God, Gold, and Glory: Game Thread

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« Reply #50 on: November 30, 2014, 10:10:20 PM »

Turn will technically end tonight, but I will be unable to write responses until tomorrow evening. I'll still accept moves until then.
YaBB God
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« Reply #51 on: December 01, 2014, 02:45:25 AM »

Mary De Guise, Queen Regent of Scotland

John Knox is the source of the Protestant surge and has frequently preached against the rule of my daughter and myself because of our sex; to ensure his capture Stirling will be our primary target.

Scotland has few resources; firm footholds in the New World would make a fitting dowry for my daughter's union. Explorers will be dispatched to areas far north of Spanish and French colonies in Canada to find suitable spots to establish a colony and to search for a possible Northwest Passage to link us with the riches of the Indies.

The civil conflict continues to rage on; now is not the time for drastic action. The question of how the Protestants will be dealt with (and they will be dealt with) is put on hold until the rebels have surrendered. For now, keeping a watchful eye on Protestants and heavily punishing those who proselytize is enough.

We wish Godspeed for all good Catholics who are fighting the good fight against the Turks and wish them the best in their holy struggle.
Mr. X
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« Reply #52 on: December 01, 2014, 09:12:45 PM »

OOC: Are we getting an update tonight?
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« Reply #53 on: December 01, 2014, 09:23:19 PM »
« Edited: December 01, 2014, 09:25:50 PM by Spamage »

End of Turn 2

News Events:

Sigismund II Dies!, Polish Succession Crisis!
Chaos has struck the Kingdom of Poland and the Duchy of Lithuania following the sudden death of the King Sigismund II Augustus due to trauma sustained from a fall from a horse. With his death the House of Jagiellon, which has ruled Poland and Lithuania for many years, has gone extinct in the male line and there is no clear heir to the Polish-Lithuanian throne.

One of the late King’s sisters, Anna, has declared herself Queen and Grand Duchess, citing her older sisters’ foreign marriages as well as their inability to rule due to a variety of factors (deceased, crippled) as reasons why she believes she should ascend to the throne. She appears to enjoy support from the common people, but little from the Sejm in Poland, which is nervous over the prospect of a female monarch. In Lithuania however, the magnates have officially declared her Grand Duchess, further complicating matters.

The Sejm has refused to name Anna Queen thus far and has instead reportedly been searching for a monarch in foreign realms, hoping to institute a system of elective monarchy over primogeniture. Who they prefer remains to be seen, although if they do decide on someone other than Anna, the realm may slip into Civil War.

Moderates, hoping to maintain  unity, have suggested Anna marry the person the Sejm chooses to be the next King, although she has flat out refused the suggestion and threatens war should she be denied her “rightful throne”. Poland and Lithuania appear to be on the verge of chaos.

In a move which is still causing surprise throughout Europe, the Kingdom of Sweden has capitalized on the instability within the realm of Poland-Lithuania by declaring war and commencing landings throughout Livonia. Eric XIV officially ordered the attack, against the will of his brother John who is married to Catherine Jagiellon and could’ve seen the realm name him King.

The invasion, instead of solving the Sucession Crisis, has only worsened it as Anna and the Sejm refuse to bend to eachother’s will despite the fact much land has been lost in the north as the Lutherans seek to be ruled by the Swedes. Both are calling for foreign aid, although wading into the Polish mess could be a disaster and a money pit for any foreign power.

Daughter born to Elizabeth and William III, named Elizabeth
After what was by all accounts a smooth pregnancy, Elizabeth I of England has given birth to a healthy baby girl, christened Elizabeth at birth in honor of her mother. There was some worry that the child would not make it through the first few months, as the infant caught a cold and was on the verge of death, she recovered.

Elizabeth is the present heir to the English throne, although some are worried that the fact she is a female may hurt her chances of ascending to the throne in the future (they seem to ignore the examples Elizabeth and her sister Mary has set).

The child was baptized in a Protestant service in Westminster Abbey with the Queen herself in attendance (William did not choose to attend because of his religious beliefs). People are praising "Good Queen Bess" although some worry that she may not be able to withstand future pregnancies.

Attempted Assassination of Suleiman!

Early this November at Topkapi Palace there was an attempt on the life of Suleiman, the present ruler of the Ottomans and the leader in the war effort against the Austrians, Spanish, and Russians. A Turkish servant attempted to shoot the Emperor, but was tackled by his guards, harem, and generals after the gun jammed.

After many long hours of torture the peasant confessed he had been hired by a local merchant. The merchant was apprehended and the peasant was executed. After hours of torturing the merchant, it was then revealed that the Holy Roman Emperor Ferdinand had ordered an attempt on the Sultan's life. This news has served to get the Ottoman populace fully behind the war.

Strength of Economy:
Scotland: Weak (rebellion, distance from trading partners, lack of raw goods)
RussiaSad Weak (droughts, famine, discontent, a lack of trade)
FranceSad Moderately Weak (Religious discontent, regency)
AustriaSad Moderately Weak (loss of lands to the Ottomans, border raids, religious division)
Poland-Lithuania: Moderately Weak (no monarch, Succession crisis, Swedish invasion)
EnglandSad Moderate (new heir, better harvests, religious tension subsiding)
Spain: Moderate (inflation due to New World goods, expensive military upkeep but lots of trading, extensive access to goods, control of trade in the Netherlands)
The Papal States: Strong (income from tithes, trade with Italian City States, stable, religious uniformity)
Ottoman Empire: Strong (expansion into new regions/access to new goods, trade in the Indian Ocean, control of overland trade routs to Asia, longtime ruler)

I should note there are two economic categories not shown, on both extremes, very weak and very strong

Individual summaries & war moves will be up soon.
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« Reply #54 on: December 01, 2014, 09:51:34 PM »

OOC: Not that I would consider repeating the OTL experience of Henri III briefly serving as King of Poland, but it is a real shame that all of Francis's brothers are so young, xD
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« Reply #55 on: December 01, 2014, 10:21:38 PM »

OOC: Not that I would consider repeating the OTL experience of Henri III briefly serving as King of Poland, but it is a real shame that all of Francis's brothers are so young, xD

Indeed, Henri being young is one problem. The fact the Union of Lublin (and the declaration of Poland as an Elective monarchy hasn't happened) is another one hindering the guarantee of success in interfering in Poland-Lithuania.

Also, military results are now up! Smiley

Don't think I'll be able to issue the responses to action tonight, so they'll come tomorrow night, hopefully with the next turn. Smiley
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« Reply #56 on: December 02, 2014, 10:26:10 PM »

End of Turn Summary


William was firmly agreement with your sentiments regarding the Netherlands, and his territories have sworn fealty to you. Since becoming English lands the provinces have seen a spike in Calvinist immigrants as the Protestants flee the Catholic lands and move en mass towards your territories. A few other stadholders have come before you and will likely request you assume control of their lands as well.

An English party has landed in America, north of Spanish Florida, although the party is scanty, consisting of roughly 100 men, 25 women, and 11 children. They have named with settlement "Williamsburg" (in honor of William III) and the entire area claimed by their colony has become called "Gloriana". They were led by the young sailor Francis Drake.

Some of your citizens are furious you have not involved yourself further in Scottish affairs, especially after the French increased their men there, although any unpopularity caused by this was negated by the birth of Princess Elizabeth.


While there has been some support of the Edict of Bratislava from Hungarian nobles, they seem timid to act until the Ottoman advances in Bohemia and upper Hungary are reversed and the war appears to be clear cut in favor of your side.

Bohemia and Northern Germany are proving to be a conundrum, with many Protestants choosing to remain "neutral" and refusing to fight. While it is unlikely they will revolt, they should be watched carefully in order to ensure their loyalty.

The Duke of Bavaria has become staunchly in your favor following your decision to allow him to allow Jesuits in your lands. He is fully backing your war effort against the Turks.


Your realm continues to expand eastward, with the Pacific getting closer each passing day. The Khan of Sibir entered into a coalition with the tribes to your south in Kazakhstan, but the three nation army was easily defeated by the Russian soldiers you moved to the area. The Khan of Sibir himself was killed in the fighting, and many locals have taken it to be sign and begun to convert. The government of Sibir is almost non-existent, although it does control some small amounts of land isolated and largely unpopulated.

Your subjects are behind your war effort, albeit reluctantly in some cases, and your army continues to fight the stubborn Khan of Crimea, who you failed to assassinate (although he does not know there was a plot against him by you and your allies).


A colony (named Nova Francia) has been established at the river as you ordered. The settlement itself is called Francesca in honor of your son. It consists of 314 men, 102 women, and 57 children. Although there initially was problems harvesting ion the area due to the initial climate, there has been success in large part due to the local native's assistance.

The estates general has agreed that Francis shall be declared of age in 6 months, and it is then your regency shall come to an end. Some are worried the sickly King may not be able to withstand the strain of ruling, although what will happen remains to be seen.

Mary, your daughter-in-law, seems to have broken the rules set forth by you regarding consumnation of the marriage, as she is pregnant with a child that (if male) could one day inherit the thrones of Scotland and France and would have strong claims to the throne of England.

Ottoman Empire:

The attempt on your life would've likely succeeded had you personally led the campaign to the north, and you are receiving praise for choosing to remain in the Capitol. Your nation is ready and willing to repel the attackers, although for how long remains to be seen.

Your fleet is awaiting further orders, especially with the Spanish assault and subsequent capture of Djerba. You should be wise in choosing where and when to attack.


John Knox was captured, and your men have thereby greatly weakened the rebellion, although the Earl of Moray has escaped and fled north to raise an army in his lands, potentially giving new life to the rebellion.

Scottish admirals have ignored the usual step of exploring land before settling it, and have founded a colony in North America. It is smaller than the French and English settlements, consisting of 43 men, 22 women, and 2 children. It has been titled "Nova Scotia" with the city itself taking the name "New Albany".

No orders received

No orders received

The Papal States:
No orders received
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« Reply #57 on: December 02, 2014, 10:28:28 PM »

Working on prompts. Should I not finish tonight, they will be up tomorrow. I will be recycling the ones for the people who did not respond to them as it saves me time, and also allows for the crises for each nation to still be addressed.

Thanks for your patience! Smiley
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« Reply #58 on: December 05, 2014, 02:10:28 PM »

Turn 3: Jan-Jun 1561

The Papal States:

A rising issue within the Church is how to deal with Elizabeth I and Anglican England. There is pressure from the other major powers (Spain, France) to excommunicate her and attempt to remove her from her throne, although this may not necessarily be the best way to proceed. Other powers are stressing the importance of an ultimatum, and a third group is pushing for you to negotiate with the English Queen by declaring her legitimate in the eyes of the Church. The reasoning of this third group comes from the fact that Elizabeth is married to a Catholic, and has been reluctant to persecute Catholics in England thus far. How shall you deal with England?

Some members of the clergy, including the Bishop of Madrid, have begun to exert pressure in an attempt to get you to declare the war against the Ottomans as “Crusade”. This would put additional pressure on other Catholic nations to join the fighting, but also could serve to alienate Protestant states even further and give them ammunition with which to attack the Church (as the calling of a crusade would undoubtedly cause anger from Knox and Calvin). Shall you christen it a crusade or leave it be as a Hapsburg war?

The clergy of the Church, as well as the College of Cardinals, have been divided into two factions following the Reformation: Spanish & French. While there is a group of Italian Cardinals, they exercise little influence as Italy is disunited and cannot project its power the way the other two powers can. Which group shall you join, the Spanish or the French? Both sides have been courting your allegiance since your election and you have run out of time balancing them; the time for a decision is upon you.


Young Frederick II as you are a young man of 16 and have finally begun to rule on your own. Despite having ended your regency many at Court do not look at you as a ruler, and you must prove yourself to them. Your military commanders are requesting that you declare war upon Sweden in order restore the Kalmar Union and depose their "mad" King Erik XIV.  Sweden would be caught unaware if you were to attack, although you would likely face fierce resistance from the populace. How will you move forward? Will Sweden bend the knee to Danish power once more, or shall you let them maintain their independence?

Another problem you must solve early on in your reign is the issue of marriage. There are numerous potential brides across Europe and you are receiving pressure to make a choice soon. There is another option should you be unwilling to marry a foreigner, as your mistress and the love of your life Anne Hardenberg is also single and is of high noble blood. Who shall you wed Frederick? Your nation's future depends on your choice.

Another way to increase your authority would be to establish bases abroad in the far off lands of America, Asia, and Africa. Denmark is in the perfect position to become a major trading power should you decide to commence colonization.  Opponents of colonization highlight the distance to potential holding however, and believe it could be more trouble than it's worth to send colonists abroad. What shall you do and where shall you colonize?


There is mounting pressure in Spain to revoke the “Edict of Tolerance” (so much so that you were nearly assassinated), while in the Netherlands there is intense opposition to any attempt to remove the Act. Most of your Court believes that Spain’s opinion should come before that of the Dutch, especially now that you are at war with the Ottomans, while others worry that the people of the Netherlands will revolt or even turn to Elizabeth I should you move too strongly against the Protestants. What will you do?

News has reached Spain of an opportunity to colonize the Phillipines, islands named in your honor. The Archbishop of Mexico City has assembled an group of colonists willing to venture across the Pacific in order to establish Spanish dominance and the Catholic faith in the East. This expedition would be of no cost to the Crown and the only criticism against it is that its failure could damage Spain’s prestige. Shall you encourage the expedition, or shall the East be a secondary goal for now?

The Dutch Provinces under the Stadtholdership of William III of England have formally severed their ties with you and embraced Elizabeth as their sovereign. There are whispers that the other Protestant Stadholders in the north may not be far behind, thereby giving the English even footing as you in the Netherlands. How shall you proceed? Normally war would be the obvious choice, but your resources are trained from your ongoing conflict with the Ottomans.


Anna Jagiellon, the Grand Duchess of Lithuania and the woman at the center of the Polish Succession Crisis has come to you with an interesting proposal. She wishes for you to marry her and assume the title "King of Poland" alongside your existing titles in return for giving her an army to overthrow the Sejm and remove any pretenses of an Elective Monarchy in Poland. Such an action would not create a union of your countries (unless your son by Anastasia was to die) but it would put the House of Rurikid on the throne of another country and allow you to not have to worry about guarding your border to the west. She also offers you a piece of Ukraine should you consent. There is a catch however, as proceeding with this move will limit the resources you can send to Crimea. In light of this some advisers believe you should make a settled peace with the Khan of Crimea (perhaps only modest land gains) and instead turn your focus on Poland.

Without your permission Russian settlers have begun to move into the Caucuses and Kazakhstan. While you defeated three major tribes last turn, that does not mean other groups in the area have completely embraced your authority and in fact, many are furious your men are still entering and settling their lands. Shall you allow the settlement to continue? Or shall your people settle further to the north, in the much more inhospitable Siberia?

Sweden has attacked Poland, much to the alarm of your people, in a move which could limit your influence in the Baltic region. They have already conquered most of Livonia and are marching into Lithuania and planning to strike Poland from the sea. Many at Court believe you should have the insane King Erick XIV assassinated (his heir is much more friendly to Poland and would likely cease hostilities), but such an act could put your life at risk should it fail. Shall Erick be killed?


Congratulations! A group of ambitious colonists have established a colony in the New World, led by the young seafarer Francis Drake. That being said, the group has since discovered how woefully unequipped they are for such an expedition and request the Crown give them money and send more people to Williamsburg. Your treasury is nowhere near full however, and many believe the money would be better spend in Scotland. If you decide not to fund the colony, there are some nobles who have offered to set up a "joint-stock" company which would give them most of the profits and would also cause you to have minimal influence over colonial affairs and expansion in Gloriana (though they would still be a part of England and you could tax the company). Will you allow the nobles to set up their company, or will the Crown remain in control of Gloriana?

Many Stadholders in the Netherlands have written to you and request you allow them to join England as well. While it may seem to be an easy decision, you must also be aware of the fact this may provoke Spain into war (though they appear to be not sorry about the loss of Zeeland, Holland, and Utrecht). The only request these other Stadtholders have is that religious toleration be implemented throughout the lands (as some of the provinces have a significant Catholic population). Shall you accept their loyalty, or shall you allow Spain to maintain control over them?

In the past few decades England has initiated a conquest of Ireland. While you technically control the whole island, the majority of the people consider themselves independent from your rule and your influence there is minimal. Due to this, Catholicism still flourishes and your troops are seen as alien. There is a growing movement by some of the more devout Protestants at Court which seeks to commence a conversion of the island through the dismantlement of the local monasteries, translation of the Bible into Irish, as well as increased penalties for any Catholics caught practicing. William opposes these measures, but Parliament would support them. What will you decide?
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« Reply #59 on: December 05, 2014, 02:11:32 PM »


While it is not clear yet what is occurring, the Huguenots are plotting something. Jeanne of Navarre has withdrawn herself from Court and returned to her realm ahead of the end of your son's regency and his assuming of his full powers. Other Protestants are notably absent as well, and it is believed by those closest to you they have fled in anticipation of harsher religious policies from your son. Francis has grown close to Cardinal Guise and even closer to his wife Mary, who is now openly pregnant. Some wish for you to delay the handing over of powers while others, including her husband, believe Jeanne should be ordered to Paris in order to prevent wrongdoing. What will you do?

Your colony in the New World is running into trouble. The citizens have not been able to grow crops effectively and harvests have been low due to the different type of climate in the area. Some of the locals want to contact the Indian tribe in the area, but others fear they will be attacked by the natives should they chose to interact (although not interacting could doom the people of the colony). There is a third group (one which enjoys the most support by your advisers and in the colony) which advocates for stealing of food from the natives. Shall you sanction the stealing of food or shall your son's subjects find their own way?

The Jesuits have officially come before you to ask permission to attempt to reconvert the Huguenot areas in Southern France, and carry a letter from several French Bishops. While Jesuits have proven themselves largely successful in southern Germany and Austria, allowing them to open up schools, churches, and monasteries runs the risk of turning already heightened tensions into a full-blown revolt. Shall you allow them to proselytize?


You have officially captured John Knox, although by doing so have allowed Moray to escape and call yet another force. Knox has been brought before you at Edinburgh Castle and your brother has made sure he is kept near you in order to prevent his escape. What shall you do with Knox? Clergy at Court are pushing for him to be burned for heresy, and his role in the murder of Cardinal Beaton, while some nobles fear doing so would inflame the Protestants and make a martyr out of Knox. Shall he burn or shall he be imprisoned?

Nova Scotia is small, but a large opportunity to expand the colony has arisen. A group of Knox's followers have petitioned for permission to settle in the New World, where they intend to practice their religion freely. While allowing them to leave would increase the size of your colony and decrease the opposition from within the realm, it has the potential to lead the colony to revolt. Shall you let them go?

Your husband's bastard's army is marching south and, although it is consisted of rabble and untrained citizens, it is much larger than the French force supplied and also enjoys the support of many of the Scottish people (not just the Protestants, some Catholics are furious about the French intervention). Your brother wants to strike the force before it get too far south, although that gives Moray's men the advantage, as northern Scotland could be very harmful for a foreign army, especially in the winter. Keeping the men at Edinburgh runs the risk of revolt upon the arrival of Moray's men. How shall you proceed?


Emperor, the Ottomans have launched an assault into Bohemia, where some of the locals are refusing to fight. At Court there is increasing pressure for you to order the dismantlement of the League of Neutrality throughout Imperial lands and back it up with a show of force in Bohemia (imprisoning the leaders and those receiving Ottoman funds). Such a decisive move could be a mistake however, and only serve to incite revolt, but it is clear that something must be done. How will you handle the League of Neutrality?

A group of nobles from the Principalities of Buda and Transylvania have approached you as a result of the Edict of Bratislava and wish to revolt in your favor, though there is a catch. Instead of being given a Prince to rule in your name from Buda, they wish for your second son Ferdinand to become the King of an independent Hungary. This would establish a Hungarian Branch of the Hapsburg Dynasty (and likely satisfy Ferdinand who was recently disinherited), and could attract more locals to your cause, but also means the power of Austria would be weakened. If you decline, most are unlikely to join your cause. How do you  wish to proceed?

England has officially taken control of lands that are technically a part of the Holy Roman Empire. Should they remain in control, the Netherlands will undoubtedly be viewed by all of Europe as no longer a part of the Empire and this would set a dangerous precedent, as Protestant Princes to the north appear to be eager to escape the Imperial yoke. Shall the Diet pass a resolution calling for the lands to return to Spain, or shall their loss be ignored and the size of the Empire reduced?

Ottoman Empire:

While you have been effective in chasing the Austrian forces back into Bohemia, the city of Buda is being besieged by an Austrian army to the south. The loss of Buda would be a blow to your war effort, but calling off the push into Bohemia would likely mean the loss of the land you have gained thus far. Shall your armies in Bohemia turn to relieve Buda, or shall they continue into Bohemia?

You are old, and it is clear you do not have many years on the throne remaining. Your are one of the last rulers of a time gone by, as many of your one time enemies, friends, and neighbors are now deceased. In Ottoman history thus far, the death of a ruler means civil war amongst their sons, something which would be devastating to the Empire which is in the midst of your war with Austria and Russia. Due to this there is increased pressure at Court for you to name your son by Roxelana, Selim, as your official heir, although this ends a tradition going back for generations. Shall you do this, or shall the strongest of your sons emerge as your successor after what could be a long and costly civil war?

Your Jannisaries are some of the most elite troops in the world, although they are limited in number and your army is running short on men as a result. There is pressure from the people of the Empire for you to call peasants to arms in order to solve the logistical problems your military is now facing, although doing so means your economy will undoubtedly be damaged (they will be unable to farm while away). Shall you call the peasants to arms, shall you relax on the requirements for joining the jannisaries, or shall you leave your army as is and face the problem after the war?
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« Reply #60 on: December 05, 2014, 02:14:50 PM »

Sorry this has taken so long, but my internet was down and I've been exceptionally busy during the past few days (helping set up for cousin's wedding, approaching birthday).

It won't happen again Tongue
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« Reply #61 on: December 05, 2014, 07:17:24 PM »

Also, the turn will go until Sunday evening
YaBB God
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« Reply #62 on: December 05, 2014, 11:59:16 PM »

England: January 1561 - June 1561


-- It is the good opinion of we, Elizabeth and William, to create the title “King and Queen of the Netherlands” and that it be bestowed upon ourselves and merged with the duties of the Crown.

-- It is the good opinion of we, Elizabeth and William, to create Francis Drake as a Knight of the Most Noble Order of Saint Alban. Sir Drake shall also hold the title “Lord Commander of the Seas”, which brings with it a £9,000 per year stipend.

-- Is is the good opinion of we, Elizabeth and William, to create Elizabeth, our daughter, as “Princess of Orange-Nassau” and heir to the thrones of England, France, the Netherlands, and Ireland.

-- Is is the good opinion of we, Elizabeth and William, to create William Philip, son of Anna von Egmont, as “Stadtholder” of the Netherlands, with William III as Regent over the Dutch Realms until William Philip comes of age.

Royal Decrees

--  We, Elizabeth and William, by the Grace of God, King and Queen of England, France, the Netherlands and Ireland, Defenders of the Faith, etc., do decree that the Colony of Gloriana shall be administered directly by the Crown. No “Joint-stock company” shall be granted charter in the colony. We further decree that 70 sailors of the Royal Navy, with their families, are to sail for Gloriana bearing supplies of food, lumber, and tools to advance the settlement. The sailors shall also bring with them £2,000, to be used in the purchasing of goods from local merchants.

-- We, Elizabeth and William, by the Grace of God, King and Queen of England, France, the Netherlands and Ireland, Defenders of the Faith, etc., do decree that all Stadtholders of the Netherlands who wish to petition the Crown to accept the burden of government shall be welcome so to do. All Dutch realms being absorbed shall be granted the right to practice any good Christian religion of choice, without fear of punishment or retribution.

-- We, Elizabeth and William, by the Grace of God, King and Queen of England, France, the Netherlands and Ireland, Defenders of the Faith, etc., do decree that 4 galleons are to be built at Deptford and added to the Royal Navy.

-- We, Elizabeth and William, by the Grace of God, King and Queen of England, France, the Netherlands and Ireland, Defenders of the Faith, etc., do decree that 6 galleons of the Royal Navy Fleet are to be dispatched to the North Sea to defend the new Dutch realms of the Crown.

Policy Decisions

-- On the Irish Question: It is the opinion of my government that all Catholics in Ireland, as well as all realms held by myself and my good husband, shall be allowed to practice their Christian faith freely without fear. It is further agreed that copies of the Bible are to be translated into the Irish tongue, allowing the faithful to worship on their own and learn more of our Heavenly Father.

-- It is my will that, should I die before my successor is of age, my good husband King William III shall serve as regent over all realms held at the time of my passing and will continue to serve until the successor achieve the age of a maturity.
Snowstalker Mk. II
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Palestinian Territory, Occupied

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« Reply #63 on: December 07, 2014, 03:25:11 PM »

I have reached the conclusion that, to prevent internal conflict which our enemies could well take advantage of, that my son Selim become Sultan after my death. I ask only that my other sons respect this decision and, when my end comes, to faithfully serve the Sublime Porte.

(OOC: other decisions would involve divulging military secrets and have been sent via PM)
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« Reply #64 on: December 07, 2014, 05:02:01 PM »

Kingdom of France, January-June 1561:

Royal DecreesSad

"This being the good pleasure of the Queen, my lady-mother, and I also approving of every opinion that she holdeth, am content and command that Queen Jeanne III of Navarre, King Consort Antoine de Navarre and Louis, Prince of Conde are to travel to Paris to be present at the beginning of my full reign, so they can swear fealty to the crown."

"This being the good pleasure of the Queen, my lady-mother, and I also approving of every opinion that she holdeth, am content and command that the Jesuits shall be granted a royal permission to operate in Southern France, provided there are no attempts at forced conversion. Their shall be escorted by Renato Biragro, hereby nationalized as Rene de Birague and appointed an envoy from the Crown."

Francis II, King of France, King-Consort of Scotland, and other titles.


Court and the Royal HouseholdSad

Grand Master and Grand Chamberlain of France: Francois, Duke of Guise (inc.) (Currently in Scotland)
Constable of France: Anne de Montmorency (inc.)
Lord Chancellor of France: Jean de Morvillier, Bishop of Orleans (inc.)

Secretary of State for the Navy and Admiral of France: Antoine Escalin des Aimars (new)
Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs: Claude de l’Aubespine (new.)
Secretary of State for War: Francois, Duke of Guise (inc.) (Currently in Scotland)
Secretary of State for Religious Affairs: Charles of Guise, Cardinal de Lorraine (new.)

Superintendent of Finances: Michel de l'Hopital (inc.)
Royal Envoy to Southern France: Rene de Birague (new)

Changes on the Royal Council and Household: Admiral des Aimars will need more authority to carry out his reform and expansion of the French Navy, so we will also appoint him as Secretary of State for the Navy. Claude d'Aubespine is a great diplomat, so he is promoted to Foreign Affairs. And since the Cardinal of Lorraine has been designed to play a large role by my son, we create the new office of Secretary of State for Religious Affairs for him. By working with the moderate Lord Chancellor de Morvillier we hope to be able to soften his views. Birague, as an accomplish expert in diplomacy and religious affairs should also be ideal to work with the Jesuits in Southern France.


Turn CrisisSad

1.- I am very much opposed to the idea of civil war or a revolt, but the Protestants have already tried to capture my son and I will not tolerate an open challenge to my son. I will advise him to be careful and moderate, but the d'Albrets and Bourbons must come to Paris to prove their loyalty to France and their King.

2.- We must contact the Indian tribes nearby and learn their own rivalries, so we can play a part in their affairs and secure initial support for the colonists. As the example of Portugal and Spain proved, it is possible to trade with the natives, and our initial success happened thanks to their help. We will, however, arm more expeditions to bring supplies and capable laborers and craftsmen to make the colony self sufficient. Nova Francia will be a priority for France, and we will craft a true Empire given enough time. It should also be noted that only Catholics can sail to Nova Francia for the time being.

3.- We have already taken action here, and the Jesuits are allowed permission with a few conditions.
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« Reply #65 on: December 07, 2014, 10:02:35 PM »

I'm extending the turn until tomorrow evening, seeing as I'm still missing some responses.

I'm debating whether or not to kill off the inactive rulers soon Wink
YaBB God
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« Reply #66 on: December 08, 2014, 08:41:26 PM »

Sorry for my lateness; its law school exam week.

Mary de Guise, Queen Regent of Scotland

Like the fate of the subjugated Protestants, Knox's punishment will be settled once the rebels have been forced from the field. He will be kept under constant armed guard, with his life forfeit should he attempt escape or rescue.

We will allow small numbers of Protestants to travel to Nova Scotia. Before being granted permission to leave these Protestants must swear an oath of loyalty to my daughter the Queen and to my regency. In addition, they must find a Catholic counterpart to go with them so that the colony continues to have a Catholic majority.

We must not let these rebels continue to poison the minds of the good Scottish peasants! My brother's army will move north at an appropriate pace for winter and engage the rebels at his discretion, when or if he feels the situation to be militarily advantageous.

We recognize the right of the Prince of Orange to do with his land as he pleases. Though we cannot condone the promotion of heresy that he and his wife continue to allow, the same could be said of the Spanish "Edict of Toleration." It is our hope that this new influx of Catholics will remind the lost Englishmen of their true moral obligations.
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« Reply #67 on: December 09, 2014, 11:52:09 PM »

Turn is over, I'll commence the news, prompts, and results tomorrow and Thursday.
YaBB God
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« Reply #68 on: December 14, 2014, 12:05:08 AM »

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« Reply #69 on: December 14, 2014, 11:07:26 PM »

I'm so sorry, these last few days have been hectic.

My wallet was either lost or stolen on Wednesday and due to this I've spent the last few days doing everything to remedy the situation, hence the fact I was offline for several days due to a lack of time.

The next few weeks look to just as crazy. and so I'm tempted to post the end turn stuff and put this on a hiatus until at least after Christmas. I don't have the time to manage it right now, but will after I get everything in order and the Holidays have passed.
Snowstalker Mk. II
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« Reply #70 on: December 31, 2014, 03:34:38 PM »

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