The Gathering Storm, Redux - Gameplay Thread (WW2 - Early 1940)

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Author Topic: The Gathering Storm, Redux - Gameplay Thread (WW2 - Early 1940)  (Read 29665 times)
Atlas Star
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« Reply #150 on: August 07, 2022, 09:27:33 PM »

The United States Government is adding Italy to the list of sanctioned countries in regards to the Balkan War.
Devout Centrist
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« Reply #151 on: August 07, 2022, 09:30:20 PM »

Press Release from the Foreign Ministry of Tokyo
The Empire of Japan condemns, in no uncertain terms, the allegations described in European news reports regarding the situation in Manchukuo. These heinous actions by rogue officers are contrary to the Imperial Rescript to the Soldiers and Sailors issued on January 4th, 1882 and reaffirmed on March 23rd, 1933. His Majesty's Government takes all credible accusations seriously and shall investigate them to the fullest extent that the law allows. All instances of dishonorable and Anti-Imperial behavior that are found to be credible will be punished accordingly.
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« Reply #152 on: August 07, 2022, 09:39:59 PM »

Due to the repeated violations of the treaty terms and rampant human rights abuses by the Kwantung Army, and the failure of the Japanese government to control their own military, the Republic of China declares the Sino-Japanese Treaty of Understanding no longer valid and withdraws all diplomatic recognition for Manchukuo.
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« Reply #153 on: August 07, 2022, 09:40:57 PM »

The Republic of China endorses Montreal's bid for the 1940 Olympic Games.
Atlas Star
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« Reply #154 on: August 07, 2022, 09:45:13 PM »

The United States will add France to this list of countries sanctioned in regards to the Balkan War.
Atlas Star
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« Reply #155 on: August 07, 2022, 09:50:51 PM »

The United States recognizes the Independence of Croatia and will send an Ambassador forthwith.
Atlas Star
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« Reply #156 on: August 07, 2022, 09:59:16 PM »

The sanctions against Italy have been withdrawn.
Junior Chimp
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« Reply #157 on: August 07, 2022, 10:03:23 PM »

The two-faced hypocrisy of the American President has made itself known once more. He is ready to slap sanctions on the Balkan states, but refuses to slap them onto the unequestioned aggressor. More accurately, he places sanctions on them one minute, then removes them when he feels like it.

Perhaps the American President should leave the affairs of Europe to Europe, seeing as he is unable to decide a course for his own nation.
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« Reply #158 on: August 07, 2022, 10:04:07 PM »

The Republic of Turkey unequivocally condemns the atrocities committed in Manchukuo and stands in solidarity with the Chinese people. Accountability must be held against the Empire of Japan for these deeds against humanity.
Atlas Star
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« Reply #159 on: August 07, 2022, 10:08:58 PM »

Mr. Stalin, given what you are doing in Ukraine right now, starving who knows how many people deliberately, you have no right to criticize any other world leader. What you are doing in Ukraine is nothing short of Genocide, and the fact that the League of Nations has failed to condemn it, makes us very glad we are not part of that body.

x John Nance Garner, Vice President of the United States
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« Reply #160 on: August 07, 2022, 10:10:07 PM »

Excerpt from Radio Address of Il Duce

The Bolshevik gang have lied to Europe since their foundation. Now they say that we are the aggressor in the Balkans! Such lies. Yugoslavia invaded Hungary without provocation, they falsified an attack, and now they are trying to wipe out the Croat people! This is the height of barbarism! The Soviets rightly condemn the abuses of the Kwantung Army, but when Croatian villages are put to the sword, they say nothing! The American President is an honorable man, the Italians of the United States, am I told, support him very strongly. He should be proud that the Bolsheviks consider him an enemy. The Kingdom of Italy seeks the independence and freedom of the Croat people, that is all. We are fighting for the immortal spirit of liberty, one the Americans know of from 1776. Not many know this, but Garibaldi himself greatly sympathized with the American spirit of liberty when he extended an offer to command the Unionist forces in the American Civil War. The Croat people have proven they deserve to exist in a national community with their courage. We will fight for them, to fight for Croatia is to fight for Italy, and to fight for Italy is to fight for civilized life itself!
Junior Chimp
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« Reply #161 on: August 07, 2022, 10:15:43 PM »

Capitalists and fascists, once again, flock together.

I wonder how many negroes have been lynched in the last year in America?
Atlas Star
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« Reply #162 on: August 07, 2022, 10:17:30 PM »

So, I was listening to the news today, and something said at the League of Nations debate on a motion regarding the atrocities in Manchukuo struck me as rather odd. The Soviet delegate stated that the Soviet Army is under civilian control. So, either the genocide in the Ukraine, and terror against the opponents of the regime, aided and abetted by the Red Army is being done without oversight from Josef Stalin, or Stalin is ordering all of these war crimes and this genocide to happen personally.

He can't have it both ways.

Which is it?

x Joseph Kennedy, United States Secretary of War
Atlas Star
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« Reply #163 on: August 07, 2022, 10:18:52 PM »

Oh, like the civil rights in your country are any better? Don't lie to us, Mr. Stalin. They aren't.

x Eleanor Roosevelt, First Lady of the United States
Atlas Star
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« Reply #164 on: August 07, 2022, 10:28:07 PM »

The sanctions against France have been lifted.
Devout Centrist
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« Reply #165 on: August 07, 2022, 11:58:46 PM »
« Edited: August 08, 2022, 12:01:49 AM by Devout Centrist »

Due to the repeated violations of the treaty terms and rampant human rights abuses by the Kwantung Army, and the failure of the Japanese government to control their own military, the Republic of China declares the Sino-Japanese Treaty of Understanding no longer valid and withdraws all diplomatic recognition for Manchukuo.
The Empire of Japan views this development with understanding and disappointment, in equal measure. The Empire of Japan pledges to uphold its past and present commitments to the Nanking government, in recognition of Generalissimo Kai-shek’s good faith and cooperation.

General Hayao Tada
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« Reply #166 on: August 08, 2022, 05:46:50 AM »

Following his victory in the Newfoundland and Labrador by-elections, the Prime Minister will introduce The Canadian Security Act immediately. The bill will contain the following provisions:

- Funding for the construction of two new deep-water naval bases, one in Newfoundland and one near Vancouver.
- Funding for upgrades and repairs to all existing Royal Canadian Navy ships, as well as the purchase and construction of an aircraft carrier vessel.
- Funding for the purchase and construction of a new fleet of airplanes for the Royal Canadian Air Force.
- The hiring of thousands of Canadians as mechanics, technicians, construction workers, and other support roles, to maintain existing infrastructure and build out new bases, roads, and support infrastructure.
- The imposition of a 10% surtax on annual incomes over $100,000.

The Prime Minister will tell Parliament that the threats to Canadian security are growing on all fronts. From exploding conflicts in Europe to questionable threats in Asia and instability in the Americas, the world is a more dangerous place. The Prime Minister believes that Canada must take steps now to be secure in the future.
Atlas Politician
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« Reply #167 on: August 08, 2022, 05:54:48 AM »

Poland maintains its neutrality in the current yugoslavian -hungarian conflict and is willing to Host peace talks between the belligerants if they wish to do so. Poland IS however well aware that this is probably not what they want for the time being.
Atlas Icon
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« Reply #168 on: August 09, 2022, 06:31:02 PM »


France occupies the Saar!
Franco-German tensions high amidst Hugenberg-Daladier tension,
Saar Referendum future in question, Saar Landesrat petitions League of Nations,
Stock exchanges tumble amidst fears of war, fierce public reaction in Paris and Berlin


Although Franco-German tensions, ever present in the aftermath of the Treaty of Versailles, had been enjoying a limited yet steady decrease over the past few years, the events of the past year have drastically amplified tensions to a critical degree, a reality that was made clear as French troops entered the Territory of the Saar Basin last week. Despite the general assumption that a Saar plebiscite - mandated by Versailles - was likely to happen within the year, unilateral action by Berlin restoring the German monarchy and breaching the Treaty of Versailles by reintroducing conscription seems to have provoked an immediate, drastic reaction by Paris. Having left the Saar back in 1927 - leaving behind a local gendarmerie -, the French Army made a sudden return with the mobilization of four divisions, which proceeded to occupy the disputed League of Nations mandate.

With the Reichswehr stationed far beyond the demilitarized Rhineland and watching helpless, occupation was immediate and swift, featuring only moderate - some say pro-forma - protests by Sir Geoffrey George Knox, the High Commissioner. However, this has not prevented several episodes of protests, marches and passive resistance by a number of inhabitants. Critical of the apparent attitude of the Commission of Government, the Zentrum majority of the locally elected Landesrat has taken action instead. It's Chairman, Peter Scheuer, has urgently petitioned the League of Nations to demand a French withdrawal and hold the scheduled referendum. And while most local parties have joined the petition, the KPD-SPD majority has abstained, amidst rumors they are looking for ways to establish a "free German government".

Domestic and international reactions to this move have been undoubtedly swift. In Berlin, crowds of irate citizens have protested the move and expressed outrage, with newspapers arguing that "the Reich has once again been humiliated by French revanchism". In Paris, a rare moment of political solidarity occurred when nationalist and far-right groups usually critical of the government cheered the news. However, this has not prevented others to react in a far more muted manner, expressing apathy or outright fear of the prospect of war. In both Berlin and Paris, stocks immediately tumbled amidst fears of war and/or economic strife, and banks have reported increased pressure from ordinary citizens to withdraw funds.

Making matters more complex is the legal status of the Saar as established by Versailles, mandating a referendum within fifteen years of the treaty coming into force. Ultimately, the Treaty establishes that the League of Nations is to establish the conditions, methods and date of the vote; and that it is this same institution who must decide on the sovereignty of the territory after the vote. Perhaps crucially, the unanimity rule does not apply to the Saar, only requiring majorities. While, on the surface, this may offer signs of hope for the German position, its recent abandonment of the League of Nations and recent domestic actions are believed to have caused significant harm to the international standing of the Reich, casting doubt on whether Germany continues to command more sympathy than France as it has been the case in recent years.
Atlas Star
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« Reply #169 on: August 09, 2022, 06:32:15 PM »

With the recent moves to rearm in violation of the Treaty of Versailles, and now the impending restoration of the Hohenzollerns, the United States is demanding all war debts and indemnities payable to the United States be paid by Germany by January 1, 1936 or there will be severe consequences.

XFranklin Delano Roosevelt, President of The United States
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« Reply #170 on: August 09, 2022, 07:14:31 PM »

Alfred Hugenberg reacts to the recent developments in the Saar:

"My fellow Germans,

Once again, the French have shown their true face, by dropping all pretense of international cooperation and breaking their own accursed Treaty, which they dictated to us back in 1918. They do so in the hope that we will cave, that our spirit will be broken, that Germany will return to being their puppet as it was before the national government took power. To them, I say: no, never! Now, I may tell you a little secret: they are so interested in the Saar because of the coal mines there filling their pockets! So let's let them work in the mines themselves, shall we!

I am calling on every man, woman and child who wishes to be a proud citizen of the Reich! Let's show those French that we won't lie under yoke anymore! I am calling on every man, woman and child in the Saar: cross the border! They won't let you decide what country you want to live in, so make that choice yourself! The German government pledges, I myself pledge, to every citizen crossing the border into the Reich we will provide you with good housing and a good job! No matter your income level or your level of qualification. We will also give you a grant of the value of your property in the Saar, to allow you to rebuild your life here, in the Reich, with your fellow citizens. We welcome everyone, man, woman or child, no matter your political orientations! We are all Germans, we won't inquire loyal citizens who risk everything to be in their Fatherland.

Cross the border, leave the French with nothing but land, for we won't be slaves anymore!"
Junior Chimp
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« Reply #171 on: August 09, 2022, 07:18:29 PM »

With the recent moves to rearm in violation of the Treaty of Versailles, and now the impending restoration of the Hohenzollerns, the United States is demanding all war debts and indemnities payable to the United States be paid by Germany by January 1, 1936 or there will be severe consequences.

XFranklin Delano Roosevelt, President of The United States

For once, the Soviet Union finds itself in solidarity with the American President.

All German forces must stand down immediately or suffer the consequences.
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« Reply #172 on: August 09, 2022, 08:27:11 PM »

The United States has agreed to forgive all war debts of Germany in exchange for no further rearming.
Atlas Star
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« Reply #173 on: August 09, 2022, 08:31:32 PM »

The U.S Government confirms the German announcement.
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« Reply #174 on: August 09, 2022, 08:45:24 PM »

The German government strongly denounces the illegal actions on the French government and declares that, without a formal decision of the League of Nations, it will consider the referendum planned for October 20th as still ongoing, urging people still in the Saar to set up polling stations and express their votes.
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