The New Order--Gameplay Thread (user search)

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Author Topic: The New Order--Gameplay Thread  (Read 3333 times)
Bacon King
Atlas Politician
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E: -7.63, S: -9.49

« on: August 14, 2014, 01:59:08 PM »


TO: Vice President Garner, Speaker Rainey, all Cabinet members, all Committee Chairmen
FROM: The President of The United States Franklin Delano Roosevelt
DATE: March 13, 1933
SUBJECT: Current Administration Agenda

First, I want to congratulate everyone on the hard work so far- it looks like the bank holiday has ended with no problems. Thanks to the Emergency Banking Act's passage, and my speech last night to the people, it looks like we've restored enough confidence in the system to keep the banks from failing. Secretary [of Treasury, William H.] Woodin, make sure your people have the resources they need to administer all the necessary bailouts, inspections, et cetera.

I'm also glad to see the Economy Act passed without a hitch- that will keep our long-term budget stable to allow the emergency spending needed to end this recession.

And on that note- we did some great work passing those two bills so quickly, and I'm hearing a lot of guys in Congress talking about keeping this momentum going, so I'm going to keep this Emergency Congressional Session open for a full hundred days. We have a great opportunity right and we're not going to let it go to waste. So let's do this.

From now until June this administration's one and only priority is its legislative agenda. I want every Cabinet official spending their days at the Capitol- find some vacant office space for your entire staffs, if you need to- I want everyone collaborating directly with the Congressional committees that are related to your own jurisdiction. I'll be there every day working with the Speaker and Vice President to coordinate the overall agenda. I want to see dramatic steps that will work, I want to see good bills, I want to see our country saved.

Framework Agenda:

1. I want to see permanent Federal oversight and regulation of the banks, to bolster what the Emergency Act is doing. We gotta keep them from crashing Wall Street again.

2. Henry Wallace, you're Agriculture Secretary, come up with a solid proposal to give relief to farmers, I'm sure subsidies or something will work. The country needs cheap food so people can eat but we need to pay agriculture workers enough to live on

3. I want to see massive works programs to give people jobs and build up our infrastructure. Useful stuff, not digging holes: I'm talking bridges, roads, parks, ports, trains, power plants, etc.

4. Establish a minimum wage that's enough for someone to live on. If not nationally implemented then at least let's follow through on that with the proposals above.

5. I want a law on reciprocal tariffs- our rate for each nation should be lowered to their rate for ours. Secretary Hull, get to work on this, get as many countries as possible to agree to bilateral withdrawals.

6. Start a massive investment effort in the private sector. The Federal Government will invest money into any company that requests the aid, which can be used for expanding the industries to create more jobs. The United States government will thereafter own the percentage of the company it's entitled to by the investment. If we pressure enough companies to work together on this then we'll end up owning slices of many companies- we can use that stake in corporate America to help harmonize the economy. (Addendum: nobody even dare call this "nationalization", we're not godless communists, the term to use here is "Americanization" and that's what we're sticking with)

7. Let's give some financial assistance for the elderly and the cripples, god bless them

PS: Mr. Speaker and Mr. PPT, don't worry about us stepping on your toes, like I said this is temporary and we'll leave the Capitol to you two in June. For now I think you'll agree we need all hands on deck right now. It's your prerogative to change anything you might need to get it passed. Just remember who swept your fearsome supermajority into office eh
Bacon King
Atlas Politician
Atlas Icon
Posts: 18,836
United States

Political Matrix
E: -7.63, S: -9.49

« Reply #1 on: August 15, 2014, 09:41:32 PM »

New US Legislation: American Development Partnership Agreements!

To enhance our ongoing domestic recovery and offer a helping hand to our neighbors, we are initiating American Development Partnerships. Any nation is open to apply! Once accepted into the program, your nation gets an American Development Cooperative, which will serve as a vehicle for international investment and allow the tariff-free import and export goods on behalf of Americanized companies. Profit from the sales and purchases made through a nation's ADC are split evenly between the host nation and the Americanized company. This gives American companies great new growth opportunities while allowing other nations an unprecedented scale of international investment guaranteed to jump-start growth, give everyone a decent job and increase the standard of living worldwide.

From: Prime Minister MacDonald[/b]
To: President Roosevelt
From: Prime Minister MacDonald

I look forward to seeing you or your representative at the upcoming London Conference. I would like to lower the tariffs between our two nations. I believe that both of us believe in this. We share an historical tie and I wish to see that continue under both of our administrations.

To: Prime Minister MacDonald
From: President Roosevelt

While I regret that I will be unable to personally attend the London Conference due to pressing domestic concerns, Secretary of State Cordell Hull shall be attending on my behalf. I wholeheartedly agree with your goals concerning tariff reduction and I invite you to look into the creation of a Development Cooperative between our great nations. Let us maintain our historic bonds for the guaranteed benefit of us all.

To: Stalin
From: President Roosevelt

I have no desire to wage the losing side of revolutions that have already been relegated to the history books, so I hereby officially recognize the government of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. I hope we can grow our diplomatic ties so that mutual prosperity may develop.
Bacon King
Atlas Politician
Atlas Icon
Posts: 18,836
United States

Political Matrix
E: -7.63, S: -9.49

« Reply #2 on: August 18, 2014, 02:43:13 AM »



I told you the Europeans wouldn't buy the Cooperative thing, let's stick to more neutral economic collaborations with the developed world and see if you can't get at least some mileage out of the idea by "persuading" Latin America on the virtues of Americanization
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