A Feast For Crows Game Thread

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Junior Chimp
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« Reply #25 on: May 30, 2019, 11:00:02 AM »

Late 300 AL-Aftermath

War was the order of the day in Westeros, as battle after battle was fought over these months. Dorne finally entered the fray, and sellswords have come to Westeros, though under mysterious circumstances. Word is getting around that one of these sellswords is silver haired and violet eyed . . .

The Tyrells Turn

The Tyrells had been allies of convenience with Lannisters since the Battle of the Blackwater, and the alliance had borne much fruit, crushing Stannis's army there and ending the war with Robb Stark. Yet, the alliance was always a shaky one, and made shakier by the successes of Stannis Baratheon in the North. The turning of Petyr Baelish seemingly solidified the thoughts of several Tyrells: The Lannister power base was unstable. Plans were set in motion, and one of the greatest betrayals in the history of Westeros took place. Though its success was another matter entirely . . .

Seizure of Storm's End: With the Stormlands forces emptied from their strongholds to join the war or guard the Dornish Marches, it proved a simple matter for Leyton Hightower to march his army into Storm's End and overrun the token garrison left behind. Storm's End once again was in the hands of allies of Stannis Baratheon.

Battle of Dragonstone: With time running out, Cersei ordered an assault on Dragonstone to finally bring an end to the stubborn resistance of Ser Rolland Storm and his garrison. 2,000 Lannister and 1,000 Tyrell troops landed under the command of Garlan Tyrell to take the castle. Just as the assault was getting underway, the Reachmen turned on their erstwhile allies. Confusion reigned in the lines, but Rolland Storm ordered his men to hold position. It was not long before the Lannister officers managed to restore some semblance of order and ships of the Royal Fleet sailed in close, hammering the Tyrells with arrows. Some of Storm's men broke discipline and descnded the walls to attack, but were exposed to the ships and cut down nearly instantly. As the dust settled, Storm's garrison was gone, and it was a simple matter of storming the castle. Though Garlan Tyrell escaped, his army was thoroughly smashed.

Battle of Driftmark: The Tyrells' land defeat failed to halt their momentum however, and as the Royal Fleet headed to Driftmark to regroup, the ships of the Mander and Hightower Fleets attacked. The Royal Fleet, though with superior ships, was hopelessly outnumbered. The battle lasted all of an hour before the Royal Fleet was at the bottom of the Narrow Sea.

Battle of King's Landing: With the Royal Fleet destroyed, the Reach ships returned to Storm's End and picked up a force of 18,000 men led by Leyton Hightower himself. The ships left behind employed some excellent archery, and managed to shoot down any ravens carrying messages of the Tyrell betrayal, but it had little effect. A lookout from Rosby rode hard to the capital to warn the City Watch of the coming attack. The Goldcloaks and 3,000 Crownlands soldiers took position on the city walls as the Tyrells were landing. Loras Tyrell exploited the confusion and as the attack was beginning, made his way into King Tommen's private rooms and killed him by smothering him with a pillow. This was about the only thing that went smoothly for the Tyrells though. Hailed on by arrows, rocks and other projectiles from the walls, their attack was defeated when Osfryd Kettleblack led a daring sally beyond the walls that broke through Hightower's personal guard and nearly killed the man himself. The great Tyrell assault had been defeated. Now the purge began.

Purge of the King's Landing Tyrells: Though Loras and Margaery Tyrell had escaped, there remained a significant Tyrell household in the city. Osfryd Kettleblack, flushed with success, acted on his own initiative to purge it. Dozens of Tyrell servants were hunted down and killed, as were many more of their supporters. Olenna Tyrell herself was taken alive and clapped in irons to await the Queen's judgement

Battle of Barrowton: Taking to reinforce the Crown's allies in the North, Asha Greyjoy landed 1000 men near Barrowton, while Harras Harlaw and an additional 1000 men landed further northward. She was met by 8,000 Reach soldiers, ostensibly there as allies. However, an army of Northmen and Wildlings commanded by the newly legitimised Jon Stark, arrived at Barrowton to end Dustin resistance to Stannis. The battle began in earnest Northern troops rushed to get scaling ladders up the walls of Barrowton Just as things seemed to be stalemating, Jon sprung his trap: the Wildlings, hidden from view, charged a lightly-defended section of the walls. The battle was turning in favour of the Starks. Asha, keen to honour the terms of her alliance, ordered a full attack. However, the knights in the Reach force pulled ahead, then wheeled around and charged into the unprepared Ironborn. Again, confusion reigned as two separate battles were being fought. As the sun dipped below the horizon, Asha noticed that the Dustin longaxes had been cut down from the walls, replaced with the Stark direwolf. She pulled a Reachman from his horse and rode through one of the battered-down gates to find Stark, and threw her weapons at his feet. When asked why, she responded "It would have insulted me to surrender to those who use trickery to win."

Battle of Farimarket: The armies of Kevan Lannister and Randyll Tarly were to march to the Twins to break the siege for good. It was the most powerful host left in the field; over 40,000 strong. Yet this was not to last. Outside Fairmarket, as camp was being established for the night, Tarly's Reachmen turned their swords on the last complete Westerlands host. Yet Kevan was no slouch, and was able to patch together a rearguard while the bulk of his force retreated. The battle lasted until sunrise, at which point Tarly's exhausted army broke off the attack. Though they were welcomed into Fairmarket as liberators, they had failed to inflict meaningful losses on the Lannister force, but in doing so, had pinned Kevan in one spot for the whole night, giving Edmure Tully time to march his host back to Riverrun.

Battle of Riverrun: Edmure Tully smashed into the besiegers at the head of the first wave. At the head of the second wave was Yohn Royce, bronze armor flashing. The infantry then crashed home, sending the Lannsiters into a full retreat. But they were not getting away that easily. As they tried to make for the forest, they were set upon by a band of outlaws. Unusually well-armed outlaws who butchered them to a man. Meeting in Riverrun, Brynden Tully revealed himself to his nephew at last, announcing that the outlaws were in fact the Brotherhood Without Banners.

Dorne Joins the Fray

Many had wondered what game the Martells had been playing down in Dorne, since they had stayed out of the War of the Five Kings. Now they played their hand as the Golden Company, who had broken their contract with Myr, landed in the southern Stormlands, opening a new war front as the Dornish marched up the Boneway.

Golden Company Invasion of the Stormlands: The Golden Comapny was outnumbered, but their smaller numbers meant they moved quicker than the spread-out Reachmen, and it showed. Not only were they slow koving, but the successive defeats at King's Landing and Dragonstone left the Reachmen demoralised and thus easy targets. The Golden Company seized Greenstone, Rain House, Crow's Nest and Griffin's Roost before marching to their rally point at Felwood.

Battle of the Boneway: Confusion again took hold on the Boneway, as the Tyrells tried to fight the Stormlanders, the Stormlanders fought each other, and the Dornish came marhcing down to fight everyone. It was this last partthat proved decisive. The Dornish spearmen advanced in a solid phalanx, covered by both horse and foot archers as they smashed into the enemy line. The battle was over in matter of hours and the Dornishmen advanced to Felwood to link up with the Golden Comapny, thogh they were unable to force a battle with Leyton Hightower, who elected to recall his troops to Storm's End.
Junior Chimp
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« Reply #26 on: June 01, 2019, 09:11:07 AM »
« Edited: June 09, 2019, 10:31:40 PM by GoTfan »

Weddings, births and deaths

Weddings: None

Births: None

Deaths: Tommen Baratheon, Barbrey Dustin

Military and political situation

King Stannis Baratheon
-Army of the North: 7,000 strong
-Army of Jon Stark: 3,000 strong
-Stormlands loyalists: 4,000 strong
-Eastwatch Fleet: 40 ships

Queen Regent Cersei Lannister
-Crownlands army; 2,000 strong
-Army of the Stormlands: 8,000 strong
-Army of Lancel Lannister; 4,000 strong and besieging Harrenhal

Queen Daenerys Targaryen
-8,400 Unsullied
-5,000 Unsullied-in-training
-7,900 freedmen
-1,000 sellswords
-3 dragons (1 tamed; 2 untamed)

King Rodrik Harlaw
-Army of the Iron Islands; 2,300 strong
-Army of Harras Harlaw; 1000 strong
-Sellsail Fleet; 68 ships

Lord Paramount Mace Tyrell
-Garrison of Highgarden; 5,000 strong
-Army of the Stormlands; 17,000 strong and commanded by Lord Leyton Hightower
-Army of Randyll Tarly; 15,800 strong
-Mander-Hightower Fleet; 68 ships in Blackwater Bay
-First Redwyne fleet; 90 ships near Dragonstone
-Shield Islands Fleet; 34 ships near the Iron Islands
-Army of the Shield Islands; 1500 strong
Army of the Nroth; 7,600 strong
(can recruit 18,000 troops)

Lord Protector Petyr Baelish
-Garrison of the Eyrie; 500 strong
-Garrison of the Bloody Gate; 1,000 strong
-Army of the Riverlands; 17,000 strong; commanded by Edmure Tully and Yohn Royce
-Army of Harrenhal; 1,000 strong (under siege)
-Army of the Vale; 10,000 strong and gathering strength
(can recruit 29,000 men from the Vale)

Prince Doran Martell
-Garrison of Sunspear; 1,000 strong
-Army of Felwood; 13,000 strong
(Can recruit another 34,000 men)

Ser Kevan Lannister
-Garrsion of Casterly Rock; 3,000 strong
-City Watch of Lannisport; 4,000 strong
-Army of the Riverlands; 18,000 strong

Young Griff
-Golden Company; 10,000 strong
Junior Chimp
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« Reply #27 on: June 01, 2019, 10:53:18 AM »
« Edited: June 09, 2019, 10:38:54 PM by GoTfan »

Turn 6-Early 301 AL

As war rages across Westeros, the winter gets worse. Snow flurries have been reported in Gulltown, and a very light fall has occurred outside of King's Landing. But the topic of discussion was a certain letter writted by a reportedly broken Jaime Lannister, which made a stunning confession:

Tommen and Myrcella Baratheon were his bastards born of incest with his sister Cersei

King Stannis Baratheon
Prestige: 8/10 (last rebellious Northerners defeated)
Gold: 20,000 GD (pay for sellsails)
Legitimacy: 9/10 (Jaime's confession makes him legitimate heir)

-Things proceed brilliantly, Your Grace! With Lady Dustin dead, the Northern houses who oppose you are now nonexistent. Though a small Ironborn host remains in the North, the houses of the snow-covered kingdom are yours to command. What are your orders for them?

-Lord Manderly reports that a girl matching the description of Arya Stark has been seen in White Harbor. It turns out that the one Ramsay Bolton married may not have been Arya Stark at all. Mandely asks for advice on the matter.

-Lord Stark won an emphatic victory for you at Barrowton, and now the means of solidifying his hold on the North must be dealt with. Arranging his marriage to Val the Wildling would set your alliance in Mance Rayder in stone, while one to Alys Karstark may lock down the North fully.

-The letter of Jaime Lannister, copies of which have been circulated throughout the realm, has effectively made you the rightful king in the eyes of many people. This, combined with your recent successes, may convince the Iron Bank to finally shift their support to you. Will you try one last time to win their allegiance, despite the reports of Braavos allying with Daenerys Targaryen?

-Some men of the Stormlands have once again raised their banners for you. They are smaller than the faction following Cersei, but arguably more battle-hardened. Do you have any orders for them?

-Finally, your troops have captured Asha Greyjoy. What is to be done with her?

Queen Regent Cersei Lannister
6/10 (military victories, but political failures)
Gold: 350,000 GD (2.5m in debt to Iron Bank; 0.75 to the Faith)
Legitimacy: 4/10 (Jaime's letter has dealt extreme damage)

-You have won a series of military successes, Your Grace, but at an immense cost. Tommen is dead, Asha has been defeated, and the Tyrells have turned. Though you have arrested Olenna Tyrell, she seems she seems rather blase about her fate, while Margaery and Loras have fled the city. You must stabilise the situation before it is too late.

-The loss of the Tyrells will sting. Yet, there is an opening. Paxter Redwyne and a few othe rminor lords of the Reach still harbor resentment towards the Tyrells. This may be an opportunity . . .

-The Stormlands is divided between you and Stannis. You have a somewhat larger faction, butthis is offset by the advantage the Reachmen in the area have in numbers. How will you prosecute the war on this front.

-The arrival of Dorne in the war has made your situation even more dangerous; the Dornish command one of the only armies unaffected by the war so far, and the Golden Company is fighting with them for unknown reasons. They must be dealt with

-Arguably the most damaging thing has been the sigend letter of Jaime declaring that Myrcella and the now deceased Tommen and Joffrey are baastards born of incest between you two. THis has dealt a tremendous blow to your legitimacy, and more and more people are looking to Stannis to lead them. How will you respond?

Queen Daenerys Targaryen
Prestige: 9/10
Gold: 400,000 GD
Legitimacy: 8/10

-Tyrion Lannister has formally entered your service, and is already prviding some useful advice. He believes he has a plan to end the war and end slavery through peaceful means, if you are willing to be patient.

-Drogon has been tamed successfully! He now routinely flies over the city each day as a show of force. Will you consider releasing and attempting to tame his brothers?

-THough your payment to the Iron Bank has been refused, Sealord Antaryos has said that he is in the process of raising his army. He wants advice as to whether he marches overland or comes by sea.

-Reports are filtering in of someone fighting with the Golden Company in Westeros. He reportedly possess the silver hair and violet eyes of your family. Will you try to reach out to Prince Doran on this?

King Rodrik Harlaw
Prestige: 6/10 (Asha captured)
Gold: 190,000 GD (50,000 in debt to Iron Throne)
Legitimacy: 7/10

-Greetings, King Rodrik. Matters are dire. Asha has been captured by troops loyal to Stannis Baratheon and now Harras is all alone in the North. Should he withdraw, or as Greenbeard has begged, make for the Wall?

-The letter signed by Jaime Lannister says that the greenlanders' now dead king was a bastard of incest with his sister. Many Ironborn are demanding you now break your alliance with the crown over this.

Lord Mace Tyrell
Prestige: 8/10 (lost Battle of King's Landing)
Gold: 725,000 GD
Legitimacy: 8/10

-Yiur attempt to take King's Landing has failed, but you now block all sea trade to the city and have effectively left the Lannisters in Dragonstone stranded. Any further orders on this front?

-The arrival of the Dornish in the Stormlands has complicated the war further. How will you go about engaging the Dornish?

-Randyll Tarly is currently at Fairmarket following his stalemated battle with Kevan Lannister and is requesting further orders. That Lannister army is a juicy target if you can coordinate with Lord Baelish . . .

Lord Protector Petyr Baelish
Prestige: 8/10
Gold: 450,000 GD
Legitimacy: 8/10

-You broke Jaime Lannister and he has now signed multiple copies of a letter attesting to his incest with Cersei. Your lords have distributed these letters, and more people are now turning to Stannis. What is the next phase of your plans?

-Riverrun is yours again. Kevan Lannister's army is still out there though, and coordination with your Tyrell allies may be necessary. The Westerlands are almost completely undefended though, and threatening their homes may convince the Westerlanders to desert . . .

Prince Doran Martell
Prestige: 8/10
Gold: 400,000 GD
Legitiamcy: 8/10

-Your troops have rallied at Felwood with the Golden Company, though Lord Hightower has called all Reach troops to Storm's End. What is your plan?

Ser Kevan Lannister
Gold: 400,000 GD
Legitimacy: 7/10

-Good evening Ser Kevan. The Tyrell betrayal could not have come at a worse time. You now command the last substantial Westerlands host, and with the Stormlanders fighting among themselves, you face a precarious situation. Do you have a solution?

-Your subordinates seem to have split into four factions. One favours attacking Edmure Tully now, arguing that the constant marching and fighting has made them exahusted. A second argues that you must attack Randyll Tarly as vengeance for the betrayal. The third says that the Westerlands are vulnerable and must be held, while the fourth and final ones advocates for marching to King's Landing. What will you do?

Young Griff
Gold: 100,000 GD
Legitimacy: 6/10

-Welcome home, Young Griff. The Golden Company has seized the southern Stormlands and rallied with the Dornish troops at Felwood, though Leyton Hightower is mustering his forces at Storm's End seemingly in preparation for the battle. What are your orders?
Atlas Star
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« Reply #28 on: June 03, 2019, 09:14:24 PM »

Queen Regent Cersei’s Proclamation

“It is truly impressive that Baelish, Lord of Betrayal, has tortured one of the most honored knights into a false confession. In the name of the Seven, I call on the Traitor to withdraw his accusation before the gods and men. Such lechery of incest has not been practiced since the days of the Mad King - excepting, some say, Stannis’s men who follow the Red Religion. Those accusations are actually against not true followers of the Seven, but the false followers of the Red Priestess - who have no qualms with incest at all.

“The Foreign King, the Traitor, and the Child Slayer: a happy three are they. Ser Loras: you took from me my second son. For this, you will pay. It is stunning that one of the greatest swordsmen in all the world, a man who unseated a hundred knights at the joust and beat a thousand knights at the sword, could not capture and take Tommen, a boy of ten years and his own good brother to be, with his sword. Yet instead the “Knight of Flowers” has become a Kingslayer, and a Boyslayer besides. For this, I swear that I shall have the revenge of the gods on Ser Loras and all who defend such a man.

“Never again shall Loras and Margaery sleep easy, not from this morning until their last. Should I die, I demand that this is ensured, not for my sake, but for the sake of my sons murdered by House Tyrell. Any man who swears a holy cow to protect the King and kills him is guilty of great blasphemy - lies to the Seven; swearing falsehoods before lords and gods. I shall speak of him as a Kingsguard no more - from hence forth, Ser Loras, the Knight of Flowers, the Pretty Knight in White, shall be black as sin in my eyes - guilty of desertion of the Kingsguard, the breaking of holy vows, blasphemy by lying before the eyes of the Seven, lying of a crime, injuring an innocent person with ill intent, murder, slaying of a just and rightful King, and high treason.

“All further proclamations shall be made as necessary and as due.”

**BONUS, UNUSED LINE**: A sell sword’s son and seed tells tall tales of tortured troop. A lowborn Lord lists lies of Lannister lions lying in loathsome, lecherous love. Poor, perfidious, parasitical, pitied Petyr the Peverse Plebeian peddles profane piles of personal, pejorative poison. Banal, brutish, bullying Baelish the braggart - born of Braavosi beggar blood - babbles baseless, barbarous blasphemy, besmirching kings born of Baratheon blood bizzarely - as my brother’s bastards, but brazenly boasting, bragging of bloodletting a Baratheon babe.
King Saul
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« Reply #29 on: June 03, 2019, 09:57:18 PM »

House Tyrell Public Pronouncement

House Tyrell made a big mistake by supporting a lineage of incestuous bastard Lannisters and so I apologize to the True King of Westeros Stannis Baratheon for fighting against him before.

Now Lady Cersei, she is no Queen Regent  by any means more, if she understood the succession line of the Iron Throne, I would like her to know that even though what if Myrcella Waters was in some way unbelievable a legitimate Baratheon, the male heir always comes before,this is the law since the Dragons Dance, so Stannis Baratheon is the Legitimate and Only True King of Westeros.

I do not remember seeing the King threatening the other religions as Lady Cersei likes to assert with her malicious lies, and if it is to blame someone for her ruin Lady Cersei you should blame yourself! If you knew you were a Lannister and not a damn Targaryen and had not had bastards with your brother, none of this would be happening, but Lady Cersei chose to do things the hard way and now she'll deal with the consequences.

My son Loras did what he did for one reason, to end the reign of terror of the Kings bastards and puppets of the Lannisters, Lady Cersei has no moral or dignity to speak of him when his brother is a Kingslayer also, everyone knows that her brother only killed the Mad King for the Lannisters to earn the good favor of the late King Robert, since the Lannisters were always opportunists who never cared about wars or the Realm but only about their own interests.

I suggest that Lady Cersei surrender and give the city as soon as possible to prevent the population from suffering, she no longer has any Monarch puppet to rule as Regent, her threats mean nothing more and I guarantee that my family and I sleep very well and without any fear of this mad and pathetic woman.
Atlas Star
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« Reply #30 on: June 03, 2019, 10:38:49 PM »

A Minor Error

Stannis claims no daughter comes before the uncle, and Lord Mace Tyrell continues these claims. Yet I was recognized as Lady of Casterly Rock by Lord Tyrell - not my uncle, Ser Kevan. A thousand such instances exist. Eddara Tallhart, over her male Tallhart uncle. Jonelle Cerwyn, over her male Cerwyn cousin. Many such more exist.

My brother slew a King who, in his madness, ordered King’s Landing to be burned and his father killed. What is more, my brother killed a mad King and an adult, who could not be captured easily to prevent giving the order to burn the city. Ser Loras killed a boy who was ten, instead of knocking him out and bringing him alive - or, perhaps, having Margaery get him to agree to come.

Tommen did not order Mace’s death, which Loras would have been justified in refusing. Tommen was hardly a mad man. Tommen trusted and adored Ser Loras, as all the Court knows. Before, parents told children stories of the Knight of Flowers - an honorable man who protected the innocent and the common folk, who guarded the child and the maid.

May the Father judge of Ser Loras, the murderer of a child he swore to protect, justly. May the Mother have mercy upon my dead child, who the Tyrells believe died a dangerous and mad man, a bastard and perhaps Lord of the Seven Hells, at the age of ten. Yet I and all of Westeros know Tommen was an innocent boy, who loved to read and had a better heart than any boy or girl, man or woman, who I have ever met. Tender of heart and sweet of mind, he was a lovely lion and a sweet stag, so unlike Robert and I. A bird still in the nest, murdered by a poacher with an eye for power. For his death, ten thousand more shall die.
King Saul
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« Reply #31 on: June 03, 2019, 11:26:20 PM »
« Edited: June 03, 2019, 11:52:22 PM by King Saul »

Someone desperate:

Lady Cersei speaks nonsense as always, thinks sitting on the Iron Throne is the same thing as being Lady of some House, the Iron Throne rejected Rhaenyra Targaryen I must remind everyone.

Certainly Tommen is not the Lord of Seven Hells, that role must fall to the eldest bastard Joffrey Waters or even to Tywin Lannister who annihilated two Houses in the Westerlands without mercy, killing both adults and children. Certainly the Seven have cursed House Lannister since Tywin Lannister ordered the deaths of Prince Aegon and Princess Rhaenys, children as innocent as Lady Cersei claims that Tommen was supposed to be, Tywin Lannister did so out of ambition and power and she still comes to complain as if the Lannisters were not the most sinful House of the Seven Kingdoms! .

It is clear that the already disturbed mind of Lady Cersei forgets that Dorne has no reason to fight for Myrcella Waters, since the Lannisters also killed Princess Elia Martell in the Sack of Kings'Landing and Prince Doran must remember this, I must confessing that while I was still loyal to this lost cause that Lady Cersei was simply desperate when Lord Baelish wisely moved to the right side, Lord Baelish simply turned in her head into a greater threat than King Stannis, this can be proved by the futile attack and without purpose to the Fingers, the seat of House Baelish, an attack that did nothing to shake the image of Lord Baelish I must assert.

10 thousand will die, what does Cersei say ?, Surely more than 10,000 Lannisters have to die to pay for the misfortunes that the accursed House Lannister has brought to Westeros, and perhaps even that is not enough.

Who knew Tommen other than Kings'Landing, tell me?, No one but the capital knew the boy, we all remember well when the whole Westeros knew Joffrey Waters, the bastard who ordered the honored Lord Eddard Stark to lose his head without hesitation or pity, Tommen still died without suffering as opposed to his fool older brother who died stamping blood before the whole Court!

Westeros meets King Stannis, knows his leadership ability and knows that the Iron Throne belongs to him, do not waste your time Lords and Ladies believing the lies of someone desperate like Lady Cersei who knows that her fall is near.
Atlas Star
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« Reply #32 on: June 04, 2019, 03:48:29 AM »

Queen Regent Cersei

“I challenge you indeed. If a man rebels against his nephew, he forfeits any claim as heir of said nephew. Does Stannis then claim the throne after Tommen? No, for the same reason Renly was not Stannis’s heir ahead of Shireen. We will not refight the Dance of Dragons, nor the Battle of King’s Landing. I hold the Iron Throne, in the name of Queen Myrcella Baratheon. Let the Fool of Highgarden try as he might, he can’t touch what he wishes to hold the most.
Atlas Star
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« Reply #33 on: June 09, 2019, 11:14:23 PM »

A Regent’s Decree

“Queen Myrcella Baratheon shall be brought to King’s Landing immediately and formally crowned. Her husband, Prince Trystane Nymeros Martell of Dorne, is hereby made a member of the royal family, and is made King Consort of Westeros. He shall outrank all lords outside of the royal family. Their children shall be Baratheons, as members of the royal family.”

Names and titles:

Myrcella Baratheon, Queen of the Seven Kingdoms, Lady of Westeros, Queen of Andals, the Rhoynar, and the First Men, and Lady of Storm’s End.
Trystane Nymeros Martell, King Consort of the Seven Kingdoms, Prince of Dorne, and Lord Consort of Storm’s End.
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