The White House (Former Office of President Sestak)

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Author Topic: The White House (Former Office of President Sestak)  (Read 4020 times)
YaBB God
Posts: 3,557

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« Reply #75 on: June 30, 2021, 03:25:07 PM »

Mr President, the following bills have passed both houses of Congress and await your signature.

To rescue the Atlasian economy

Be it enacted in both houses of Congress assembled,
Section 1. Title
1. This legislation may be cited as the Third Emergency Economic Stimulus Act.

Section 2. Extension of Expiring Stimulus Measures
1. The universal income established under Section 2 of the Emergency Economic Stimulus Act of 2020 shall be extended from April 1, 2021 until October 1, 2021 pursuant to subsection 4.
2. From October 1, 2021, the universal income shall decrease by 25% on the first day of each month until it is eliminated.
3. A congressional vote shall begin 14 days before October 1, 2021 in both houses of Congress for Congress to decide whether or not to extend the universal income.
a) The vote shall be a simple 'Aye' or 'Nay' on the extension. If Aye receives a majority in both houses of Congress then Congress shall be able to decide on the length of the extension. The default shall be for the universal income to continue in full until January 1, 2022, in the event of an Aye vote-unless Congress legislates for an alternative end date.
4. Section 5 of the Emergency Economic Stimulus Act of 2020 shall be amended as follows:
1a. Citizens, permanent residents and households in the Republic of Atlasia who do not have a source of income above the federal minimum wage between April 1, 2020 and October 1, 2020 April 1, 2021 October 1, 2021; may not be evicted from their house, nor their supply of water, electricity or internet cut off; for not paying the appropriate bills.
1b. Between October 2nd, 2020 and January 31st, 2021 April 2, 2021 and July 31, 2021 October 2nd, 2021 and January 31st, 2022; utilities may be cut for not paying their appropriate bills, but no tenants shall be evicted from their house for not paying the appropriate mortgage or rent bills.
1c. After January 31st, 2021 July 31, 2021 January 31st, 2022; companies and tenants may rise the appropriate bills by no more than 10% in order to recover the unpaid dues.
2. The earning of unemployment benefits between April 1st, 2020 and October 1st, 2020 April 1st, 2021 October 1st, 2021 shall not affect in any way the collection of future unemployment benefits.
3. The payments discussed in Sections 2.1 and 2.2 shall not be counted towards the federal minimum wage accounting discussed in Section 4.1.

Passed 8-1-0-0 in the Atlasian House assembled

People's Regional Senate
Passed 6-0 in the Atlasian Senate Assembled,

Deputy President of Congress

A bill to reduce the harmful effects of human trafficking in our land.

Anti-Human Trafficking Act

Section 1. Permissions

A regional department shall be authorized to provide emergency care and supervision to any child without seeking a court order for a period not to exceed seven days when:

A) As a result of an emergency or illness, the person who has physical and legal custody of a child is unable to provide for the care and supervision of such child, and such person or a law enforcement officer, emergency personnel employed by a licensed ambulance provider, fire rescue personnel, or a hospital administrator or his or her designee requests that DFCS exercise such emergency custody; and

B) A child is not at imminent risk of abuse or neglect, other than the risks arising from being without a caretaker

Section 2. Penalties

The crimes and offenses relating to trafficking of persons for labor or sexual servitude are as follows:

A) A person commits the offense of trafficking an individual for sexual servitude when that person knowingly:

1) Involuntarily subjects an individual to or maintains an individual in sexual servitude without their consent;

2) Recruits, entices, harbors, transports, provides, solicits, patronizes, or obtains by any means an individual involuntarily for the purpose of sexual servitude; or

3) Solicits or patronizes by any means an individual to involuntarily perform sexually explicit conduct on behalf of such person when such individual is the subject of sexual servitude without their consent, or benefits financially or by receiving anything of value from the involuntary sexual servitude of another.

4) Any person who commits the offense of trafficking an individual for labor servitude or sexual servitude shall be guilty of a felony, and upon conviction thereof, shall be punished by imprisonment for not less than ten nor more than 20 years and a fine not to exceed $100,000.00.

5) Any person who commits the offense of trafficking an individual for labor servitude or sexual servitude against an individual who is under 18 years of age and such individual under the age of 18 years was coerced or deceived into being trafficked for labor or if the offense is committed against an individual who has a developmental disability, the person shall be guilty of a felony, and upon conviction thereof, shall be punished by imprisonment for not less than 25 nor more than 50 years or life imprisonment and a fine not to exceed $100,000.00.
People's Regional Senate
Passed 6-0 in the Atlasian Senate Assembled,

People's House of Representatives
Passed 6-0-0-3 in the People's House of Representatives

Deputy President of Congress

YaBB God
Posts: 3,557

Political Matrix
E: -8.26, S: -6.09

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« Reply #76 on: July 01, 2021, 10:49:38 PM »

Mr President, the following bill has passed both houses of Congress and awaits your signature.

Sticking it to the Man Act


Be it enacted by the House of Representatives and the Senate of the Republic of Atlasia in Congress assembled,

No school which receives federal funding from the government of Atlasia may suspend, expel, or otherwise punish a student for any of the following reasons:

1) wearing their hair in a certain style or having dyed or colored hair
2) expressing opinions or beliefs during time allocated for students to speak or ask questions which do not demean or harass other students, or wearing articles of clothing displaying a social or political message.
3) praying or otherwise practicing their religion at school, as long as the prayers are done without significantly disturbing the class or if they are done during a time of recess
4) peacefully walking out of class as part of a protest or political movement
5) actions that occurred outside of school provided they did not bully or harass another student, or result in the student's arrest


1) No school in the Republic of Atlasia may prevent a student from graduating or passing a class due to debts incurred, including but not limited to lunch debt and unreturned library books, provided they satisfy all other requirements.
2) No school which receives federal funding from the government of Atlasia may prevent a student from graduating or passing a class due to absences incurred, provided they receive a passing grade and satisfy all other requirements.

Passed 7-0-0-1 in the Atlasian House assembled

People's Regional Senate
Passed 5-0-0-1 in the People's Regional Senate

Deputy President of Congress

YaBB God
Posts: 3,557

Political Matrix
E: -8.26, S: -6.09

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« Reply #77 on: July 02, 2021, 09:15:37 AM »

Calling on the President and Secretary of State to enter negotiations with Canada regarding a possible Common Market Agreement

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Republic of Atlasia in Congress assembled,

Section I. Title

1. This bill may be known as the Canadian Common Market Recommendation Resolution.

Section II. Content

1. The Congress of Atlasia recommends that the President and Secretary of State should enter talks with representatives of Canada.

2. The Congress of Atlasia recommends that the objective of these talks is to negotiate a "Common Market Agreement" between the Republic of Atlasia and Canada.

Passed 5-0-2-2 in the Atlasian House assembled

People's Regional Senate
Passed 4-0-2 in the Atlasian Senate Assembled,

Deputy President of Congress

Quote from: Final Version
To protect privacy on the internet

Be it enacted in Both Houses of Congress Assembled,
The 2021 Digital Privacy Act

Section 1.) Because I wanted you to know

A.) All companies, organizations or entities providing digital advertising services in Atlasia shall be obliged to provide consumers with the all of their relevant data and information that are held on said person.

B.) Individuals shall also request to know if their data has been provided, or sold to another entity.

C.) The Federal Trade Commission, in conjunction with the Attorney General, shall have the power to enforce this act and ensure its compliance.

Section 2- Don't Track Me

A.) All users and consumers shall have the right to sign up to a 'do not track' federal guarantee. Upon a consumer signing up for this guarantee no company, advertiser or entity shall be able to advertise any product towards them based on their previous internet use, browsing history, demographics or other similar information. 

B.) Companies that wish to condition products and services on the sale or sharing of consumer data must offer another, similar privacy-friendly version of their product.

C.) Individuals shall hereby be allowed to request that companies holding information on them shall not sell or provide this data to a third party, with the exception of providing information to law enforcement bodies. 

Section 3- Sue, Grabbit and Runne

A. Both the Federal Government and the regions of Atlasia are hereby allowed to designate one “protection and advocacy” organization that can file civil suits against companies that violate privacy regulations.

B. This designation process may require the agreement of the (federal or regional) government, by unanimous vote of a relevant body, that the organization is nonpartisan or otherwise capable of impartial work.

People's Regional Senate
Passed 6-0 in the Atlasian Senate Assembled,

House of Representatives Passed 6-1-1-1

People's Regional Senate
Amended Version passed 6-0-0-0 in the People's Regional Senate

Deputy President of Congress

Atlas Icon
Posts: 13,344
United States

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« Reply #78 on: July 02, 2021, 09:35:52 AM »

Signing statement

This bill formalizes in statute the end of the mask mandate which I enacted by executive order some months ago.

Quote from: F.L. 30-11

To ease restrictions during the Covid pandemic.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Republic of Atlasia in Congress assembled,

Section I. Title

1. This bill may be known as the "Repeal of the Mask Mandate Act".

Section II. Content

1. F.L. 26-05, the Mask Mandate Act, is repealed in its entirety.
2. Nothing in this Act shall be interpreted as to invalidate actions taken to enforce it prior to its repeal.

Passed 8-0-0-1 in the Atlasian House assembled

People's Regional Senate
Passed 6-0 in the Atlasian Senate Assembled,

Deputy President of Congress

Atlas Icon
Posts: 13,344
United States

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« Reply #79 on: July 02, 2021, 09:41:25 AM »

Signing statement
This bill enacts into law the new Atlasian flag as selected by voters in the referendum a month ago.

Quote from: F.L. 30-12
Quote from: Final Version
To respect the results of the Atlasian Flag Referendum

Section I: Title
1. The title of this bill shall be called the "Atlasian Flag Act of 2021"

Section II: Flag
1. The national flag as set out by the Federal Symbology Act of 2016 is hereby decomissioned.

2. The following design shall henceforth be the flag of the Republic of Atlasia:

People's House of Representatives
Passed 5-2-0-2 in the House of Representatives

People's Regional Senate
Passed 4-0-1 in the Atlasian Senate Assembled,

Deputy President of Congress

Atlas Icon
Posts: 13,344
United States

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« Reply #80 on: July 02, 2021, 09:48:46 AM »

Signing statement
This bill allows for medical leave and compensation for said leave in many important cases. While I am somewhat wary of the idea of direct pay for organ donors, I think allowing paid leave for medically necessary post-procedural recovery is sensible.

Quote from: F.L. 30-13
Quote from: Final Version
To protect the health of Atlasian workers and the wider community
Be it enacted in both houses of Congress
Section 1: Title
1. This legislation may be cited as the "Medical Leave and Compensation Act of 2021"
Section 2: Amendment to the Coronavirus Containment and Emergency Response Act
1. Section 5b of the legislation is amended as follows-
"(b.) All employers must allow their workers to accrue seven at least ten annual days of paid sick leave, with an additional fourteen days available immediately in the event of public health emergencies.
2. A new clause shall be added to section 5 of the legislation-
"All employed people in Atlasia who are self-isolating to avoid spreading Covid-19, where required by law, shall be paid by the government their full wage for the entirety of their period of their required isolation."
a) This payment shall also apply if an individual misses at least one full day of work while self-isolating while waiting for the results of a Covid-19 test, even if they are not legally required to self-isolate.
b) This payment shall be capped at $45 an hour.
3. All persons who receive a notification from the DefeatCoronavirus app asking them to self-isolate, are otherwise notified by government contact tracers, or otherwise receive a positive Covid-19 test, shall be required to self-isolate for the following periods-
a) Five days, if they take a Covid-19 test five days or later into their self-isolation and that test result comes back negative.
b) Otherwise, fourteen days, or-if this is later than fourteen days-until they recover from Covid-19.
c) The maximum penalty per offense shall be a fine of $1,500 for a single period of required self isolation that is not followed, with the maximum penalty for repeat offenders (three or more breaches) being a fine of $15,000.
Section 3; Miscarriage Bereavement Leave
1. All employed people in Atlasia shall be entitled to up to three days of bereavement leave in the following circumstances-
a) On the unplanned end of their pregnancy through a miscarriage or still-birth, where this is not the result of use of abortion services.
b) On the unplanned end of another person's pregnancy through a miscarriage or still-birth, where this is not the result of the use of abortion services, in these circumstances-
i) Where they are the person's spouse or partner.
ii) Where they would have been the biological parent of a child born as a result of the pregnancy.
iii) Where they had officially undertaken to be the primary carer of a child born as a result of the pregnancy.
iv) Where they are the spouse or partner of a person who had officially undertaken to be the primary carer of a child born as a result of the pregnancy.
Section 4; Compensation for Live Organ Donors
1. "Qualifying donor" is a person who satisfies these conditions-
a) they will forgo earnings as a result of taking unpaid leave or otherwise ceasing employment to allow for their recuperation from the surgery
b) both the donor surgery and the surgery to implant the organ will be carried out in Atlasia
c) the organ will be collected, implanted, and dealt with lawfully
2. A qualifying donor is entitled to receive up to twelve weeks worth of compensation from the federal government for recovering from surgery after donating an organ.
a) The compensation may be ceased when the qualifying donor either returns to employment or is medically certified to be fit to return to their employment, even if this is earlier than twelve weeks after the surgery.
3. Compensation may be given before the surgery where the qualifying donor undertakes activities in preparation for the surgery if-
a) they would not reasonably be able to undertake these activities without taking leave from their employment for that period, and
b) these activities are medically necessary for the surgery to be successfully carried out.
4. All compensation legislated for in this section shall be set at the level of the qualifying donor's full wage for the period.
a) The compensation shall be capped at $45 an hour.
Section 5; Implementation
1. All provisions of this legislation shall come into effect immediately upon its passage into law.
2. No provision of this legislation shall expire at any declared end of the Covid-19 pandemic.

People's Regional Senate
Passed 5-0 in the Atlasian Senate Assembled,

People's House of Representatives
Passed 3-1-2-3 in the People's House of Representatives

Atlas Icon
Posts: 13,344
United States

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« Reply #81 on: July 02, 2021, 10:27:20 AM »

Signing statement

This bill extends the stimulus for another three months, allowing a more smooth transition to getting the economy to full speed without pulling the carpet out from under anyone.

Quote from: F.L. 30-14
To rescue the Atlasian economy

Be it enacted in both houses of Congress assembled,
Section 1. Title
1. This legislation may be cited as the Third Emergency Economic Stimulus Act.

Section 2. Extension of Expiring Stimulus Measures
1. The universal income established under Section 2 of the Emergency Economic Stimulus Act of 2020 shall be extended from April 1, 2021 until October 1, 2021 pursuant to subsection 4.
2. From October 1, 2021, the universal income shall decrease by 25% on the first day of each month until it is eliminated.
3. A congressional vote shall begin 14 days before October 1, 2021 in both houses of Congress for Congress to decide whether or not to extend the universal income.
a) The vote shall be a simple 'Aye' or 'Nay' on the extension. If Aye receives a majority in both houses of Congress then Congress shall be able to decide on the length of the extension. The default shall be for the universal income to continue in full until January 1, 2022, in the event of an Aye vote-unless Congress legislates for an alternative end date.
4. Section 5 of the Emergency Economic Stimulus Act of 2020 shall be amended as follows:
1a. Citizens, permanent residents and households in the Republic of Atlasia who do not have a source of income above the federal minimum wage between April 1, 2020 and October 1, 2020 April 1, 2021 October 1, 2021; may not be evicted from their house, nor their supply of water, electricity or internet cut off; for not paying the appropriate bills.
1b. Between October 2nd, 2020 and January 31st, 2021 April 2, 2021 and July 31, 2021 October 2nd, 2021 and January 31st, 2022; utilities may be cut for not paying their appropriate bills, but no tenants shall be evicted from their house for not paying the appropriate mortgage or rent bills.
1c. After January 31st, 2021 July 31, 2021 January 31st, 2022; companies and tenants may rise the appropriate bills by no more than 10% in order to recover the unpaid dues.
2. The earning of unemployment benefits between April 1st, 2020 and October 1st, 2020 April 1st, 2021 October 1st, 2021 shall not affect in any way the collection of future unemployment benefits.
3. The payments discussed in Sections 2.1 and 2.2 shall not be counted towards the federal minimum wage accounting discussed in Section 4.1.

Passed 8-1-0-0 in the Atlasian House assembled

People's Regional Senate
Passed 6-0 in the Atlasian Senate Assembled,

Deputy President of Congress

Atlas Icon
Posts: 13,344
United States

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« Reply #82 on: July 02, 2021, 10:42:38 AM »

Signing statement
This bill will allow us to more easily help victims of human trafficking.

Quote from: F.L. 30-15
A bill to reduce the harmful effects of human trafficking in our land.

Anti-Human Trafficking Act

Section 1. Permissions

A regional department shall be authorized to provide emergency care and supervision to any child without seeking a court order for a period not to exceed seven days when:

A) As a result of an emergency or illness, the person who has physical and legal custody of a child is unable to provide for the care and supervision of such child, and such person or a law enforcement officer, emergency personnel employed by a licensed ambulance provider, fire rescue personnel, or a hospital administrator or his or her designee requests that DFCS exercise such emergency custody; and

B) A child is not at imminent risk of abuse or neglect, other than the risks arising from being without a caretaker

Section 2. Penalties

The crimes and offenses relating to trafficking of persons for labor or sexual servitude are as follows:

A) A person commits the offense of trafficking an individual for sexual servitude when that person knowingly:

1) Involuntarily subjects an individual to or maintains an individual in sexual servitude without their consent;

2) Recruits, entices, harbors, transports, provides, solicits, patronizes, or obtains by any means an individual involuntarily for the purpose of sexual servitude; or

3) Solicits or patronizes by any means an individual to involuntarily perform sexually explicit conduct on behalf of such person when such individual is the subject of sexual servitude without their consent, or benefits financially or by receiving anything of value from the involuntary sexual servitude of another.

4) Any person who commits the offense of trafficking an individual for labor servitude or sexual servitude shall be guilty of a felony, and upon conviction thereof, shall be punished by imprisonment for not less than ten nor more than 20 years and a fine not to exceed $100,000.00.

5) Any person who commits the offense of trafficking an individual for labor servitude or sexual servitude against an individual who is under 18 years of age and such individual under the age of 18 years was coerced or deceived into being trafficked for labor or if the offense is committed against an individual who has a developmental disability, the person shall be guilty of a felony, and upon conviction thereof, shall be punished by imprisonment for not less than 25 nor more than 50 years or life imprisonment and a fine not to exceed $100,000.00.
People's Regional Senate
Passed 6-0 in the Atlasian Senate Assembled,

People's House of Representatives
Passed 6-0-0-3 in the People's House of Representatives

Deputy President of Congress

Atlas Icon
Posts: 13,344
United States

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« Reply #83 on: July 02, 2021, 10:51:44 AM »
« Edited: July 02, 2021, 11:46:51 AM by Sestak »

Signing statement

This is a strong statement to ensure privacy on the internet is, at least to a degree, still obtainable.

Quote from: F.L. 30-16
Quote from: Final Version
To protect privacy on the internet

Be it enacted in Both Houses of Congress Assembled,
The 2021 Digital Privacy Act

Section 1.) Because I wanted you to know

A.) All companies, organizations or entities providing digital advertising services in Atlasia shall be obliged to provide consumers with the all of their relevant data and information that are held on said person.

B.) Individuals shall also request to know if their data has been provided, or sold to another entity.

C.) The Federal Trade Commission, in conjunction with the Attorney General, shall have the power to enforce this act and ensure its compliance.

Section 2- Don't Track Me

A.) All users and consumers shall have the right to sign up to a 'do not track' federal guarantee. Upon a consumer signing up for this guarantee no company, advertiser or entity shall be able to advertise any product towards them based on their previous internet use, browsing history, demographics or other similar information.  

B.) Companies that wish to condition products and services on the sale or sharing of consumer data must offer another, similar privacy-friendly version of their product.

C.) Individuals shall hereby be allowed to request that companies holding information on them shall not sell or provide this data to a third party, with the exception of providing information to law enforcement bodies.  

Section 3- Sue, Grabbit and Runne

A. Both the Federal Government and the regions of Atlasia are hereby allowed to designate one “protection and advocacy” organization that can file civil suits against companies that violate privacy regulations.

B. This designation process may require the agreement of the (federal or regional) government, by unanimous vote of a relevant body, that the organization is nonpartisan or otherwise capable of impartial work.

People's Regional Senate
Passed 6-0 in the Atlasian Senate Assembled,

House of Representatives Passed 6-1-1-1

People's Regional Senate
Amended Version passed 6-0-0-0 in the People's Regional Senate

Deputy President of Congress


Quote from:  Executive Order 52-016
to make inductions to the Order of the Star of Atlasia

Any selections to the Order of the Star of Atlasia in this executive order which are duplicates of selections made within the last two weeks are to only be counted once total.

The following are awarded the Silver Star of the Order of the Star of Atlasia:

Bacon King, for his two years of continuing service as Lincoln's regional justice, and his long history of contributions to Atlasia's legal sphere.

Reagente, for having served the Southern region as a delegate continuously for two years and counting and always striving to keep the regional government active.

Mike Wells, for being my first partner in the refounding of Labor, and for his long and consistent service to the region of Lincoln.

Virginia, for being a stable and fair moderator and administrator to our constituent board and forum for the last several years, including making improvements and changes that have made the regular operation of Atlasia significantly smoother.

Oakvale, for his continuing contributions to Atlasia's legal world and his constant willingness to question established notions within the game.

Razze, for his three years dedicated service to in House of Representatives.

Lfromnj, because I still feel bad about December 2019 and for his advocacy for reforming the budget, scoring, and economic simulation process.

OBD, for being the best Vice President I could have asked for.

Antonio, for founding the greatest political party in Atlasian history.

Adam Griffin, because his resume shines so much gold that no one has yet thought to give him Silver, for his mentorship and friendship over the last several years, and for being the single most dominant personality in this game.

The following are awarded the Gold Star of the Order of the Star of Atlasia:

Jimmy7812, because I cannot deny the past, and he and I were once among the most consequential duos in Atlasian history; and because no matter who he aligns with he always makes massive contributions both as a responsible officeholder and as an electoral strategist.

Tack, for his long and dedicated service to both the Senate and the Lincoln Region, and specifically his leadership in authoring the region's new constitution.

Peanut, for his service as Governor and Senator in Lincoln, as Vice President, and now as Game Moderator, having one of the most continually positive personalities in this game and always striving to improve Atlasia as a whole.

Ninja, for fighting long and hard to re-establish the center in Atlasia, often against numerous setbacks and the strongest of opposition.

TedBessell, for over five years of service to Atlasia across a wide variety of positions and parties, always maintinaing a high standard as an officeholder.

FalterinArc, for his service as Deputy President of Congress, acting as a very capable manager of an often difficult legislative setup and keeping things flowing at a brisk pace.

Olawakandi, for showing us.

Windjammer, for being the first to believe in me nearly three years ago when the rest of the game had written me off as a joke, for being a constantly supportive mentor throughout my time within this game, for his service as Chief Justice for the past half decade, and for his friendship across the years.

The following posthumous inductions are made to the Gold Star of the Order of the Star of Atlasia:

John Nash
Emmy Noether
John Tate
Kurt Gödel
John Paul Stevens
Ann Selzer
Stephen Curry

The following posthumous inductions are made to the Silver Star of the Order of the Star of Atlasia:

Terence Tao
John Milnor
John von Neumann
Richard S. Hamilton
Joe Sestak
Klay Thompson
Buster Posey
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