NBC: Biden to discuss future of campaign with family tomorrow (user search)

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  NBC: Biden to discuss future of campaign with family tomorrow (search mode)
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Author Topic: NBC: Biden to discuss future of campaign with family tomorrow  (Read 8524 times)
YaBB God
Posts: 4,172

« on: June 29, 2024, 08:10:56 PM »

Jill better make sure that he agrees go drop out after she publicly infantilized him after the debate.
YaBB God
Posts: 4,172

« Reply #1 on: June 29, 2024, 08:15:36 PM »

I still don't think Jill will allow him to drop out, but hopefully he does, so he can go down in the history books as a James Polk type of modest 1-term president.
Why would Jill want him to stay in the race?
YaBB God
Posts: 4,172

« Reply #2 on: June 29, 2024, 08:57:23 PM »

r/neoliberal is discussing this article and they sound totally Blue MAGA in the comments. Saying no way Biden should withdraw because it would be “the ultimate expression of failure and weakness,” calling NBC “fake news” because of phony Chuck Todd and Kristen Welker… These people have gone insane. How can they not see the irony???
LMAO, I just checked out that thread, and that redditor you're referring to just edited his post to call you out. Any guesses about who his Atlas account is? DrScholl? Mr. X? Landslide Lyndon?
YaBB God
Posts: 4,172

« Reply #3 on: June 29, 2024, 09:34:49 PM »

Absolutely hilarious if Trump debating Biden forced the latter to drop out.

That was the risk-reward calculation all along for the Biden campaign to have that debate so early.

I'd say that it was worth it. This situation in September or October would have been a plane crashing into a shipwreck while a tornado inside a hurricane happened all around.
Ehh, your incumbent who just won his primary dropping out is a defcon 1 situation nonetheless.

But your former president being convicted of 34 felonies related to cheating on his pregnant wife with a porn star, and found liable for sexual abuse, is just a boring old Tuesday am I right?

There won’t be any escaping this by pointing limply and saying “See! The Democrats actually got rid of their extremely unpopular nominee and are giving you voters what you want! Now vote for the psychopathic fascist or die!”

The only thing you had going for you was Biden was just that unpopular. That’s gone now. (If he does drop out.) Always said the party that played game theory and picked the new candidate would win. If both did or didn’t, could have been close. But if only one does it won’t be.

Democrats still have the nominate someone in a smooth way otherwise you risk a repeat of 1968. If they do then I agree , the democrats would be favored to hold the White House
These circumstances are not at all comparable.
YaBB God
Posts: 4,172

« Reply #4 on: June 29, 2024, 11:17:51 PM »

Absolutely hilarious if Trump debating Biden forced the latter to drop out.

That was the risk-reward calculation all along for the Biden campaign to have that debate so early.

I'd say that it was worth it. This situation in September or October would have been a plane crashing into a shipwreck while a tornado inside a hurricane happened all around.
Ehh, your incumbent who just won his primary dropping out is a defcon 1 situation nonetheless.

But your former president being convicted of 34 felonies related to cheating on his pregnant wife with a porn star, and found liable for sexual abuse, is just a boring old Tuesday am I right?

There won’t be any escaping this by pointing limply and saying “See! The Democrats actually got rid of their extremely unpopular nominee and are giving you voters what you want! Now vote for the psychopathic fascist or die!”

The only thing you had going for you was Biden was just that unpopular. That’s gone now. (If he does drop out.) Always said the party that played game theory and picked the new candidate would win. If both did or didn’t, could have been close. But if only one does it won’t be.

Democrats still have the nominate someone in a smooth way otherwise you risk a repeat of 1968. If they do then I agree , the democrats would be favored to hold the White House
These circumstances are not at all comparable.

Not exactly but there are some . Progressives have already shown they are willing to break all types of rules and laws to protest on behalf  of “social justice” or “against the corrupt system” . It’s not every hard to imagine a progressive candidate running and a bunch of progressive activists come in large numbers to protest in extremely uncivil ways .

Also you likely will have 5-6 candidates run which could take like 4-5 ballots and it could be worse than that if Dems don’t have minimum % rules in each ballot .

There are many ways this could go wrong which is why until now replacing Biden would have been to high risk . Now since Biden is very likely to lose , it’s worth taking this high risk for the high reward .

From what I’ve seen, most progressives also just want anyone but Biden at this point.
YaBB God
Posts: 4,172

« Reply #5 on: June 30, 2024, 04:12:22 PM »

Jill Biden is the worst First Lady in American history. How the hell can she insist that her husband stays in the race after the publicly infantilized him on live TV?
YaBB God
Posts: 4,172

« Reply #6 on: June 30, 2024, 04:20:36 PM »

Well, they know better than anyone else. Time to circle the wagons.
No, they don’t. We can’t circle the wagons when the horses have already left the stables.
YaBB God
Posts: 4,172

« Reply #7 on: June 30, 2024, 04:53:41 PM »

Doesn't seem like the Biden family cares about the country that much more than the Trump family. Very damning.
This is completely inaccurate and totally unfair. Melania Trump cares far more about America than Jill Biden does.
YaBB God
Posts: 4,172

« Reply #8 on: June 30, 2024, 04:58:43 PM »

This is completely inaccurate and totally unfair. Melania Trump cares far more about America than Jill Biden does.
OK, now you (and some others in this thread) are being completely ridiculous. STOP IT!
At least Melania just did nothing as First Lady, rather than actively harming the country. At least Melania made it extremely obvious that she didn’t want her husband to be president without outright saying it
YaBB God
Posts: 4,172

« Reply #9 on: June 30, 2024, 05:09:35 PM »

A lot of this is reporting from the outside - we don’t really know what’s really going on inside these rooms, but the way things are being reported really make Jill Biden seem like a bit selfish almost right now. However that doesn’t mean she’s acting in bad faith or is even naive.
I don’t see any rational reason for Jill to want her husband to stay in the race. She’s either just as delusional and out of it as he is, or her pride and ego is so great that she would rather put the country at great risk of another Trump term rather than admit defeat, or she’s so selfish that she only cares about having a chance at being First Lady for another 4 years, regardless of how small that chance is it this point
YaBB God
Posts: 4,172

« Reply #10 on: June 30, 2024, 05:27:16 PM »

A lot of this is reporting from the outside - we don’t really know what’s really going on inside these rooms, but the way things are being reported really make Jill Biden seem like a bit selfish almost right now. However that doesn’t mean she’s acting in bad faith or is even naive.
I don’t see any rational reason for Jill to want her husband to stay in the race. She’s either just as delusional and out of it as he is, or her pride and ego is so great that she would rather put the country at great risk of another Trump term rather than admit defeat, or she’s so selfish that she only cares about having a chance at being First Lady for another 4 years, regardless of how small that chance is it this point

She likely spends way more time with her husband than you do - maybe she is delusional - but it’s hard for you to declare that with certainty when she’s the one who’s actually with him on a day to day basis, literally sleeps in bed with him, ect.
”What you’re seeing and what you’re hearing are not what’s happening.”

YaBB God
Posts: 4,172

« Reply #11 on: June 30, 2024, 05:33:54 PM »

Red avatars obviously would totally disregard Trump’s family insisting that he’s mentally fit to serve as president, despite them being closer to Trump than anyone else. Why does the same logic not apply to the Biden family?
YaBB God
Posts: 4,172

« Reply #12 on: June 30, 2024, 05:51:33 PM »

The broad agreement across the forum is unlike anything I've seen in awhile.

Is a loss probable with Harris? Maybe. Is it guaranteed with Biden? Undoubtedly. Anyone unable to make this calculation should not be taken seriously. He has dementia. Point blank.

Biden is an underdog, but he’s not a guaranteed loser. He has a 35-40% chance of winning.
How can you make this conclusion when Trump is leading in the polls? Reminder that Biden needs to win the NPV by at least 2% to have at least a 50% chance at winning the EC
YaBB God
Posts: 4,172

« Reply #13 on: June 30, 2024, 05:55:17 PM »

The broad agreement across the forum is unlike anything I've seen in awhile.

Is a loss probable with Harris? Maybe. Is it guaranteed with Biden? Undoubtedly. Anyone unable to make this calculation should not be taken seriously. He has dementia. Point blank.

Biden is an underdog, but he’s not a guaranteed loser. He has a 35-40% chance of winning.
How can you make this conclusion when Trump is leading in the polls? Reminder that Biden needs to win the NPV by at least 2% to have at least a 50% chance at winning the EC
How does what they said conflict at all with Trump leading in the polls?
Because saying Biden has a 40% chance is way too generous with what the polls are showing. 10% would be more accurate (though even that might be a bit generous).
YaBB God
Posts: 4,172

« Reply #14 on: June 30, 2024, 06:23:17 PM »

Biden should drop and Dems should just plan to replace him at the DNC with Whitmer and deal with the fallout. It is honestly the best option of many bad ones. Biden is cooked, Harris very likely loses to Trump with some appalling margins in the rust belt that will make Hillary's look decent. At this point you have to roll the dice.

I’m not sure how anyone who doesn’t see it this way is thinking rationally.

Anyone who thinks Biden can win should be called Blue MAGA at this point
Pretty much every “Blue MAGA” poster here, even wbrocks, has let it slip that they deep down know that Biden is toast. The only exceptions seem to be Pres Mike and Mr. X for some reason. I think that these Blue MAGA posters are just so defeatist about the chances of replacing Biden that trying in vain to put the toothpaste back in the tube is all that they can do to cope with the reality of the situation.
YaBB God
Posts: 4,172

« Reply #15 on: June 30, 2024, 06:54:11 PM »

Biden should drop and Dems should just plan to replace him at the DNC with Whitmer and deal with the fallout. It is honestly the best option of many bad ones. Biden is cooked, Harris very likely loses to Trump with some appalling margins in the rust belt that will make Hillary's look decent. At this point you have to roll the dice.

I’m not sure how anyone who doesn’t see it this way is thinking rationally.

Anyone who thinks Biden can win should be called Blue MAGA at this point

Pretty much every “Blue MAGA” poster here, even wbrocks, has let it slip that they deep down know that Biden is toast. The only exceptions seem to be Pres Mike and Mr. X for some reason. I think that these Blue MAGA posters are just so defeatist about the chances of replacing Biden that trying in vain to put the toothpaste back in the tube is all that they can do to cope with the reality of the situation.

I am not Blue MAGA because I am not even a Biden supporter. Yet even I acknowledge that the race will remain competitive, even if I’d say Trump is favored at the moment. All it did was reinforce a narrative that already existed, and just made people already unlikely to vote for him not want to vote for him.

Trump is an extremely polarizing nominee attached to some toxic policy positions who barely beat out another very unpopular Democrat eight years ago. To say that he of all people is capable of a landslide victory is just as disingenuous as the people who think Biden can do the same.
Biden was up in the polls by 7 going into the last election, and he just barely squeaked by. Trump is straight up beating Biden in the national polling average, and has been consistently doing so for nearly the past year. Sure, there is a chance that the pollsters have overcorrected for Trump after embarrassing themselves in the last 2 presidential elections, but many of us assumed that the pollsters would be more accurate in 2020 than they were in 2016, and they ended up underestimating Trump even more. It is, frankly, very foolish to not operate under the assumption that Trump will more likely than not be underestimated to some extent by the polls again.

As you said, this country is very polarized. That means that Biden has a high ceiling, but it also means that it’s significantly harder to raise his poll numbers by a point, and he needs to raise his poll numbers by several points for this race to truly be competitive.
YaBB God
Posts: 4,172

« Reply #16 on: June 30, 2024, 10:42:03 PM »


In private conversations, the president has expressed complete commitment to staying in the race, according to people briefed on those conversations, who, like others in this article, were granted anonymity to discuss private deliberations. But he has asked aides and allies about what they’re hearing in the aftermath of his performance. He has also expressed concern about the fallout and dismay over some of the commentary that calls on him to drop out of the race, the people said.

Several people familiar with the situation described the president and those around him as even-keeled and unshaken amid the turbulence, pointing to a long history of political and personal trauma that Biden has endured during his 81 years.

“You have a bad night. Bad nights end,” one person said. “We’re still here. Let’s go.”
F**king clowns. Yeah, I think I'm done with Joe Biden. I won't be voting in this election unless the polls actually show Georgia being competitive, which I highly doubt will be the case.
YaBB God
Posts: 4,172

« Reply #17 on: June 30, 2024, 11:09:58 PM »

For the first time in Biden's presidency, I would say broadly I disapprove of him. His refusal to accept that regardless of how he feels, the country doesn't think he can lead, is extremely disappointing.

F**king clowns. Yeah, I think I'm done with Joe Biden. I won't be voting in this election unless the polls actually show Georgia being competitive, which I highly doubt will be the case.

If Biden loses it’s going to be because of people like you who completely just gave up on him four months early.

Biden can still win. He’s not down by much.
I’m not going to waste my time voting for this selfish, narcissistic idiot if Trump remains up by over 6 points in the GA polls. If he can by some miracle close the gap between now and then (realistically, it’ll only widen), then I’ll hold my nose and vote for the dementia patient. As far as I’m concerned, Georgia is Safe R as of now, so my vote would be totally useless
YaBB God
Posts: 4,172

« Reply #18 on: June 30, 2024, 11:24:28 PM »

For the first time in Biden's presidency, I would say broadly I disapprove of him. His refusal to accept that regardless of how he feels, the country doesn't think he can lead, is extremely disappointing.

F**king clowns. Yeah, I think I'm done with Joe Biden. I won't be voting in this election unless the polls actually show Georgia being competitive, which I highly doubt will be the case.

If Biden loses it’s going to be because of people like you who completely just gave up on him four months early.

Biden can still win. He’s not down by much.
I’m not going to waste my time voting for this selfish, narcissistic idiot if Trump remains up by over 6 points in the GA polls. If he can by some miracle close the gap between now and then (realistically, it’ll only widen), then I’ll hold my nose and vote for the dementia patient. As far as I’m concerned, Georgia is Safe R as of now, so my vote would be totally useless

6% is MOE and Sheehy is up 6% on Tester do users know what MOE means, wasn't Walker up 4%in Insider Advantage polls on Warnock and Warnock won, yes it can happen

Let's see what happens on the VP debate and the 2nd Debate
6% is not in the MOE lol. Unless Biden is the first person in history to reverse dementia, I see no reason to believe that the 2nd debate won’t be even more of a trainwreck than the first. The VP debate is totally irrelevant. Even if the talentless diversity hire known as Kamala somehow gives a good performance, that’ll sway like maybe 3 voters tops.
YaBB God
Posts: 4,172

« Reply #19 on: July 01, 2024, 12:22:59 AM »

I'm sorry but not voting for Biden just because he won't drop out is one of the stupidest things I've read in my life.
I would still vote for the senile old fool if I lived in a swing state. Georgia is not a swing state anymore with this guy as our nominee. I'm not wasting my time on him.
YaBB God
Posts: 4,172

« Reply #20 on: July 01, 2024, 12:39:39 AM »

I would point out from what I recall in the 2020 cycle, VBM has always been a pretty big Biden skeptic - this isn’t someone who was ever a big fan of Biden. That’s not to invalidate his opinions on this or anything, but it’s not like he was ever someone in the Biden camp. I recall you saying you ultimately voted for him in 2020 but were not very happy about it.

Also from a strategic standpoint it honestly doesn’t really matter what Biden’s polling is in GA - it’s one of the most likely tipping point states - a 6% polling error and GA being decisive is not that unrealistic of a scenario, whereas VA going to Trump may not be unrealistic in itself but VA being decisive almost certainly is.
Yeah I was never in love with Biden, but I had no problem voting for him in 2020. Remember that Biden and Trump were basically tied in GA polls going into the election, so I strongly suspected that Biden had a good shot at winning the state, so my vote was actually important. Not to mention that there were also two close Senate races. Even if GA didn't seem competitive in any of those races, I'd have probably still voted since I despise Trump and Biden was decent at the time.

But this time, I don't have any competitive Senate races to compel me to go to the polls, and I don't have any competitive congressional or local elections to vote in since I live in a safe R district and county. Biden is looking DOA in Georgia. Trump is polling over 6 points ahead of him, and that gap is more likely going to increase rather than decrease. I wouldn't be surprised if Trump's polling at 8-10% near election day.

Georgia is not a competitive race. Unlike in the Midwestern states, the GA state polls were actually very accurate for both the presidential race and the Senate races, and they were accurate again in 2022 for the Senate race (I don't remember if they were accurate for the Gov race since it was an obvious Kemp blowout, so I didn't bother to keep track of the polls). I see no reason to assume that the GA polls are randomly way off this time despite having a great track record. It's not a swing state with Biden as the nominee, so it's a total waste of my time to vote for this senile, narcissistic old fool who has a <1% chance of winning the state.

YaBB God
Posts: 4,172

« Reply #21 on: July 01, 2024, 01:06:29 AM »
« Edited: July 01, 2024, 01:22:01 AM by VBM »

I would point out from what I recall in the 2020 cycle, VBM has always been a pretty big Biden skeptic - this isn’t someone who was ever a big fan of Biden. That’s not to invalidate his opinions on this or anything, but it’s not like he was ever someone in the Biden camp. I recall you saying you ultimately voted for him in 2020 but were not very happy about it.

Also from a strategic standpoint it honestly doesn’t really matter what Biden’s polling is in GA - it’s one of the most likely tipping point states - a 6% polling error and GA being decisive is not that unrealistic of a scenario, whereas VA going to Trump may not be unrealistic in itself but VA being decisive almost certainly is.

Those who were Biden skeptics in 2020 have been completely vindicated and those who supported him in 2020 have been made to look like utter fools. Whose opinions should be invalidated again?
We should’ve gone with Bernie. Telemundo managed to convince Cubanos that Señor Biden es un comunista, so all the fearmongering about how Bernie would be DOA in Florida was rendered a moot point. Although Bernie seems mentally fit now, who knows if the stresses of the presidency (which is infinitely harder than being a Senator) would have made his mental health deteriorate rapidly too. However, I think that Bernie would have the humility to step down, and Dem leadership would obviously be eager to replace him as the nominee since the hate his guts anyways.
YaBB God
Posts: 4,172

« Reply #22 on: July 01, 2024, 01:44:42 AM »

VBM in general was a quite different poster in 2020. Pretty sure he had a post defending Harris using the words equity not equality .
Nah that was definitely someone else. I don’t like Harris at all, and the equity/equality crap from the Left gives me an aneurysm
YaBB God
Posts: 4,172

« Reply #23 on: July 01, 2024, 01:52:40 AM »

VBM in general was a quite different poster in 2020. Pretty sure he had a post defending Harris using the words equity not equality .
Nah that was definitely someone else. I don’t like Harris at all, and the equity/equality crap from the Left gives me an aneurysm

This has got to be the closest a Democratic Presidential campaign in recent memory has come to expressing socialist ideals, hasn't it?

Yes, and that's a good thing.

Socialism isn’t a good thing.
Do you even know what socialism is? She literally said in this video that we should only make sure that people start off with equal footing, and then they can COMPETE to reach the top. Literally all that she is saying is that we should make America more of a meritocracy instead of having people with wealthier parents coast by off of their parents success despite not being any smarter or harder working than the average American. I’m honestly getting sick of these “moderate” Democrats who parrot these “THIS IS SOCIALISM!!!!” GOP talking points
Sorta you
I don’t like the equity/equality crap nowadays because progressives almost exclusively use it as an excuse to justify racial affirmative action, which is just straight up racist. I support “affirmative action” for poor people, especially since rich people already unfairly benefit from legacy admissions and their daddy’s connections
YaBB God
Posts: 4,172

« Reply #24 on: July 02, 2024, 12:41:51 AM »

I would lean towards they're the ones who know him best and would know if he were in some steep decline or something. If they think he's good that works for me!

Nah, family is often in denial about these things.

Or they just don't know or have the expertise and can't make accurate diagnoses.
Or they know, but still want him to run for their own personal gain.
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