A Feast For Crows Game Thread (user search)

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Author Topic: A Feast For Crows Game Thread  (Read 2747 times)
Atlas Star
Posts: 22,155
United States

« on: April 08, 2019, 12:04:29 PM »

Proclamations of the Queen Regent Cersei in the Name of King Tommen Baratheon

“Firstly, it is my decision, with the advice of the Hand, that Ser Kevan Lannister shall rule as Lord Regent of the Stormlands. Once King Tommen comes of age, he shall be recognized as the Lord of the Stormlands in title, but he shall continue to have a Regent carry out his duties in this position. The firstborn son of King Tommen shall succeed him as King upon his death, holding the position as heir of the realm from birth. The second born son of the King shall succeed King Tommen as Lord of the Stormlands upon birth. Until such comes to pass, Ser Kevan Lannister shall serve as Regent with authority over the various lords in the Stormlands only in the name of King Tommen.

“Secondly, Lord Regent Kevan Lannister and Lord Randyll Tarly shall serve as Commanders of King Tommen’s Armies. These commanders shall jointly appoint captains, commanders of each wing, and vanguard commanders. Aurane Waters and Paxter Redwyne shall serve as Admirals of King Tommen’s Fleets. These admirals shall jointly manage any necessary actions regarding captains of each vessel and fleet movements during battle.”
Atlas Star
Posts: 22,155
United States

« Reply #1 on: April 19, 2019, 08:11:21 PM »

By Order of the Queen Regent

Lord Redwyne is now dismissed as Master of Ships and replaced by Aurane Waters. He shall remain in his position as an Admiral, but, under the circumstances, shall no longer lead any fleets beyond the Shield Islands without the express consent of the Ironborn. No further actions will be taken at this time.
Atlas Star
Posts: 22,155
United States

« Reply #2 on: May 10, 2019, 11:28:50 AM »

A Declaration of Justice

It is hereby proclaimed that the enemies of King Tommen shall be punished, and his allies rewarded. Many Northern houses are now in open rebellion, and it is to you I speak. Send back, without delay, a message swearing loyalty to the only True King, renounce the Last Usurper, and withdraw from his forces.

All who refuse, from House Mormont to House Manderly, from Lord Howland Reed to Lord Galbart Glover, will have thereby forsaken their rights to the North. Their lands, their gold, their very lives are forfeit to the Iron Throne and its allies. Respond in haste, and know refusal means death. Join us and be pardoned. Refuse and be destroyed.

The Iron Throne wishes not to make war upon its former friends in the North, so one more chance is at hand. If any refuse or remain silently supportive of Stannis the Usurper, if any thus doing so take arms against the rightful king, we will bring the vast armies we have arrayed to bear arms against you. Those who live among these rebel lords shall be served the Justice of the Crown.

As for the Riverlands and the Vale, our allies there are also guaranteed rewards, and our enemies there are guaranteed punishments. The false Lord Baelish, nearly of common stock, the greatest liar in Westeros, and the greatest traitor still - there will be no pardon for him. Peace was nearly established, and he has destroyed it with great treachery. If any of you believe you can trust him, count whom he has served: King Robert, King Joffrey, King Tommen, and now Stannis the Usurper. Sent away in disgrace by Lord Tully, after insulting Brandon Stark, he is truly the descendant of a sellsword who changes sides for coin. If anyone believes they can trust the false Lord Baelish, they must be a greater fool than any I have ever seen at court.

- By Order of the Queen Regent, in the Name of King Tommen I Baratheon
Atlas Star
Posts: 22,155
United States

« Reply #3 on: May 22, 2019, 01:41:22 PM »

Queen Regent Cersei’s Proclamation

“As of today, Ser Loras Tyrell is now the acting Lord Commander of the Kingsguard. Until such time as Ser Jaime is returned to us, we will trust the good Ser Loras with our lives and honor against those who would do us harm.

“Furthermore, five hundred prisoners, imprisoned for debt, rape, and other crimes, are hereby to take the black. We shall send them to the Wall with a small escort, and should they be attacked, it will be taken as violating the sacred duties of the Night’s Watch. And, if any commoner should wish to take the black, it shall be allowed, and a family shall be given a gold dragon for every man under fifty and over sixteen who volunteers to take the black, up to the first five hundred to do so.

“Lastly, Joy Hill is hereby legitimized and named Joy Lannister. A fatherless child, I hereby name her as protected by myself and my husband, the Warden of the West. Let no one say that the richest family in Westeros leaves its kin out in the cold.”
Atlas Star
Posts: 22,155
United States

« Reply #4 on: June 03, 2019, 09:14:24 PM »

Queen Regent Cersei’s Proclamation

“It is truly impressive that Baelish, Lord of Betrayal, has tortured one of the most honored knights into a false confession. In the name of the Seven, I call on the Traitor to withdraw his accusation before the gods and men. Such lechery of incest has not been practiced since the days of the Mad King - excepting, some say, Stannis’s men who follow the Red Religion. Those accusations are actually against not true followers of the Seven, but the false followers of the Red Priestess - who have no qualms with incest at all.

“The Foreign King, the Traitor, and the Child Slayer: a happy three are they. Ser Loras: you took from me my second son. For this, you will pay. It is stunning that one of the greatest swordsmen in all the world, a man who unseated a hundred knights at the joust and beat a thousand knights at the sword, could not capture and take Tommen, a boy of ten years and his own good brother to be, with his sword. Yet instead the “Knight of Flowers” has become a Kingslayer, and a Boyslayer besides. For this, I swear that I shall have the revenge of the gods on Ser Loras and all who defend such a man.

“Never again shall Loras and Margaery sleep easy, not from this morning until their last. Should I die, I demand that this is ensured, not for my sake, but for the sake of my sons murdered by House Tyrell. Any man who swears a holy cow to protect the King and kills him is guilty of great blasphemy - lies to the Seven; swearing falsehoods before lords and gods. I shall speak of him as a Kingsguard no more - from hence forth, Ser Loras, the Knight of Flowers, the Pretty Knight in White, shall be black as sin in my eyes - guilty of desertion of the Kingsguard, the breaking of holy vows, blasphemy by lying before the eyes of the Seven, lying of a crime, injuring an innocent person with ill intent, murder, slaying of a just and rightful King, and high treason.

“All further proclamations shall be made as necessary and as due.”

**BONUS, UNUSED LINE**: A sell sword’s son and seed tells tall tales of tortured troop. A lowborn Lord lists lies of Lannister lions lying in loathsome, lecherous love. Poor, perfidious, parasitical, pitied Petyr the Peverse Plebeian peddles profane piles of personal, pejorative poison. Banal, brutish, bullying Baelish the braggart - born of Braavosi beggar blood - babbles baseless, barbarous blasphemy, besmirching kings born of Baratheon blood bizzarely - as my brother’s bastards, but brazenly boasting, bragging of bloodletting a Baratheon babe.
Atlas Star
Posts: 22,155
United States

« Reply #5 on: June 03, 2019, 10:38:49 PM »

A Minor Error

Stannis claims no daughter comes before the uncle, and Lord Mace Tyrell continues these claims. Yet I was recognized as Lady of Casterly Rock by Lord Tyrell - not my uncle, Ser Kevan. A thousand such instances exist. Eddara Tallhart, over her male Tallhart uncle. Jonelle Cerwyn, over her male Cerwyn cousin. Many such more exist.

My brother slew a King who, in his madness, ordered King’s Landing to be burned and his father killed. What is more, my brother killed a mad King and an adult, who could not be captured easily to prevent giving the order to burn the city. Ser Loras killed a boy who was ten, instead of knocking him out and bringing him alive - or, perhaps, having Margaery get him to agree to come.

Tommen did not order Mace’s death, which Loras would have been justified in refusing. Tommen was hardly a mad man. Tommen trusted and adored Ser Loras, as all the Court knows. Before, parents told children stories of the Knight of Flowers - an honorable man who protected the innocent and the common folk, who guarded the child and the maid.

May the Father judge of Ser Loras, the murderer of a child he swore to protect, justly. May the Mother have mercy upon my dead child, who the Tyrells believe died a dangerous and mad man, a bastard and perhaps Lord of the Seven Hells, at the age of ten. Yet I and all of Westeros know Tommen was an innocent boy, who loved to read and had a better heart than any boy or girl, man or woman, who I have ever met. Tender of heart and sweet of mind, he was a lovely lion and a sweet stag, so unlike Robert and I. A bird still in the nest, murdered by a poacher with an eye for power. For his death, ten thousand more shall die.
Atlas Star
Posts: 22,155
United States

« Reply #6 on: June 04, 2019, 03:48:29 AM »

Queen Regent Cersei

“I challenge you indeed. If a man rebels against his nephew, he forfeits any claim as heir of said nephew. Does Stannis then claim the throne after Tommen? No, for the same reason Renly was not Stannis’s heir ahead of Shireen. We will not refight the Dance of Dragons, nor the Battle of King’s Landing. I hold the Iron Throne, in the name of Queen Myrcella Baratheon. Let the Fool of Highgarden try as he might, he can’t touch what he wishes to hold the most.
Atlas Star
Posts: 22,155
United States

« Reply #7 on: June 09, 2019, 11:14:23 PM »

A Regent’s Decree

“Queen Myrcella Baratheon shall be brought to King’s Landing immediately and formally crowned. Her husband, Prince Trystane Nymeros Martell of Dorne, is hereby made a member of the royal family, and is made King Consort of Westeros. He shall outrank all lords outside of the royal family. Their children shall be Baratheons, as members of the royal family.”

Names and titles:

Myrcella Baratheon, Queen of the Seven Kingdoms, Lady of Westeros, Queen of Andals, the Rhoynar, and the First Men, and Lady of Storm’s End.
Trystane Nymeros Martell, King Consort of the Seven Kingdoms, Prince of Dorne, and Lord Consort of Storm’s End.
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