NY: Convicted Felon Donald Trump!

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Jr. Member
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« Reply #2925 on: May 29, 2024, 10:02:48 AM »

Re: the friendly juror. First of all I really doubt s/he is doing that to **** with the defense. But a friendly juror doesn't mean it's going to hang. Maybe this person starts out with not guilty or I don't know but it doesn't mean they'll be stubborn about it when confronted. Of course s/he might also convince others to come to their side.

Or maybe they're making eye contact to be polite and think he's guilty lol.

I've just been thinking about this question generally, but what if he's actually convicted here? I don't  think anyone's really appreciated that question to the full extent.

It's uncharted territory. But I lean towards a ton of media coverage and outrage on social media, his polls go down 5 points for a few weeks and then bounce back like it didn't happen. I hope it has some lasting effect though, if it happens.

Question is, who is the "friendly juror"? I saw someone tweet (don't have the link but would be appreciated) that one juror looked visibly uninterested and bored during the prosecution's closing. Could it be the same person?

Possibly- but you never know with these things. It's just as possible that the person looked bored b/c they already knew how they were going to decide and just wanted to get it over with. I think Trump team trying to really make something out of nothing just kind of shows how desperate they really are here

Update: I was unaware of this, but apparently one of the jurors said he (or she) gets their news from Truth Social. This came out during voir dire. First off, I'm amazed the prosecution let this guy on the panel, and second, I'd bet good money that is the "friendly juror" we keep hearing about. Possibly the same one who looked bored during closing arguments, though possible it could've been someone who was just tired and wanted to go home.
Atlas Star
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« Reply #2926 on: May 29, 2024, 10:03:05 AM »

Key point - it will come down the corroborating evidence, which there is quite a bit of

Atlas Star
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« Reply #2927 on: May 29, 2024, 10:11:35 AM »

Re: the friendly juror. First of all I really doubt s/he is doing that to **** with the defense. But a friendly juror doesn't mean it's going to hang. Maybe this person starts out with not guilty or I don't know but it doesn't mean they'll be stubborn about it when confronted. Of course s/he might also convince others to come to their side.

Or maybe they're making eye contact to be polite and think he's guilty lol.

I've just been thinking about this question generally, but what if he's actually convicted here? I don't  think anyone's really appreciated that question to the full extent.

It's uncharted territory. But I lean towards a ton of media coverage and outrage on social media, his polls go down 5 points for a few weeks and then bounce back like it didn't happen. I hope it has some lasting effect though, if it happens.

Question is, who is the "friendly juror"? I saw someone tweet (don't have the link but would be appreciated) that one juror looked visibly uninterested and bored during the prosecution's closing. Could it be the same person?

Possibly- but you never know with these things. It's just as possible that the person looked bored b/c they already knew how they were going to decide and just wanted to get it over with. I think Trump team trying to really make something out of nothing just kind of shows how desperate they really are here

Update: I was unaware of this, but apparently one of the jurors said he (or she) gets their news from Truth Social. This came out during voir dire. First off, I'm amazed the prosecution let this guy on the panel, and second, I'd bet good money that is the "friendly juror" we keep hearing about. Possibly the same one who looked bored during closing arguments, though possible it could've been someone who was just tired and wanted to go home.

Bad game of telephone, that one juror's news doesn't come from Truth Social, Juror 2 isn't even on Truth Social, they said "I read basically everything. I follow Truth Social posts from Trump on Twitter. I do follow Michael Cohen, Mueller She Wrote, and some more." Juror 1 watches Fox News in addition to MSNBC & reads both the NYT & DailyMail. No big deal
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« Reply #2928 on: May 29, 2024, 10:21:09 AM »

Merchan specifies New York State law 17-152 as the election law jurors can consider.
Atlas Star
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« Reply #2929 on: May 29, 2024, 10:23:44 AM »

Instructions are finished, jury's about to receive the case for deliberations
Atlas Star
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« Reply #2930 on: May 29, 2024, 10:25:29 AM »

Most hold out jurors are not Henry Fonda, most will break under peer pressure in the jury room, especially when most of them just want it to be done.
Atlas Icon
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« Reply #2931 on: May 29, 2024, 10:29:05 AM »

After the instructions Trump was seen shaking his head and said I can't believe this is happening.
Atlas Star
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« Reply #2932 on: May 29, 2024, 10:29:41 AM »

Instructions are finished, jury's about to receive the case for deliberations

The jury has been sent to begin deliberating & Merchan will soon dismiss the alternates
Hindsight was 2020
Hindsight is 2020
Atlas Icon
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« Reply #2933 on: May 29, 2024, 10:31:49 AM »

Most hold out jurors are not Henry Fonda, most will break under peer pressure in the jury room, especially when most of them just want it to be done.
It’s not even an issue if “pressure” as the judge just instructed the jury they have to weigh on the paper trial evidence left so any hold outs are going to have a difficult time dismissing that stuff
Atlas Icon
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« Reply #2934 on: May 29, 2024, 10:34:17 AM »

Key point - it will come down the corroborating evidence, which there is quite a bit of

Yeah from the instructions it basically sounds like they need to find evidence that corroborates him and then they can believe him and use his testimony to (maybe) convict.

I actually didn't know this and was surprised by it. I thought you could use any witness testimony as evidence if you found them credible, but I guess it's different if they admit they were part of the crime.
Atlas Icon
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« Reply #2935 on: May 29, 2024, 10:36:19 AM »

In jury instructions, the jury can use an election interference violation as the secondary crime trump was trying to cover, but they're also allowed to use tax fraud, which seems like an easier lift since they grossed up Cohen's payments for taxes. Also they don't have to agree on which crime he was trying to cover if they all agree he was trying to cover some crime.
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« Reply #2936 on: May 29, 2024, 10:38:41 AM »

Trump team increasingly sees acquittal as unlikely, sees their only path through hung jury.

They seem to think 1 juror may be on their side. Hard to tell if it's just desperate spin at this point though

Having your ”face light up” at the sight of JD Vance is not something a normal person does. Also “reacting favorably” to seeing Rep. Anna Paulina Luna, a first term Congresswoman literally no one knows? IF this reporting is accurate, it’s going to be a hung jury.
Atlas Star
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« Reply #2937 on: May 29, 2024, 10:39:14 AM »

In jury instructions, the jury can use an election interference violation as the secondary crime trump was trying to cover, but they're also allowed to use tax fraud, which seems like an easier lift since they grossed up Cohen's payments for taxes. Also they don't have to agree on which crime he was trying to cover if they all agree he was trying to cover some crime.

all of these things seem very bad for Trump
Atlas Star
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« Reply #2938 on: May 29, 2024, 10:40:02 AM »

Trump team increasingly sees acquittal as unlikely, sees their only path through hung jury.

They seem to think 1 juror may be on their side. Hard to tell if it's just desperate spin at this point though

Having your ”face light up” at the sight of JD Vance is not something a normal person does. Also “reacting favorably” to see Rep. Anna Paulina Luna, a first term Congresswoman literally no one knows? IF this reporting is accurate, it’s going to be a hung jury.

Possibly, if that's the truth. But it also could just be spin, given it's coming from a Trump ally who may see what they want to see.
Jr. Member
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« Reply #2939 on: May 29, 2024, 10:41:24 AM »

Most hold out jurors are not Henry Fonda, most will break under peer pressure in the jury room, especially when most of them just want it to be done.
It’s not even an issue if “pressure” as the judge just instructed the jury they have to weigh on the paper trial evidence left so any hold outs are going to have a difficult time dismissing that stuff

If it's a case of jury nullification, it doesn't matter what the judge's instructions were. A MAGA holdout is not going to convict regardless of the facts and evidence, or whatever "peer pressure" there is. They will hang the jury.
Atlas Icon
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« Reply #2940 on: May 29, 2024, 10:42:26 AM »

Trump just said the judge is so conflicted he can't breathe. lol
Atlas Star
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« Reply #2941 on: May 29, 2024, 10:44:12 AM »

Trump just said the judge is so conflicted he can't breathe. lol

yeah Trump seems to be spinning out more than usual today
Atlas Icon
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« Reply #2942 on: May 29, 2024, 10:45:23 AM »

If it's a case of jury nullification, it doesn't matter what the judge's instructions were. A MAGA holdout is not going to convict regardless of the facts and evidence, or whatever "peer pressure" there is. They will hang the jury.

Yes if somebody's determined to hang the jury then the jury will probably hang. But we don't know that somebody is determined to hang the jury and liking far right Republicans doesn't mean this person will refuse to deliberate in good faith.
Atlas Star
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« Reply #2943 on: May 29, 2024, 10:47:44 AM »

Lmao what even?? It's really too bad the jury can't see how Trump reacts outside of the courtroom. In situations like these, they deserve to see how and what he's saying in the context of this trial.

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« Reply #2944 on: May 29, 2024, 10:48:30 AM »

The NYT reported that the first thing the jurors asked for was the paralegal’s computer with all the evidence on it. They specifically wanted the checks trump signed
Atlas Star
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« Reply #2945 on: May 29, 2024, 10:55:25 AM »

The NYT reported that the first thing the jurors asked for was the paralegal’s computer with all the evidence on it. They specifically wanted the checks trump signed

Jurors four and six, a man and a woman, are gathered around a laptop with a paralegal for the prosecution. Todd Blanche stands behind the computer looking on. Everyone nods. The male juror prepares to take the computer and the paralegal seems hesitant. “He can take it,” the judge says. He does and the two jurors leave the room.

All the trial exhibits are on that laptop, which could help speed up the deliberations: the jurors will not have to request specific documentary evidence they wish to review. Nor will they have to view it in the courtroom, which always takes awhile.
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« Reply #2946 on: May 29, 2024, 11:01:31 AM »

Lowkey amused by the CNN countup timer on the jury deliberation.  You don't see too many countups lol.  
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« Reply #2947 on: May 29, 2024, 11:04:54 AM »

All the trial exhibits are on that laptop, which could help speed up the deliberations: the jurors will not have to request specific documentary evidence they wish to review. Nor will they have to view it in the courtroom, which always takes awhile.
Gotta assume one of the lawyers on the jury suggested that move.
Atlas Icon
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« Reply #2948 on: May 29, 2024, 11:07:06 AM »

Just subscribed to sling so I can keep msnbc up muted on laptop while watching movies if a late verdict comes in after hours.
King Brandon I
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« Reply #2949 on: May 29, 2024, 11:12:46 AM »

Just subscribed to sling so I can keep msnbc up muted on laptop while watching movies if a late verdict comes in after hours.
I’ve just been bingewatching modern family while having CNN in the background muted.
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