Israel-Gaza war (user search)

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Author Topic: Israel-Gaza war  (Read 252947 times)
Kahane's Grave Is A Gender-Neutral Bathroom
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« on: October 07, 2023, 02:27:37 AM »

Will this significantly help the Pro-Israel narrative in the west?
Kahane's Grave Is A Gender-Neutral Bathroom
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« Reply #1 on: October 07, 2023, 03:32:22 PM »

I have family in Ashkelon, which isn't that far away from the Gaza Strip. They're fine, but some weren't so lucky:

Kahane's Grave Is A Gender-Neutral Bathroom
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« Reply #2 on: October 07, 2023, 05:21:16 PM »

A huge amount of Israelis are saying that all the Israeli Army was in the West Bank giving support to illegal occupations there. Which is why the attack from Gaza was a “surprise” and so powerful.

That means, the Hamas attack managing to be this successful was a direct result from the priorities that the Hard-Right government of Israel has in favoring their Religious Extremists instead of looking after the security of the country and their people.

Thank you, Red Velvet, for your wise and levelheaded take on a deeply controversial geopolitical issue. I mean it.
Kahane's Grave Is A Gender-Neutral Bathroom
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« Reply #3 on: October 07, 2023, 10:25:16 PM »

I have a feeling that if there’s no pushback in the West Bank or any other front, Gaza would be quickly overwhelmed conventionally.

It's still a hellish urban environment for an attacker to fight through so not sure about 'quickly'.

My guess is that the Israelis will make minimal progress after like a week and then get frustrated and bomb them into the stone age.
Kahane's Grave Is A Gender-Neutral Bathroom
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« Reply #4 on: October 08, 2023, 04:35:38 AM »

I spent several hours today worried if my cousin in Ashkelon was okay and I still don't want to invade Egypt. Curious how that works.
Kahane's Grave Is A Gender-Neutral Bathroom
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« Reply #5 on: October 09, 2023, 05:10:42 AM »

For all that you've called me a Nazi or whatever, I'd like to point out that the father of an Israeli hostage has shown more humanity than all the blue and half of the red avatars on this forum.

Oh don't pretend to both-sides it now.

If you watch a video of someone being gang raped, their head smashed in, and then be dragged through a cheering crowd like a hunting trophy, and you call it "decolonization",

You are just a sadist. Enjoy your airstrike.
Kahane's Grave Is A Gender-Neutral Bathroom
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« Reply #6 on: October 09, 2023, 11:41:29 PM »

I went to a service today at my local synagogue (who hate Netanyahu & have sermons about protecting the rights of Palestinians). We had someone speak whose family had been raped and murdered by Hamas. Meanwhile, I go on Twitter and then see that Harvard students (in addition to certain individuals around here) have released a statement that this rape is justified because Israel exists.

I ing hate this world.
Kahane's Grave Is A Gender-Neutral Bathroom
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« Reply #7 on: October 18, 2023, 04:33:59 AM »

I have to say I'm impressed with the amount of restraint shown in this thread over the past few hours while we've been monitoring the hospital situation. Particularly when you consider the thread started off with clowns arguing about if having sex with twinks makes you gay.
Kahane's Grave Is A Gender-Neutral Bathroom
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« Reply #8 on: October 21, 2023, 06:45:02 AM »

Support for sending weapons to Israel not as high as I expected for GOP voters
I know these polls are saying one thing but the calls I am receiving suggest it’s even less. While this is all anecdotal, people are very angry about this and not just leftists. I think the media is covering the Palestinian angle more than in the past and that is having an impact.

The calls we're receiving (in a very left-wing district) are very neutral on the whole Israel-Palestine in general, while condemning both Hamas and Netanyahu. It's not cut-and-dry like Vosem and SnowStalker are implying.

Here's another good poll on the situation:

Kahane's Grave Is A Gender-Neutral Bathroom
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« Reply #9 on: October 26, 2023, 04:48:41 AM »

Has had 30 family members killed by the IDF

Every single Twitter exchange between pro-Palestine users usually goes like this:

White CooperUnion Student: I HATE JEWS!!!!1

Arab who lost half of their family to indiscriminate IDF Bombings: I hate Israel not Jews
Kahane's Grave Is A Gender-Neutral Bathroom
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« Reply #10 on: October 28, 2023, 03:38:05 PM »

Reportedly the 2023-24 school year in Gaza has been cancelled because all of the children are dead.

Just let that sink in. All the children. That's hundreds of thousands of children. That's a level of genocide that would make Putin jealous. And we helped Israel do that.

I'm done with this country.

So Israel just killed 1 million people?


This is not only a disservice to, I don't know, truthfulness and good faith, but also to Palestinians. I've really liked the responses by a lot of actual Palestinians on Twitter, many of which were correcting dumb takes from Sino/Europhiles such as yourself that were nothing more than a pure and unbridled hatred of the Jewish people.

Now, instead of just generally attacking you, I've decided that you must simply be extremely uneducated on the topic. If this sounds condescending, I'm sorry, but as a Jewish person who has to deal with anti-Semitism caused by dumb takes like yours on a regular basis, I don't have patience for this.

Firstly, the impact of October 7th appears to be getting lost as time goes on. That's bad, since context is important. This was ~1400 people massacred in a brutal and horrific manner.

To put this in perspective to try and get a feel of this event, it's the equivalent of nearly 70,000 people killed in the United States. Just for being American. That's 20-25 9/11s - One WTC for every two states. It's fair to say that 9/11 impacted our national psyche. We invaded multiple countries because of it, after all.

This was well over an order of magnitude greater.

No government in the world (besides Israel, of course) could be expected to not respond to such an incident. It was not merely the number of dead, it was the manner of the killings. Hostages taken, rape and casual murder of obvious non-combatants. Hamas militants videotaping all of this because they thought it justified.

The events of October 7th were a vile thing and to expect any sort of calm willingness from Israelis to discuss matters in the aftermath is nonsense. A response is to be expected, even from a purely "destruction of Hamas" standpoint.

Anyone outside of campists like RedVelvet or negatively-polarized-against-my-own-government clowns such as yourself should be able to see that.

But the response has been and continues to be disproportionate. Israel has treated the Palestinians like sh**t for decades at this point, going all the way back to 1948. Palestinians (understandably, but not justifiably) have been responding with violence that would be worse if they were in an equivalent power position as Israel.

That said, what Israel is currently doing is evil.

But then it's not like Hamas is giving Israel a wide array of options. When one sees pictures of Hamas rockets being fired at random targets in Israel, the launchers are almost always placed in locations such that if Israel targets them, there will be a lot of photogenic innocent bystanders killed. There's no reason other than PR that this happens, particularly considering half of Gaza is rural.

From the Hamas point of view, dead innocent Palestinians is (while perhaps not a goal) beneficial. It whips up outside enmity against Israel and Jews, and it radicalizes citizens of Palestine, increasing their own support.

Israel can hardly be expected to ignore the option of taking action that might hurt Palestinians because that would mean all it could do was ask Hamas to pretty please not murder Israeli children again. As Harrison Ford said, "don't negotiate with terrorists" (at least I think, I never watched that movie).

I really have no idea what the best solution here is. I, for one, as both a Jew and a social liberal am not comfortable telling Israel to suck it up in regards to October 7th. I'm not comfortable with giving Hamas a pass for their actions.

But, I'm also not comfortable with what Israel is doing to Gaza.

Islamophobia and Anti-Semitism are both on the rise, unsurprisingly and unfortunately. It's good the media is taking the former seriously, at least.

I have no idea what a good solution here is. Anyone who claims to (such as SnowStalker or SnowLabrador) has no idea about nuance or foreign policy.
Kahane's Grave Is A Gender-Neutral Bathroom
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« Reply #11 on: October 28, 2023, 11:41:07 PM »

An absolutely demented response to a Bernie Sanders tweet about...the anniversary of the Pittsburgh synagogue shooting.

SnowStalker & Co: "Demonizing Israel will have no consequences. People will obviously be able to separate Israel and Jewish people"

Now Jews, including myself, are paying the price for this.
Kahane's Grave Is A Gender-Neutral Bathroom
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« Reply #12 on: October 30, 2023, 10:40:13 PM »

Bibi, Smotrich, and Ben Gvir for all the hostages is a good trade.
Kahane's Grave Is A Gender-Neutral Bathroom
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« Reply #13 on: October 31, 2023, 07:58:01 PM »

The strike on the refugee camp by the IDF is horrific and unacceptable. Shame on Netanyahu and his ilk.

Atrocities do not justify atrocities.

I don't think a Gantz or Lapid led gov would've done anything differently here.

Under Gantz or Lapid the attack may not have happened, since the main reason it did was because Bibi was using vast resources to protect Haredim and Judeo-Talibanism in the West Bank
Kahane's Grave Is A Gender-Neutral Bathroom
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« Reply #14 on: November 01, 2023, 02:08:24 AM »

I agree with Ramaswamy. Nobody under 25 should vote.
Kahane's Grave Is A Gender-Neutral Bathroom
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« Reply #15 on: November 18, 2023, 08:58:15 PM »

Kahane's Grave Is A Gender-Neutral Bathroom
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« Reply #16 on: November 18, 2023, 10:52:34 PM »

Just to make you realize even better the crossroads where you as user are at... Do you consistently condemn genocide and more importantly... what side are you on? The good one?

I know i am. The question is: "are you?".

As a matter of fact we do. Can you say the same thing? You've equivocated on Hamas in the past, so it's kinda hypocritical.

It would bring me nothing but great joy to see a free and self determined Palestine. I’m not interested in dehumanizing Palestinians, or availing Israel of their choice in the slaughter of Palestinians, their upholding of an apartheid, or any sort of behavior akin to an ethnic cleansing.

Hamas though, is not a "revolutionary" body. They are first and foremost a political entity and do things for political reasons. They have a military wing, but the top of the chain is politicians (the majority of which live in luxury outside of Gaza). Israel had a choice in response, but their response was entirely predictable- or, as I've said before, understandable but not justified. And this time, they went out and did things that are so far beyond any specter of defensibility, no one with any real power is going to tell Israel to stop and it’s going to be a ing bloodbath, even more so than usual.

I know you know this, but I’ll say it anyways: this isn’t a soccer game. This isn’t blue jerseys against green jerseys, there’s way more parties to the conflict than that, and an ocean of context behind everything that happens. Most importantly, this is a situation where everyone can lose at the same time, and frankly they have been. It may be the most apt example of “nobody’s free until everybody’s free” in the world today. The Israelis are never not going to be living in fear until Palestinian liberation.

Pray for peace.
Kahane's Grave Is A Gender-Neutral Bathroom
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« Reply #17 on: November 26, 2023, 11:38:43 PM »

The problem with all the terrorist justification using things like "if a plane with a star of david dropped bombs on you for years, you'd be anti-Semitic too" is that one could use that same logic for 9/11- i.e. "if you survived 9/11, you'd be Islamophobic, too"
Kahane's Grave Is A Gender-Neutral Bathroom
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« Reply #18 on: November 27, 2023, 12:29:57 AM »

The problem with all the terrorist justification using things like "if a plane with a star of david dropped bombs on you for years, you'd be anti-Semitic too" is that one could use that same logic for 9/11- i.e. "if you survived 9/11, you'd be Islamophobic, too"
I think the more apt comparison is in Israel itself. Support for Hamas is justified as natural because of Israel's bombing, but the same logic is never applied in reverse when it easily could be - that the rise in support for the Israeli right and increasing lack of a care for a two state solution is in response to decades of suicide bombings, stabbings, and rocket attacks from Palestinians
Yeah, I don't understand why certain people (including folks on this forum) give many Palestinians a pass for supporting Hamas but don't even consider that same logic as it applies to 9/11 or Israelis.

This is frighteningly similar to the "noble savage" argument

I don't give one f!ck about a "poll" showing sympathy for Hamas. I wouldn't even outside this conflict, but I especially don't care about it, and consider it useless, during said period of heightened tension and Israel actively perpetrating war crimes. Terrorized and traumatized people aren't rational actors? Wow, I'm so surprised!

The Israelis are traumatized from 10/7, yet they don't get that pass. The only way that makes sense is if you see the rape and murder of Jewish children to be perfectly acceptable, which is something a rather unfortunate majority of the country believes.
Kahane's Grave Is A Gender-Neutral Bathroom
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« Reply #19 on: November 27, 2023, 10:06:15 AM »

The MSM is doing what it typically does which is names, smiling faces, ages, and emotion laden stories of individual Israeli hostages freed, not a single one of Palestinian prisoners freed, just numbers in passing. If I hadn't been blackpilled on the MSM already from Covid this would have done it.

You literally support the normalization of relations with NORTH KOREA with minimal concessions. You are in no position to lecture any of us on human rights.

And if the media is so biased against Palestine, how come everyone supports Palestine?
Kahane's Grave Is A Gender-Neutral Bathroom
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« Reply #20 on: December 03, 2023, 10:58:00 PM »

People need to stop overreacting about young people having some kind of far left views. They aren't fully integrated into society yet and university is a hotbed for farleft overthinker.

Most of them won't keep these views when they will grow older.

That's not really the issue. Plenty of young leftists (including those on this forum) proudly sport Hamas-friendly rhetoric without explicitly condoning them. I am aware of the large pro-Israel bias in right-leaning media, but the gap is incredible. The current war is perhaps the most scrutinized military campaign in human history, and is fought between the IDF, the morally gray though legitimate military of a morally gray but still legitimate country, fighting absolute monsters that actually enjoy sadistically raping, mutilating, parading and disgracing dead bodies, and whose most oppressed victims are actually the population of Gaza.

The left-leaning media will outright portray unfolding events in a false light. Even if not explicitly condoning Hamas, turning a blind eye just to paint Israel as the aggressor is irresponsible at best, and willingly supportive of antisemitic terrorism at worst. This is exactly the type of PR stunts Hamas want to pull off in the West.

The UN Women took 8 WEEKS to officially recognize that rape has occurred on October 7th, when there were live streams by Hamas of teens with bloody crotches on the day it happened. I mean, what the actual f@ck. The hypocrisy is sickening.
Kahane's Grave Is A Gender-Neutral Bathroom
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« Reply #21 on: December 08, 2023, 01:40:42 PM »

Fundamentally, I think there are three (not all mutually exclusive) possibilities to explain why Biden isn't breaking harder from Israel than he actually is.

1. He thinks American aid to Israel gives the US vitally-needed leverage to moderate Israel's conduct, to force Netanyahu to a peace table eventually, or to force him out of the PM's seat entirely.

2. He would like to distance himself from Israel but thinks that it would be politically suicidal, whether in terms of opinion within the Democratic Party or the views of Americans in general.

3. He genuinely thinks supporting Israel is the right thing to do morally-he may oppose certain actions of theirs but in general will be behind Israel to the end. There's lots of evidence that points to this.

I don't know which of these is more prominent in his decision-making (I do think they're probably all there to some extent), but a Biden policy on Israel led more by the first of these would probably end up looking pretty different from one guided by the third one, which is closest to what we have now. A first option-led policy would look more like either Bernie or Fetterman.
Kahane's Grave Is A Gender-Neutral Bathroom
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« Reply #22 on: December 08, 2023, 09:25:20 PM »

Tell me when you guys stop doing the same to Ukraine.
Kahane's Grave Is A Gender-Neutral Bathroom
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« Reply #23 on: December 13, 2023, 08:50:33 PM »

Latest vote in UN on ceasefire.  Note Argentina vote given new government

These are really sick people. There was a ceasefire. Then the terrorist death cult ended the ceasefire because they didn’t want to release the hostages they raped.

The lack of self-aware is astounding.

When the rest of the world is against you, it's time to reconsider.

Jews aren’t going to agree to be killed again. Sorry. We know the rest of the world is against us. We have an army now and no amount of crying about “human rights” will change that. The good news is that the pro-Hamas side has no actual power to stop Israel other than crying that acshully, destroying Hamas is bad for Israel.

With Israel creating more and more foes, the IDF would be overwhelmed.

The protection from the United States is what is keeping Israel's foes from rolling right over Israel.

Bibi should be kissing Biden's feet every chance that he gets.

Gazans are being bombed & brutalized by Israel, exploited & sacrificed by Hamas, and undermined by nitwits. Exhibit a ^
Kahane's Grave Is A Gender-Neutral Bathroom
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« Reply #24 on: December 23, 2023, 01:45:51 AM »

Why is ModernBourbon allowed to comment on this? He thinks Israelis have collective responsibility for this while his own country slaughters tens of thousands in Ukraine.
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