurt Biden are looking real clownish right now, aren't they?

Not really.  Hunter Biden’s legal troubles aren’t the issue here and haven’t hurt Biden in part because stuff like this hadn’t been happening.

 on: Today at 06:43:45 AM 
Started by afleitch - Last post by beesley
Lord Hendy is an interesting appointment - a vast improvement on the mindset of Shapps and Harper by actually believing in the need for transport investment but, as insiders will tell you, still likely to ruffle some feathers - and not just trade unions.

Lord Livermore is not a well-known name these days but he worked with Gordon Brown for the entirety of his time as Chancellor. The brief of Financial Secretary changes considerably as the title exists in its own right, but I'd be interested to see whether it's the City brief or another one.

 on: Today at 06:43:09 AM 
Started by buritobr - Last post by Middle-aged Europe
France is the remaining republic in the Euro 2024


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