Senate Legislation Introduction Thread

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Author Topic: Senate Legislation Introduction Thread  (Read 96839 times)
Atlas Politician
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« Reply #525 on: March 06, 2021, 06:32:59 PM »

Naloxone Saves Lives (NSL) ACT

1.) Naloxone shall hereby be made available in secure but accessible locations at the federal institutions listed below

1A.) Federal Prisons

1B.) Federal Transport facilities

1C.) Federal Courts

1D.) Government Buildings in Nyman

1E.) Military bases and Operations centres in Atlasia

1F.) Federal Law Enforcement buildings

2.) Grant funding can be applied for to allow state & regional governments to establish Naloxone access at similar locations- $10 million shall be appropriated to pay for this.

3.) Staff at locations with Naloxone dispensers on the above list shall be allowed to carry Naloxone- in order to be eligible to do so they must receive training, guidance and annual refresher classes into the safe use of Naloxone and how to safely secure and store the drug.   

4.) $100 million shall hereby be appropriated for non-federal locations, including schools, colleges, transport hubs, workplaces, community centres and other similar locations to buy and maintain Naloxone dispensers.

5.) $10 million shall be appropriated for a trial program to expand access and the use of Naloxone in rural communities and those disproportionally impacted by opioid addiction.

Atlas Politician
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« Reply #526 on: March 07, 2021, 07:14:14 AM »

Sponsoring this from the public consultation page but if that page has its own slot I'll defer to that.

To bar federal funds from aiding efforts to colonize Mars

Be it enacted by the Congress of the Republic of Atlasia assembled
Section 1. Title

This legislation may be cited as the Earth First Act.

Section 2. Ban on federal funds going to expensive, unnecessary, and wasteful pet projects

(a) Whereas Congress finds that the preservation of Earth, its resources, efforts to promote and maintain peace where conflict exists, and protection of the vulnerable are more worthy endeavors than a new space race, no federal funds may be allocated to aid efforts to colonize Mars.
Southern Senator North Carolina Yankee
North Carolina Yankee
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« Reply #527 on: March 07, 2021, 01:01:17 PM »

Sponsoring this from the public consultation page but if that page has its own slot I'll defer to that.

It does but the rules for it are not well structured for the current congress. Most of them get picked up like this anyway.

Atlas Icon
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« Reply #528 on: March 08, 2021, 02:56:48 AM »

Quote from: Covid Bribes Act
to fight the pandemic with bribes
Be it enacted by both houses of Congress assembled:

Section 1 (Title)
i. The title of this act shall be, the "COVID Is No Match for Bribes Act." It may be cited as the "COVID Bribes Act."

Section 2 (Bribes)
i. Any taxpayer aged sixteen (16) years or older shall be eligible to take a one-time refundable credit of $1,000 who can provide proof of vaccination for novel coronavirus (COVID-19).  Taxpayers shall also be eligible to take a one-time refundable credit of the same value for all dependents aged sixteen (16) years or older for whom such proof can be provided.
(a) Only persons having received the first dose of a vaccine for COVID-19 approved by the Center for Disease Control on or before April 15, 2021 shall be eligible for this credit.

This goes to the emergency slot with first priority over everything else - I'd like immediate introduction if possible.
Atlas Politician
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« Reply #529 on: March 09, 2021, 11:13:09 AM »


To regulate the harmful effects of abortion and to protect our unborn children

Section 1. Title and Purpose

a. Too many countless lives are lost each year due to the heinous practice of abortion, and this bill is intended to protect life once a heartbeat is detected.

b. The title of this bill shall be the Atlasian Life Protection Act of 2021

Section 2. Liability and Regulation

a. Any physician, knowingly or unknowingly, and thereby kills a human fetus by termination of a pregnancy -
i. Without determining, according to standard medical practice, whether the fetus has a detectable heartbeat
ii. Without informing the mother of the results of that determination
iii. After determining that the fetus has a detectable heartbeat after performing the standard medical practice
iv. As this practice contravenes the Hippocratic Oath, if all or one of the above conditions are met, a physician shall not be imprisoned more than 5 years and fined, or both.
v. If after this first offense, the physician subsequently performs another abortion, that physician shall lose the right to practice the profession of medicine
vi. Mothers shall bear no prosecution or repercussion for seeking an abortion
Atlas Icon
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« Reply #530 on: March 09, 2021, 01:51:35 PM »

I presume the PPT is aware, but I believe that under existing Supreme Court and Senate precedent the federal government cannot regulate abortion.
Southern Senator North Carolina Yankee
North Carolina Yankee
Atlas Institution
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« Reply #531 on: March 11, 2021, 12:18:51 PM »

I presume the PPT is aware, but I believe that under existing Supreme Court and Senate precedent the federal government cannot regulate abortion.

I kind of wanted it that way for the sake of regional activity.

That being said, if Spark were to reintroduce such as a constitutional amendment the Court concern would be eliminated and at that point there is nothing in the rules that would hinder it from reaching the floor. Now of course "precedent" might dictate it would be voted down on such basis, but unless I am missing something, this is my current understanding.
Atlas Politician
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« Reply #532 on: March 11, 2021, 03:40:20 PM »

Reintroducing this -


To regulate the harmful effects of abortion and to protect our unborn children

Section 1. Title and Purpose

a. Too many countless lives are lost each year due to the heinous practice of abortion, and this bill is intended to protect life once a heartbeat is detected.

Section 2. Liability and Regulation

a. Any physician, knowingly or unknowingly, and thereby kills a human fetus by termination of a pregnancy -
i. Without determining, according to standard medical practice, whether the fetus has a detectable heartbeat
ii. Without informing the mother of the results of that determination
iii. After determining that the fetus has a detectable heartbeat after performing the standard medical practice
iv. As this practice contravenes the Hippocratic Oath, if all or one of the above conditions are met, a physician shall not be imprisoned more than 5 years and fined, or both.
v. If after this first offense, the physician subsequently performs another abortion, that physician shall lose the right to practice the profession of medicine
vi. Mothers shall bear no prosecution or repercussion for seeking an abortion
Atlas Politician
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« Reply #533 on: March 11, 2021, 03:50:42 PM »


To condemn predatory and monopolistic business practices

Section 1. Background & Purpose

a. Many companies exploit by pricing out competitors out of the market and control over 50% of the market share for industries. Tactics such as predatory pricing degrade the market. This causes innovation to decline, and as a result, consumers suffer the consequences with poorer product quality. The purpose of this resolution is, broadly, to condemn these practices and reaffirm the enforcement of the federal government to regulate monopolies for consumer protection.
b. The title of this resolution shall be the Market Fairness Resolution of 2021
Atlas Politician
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« Reply #534 on: March 14, 2021, 03:10:39 PM »

The 2021 Digital Privacy Act

Section 1.) Because I wanted you to know

A.) All companies, organisations or entities providing digital advertising services in Atlasia shall be obliged to provide consumers with the all of their relevant data and information that are held on said person.

B.) Individuals shall also request to know if their data has been provided, or sold to another entity.

C.) The Federal Trade Commission, in conjunction with the Attorney General, shall have the power to enforce this act and ensure its compliance.

Section 2- Don't Track Me

A.) All users and consumers shall have the right to sign up to a 'do not track' federal guarantee. Upon a consumer signing up for this guarantee no company, advertiser or entity shall be able to advertise any product towards them based on their previous internet use, browsing history, demographics or other similar information. 

B.) Companies that wish to condition products and services on the sale or sharing of consumer data must offer another, similar privacy-friendly version of their product.

C.) Individuals shall hereby be allowed to request that companies holding information on them shall not sell or provide this data to a third party, with the exception of providing information to law enforcement bodies. 

Section 3- Sue, Grabbit and Runne

A. Both the Federal Government and the regions of Altasia are hereby allowed to designate one “protection and advocacy” organization that can file civil suits against companies that violate privacy regulations.
Atlas Icon
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« Reply #535 on: March 25, 2021, 06:14:03 PM »

To increase the minimum wage
Be it enacted in both houses of Congress
Section 1; Title
1. This legislation may be cited as the "Rewarding Hard Work Act"
Section 2; Minimum Wage Increase
1. 29 U.S.C § 206(a)(1) is amended to read as follows:

(1) except as otherwise provided in this section, not less than $11.00  $15.00 an hour;
Section 3; Implementation
1. The increase in the federal minimum wage shall take effect over a period of four years-
a) Starting from January 1, 2022, the federal minimum wage shall increase by $1 at the start of each year until it reaches $15.
Atlas Politician
Atlas Icon
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« Reply #536 on: March 27, 2021, 04:41:03 PM »

Lets Get Wired (LGW) Act

1.) This Act hereby recognises the importance of broadband and data access for communities across Atlasia, and recognises that too many communities still lack reliable, affordable and high quality broadband. This act takes the following steps to remedy this inequality.

2.) The Lets Get Wired Task-Force is hereby created, with an NPC chairman and 5 other representatives appointed by the President, along with one representative from each of Atlasia's region. This taskforce is hereby empowered to expand, improve and introduce high-speed broadband across Atlasia and its regions.

3.) $20 billion shall hereby be appropriated over the next 5 years to aims and objectives of the LGW Act. The $20 billion is hereby broken down in the following areas. 

3A.) $10 billion of this funding is for the up-front cost of installing new broadband route in areas currently not receiving an connection of least 25 megabits per second, an upload speed of at least 3 megabits per second.

3B.) $5 billion is hereby granted to the regions of Atlasia to spend on the improving and expanding broadband access.

3C.) $2 billion is hereby allocated for the installation of broadband for rural areas and areas under the oversight of the Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA)

3D.) $1 billion is hereby allocated for a federal jobs training and apprenticeship scheme designed to train employees for the skills needed in the installation of broadband infrastructure.

3E.) $1 billion is hereby allocated for public schools and libraries to improve and expand broadband access.

3F.) $500 million is hereby allocated for hospitals and other medical facilities to invest, expand and improve tele-health programs for patients, with the funding designated for improving services for patients with historic difficulty in accessing broadband connections.

3EG) $500 million is hereby allocated to be granted to small business (those with less than 10 employees) to improve internet accessibility for the business, and for employees working from home. The maximum grant amount shall be capped at $5,000 per company. 
Atlas Politician
Junior Chimp
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« Reply #537 on: April 02, 2021, 11:44:53 AM »

Anti-Human Trafficking Act


A bill to reduce the harmful effects of human trafficking in our land.

Section 1. Permissions

A regional department shall be authorized to provide emergency care and supervision to any child without seeking a court order for a period not to exceed seven days when:

A) As a result of an emergency or illness, the person who has physical and legal custody of a child is unable to provide for the care and supervision of such child, and such person or a law enforcement officer, emergency personnel employed by a licensed ambulance provider, fire rescue personnel, or a hospital administrator or his or her designee requests that DFCS exercise such emergency custody; and

B) A child is not at imminent risk of abuse or neglect, other than the risks arising from being without a caretaker

Section 2. Penalties

The crimes and offenses relating to trafficking of persons for labor or sexual servitude are as follows:

A) A person commits the offense of trafficking an individual for sexual servitude when that person knowingly:

1) Subjects an individual to or maintains an individual in sexual servitude;

2) Recruits, entices, harbors, transports, provides, solicits, patronizes, or obtains by any means an individual for the purpose of sexual servitude; or

3) Solicits or patronizes by any means an individual to perform sexually explicit conduct on behalf of such person when such individual is the subject of sexual servitude Benefits financially or by receiving anything of value from the sexual servitude of another."

4) Any person who commits the offense of trafficking an individual for labor servitude or sexual servitude shall be guilty of a felony, and upon conviction thereof, shall be punished by imprisonment for not less than ten nor more than 20 years and a fine not to exceed $100,000.00.

5) Any person who commits the offense of trafficking an individual for labor servitude or sexual servitude against an individual who is under 18 years of age and such individual under the age of 18 years was coerced or deceived into being trafficked for labor or if the offense is committed against an individual who has a developmental disability, the person shall be guilty of a felony, and upon conviction thereof, shall be punished by imprisonment for not less than 25 nor more than 50 years or life imprisonment and a fine not to exceed $100,000.00.
Atlas Politician
Junior Chimp
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« Reply #538 on: April 02, 2021, 12:03:04 PM »

Home Buyer Assistance Stabilization Act


April 2, 2021

Section 1. Title

A) The title of this bill shall be the Home Buyer Assistance Stabilization Act

Section 2. Administration

A) Departments of housings in regions across Atlasia shall establish and administer the home buyer assistance program to:

1. Assist home buyers by providing low-interest mortgage loans, with down payment and closing cost assistance options for the purchase of homes.  

2. Coordinate with, as appropriate, provide matching monies for similar programs that are offered by private employers and county and municipal governments so to maximize the total amount that home buyers can receive under this program.

B) The home buyer assistance fund is hereby established which shall consist of legislative appropriations to be compiled to at least $1,000,000 via monies received from the repayment of loans provided by the program and interest earned on those monies. The departments of each region shall administer the fund for continuous appropriation.

C)  For loans provided under this program, the departments shall:

1. Allow home buyers to use the loans for the purchase of newly constructed or existing homes, including homes that are held in cooperative or condominium forms of ownership.

2. Require that borrowers under this program do not own other residential real estate at the time of the loan request.

3. Require a home purchased under this program be occupied by the home buyer as a princiapl residence.
Atlas Icon
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« Reply #539 on: April 10, 2021, 12:34:30 AM »
« Edited: April 10, 2021, 05:57:03 PM by Pericles »

To protect the health of Atlasian workers and the wider community
Be it enacted in both houses of Congress
Section 1: Title
1. This legislation may be cited as the "Medical Leave and Compensation Act of 2021"
Section 2: Amendment to the Coronavirus Containment and Emergency Response Act
1. Section 5b of the legislation is amended as follows-
"(b.) All employers must allow their workers to accrue seven at least ten annual days of paid sick leave, with an additional fourteen days available immediately in the event of public health emergencies.
2. A new clause shall be added to section 5 of the legislation-
"All employed people in Atlasia who are self-isolating to avoid spreading Covid-19, where required by law, shall be paid by the government their full wage for the entirety of their period of their required isolation."
a) This payment shall also apply if an individual misses at least one full day of work while self-isolating while waiting for the results of a Covid-19 test, even if they are not legally required to self-isolate.
b) This payment shall be capped at $45 an hour.
3. All persons who receive a notification from the DefeatCoronavirus app asking them to self-isolate, are otherwise notified by government contact tracers, or otherwise receive a positive Covid-19 test, shall be required to self-isolate for the following periods-
a) Five days, if they take a Covid-19 test five days or later into their self-isolation and that test result comes back negative.
b) Otherwise, fourteen days, or-if this is later than fourteen days-until they recover from Covid-19.
Section 3; Miscarriage Bereavement Leave
1. All employed people in Atlasia shall be entitled to up to three days of bereavement leave in the following circumstances-
a) On the unplanned end of their pregnancy through a miscarriage or still-birth, where this is not the result of use of abortion services.
b) On the unplanned end of another person's pregnancy through a miscarriage or still-birth, where this is not the result of the use of abortion services, in these circumstances-
i) Where they are the person's spouse or partner.
ii) Where they would have been the biological parent of a child born as a result of the pregnancy.
iii) Where they had officially undertaken to be the primary carer of a child born as a result of the pregnancy.
iv) Where they are the spouse or partner of a person who had officially undertaken to be the primary carer of a child born as a result of the pregnancy.
Section 4; Compensation for Live Organ Donors
1. "Qualifying donor" is a person who satisfies these conditions-
a) they will forgo earnings as a result of taking unpaid leave or otherwise ceasing employment to allow for their recuperation from the surgery
b) both the donor surgery and the surgery to implant the organ will be carried out in Atlasia
c) the organ will be collected, implanted, and dealt with lawfully
2. A qualifying donor is entitled to receive up to twelve weeks worth of compensation from the federal government for recovering from surgery after donating an organ.
a) The compensation may be ceased when the qualifying donor either returns to employment or is medically certified to be fit to return to their employment, even if this is earlier than twelve weeks after the surgery.
3. Compensation may be given before the surgery where the qualifying donor undertakes activities in preparation for the surgery if-
a) they would not reasonably be able to undertake these activities without taking leave from their employment for that period, and
b) these activities are medically necessary for the surgery to be successfully carried out.
4. All compensation legislated for in this section shall be set at the level of the qualifying donor's full wage for the period.
a) The compensation shall be capped at $45 an hour.
Section 5; Implementation
1. All provisions of this legislation shall come into effect immediately upon its passage into law.
2. No provision of this legislation shall expire at any declared end of the Covid-19 pandemic.
Atlas Icon
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« Reply #540 on: April 10, 2021, 10:34:16 PM »

To stop parasitic economic behavior by other nations
Be it enacted in both houses of Congress
Section 1; Title
1. This legislation may be cited as the "Penalties for Tax Shelter Nations Act"
Section 2; Good Faith Requirements
1. The following requirement is added to section 3, clause 2 of the "More Fairness to Workers Act"-
"J.) The lack of an effective legal requirement for financial institutions to comply with the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA) or any further equivalent Atlasian legislation, so that the Atlasian government is prevented from accurately assessing the tax liabilities of its citizens."
Section 3; Implementation
1. This legislation shall take effect one year after its passage into law.
YaBB God
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« Reply #541 on: April 12, 2021, 09:01:56 AM »

To reduce the eligible time between re-registrations after voluntary deregistrations

Be it enacted by the Congress of the Republic of Atlasia assembled
Section 1. Title

This legislation may be cited as the Deregistration Forgiveness Act.

Section 2. Amendment to the Census Act of 2019

1. Section 5 of the Census Act of 2019 is hereby amended:

If a voter deregisters voluntarily, they may not register again until three hundred and thirty-six seventy-two hours have passed.
Atlas Politician
Junior Chimp
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« Reply #542 on: April 17, 2021, 08:54:46 AM »
« Edited: April 17, 2021, 09:02:15 AM by Southern Senator Spark »


To strengthen the delivery of mental health care services to every Atlasian


Remote Medical Coverage Act

Section I.

1. Definitions

a. Distant site means a site at which a health care provider legally allowed to practice by providing health care services by means of telemedicine.

b. Site of origination means a site where the patients resides or at which a patient is located at the time health care services are provided to him or her by means of telemedicine.

c. Telehealth means the use of information and communications technologies consisting of telephones, remote patient monitoring devices or other electronic means which support clinical health care, provider consultation, patient and professional health-related education, public health, health administration, or other services.

d. Telemedicine is defined as a form of telehealth which is the delivery of clinical health care services by means of real time two-way audio, visual, or other telecommunications or electronic communications, including the application of secure video conferencing or store and forward transfer technology to provide or support healthcare delivery, which facilitate the assessment, diagnosis, consultation, treatment, education, care management and self-management of a patient's health care by a health care provider practicing within his or her scope of practice as would be practiced in-person with a patient, legally allowed to practice in the state while such patient is at an originating site and the health care provider is at a distant site.

Section II. Coverage and Administration

1. Each insurer proposing to issue individual or group accident and sickness insurance policies providing hospital, medical and surgical, or major medical coverage on an expense-incurred basis; each corporation providing individual or group accident and sickness subscription contracts; and each health maintenance organization providing a health care plan for health care services shall provide coverage for the cost of such health care services provided through telemedicine.

2. Each insurer proposing to issue individual or group accident and sickness insurance policies providing hospital, medical and surgical, or major medical coverage on an expense-incurred basis; each corporation providing individual or group accident and sickness subscription contracts; and each health maintenance organization providing a health care plan for health care services shall provide coverage for the cost of such health care services provided through telehealth as directed.

3. The federal government, shall, enabled by this legislation to assume the cost of telemedicine only through a fund established through financing from insurance premiums.
Southern Senator North Carolina Yankee
North Carolina Yankee
Atlas Institution
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« Reply #543 on: April 18, 2021, 12:06:01 AM »

Introducing this with the objective of keeping the budget in the budget slot. Also because by statute a budget was to be submitted to Congress by April 1st  and leave us the Spring and summer to haggle over it. While this doesn't move us fully towards compliance it at least gets us moving earlier with the process. My first priority would be to compile spending as it has been signed into law, via amendment to this text.

The administration can also easily have a member submit an alternative proposal to alter or replace whatever is in the budget slot via amendment.


Section 1: Revenues

Income Taxes:  $ 1,735,038,900,000.00  ($ 1735.04 billion)                           
 by tax bracket
 0-13K      10%  $ 132,602,630,929.00
 13K-50k    15%    $ 447,780,682,763.00                   
 50K-130K   25%        $ 535,512,271,234.00               
 130K-210K  29%       $ 188,700,479,643.00                     
 210K-413K  34%       $ 220,320,135,498.00                         
 413K-441K  36%        $ 75,481,993,752.00                   
 441K+      40.6%      $ 134,640,706,551.00                     
Corporate Taxes:  $ 347,763,510,122.19  ($ 347.76 billion)
 by tax bracket                                           
 0-100K     0%        $ 0.00               
 100K-1M    15%        $ 2,678,940,033.99               
 1M-10M     21.5%    $ 5,172,280,041.70                   
 10M+       28%         $ 339,912,290,046.51                   
Payroll Taxes -  $ 1,325,575,422,184.86 ($ 1,325.58 billion)
 OASDI: 12.4% (6.2% on employees, 6.2% on employers) - $ 912,456,391,044.15   
 RRPH: 5.0% (2.5% on employees, 2.5% on employers) - $ 367,925,964,130.71     
 FUTA: 6.0% on first $7,000 - $ 45,193,067,010.00 

Estate Tax: 45% of amount above $ 3.5 million, 50% above $ 10 million, 55% above $ 50 million
 $ 34,500,000,000.00
$16.00 Billion.... Amendment by the Responsible Estate Tax Act
Total: $50.5 Billion

New 2020 Wealth Tax
$288.00 Billion

Healthcare Taxes:
 40% Cadillac Tax -  $ 0.00 Billion 
 3.8% on Net Investment Income -  $ 12.80 Billion                             
Excise Taxes/customs duties:
 Carbon Tax (2018) -  $ 16.35    Billion                           
 Gasoline Tax (2018) -  $ 50.00 Billion                               
 Tobacco and Alcohol Taxes (2018) -  $ 24.20 Billion   
 Excise taxes on health insurance providers,
 pharmaceuticals, and medical devices (2018) - $ 9.90 Billion
 Revenue Enhancement Act - $ 63,185,494,000.00
 LIFO Repeal Offset… $ 13,000,000,000.00       

Buffett Rule Act of 2019: $46.7 Billion           
Other Revenue:  $ 30.209 Billion                   
Additional tax credits:  $ -39.40 Billion
TOTAL Revenue: $ 3973.83 Billion

Section 2: Spending

Military Spending ($504.358 Billion)               
$123.58 Billion... Military personnel               
$184.51 Billion... Operation and maintenance               
$106.01 Billion... Procurement               
$61.52 Billion ... Research, development, test and evaluation               
$8.47 Billion..... Military Construction, Family Housing and Other               
$12.148 Billion.... Atomic Energy Defense Activities               
$8.11 Billion..... Defense Related activities           
$0.00 Billion..... Fiscal Responsibility in our Military Act
$-15.25 Billion… F-35 Procurement Halt

Military Retirement ($144.0811 Billion)                           
$75.48 Billion.... Income security for veterans               
$14.15 Billion.... Veterans education, training, and rehabilitation                           
$54.22 Billion.... Hospital and medical care for veterans and retired military (added in under Healthcare below)               
$0.38 Billion..... Housing and other veterans benefits and services             
$-0.1489 Billion…. VA Privatisation
International affairs ($31.94 Billion)               
$18.88 Billion ... International development and humanitarian assistance               
$8.55 Billion..... International military aid               
$11.99 Billion.... Conduct of foreign affairs               
$1.30 Billion..... Foreign information and exchange activities 
$-8.79 Billion.... International Financial Programs             
General science, space, and technology ($185.18 Billion)               
$11.26 Billion.... National Science Foundation programs               
$4.55 Billion..... Department of Energy general science programs               
$169.37 Billion.... Space flight, research, and supporting activities
$154.00 Billion.... Space Exploration, Development, and Settlement Act
-$154.00 Billion.... Delay on the implementation of the Space Exploration, Development, and Settlement Act
Non-Defense Energy Spending ($47.393 Billion)               
$3.15 Billion..... Energy supply               
$1.11 Billion..... Energy conservation and preparedness               
$0.64 Billion..... Energy information, preparedness, & regulation 
$10.00 Billion.... Energy Rebate and Subsidy Act   
$32.50 Billion.... Gas Tax Act     
$-0.007 Billion…. Eliminated Ethanol Blending Rules
Natural resources and environment ($34.58 Billion)               
$4.89 Billion..... Water resources               
$11.54 Billion.... Conservation and land management         
$4.42 Billion..... Recreational & Park resources               
$7.18 Billion..... Pollution control and abatement                               
$6.55 Billion..... Other natural resources   
Agriculture ($19.532 Billion)               
$16.01 Billion.... Farm income stabilization & crop insurance               
$4.30 Billion..... Agricultural research and services
$0.03 Billion..... No More Going Hungry in Atlasia Act
$-0.8 Billion…. Eliminated marketing programs
$-0.008 Billion…. Eliminated Catfish Inspection Office
Commerce and Housing Loan Programs ($0.79 Billion)               
$-22.33 Billion... Federal Housing Loan Programs               
$2.69 Billion..... Postal service               
$2.50 Billion..... Deposit insurance               
$10.20 Billion.... Universal service fund               
$7.70 Billion..... Other advancement of commerce
$-0.17 Billion…. Eliminated Capital Construction Grants   
$0.20 Billion… Supporting Atlasian Entrepreneurs Act         
Transportation ($92.3914 Billion)               
$67.40 Billion.... Ground Transportation             
$16.20 Billion.... Air Transportation               
$8.4015 Billion..... Water transportation               
$0.38 Billion..... Other transportation     
Community and regional development ($33.425 Billion)               
$3.78 Billion..... Community development               
$2.19 Billion..... Area and regional development               
$4.02 Billion..... Disaster relief and insurance               
$2.23 Billion..... Homeless Shelter Emergency Housing               
$4.32 Billion..... Small Business Association
$0.77 Billion..... Flint Reinvestment Act
$0.08 Billion..... Refugee act           
$-11.025 Billion…. We Should Help Workers Act
$2.00 Billion…. Buy-Atlasian Contracting Rules
$10.00 Billion…. Appalachia Reinvestment Act
$15.00 Billion…. Reservation Reinvestment Act
Education ($73.7625 Billion)               
$39.03 Billion.... Elementary, Secondary & Vocational education               
$31.475 Billion.... Higher education               
$3.26 Billion..... Research and general education             
$0.00 Billion..... Orlando Act
$-0.0125 Billion…. Cap on certain student loans
Training, labor and unemployment ($19.536 Billion)               
$7.58 Billion..... Training and employment               
$1.77 Billion..... Labor law, statistics, and other administration'
$9.2 Billion...... Public Service Act         
$-0.014 Billion…. Eliminated Employee Drug Tests
$1.00 Billion.... Agency of Cooperative Enterprises (see Act to encourage the growth of worker owned enterprises)
Atlasian Healthcare ($1261.14 Billion)               
$423.77 Billion... Senior Healthcare
$44.31 Billion.... Veteran Healthcare
$12.90 Billion.... Federal employees' and retired employees' health benefits 
$425.42 Billion... Medical Services
$338.85 Billion... Sliding Scale Subsidies
$15.89 Billion.... Healthcare Subsidy Office (HSO) and AtlasCare Office (ACO) Administration

Non-ANH Health Spending ($67.67 Billion)               
$24.25 Billion.... Disease control, public health and bioterrorism               
$28.48 Billion.... Health research and training               
$4.24 Billion..... Consumer and occupational health and safety             
$10.00 Billion…. Opioid Epidemic Commission
$0.3 Billion.... Comprehensive Opioid Response Act
$0.40 Billion.... Women's Health Protection Act
Civilian Retirement (Social Security excluded) ($138.16 Billion)               
$8.23 Billion..... Civilian retirement and disability insurance               
$129.93 Billion... Federal employee retirement and disability               
Social Security ($903.24 Billion)
$868.63 Billion... Social Security Outlays
$34.60 Billion.... Social Security Administration
Aid to Low-Income Families ($366.50 Billion)
$40.53 Billion.... Unemployment             
$39.98 Billion.... Housing assistance               
$99.44 Billion.... Food and Nutrition Assistance (Food Stamps + WIC)       
$169.01 Billion... Other aid to low-income families               
$17.54 Billion.... Social Services           
Administration of justice ($51.902 Billion)               
$27.157 Billion.... Federal law enforcement
$13.938 Billion.... Federal litigation and judicial activities               
$6.2687 Billion..... Federal prison system               
$4.24 Billion..... Criminal justice assistance 
$0.74 Billion..... Federal Penitentiary Reform Act Provisions     
$-0.432 Billion…. General Criminal Justice Savings
General government administration ($3.87 Billion)               
$3.66 Billion..... Legislative functions               
$0.45 Billion..... Executive office programs               
$12.03 Billion.... IRS & other fiscal operations               
$1.567 Billion..... Other general government               
$-13.20 Billion…. Government Efficiency Act
$-0.62 Billion…. Eliminated Penny
$0.002 Billion…. Mandatory Tampons in Restrooms
-$0.03 Billion.... Coin Composition Revision Act

One Time Coronavirus Stimulus spending ($5295.126 Billion)
$9.226 Billion.... Coronavirus Containment and Emergency Response Act
$4807 Billion.... Economic Stimulus Act of 2020

Interest on debt ($295.40 Billion)               
$295.40 Billion... Net Interest

Section 3: Balance

BASE REVENUE:     $ 3973.830 Billion
Inflation Accounting: *1.012
TOTAL REVENUE: $ 4021.52 Billion

Fixed Expenditures: $ 36.05 Billion
Variable Expenditures:  $ 3979.45 Billion
One time Expenditures: $ 5295.126 Billion
Interest on Debt: $ 295.40 Billion
BASE EXPENDITURES: $9606.026 Billion
Inflation Accounting: *1.012
TOTAL EXPENDITURES: $ 9721.30 Billion
BALANCE: $ -5699.78 Billion

Section 4: Miscellaneous regulations
1. This budget shall become enacted immediately after passage
2. This budget shall ordinarily remain in efect until the 31st of December, 2021
3. All previous bills that modify the existing tax rates are hereby amended, so that their tax rates match those from this budget
4. The implementation of section 4 of the the Space Exploration, Development, and Settlement Act is hereby rolled back by 1 year and shall not apply until 2022
5. The old wealth tax from before 2020 is hereby repealed and abolished, and replaced with the new wealth tax from the Wealth Tax Act of 2020.

People's Regional Senate

Atlas Icon
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« Reply #544 on: May 02, 2021, 12:40:56 AM »

Introducing this on behalf of Scott, this seems like a good bill to debate (and we might be able to build on it).
To outlaw forgery of COVID-19 Vaccination Record Cards

Be it enacted by the Congress of the Republic of Atlasia assembled
Section 1. Title

This legislation may be cited as the COVID-19 Vaccine Card Anti-Forgery Act.

Section 2. Outlawing the manufacturing and use of false COVID-19 Vaccination Record Cards

1. It shall be a federal crime to create unauthorized COVID-19 Vaccination Record Cards, or to use a forged card for access to employment or private or public services.

2. Individuals convicted of violating Section 2.1 may be sentenced to no longer than one year in prison and/or a $25,000 fine.
Atlas Politician
Junior Chimp
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« Reply #545 on: May 08, 2021, 12:05:03 PM »


To reduce the unlawful killings of citizens due to police brutality in the Republic of Atlasia

Section 1. Purpose and Title

a. Too many of our citizens live in fear of being stopped by the police only to lose their life. No one should fear that they may lose their right to life when interacting with an officer. This legislation is designed to augment the tactics used by police.

b. The title of this legislation shall be the De-Escalation in Policing Act

Section 2. Provisions

A federal law enforcement agency, police department or state law enforcement administrative agency shall adopt regulations that require a police officer, probation officer, parole officer, municipal correctional officer, or correctional officer to

(1) attempt to de-escalate a situation and exhaust all alternative non- lethal methods of engagement before discharging a firearm at or in the direction of another person; and

(2) provide an oral warning to a person against whom deadly force is intended to be used before discharging a firearm, if providing the oral warning is safe to attempt.

(3) An officer must undergo in service training in de-escalation tactics each year during the course of their career.

(4) For all new police recruits in police academies, de-escalation must be the primary focus and may not be less than 60 hours of de-escalation training completed.
Atlas Politician
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« Reply #546 on: May 09, 2021, 04:38:54 PM »

Congressional Resolution- People over Patents.

This resolution hereby urges the President of Atlasia and the Secretary of State to apply for the World Trade Organisation to provide a temporary waiver in relation to patents for coronavirus-19 vaccinations and treatments
Atlas Icon
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« Reply #547 on: May 18, 2021, 05:37:13 PM »


Article I.

Section 1. All persons born or naturalized in the Republic of Atlasia, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the Republic of Atlasia and of the Region in which they reside, and shall in all cases be afforded equal protection under the law.

Section 2. The Senate shall make no law abridging the freedom of speech, nor of the press, nor withholding the freedom to peaceably assemble and to petition for the redress of grievances.

Section 3. The Senate shall make no law respecting the establishment of religion, nor obstructing the freedom of worship.

Section 4. The right of citizens of the Republic of Atlasia to vote shall not be denied, except in regards to persons whose account is fewer than 168 hours old or in consequence of failing to meet such requirements for frequent posting or term of residency as may be established by law; but no ballot shall be counted as valid that should list the candidates for office in a script other than the Latin alphabet, or that has been edited more than twenty minutes after its posting in the voting booth. All posts made in the voting booth shall be considered as ballots, and no citizen shall cast multiple ballots in any one election during the period the voting booth is open, upon penalty of the invalidation of their vote.

Section 5. No person shall be deprived of life, liberty, or property without due process of law.

Section 6. Neither slavery, nor involuntary servitude, except as punishment for crimes of which the accused has been duly convicted, shall exist within the Republic of Atlasia, nor in any place under its jurisdiction, nor may any draft or other form of compulsory service be instituted, unless approved by a public referendum in which at least three-fifths of the votes in each of the three regions are in the affirmative. The President shall have the sole authority to authorize the draft referendum.

Section 7. A well-regulated militia being necessary for the security of a free people, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.

Section 8. No citizen shall be subjected to warrantless search or seizure of the persons, homes, records, or possessions, and no warrants shall be issued without probable cause, supported by oath of affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.

Section 9. No person accused of crimes under the laws of this Republic, or of the several Regions, shall be compelled to bear witness against themself, nor subjected to excessive bail, nor cruel or unusual punishment. Capital punishment may not be prescribed by a civilian court of law.

Section 10. In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall have right to a speedy and public trial by an impartial jury of their peers in the Region wherein the crime shall have been committed, to be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation, to be confronted with the witnesses against them, to have a compulsory process for obtaining witnesses in their favor, and to have the assistance of counsel in their defense.

Section 11. No person shall be held to answer for a capital or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a Grand Jury, except in cases arising in the armed forces.

Section 12. In suits at common law, where the value in controversy shall exceed twenty dollars, the right of trial by jury shall be preserved, and no fact tried by a jury, shall be otherwise re-examined in any court of the Republic of Atlasia.

Section 13. The right of citizens of the Republic of Atlasia to health care, including but not limited to care necessary to prevent and treat illness, shall not be denied.

Section 14. The enumeration of certain rights in this Constitution shall not be construed as to deny or disparage those natural rights and liberties herein unlisted.

Article II.

Section 1. The Regions.

1. The several states of this Republic shall be apportioned among three contiguous, autonomous Regions. Each region shall be further subdivided into two subregions.

2. The northern Region shall consist of the states of Connecticut, Illinois, Indiana, Maine, Massachusetts, Michigan, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Wisconsin, Vermont, and Atlasian Virgin Islands.

i. The Northeastern Subregion shall consist of the states of Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New York, Rhode Island, Vermont, and Atlasian Virgin Islands.
ii. The Great Lakes Subregion shall consist of the states of Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin.

3. The southern Region shall consist of the states of Alabama, Arkansas, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Kansas, Kentucky, Maryland, Mississippi, Missouri, North Carolina, Oklahoma, Puerto Rico, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Virginia, West Virginia, and the District of Columbia.

i. The Upper Southern Subregion shall consist of the states of Arkansas, Delaware, Kansas, Kentucky, Maryland, Missouri, North Carolina, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Virginia, West Virginia, and the District of Columbia.
ii. The Deep Southern Subregion shall consist of the states of Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, Puerto Rico, South Carolina, and Texas

4. The western Region shall consist of the states of Alaska, Arizona, Atlasian Samoa, California, Colorado, Guam, Hawaii, Idaho, Iowa, Montana, Minnesota, Nevada, New Mexico, North Dakota, Northern Mariana Islands, Nebraska, Oregon, South Dakota, Utah, Washington, and Wyoming.

i. The Mountain West Subregion shall consist of the states of Arizona, Colorado, Idaho, Iowa, Montana, Minnesota, Nevada, New Mexico, North Dakota, Nebraska, South Dakota, Utah, and Wyoming.
ii. The Pacific Subregion shall consist of the states of Alaska, Atlasian Samoa, California, Guam, Hawaii, Northern Mariana Islands, Oregon, and Washington.

5. Each Region shall have the sole authority to designate its title, and the titles of the officers of its government, such as they will be recognized by the Republic of Atlasia in all official acts and processes.

Section 2. No region shall secede from this Republic but by a 3/4 vote of the citizens thereof, nor shall any Region, state, or other entity declare itself outside the jurisdiction of this Constitution so long as it remains party to this Union.

Section 3. Rights and Limitations.

1. The powers not delegated to the Republic of Atlasia by this Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the Regions, are reserved to the Regions respectively, or to the people.

2. No Region shall enter into any treaty, alliance, or confederation without the express consent of the Senate.

3. No Region shall pass any Bill of Attainder or ex post facto law, nor pass any act impairing the obligation of contracts.

4. No Region shall lay any duty on exports and imports except by necessity for the proper enforcement of its laws, and then only with the express consent of the Senate; and in such case the net produce of such shall be conferred to the Federal Treasury.

5. No Region shall lay any duty of tonnage, nor grant any title of nobility, nor maintain armed forces in times of peace, nor issue, coin, or recognize as legal tender any currency but that of the Republic of Atlasia.

Section 4. Regional Elections.

1. No regional-administered election shall admit as eligible voters any person having resided in any other region within the fifty-six days prior to the commencement of the election.

2. In addition, no subregional senate election shall admit as eligible voters any person having resided in any other region within the fifty-six days prior to the commencement of the election.

3. Aside from the exceptions as laid out by this section, no region-wide or subregional election may deny any person the right to vote who would, if a federal election were held concurrently, be eligible to vote in such an election.

Article III.

Section 1. The Senate.

1. All legislative powers herein granted shall be vested in the Senate of the Republic of Atlasia.

2. The Vice President shall be the President of the Senate, but shall only have a vote in the chamber when the Senate be equally divided.

3. The Senate shall consist of eighteen Senators; nine elected at large and one elected for each region and each subregion.

4. No person shall be a Senator who has not attained two hundred or more posts, nor whose account is fewer than fourteen hundred and forty hours old, nor shall any person be a regional or subregional senator who is not a citizen of the region or subregion they are chosen to represent.

5. The Senate shall elect a President pro tempore to preside over the body in the absence of the President of the Senate as well as any other officers as it so chooses, and shall have sole authority to determine its own methods of proceedings.

6. The Senate may adopt rules concerning the discipline and expulsion of its members; but no Senator shall be expelled but with the concurrence of two-thirds of the members of the Senate.

7. The Senate shall have the sole power to adopt and try articles of impeachment. No articles of impeachment shall be adopted without the concurrence of three-fifths of the voting Senators. The Chief Justice shall preside over all trials of impeachment save when the impeachment is against a sitting member of the Supreme Court. No person shall be convicted on any article of impeachment without the concurrence of two-thirds of the members of the Senate. In all cases, the penalty for conviction shall be removal from office and disqualification from any office under the Republic of Atlasia for a period not exceeding two years.

8. All legislation passed by the Senate, save constitutional amendments and resolutions, shall, before it becomes law, be submitted to the judgement of the President. A passed bill shall become law upon the signature of the President or seven days of Presidential inaction.
9. Should the President disapprove of a bill, it shall be sent back to the Senate. If, after considering the President’s objections, the Senate passes the bill again by a two-thirds vote, it shall become law regardless.

Section 2. Elections to the Senate.

1. The manner of election for at-large Senators shall be as follows:

i. The nine at-large Senators shall be elected for a term of two months by the eligible voters of the Republic according to a method of proportional representation prescribed by the Senate. Elections for the seats shall be held in the months of February, April, June, August, October, and December.
ii. If no other method of proportional representation is prescribed by law, at-large Senate elections shall operate on single transferable vote.
iii. At-large Senate vacancies shall be filled through appointment by the executive of the former Senator’s Party; but should a vacancy occur as the result of the death, expulsion, or resignation of an at-large Senator not being a member of a major Party, then a special election shall be held within twenty days of the vacancy to choose a replacement to serve the remainder of the existing term.

2. The manner of election for regional Senators shall be as follows:

i. Each region shall elect a Senator for a term of four months by popular election of the region’s residents administered by the regional government in a manner prescribed by the legislature thereof. Regional Senate elections shall be held in the months of February, June, and October.
ii. Regional Senate vacancies occurring more than thirty days prior to the end of the term shall be filled by special election of the region’s residents administered by the regional government within twenty days of the vacancy.
iii. Regional Senate vacancies occurring within thirty days of the end of the term, as well as the interim between a vacancy and a prescribed special election, may be filled in accordance with the laws of the region in question; should no such law exist then the region’s executive shall have the power to make such an appointment.

3. The manner of election for subregional Senators shall be as follows:
i. Each subregion shall elect a Senator for a term of four months by popular election of the subregion’s residents administered by its constituent regional government in a manner prescribed by the legislature thereof. Subegional Senate elections shall be held in the months of April, August, and December.
ii. Subregional Senate vacancies occurring more than thirty days prior to the end of the term shall be filled by a special election of the subregion’s residents administered by its constituent regional government within twenty days of the vacancy.
iii. Subregional Senate vacancies occurring within thirty days of the end of the term shall be filled by the subregional Senator elected for the following term immediately upon conclusion of their election.

Section 3. The Senate shall have the power, except where limited elsewhere by this Constitution,

to lay and collect taxes, duties, imposts, and excises, and to distribute the revenue thus collected;
to regulate foreign trade and inter-regional commerce;
to establish uniform laws of naturalization;
to regulate the value and coinage of the national currency;
to establish a uniform system of weights and measures;
to establish post offices and post roads;
to define and punish crimes committed on the high seas;
to declare war, issue letters of marque and reprisal, and make laws governing the capture of land and water;
to raise, support, and regulate the national armed forces;
to admit new states and territories to the Union;
to make laws governing borrowing, lending, and the selling of stocks and bonds;
to confirm or reject nominations for the Supreme Court and the officers of executive departments;
to establish a central national bank;
to make laws necessary for the enforcement of the Constitution and federal law;
to regulate voter registration and federal elections;
to regulate independent expenditures for political communication;
to impeach the President, Vice President, Justices and Associate Justices of the Supreme Court, and other officers of this government for high crimes and gross negligence.;
to establish, consolidate, alter, or terminate independent agencies led by non-playable officials, leaving it to the discretion of the President to control department structure and the existence of any playable principal officers, if any at all, which the President may appoint to roles in the agency, with the advice and consent of the Senate;
to make uniform rules for bankruptcies;
to temporarily grant inventors, authors, and artists exclusive patents or copyrights for their creations; and
to constitute tribunals inferior to the Supreme Court of Atlasia.

Section 4. War Powers.

1. War shall be declared by the Senate via a Declaration of War in case of armed conflict against a sovereign nation recognized by the Republic of Atlasia, or via an Authorization of Force in the case of sustained armed conflict against groups which have not been extended diplomatic recognition.

2. The Senate shall be able to amend a Declaration of War or Authorization of Force and it shall have the right to set time limits which the Senate may choose to extend via a later Resolution.

3. After the expiration of a Declaration of War or Authorization of Force, the Armed Forces will have a limit of 90 days to cease operations and/or withdraw from the territory delimited by the Senate. However, the President may submit an alternative schedule for withdrawal with due evidence and justification, which the Senate may in turn overrule with a 2/3 vote.

Section 5. Restrictions.

1. The privilege of the writ of habeas corpus shall not be suspended, except when in cases of rebellion or invasion the public safety may require it.

2. No Bill of Attainder or ex post facto law shall be passed.

3. No tax or duty shall be laid on articles exported from any Region.

4. No money shall be drawn from the Treasury but in accordance with the apportionments made by law.

5. No title of nobility shall be granted by the Republic of Atlasia, and accordingly no person holding office under this Constitution shall accept any title, rank, or office from any foreign state except in accordance with federal law.

{continues in following post}
Atlas Icon
Posts: 13,344
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« Reply #548 on: May 18, 2021, 05:37:41 PM »

{continued from previous post}

Article IV.

Section 1. The Executive.

1. The executive power shall be vested in the President of the Republic of Atlasia. They shall hold their office for a term of four months, together with a Vice President chosen for the same term.

2. Elections for President shall be held in the months of February, June, and October, in accordance with the measures prescribed by the Senate of the Republic of Atlasia. Each candidate for President shall run jointly with a candidate for Vice President, with whom their name shall appear jointly on the ballot. A vote for a candidate for President shall be considered a vote for the candidate for Vice President whose name appears on the ballot with the presidential candidate, and accordingly the candidate for Vice President whose name appears on the ballot with the successful candidate for President shall be elected.

3. In the event that two candidates for President tie in the popular vote at the conclusion of a special presidential runoff election, the candidates shall be elected Co-Presidents, with each Presidential and Vice Presidential candidate serving two months of a single four-month term. Should the candidates be unable to agree on which of them becomes President first, the candidate who has been registered longest as a citizen of Atlasia shall serve with their Vice President for the first two months, followed by the newest registered candidate and their respective Vice President for the latter two months.

4. No person shall be President or Vice President who has not attained 500 or more posts, nor whose account is not at least 4,320 hours old, nor is not a citizen of the Republic of Atlasia.

5. Upon the commencement of their term in office, the President shall swear the following oath: "I, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the office of President of the Republic of Atlasia, and will to the best of my ability preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the Republic of Atlasia."

Section 2. The President shall have the power, except where limited elsewhere by this Constitution,

to grant reprieves and pardons for crimes committed under the laws of the Republic of Atlasia, but the Senate may rescind such pardons by a 2/3 vote
to introduce legislation into the queue of the Senate and submit redrafts of legislation they have vetoed;
to appoint, with the advice and consent of the Senate, the Justices of the Supreme Court;
to establish such executive departments as may be necessary for the execution of the laws, and to appoint their principle officers with the advice and consent of the Senate;
to veto acts of Senatorial legislation, and to exercise a line-item veto over the budget;
to appoint, with the advice and consent of the Senate, the vice president in the event of a vacancy in that office;
to serve as Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Atlasia;
to make treaties with the advice and consent of the Senate; and
to authorize limited combat operations without Senatorial approval for a limit of 90 days, with the required support and signature of at least two principal officers of the executive departments, and only in the case of emergencies previously determined by the Senate via appropriate legislation.

Section 3. The Vice Presidency.

1. Whenever the office of President shall fall vacant, by reason of the death, impeachment, or resignation of the occupant, the Vice President shall become President.

2. Whenever the President shall submit their written declaration to the presiding officer of the Senate that they are unable to discharge the powers and duties of their office, and until they shall submit a declaration to the contrary, such powers and duties will be discharged by the Vice President as Acting President.

3. Whenever the Vice President and a majority of the principal officers of the executive departments shall submit their written declaration to the presiding officer of the Senate that the President is unable to discharge the powers and duties of their office, such powers and duties will be discharged by the Vice President as Acting President until such time as the President should submit their declaration to the contrary.

Section 4. The President, Vice President and all civil officers of the Republic of Atlasia, shall be removed from office on Impeachment for, and conviction of, treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors.

Article V.

Section 1. The Judiciary.

1. The judicial power of the Republic of Atlasia shall be vested in the Supreme Court, the membership of which shall consist of two Justices and three Associate Justices chosen in the following manner:

i.  The Justices of the Supreme Court shall be nominated by the President of the Republic of Atlasia and confirmed by a majority vote of the Senate.
ii. The chief executive officer of each of the several Regions shall nominate from among their constituents a candidate for Associate Justice. Upon the assent of a majority of the legislative power thereof, the nomination shall proceed to the President: if they approve of the nomination they should grant their Assent and the nominee shall assume the office of Associate Justice; but if they disapprove they should veto it and the nomination will be annulled. If then two thirds of the Senate should vote to override the President's veto, the nominee shall take office regardless of the opinion of the President.

2. The Justices and Associate Justices thus chosen shall hold their offices for life in good behavior.
3. The President shall designate a Chief Justice from among the appointed Justices, who shall continue in that capacity until such time as they shall resign the designation, or else cease to be a member of the Supreme Court.

Section 2. The judicial power of each of the several Regions shall be vested in a Circuit Court composed of the Associate Justice chosen from that Region, and no Region shall establish any other court or judicial authority.

Section 3. Jurisdiction.

1. The jurisdiction of the Supreme Court shall extend to all cases, in law and equity, arising under this Constitution and all official acts made under its authority; to all cases affecting ambassadors and other public ministers; to all cases of admiralty and maritime jurisdiction; to controversies to which this Republic shall be a party; to controversies between two or more Regions, or between a Region and citizens of another Region; between citizens of different Regions; between citizens of the same Region claiming lands under grants of different Regions, and between a Region, or the citizens thereof, and foreign States, citizens, or subjects.

2. The trial of all crimes, except in cases of impeachment, shall be by jury; and such trial shall be held in the Region where the said crimes shall have been committed; but when not committed within any Region, the trial shall be at such place or places as the Senate may by law have directed.

Article VI.

Section 1. The Game Engine.

1. All powers which the Senate shall deem necessary and proper for simulating either the impact of actions by the Republic of Atlasia, the several Regions, or the citizens thereof; or the actions of non-playable entities, shall be vested in a Game Engine.
2. The Senate shall have the power to establish the structure and powers of the Game Engine by appropriate legislation.

Article VII.

Section 1. Reciprocity.

1. The citizens of each Region shall be entitled to all privileges and immunities of citizens in the several Regions.

2. Full faith and credit shall be given in each Region to the public acts, records, and judicial proceedings of every other Region. And the Senate may by general laws prescribe the manner in which such acts, records and proceedings shall be proved, and the effect thereof.

3. A person charged in any Region with treason, felony, or other crime, who shall flee from justice, and be found in another Region, shall on demand of the executive authority of the Region from which they fled, be delivered up, to be removed to the Region having jurisdiction of the crime.

Section 2. Lands and States.

1. New states may be admitted by the Senate into this Union, and apportioned among the several Regions as may be appropriate; but no new state shall be formed or erected within the jurisdiction of any other state; nor any state be formed by the junction of two or more states, or parts of states, without the consent of the legislatures of the Regions concerned as well as of the Senate.

2. The Senate shall have power to dispose of and make all needful rules and regulations respecting the territory or other property belonging to the Republic of Atlasia.

3. The Regional legislatures may alter the boundaries of states and counties located within their respective Region at will.

4. The Senate may also alter the boundaries of states and counties, when the border in question is located between two or more regions.

Section 3. The Republic of Atlasia shall guarantee to every Region in this Union a republican form of government, and shall protect each of them against invasion; and on application of the legislature, or of the executive (when the legislature cannot be convened) against domestic violence.

Article VIII.

Section 1. This Constitution, and those laws, treaties, and other acts made by the Republic of Atlasia in pursuance thereof, shall be the supreme law of the land, and the executive and judicial officers of this government and of the several Regions shall be bound thereby, any thing in the laws or constitutions of the several Regions notwithstanding.

Section 2. Supremacy of the Atlas Forum.

1. Actions taken by Administrators or Moderators of the Atlas Forum are separate and distinct from their actions as citizens of Atlasia and they shall not be restricted, nor obstructed by Atlasian constitutional or statutory provision, in their enforcement of the Terms of Service by Atlasian constitutional or statutory provision.

2. Nothing in this section shall be construed as to provide immunity to moderators who violate any statutory provision that does not conflict with or obstruct enforcement of the terms of service.

Section 3. Qualifications.

1. The officers of the Republic Atlasia, and of the several Regions, shall be bound by Oath of Affirmation to support this Constitution, but no religious test shall ever be required as a qualification to any office or public trust under the Republic of Atlasia.

2. No person shall be elected to multiple offices under this Constitution, nor occupy the office of Justice or Associate Justice simultaneously with any other public office; but members of the Senate shall be eligible to serve as the principal officers of such executive departments as may be established by law.

Article IX.

Section 1. Amendment.

1. The Senate, whenever two thirds of its membership shall deem it necessary, shall have power to propose amendments to this Constitution, which shall take effect following their ratification by two thirds of the several Regions.

2. The Senate, whenever three fifths of the eligible voters or the legislatures of each of the several Regions shall deem it necessary, shall call for a Convention to revise or replace this Constitution and provide regulations for the organization and administration of that body.

Article X.

Section 1. Implementation of the Fifth Constitution.

1. Except as otherwise specified within this article, the provisions of this constitution, once ratified by two thirds of the regions, shall take effect and supersede the Fourth Constitution at noon Eastern Daylight time on the Second of July in the year two thousand and twenty-one.

2. All persons holding an office outside of Congress under the auspices of the Fourth Constitution shall retain their office upon this constitution taking effect. All persons scheduled to assume an office outside of Congress under the auspices of the Fourth Constitution shall still be scheduled to do so under this constitution.

3. Upon this constitution taking effect, Congress shall dissolve and the first Senate under the auspices of this constitution shall begin. The enumeration of Senates shall begin with those of the original bicameral Senate as established by the First Constitution and continue through the Senates in the bicameral Congress (such that the Senate of the First Congress is numbered the Seventy-Fourth, that of the Thirtieth Congress is numbered the One Hundred and Third, and the first Senate under the auspices of this constitution shall be numbered the One Hundred and Fourth).

4. All acts of the previous Congress shall continue to remain in force; all provisions and restrictions regarding passed legislation of the Senate shall also apply to legislation previously passed by the bicameral Congress.

Section 2. First Elections to the new Senate.

1. In order to facilitate a clean transition to this constitution, upon ratification any scheduled regular elections for the bicameral Congress for a term beginning on July 2nd or later shall be cancelled.
2. Elections shall instead be held in June under the terms of this constitution for terms set to begin upon its taking effect. Elections for regional and at-large Senate shall be regular elections for their seats’ full terms of four and two months, respectively. Elections for subregional Senate shall be special elections to fill a partial term of two months; the first subregional Senate elections for a full term shall then take place in August.
YaBB God
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« Reply #549 on: May 18, 2021, 07:57:35 PM »

I can sponsor on Sestak's behalf.
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