Senate Legislation Introduction Thread (New) (user search)

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  Senate Legislation Introduction Thread (New) (search mode)
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Author Topic: Senate Legislation Introduction Thread (New)  (Read 49077 times)
Western Democrat
Junior Chimp
Posts: 6,624

Political Matrix
E: -7.35, S: -0.35

« Reply #25 on: February 23, 2022, 03:57:42 PM »
« edited: February 23, 2022, 05:34:56 PM by Senator WD, PPT »

To address rising inequality in wages

Be it enacted by the Senate of the Republic of Atlasia assembled

Section 1

1. The title of this Act shall be the "Wage Fairness Act"

2. As it appears in this legislation, "non-exempt company" shall refer to any proprietorship, partnership, or corporation which employs persons to do work in Atlasia in a given fiscal year.

3. As it appears in this legislation, "employee" shall refer to any person employed by a non-exempt company to do work in Atlasia in a given fiscal year.

Section 2

1. No less than 60% of the net profits of any non-exempt company shall be budgeted annually for the payment of salaries to its employees.

Section 3

1.  No employee of a non-exempt company shall earn a monthly salary equal to more than 300% of the lowest monthly salary paid by that company.

Section 4

1. This Act shall take effect immediately.

Western Democrat
Junior Chimp
Posts: 6,624

Political Matrix
E: -7.35, S: -0.35

« Reply #26 on: February 23, 2022, 09:56:14 PM »

Urging sponsorship of the following:

Cis Tax Act

1. All Individuals identifying as Cisgender shall have $0.48 added to their Income Tax Bill each year.

2. All Individuals identifying as Straight shall have $0.48 added to their Income Tax Bill each year, in addition to the amount added by Section 1 if applicable.

3. If there is any ambiguity as to whether Section 1 and/or Section 2 applies to a given individual, it shall apply to them.

4. If an individual covered by Section 1 and/or 2 has not been fully vaccinated against Covid-19, the charge under such section shall be doubled. If an individual becomes fully vaccinated during the middle of the tax year, the doubling shall be prorated to only apply to the portion of the tax year in which they lacked such status - $0.08 per month or $0.04 per fortnight. Fully Vaccinated is defined as a two-dose series or the Johnson & Johnson single dose, followed by a booster shot.

5. Revenues raised from this bill will go to a dedicated fund to provide governmental assistance to those seeking Gender Confirmation Surgery.

6. If someone changes their identity during the middle of a tax year in a way that changes what they would be charged under Section 1, 2, and/or 4, they will instead be charged a prorated amount of $0.04 per month ($0.08 if double charges are needed), or $0.02 per fortnight ($0.04 if double charges are needed), for each time period in which they need to be charged.

7. When filing taxes for income made in 2021, Residents will indicate their current identification and vaccination status for the purposes of Section 1, 2, and 4. In the event someone has already filed taxes for income made in 2021, the IRS shall send them an additional form to obtain their identities and vaccination status. Declining to fill out such form by May 15, 2022 may result in Tax Fraud charges at the discretion of the IRS. The IRS shall from then on collect regular medical records of updated vaccination statuses, and residents will be able to update their identities at any time by calling, faxing, emailing, or a sending a letter to the IRS. No charges are applied for income made in 2021 or earlier.

8. For income made in 2022, the appropriate amount of money shall be charged according to the identity known on May 15, 2022 (For instance, if someone is known to be straight on May 15, 2022, $0.48 will be added to the tax liability due April 15, 2023), unless another identity is made clear later in 2022.

9. Charges will apply on a rolling basis for income made in 2023 or later.

10. Individuals not required to file a tax return based on lack of income shall be exempt from this law.

11. Where not otherwise stated, the bill shall take immediate effect once signed by the President.

Frivolous. This will not be on the floor.
Western Democrat
Junior Chimp
Posts: 6,624

Political Matrix
E: -7.35, S: -0.35

« Reply #27 on: March 03, 2022, 12:38:43 AM »

To nationalize the steel industry

Be it enacted by the Senate of the Republic of Atlasia

Section 1. Title

This legislation may be cited as the Atlasian Steel Act.

Section 2. Nationalization

1. All steel manufacturers are brought into public ownership immediately upon passage of this act and shall be placed under the control of an Atlasian Steel Authority.

2. To complete the undertaking as outlined above, the Republic of Atlasia shall establish an Atlasian Steel Authority (hereafter ASA) which shall be comprised of all former privately-held steel companies and shall hold a legal monopoly in these sectors.

3. The purpose of the aforementioned ASA shall be the economization of operations and the modernization of production methods to raise safety and efficiency standards across the country, as well as provide steel at a low cost, prevent competitive waste, and co-ordinate research and development in those sectors.

4. The government of the ASA shall be federal and cooperative. In each region will be established a regional steel authority under a board of directors composed of representatives of labor, the consumers, security, and the environment. The number of labor directors shall be four, and the number of directors for all other constituencies shall be two. Each regional authority will elect five representatives to the national board of directors. Two of the national directors elected by each regional authority shall represent labor, and one each shall represent the consumers, security, and the environment.
5. The labor directors shall be chosen by a vote of the steel workers; the consumer directors by a vote of the regional legislature, the security and environment directors by the regional executive at the regional level and by the president at the federal level.

6. The term of a Board director shall be four years.

7. The President shall appoint a Chair of the ASA Board of Directors who shall have no vote unless they are equally divided. The Chair shall serve a four year term.

8. All persons owning any of the aforementioned industry brought into public ownership shall be fairly compensated for the sale of said industries to the Republic of Atlasia.

Western Democrat
Junior Chimp
Posts: 6,624

Political Matrix
E: -7.35, S: -0.35

« Reply #28 on: March 04, 2022, 01:46:33 PM »

A Resolution
To amend the Senate rules

Be it enacted by the Senate of the Republic of Atlasia assembled

Section 1. Title

1. This resolution may be cited as the Senate Modernization Rules Package.

Section 2

Article 2 of the Official Senate Procedures and Rules for Operation is amended as follows:

3.) 20 23 threads about legislation may be open for voting and debate simultaneously.
a.) The first 15 18 open threads shall be open to all legislation initially regarding bills, resolutions or constitutional amendments. If the sponsor already has two or more pieces of legislation on the Senate floor, legislation from Senators who do not shall take priority until all such other legislation is completed. The PPT shall be the Presiding Officer for these open threads.

b.) The nineteenth slot shall be reserved for national emergencies and administered by either the President of the Senate or the PPT.

c.) The twentieth slot shall be reserved for budgetary legislation and administered by either the President of the Senate or the PPT.

d.) The twenty-first and twenty-second slots shall be reserved for the President of the Republic of Atlasia and administered by either the President of the Senate or the PPT.

e.) The twenty-third slot shall be reserved for public submissions and shall be introduced by the President of the Senate

Section 3.

Article 4 is amended as follows

1. After a piece of legislation is introduced to the Senate floor, debate shall begin immediately. Debate on the legislation shall last for no less than 120 96 hours. The Senate may waive the 120 96-hour requirement on non-controversial legislation by unanimous consent. To waive the 120 96-hour requirement, the presiding officer must request unanimous consent to waive the minimum debate time requirement and provide 24 hours for a Senator to object to this request. If the 12096-hour requirement is waived, the presiding officer shall immediately open a final vote.

3.) Once a piece of legislation has been on the floor for 120 96 hours, any Senator may motion for a final vote. If no objection is made against such a motion within 24 hours, a final vote shall be opened. If an objection is made, then a vote shall be opened on ending debate. The concurrence of three-fourths a majority of the Senate shall be required to end debate, unless the legislation had been on the floor for at least 168 hours or debate had ceased for at least 24 hours prior to the motion for a final vote. Should the Senate vote to end debate, a final vote shall be opened.

4.) When debate on legislation has halted for longer than 24 hours and the legislation has been on the floor for more than 120 96 hours, any Senator may call for a vote on said legislation. The presiding officer shall open a vote if no other member of the Senate objects within 24 hours of the call for a vote. When the legislation has been on the floor for more than 120 96 hours, any Senator may motion for cloture. Upon the concurrence of a majority  of the Senate, the Senate shall end debate, and proceed to a final vote. If the legislation has been on the floor for more than 168 hours, or debate has ceased for 24 hours, a simple majority is needed in order to end the debates. The presiding officer shall then open a final vote.

Western Democrat
Junior Chimp
Posts: 6,624

Political Matrix
E: -7.35, S: -0.35

« Reply #29 on: March 21, 2022, 12:23:56 AM »
« Edited: March 21, 2022, 12:36:10 AM by Senator WD, PPT »

I offer this amendment, with the original sponsor's support, so as not to excessively complicate things:

To provide for tax increases on high incomes

Be it enacted by the Senate of the Republic of Atlasia assembled

Section 1. Title

1. This act may be cited as the Funding a Greater Society Act.

Section 2. Tax Changes

Changes to tax brackets:

 by tax bracket:
 0-13K      10%
 13K-50k    15%                    
 50K-130K   25%                      
 130K-210K  29%  31% : $452,282,000,000.00 ($452.29 Billon)    
 210K-413K  34%  38%: $317,099,000,000.00 ($317.10 Billon)                        
 413K+  45%: $244,141,000,000.00 ($244.14 Billon)

The Wealth Tax Act is amended as follows:
1. Households of a net worth greater than $50 million shall have a 24 %  annual tax imposed on their net worth.
2. A 2% 4% annual surcharge shall be imposed on net worth greater than $1 billion.
3. A 1% 2% annual surcharge shall be imposed on net worth greater than $5 billion.
4. A 1% 2% annual surcharge shall be imposed on net worth greater than $10 billion.

Revenue: $576.00 Billion

Allow to add some finalizations and revenue calculations so that this bill will be ready to be put on the floor in due time.
Western Democrat
Junior Chimp
Posts: 6,624

Political Matrix
E: -7.35, S: -0.35

« Reply #30 on: March 21, 2022, 11:29:01 PM »

Abolishing Dumb Agencies Act

1. The U.S. Customs and Border Protection Agency is hereby abolished following the passing of this act.

This won’t be on the floor
Western Democrat
Junior Chimp
Posts: 6,624

Political Matrix
E: -7.35, S: -0.35

« Reply #31 on: March 22, 2022, 08:40:37 PM »

Abolishing Dumb Agencies Act

1. The U.S. Customs and Border Protection Agency is hereby abolished following the passing of this act.

This won’t be on the floor
I challenge the ruling of the PPT, and should six Senators vote to bring this to the floor.

A vote is now open on whether or not to overrule the PPT and bring the bill to the floor. Please vote Aye, Nay, or Abstain.
Western Democrat
Junior Chimp
Posts: 6,624

Political Matrix
E: -7.35, S: -0.35

« Reply #32 on: March 22, 2022, 08:46:29 PM »

Western Democrat
Junior Chimp
Posts: 6,624

Political Matrix
E: -7.35, S: -0.35

« Reply #33 on: April 14, 2022, 07:59:18 PM »

I will be bringing these articles to the floor later tonight.
Western Democrat
Junior Chimp
Posts: 6,624

Political Matrix
E: -7.35, S: -0.35

« Reply #34 on: April 14, 2022, 10:27:43 PM »

There is no vote currently open....
Western Democrat
Junior Chimp
Posts: 6,624

Political Matrix
E: -7.35, S: -0.35

« Reply #35 on: July 21, 2022, 11:14:02 PM »

I’d also like to co-sponsor
Western Democrat
Junior Chimp
Posts: 6,624

Political Matrix
E: -7.35, S: -0.35

« Reply #36 on: August 15, 2022, 12:32:22 AM »

Streets to Schools Act of 2022

I. Title

The title of this legislation shall be called the "Streets to Schools Act of 2022" and shall be cited as "S2S"

II. Purpose and Intent

To establish a program for low income individuals and those involved in illegal activities to provide a higher education funded by the federal government. The intent is to decrease poverty and crime rates among younger and lower class individuals.

III. Establishment of Program

This legislation will create the "Streets to Schools Education Program" which will provide federal funding for individuals in one of two brackets, low income and delinquent individuals, to attend two year universities or colleges, with requirements described in section IV of this legislation.

IV. Requirements

The requirements for eligibility for this program is as follows:

 a.) Low income: Individuals in the low income bracket must be a dependent of a family who's income is less than $42,000 per year, or is not a dependent with an income less than $42,000 a year.

Registration with the program will be audited for those who are eligible for the program, funding will be reviewed once every semester to track the progress of students. Students of this bracket are required to maintain a C+ average in any and all classes they may take, with a minimum of three (3) classes per semester. If found in violation of the programs minimum requirements, funding will be revoked.

 b.)  Delinquent Individuals: Individuals who partake in illegal acts, such as illicit drug dealing, gang activity, or prostitution.

Individuals in this bracket are required to disclose prior activities and affiliations with the program. All illegal substances and materials (ie. drugs, weapons) owned by an individual must be turned in to regional authorities as detailed in Section V. If the individual is found to possess illegal substances and materials during the program, or the individual is arrested for partaking in illegal activities, their eligibility shall be terminated immediately.

Registration with the program will be audited for those who are eligible for the program, funding will be reviewed once every semester to track the progress of students. Students of this bracket are required to maintain a C+ average in any and all classes they may take, with a minimum of three (3) classes per semester. If found in violation of the programs minimum requirements, funding will be revoked.

V. Regional Coordination

Regions are required to mandate athorities to accept illegal substances and materials without charges to the individual for proper disposal in accordance with the program. Funding will be specified for this purpose in Section VI.

VI. Funding

A total, to be determined by the Senate and amended into this section, will be allocated to this program. Regions will be provided an additional $2,000,000 per region to establish collection programs.

VII. Enactment

This legislation will go into effect one year following the bills passage as to provide proper time for program setup and coordination.

I’d like to co-sponsor
Western Democrat
Junior Chimp
Posts: 6,624

Political Matrix
E: -7.35, S: -0.35

« Reply #37 on: August 30, 2022, 11:51:34 PM »
« Edited: September 04, 2022, 10:35:09 PM by WD »



Senate Bill
to tax excessive wealth generated during the COVID-19 pandemic



(a) In General.—The Internal Revenue Code of 1986 is amended by inserting after subtitle B the following new subtitle:

“Subtitle B–1—Pandemic Wealth Tax

“Sec. 2901. Imposition of tax.
“Sec. 2902. Net value of assets.
“Sec. 2903. Special rules.

“(a) In General.—In the case of any applicable individual, there is hereby imposed a tax of 60 percent of the excess (if any) of—

“(1) the net value of assets of the applicable individual on December 31, 2020, over

“(2) the greater of—

“(A) the net value of assets of the applicable individual on March 18, 2020, or

“(B) $1,000,000,000.

“(b) Applicable Individual.—For purposes of this chapter, the term ‘applicable individual’ means any individual whose assets have a net value on December 31, 2020, of more than $1,000,000,000.


“(a) In General.—The net value of assets held by an applicable individual as of any day shall be the excess of—

“(1) the value of all property of the applicable individual, real or personal, tangible or intangible, wherever situated, on such day, over

“(2) the amount of any debt owed by the applicable individual on such day.

“(b) Inclusion Of Certain Gifts.—For purposes of this subtitle, any property transferred by an applicable individual during the period described in section 2901(a) to an individual who is a member of the family of the applicable individual (as determined under section 267(c)(4)) and has not attained the age of 18 shall be treated as property held by the taxpayer for any date before such individual attains the age of 18.

“(c) Establishment Of Valuation Rules.— There shall be established rules and methods for determining the value of any asset for purposes of this subtitle.

“(2) GENERAL RULES.—Except as otherwise provided in this paragraph, the rules and methods established under paragraph (1) may be similar to the rules of part III of subchapter A of chapter 11 (other than the rules of sections 2031(c), 2032A, 2035, and 2044).


“(a) Married Individuals.—There shall be by regulations established rules for the application of this subtitle to married individuals.

“(b) Deceased Individuals.—In the case of any individual who dies during the period described in section 2901(a), section 2901(a) shall be applied by substituting the date of the individual's death for ‘December 31, 2020’.

“(c) Anti-Abuse Rules.—There shall be proscribed such rules as necessary to prevent the avoidance of the purposes of this section, including through the use of trusts.”.

(b) No Deduction From Income Taxes.—Section 275 is amended by inserting after paragraph (6) the following new paragraph:

“(7) Taxes imposed by chapter 18.”.


The revenue generated by this legislation is $731,000,000,000

Western Democrat
Junior Chimp
Posts: 6,624

Political Matrix
E: -7.35, S: -0.35

« Reply #38 on: September 11, 2022, 12:45:50 PM »

Sponsor please!

To not recognize the Iranian government under Supreme Leader Ali Khameni

Be it resolved by the Senate of the Republic of Atlasia assembled;

Section 1. Title

This legislation may be cited as the Resolution condemning Iranian leadership.

Section 3. Findings


(i) Supreme Leader Ali Khameni of Iran has suspended elections,
(ii) the Iranian government has killed and injured thousands of civilians,
(iii) tens of thousands of Iranian dissenters and protestors have been imprisoned,

It is the conviction of the government of the Republic of Atlasia that Supreme Leader Ali Khameni is not the legitimate government head of the Islamic Republic of Iran, and is not recognized with this authority thereto. The Senate fully condemns the violence, killing, and unlawful imprisonment by the Iranian government.

I’ll sponsor
Western Democrat
Junior Chimp
Posts: 6,624

Political Matrix
E: -7.35, S: -0.35

« Reply #39 on: November 21, 2022, 02:38:03 AM »

Censure Spark Resolution

Senate Resolution
to condemn unacceptable behavior

Whereas, Spark has a history of sexually harassing women.

Whereas, sexual harassment is a major issue in society.

Whereas, those who sexually harass others deserve punishment.

Resolved, that the Senate of Atlasia hereby censures and condemns Spark for sexual harassment.

Western Democrat
Junior Chimp
Posts: 6,624

Political Matrix
E: -7.35, S: -0.35

« Reply #40 on: November 25, 2022, 09:27:47 PM »

As PPT, i hereby make the determination that the Spark censure resolution is frivolous and it will not proceed to the floor. There are no specific allegations made or evidenced. Itd be no different than me introducing a resolution to censure WD for murder or bestiality.

Motion to override
Western Democrat
Junior Chimp
Posts: 6,624

Political Matrix
E: -7.35, S: -0.35

« Reply #41 on: December 16, 2022, 05:54:20 PM »

Public request. it deals with

To condemn the violence in Peru

Be it enacted by the Senate of the Republic of Atlasia assembled,

Section I. Title

1. This bill may be known as the Resolution to condemn the Ayacucho Massacre.

Section II. Content
1. The Senate of Atlasia condemns the use of violence in Peru and specifically condemns the AyacuchoMassacre that took place on December the fifteenth in Peru
2. The Senate of Atlasia expresses their condolescences with the victims of the Peruvian protests and the Ayacucho Massacre.
3. As a consequence The Senate of Atlasia will expel all Peruvian diplomats from the Republic of Atlasia and Peruvian-Atlasian diplomatic relations will be on hold until further notice.
4. The Senate of Atlasia continues to recognise Pedro Castillo as President of Peru and will provide diplomatic support to him.
5. The Senate of Atlasia encourages early elections to take place and the 1993 constitution to be repealed in order to stop the violence and create stability in Peru.

I will co-sponsor
Western Democrat
Junior Chimp
Posts: 6,624

Political Matrix
E: -7.35, S: -0.35

« Reply #42 on: February 23, 2023, 03:01:58 PM »

To nationalize the steel industry

Be it enacted by the Senate of the Republic of Atlasia

Section 1. Title

This legislation may be cited as the Atlasian Steel Act.

Section 2. Nationalization

1. All steel manufacturers are brought into public ownership immediately upon passage of this act and shall be placed under the control of an Atlasian Steel Authority.

2. To complete the undertaking as outlined above, the Republic of Atlasia shall establish an Atlasian Steel Authority (hereafter ASA) which shall be comprised of all former privately-held steel companies and shall hold a legal monopoly in these sectors.

3. The purpose of the aforementioned ASA shall be the economization of operations and the modernization of production methods to raise safety and efficiency standards across the country, as well as provide steel at a low cost, prevent competitive waste, and co-ordinate research and development in those sectors.

4. The government of the ASA shall be federal and cooperative. In each region will be established a regional steel authority under a board of directors composed of representatives of labor, the consumers, security, and the environment. The number of labor directors shall be four, and the number of directors for all other constituencies shall be two. Each regional authority will elect five representatives to the national board of directors. Two of the national directors elected by each regional authority shall represent labor, and one each shall represent the consumers, security, and the environment.
5. The labor directors shall be chosen by a vote of the steel workers; the consumer directors by a vote of the regional legislature, the security and environment directors by the regional executive at the regional level and by the president at the federal level.

6. The term of a Board director shall be four years.

7. The President shall appoint a Chair of the ASA Board of Directors who shall have no vote unless they are equally divided. The Chair shall serve a four year term.

8. All persons owning any of the aforementioned industry brought into public ownership shall be fairly compensated for the sale of said industries to the Republic of Atlasia.

Requesting a sponsor
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