God, Gold, and Glory: Game Thread

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Snowstalker Mk. II
Atlas Star
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« Reply #25 on: November 25, 2014, 03:53:54 PM »

The Sublime Porte demands Russia's immediate withdrawal from the territories of our faithful ally, the Crimean Khanate. Failure to do so within six months will result in a declaration of war from the Sublime Porte.

- Suleiman I, Caliph of Islam, Amir al-Mu'minin, Sultan of the Ottoman Empire, Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques
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« Reply #26 on: November 25, 2014, 03:57:46 PM »

End of Turn Summary

Seeing as Sawxdem was sick, and I can sympathize with that, his absence has been excused for the first turn.


Your clever removal of Coligny and the Duke of Guise has been beneficial for the time being in keeping the realm stable. That being said, it is still on the verge of war as without both Guises to turn to, your son has begun to closely rely on Cardinal Guise and his wife while Jeanne of Navarre and several other Protestants seem to be plotting incessantly. Your expedition to the New World seems for now to be a success, although Coligny is yet to return. When he does you may have a problem with who to settle the New World with as he reportedly exclaimed he was going to find a new Huguenot homeland before setting sail. Lastly, the plot against your son’s life failed and the perpetrators were executed. There was no link discovered to any of the highborn Protestants in the realm.

Restoring Anne de Montmorency to Court has proved to be a wise decision, as he is both a loyal ally and a loyal Catholic. He has begun to weaken the Guise monopoly on the Catholic faction and has also gained several moderate nobles to join your new “politique” faction.


Your issue of allowing limited toleration in your lands has decreased the likelihood of religious revolt, although some Protestants are quick to point out that while you say they shall have nothing to fear, you have allowed the Jesuits to set up camp and begin reconverting many of the less than devout Protestants, and effort in which they have thus far proven quite successful. Your second son Ferdinand has left Court in a hurry, feeling slighted at the refusal to give him some of your lands and has moved to one of his country estates. You should watch him closely in order to ensure he does not act against your will.

You have had moderate success pushing into Hungary, although you seem to have underestimated the discipline and power of the Ottoman Jannisaries who have kept you from taking Buda and a lot of land along your Eastern border with the Principality of Buda. That being said, you have gained a slice of Western Hungary and the people there do not seem to strongly oppose you.


Despite compromise on the issue of serfdom, the peasants were infuriated at being tied back into the land and many have run away to your frontier with the Khanate of Sibir (although this is in turn helping you spread your influence over the region).

Crimea has not fallen yet, and despite initial successes by your men it appears it may take even longer than you expected to do so, especially with your new troubles at home.

Your integration of Sibir is going wildly successful. In some areas Russian settlers outnumber the indigenous people and in others the local populace has converted to Orthodoxy and has sworn loyalty to you. As such, your realm is pushing east rapidly although the Khan of Sibir is beginning to grow anxious as his realm continually decreases in size.


Your issuing of the “Edict of Tolerence” has ended Protestant plots for now in the Netherlands, but has also greatly damaged your popularity amongst the devout, and committed Catholic, people of Spain. One former monk attempted to kill you, hoping to see the Inquisition brought to the Netherlands, but was unsuccessful. On his was to his execution, crowds cheered him in Madrid and decried the Edict of Tolerance.

Your fleet has assembled at Messina, and is ready to commence fighting, although it is just the Spanish navy, with no other nation having sent vessels to assist you.

Ottoman Empire:

The creation of the Principality of Buda has proven to be highly popular amongst the Hungarian nobles, and in the ensuing power struggle for control of the young realm has distracted them from any thoughts of revolting against you.

Libya and Tunisia fell to your Jannisaries with little resistance, although the Caucuses have held out and repulsed two attempts by your men to annex them. Several of your generals advise against further actions there, believing the Russians will be unable to cross through the territory.

You have been attacked by three nations in a move some nations are condemning due to the lack of warning. The Khanate of Crimea is being assaulted by Russian troops, although it has held out so far. Austria has launched a ferocious assault on your unsuspecting men stationed there, and has gobbled up a significant portion of the Principality of Buda (their attack has been met with mixed reactions by the people of Hungary as some prefer to be ruled from Buda as opposed to Vienna).

Papal States:

Your actions, or lack thereof, during the last six months have been met with disapproval by some. John Calvin has labeled you "an agent of sloth" due to your refusal to continue the Council of Trent and your assault on the whole Reformation has been called by some to be an obstacle in restoring the unity of the Church.

That being said, your treasury is booming, your lifestyle is lavish, and the Papacy at present seems highly secure.


While you have not yet quelled the rebellion, your actions over the last six months have certainly weakened it. The arrival of your brother and more french troops was condemned by many Scots, both Catholic and Protestant, although without him its unlikely you would've been able to isolate the rebels as much as you have done so far. Protestants still control Stirling and Fife although you are in a position to besiege one of the cities, punish the rebels, and restore the true faith to the land.

Mary has obeyed your will and the marriage remains unconsummated. That being said, it seems as though she is relying on your advice less and less, instead turning to your two brothers when she has a problem.
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« Reply #27 on: November 25, 2014, 04:00:48 PM »

OOC: I see that once again dice rolls (I assume that's how battle outcomes are decided, no? ) will be the bane of my existence Tongue

Yes, it is dice rolls in accordance with a random number generator. Wink

They can cause some interesting results.

Interesting, I can live with, I just wish they'd be interesting in my favor for once Tongue  I think I had one favorable dice roll in the entire GoT game, IIRC.

Look at Siberia Wink
Mr. X
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« Reply #28 on: November 25, 2014, 04:08:28 PM »
« Edited: November 25, 2014, 04:15:13 PM by Cardinal and IDS Legislator X, Tzar of Russia »

OOC: I see that once again dice rolls (I assume that's how battle outcomes are decided, no? ) will be the bane of my existence Tongue

Yes, it is dice rolls in accordance with a random number generator. Wink

They can cause some interesting results.

Interesting, I can live with, I just wish they'd be interesting in my favor for once Tongue  I think I had one favorable dice roll in the entire GoT game, IIRC.

Look at Siberia Wink

I did and was quite pleased!
Atlas Icon
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« Reply #29 on: November 25, 2014, 05:29:48 PM »

Interesting, I'm really looking forward to the next turn!
YaBB God
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« Reply #30 on: November 25, 2014, 07:55:25 PM »

Interesting, I'm really looking forward to the next turn!
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« Reply #31 on: November 26, 2014, 08:46:29 PM »

God, Gold, and Glory: Turn 2

I reused the prompts for Sawxdem, as they are still valid and I don't want them to go to waste Wink


With Spain, Portugal, and now even France expanding westward to the New World, there is mounting pressure at Court, and amongst the nobility, for you to send an English expedition to the Americas. There is some opposition however from military leaders who see the diversion of resources and ships as a potentially risky endeavor due to the instability in Scotland to the north and the threat of an attack by France to the south. How shall you proceed Elizabeth?

There is mounting pressure at Court for William to declare the Provinces in the Netherlands under his control loyal to you. It is accepted that it is in his rights to do so and your supporters argue doing so would free your fellow Protestants from the yoke of Spanish Oppression. Furthermore this would allow you to gain some of the richest trading lands in Europe and a sorely needed foothold on the Continent, and it may not even require war as Spain and its navy are distracted by the Ottomans. Shall you ask William to declare Utrecht, Holland, and Zeeland loyal to you?

The Scottish Question is proving to be a large part of your reign. Many of your generals, seeing outright French intervention in favor of the Catholics, are requesting an English army and an English fleet be sent north in order to assist the Protestants who, up until this point, have been losing. Shall you involve yourself in Scottish affairs, or shall you resort to a strict policy of non-intervention? It should be noted that there is a third option on the table, funding the Protestants under Knox and Moray without sending official troops.


203 of the 400 men you sent with Coligny have returned in tatters to Brittany. Their mission was a success, although Coligny himself was killed by angry natives at the final site they were examining to establish a colony. There are three lcations his charts recommend settling. A colony could be established in a bay, which would provide coverage from Spanish vessels and ocean currents, but it is inhabited by intensely hostile natives. Another option is a river further to the north which has land fertile for growing crops, but is open to Spanish attacks. The third site examined was far to the north. It is a rocky and cold island which would be prime for fisherman and is well out of Spain’s reach, although it offers little else. Which place shall you colonize, or shall you abandon the idea altogether?

Although the Duke of Guise and Coligny have been taken out of the political arena, two new faction leaders have emerged. Jeanne De Navarre has requested an Act of Toleration be enacted by the King, who is himself shaping up to be a staunch Catholic. Cardinal Guise, the main reason for the King’s devotion to Rome, is on the other hand requesting increased punishment for any Huguenots caught practicing in public, and has the full backing of the King. Both sides threaten revolt if their will is not enforced, although Jeanne seems more serious about rebelling than Guise does, who is content with his position of favor in the eyes of the King. As regent you are able to pick a side regardless of the King’s opinion, although you may regret it when he comes of age (a date soon approaching).

With Spain and Austria attacking the Ottomans there have been increasing calls at Court to cut off all trade with this nations. France and the Ottomans had an official alliance under your late father-in-law Francis I, although it expired several years ago and since then France and the Turks have been more focused on internal affairs than diplomacy. Shall you end trade with Spain and France in order to show your solidarity with the Ottomans, or shall you bend to Hapsburg power and risk both Spain and Austria surpassing you is influence and power?


Your men have been largely successful in eradicating most of the rebels, although both John Knox and the Earl of Moray remained holed up in Stirling and Fife respectively. You have enough men to take one of the cities, thereby capturing either Knox or Moray. Which one shall you go after? Knox is the religious leader of the rebellion, although capturing Moray would be a personal victory (he is the son of one of your late husband’s many mistresses) and would also be a big blow to the rebels’ support amongst the magnates of the land. Knox or Moray, the choice is yours (assuming the English don’t involve themselves that is).

Word has reached Court that your Auld Ally, France, has sent men to explore the New World. There is pressure in Edinburgh for you too to send men to explore the uncharted continent and establish Scottish colonies abroad. Critics however highlight the expense of such an endeavor and point out that should Mary and Francis have a son, Scotland and France will be one country and such colonies would be pointless in the end. How shall you proceed? Will there be a Scottish presence in the New World, or will you look to maintain Scottish power at home before even considering an expedition abroad?

With your successes in regaining land from the rebels you have regained control over many Protestants. Some were converted by force (as Knox was known to march armies into towns, strip all Catholic imagery, and move on) while others were Protestant prior to Knox’s return. Some at Court press for tolerance (although this would not be popular with the Catholics in the realm currently fighting the rebels) while others wish to reinstate the policies of your late husband, which include burning those who refuse to recant at the stake. What shall your policy towards these individuals be?


There is mounting pressure in Spain to revoke the “Edict of Tolerance” (so much so that you were nearly assassinated), while in the Netherlands there is intense opposition to any attempt to remove the Act. Most of your Court believes that Spain’s opinion should come before that of the Dutch, especially now that you are at war with the Ottomans, while others worry that the people of the Netherlands will revolt or even turn to Elizabeth I should you move too strongly against the Protestants. What will you do?

News has reached Spain of an opportunity to colonize the Phillipines, islands named in your honor. The Archbishop of Mexico City has assembled an group of colonists willing to venture across the Pacific in order to establish Spanish dominance and the Catholic faith in the East. This expedition would be of no cost to the Crown and the only criticism against it is that its failure could damage Spain’s prestige. Shall you encourage the expedition, or shall the East be a secondary goal for now?

Your fleet is anchored at Messina and is ready to fight the Ottoman Navy, the most formidable in Europe. This being the case, some of your admirals are requesting you negotiate with minor Italian city states in order to gain their naval support. Both Venice and Genoa are willing to supply you with their fleets, so long as you give each power land from the Duchy of Milan. Will you negotiate with them or will you fight the Ottoman Navy on your own, relying on the skill of your half-brother and other naval commanders? The choice is yours.


Your wife has been killed and it’s clear that the cause of death was poisoning at the hands of the Boyars. How shall you deal with the them now? This murder, while tragic, gives you the opportunity to exact revenge on them for your wretched childhood as well as the suspected killing of your mother. Some close to you caution alienating them too much could damage your war effort against the Turks while other zealous followers of yours want you to seize the lands of the Boyars, execute them or exile them to Siberia, and greatly increase your authority. Shall you exercise caution or shall you punish the Boyars for their attempt to undermine your authority.

Your personal presence has been requested by your generals in Crimea, believing it would inspire your troops and your presence would give them someone to turn to for advice directly rather than having to wait weeks for letters to be relayed between Crimea and Moscow. Your children do not wish for you to go and several at Court fear that your life would be in too much danger if you went south, seeing as many supply lines have been cut off by Crimean natives. Shall you go south or shall you stay in Moscow?

The Khan of Sibir is furious that so much of his realm has been taken by Russian settlers, missionaries, and soldiers. He threatens war should the colonization not cease. While he could prove to be a serious thorn in your side, especially during a time when your government is distracted with events to the west and the south, yet his armies of horse riders are no match for Russian soldiers. Shall you end your absorption of the territory or will you risk war over the thousands of square miles of untouched land? It should be noted the mood at Court is strongly in favor of continued expansion, and an almost religious devotion to reaching the Pacific has taken hold.

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« Reply #32 on: November 26, 2014, 08:46:58 PM »

The Papal States:

A rising issue within the Church is how to deal with Elizabeth I and Anglican England. There is pressure from the other major powers (Spain, France) to excommunicate her and attempt to remove her from her throne, although this may not necessarily be the best way to proceed. Other powers are stressing the importance of an ultimatum, and a third group is pushing for you to negotiate with the English Queen by declaring her legitimate in the eyes of the Church. The reasoning of this third group comes from the fact that Elizabeth is married to a Catholic, and has been reluctant to persecute Catholics in England thus far. How shall you deal with England?

Some members of the clergy, including the Bishop of Madrid, have begun to exert pressure in an attempt to get you to declare the war against the Ottomans as “Crusade”. This would put additional pressure on other Catholic nations to join the fighting, but also could serve to alienate Protestant states even further and give them ammunition with which to attack the Church (as the calling of a crusade would undoubtedly cause anger from Knox and Calvin). Shall you christen it a crusade or leave it be as a Hapsburg war?

The clergy of the Church, as well as the College of Cardinals, have been divided into two factions following the Reformation: Spanish & French. While there is a group of Italian Cardinals, they exercise little influence as Italy is disunited and cannot project its power the way the other two powers can. Which group shall you join, the Spanish or the French? Both sides have been courting your allegiance since your election and you have run out of time balancing them; the time for a decision is upon you.


Sigismund II Augustus, the House of Jagiellon has sat on the Polish throne since the 1380's, but at present is not only at risk of losing the title King of Poland in the event of your death, but going extinct in the male line entirely. Your wife Catherine of Austria has suffered a miscarriage, and is likely infertile. Some are pressuring you to get a divorce and find a new, more fertile bride although this has the potential to lead to hostility from both Austria and Spain, further alienating your nation which is already threatened by Russia and the Duke of Prussia. You have been praised throughout Europe for your diplomatic skill, so you may want to think carefully before formally requesting the Pope for a divorce.

With your rule you have been largely tolerant towards the growing Protestant minority. This tolerance has come at a cost however, for Poland is becoming more and more evenly divided every day. Protestant nobles urge you to divorce your wife and break with Rome while Catholics demand you toe the line and remain faithful to Catherine. The Catholics furthermore have become more vocal in the Sejm, and have even gone to the extent of demanding the persecution of the Protestants. Shall you continue to mediate between the two groups, or shall you cave to the demands of one (likely causing the other to revolt). The choice is yours.

Poland is not only divided religiously, but politically as well. The Kingdom of Poland, your primary title, is in union with the Duchy of Lithuania. While the status quo of two separate governments has existed for quite some time, there is a growing movement to unite the two titles and create a permanent union of the two titles. As Poland is the greater power, and has larger cities, the capitol would likely be held by the Poles and the government of Lithuania would be the one merged into the existing Polish system. As such, the act of uniting the two realms does have the potential to alienate the Lithuanians and, when coupled with matters of religion, could heavily backfire. How shall you proceed?


As the Ottomans have officially declared war not just upon you, but upon the Holy Roman Empire as a whole, there are some at Court who advise you to call an Imperial Diet and gain the assistance of all of the magnates in the realm, not just the ones directly under your control. Critics of the move however, point out that the odds are high that many of the Protestant princes in Northern Germany may refuse to join you, and could even rip away from the Empire by joining the Turks (both view you as a common enemy). What shall you do? Shall you call a Diet or will you exercise caution and potentially lose access to thousands of extra troops?

The Jesuits have had some success in converting the initial areas given to them, and now demand access to Bavaria and Bohemia, where they believe they can stamp out Protestantism even further. The Duke of Bavaria is eager to welcome them into his lands, but cannot do so until you give your consent. Will you allow the Jesuits to proselytize further, or is it time to limit their activities before they become too strong?

The Ottomans have been launching slave raids into Bohemia during the last couple of months, and they've only increased since you declared war upon them. The Bohemian people believe that you are not doing enough to defend them and your agents have even discovered some potential rebels talking about aligning themselves with the Ottomans in order to ensure their independence. Shall you divert some of your resources to defend Bohemia, sand thereby risk losing your gains in Western Hungary, or will you leave the Bohemians to defend themselves and risk losing their loyalty?


Young Frederick II as you are a young man of 16 and have finally begun to rule on your own. Despite having ended your regency many at Court do not look at you as a ruler, and you must prove yourself to them. Your military commanders are requesting that you declare war upon Sweden in order restore the Kalmar Union and depose their "mad" King Erik XIV.  Sweden would be caught unaware if you were to attack, although you would likely face fierce resistance from the populace. How will you move forward? Will Sweden bend the knee to Danish power once more, or shall you let them maintain their independence?

Another problem you must solve early on in your reign is the issue of marriage. There are numerous potential brides across Europe and you are receiving pressure to make a choice soon. There is another option should you be unwilling to marry a foreigner, as your mistress and the love of your life Anne Hardenberg is also single and is of high noble blood. Who shall you wed Frederick? Your nation's future depends on your choice.

Another way to increase your authority would be to establish bases abroad in the far off lands of America, Asia, and Africa. Denmark is in the perfect position to become a major trading power should you decide to commence colonization.  Opponents of colonization highlight the distance to potential holding however, and believe it could be more trouble than it's worth to send colonists abroad. What shall you do and where shall you colonize?

Ottoman Empire:

Suleiman you are being once more besieged on all sides. To the north the Austrian Hapsburgs have commenced an invasion of the Principality of Buda and appear to be poised to retake the city in the name of the long abandoned crown of Hungary. Shall you focus the efforts of your Jannisaries here, or shall you keep them close to Istanbul in case you are surprised by any third parties? Sending them north would be a huge bonus to the likelihood of victory, although it does leave Greece and Anatolia relatively undefended.

The Russians have launched a vicious campaign into the Crimean Khanate. While the Khan (your close friend) is holding them back for the time being, their is growing pressure in Istanbul for you to officially declare war on the Russian Empire. A note was intercepted by the Khan's men in one of the border raids and Ivan IV reportedly commanded Russia attack Ottoman holdings on the Crimean Peninsula should the Khanate fall to them. Shall you officially declare war? Or shall you deal with Russia after the Hapsburgs and you have settled the score?

It was many years ago you personally besieged Vienna, a siege many Ottomans still look upon with pride. With you once more at war with Austria there are some of your generals who wish for you to accompany them north, defeat the Austrians, and fight deep into Austria once more. The only issue with this however is that you are no longer the young man you once were and you may not survive the journey (which could result in a civil war between your sons, thereby giving your enemies an advantage in invading the Empire. Will you accompany them north or stay in Istanbul?
Snowstalker Mk. II
Atlas Star
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« Reply #33 on: November 26, 2014, 09:13:31 PM »

I am not the young man I once was, and my status as leader of our great empire is too important to risk losing by personally leading our armies to fight the Austrians and the Spanish. My generals shall handle the situation on the ground, though I will assist them in outlining a grand strategy for holding back the Hapsburg menace (OOC: so yeah, everything else is coming via PM)
Atlas Icon
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« Reply #34 on: November 26, 2014, 10:36:28 PM »

OOC: Once Francis II reaches majority (when will that happen) do I simply take over as him? (I need to know to plan for the future)
YaBB God
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« Reply #35 on: November 26, 2014, 11:35:36 PM »
« Edited: November 27, 2014, 11:58:55 AM by DKrolGa »

England: July 1560 - December 1560


-- March 3, 1560: Queen Elizabeth and Dutch Nobleman William, Prince of Orange were married at Westminster Abbey. The service was performed by Matthew Parker, Archbishop of Canterbury, a long time friend and confident of Elizabeth. At William’s behest, a Roman Catholic service was performed in Richmond Palace by Adam Loftus, Archbishop of Armagh. William was proclaimed King of England, France and Ireland to the public, before the two withdrew to consummate their marriage.

-- August-October, 1560: Queen Elizabeth and King William III tour the English countryside and sure-up the support of local lords. The pair make stops in Oxford, Ipswich, Nottingham, Leeds, York, Carlisle, Liverpool, and Cardiff before returning to London.

Royal Decrees

-- We, Elizabeth and William, by the Grace of God, King and Queen of England, France and Ireland, Defender of the Faith, etc., do decree that an Army is to be raised for the purpose of defending our sovereign land from a Scottish Invasion. This Army, under the command of Lord William Howard, 1st Baron Howard of Effingham, shall station itself along our Scottish border and protect the English Realm from any and all advances.

--  We, Elizabeth and William, by the Grace of God, King and Queen of England, France and Ireland, Defender of the Faith, etc., do decree that 3 galleons are to be built at Deptford and added to the Royal Navy for the purpose of protecting the English realm from any activity across the channel.

--  We, Elizabeth and William, by the Grace of God, King and Queen of England, France and Ireland, Defender of the Faith, etc., do decree that Lord High Admiral, The Lord Clinton shall offer £20,000 to any sailor who wishes to travel to the New World and claim territories for the English crown. Should the sailor return with proof of his claim, he shall be granted a knighthood of a new Chivalric Order, the Most Noble Order of St. Alban, the title of “Lord Commander of the Seas”, and an annual stipend from the Crown for his services.

Policy Decisions

-- On the Dutch Question: It is the opinion of my government that English control over the lands of  Utrecht, Holland, and Zeeland would be a fair bargain for everyone. The Dutch would receive freedom of religion for all faiths, while the English would receive valuable countrymen. I do ask my good husband to declare his Dutch realms loyal to the English Crown. Should King William do so, I will declare his son Philip William, from Anna van Egmont, “Stadholder” and grant him administrative control over these new Dutch realms with my good husband as regent until Philip William comes of age.

-- On the Scottish Question: It is the opinion of my government that we must defend our own borders before expanding and conquesting. However, I shall guarantee safety and welcome for any person, Protestant or Catholic, who flees from Scotland into my kingdom. I invite Roman Catholic priests to come to England from Scotland to help minister to these refugees.

-- It is the opinion of my government that no English soldier, sailor, nor ship shall take part in the Great Eastern War nor will any English soldier, sailor, or ship take part in the Spanish Holy League.
YaBB God
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« Reply #36 on: November 27, 2014, 11:27:07 AM »

The Austrian Lands - A.D. 1560 Part II

-- Jesuite Question: It shall be in the hands of the Duke of Bavaria, and in his alone, to deal with any religious matters, including the question whether to allow the Jesuit order into his lands, pursuant to the treaty setteled at Augsburg. As such, we as Emperor, shall make no order nor any recommendations regarding these matters.

-- The Edict of Bratislava:

We, Ferdinand I, King of Hungary and bearer of Saint Stephan's Crown, order before the Estates of the Kingdom of Hungary, the following: Following the borders settled at the Treaty of Navygarad, the Kingdom of Hungary shall be divided into three parts, subordinated to the High Court of Hungary and the King of Hungary. The first of these parts shall be Upper Hungary, which shall be composed of the lands currently under control of the King of Hungary, and subordinated directly to the King. The second of these parts shall be the principality of Lower Hungary, composed of the lands currently in control of the principality of Buda. The third part shall be the current principality of Transylvania.
The noblemen swearing loyalty to the King of Hungary shall convene to elect their prince themselves, and they shall be answerable first to their elected prince, and then to the King.

Be it resolved so,
x Ferdinand I, King of Hungary, Bearer of Saint Stephan's Crown
Mr. X
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« Reply #37 on: November 27, 2014, 01:13:46 PM »

The Tsardom of Russia

As Tzar of Russia, it is my duty to protect the Russian people from all who would do us harm.  The Khan of Sibir has recently threatened war should Russians continue to settle lands that justly belong to this Tzardom and continue our expansion to the shores of the Pacific.  This so-called Khan shall soon discover that Russia does not cower in fear of threats from him or any other man.  Let it be known that not only shall we continue our eastward expansion, but that he will face the full wrath of the Russian Tzardom should he attempt to harm a single settler.  The journey to the Pacific shall continue with or without the Khan's cooperation!  The death of a single Russian settler or native who has converted to the Orthodoxy shall be treated as an act of war!

Just as a Tzar must protect the Russian people, so to must he defend Russia against outside enemies and protect the lands falling within the true boundaries of the Russian Tzardom.  The lands known as the Crimean Khanate are among those which can be rightfully considered a part of the Russian Tzardom despite their occupation by external foes.  In light of this fact, I issue this declaration of war upon the Crimean Khanate.  Furthermore, the Ottoman Empire has threatened war against the Tzardom unless we withdraw from the Khanate of Crimea.  However, the Ottomans already shown that war was always their aim with their aggression in the Caucuses.  If it is war they want, I shall oblige them.  I hereby issue this declaration of war upon the Ottoman Empire until such time as it renounces all claims to the lands within the Crimean Peninsula, allows Russian trade ships to pass unmolested through the Dardanelles and other waters under its control within the European continent, and withdraws its support for the Khan of Crimea.

Tzar Ivan IV Vasilyevich,
Tzar of All the Russias
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« Reply #38 on: November 28, 2014, 07:01:25 PM »

Because of the holiday, I'm extending this turn until Sunday night.
Atlas Icon
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« Reply #39 on: November 28, 2014, 07:11:27 PM »

Think I'm gonna have to drop for a little bit (considering finals are in two weeks and I'm basically running on Vicodin and antibiotics right now). Will probably be back later.
YaBB God
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« Reply #40 on: November 28, 2014, 07:46:21 PM »

Think I'm gonna have to drop for a little bit (considering finals are in two weeks and I'm basically running on Vicodin and antibiotics right now). Will probably be back later.

Sorry to see you go!
YaBB God
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« Reply #41 on: November 28, 2014, 08:06:47 PM »

England: Supplementary Decree

-- We, Elizabeth and William, By the Grace of God, King and Queen of England, France and Ireland, Defenders of the Faith, etc., do decree that our House and Family shall be known and styled as the House Orange-Nassau and that all males children from our union, and all females who have not yet married, shall bear the name Orange-Nassau, for it is the right of a husband to pass his name on to his wife and children.
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« Reply #42 on: November 29, 2014, 11:41:57 AM »

Think I'm gonna have to drop for a little bit (considering finals are in two weeks and I'm basically running on Vicodin and antibiotics right now). Will probably be back later.

Sorry to see you go!
Mr. X
Atlas Star
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« Reply #43 on: November 29, 2014, 01:49:02 PM »

Think I'm gonna have to drop for a little bit (considering finals are in two weeks and I'm basically running on Vicodin and antibiotics right now). Will probably be back later.

Sorry to see you go!
YaBB God
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« Reply #44 on: November 30, 2014, 04:03:21 AM »

Think I'm gonna have to drop for a little bit (considering finals are in two weeks and I'm basically running on Vicodin and antibiotics right now). Will probably be back later.

Sorry to see you go!
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« Reply #45 on: November 30, 2014, 01:44:13 PM »

OOC: Once Francis II reaches majority (when will that happen) do I simply take over as him? (I need to know to plan for the future)

Mr. X
Atlas Star
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« Reply #46 on: November 30, 2014, 01:55:07 PM »

Does this mean Poland is open again?
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« Reply #47 on: November 30, 2014, 02:38:31 PM »

Yes it is.

Also a reminder that the turn ends soon. I'm missing a lot of orders.
Atlas Icon
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« Reply #48 on: November 30, 2014, 03:17:00 PM »

Yes it is.

Also a reminder that the turn ends soon. I'm missing a lot of orders.

I'm awaiting for a couple of responses to my messages, but I will post my orders in about two hours!
Atlas Icon
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« Reply #49 on: November 30, 2014, 06:09:52 PM »

Kingdom of France, July-December 1560:

Royal DecreesSad

"This being the good pleasure of the Queen, my lady-mother, and I also approving of every opinion that she holdeth, am content and command that the Estates General shall be summoned to meet in the city of Orleans, where we will preside meetings in order to listen to the advice of the states and make decisions for the future of the Kingdom of France."

"This being the good pleasure of the Queen, my lady-mother, and I also approving of every opinion that she holdeth, am content and command that a new expedition shall sail to the New World, commanded by my good friend Filippo di Piero Strozzi as Grand Captain, and Andre de Thevet as the envoy from the French Crown. The expedition shall colonize the zone near the river described by Admiral Coligny, provided the new colony is far away from the Spanish Colonies."

"This being the good pleasure of the Queen, my lady-mother, and I also approving of every opinion that she holdeth, am content and command that Antoine Escalin des Aimars is to be named the new Admiral of France, with the mission of reforming the French fleet and creating a permanent force. He will be assisted by Secretary de l’Aubespine, and in order to focus on the task the Admiralty will relinquish its legal duties to the Lord Chancellor."

"This being the good pleasure of the Queen, my lady-mother, and I also approving of every opinion that she holdeth, am content and command that Constable Montmorency is to reform the Royal Army, creating a centralized and truly permanent force to enforce the authority of the Crown and protect the Kingdom of France."

Francis II, King of France, King-Consort of Scotland, and other titles.


Court and the Royal HouseholdSad

Grand Master and Grand Chamberlain of France: Francois, Duke of Guise (inc.) (Currently in Scotland)
Constable of France: Anne de Montmorency (inc.)
Lord Chancellor of France: Jean de Morvillier, Bishop of Orleans (inc.)

Secretary of State for the Navy: Claude de l’Aubespine (inc.)
Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs: Charles of Guise, Cardinal de Lorraine (inc.)
Secretary of State for War: Francois, Duke of Guise (inc.) (Currently in Scotland)
Superintendent of Finances: Michel de l'Hopital (inc.)
Admiral of France: Antoine Escalin des Aimars (new)

Changes on the Royal Council and Household: Antoine Escalin des Aimars is a tested commander and the most qualified man in France when it comes to the fleet, so we expect a lot from his as our new Admiral. Likewise, Strozzi and de Thevet have shown their loyalty and skill, and we trust they will be up for the huge task of creating a colony for France. It also pleases me to see that our faction keeps growing, and we will continue to encourage the growth by including those who are willing to fight to enforce the authority of the King.


Turn CrisisSad

1.- An expedition is now on the way, and we will offer huge benefits and titles to those noblemen who lend the Crown their strength to colonize the New World and create an Empire for France. That said, we will stay away from the Spanish Colonies in Mexico and the Caribbean, there is no point in antagonizing Spain.

2.- I have called the Estates General for this, and I will leave it up to my son to discuss with the representatives of the nation to craft a comprehensive policy. He will soon come of age and he has to start making hard choices, but I will remind him that a civil war is not in the interests of France. I will also use the opportunity to discuss the exploration and colonization of the New World and the reform of the army, navy and tax system.

3.- We denounce the alliance with the Ottomans, and congratulate the Holy League in their actions. That said, France has far too many issues to face right now in order for us to intervene, so we will focus on our own affairs for the time being. We will make a decision regarding trade soon enough.
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