Senate Legislation Introduction Thread

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Junior Chimp
Posts: 6,729
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« Reply #400 on: October 10, 2019, 03:43:01 PM »

The Black Hills Reclamation Act


To recognize an historical pact and seek a cordial conclusion

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives in Congress assembled,

Section I: Title

1. This Act may be cited as the "The Black Hills Reclamation Act".

Section II: Resolution

1. Recognizing:

  a. The historical annexation of native lands, the violation of the Treaty of Fort Laramie, and the desecration of the sacred Black Hills mountain range by the Republic of Atlasia were unjustified acts of barbarism.

2. We Resolve:

  a. To conduct a peaceful and permanent arrangement with the Dakota, Lakota, and Nakota people on the basis of mutual friendship and self-determination.

Section III: The Objective

1. The Atlasia Senate Committee on Indian Affairs shall oversee an initiative to gradually return territory once belonging to the Great Sioux Reservation back to the Sioux in the form of a newly constituted reservation.

  a. This shall total 7.25 million acres of land encompassing the Black Hills, the Cheyenne River, Standing Rock, Pine Ridge, Rosebud, Badlands N.P., Western Crow Creek, and Lower Brule.
     i. Of this, the Sioux shall receive direct ownership and title over 1.2 million acres of federal land. In the remaining land designated to the reservation, residents of the State of South Dakota shall retain ownership over their property.  

  b. All lands directly owned by the Sioux shall be exempt from local, state and federal taxation.

  c. The Sioux shall attain complete mineral and water rights to all directly owned territory.

2. The Committee shall consult with leaders and representatives of the Sioux and thereby determine the steps most necessary and suitable with all present-day conditions in mind.

3. Upon passage of this legislation, the Mount Rushmore National Memorial and Park shall be closed to the public.

Section IV: Effective Date

1. This act takes effect on November 28th, 2019.
Adam Griffin
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« Reply #401 on: October 12, 2019, 05:29:04 PM »

Utilizing Slot 17:


1) This agreement shall apply to the trade in all goods between the nation of Atlasia and the nation of Kenya except for those herein listed.

2) Any item prohibited from export by the Bureau of Industrial Security or any successor agency shall not be subject to the terms of this agreement.

3) Any narcotic, drug, or substance prohibited from consumption under the laws of any member party shall not be subject to the terms of this agreement.

4) Any animal or animal product prohibited from sale by the Endangered Species Act shall not be subject to terms of this agreement.


1) Elimination of Duties - Except as otherwise provided in this agreement, each party shall progressively eliminate its customs duties on originating goods of the other party.

2) Customs Value - Each party shall adopt and apply the provisions of the WTO Customs Valuation Agreement for the purposes of determining the customs value of goods traded between the parties

3) Export Tax - Neither party shall adopt or maintain any duty, tax or other charge on the export of any good to the territory of the other party.

4) Import and Export Restrictions - Neither party shall adopt or maintain any prohibition or restriction on the importation or exportation of any good of the other party, except as permitted by this agreement.

5) Merchandise Processing Fee - Neither party shall adopt or maintain any merchandise processing fee for originating goods.


1) Chapter 3 of the Atlasia-Mozambique Free Trade Agreement, governing rules for determining originating goods is hereby incorporated by reference.


1) Notice Requirements - Each party shall publish at least 30 days in advance any change to any of its rules or regulations for customs administration.

2) Cooperation - Each party shall cooperate on the interpretation and dispute resolution of customs rules, regulations, and determinations.


1) Anti-Dumping - If as a result of the reduction or elimination of any customs duty under the agreement, an originating good of the other party is being imported in such quantities, in absolute terms or relative to domestic production, and under such conditions that the imports of such originating good constitute a substantial cause of serious injury to a domestic industry producing a like or directly competitive good, such party may either: suspend the further reduction of any rate of customs duty provided for under this agreement for the good or increase the rate of customs duty on the good until such time that imports of the good stabilize at a sustainable rate.

2) Government Enterprises and monopolies - Chapter 12 of the Atlasia- Mozambique Free Trade Agreement, governing rules for anticompetitive behaviour is hereby incorporated by reference.

3) Marketing Boards - Atlasia agrees to not treat agricultural marketing boards administered by Kenya as anti-competitive under the terms of this agreement, provided the net added value of such administration does not exceed 15% of fair market value.

4) Intellectual Property - Kenya agrees to abide by the intellectual property laws of Atlasia. This agreement hereby gives personal jurisdiction to Atlasian Courts over such violations occurring in Kenya. Kenya hereby agrees to domesticate any judgment assessed under the terms of this agreement.

5) Government Procurement - Neither party shall treat government procurement policies favouring domestic goods as anticompetitive under the terms of this agreement.

6) Environmental barriers - Atlasia agrees not to enforce the terms of the Lacey act against any timber or other plant product exported by Kenya under the terms of this agreement.

7) Quality Controls and Inspections - Neither party shall treat the neutral enforcement of generally applicable quality control laws as anticompetitive under the terms of this agreement.

8 ) Countervailing Duties - If after this agreement is fully implemented, either party fails to comply with its terms, the other party may set countervailing duties proportionate to the fair market value of the unfair advantage afforded by the breaching party’s actions.

9) Withdrawal - Either party may withdraw from this agreement six months after a declaration of intent to withdraw has been formally published by the head of state of the withdrawing party.


1) Chapter 9 of the Atlasia-Mozambique Free Trade Agreement, governing rules for telecommunications trade is hereby incorporated by reference.


1) Chapter 10 of the Atlasia-Mozambique Free Trade Agreement, governing rules for financial services commerce is hereby incorporated by reference.


1) Chapter 11 of the Atlasia-Mozambique Free Trade Agreement, governing rules for temporary business visas is hereby incorporated by reference.


1) Chapter 20 of the Atlasia-Mozambique Free Trade Agreement, governing rules for dispute resolution is hereby incorporated by reference.


1) This agreement shall take full effect 15 months from the date of passage.
Former President tack50
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« Reply #402 on: October 16, 2019, 07:38:17 AM »

Real Life Protections Criminal Code Reform Act


To protect the right of Atlasian players to have their personal real life identities kept secret

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives in Congress assembled,

Section I: Title

1. This Act may be cited as the "Real Life Protections Criminal Code Reform Act".

Section II: The Amendment

1. Section 2 of the Criminal Justice Act of 2016 is amended as follows:

i. The following shall be crimes against Atlasia:
(a) Impersonation. This offense shall be defined as the impersonation of another Atlas Forum member, be they a citizen of the Republic of Atlasia or not, within the territory of the Republic of Atlasia.
(b) Identity Theft. This offence shall be defined as the illicit taking of control by any means of another Atlas Forum member's person account, be they a citizen of the republic or not, without explicit and provable consent.
(c) Voter Fraud. This offence shall be defined as the creation of identities other than a citizen's primary identity in the Republic of Atlasia and subsequently entering this identity into the tally of registered voters.
1. If a citizen no longer has access to their previous forum account and wishes to register with a new forum account in Atlasia, then they shall be allowed to do so legally only if they make it clear in the registration thread who they are and which forum account they previously registered under so that the Secretary of Federal Elections may appropriately update the registration without having any duplicate accounts on the voter roll.
2. This shall exclude those who have had their previous account banned from the Atlas Forum.
(d) Electoral Fraud. This offence shall be defined as the manipulation of of the republic's electoral procedures and practices with the aim of fraudulently altering the results of a specific electoral contest.
(e) Obscenity. This offence shall be defined as the posting of any threads, messages, images, videos, links or other media of a pornographic or sexually explicit nature on the territory of the Republic of Atlasia. In cases where the material posted is of a clearly pornographic nature, the offence shall be known as Gross Obscenity.
(f) Electoral Intimidation. This offence shall be defined as the placing of undue pressure on a citizen of the Republic to cast a ballot in a particular way, to not cast a ballot at all, or to invalidate a ballot already cast via direct threats of revenge, blackmail, or retribution. In those cases in which undue pressure has been applied in the form of credible threats to disclose personal information, the offence shall be known as Grievous Electoral Intimidation.

(g) Ballot Tampering. This offense shall be defined as the deletion of a ballot during a period between vote was closed and elected officeholders sworn-in, soliciting to delete a ballot during the same period or deleting a ballot within the election period after 20 minutes of the vote being cast and re-voting within the election period.
(h) Misconduct in Public Office. This offence shall be defined as the abuse of office for provable personal gain by cabinet officials or deputy cabinet officials.
(i) Perjury. This offence shall be defined as "any person who takes an oath before a competent tribunal or officer that he will testify, declare, depose, or certify truly, or that any written testimony, declaration, deposition, or certificate by him subscribed, is true, wilfully and contrary to such oath states or subscribes any material matter which he does not believe to be true."
(j) Breach of the Peace. This offence shall be defined as the wilful undertaking of activities that though not treasonous nevertheless undermine the stability and security of the Republic of Atlasia.
(k) Malicious Editing of the Wiki. This offence shall be defined as the editing of the Atlasia Wiki with malicious intent.
(l) Improper Behaviour on the Wiki. This offence shall be defined as the knowing violation or flagrant disregard of standards and guidelines for the Atlasia Wiki established by the National Archivist.
(m) Contempt of Court. See Section 5, clause iii of this Act.
(n) Terrorism. This offense shall be defined as the malacious deletion or destruction of threads housing government institutions, voting booths, or the legislation threads of any legislative body in Atlasia.
(o) Doxxing. This offense shall be defined as the disclosal of the personal information of any user of the Atlas Forum against their will by a citizen of Atlasia.
(p) Blackmail. This offense shall be defined as the threat to disclose personal information about a user of the Atlas Forum, for political or personal gain.

ii. In those cases in which a Crime Against Atlasia has been attempted unsuccessfully, it shall nevertheless be possible to charge a citizen with the offense that they unsuccessfully attempted to commit. In such cases the official record of the charge shall be prefaced with 'Attempted', but no other alterations to procedure shall be made. This applies to all Crimes Against Atlasia with the exception of Obscenity (including Gross Obscenity), Misconduct in Public Office, Perjury, and Contempt of Court.

iii. In those cases in which the perpetrator of a Crime Against Atlasia has been instructed, commissioned, mandated, or otherwise aided by other persons in the planning or execution of the offence in question, then those persons may also be charged with the offence that they conspired to commit. In such cases the record of the charge shall be prefaced with Conspiracy to Commit, but no other alterations to procedure shall be made. It shall not be necessary to charge an individual with a specific Crime Against Atlasia in order to charge other persons in this manner.

Section III: Implementation

1. This bill shall become effective immediatly after passage

2. No provisions of this amendment to the Criminal Justice Act of 2016 shall be applied retroactively.
Junior Chimp
Posts: 6,729
United States

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« Reply #403 on: October 16, 2019, 03:59:42 PM »

Worker Protection Supplement Act


To strengthen workers' rights and federal protections in existing legislation

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives in Congress assembled,

Section I: Title

1. This act may be cited as the "Worker Protection Supplement Act".

Section II: Amendments

1. Section II of the Woke Worker Protection Act is amended as follows:
1. Any employer subject to regulation under the Fair Labor Standards Act shall be responsible for ensuring that areas provided to employees to express breast milk shall be kept sanitary. No prison or jail employer shall prohibit employees from possessing a breast pump within their workspace. 29 USC 207(r)(1)(B) shall be amended accordingly.

2. Any employer subject to regulation under the Fair Labor Standards Act that pays an hourly wage and calls-in employees to work partial shifts on an unscheduled day shall guarantee either a minimum shift of four (4) paid hours or an elevated a wage rate equivalent to four (4) eight hours wages for the time worked. 29 USC 207 and 29 CFR 778 shall be amended accordingly.

  a. Employers may not terminate or otherwise penalize an employee due to unwillingness or inability to work unscheduled days.

  b. Employers may not terminate or otherwise penalize an employee due to unwillingness or inability to work partial shifts.

3. No federal employer, private employer contracting with the federal government, public employer receiving federal funds, or private employer in interstate commerce shall be permitted to deduct contributions to a third-party from employee paychecks, excluding worker associations and labor unions, without the affirmative consent of the employee or any equitable remedy including but not limited to garnishment awarded by a federal, Regional, or State court with appropriate jurisdiction.

4. The regulation mandating employers give out private employee contact information is hereby eliminated. 29 CFR 102.62(d) shall be amended accordingly.

5. Eligible whistleblowers to the SEC shall be permitted to keep up to 30% of resulting fines exceeding $1 Million dollars. 15 USC 78u-6 shall be amended accordingly.

2. Section III of the Woke Worker Protection Act is amended as follows:

1. The regulation requiring employers to physically display posters referencing federal minimum wage and hour laws, workplace safety laws, polygraph protection laws, Drug free workplace laws, Discrimination laws, and whistleblower protection laws, shall not apply to employers who:
     a. Distribute all information that is contained on the posters to each employee upon their initial hiring
     b. Maintains a website displaying all information that is contained on the posters
     c. Provides written notice to all employees whenever information contained on the posters is changed by law

1. Employers must ensure that information regarding federal minimum wage and hour laws, workplace safety laws, polygraph protection laws, drug free workplace laws, discrimination laws, and whistle blower protection laws is easily accessible to all employees.

  a. All employers must:

     i.  Physically display posters referencing the above information.

     ii. Distribute the information referenced above to new hires.

     iii. Provide digital access to the above information.

     iv. Provide written notice to all employees whenever the above information is changed by law.

2. Employer policies allowing guns to be stored in locked cars on employee parking lots shall not be interpreted to violate the general duty clause of the Occupational Safety and Health Act. The Letter from Director Roger Clark, OSHA policy regarding violent employee behavior, OSHA Std. Interp. 1226 (D.O.L.), (1992) is hereby rescinded.

Section III: Effective Date

1. This bill shall become effective immediately upon passage.
Devout Centrist
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« Reply #404 on: October 17, 2019, 10:39:45 PM »
« Edited: October 17, 2019, 10:43:07 PM by Devout Centrist »



Income Taxes:  $ 1,735,038,900,000.00  ($ 1735.04 billion)                          
 by tax bracket
 0-13K      10%  $ 132,602,630,929.00
 13K-50k    15%    $ 447,780,682,763.00                    
 50K-130K   25%        $ 535,512,271,234.00              
 130K-210K  29%       $ 188,700,479,643.00                    
 210K-413K  34%       $ 220,320,135,498.00                        
 413K-441K  36%        $ 75,481,993,752.00                    
 441K+      40.6%      $ 134,640,706,551.00                      
Corporate Taxes:  $ 347,763,510,122.19  ($ 347.76 billion)
 by tax bracket                                            
 0-100K     0%        $ 0.00                
 100K-1M    15%        $ 2,678,940,033.99                
 1M-10M     21.5%    $ 5,172,280,041.70                    
 10M+       28%         $ 339,912,290,046.51                    
Payroll Taxes -  $ 1,325,575,422,184.86 ($ 1,325.58 billion)
 OASDI: 12.4% (6.2% on employees, 6.2% on employers) - $ 912,456,391,044.15    
 RRPH: 5.0% (2.5% on employees, 2.5% on employers) - $ 367,925,964,130.71      
 FUTA: 6.0% on first $7,000 - $ 45,193,067,010.00  

Estate Tax: 45% of amount above $ 3.5 million, 50% above $ 10 million, 55% above $ 50 million
 $ 34,500,000,000.00
Wealth Tax:
 $ 62,566,000,000.00

Healthcare Taxes:
 40% Cadillac Tax -  $ 0.00 Billion  
 3.8% on Net Investment Income -  $ 12.80 Billion                              
Excise Taxes/customs duties:
 Carbon Tax (2018) -  $ 16.35    Billion                            
 Gasoline Tax (2018) -  $ 50.00 Billion                              
 Tobacco and Alcohol Taxes (2018) -  $ 24.20 Billion    
 Excise taxes on health insurance providers,
 pharmaceuticals, and medical devices (2018) - $ 9.90 Billion
 Revenue Enhancement Act - $ 63,185,494,000.00
 LIFO Repeal Offset… $ 13,000,000,000.00                  
Other Revenue:  $ 30.209 Billion                    
Additional tax credits:  $ -39.40 Billion
TOTAL Revenue: $ 3724.091 Billion


Military Spending ($504.358 Billion)              
$123.58 Billion... Military personnel              
$184.51 Billion... Operation and maintenance              
$106.01 Billion... Procurement              
$61.52 Billion ... Research, development, test and evaluation              
$8.47 Billion..... Military Construction, Family Housing and Other              
$12.148 Billion.... Atomic Energy Defense Activities              
$8.11 Billion..... Defense Related activities            
$0.00 Billion..... Fiscal Responsibility in our Military Act
$-15.25 Billion… F-35 Procurement Halt

Military Retirement ($144.0811 Billion)                            
$75.48 Billion.... Income security for veterans              
$14.15 Billion.... Veterans education, training, and rehabilitation                            
$54.22 Billion.... Hospital and medical care for veterans and retired military (added in under Healthcare below)                
$0.38 Billion..... Housing and other veterans benefits and services              
$-0.1489 Billion…. VA Privatisation
International affairs ($31.94 Billion)              
$18.88 Billion ... International development and humanitarian assistance              
$8.55 Billion..... International military aid              
$11.99 Billion.... Conduct of foreign affairs              
$1.30 Billion..... Foreign information and exchange activities  
$-8.79 Billion.... International Financial Programs            
General science, space, and technology ($185.18 Billion)              
$11.26 Billion.... National Science Foundation programs              
$4.55 Billion..... Department of Energy general science programs              
$169.37 Billion.... Space flight, research, and supporting activities              
Non-Defense Energy Spending ($52.393 Billion)              
$3.15 Billion..... Energy supply              
$1.11 Billion..... Energy conservation and preparedness              
$0.64 Billion..... Energy information, preparedness, & regulation  
$15.00 Billion.... Energy Rebate and Subsidy Act    
$32.50 Billion.... Gas Tax Act    
$-0.007 Billion…. Eliminated Ethanol Blending Rules
Natural resources and environment ($43.58 Billion)              
$4.89 Billion..... Water resources              
$11.54 Billion.... Conservation and land management          
$4.42 Billion..... Recreational & Park resources              
$7.18 Billion..... Pollution control and abatement                                
$6.55 Billion..... Other natural resources  
$9.00 billion..... The Storm Surge, Coastal Flooding, and Tsunami Prevention Act of 2017    
Agriculture ($19.532 Billion)              
$16.01 Billion.... Farm income stabilization & crop insurance              
$4.30 Billion..... Agricultural research and services
$0.03 Billion..... No More Going Hungry in Atlasia Act
$-0.8 Billion…. Eliminated marketing programs
$-0.008 Billion…. Eliminated Catfish Inspection Office
Commerce and Housing Loan Programs ($0.3864 Billion)              
$-22.33 Billion... Federal Housing Loan Programs              
$2.29 Billion..... Postal service              
$2.50 Billion..... Deposit insurance              
$10.20 Billion.... Universal service fund              
$7.6964 Billion..... Other advancement of commerce
$-0.17 Billion…. Eliminated Capital Construction Grants    
$0.20 Billion… Supporting Atlasian Entrepreneurs Act          
Transportation ($92.3914 Billion)                
$67.40 Billion.... Ground Transportation            
$16.20 Billion.... Air Transportation              
$8.4015 Billion..... Water transportation              
$0.38 Billion..... Other transportation      
Community and regional development ($55.425 Billion)              
$3.78 Billion..... Community development              
$2.19 Billion..... Area and regional development              
$4.02 Billion..... Disaster relief and insurance              
$2.23 Billion..... Homeless Shelter Emergency Housing              
$4.32 Billion..... Small Business Association
$0.77 Billion..... Flint Reinvestment Act
$0.08 Billion..... Refugee act          
$-11.025 Billion…. We Should Help Workers Act
$2.00 Billion…. Buy-Atlasian Contracting Rules
$22.00 Billion…. Hurricane Emergency Funding
$10.00 Billion…. Appalachia Reinvestment Act
$15.00 Billion…. Reservation Reinvestment Act
Education ($73.7625 Billion)              
$39.03 Billion.... Elementary, Secondary & Vocational education              
$31.475 Billion.... Higher education              
$3.26 Billion..... Research and general education            
$0.00 Billion..... Orlando Act
$-0.0125 Billion…. Cap on certain student loans
Training, labor and unemployment ($18.536 Billion)              
$7.58 Billion..... Training and employment              
$1.77 Billion..... Labor law, statistics, and other administration'
$9.2 Billion...... Public Service Act          
$-0.014 Billion…. Eliminated Employee Drug Tests
Atlasian Healthcare ($1261.14 Billion)              
$423.77 Billion... Senior Healthcare
$44.31 Billion.... Veteran Healthcare
$12.90 Billion.... Federal employees' and retired employees' health benefits  
$425.42 Billion... Medical Services
$338.85 Billion... Sliding Scale Subsidies
$15.89 Billion.... Healthcare Subsidy Office (HSO) and AtlasCare Office (ACO) Administration

Non-ANH Health Spending ($56.97 Billion)              
$24.25 Billion.... Disease control, public health and bioterrorism              
$28.48 Billion.... Health research and training              
$4.24 Billion..... Consumer and occupational health and safety            
$10.00 Billion…. Opioid Epidemic Commission  
Civilian Retirement (Social Security excluded) ($138.16 Billion)              
$8.23 Billion..... Civilian retirement and disability insurance              
$129.93 Billion... Federal employee retirement and disability              
Social Security ($903.24 Billion)
$868.63 Billion... Social Security Outlays
$34.60 Billion.... Social Security Administration
Aid to Low-Income Families ($366.50 Billion)
$40.53 Billion.... Unemployment              
$39.98 Billion.... Housing assistance              
$99.44 Billion.... Food and Nutrition Assistance (Food Stamps + WIC)        
$169.01 Billion... Other aid to low-income families              
$17.54 Billion.... Social Services            
Administration of justice ($51.902 Billion)              
$27.157 Billion.... Federal law enforcement
$13.938 Billion.... Federal litigation and judicial activities              
$6.2687 Billion..... Federal prison system              
$4.24 Billion..... Criminal justice assistance  
$0.74 Billion..... Federal Penitentiary Reform Act Provisions      
$-0.432 Billion…. General Criminal Justice Savings
General government administration ($3.899 Billion)              
$3.66 Billion..... Legislative functions              
$0.45 Billion..... Executive office programs              
$12.03 Billion.... IRS & other fiscal operations              
$1.567 Billion..... Other general government              
$-13.20 Billion…. Government Efficiency Act
$-0.62 Billion…. Eliminated Penny
$0.002 Billion…. Mandatory Tampons in Restrooms
Interest on debt ($295.40 Billion)              
$295.40 Billion... Net Interest

TOTAL Spending: $4293.3264 Billion

REVENUE:     $ 3724.091 Billion
EXPENDITURES:  $ 4293.3264 Billion
BALANCE:       $ -569.2354 Billion
Former President tack50
Atlas Politician
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« Reply #405 on: October 27, 2019, 07:06:11 AM »

Atlasia says Trans Rights Act


To strengthen trans rights and fund their required treatment

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives in Congress assembled,

SECTION I. Definitions
1. A person known as Transgender shall be defined as someone with a gender identity or gender expression that differs from their sex assigned at birth.
2. A person known as Cisgender shall be defined as someone with a gender identity or gender expression that coincides with their sex assigned at birth.

1. All cisgender Atlasians shall be taxed an additional 2 cents a year.
2. The funds raised by this tax shall be used to cover treatments for transgender people, including but not limited to hormone therapy

SECTION III. Further protecting Trans rights
1. No federal government agency shall discriminate against any Atlasian because of their sexual orientation or self identification.
2. Transgender Atlasians will not be denied housing, employment, etc. based on their self identified gender or status as transgender Atlasians.
3. Treatments for transgender Atlasians as prescribed by a certified psychologist shall be covered by AtlasCare, as defined in Section 2 of the Reforming and Regionalizing Public Healthcare Act of 2017

SECTION IV. Enactment
1. This bill shall become enacted immediately after passage

Decided to finally introduce to Congress Peebs' infamous proposal. While I still think it's unconstitutional and unenforceable (in fact her second proposal was 100% unenforceable, that's why I introduced her original proposal of a flat 2 cent tax), I guess we also need to give the justices something to do; and it's not like I'm going to be in the Senate by the time this passes, so others can pass it for me Tongue (it would be weird to sue for a bill you drafted)

Plus Section III should be fine I guess.
Dr. MB
Atlas Politician
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Libyan Arab Jamahiriya

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« Reply #406 on: November 02, 2019, 01:49:08 AM »
« Edited: November 02, 2019, 01:55:56 AM by MB »



Be it resolved in the Atlasian Congress Assembled,


1. This Act may be cited as the "King Dave Act”.


1. a. Dave Leip shall be considered an eternal citizen of the Republic of Atlasia, as an Independent in the state of New York.
b. He shall not be subject to normal automatic deregistration provisions, regardless of whether he votes in Atlasian elections.
c. He shall receive all rights and privileges normally reserved for citizens of Atlasia.
2. The Registrar General shall update the census accordingly.

1. Should Dave Leip register in the New Register Thread, this Act shall become null and void.

transferring this from the House
Dr. MB
Atlas Politician
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Posts: 16,061
Libyan Arab Jamahiriya

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« Reply #407 on: November 02, 2019, 01:50:13 AM »

transferring this from the House:

The No Moderator or Accidental Invalidation Amendment

Article I, Section IV of the 4th constitution shall be amended to read as follows:

The right of citizens of the Republic of Atlasia to vote shall not be denied, except in regards to persons whose account is fewer than 168 hours old, as punishment for crimes of which the accused has been duly convicted, or in consequence of failing to meet such requirements for frequent posting or term of residency as may be established by law; but no ballot shall be counted as valid that should list the candidates for office in a script other than the Latin alphabet, or that has been edited more than twenty minutes after its posting in the voting booth. All posts made in the voting booth shall be considered as ballots, and no citizen shall cast multiple ballots in any one election during the period the voting booth is open, upon penalty of the invalidation of their vote, unless:

1. Evidence exists that the first ballot submitted by the citizen was deleted by a Moderator or Administrator of the Atlas Forum, or

2. The second ballot submitted was clearly accidental as it only lists contests not up for election within the thread it was posted on, in which case only the first ballot shall be counted, or:

3. The second ballot submitted was clearly accidental as it is identical to the first ballot and was submitted within five minutes of the first ballot, in which case only the first ballot shall be counted. 

However, in no circumstances shall a user be allowed to cast a third or subsequent ballot in any election, upon penalty of invalidation of all ballots submitted.

Dr. MB
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« Reply #408 on: November 02, 2019, 01:54:38 AM »




1. This Act may be cited as the "Finalizing Freak Power Amendment”.


Article I, Section 7, of the Fourth Constitution, is amended to read as follows:

A well-regulated militia being necessary for the security of a free people, the right of the people to keep and bear arms and low-potency explosives shall not be infringed.

Amendment Explanation
Adds the bearing of low-potency explosives as a right.
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« Reply #409 on: November 02, 2019, 01:58:17 AM »


To reform federal patent policy

Be it enacted by the Congress of the Republic of Atlasia assembled
Title of Act:

This legislation may be cited as the Patent Reform Act of 2019.


F.L. 10-1, the Patent Reform Act of 2017, is amended to read as follows, renumbering accordingly:
Title I: Rules of Civil Procedure in Patent Cases

1.) Any person who files a civil action alleging patent infringement must include the following information in their court pleadings:

A) The registered number of any patent at issue
B) All claims necessary to produce the identification of each instrumentality or process alleged to infringe any claim of each patent allegedly infringed
C) The name, model number, or description of each accused instrumentality
D) Each element necessary to prove each claim against each instrumentality
E) The Authority of the party alleging infringement to assert each patent
F) Grounds for jurisdiction.

2.) The prevailing party in a patent infringement case may petition the Court for reasonable legal fees, and the presiding Judge shall grant the petition, unless:

A) The non-prevailing party was reasonably justified in their legal and factual argument, or
B) Special circumstances, such as severe economic hardship to a named inventor, make an award unjust.

3.) A defendant in a patent infringement case who is being sued solely as an end-user or retailer of a composite product may petition the court to be dismissed as a defendant provided:

A) The Manufacturer of the composite product is a party to the lawsuit, and
B) The end-user or retailer agrees to be bound on issues of law.

4.) A defendant in a patent infringement case may petition the court for a stay of discovery:

A) Pending a motion to dismiss,
B) when the plaintiff is granted a preliminary injunction to prevent economic activity, or
C) during drug and biological product applications.

Title II: Patent Infringement Demand Letters

1.) The sending of purposefully evasive demand letters to end users or retailers, without identifying the registered number of any patent allegedly being infringed or the identity of the patent holder, shall be considered a fraudulent and deceptive trade practice.

2.) The Federal Trade Commission is hereby authorized to investigate complaints of evasive demand letters, assess penalties on violators, and petition federal courts for an injunction against violators.

Title III: Evergreen Patents and Medicine

1a.) It shall be unlawful for any holder of an expiring drug or biological patent to offer or make any payment to a manufacturer or distributor of generic drugs or biologics in exchange for delaying future sales of the generic drug.

1b.) No method or process patent may be granted for drugs that are protected under existing patents.  All existing process or method patents for drugs shall be null upon passage of this act.

2.) The Patent and Trademark Office (PTO) shall not grant a patent holder more than 4 continuation applications.

Title IV: Seed and Biological Patents

1.) Living organisms, including seeds, are not patentable material.
2.) Thus, patents for animal and plant DNA are rendered invalid.

1.) In any civil action against a farmer alleging infringement of a patented seed licensing agreement, the court shall determine the origin of the seeds in question. If it is determined by clear and convincing evidence that the unlicensed seeds were illegally purchased by a farmer, the farmer shall be liable to the patent holder for the cost of the seed, the cost of court filings, and the reasonable costs of the investigation. If however it is shown by preponderance of the evidence that the farmer did not purposefully acquire and then plant the patented seeds, the patent holder shall be liable to the farmer for all legal expenses as well as treble damages on the value of the crop yield.

2.) Venue for the case shall be the District Court of the place where the alleged infringement occurred.

Title V: Software patents

1.) Software patents shall pertain solely to enabled code without regard to means or function of code.

Title VI: Protection for human DNA combinations

1.) Human DNA combinations shall not be patentable subject matter under terms of the Patent Act of 1952.

Title VII: Time period limits

1.) Patents for biologic drugs shall expire after ten years.

2.) Genetic patents shall expire after fifteen years.

3.) Software patents shall expire after eight years

Title VIII: International patent applications

1.) All patent applications must be filed in English.
Dr. MB
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« Reply #410 on: November 02, 2019, 02:02:20 AM »

to unite the states of Atlas and Canada

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives, in Congress assembled:

Section 1 (Title)
i. The title of this Act shall be, the North American Federal Transition Act. It may be cited as “NAFTA.”

Section 2 (Federal North America)
i. The Republic of Atlasia will absorb the provinces and territories now confederated as “Canada” as coequal states of the Republic.
ii. The provinces of Alberta, British Columbia, Manitoba, and Saskatchewan, and the territories of Nunavut, the Northwest Territories, and Yukon, shall be admitted to the Union as constituent states of the Commonwealth of Frémont.
iii. The provinces New Brunswick, Newfoundland, Nova Scotia, Ontario, Prince Edward Island, and Quebec shall be admitted to the Union as constituent states of the region of Lincoln.

Section 3 (Enactment)
i. This Act shall take effect upon its ratification by the Parliament of Canada.
Dr. MB
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« Reply #411 on: November 02, 2019, 02:49:24 AM »



Upon passage of this bill and signature of the President, all diplomatic relations between the Republic of Atlasia and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia are hereby suspended until the following conditions are met:
a. Saudi Arabia ceases all military operations within the territory of Yemen
b. Saudi Arabia repeals the requirement of women over age 21 to have a male guardian (wali), which she must request the permission of to do a number of things

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« Reply #412 on: November 02, 2019, 02:53:59 AM »



No regional, state, or local government in Atlasia may limit the number of Cannabis plants a person chooses to cultivate on their private property.

Dr. MB
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« Reply #413 on: November 02, 2019, 03:05:00 AM »

Protecting Innocent Tame Breeds from Unjust Laws and Liabilities Act


Be it enacted by the House of Representatives and the Senate of the Republic of Atlasia in Congress assembled,


1. This bill may be cited as the Protecting Innocent Tame Breeds from Unjust Laws and Liabilities Act, or alternatively, the PITBULL Act.


1. All statutes and regulations which currently place additional legal restrictions, duties, penalties, or legal presumptions upon the keeper, owner or harborer of dogs based solely upon the breed of said dog, including but not limited to the breeds of dogs known as pit bulls, Rottweilers, Doberman pinschers, and Staffordshire terriers are hereby repealed.

2. Nothing in this act shall be construed to remove legal restrictions, duties, penalties, or legal presumptions upon the keeper, owner or harborer of any dog based on prior misconduct of that particular dog or owner.
Dr. MB
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« Reply #414 on: November 03, 2019, 01:39:07 AM »

Let People Travel Act


Be it enacted by the House of Representatives and the Senate of the Republic of Atlasia in Congress assembled,


1. This bill may be cited as the Let People Travel Act.


1. No fee or tax shall be charged for first-time application or renewal of any Atlasian passport book or passport card.
2. Passport photographs shall be available to be taken free of charge at every facility which accepts passport applications.
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« Reply #415 on: November 05, 2019, 09:48:27 PM »

Snip Snip Snip Act


Be it enacted by the House of Representatives and the Senate of the Republic of Atlasia in Congress assembled,


1. This bill may be cited as the Snip Snip Snip Act.


a. Definition
1. For the purposes of this bill, "involuntary circumcision" shall be defined as the removal of the foreskin for unnecessary and non-medical purposes.

b. Banning Involuntary Circumcision in Atlasia
1. Involuntary circumcision of any child under age 13 is forbidden in the Republic of Atlasia.
2. Should a person between the ages of 13 and 17 wish to get circumcised, they must sign a written consent form along with their parent or legal guardian.
3. Should a person aged 18 or over wish to get circumcised, they must sign a written consent form.

c. Penalties
1. Any licensed medical professional who performs involuntary circumcision on a child under age 13 may be fined up to $1000 and lose their license to practice for up to 6 months on the first offense.
2. Fines shall double for each subsequent offense until it reaches $50,000.
3. On the 3rd offense, they shall have their license revoked permanently.
4. Anyone who is not a licensed medical professional who performs involuntary circumcision on a child under age 13 may be fined up to $1000 on the first offense, with the fine doubling for each subsequent offense until it reaches $50,000.

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« Reply #416 on: November 07, 2019, 04:35:31 PM »

Reproductive Health Protection Act

Section I: Recognition

1. We recognize that reproductive health care, including contraception and abortion, is a core component of women's health, privacy and equality.

2. It is the solemn duty of Atlasia to protect the right of women to access safe and legal abortion services.

Section II: Abortion

1. A licensed or certified health care practitioner acting within his or her lawful scope of practice may perform an abortion when, according to the practitioner's reasonable and professional judgement, the patient is within twenty-four weeks from the commencement of pregnancy, or there is an absence of fetal viability, or the abortion is necessary to protect the patient's life or health.

Section III: Enactment

1. This act takes effect immediately upon receiving the President's signature.
Dr. MB
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« Reply #417 on: November 13, 2019, 01:57:05 AM »

Resolution Condemning the Coup in Bolivia


Be it enacted by the House of Representatives and the Senate of the Republic of Atlasia in Congress assembled,


1. This may be cited as the Resolution Condemning the Coup in Bolivia.


1. The Republic of Atlasia unequivocally condemns the unlawful and unjust coup which caused the forced resignation of Bolivian President Evo Morales.
2. The Republic of Atlasia strongly urges the new Bolivian government to grant a full pardon to Evo Morales, Álvaro García Linera, and all other affected officials and allow them to return to Bolivia as soon as possible.
3. The Republic of Atlasia recommends free and fair elections are to be held once the above has taken place.

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« Reply #418 on: November 16, 2019, 11:25:20 AM »

to invest and establish the Game Engine

Be it enacted by the Senate and the House of Representatives of the Republic of Atlasia, in Congress assembled:

Section 1: Title & definitions
i. The title of this Act shall be, the “General Investiture Potestas Facere (Reconstruction of the Game Engine) of 2019.” It may be cited as the “General Investiture” or as the “Game Engine Reconstruction Act.”
ii. As it appears in this legislation, “non-playable entity” shall refer to all parties, including but not limited to foreign governments and non-state actors, minor agencies, state and municipal officers, and public interest groups, which may be presumed to exist within the context of Atlasia, the functions of which are not performed by any person registered with the Census Bureau.

Section 2: Separation of powers
i. All powers and prerogatives which shall by grant of Congress in the game engine reside, shall be divided among the several officers of the same, that is between the game moderator and the comptroller general.

Section 3: Game Moderator
i. The president shall appoint the game moderator with the advice and consent of the Senate.
ii. The game moderator shall have power, except where limited elsewhere by this legislation:
(a) to simulate the effect of domestic and foreign legislation of the government of Atlasia and of the several regions;
(b) to simulate the actions of non-playable entities;
(c) to simulate domestic and global events;
(d) to be the final arbiter in all questions of the reality of events which occur during their tenure;
(e) to be the final arbiter on the reality of the status quo with respect domestic and global conditions.
iii. The word of a game moderator, once spoken, is Canon, and may not be revoked by their successor.
iv. The game moderator may be removed from office according to the same provisions set in place for the impeachment of executive officers.

Section 4: Comptroller General
i. The president shall appoint the comptroller general with the advice and consent of the Senate, and shall serve at the pleasure of the president.
ii. The comptroller general shall have power:
(a) to project the cost of legislation passed by Congress or by the several regions, and the amount of revenue raised by such taxes as they may levy;
(b) to publish unemployment numbers and other economic statistics for the nation and the several regions;
(c) to report the state of the national and global economy.

Section 5: Repeal of old legislation
i. All previous Acts of Congress as they relate to the structure, powers, and officers of the game engine are hereby repealed.
Southern Senator North Carolina Yankee
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« Reply #419 on: December 01, 2019, 02:31:28 AM »

To state the obvious regarding the supremacy of the rules of the Atlas Forum and the Terms of Service and its enforcement

Be it resolved in both chambers that upon ratification by 2/3rds of the regions, the Fourth Constitution shall be amended as follows:

The Atlas Forum Supremacy Amendment

1. The Fourth Constitution of Atlasia recognizes that the game exists on the boards of the Atlas Forum, located on

2. The Fourth Constitution of Atlasia recognizes the supremacy of the Terms of Service for the Atlas Forum as being superior to all constitution and statutory provisions and that no constitutional or statutory provision may contradict the Atlas Forum's Terms of Service.

3. That the actions taken by Administrators or Moderators of the Atlas Forum are separate and distinct from their actions as citizens of Atlasia and they shall not be restricted, nor obstructed by Atlasian constitutional or statutory provision, in their enforcement of the Terms of Service by atlasian constitutional or statutory provision.

4. Nothing in this amendment shall be construed as to provide immunity to moderators who violate any statutory provision that doesn't conflict with or obstruct enforcement of the terms of service.

Quote from: Amendment Explanation
This amendment amends the Atlasian constitution to recognize the existence and superiority of the Terms of Service and to shield moderators and administrators from prosecution or obstructing of their duties as mods stemming from Atlasian Constitutional or Statutory provisions. It also provides a clear dividing on where this applies and where it doesn't.
Dr. MB
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« Reply #420 on: December 02, 2019, 11:55:31 PM »

Breakout Act


Recognizing that human nature is to want to be free,

1. No additional penalty may be imposed for successful or attempted escape from an Atlasian federal or military prison, provided no human being is intentionally physically harmed during the attempt, with the following exceptions:
a. Prisoners may be fined for an amount not exceeding the cost to repair any part of a prison facility that was damaged during the escape attempt.
2. Crimes committed while an escaped prisoner is on the run may be prosecuted accordingly.
Southern Senator North Carolina Yankee
North Carolina Yankee
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« Reply #421 on: December 11, 2019, 01:00:25 AM »
« Edited: December 11, 2019, 01:06:57 AM by Southern Senator North Carolina Yankee »

House Amended Version (Work in Progress):

To reform and consolidate Federal Election Laws

Be it enacted in Both Houses of Congress Assembled:
Federal Electoral Act of 2019
Section 1. Overview.
1. This bill shall be titled the “Federal Electoral Act of 2019”, or simply the “Federal Electoral Act”.
2. The following federal laws are hereby repealed:
a. F.L. 1-9: The Federal Electoral Act
b. F.L. 6-2: The Deputy Secretary of Federal Elections Act
c. F.L. 6-7: The Absentee Voting Act of 2017
d. F.L. 9-1: Act to establish a 72-hour Window between House Candidacy Declarations and Federal Elections
e. F.L. 15-05: The Party Organization Act
f. F.L. 19-26: The Election Daylight Savings Act of 2019
3. All subsequent federal electoral legislation that is passed shall be considered as amending this act, and shall be added accordingly on the wiki page for this act.

Section 2. Determination of Election Dates.
1. Presidential elections shall be held in the months of February, June, and October, beginning at midnight Eastern Daylight Time for elections beginning between the second Sunday in March and the first Sunday in November, and midnight Eastern Standard Time for all other elections, between the penultimate Friday of the month and the preceding Thursday and terminating exactly seventy-two hours after beginning.
2. Elections to the House of Representatives shall be held in the months of February, April, June, August, October, and December, beginning, in all months other than December, at midnight Eastern Daylight Time for elections beginning between the second Sunday in March and the first Sunday in November, and midnight Eastern Standard Time for all other elections, between the penultimate Friday of the month and the preceding Thursday and terminating exactly seventy-two hours after beginning.
a. Elections to the House held in December shall be begin at midnight Eastern Standard Time between the second Friday of the month and the preceding Thursday and terminating exactly seventy-two hours after beginning.
3. Special elections to the House of Representatives, in accordance with the conditions set within the Constitution, shall be held beginning at midnight between the first possible Friday and preceding Thursday such that the election begins at least a full 240 hours after the vacancy has been created, and terminating exactly seventy-two hours after beginning.
4. All candidates elected in any regular federal election as described within this section shall begin their term of office at noon Eastern Daylight Time for terms beginning between the second Sunday in March and the first Sunday in November, and noon Eastern Standard Time for all other terms, on the first Friday in the month after the scheduled month of election.
5. All candidates elected in special elections to the House of Representatives shall be eligible to swear in for the remainder of the term immediately upon certification of the result.

Section 3. Candidacy Declarations
1. All official declarations of candidacy for federal office must be made within the official “Candidate Declaration Thread”. This thread must be clearly indicated and pinned by a moderator and shall be managed by the federal election authority.
2. All candidacy declarations must clearly state the office being sought. A declaration which states or otherwise clearly indicates an election month shall be considered a declaration for the election for the relevant office in that month if such an election is scheduled and shall be invalid if there is no such election. If no date is given, the declaration shall be assumed to be for the next scheduled election for the office.
a. Should an incumbent officeholder holding one elected office merely state they are running for reelection, it should be assumed that they will seek their current office once again in the next scheduled election.
3. The declaration period for a special election for the House of Representatives shall begin when the vacancy is officially created, and no declaration from before this point shall be considered for the special election. All declarations for a special election must clearly state that the candidate seeks to run in the special election - any declaration that does not state this shall be evaluated in accordance with Clause 3.2.
4. The declaration period for any regularly scheduled or special election for the House of Representatives shall terminate seventy-two hours (three days) prior to the scheduled commencement of the election. No declaration made after this time shall be valid.
5. The declaration period for Presidential elections shall terminate one hundred and sixty-eight hours prior to the scheduled commencement of the election. No Presidential declaration made after this time shall be valid, but a Presidential candidate shall have until seventy-two hours prior to the scheduled commencement of the election to finalize their Vice Presidential running mate - any Presidential candidacies which are not part of a valid Presidential ticket, consisting of two distinct, constitutionally eligible citizens as candidates for President and Vice President, by this time shall be invalid.
6. For a Presidential ticket to be valid, both candidates on the ticket must clearly indicate their assent to being on the ticket in question in the Candidate Declaration Thread.
7. Any ticket or candidate satisfying the above requirements as well as all constitutional requirements to run for the office in question shall appear on the ballot for that office.

Section 4. Voter Eligibility.
1. A registered voter shall only be eligible to vote in a federal election if they have been registered continuously for at least one hundred and sixty-eight hours immediately prior to the commencement of the election.
2. A registered voter shall only be eligible to vote in a federal election if they have made at least eight posts from their account in the fifty six days (eight weeks) immediately prior to the commencement of the election.

Section 5. Voting Booth and Ballot.
1. Whenever possible, the Cabinet member assigned the portfolio of federal election authority shall be the administrator of the voting booth. If they are absent or unable to administer the voting booth, then the President shall designate an executive officer to do so instead. The designated officer retains all powers and responsibilities of the federal election authority for the election in question.
a. If, in the scenario described in the above subsection, the President fails to designate an officer to fulfill the responsibilities of voting booth administrator more than twelve hours prior to commencement of the election, the Vice President shall take on the role. If the Vice President is also unavailable, the duties shall fall upon the next available officer in the Presidential line of succession.
2. The federal election authority is recommended to give registered voters seven days advance public notice in the Atlas Fantasy Elections board of the hours voting will take place in any federal election. The federal election authority shall post a sample ballot no later than 24 hours prior to the commencement of a federal election.
3. The federal election authority shall be free to design the ballot as they see fit, provided that they adhere to the requirements set out in Section 3 of this Act as well as the following:
a. All candidates must be listed by their permanent Atlas Forum username, unless they have requested otherwise. Such a request shall be granted, unless it would confuse them with another user.
b. All candidates must be listed with their state of registration.
c. All candidates must be listed with their registered political party, with the following exceptions:
i. A party may, at its discretion as determined by individual bylaws, prohibit any candidate from appearing on the ballot with it's official party name. This decision must be made and reported to the relevant election administrators at least 48 hours in advance of the start of the election. (Continuation of F.L. 15-05§2.3)
ii. If a candidate who is a member of a political party has been barred from appearing on the ballot with that party’s name in accordance with the above clause, but has been endorsed by another party in accordance with their bylaws, then the candidate may choose, with the assent of the chair of the endorsing party, to appear on the ballot under that party’s name with “(endorsed)” appended to the end of the name. Otherwise, their party shall be listed as “Unaffiliated”
iii. If an independent has been endorsed by a political party in accordance with their bylaws, then the candidate may choose, with the assent of the chair of the endorsing party, to appear on the ballot with their party listed as “Independent ([endorsing party name])
d. During Presidential elections, the candidate listing for Presidential tickets and House of Representatives should be clearly separated, with a clear indication of which is which.
e. The ballot must contain a link to the most recent version of this act.
f. All elements of the ballot must be clearly visible and accessible.

Section 6. Voting.
1. Presidential elections in Atlasia shall be conducted using instant-runoff voting as described in subsection 7.1 - voters shall list a preference order for some, none, or all of the candidates.
2. Elections to the House of Representatives shall be conducted using single transferable vote as described in subsection 7.3 - voters shall list a preference order for some, none, or all of the candidates.
3. In any election, other than a run-off election, a voter may choose to cast a write-in vote. Any vote for a candidate who does not appear on the ballot shall be considered a write-in vote for that candidate.
4. No write-in for the House of Representatives shall be considered valid unless the candidate in question has accepted write-ins for the office by either stating as such in the Candidate Declaration Thread or by casting a vote in the election that includes a write-in for themselves. Votes for an unaccepted write-in shall automatically skip to the next preference during evaluation.
5. No write-in for the Presidential election shall be considered valid unless it is cast for a complete ticket and both candidates in question have accepted write-ins for the specific ticket in question by either stating as such in the Candidate Declaration Thread or by casting a vote in the election that includes a write-in for that same ticket.  Votes for an unaccepted write-in shall automatically skip to the next preference during evaluation.
6. No voter may edit their ballot once twenty minutes have passed since its casting, nor may they delete their own ballot - either of these actions render the voter invalid for the election, and neither that ballot nor any other ballot cast by that voter in the same election shall be counted.
7. If, in any race, only one candidate or ticket has been marked or listed on a ballot, then that ballot shall be considered a first preference vote for that candidate with no other preferences in that race.
8. If a ballot lists a Presidential candidate with no vice presidential candidate, and that presidential candidate is listed on the official ballot exactly once, on a presidential ticket, then the vote shall be considered a vote for that ticket.
9. If a ballot uses multiple indistinguishable or insortable marks to list candidates being voted for, or orders candidates without placing a mark next to them in a manner that is clearly distinguishable from reposting the exact initial ballot without marking any candidate, then the order in which the candidates are listed on that ballot shall be considered the preference order of that ballot.

Section 7. Determination of the winner.
1. In Presidential elections, instant runoff voting shall be used to determine the winner, with the exact procedure used as follows:
a. Each vote shall be allocated to their highest validly preferenced ticket, and shall be exhausted if there are no valid preferences.
b. Should any ticket command an absolute majority of valid unexhausted votes, that ticket shall be the winner of the election.
c. If no ticket commands an absolute majority of valid unexhausted votes, then the candidate with the lowest vote total shall be eliminated, and their votes reallocated to their next validly preferenced uneliminated ticket, and shall be exhausted if there are no such preferences.
d. The process outlined in clause (c) shall be continuously applied until a ticket commands an absolute majority of valid unexhausted votes, at which point that ticket shall be the winner of the election.
e. Should there be a tie for the lowest vote total, and more than two tickets remain uneliminated, then the tied ticket with the least number of first-valid-preference votes shall be eliminated. Should this also be a tie, then the tickets in this tie shall be evaluated by second-valid-preference votes, then by third-valid-preference votes, and so on and so forth until a determination is reached on one ticket to eliminate.
f. If such a tie cannot be resolved by the above clause, and the question of which of the tickets that remain tied should be eliminated does not affect the final election winner, then the elections authority may choose one of the tickets to eliminate first. If it does affect the final result, then the determination shall be made by virtual coin toss or other probabilistic method with terms agreed to by the tickets, or, should no agreement be reached, with terms set by the federal election authority.
g. Should there be only two tickets remaining, tied with exactly half of the valid unexhausted vote each, then a runoff election between the two tickets shall be held.
h. If a ticket is involved in a tie which requires probabilistic methods or a runoff to resolve, then that ticket may instead choose to concede the election by a declaration of both members of the ticket in the Candidate Declaration Thread. Any ticket that chooses to concede shall be eliminated immediately, unless every uneliminated ticket is involved in a tie and all have chosen to concede, in which case no concession shall be taken into account. To be valid, any such concession must be made within 24 hours of certification.
2. Special elections for a single seat in the House of Representatives shall be conducted in the same manner as presidential elections as described above, with “candidate” replacing “ticket” where appropriate.
3. In elections for multiple seats in the House of Representatives, single transferable vote shall be used to determine the winner, with the exact procedure as follows:
a. The federal election authority shall calculate the quota for election based on the number of valid votes cast and the number of seats to fill using the Droop quota formula as follows: Quota =  ⌊valid votes cast/(seats to be elected +1)⌋ +1
b. Each vote shall be allocated to their highest validly preferenced ticket, and shall be exhausted if there are no valid preferences.
c. The election count shall be evaluated as follows, continuing through indefinitely until the evaluation is complete:
i. If the number of candidates elected by meeting or exceeding the quota is equal to the number of seats to elect, then the evaluation is complete.
ii. If the number of candidates elected plus the number of candidates-in-evaluation (candidates who have been neither elected nor eliminated) is equal to the number of seats to elect, then all such candidates are elected and the evaluation is complete.
iii. If neither of the above criteria are fulfilled, and one or more candidates have met or exceeded the quota, then those candidates are elected and any surplus over quota is redistributed proportionally according to the next valid preference for a candidate-in-evaluation of each of their votes.
iv. If none of the above criteria are fulfilled, then the candidate with the lowest vote total shall be eliminated, and their votes reallocated to their next validly preferenced candidate-in-evaluation.
d. Should there be a tie for the lowest vote total in an evaluation at stage (iv), then the tied candidate with the least number of first-valid-preference votes shall be eliminated. Should this also be a tie, then the tickets in this tie shall be evaluated by second-valid-preference votes, then by third-valid-preference votes, and so on and so forth until a determination is reached on one candidate to eliminate.
e. If such a tie cannot be resolved by the above clause, and the question of which of the candidates that remain tied should be eliminated does not affect the final list of elected candidates, then the elections authority may choose one of the candidates to eliminate first. f. If it does affect the final result, then the determination shall be made by virtual coin toss or other probabilistic method with terms agreed to by the tickets, or, should no agreement be reached, with terms set by the federal election authority.
g. If a candidate is involved in a tie which requires probabilistic methods to resolve, then that candidate may instead choose to concede the election by posting a declaration in the Candidate Declaration Thread. Any candidate that chooses to concede shall be eliminated immediately, unless eliminating all conceding candidates causes the sum of the number of elected candidates and candidates-in-evaluation to fall below the number of seats to elect, in which case no concession shall be taken into account. To be valid, any such concession must be made within 24 hours of certification.

Section 8. Election Certification.
1. When the voting period has expired, the administrator of the voting booth or a moderator of the Forum shall lock the thread containing the voting booth. The thread shall not be unlocked thereafter.
2. Certification of the election result shall be conducted as soon as reasonably possible after the voting booth is closed. The certification shall be carried out by the federal election authority, or, if they are unavailable, by an appointed surrogate. Should the federal election authority fail to name such a surrogate, the President may choose to do so instead.
3. The certification of a federal election must list all voters whose ballots the election authority has discounted as well as the reason for discounting them. Ballots may only discounted if they are invalid under the law or if the election administrator, in using the procedures in section 6 as well as their own judgment, cannot reasonably determine the intent of the ballot. Indeterminable intent of a ballot in the race for one office shall not affect the counting of the ballot for any other office, and if the ballot has determinable intent up until a certain preference, it shall be counted as a valid vote with all preceding preferences intact, exhausting once the indeterminable preference is reached.
4. Once the federal election authority is content that certification is complete, they shall post an official certification. This certification must clearly indicate its official status, and must be made in the department thread of the federal election authority. An official certification is completely final and may only be altered by order of the Supreme Court of Atlasia. Nothing in this clause shall be construed to prohibit the posting of unofficial preliminary certifications by the federal election authority provided that such certifications are not indicated as official.
5. Lawsuits challenging the validity of certified election results shall only be valid if filed within one hundred and sixty-eight hours (seven days) of certification, unless the certification results in a runoff election, in which case such lawsuits shall only be valid if filed prior to the scheduled commencement of the runoff.

Continued in next post.
Southern Senator North Carolina Yankee
North Carolina Yankee
Atlas Institution
Posts: 54,118
United States

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« Reply #422 on: December 11, 2019, 01:00:47 AM »
« Edited: December 11, 2019, 01:09:18 AM by Southern Senator North Carolina Yankee »

Section 9. Runoffs.
1. Runoff elections shall commence exactly one hundred and sixty-eight hours after the commencement of the associated initial election, and terminate exactly seventy-two hours after beginning.
2. The tied candidates/tickets shall be entered on to the ballot, and no other candidates/tickets or options, including a write-in option, shall be included.
3. A vote may only be cast for one candidate/ticket. If a vote is cast with multiple preferences, only its first valid preference shall be counted.
4. At the close of voting, the candidate/ticket with more votes shall be the winner.
5. If, in a Presidential runoff, both tickets have the same number of votes, then the tickets may choose to concede by a declaration of both members of the ticket in the Candidate Declaration Thread. If one ticket chooses to concede, then the other shall be the winner. If neither ticket or both tickets choose to concede, then the election will result in a split presidential term, with one ticket’s term of office coinciding with the Congress whose House of Representatives was elected at the same election, and the other ticket’s term of office coinciding with the subsequent Congress. The order of the terms shall be determined as follows:
a. If both tickets reach an agreement on the order of their terms, then this agreement shall be abided by. Once both tickets have indicated their assent, such an agreement cannot be reversed.
b. If no agreement has been reached, and one of the tickets’ Presidential candidate is the incumbent President, then that ticket shall serve the earlier term of offiice
c. If neither of the above criteria are fulfilled, and the incumbent Vice President is on one of the tickets, then that ticket shall serve the earlier term of office.
d. If none of the above criteria are fulfilled, than the ticket whose Presidential candidate has a lower User ID number shall serve the earlier term of office.
6. If, in a runoff for a single seat in the House of Representatives, both candidates have the same number of votes, then the candidates may choose to concede by a declaration in the Candidate Declaration Thread. If one candidate chooses to concede, then the other shall be the winner. If neither candidate or both candidates choose to concede, the determination of the winner shall be made by virtual coin toss or other fair probabilistic method with terms agreed to by the tickets, or, should no agreement be reached, with terms set by the federal election authority.

Section 10. Emergency Election Authorization.
1. Should a significant calamity in the operation of Atlasia occur, leaving the federal election authority portfolio unassigned, the Presidency vacant, and the Presidential line of succession completely empty, with too few members in either House of Congress to elect a presiding officer, then the moderators of the Atlas Fantasy Elections board and modadmins and administrators of the Atlas Forum are statutorily authorized to hold a special election for the House of Representatives so that a Speaker may be elected and elevated to the Presidency.

Section 11. Absentee Voting. (Continuation of F.L. 6-7)
1. All voters shall have the right to cast absentee votes after the candidacy declaration period has expired.
2. Upon the candidacy declaration deadline occurring the Secretary of Federal Elections shall publicly post that absentee voting application has opened. In the event of runoff elections, once the need for a runoff election is known, the Secretary of Federal Elections shall publicly post that absentee voting application has opened.
3. Voters wishing to apply for an absentee vote shall notify this publicly in a manner specified by the Secretary of Federal Elections.
4. The Secretary of Federal Elections shall then grant the request to absentee vote publicly, at which point the voter may proceed to vote in the Absentee Voting Booth.
5. Absentee Voters shall post their votes in the same format as if it were a regular ballot, and they shall be subject to the same rules and regulations as regular ballots.
6. Should an Absentee Voter post more than 5 times anywhere on the Atlas Forum in the regular election period, their absentee vote shall be nullified and treated as non extant.
7. Any person who has their absentee vote nullified may vote again by regular ballot.
8. Any person who votes by regular ballot after voting by absentee ballot, shall have their absentee ballot treated as non-extant.
9. Persons who attempt to vote in the Absentee thread without prior notification of the Secretary of Federal Elections shall have that vote treated as non-extant.

Section 12. Effective Date.
1. This act shall take effect upon passage by both houses of Congress and signature of the President of Atlasia.
People's Regional Senate
Passed 6-0 in the Atlasian Senate Assembled,

Modifications to Senate passed bill:
section 5, 1.a Adding line of succession to vote administration

Section 4, 2  8 posts in 8 weeks instead of 10 posts in the last 10 weeks.
Southern Senator North Carolina Yankee
North Carolina Yankee
Atlas Institution
Posts: 54,118
United States

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« Reply #423 on: January 04, 2020, 02:44:28 AM »

Introducing this for RC and the House and since we don't have any bills in queue and many slots.


To provide for a comprehensive response to the Opioid Epidemic

Be it enacted by the Congress of the Republic of Atlasia assembled
This law shall be referred to as the Comprehensive Opioid Response Act

Congress finds the following:

(a) Every day, more than 130 people in the United States die after overdosing on opioids. The misuse of and addiction to opioids, including prescription pain relievers, heroin, and synthetic opioids such as fentanyl, is a serious national crisis that affects public health as well as social and economic welfare.
(b) The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates that the total "economic burden" of prescription opioid misuse alone in the United States is $78.5 billion a year, including the costs of healthcare, lost productivity, addiction treatment, and criminal justice involvement.
(c) This issue has become a public health crisis with devastating consequences including increases in opioid misuse and related overdoses, as well as the rising incidence of neonatal abstinence syndrome due to opioid use and misuse during pregnancy.
(d) The increase in injection drug use has also contributed to the spread of infectious diseases including HIV and hepatitis C.

(a) There is established an account in the Treasury, known as the Opioid Abuse Treatment Fund.

(b) There is appropriated $300,000,000 for each fiscal years 2019 through 2023.

Of the funds appropriated, the Secretary of Health and Human Services shall:
(1) appropriate $200,000,000 each fiscal year until 2023 to make grants to state, local, and tribal governments for the purpose of increasing the availability of treatment for opioids abuse.
(2) appropriate $50,000,000 each fiscal year until 2023 to make grants to state, local, and tribal governments and nonprofit entities to provide vouchers to individuals in underserved populations for authorized services related to the treatment of such individuals for opioids abuse
(3) appropriate $50,000,000 each fiscal year until 2023 to make grants to public, private, nonprofit entities, and Indian tribes to establish programs to provide for and coordinate the provision of wrap-around services to opioids-affected individuals.

(a) The Secretary of Health and Human Services may make grants to State, local, and tribal governments for the purpose of increasing the availability of treatment for opioids abuse.

(b) The grants made may only be used to:
(1) build treatment centers
(2) expand existing treatment centers
(3) hire treatment professionals
(4) provide training and education to substance abuse professionals, medical professionals, and educators related to the treatment of opioids abuse
(5) engage in activities that the Secretary of Health & Human Services has determined are relevant

(a) The Secretary of Health and Human Services may make grants to State, local, and tribal governments and nonprofit entities to provide vouchers to individuals in underserved populations for authorized services related to the treatment of such individuals for opioids abuse.

(b) Not later than a year after this law is in effect, and annually thereafter, the Secretary of Health and Human Services shall submit a report to the Congress on the grants used in subsection 4(a)

(c) The report under this section shall contain an evaluation of the effectiveness of the grants made under subsection 4(a) in improving access to opioids treatment for underserved populations.

(a) The Secretary of Health and Human Services may make grants to public, private, nonprofit entities, and Indian tribes to establish programs to provide for and coordinate the provision of wrap-around services to opioids-affected individuals.

(b) For each year that a public, private, nonprofit entity, or Indian tribe receives a grant under subsection 6(a) for a program, such applicant shall submit to the Secretary of Health & Human Services a report on the results and effectiveness of the program.

(c) Wrap-Around Services is defined as:
(1) Medical services.
(2) Dental services.
(3) Mental health services.
(4) Job training services.
(5) Prevention services for family members opioids abuse or addiction.

(a) The term ‘illegal marketing or distribution practice with respect to an opioid’ means:
(1) any marketing material a representation that an opioid has no addiction-forming or addiction-sustaining liability or has less of an addiction-forming or addiction-sustaining liability than one or more other opioids, knowing the representation to be false, as determined by the Secretary based on research, testimonials, and other evidence
(2) supplying States or communities with a quantity of opioids that is not medically reasonable, as determined by the Secretary of Health and Human Services
(3) failing to report to the Secretary of Health and Human Services any pattern of orders for the distribution of opioids that would cause a reasonable person to believe the opioids were not being dispensed in a medically reasonable manner.

(b) It shall be unlawful for any person who manufactures or distributes an opioid to engage in an illegal marketing or distribution practice with respect to an opioid.

(c) Any person who violates subsection 7(b):
(i) if a person employed by an opioid manufacturer or distributor, shall be subject to a civil penalty in an amount equal to sum of:
(aa) such person’s full amount of salary for each year during which such person engaged in illegal marketing or distribution practices with respect to an opioid product
(bb) the amount by which the stock or other certificates of ownership interest of the person that is owned by the individual has increased in value during the period during which such person engaged in illegal marketing or distribution practices of an opioid product
(ii) if not a natural person, shall be subject to a civil penalty in the amount equal to the sum of:
(aa) $750,000,000
(bb) 25% of the profit made on lawful sales of opioids during the period in which the person engaged in illegal marketing or distribution practices.

(d) If a person that is not a natural person violates subsection 7(b), the court shall:
(i) impose on the chief executive officer of the person a civil penalty in an amount equal to the sum of:
(aa) the salary of the individual during the period in which the person engaged in illegal marketing or distribution practices and such individual served as chief executive officer
(bb) the amount by which the stock that is owned by the individual has increased in value during the period that the person engaged in illegal marketing or distribution practices and such individual served as chief executive officer
(ii) impose on any executive who led the finance, research, marketing, or sales department of the person a civil penalty in the amount equal to the sum of:
(aa) 25% of the salary during the period that the individual engaged in illegal marketing or distribution practices and served as an executive
(bb) 25% of the amount by which the stock of the individual has increased in value during the period that the person engaged in illegal marketing or distribution practices and such individual served as such an executive

(e) Any individual subject to civil penalties as laid out under subsection 7(c) shall be required to issue a public statement apologizing for their role in creating the opioid epidemic in the United States.

(f) Immediately after the date of enactment of this Act, the Secretary of Health and Human Services or Attorney General shall begin investigating all opioid manufacturers and all executives employed by such manufacturers to determine whether any such manufacturer committed illegal marketing or distribution practice with respect to an opioid as defined under this section.

(g) The Secretary of Health and Human Services may transfer to the Opioid Abuse Treatment Fund an amount equal to the civil penalties under this act to combat the abuse of opioids in the United States as laid out under Section 3, 4, 5, and 6.

This act shall take effect 30 days after passage.

House of Representatives:
Passed the House of Representatives 7-0-1-1
Junior Chimp
Posts: 6,729
United States

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« Reply #424 on: January 08, 2020, 10:28:59 PM »

The Red-Green New Deal


To address climate change in Atlasia

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives in Congress assembled,

Section I: Title

1. This Act may be cited as the "Red-Green New Deal" or "RGND".

Section II: Resolution

1. We Recognize:

  a. The seriousness and urgency associated with climate change must be met with swift action in order to ensure the continued welfare and prosperity of all Atlasians.

  b. Those at fault must be held accountable, and the industries polluting our environment must be eliminated.

  c. We must aim for a total phase-out of fossil fuels by 2035.

  d. We can spark a green revolution in Atlasia and become a focal point in a new age of industry and technology.

Section III: Extraction

1. Offshore drilling within 25 miles of the Atlasian coastline is hereby prohibited.

2. The use of hydraulic fracking in Atlasia is hereby prohibited.

3. The placing of new oil pipeline, other than for the use of repair or renovation of existing lines, is hereby prohibited.

  a. Any update, repair, or alteration to existing pipeline must comply with existing regulation and be reviewed by appropriate local and federal agencies.

Section IV: Utility Ownership

1. The Office of the Secretary of Internal Affairs shall be instructed to create a Social Energy Fund.

  a. The Fund shall receive an amount equivalent to gaining public control over the top twenty five largest publicly traded energy companies.

    i. "Public Control" is defined as at least 51% of total shares.

  b. The Fund shall offer to voluntarily purchase up to 51% of the total shares in the companies described in IV.1.a.
    i. With each offer, the Department of Internal Affairs shall release a statement declaring its aim to compulsorily purchase the shares required to acquire a majority within sixteen months.

  c. The Fund shall be chartered to utilize its stake in the companies described in IV.1.a to achieve the following.

    i. Compliance with international de-carbonization objectives.
    ii. The transition to an energy sector led by publicly owned renewable energy companies.
    iii. The gradual phase-out of fossil fuel extraction.

Section V: Public Works

1. The Office of the Secretary of Internal Affairs shall be instructed to create a New Public Works Administration

  a. The NPWA shall develop, administrate, maintain and oversee public building projects.

  b. The NPWA shall be led by the Secretary of Internal Affairs.

    i. Shall the position of Secretary of Internal Affairs be vacant, these duties shall fall to the President of Atlasia.

2. The Office of the Secretary of Internal Affairs may appoint a board of NPCs to assist in the development of NPWA projects.

3. NPWA projects shall include

    a. Steel and Auto Manufacturing

    b. Construction and Enginering

    c. Renewable Energy Development and Energy Efficiency Retrofitting

    d. Coding, Server Farms and Technological Development

    e. Sustainable Agriculture

    f. Civil Corps
    g. Finance and Information

    h. Statistics and Social Research

4. All NPWA projects shall provide workers with the following.

  a. Pay equivalent to 10% above a "living wage" determined by residency.

  b. Full membership in a labor union.

  c. Employment benefits delegated per project.

5. The NPWA shall seek to employ twenty million workers over a ten-year period.

6. The NPWA shall operate with an annual budget of $250 billion.

Section VI: Effective Date

1. This act takes effect on June 1st, 2020.
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