The Irony Oremine (user search)

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Author Topic: The Irony Oremine  (Read 129357 times)
John Dule
Atlas Icon
Posts: 18,688
United States

Political Matrix
E: 6.57, S: -7.50

« on: October 22, 2019, 01:49:23 PM »

You're labelling everyon elese a 'holier-than-thou charlatan' while going off about how inferior Sanders is to everyone else. Honestly I'm all but certain you'd prefer Trump to Sanders.

The ones who prefer(ed) Trump over the Democratic nominee are usually Sanders supporters or prominent surrogates.

Your life will be pretty empty once Sanders drops out.

Seems pretty empty regardless.
John Dule
Atlas Icon
Posts: 18,688
United States

Political Matrix
E: 6.57, S: -7.50

« Reply #1 on: December 09, 2019, 01:26:52 AM »

John Dule
Atlas Icon
Posts: 18,688
United States

Political Matrix
E: 6.57, S: -7.50

« Reply #2 on: February 14, 2020, 04:45:30 PM »

This is it. The Holy Grail.

So you're determined to be derisive and unconstructive rather than actually contributing to the forum.  Got it.
John Dule
Atlas Icon
Posts: 18,688
United States

Political Matrix
E: 6.57, S: -7.50

« Reply #3 on: August 22, 2020, 07:45:08 PM »

What happened to you, Lyndon? You never used to put real effort into your posts, but at least your comebacks were sometimes clever. Now all you do is just passive-aggressively post people's quotes in this thread whenever you disagree with them.
John Dule
Atlas Icon
Posts: 18,688
United States

Political Matrix
E: 6.57, S: -7.50

« Reply #4 on: November 15, 2022, 04:37:12 PM »

I've never met a religious person in real life and had any kind of a lengthy conversation with them. Maybe someday.

The vast majority of the world's Muslims are extremely patriarchal, sexist, homophobic, and fundamentalist. We have nothing meaningful in common with them.

High-IQ John Dule is here and really shows how very knowledgeable he is about the spooky scary mudslimes. He hasn't met one before (or actually any religious person ever), but he does know how different they are from regular people. He knows that the mudslimes don't have senses of humor and are incapable of empathy. They may even have horns that they hide under their skullcaps! Yikes! Good thing he hasn't met one, they'd probably melt away or shake in violent rage in sheer awe of Dule's brain.

Cringeworthy Muslim Attempts To Distract From The Innate Radicalism Of His Religion Episode #6,402,957,021

What's funny is that if I based my views on interactions I've actually had with Muslims, you'd accuse me of unduly extrapolating from personal anecdotes. It's almost like there's no right way to criticize Islam! Funny how that works.
John Dule
Atlas Icon
Posts: 18,688
United States

Political Matrix
E: 6.57, S: -7.50

« Reply #5 on: November 15, 2022, 05:23:19 PM »

I've never met a religious person in real life and had any kind of a lengthy conversation with them. Maybe someday.

The vast majority of the world's Muslims are extremely patriarchal, sexist, homophobic, and fundamentalist. We have nothing meaningful in common with them.

High-IQ John Dule is here and really shows how very knowledgeable he is about the spooky scary mudslimes. He hasn't met one before (or actually any religious person ever), but he does know how different they are from regular people. He knows that the mudslimes don't have senses of humor and are incapable of empathy. They may even have horns that they hide under their skullcaps! Yikes! Good thing he hasn't met one, they'd probably melt away or shake in violent rage in sheer awe of Dule's brain.

Cringeworthy Muslim Attempts To Distract From The Innate Radicalism Of His Religion Episode #6,402,957,021

What's funny is that if I based my views on interactions I've actually had with Muslims, you'd accuse me of unduly extrapolating from personal anecdotes. It's almost like there's no right way to criticize Islam! Funny how that works.

"Innate radicalism" LOL

Wow, very surprising some of these 90%+ Muslim societies want to see their system of morality legislated into law and a majority of these then only wants to apply to members of their religion. Truly radical!

Ok cool, I don't feel the need to add anything else here. Endorsing religious law in any capacity is incompatible with being an American. You're an extremist and I don't care about your opinions.
John Dule
Atlas Icon
Posts: 18,688
United States

Political Matrix
E: 6.57, S: -7.50

« Reply #6 on: November 15, 2022, 05:50:39 PM »

Literally nobody is saying that religious law should be enacted in the US, and in fact Muslims are religiously obligated to follow the law of the land in non-Muslim societies as long as there's no contradiction.

Personally following religious commitments and not enforcing it on anyone else harms nobody, and this is what American Muslims like me do. My citizenship is here to stay whether you like it or not

Maybe you should've voted for Trump if you want me deported so bad  Angry

You're an extremist and I don't care about your opinions.

Oh no, Dule just called me an extremist!  Angry  Angry  Angry

Do I threaten your rights by existing? Maybe you should do something about that!  Angry

Lol, you were just making excuses for the multitudes of religious fanatics in this world who want to enact religious laws. This is an illiberal mentality and it has no place in the United States.
John Dule
Atlas Icon
Posts: 18,688
United States

Political Matrix
E: 6.57, S: -7.50

« Reply #7 on: November 15, 2022, 06:18:03 PM » their own countries, not in the United States

You're in the United States and you're defending them.

Just log off bro. I'm not gonna accept the light of Allah no matter how many emojis you throw at me.
John Dule
Atlas Icon
Posts: 18,688
United States

Political Matrix
E: 6.57, S: -7.50

« Reply #8 on: November 15, 2022, 06:24:16 PM »

Translated: "I'm logging off because I just realized I don't believe in self-government"

So if I oppose Putin, am I opposing Russia's "right to self-government?" Lol!
John Dule
Atlas Icon
Posts: 18,688
United States

Political Matrix
E: 6.57, S: -7.50

« Reply #9 on: November 15, 2022, 06:37:51 PM »

This doesn't make sense because Russia doesn't democratically elect their leaders,

What, and Saudi Arabia does?! Inshallah you shall come to your senses.

Anyway, taking aside the religious discussion, I'm actually curious what you think should happen to these places in the Muslim world. What is your ideal solution in your ideal libertarian utopia?
Do you think they're unfit for democracy? Maybe a "benevolent" secular dictatorship until everyone forcefully is made to forget about Islam and can successfully be integrated?

I don't support any intervention in their governments if that's what you're asking. I think the US should lead by example and provide moral and sometimes financial support to dissident movements, but that's about it. I think we could be doing more to support the recent protests in Iran, but that doesn't mean invasion or anything close to it. Change can only come from within.

It's not like there's anything about the people of the Arab World that makes them predisposed to theocracy. Someday liberal secular capitalism will take root there and drive God from the public sphere. It is inevitable.
John Dule
Atlas Icon
Posts: 18,688
United States

Political Matrix
E: 6.57, S: -7.50

« Reply #10 on: November 15, 2022, 06:56:36 PM »

This doesn't make sense because Russia doesn't democratically elect their leaders,

What, and Saudi Arabia does?! Inshallah you shall come to your senses.

I don't support Saudi Arabia though, they've done immense damage to the religion in many ways.

Someday liberal secular capitalism will take root there and drive God from the public sphere. It is inevitable.

Interestingly, I fully agree with this "God being driven from the public sphere" being "inevitable". We believe this will happen too all throughout the world (at least twice). It might not be liberal secular capitalism (maybe it'll be fully automated luxury gay space communism  Angry ), but over time people will stray farther and farther from God until the Mahdi and Dajjal (known to Christians as the Antichrist) arrive, and the second coming of Isa (AS) (Jesus Christ).

The final time this will happen is during the End Times as the Major Signs of Yaum ul-Qiyamah are happening right before Judgement Day.

Of course you think this is the ramblings of a deranged desert madman, but they've never been wrong so far.

Every generation in history has believed it was living through the End of Days in some capacity. Hegel thought so. Fukuyama thought so. The Romans during the collapse of the Empire thought so. And yet time marches ever-onwards.

Pattern recognition is a very good survival trait, but in some humans it has gone absolutely haywire.
John Dule
Atlas Icon
Posts: 18,688
United States

Political Matrix
E: 6.57, S: -7.50

« Reply #11 on: May 16, 2023, 01:11:04 AM »

I do believe that DeSantis is a significantly stronger candidate than Trump.

Joe Biden, IMO, has done more damage to the Republic than any President in my lifetime, and more WILLFUL damage than I ever could have imagined.  I have never thought this in my entire life, but right now, I really believe that Biden and his Cabal need to be voted out before they do any more damage than they have to date.  DeSantis can possibly win.  I don't believe Trump can win.  I believe that DeSantis's chances will go up if this message takes hold in the mind of Republican Primary voters.

Until right now, I always assumed your grip on reality was tenuous at best. Now I know you have no connection with reality.

For the record, I recommended this solely because it's objectively ironic for anyone who liked GoT S08 to call someone else "detached from reality."
John Dule
Atlas Icon
Posts: 18,688
United States

Political Matrix
E: 6.57, S: -7.50

« Reply #12 on: February 05, 2024, 10:25:15 AM »

The irony of all this is that Disney isn’t making woke content.  What they do is a less-competently executed version of what Barbie did last year: insert only the most blandly inoffensive, corporate-friendly, and above all superficial kind of performative wokeness without actually touching genuinely progressive, feminist, or pro-diversity ideas with a 50 foot pole, at least not in an even remotely meaningful way (if at all). 

As others have noted, this is in the financial interest of both far-right Daily 15 minutes of hate internet grifters and the studios.  Clowns like Ben Shapiro get an easily recognizable property to whine about.  And folks like Landslide Lyndon get suckered into enthusiastically paying to see whatever generic slop gets tossed their way because it does the most superficial of pandering and makes the Trumpers mad.  It’s basically “wasting your money watching crap to own the cons”

It's hilarious that just because I said that all the hysterical criticisms about Marvel "destroying cinema" or about "The Last Jedi" being the worst movie in history are excessive hyperbole I suddenly became a hardcore Marvel/Disney fan.
It just shows once again that some people are so insecure that they consider even the slightest disagreement a personal affront.

Please show me where I attacked somebody because he didn't agree with my opinion about a movie.


How old are you kid, eleven?

Took me maybe 50 seconds.
John Dule
Atlas Icon
Posts: 18,688
United States

Political Matrix
E: 6.57, S: -7.50

« Reply #13 on: February 05, 2024, 10:43:16 AM »

Find the post. You're welcome.
John Dule
Atlas Icon
Posts: 18,688
United States

Political Matrix
E: 6.57, S: -7.50

« Reply #14 on: February 05, 2024, 10:52:15 AM »

But for a curious reason you neglected to retrieve the one I was answering to.
Wouldn't it be by any chance because it's embarrassing for you.

You can easily click on the link to see what we were discussing. I said that the original Star Wars movie objectively innovated more with special effects technology than the average Marvel movie, which is completely true. What is there to be embarrassed about?

At least acknowledge that I very easily found a post where you attacked someone for disagreeing with you about a movie.
John Dule
Atlas Icon
Posts: 18,688
United States

Political Matrix
E: 6.57, S: -7.50

« Reply #15 on: February 05, 2024, 11:20:37 AM »

But for a curious reason you neglected to retrieve the one I was answering to.
Wouldn't it be by any chance because it's embarrassing for you.

You can easily click on the link to see what we were discussing. I said that the original Star Wars movie objectively innovated more with special effects technology than the average Marvel movie, which is completely true. What is there to be embarrassed about?

At least acknowledge that I very easily found a post where you attacked someone for disagreeing with you about a movie.

Opinion: Star Wars is a good movie
Fact: Mount Everest is the tallest mountain on earth standing at 8850m.

You are welcome.

For the umpteenth time, this is irrelevant. I was making a factual statement about the degree to which the movie advanced filmmaking technology, not an argument about its quality. The fact that you continue to misunderstand this suggests either willful ignorance or some kind of language barrier.
John Dule
Atlas Icon
Posts: 18,688
United States

Political Matrix
E: 6.57, S: -7.50

« Reply #16 on: February 05, 2024, 11:53:48 AM »

The fact that you continue to misunderstand this suggests either willful ignorance or some kind of language barrier.

Or maybe it's because I'm not a teenage edgelord who has yet to grasp the difference between quantifiably measurable facts and opinions.

Can you make a counterargument, or are you just going to keep saying "That's your opinion"? If what I said was factually inaccurate, you should have no trouble refuting it. Please, explain to me how Black Panther advanced cinematic technology more than Star Wars did. You have the floor.
John Dule
Atlas Icon
Posts: 18,688
United States

Political Matrix
E: 6.57, S: -7.50

« Reply #17 on: February 05, 2024, 03:14:46 PM »

Lyndon has terrible opinions on both politics and film, but if he actually took the time to explain or defend them, he'd be much more tolerable.
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