The New Order--Gameplay Thread

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Snowstalker Mk. II
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« on: August 14, 2014, 09:22:22 AM »
« edited: August 14, 2014, 09:30:03 AM by Snowstalker »

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The Great Depression continues across the world, and two new great powers have just had changes of leadership. In America, President Roosevelt pledges for a "New Deal" to revitalize the U.S. economy, while in Germany, Adolf Hitler has been appointed Chancellor, mixing elements of Italian Fascism with an embracing of scientific racism and the belief in an "Aryan" master race. Meanwhile, the Soviet Union and China continue their efforts at modernization and Japan has been condemned by the League of Nations for its seizure of Manchuria last year. Britain and France, the two established great powers, have stepped up their new-found cooperation in their hostility towards the Soviet Union and their wariness towards the German and Italian dictatorships.

To Franklin D. Roosevelt:

You have ascended to office in one of the largest landslides in American history, but have to bear the greatest burden of any president since Abraham Lincoln—unemployment is at 25% and large segments of the population are homeless, hungry, or both. You ran on a platform that included repealing Prohibition (all but certain to go through by the end of the year), but the most important priority is to fight a radical war on unemployment and bring financial security to homeowners and workers. To make an early mark and ensure your political capital is not wasted, your advisers recommend you push through your most important reforms within the first one hundred days of your administration. What do you spend that time achieving?

Intended to raise revenue and protect American manufacturing, the Smoot-Hawley Tariff passed under the previous administration only worsened the international economic crisis. The Democrats, historically the party of low tariffs, ran on a significant lowering, which the international community will most likely welcome when Congress passes it and you sign it. However, with economic cooperation between nations on the decline, it seems unlikely that many other governments will lower their tariffs in response.

Historically, the United States has seen fit to intervene in the affairs of smaller Latin American countries to protect business interests; U.S. forces currently occupy and exert influence over Honduras, Nicaragua, Panama, Cuba, Haiti, and the Dominican Republic. In your inaugural address, you implied a change to a “good neighbor policy” of non-intervention in internal affairs of Latin American states. How will you deliver on this?

To Ramsay MacDonald:

For the most part, as Prime Minister and member of the National Labor alliance within the Tory-dominated government, you have delegated domestic affairs to the Conservatives while handling foreign affairs yourself. You are not liked by either side, and most expect you will step down as Prime Minister before the next election and allow Stanley Baldwin to succeed you. An opportunity to redeem yourself with the electorate, however, may be coming soon as London is set to host an international economic conference in June to fight the global depression and promote international economic cooperation in an age of rising nationalism around the world. What will you push for in London?

Britain was never fully on board with the Treaty of Versailles—in fact, without British moderation it would have been even harsher. The new German chancellor, Adolf Hitler, is already bringing Germany from covertly violating the treaty to overtly violating it as he quickly consolidates his own power. What should Britain’s policy be towards the new German government—and if Britain decides to oppose German rearmament, how far will she go to stop it?

To Edouard Daladier:

France is in the grips of the Great Depression and decisive action must be taken if your premiership is to last the year. Though you are Prime Minister under a leftist coalition dominated by socialist parties, your Radical Party is more economically liberal and often finds more to agree on with right-wing parties in the National Assembly. How will your government fight depression while maintaining your existing coalition?

The new government in Germany, which openly declares its intent to rearm and to retake the land lost by Germany in the Treaty of Versailles (and quite possibly more than that), understandably has the people of France worried. Germany’s military is still quite weak and France has the strongest land army in Europe; if there were any support for it whatsoever, you could march to Berlin and depose Hitler with only a little difficulty. However, the overwhelming consensus from the public and from most political parties is to avoid war and continue the construction of the Maginot Line as a defensive measure; given how destructive the last war was, there is little joy over the prospect of another. What will your foreign policy approach be towards Germany?

To Adolf Hitler:

Almost immediately after the Reichstag Fire, President von Hindenburg signed a decree granting emergency powers to the government. However, with this incident and with the arrest of three Bulgarian communist operatives in Germany, it is clear that you have the political capital to consolidate your power and push the Communist Party (and possibly the Social Democrats as well) out of the Reichstag entirely, allowing the NSDAP and its reactionary allies to dominate on their own and enact your own political agenda.

Your two most immediate goals, however, are economic recovery and military rearmament. A large military buildup may provide a temporary boost of economic growth through providing manufacturing jobs but is likely to provoke even more ire from the rest of Europe. You have also pledged to continue and expand the past public works projects of previous German governments. One of the projects with the most potential is a highway network that would cover and connect all of Germany, which its advocates call the Autobahn. Will you embrace it?
Snowstalker Mk. II
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« Reply #1 on: August 14, 2014, 09:23:59 AM »

To Benito Mussolini:

Adolf Hitler, the new German chancellor, is an admirer of your Fascist philosophy. However, there are notable differences between Italian Fascism and “National Socialism”—namely that Hitler’s ideology also professes a racial hierarchy in which Nordic people are a master race while Jews and Slavs, among others, are subhuman and represent a grave threat to the German people. Germany could be a potential ally against both the Soviet Union and the Western democracies, but Italian Jews, most of whom are loyal fascists, are rightfully wary of National Socialism. How will you approach Berlin?

On a lighter note, Italy is set to host the second World Cup next year. As the host nation and one with a growing interest in association football, is expected to perform well, if not win the title outright (the reigning champion, Uruguay, has refused to attend). How much pressure will you put on the Italian national team to succeed?

To Joseph Stalin:

Fascism, which Lenin considered to be a decayed state of capitalism and far more dangerous than a traditional capitalist state, has taken hold of Germany, as German communists already face persecution and as the top Comintern operative in Europe, the Bulgarian Georgi Dimitrov, has been arrested. Some of your advisers propose a policy of pragmatic cooperation with the liberal democracies of Europe (especially France) in a united anti-fascist front, while the more ideologically rigid would consider this a sellout and oppose any cooperation with capitalist states.

Meanwhile, your policy of rapid development and transition from an agrarian to an industrial state continues to modernize the Soviet Union, but arguably at the cost of sacrificing state spending on social welfare programs. However, reversing this economic policy would likely render the Soviet Union both economically and militarily weaker. However, the agricultural sector is still massively important to the Soviet economy, and along with industrialization must come the maximization of agricultural efficiency. Some have proposed the seizure of the remaining privately-held farms and turning them into agricultural collectives, though it is far from certain that farmers would be willing to cooperate with collectivization and it is uncertain whether it would actually increase output.

To Hirohito:

As of last year, civilian control of the military is officially over (though it had been formally over when the military seized Manchuria without government approval), and the militarists who are growing in influence in Japan allegedly have plans for further growth of the empire, including more of China, the European colonies in Southeast Asia, and parts of Siberia.

Japan has faced international condemnation for the seizure of Manchuria and the establishment of a puppet government there by the League of Nations, which voted overwhelmingly to declare the Mukden incident a case of military aggression by Japan. Some of your advisers have proposed leaving the League in response—will you do this?

To Chiang Kai-shek:

Though Mao’s communist revolt in the rural south continues, you have for the most part unified China as the warlord states begin to slide into your control (but still exert some control over much of western China). Through your period of military dictatorship, you have pledged to begin developing China through developing communication and transportation infrastructure and establishing schools and cultural institutions, as well as finally crushing the Chinese Soviet Republic. Their support runs deep in many areas—how do you propose to defeat them?

Once your ally, you have begun to butt heads with the Soviet Union, chiefly over its support for Mao’s forces but also for the current revolt in Xinjiang, which is engulfed in a three-way war between forces loyal to you, warlords with limited communist support, and limited Islamist forces. However, you are on the quick road to winning this conflict outright.
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« Reply #2 on: August 14, 2014, 11:51:32 AM »
« Edited: August 14, 2014, 12:34:31 PM by MOP »

Statement from the Chancellor's Office:

The greed of the international merchant class has conspired with the petty vindictiveness of the Triple Entente to make the current global depression especially painful on the German people. The first line of defense that our proud race has against its numerous enemies is the state, which will not stop working until the day returns that every German man can walk through the door of his house with his head held high, knowing that his family will not have to subsist in want.

One part of the work that the government does is marshal its resources towards the completion of projects that only the state has the power to carry out. One such is project is the Autobahn, which, in the process of economically and spiritually uniting the German people, will employ thousands of noble job-seekers.

There is another project whose benefits are manifold, and that project is re-armament. To the west, Germany finds herself staring face to face with governments that have proven their hostility to her in the all-too-recent past. To the east, meanwhile, she finds the creeping menace of Bolshevism, which is merely lying in wait for the right moment to make its own hostility open for all to see. In the face of these threats, Germany will never apologize for what she does to protect herself - either on the international or domestic stage.
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« Reply #3 on: August 14, 2014, 12:25:19 PM »
« Edited: August 14, 2014, 10:33:22 PM by Senator Lumine »

Chiang Kai-Shek speaks to China:

January, 1933:
Recognizing the need for further communication with the Chinese people, Chairman Chiang Kai-Shek delivered a speech before a massive crowd in the capital of Nanking, surrounded by key government officials like President Lin Sen and Marshal Zhang Xueliang and by some squads of the so called "Blue Shirts Society". Chiang addressed the challenges that China will have to face in the next years, but he remained optimistic and he appealed to the people to give his government the necessary support to continue working for China. The speech was later relayed through radio to the areas that the Kuomintang controls.

"(Excerpt) Ever since the British merchants came almost a hundred years ago China has bleed and suffered. Our economy collapsed, our armies were scattered and resorted to warlordism while the corrupt Emperors wasted China's resources and, in the end, our country was humiliated in a way that few nations have had to bear for such a long time. But we never gave in. The Chinese people are strong and so are their convictions, and society, family and the desire for a stronger China never died. Dr. Sun Yat-Sen fought his entire life for this, for the glory of China and, more importantly, for the glory of the Chinese people, and many of us wouldn't be here without him. And we will fight! (Applause) We will fight to rebuild our nation and achieve unification through the might of the Kuomintang and someday democracy will finally belong to the people of one of the strongest nations in the world. My fellow countrymen, we stand at the crossroads. The entire world seems to be in chaos everywhere we look, and all the nations that once stood so powerful and so disdainful of China are now humiliated and facing a true economic disaster. I believe the imperialist powers have received a valuable lesson, they have learned to be fearful, they have learned of what it feels like to see your country ravaged my misery, they have learned what it feels to lose control of your own lives. I do not think they will learn the lesson, but they have been dealt a crippling blow to their prestige in the world, and China shall overcome its own challenges to surpass them once and for all.

Our government has been rather successful as of now, as we have expanded the areas under our control and we have obtained the help of the warlords to rebuild our nation. We have built roads and factories, balanced our budget and started to expand the benefits that we can offer to the Chinese people and while times are tough for many who have to live in terrible conditions, I say with confidence that help will arrive for you. Sun Yat-Sen spoke of improving the living conditions of this country and I repeat that message to you. Only the Kuomintang and the National Government can restore greatness to China, and that will be done with your support. My fellow countrymen, we are closer to saving China from the usual threats that at any other time since this nation was split by the mistakes and the cruelty of imperialism, and with strength and unity we will overcome the challenges through the years and we will achieve what we all want for our nation. I denounce the Communists as traitors to China and traitors to the spirit of Sun Yat-Sen, and we will do everything we can to crush them once and for all so we can bring an end to his civil war, thus using our newfound strength to rebuild what needs to be rebuilt. Make no mistake, they will be defeated and their leaders destroyed, but this Republic will welcome those who wish to work with us instead of challenging the will of the people. I do not believe the world is China's enemy by any chance and there are many friendly nations with which I will seek to improve our relations, but I will say to you that I am sick and tired of other nations trying to meddle in China, and I ask for the support of all Chinese to deal with that. The Republic of China and the Chinese people are awake, and they will not stand for more abuse! i stand with many Chinese patriots today like our beloved President Lin, Zhang Xueliang, our brave young Marshal and Dai Li and the Blue Shirts, a promising and young new generation that has the skills to save China. This is a government of unity, this is a government of strength, and I say to you once more that, with your help, we shall overcome the challenges!"

OOC: Orders to come later, this is just for fun.
Bacon King
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« Reply #4 on: August 14, 2014, 01:59:08 PM »


TO: Vice President Garner, Speaker Rainey, all Cabinet members, all Committee Chairmen
FROM: The President of The United States Franklin Delano Roosevelt
DATE: March 13, 1933
SUBJECT: Current Administration Agenda

First, I want to congratulate everyone on the hard work so far- it looks like the bank holiday has ended with no problems. Thanks to the Emergency Banking Act's passage, and my speech last night to the people, it looks like we've restored enough confidence in the system to keep the banks from failing. Secretary [of Treasury, William H.] Woodin, make sure your people have the resources they need to administer all the necessary bailouts, inspections, et cetera.

I'm also glad to see the Economy Act passed without a hitch- that will keep our long-term budget stable to allow the emergency spending needed to end this recession.

And on that note- we did some great work passing those two bills so quickly, and I'm hearing a lot of guys in Congress talking about keeping this momentum going, so I'm going to keep this Emergency Congressional Session open for a full hundred days. We have a great opportunity right and we're not going to let it go to waste. So let's do this.

From now until June this administration's one and only priority is its legislative agenda. I want every Cabinet official spending their days at the Capitol- find some vacant office space for your entire staffs, if you need to- I want everyone collaborating directly with the Congressional committees that are related to your own jurisdiction. I'll be there every day working with the Speaker and Vice President to coordinate the overall agenda. I want to see dramatic steps that will work, I want to see good bills, I want to see our country saved.

Framework Agenda:

1. I want to see permanent Federal oversight and regulation of the banks, to bolster what the Emergency Act is doing. We gotta keep them from crashing Wall Street again.

2. Henry Wallace, you're Agriculture Secretary, come up with a solid proposal to give relief to farmers, I'm sure subsidies or something will work. The country needs cheap food so people can eat but we need to pay agriculture workers enough to live on

3. I want to see massive works programs to give people jobs and build up our infrastructure. Useful stuff, not digging holes: I'm talking bridges, roads, parks, ports, trains, power plants, etc.

4. Establish a minimum wage that's enough for someone to live on. If not nationally implemented then at least let's follow through on that with the proposals above.

5. I want a law on reciprocal tariffs- our rate for each nation should be lowered to their rate for ours. Secretary Hull, get to work on this, get as many countries as possible to agree to bilateral withdrawals.

6. Start a massive investment effort in the private sector. The Federal Government will invest money into any company that requests the aid, which can be used for expanding the industries to create more jobs. The United States government will thereafter own the percentage of the company it's entitled to by the investment. If we pressure enough companies to work together on this then we'll end up owning slices of many companies- we can use that stake in corporate America to help harmonize the economy. (Addendum: nobody even dare call this "nationalization", we're not godless communists, the term to use here is "Americanization" and that's what we're sticking with)

7. Let's give some financial assistance for the elderly and the cripples, god bless them

PS: Mr. Speaker and Mr. PPT, don't worry about us stepping on your toes, like I said this is temporary and we'll leave the Capitol to you two in June. For now I think you'll agree we need all hands on deck right now. It's your prerogative to change anything you might need to get it passed. Just remember who swept your fearsome supermajority into office eh
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« Reply #5 on: August 14, 2014, 06:27:56 PM »

Office of Prime Minister MacDonald
To: Conservative Cabinet Colleagues
From: Prime Minister MacDonald

In the terms of our arrangement, I would advise that we focus on industrialization and skills training, to help combat the rise in unemployment, and a working Britain is a loyal Britain.

= In terms of the Conference, I will be promoting international trade, with the hopes of several trade agreements being created from it.

To: Heads of the Commonwealth
From: Prime Minister MacDonald

I will be calling for a strengthening of relations and trade between the nations of the world at the upcoming London Conference. I wish for the Commonwealth to lead the way by signing a multinational agreement for the promotion of trade, including lowering tariffs, and preferential trade status. I look forward to seeing you at the conference.

To: President Roosevelt
From: Prime Minister MacDonald

I look forward to seeing you or your representative at the upcoming London Conference. I would like to lower the tariffs between our two nations. I believe that both of us believe in this. We share an historical tie and I wish to see that continue under both of our administrations.

To: The Kingdom of the Netherlands
From: Prime Minister MacDonald

I look forward to seeing a member of your government at the London Conference. I wish to meet with your representative to talk about further access by British Companies into the Dutch East Indies.

To: President von Hindenberg
CC: Chancellor Adolf Hitler
From: Prime Minister MacDonald

I look forward to seeing the delegation from Germany at the London Conference. I would like to remind your administration that the British worked to tame the Treaty of Versailles and not unduly punish Germany, I wish to strengthen the German economy and return Germany back into the full embrace of the international community. I wish to see Germany and the UK strengthen our economic ties. However, I am concerned by the tone used by some in the Reichstag which see the return to a militarized state.  I hope that this can be halted, it is far easier for me to convince nations like France and others to help revitalize Germany if they feel that doing so will see them invaded or under the threat of Military encroachment. Surely one Great War is enough.

To: Lord Halisham, Secretary of War and Sir Eyres-Monsell, First Lord of the Admiralty
From: Prime Minister MacDonald

I am concerned by the possible return of the militarization of Germany. I do not wish to see the UK thrown into another War, however, I will not let the UK be trampled on. I would like for you both to provide a troop readiness report and make the necessary steps to making our current forces ready for any potential conflict.

To: Sir Hoare, Secretary of State for India
From: Prime Minister MacDonald

I would to see the subcontinent become more industrialized, with the creation of ship yards in Bombay, Karachi, and Madras. I would like for these to be able to build merchant ships as well as Military vessels.
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« Reply #6 on: August 14, 2014, 09:51:59 PM »

To: Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, Executive Committee of the Communist International
From: General-Secretary Joseph Stalin


The victory of the fascists in Germany is a disastrous turn in the course of the world revolution. I have spent much time considering the failure of our German comrades to take state power when the opportunity presented itself and have concluded that the tactical strategies adopted by the Comintern at the 1928 International Congress are ultimately an impediment to our future victories and, in some ways, may have been responsible for the failure of the German proletariat to seize power in its own right. As such, I am recommending that the Comintern adopt a new strategy focused on joint action with reformist working class parties and anarchist organizations. This is not to say that the communist parties should subsume or weaken their demands to accommodate those forces; it is, however, to say that the communist parties should make tactical alliances with these forces on issues where they can find some common ground. The communists should retain their separate institutions and demands and continue propagandizing among the proletariat, but they should cease to denounce the actions of every social democratic or reformist party as social fascist or in anyway participate in any actions that divide the working class and allow the fascist wolves to tear proletarian mass organizations to pieces.

I trust that my recommendations will be implemented in a manner consistent with the conditions on the ground in your respective nations.

To: Gosplan
From: General-Secretary Joseph Stalin


The introduction of a Second Five Year Plan in the coming months should be taken with the utmost urgency and the utmost care. We have witnessed the victory of fascism in Italy and now in Germany, and these two nations are and shall continue to be the dagger of the capitalist would-be assassins so long as they are in the iron grip of reaction. To counter this, the development of heavy industry and robust military capabilities are a necessity, as is the development of a strong communications and transportation network, in the event that the capitalist vultures once again try and soak our land in blood. The stability of our agricultural economy is likewise paramount and can provide not only a means by which we can stave off the fascists but also propagandize to the bourgeois democracies of the West -- let these nations burn their crops to push up prices for the exploiters; the workers' republic shall grow more food, better food, and shall feed the whole world.

How to do that is still a manner of conjecture. The campaign against the Kulaks has been effective in some regards but in others has proved counterproductive; not for intent, but in method. I would encourage Gosplan to move away from a campaign oriented toward the forced collectivization of agriculture until we can better understand the effects this policy will have on the sector as a whole. This is not to say that we should give up on collectivization -- far from it. I would instead encourage Gosplan to develop plans whereby peasants are given incentives to voluntarily collectivize production and retain the title to their lands, for the time being. In that same vein, I would also strongly encourage Gosplan to more fully integrate the desires and wishes of the workers themselves into the overall plan structure, perhaps via the use of surveys by the trade unions.

Finally, I would also like to encourage the integration of social welfare services into the Second Five Year Plan and the expansion of these to everywhere in the Union, at as little cost as possible to those receiving aid. We should not sacrifice the incredible gains of October in this regard or in any other.
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« Reply #7 on: August 14, 2014, 09:53:33 PM »
« Edited: August 14, 2014, 10:23:19 PM by Senator Lumine »

Republic of China:
January to June 1933:

After extensive cabinet meetings and a series of internal debates with Chiang loyalists, Chairman Chiang has taken the following dispositions for the Republic of China:
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Political Affairs: The obvious priority here is to retain parts of the balance of power while disrupting and eventually destroying the opposition. With the collaboration of the warlords and under the command of new Interior Minister Zhang Qun a propaganda campaign shall be started against the CCP in order to unite the factions against this thread and secure a united front (special emphasis will be put in the collaboration of Hu Hanmin and Yan Xishan to encircle the CCP and avoid their escape to the North once the time comes). Wang Jingwei needs to be neutralized, so he will be asked to start working on a new constitution and his deputies will be bribed to sabotage his efforts as Premier. I need T. V. Soong and Zhang Xueliang's help, the first one will be offered more autonomy to handle the economy and Wang's Premiership and Zhang will be offered an increased role in the army as Minister of Defense. Another propaganda campaign will be started portraying me as the savior of the Kuomintang and the Republic and as the man who can keep China together in these troubled times.

Secret Police and Party Affairs: The "Blue Shirts Society" will be the instrument used to crush the warlords and the communists and force them to surrender to the government, but that will require time. I will give the loyal and capable Dai Li all the support he needs to take control, so his rivals Teng Jie, Liu Jianqun and He Zhonghan will be assassinated under the disguise of communist infiltrators. If any of them were to survive the incident they will be targeted again on a second attempt. Dai Li shall then proceed to take control and purge the less loyal and more corrupt key officers (but not the rank and file). After the takes control he will be given extensive powers to send his agents to infiltrate the warlords (with Yan Xishan, Long Yun and Hu Hanmin as the main targets) and the communist controlled zones (he will prepare a plan to kill Mao Tse-Tung, Zhou En-Lai and Lin Biao once the order is given). I also command my personal spies to follow Wang Jingwei and to prepare for getting rid of the man once I give the command.

Economy Policy: For far too long our economy has suffered, so it's time to make some changes. Minister of Finance T. V. Soong will be given greater autonomy to deal with modernization, to increase foreign trade and to improve relationships with the Shanghai businessmen (they will be told in a kind way that supporting the Kuomintang will cease the attacks they have suffered on the past months from some criminal gangs). Some restrictions will be put on agricultural trade to protect the Chinese peasants, and along with the programs for public works we shall start one to improve their skills, give them government subsides and provide some basic and mostly symbolic land reform to keep them on our side. A propaganda campaign will be started in the United States offering stable and well paid jobs to scientists and technicians and economic advantages for industrialists to come to China and help with the modernization and invest here as well. Offer Henry Ford (among others) a lucrative deal and less restrictions to the Ford Company in exchange for his help to industrialize. China will never surrender to a savage form of capitalism, but we will use its advantages to move forward and accomplish the dream of Sun Yat-Sen.

Foreign Policy: China needs to get out to the world and build stronger ties, so immediate actions will be taken here. H. H. Kung and a group of bankers and diplomats are dispatched to Europe to find new allies to help with industrialization, they will shall be given orders to give priority to those heads of state who have already been contacted and have accepted the proposed deals. Luo Wengan is dismissed as Minister of Foreign Affairs, his post will be given to Wang Ch'ung-hui, who shall oversee the efforts to build a positive image of the Republic of China through the world (with a diplomatic mission sent to South America to build support there). Wang is also commanded to try and build a "China lobby" in the American Senate and House and the British House of Commons.

Military Affairs: The main target here is getting rid of the CCP, and we will make preparations to crush them as soon as possible. H. H. Kung will seek to buy new weaponry in  America and Germany, hopefully diminishing the radical differences among units. The army will not be expanded for the time being and the focus will be given to train the current army and secure its personal loyalty to me instead of the warlords. Marshal Zhang Xueliang will be removed from the battlegrounds and he will be appointed Minister of Defense in order to focus on the reorganization of the army, and Li Zongren’s will be offered a chance to participate on the reorganization, but he will be watched carefully.

Communist Soviets: He Jingqin was commanded the last year to build a series of fortifications to contain the CCP and prevent any escape that should be ready now, so he will repel all Communist attacks using his artillery and only then he will move forward to destroy the enemy units and build new lines of fortifications (resembling a medieval strategy) to secure the land and prevent any escapes. We are not ready to go all the way yet, so this is just a campaign of attrition to weaken the CCP in Jiangxi and take some land until the better trained and better supplied units are ready to strike in the following months.

Xinjiang: Regarding the West, I am fed up with the Xinjiang rebellion, so my good friend Ma Zhongying and his Muslim 36th Division will be given extra reinforcements and a squad from Dai Li's Bureau to enter the province and defeat those pesky communists and the Islamists. Ma can take the time he needs, but he will secure the zone and he will purge those officers not personally loyal to me. Sheng Shicai will be executed on sight as a traitor to China, I want an example made out of him. That said, the Muslims will be allowed to go home if they surrender to allow for a better situation after the province is taken. Of course, Ma will be made Governor if he proves to be successful.

Chiang Kai-Shek,
Chairman of the Republic of China.
Bacon King
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« Reply #8 on: August 15, 2014, 09:41:32 PM »

New US Legislation: American Development Partnership Agreements!

To enhance our ongoing domestic recovery and offer a helping hand to our neighbors, we are initiating American Development Partnerships. Any nation is open to apply! Once accepted into the program, your nation gets an American Development Cooperative, which will serve as a vehicle for international investment and allow the tariff-free import and export goods on behalf of Americanized companies. Profit from the sales and purchases made through a nation's ADC are split evenly between the host nation and the Americanized company. This gives American companies great new growth opportunities while allowing other nations an unprecedented scale of international investment guaranteed to jump-start growth, give everyone a decent job and increase the standard of living worldwide.

From: Prime Minister MacDonald[/b]
To: President Roosevelt
From: Prime Minister MacDonald

I look forward to seeing you or your representative at the upcoming London Conference. I would like to lower the tariffs between our two nations. I believe that both of us believe in this. We share an historical tie and I wish to see that continue under both of our administrations.

To: Prime Minister MacDonald
From: President Roosevelt

While I regret that I will be unable to personally attend the London Conference due to pressing domestic concerns, Secretary of State Cordell Hull shall be attending on my behalf. I wholeheartedly agree with your goals concerning tariff reduction and I invite you to look into the creation of a Development Cooperative between our great nations. Let us maintain our historic bonds for the guaranteed benefit of us all.

To: Stalin
From: President Roosevelt

I have no desire to wage the losing side of revolutions that have already been relegated to the history books, so I hereby officially recognize the government of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. I hope we can grow our diplomatic ties so that mutual prosperity may develop.
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« Reply #9 on: August 17, 2014, 01:00:30 AM »

Office of the Head of Government and Duce of Fascism
Office of the Minister of Foreign Affairs
Office of the Minister of the Interior

While it was not my understanding that the site of an economic conference had been fixed yet, under the circumstances, I will not quibble over London as the venue.  I had hoped that the new American administration would have learned from the errors of the old administration that unilateral action to improve the American economy at the expense of its trading partners is not helpful, and thus I hope that when my Minister of Finance and of the Treasury, Guido Jung, meets with his counterparts, they can formulate an appropriate response to the laughable proposal to turn the businesses of the world into "Americanized companies".  While ending trade barriers is a laudable goal, it hardly needs such an convoluted structure as the new American administration has proposed.  I fail to see how such convolutions could serve any purpose other than to have America profit at the expense of its trading partners, and that is something Italy shall never submit to, nor should I hope any other self-respecting nation would.

Hopefully, the World Disarmament Conference in Geneva will also prove productive.  Both my Minister of War, Pietro Gazzera, and my Minister of Marine, Giuseppe Sirianni, shall attend.

Lastly, I wish to express my confidence in Vittorio Pozzo, and if there is anything he feels he needs to help assure The Blues of success in the upcoming World Cup next year, he has but to ask and Italy shall provide.

True Federalist (진정한 연방 주의자)
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« Reply #10 on: August 17, 2014, 01:37:12 AM »

Office of the Head of Government and Duce of Fascism
Office of the Minister of Foreign Affairs
Office of the Minister of the Interior

To ensure that Italian corporations have sufficient access to capital, I announce the creation of the Istituto per la Ricostruzione Industriale, a state backed facility to relieve the credit crunch fomented by the current international banking crisis.  This is intended to be a temporary measure until other mechanisms are put in place to ensure that Italy is not dependent upon unreliable foreign capital markets for the operation of its domestic economy.

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« Reply #11 on: August 17, 2014, 08:43:21 PM »

To: President Franklin Roosevelt
From: General-Secretary Joseph Stalin

Mr. Roosevelt,

I would like to thank you for your swift recognition of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics as the legitimate authority in the regions that it presently administers. I, too, look forward to a day in which the United States and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics can trade and do business with one another amicably for our mutual benefit.

Yours cordially,

General-Secretary Joseph Stalin
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« Reply #12 on: August 18, 2014, 02:43:13 AM »



I told you the Europeans wouldn't buy the Cooperative thing, let's stick to more neutral economic collaborations with the developed world and see if you can't get at least some mileage out of the idea by "persuading" Latin America on the virtues of Americanization
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« Reply #13 on: August 19, 2014, 01:59:21 PM »

International Affairs: Japan was clearly acting in self-defense and the League's condemnations of her actions in Manchukuo represents nothing more than the clear Western bias of the League and of League leadership - see, for example, Japan's exclusion from this proposed international trade conference. Japan hereby withdraws from the League of Nations, for her interests are no longer served by membership. Now that we're good and friendless, we will begin exploring alternative trading partners, with a particular focus on Latin America (already home to significant diaspora communities)

Government Affairs: Publicly, I'll take a more nuanced line than the militarists, but privately they shall be reassured that they shall get that which they wish to see happen within their lifetimes. The progress of the Empire is paramount, and a united Asia free of Western influences is our ultimate goal - it may require us to take more time and act less aggressively than some of them hope, but it will happen.

Economics: We have suffered less from this depression than most other countries and shall stay the course with Takahashi's policies of fiscal stimulus and currency devaluation, which should allow us to seize a greater share of export markets. We shall taper deficit spending should the inflation rate spike above 8%.

Military: The army, in particular the Kwantung Army, appears to have become a bastion of the militarists. In response, military officers more loyal to the Emperor's orders shall be concentrated in the Navy. We shall not take aggressive action this year.
Snowstalker Mk. II
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« Reply #14 on: August 19, 2014, 09:48:01 PM »

Every response is now in except for Dereich's, and he's notified me that he'll be in soon. I will begin writing up the next turn.
YaBB God
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« Reply #15 on: August 21, 2014, 02:06:45 AM »
« Edited: August 21, 2014, 02:21:29 AM by Speaker Dereich »

Hi, sorry about the timing on this.

Colonial Policy:
The French Government acknowledges the Syrian Republic as an sovereign entity and recognizes the National Bloc the representatives of the Syrian people. We invite National Bloc leaders to Paris to immediately negotiate the end of the French presence in Syria over a time period not longer than 20 years.

Governmental Policy:
As part of an effort to end Parliamentary instability, we invite elements of the Democratic Republican Alliance to join the cabinet with the ministries of War, Justice, and Commerce and Industry, which is hereby renamed the Ministry of Trade.

A controlled budget deficit will be permitted. Two billion francs worth of public works projects will budgeted over the next four years. An additional two billion francs will be allotted for military spending, money which will be primarily used for hurrying the construction of the Maginot Line, which could also be viewed as a public works project, as well as to modernize military equipment.

Monetary Policy:
The franc will be allowed to slowly depreciate at a rate of 10% a year. This will be done in conjunction with a reduction of interest rates.

Foreign Policy:
A French Delegation led by Minister of Trade Flandin will be sent to the London Conference with a broad mandate to negotiate reciprocal tariff reductions and trade deals.

Foreign minister Joseph Paul-Boncour and former Prime Minister Louis Barthou are dispatched to negotiate treaties of trade, friendship and mutual defense with the Soviet Government.

A delegation by led by Minister of State Serre will be sent to the World Disarmament Conference in Geneva.

We reaffirm our commitment to members of the Little Entente and to the stability of Central Europe.

In strongest possible language, we condemn the Japanese decision to leave the League of Nations. The Japanese government must cease its rogue and immoral actions, lest it face the total condemnation of the international community.
Snowstalker Mk. II
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« Reply #16 on: August 23, 2014, 03:48:13 PM »

I've been sidetracked by a bunch of other stuff. The next turn should begin tomorrow night.
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« Reply #17 on: August 27, 2014, 12:22:19 AM »

Next turn?
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