Diplomacraft: The North Sign-Ups (user search)

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Author Topic: Diplomacraft: The North Sign-Ups  (Read 15266 times)
Mr. X
Atlas Star
Posts: 27,249
United States

« on: June 10, 2018, 08:18:29 AM »
« edited: June 30, 2018, 04:00:05 PM by X Marks The Spot »

Head of House:

Lord Mychel Bolton (age 48)

I: 4
S: 4
M: 3

Adult Children:

Eldest Son: Josua Bolton (age: 24)

I: 3, S: 4, M: 3

Eldest Daughter: Roselin Bolton (age: 23)

I: 4, S: 3, M: 0

Second Son: Jon Bolton (age: 20)

I: 2, S: 2, M: 4

The Bolton Court (i.e. acknowledged adult bastards raised alongside their trueborn half-siblings; once again, the mothers are long since dead)

Petyr Snow (age: 22)

I: 0, S: 3, M: 3

Barbrey Snow (age: 21)

I: 3, S: 2, M: 0

Marq Snow (age: 20)

I: 2, S: 0, M: 4

Note: All children and bastards are unmarried
Mr. X
Atlas Star
Posts: 27,249
United States

« Reply #1 on: June 16, 2018, 09:46:09 AM »
« Edited: June 16, 2018, 12:58:10 PM by X Marks The Spot »

I'm definitely in! Tentatively calling the Starks but there are several questions I have before I can fully decide on which House I want to play (I'm considering all of Manderly, Mormont, Reed, or Umber)

What time period is this set in? You say it's when "the freehold was still young" but does that just mean that it was before the Doom? Because the Freehold lasted thousands of years, but the geopolitical situation you're describing sounds like it's set only a few centuries before the Doom (especially with the established Manderly presence in the North and Braavos openly participating in international trade)

I guess the precise date doesn't matter so much but could you answer the following questions so I fully understand the setting for the scenario

- is the north fully unified under Stark rule? (whether nominally or genuinely)
- what's the general situation south of the Neck?
- Have the Ironborn taken the Riverlands yet?
- how prominent is the faith of the seven throughout Westeros?
- how much influence does Valyria have in Westeros (are the Celtigars and/or Velaryons already present?)
- does House Stark have the (Valyrian steel) Ice?
- does House Mormont have Longclaw?
- is the thousand year war between the North and the Vale already over?
- does every playable House have a Maester? If not, who doesn't? How do they communicate and stuff?

sorry for the annoying questions Tongue

While I can't answer most of these, here are my early impressions (hopefully they help at least a little bit and Leonardo can obviously correct me if I'm wrong):

- It sounded to me like – based on the stuff Leonardo wrote – to the extent the Starks rule The North at all, it's in a more nominal sense with the other Houses more or less doing what they want.  If anything, I got the impression that their influence is starting to decline a bit and that they're starting to be openly challenged by other Houses (which honestly, is probably necessary for the game to work since there's only so much you can do with a North-centric game if one House is already the undisputed ruler of that The North Tongue ).  Maybe the Starks are first among equals or something like that? *shrug*  Plus, it's obviously easier for some Houses to exercise greater autonomy/independence than others.  

- The Mormonts had Longclaw for about five hundred years prior to AGoT (per AWOIAF), so they wouldn't have Longclaw yet since IIRC this takes place about 1,000 years before AGoT (Leonardo should correct me if I'm wrong re: that date).

- The Starks got Ice 400 years before Robert Baratheon became king (per AWOIAF), so they wouldn't have Ice yet either

- It sounded like the Faith of The Seven was viewed with deep suspicion and contempt by most in The North aside from the Manderlys at this point.  IDK about the rest of Westeros though.

- I'd be pretty surprised if Maesters didn't exist given the point in history we'd be at, although worst case, Leonardo can obviously take whatever liberties he needs to make the scenario work Tongue
Mr. X
Atlas Star
Posts: 27,249
United States

« Reply #2 on: June 16, 2018, 03:26:57 PM »

If this is set a thousand years before AGoT then the Starks would actually be more powerful than they'd ever been -- that's when they finally subdued the Boltons for good, finally achieving full dominion over the north. This would be set after the Greystark cadet branch's rebellion against Winterfell and alliance with the Boltons; when the Starks prevailed after that fight they allowed the Manderlys to settle in the newly vacated wolf's den on the white knife

I don't mean to be a buzzkill or come across like i am demanding absolute accuracy to established canon I just want to know what I'm getting into before I pick my house. I would love to play the Starks in a weaker role, where they have the impossible task of keeping their vassals placated with the few resources they have, but if the Starks are to have a very dominent leadership role in the north perhaps it should be controlled by the GM

My bad Tongue  Upon reviewing Leonardo’s posts, I think I must have misremembered b/c he doesn’t seem to have said 1,000 years.  Not sure where I got that from, but don’t worry, you’re not being a buzzkill or anything like that.  I actually think the type of House Stark you said you’re interested in playing as would be ideal tbh.

Mr. X
Atlas Star
Posts: 27,249
United States

« Reply #3 on: June 19, 2018, 05:58:57 AM »

...I really shouldn't but I'd love to take the Wall (especially if it gets recruits from throughout the realm as in current ASOAIF timeline??)

Welcome aboard Smiley
Mr. X
Atlas Star
Posts: 27,249
United States

« Reply #4 on: June 24, 2018, 01:44:05 PM »

I think a have enough players if you join up to support a Stark and Bolton, and Bacon seemed really interested in Stark as well. It's up to you guys

My vote would be an NPC House Stark tbh, at least for the first few turns.  Just to keep one bloc from becoming too dominant early on.
Mr. X
Atlas Star
Posts: 27,249
United States

« Reply #5 on: June 24, 2018, 10:06:20 PM »

hey are y'all cool if I play Stark I think it'd be fun

Ehhh, for the sake of making life easier for Leonardo, I guess we can do this.
Mr. X
Atlas Star
Posts: 27,249
United States

« Reply #6 on: June 25, 2018, 08:12:41 AM »

Sounds like most players are fine with a playable House Stark, so assuming it’s fine with Leonardo, we should be looking at BK as Stark, Kingpoleon as Manderly, and Dereich as Ryswell if I’m not mistaken.
Mr. X
Atlas Star
Posts: 27,249
United States

« Reply #7 on: June 25, 2018, 02:47:29 PM »

House Manderly it is, then. I think the only worrying NPC now is House Dustin, which has a very large army - bigger than Bolton’s, at least.

That being said, I have a fun idea of my own, which should make this all the more interesting. I’ll post my court very soon.

Not_Madigan is Dustin
Mr. X
Atlas Star
Posts: 27,249
United States

« Reply #8 on: June 28, 2018, 06:00:03 AM »

1. Jackson Hitchcock
2. X
3. Garlan
4. Kingpoleon
5. Madigan

Those are who I have houses from, so we still need Dereich(Glover) and Bacon(Stark) before we can start. I also have some more info for certain players I'll be sending out once I get the houses.

I thought Dereich was doing House Ryswell
Mr. X
Atlas Star
Posts: 27,249
United States

« Reply #9 on: June 29, 2018, 07:18:21 PM »

Excellent! Good descriptions too, feel free to keep world building

Oh, we can do that?  I'll write up some for my House too.
Mr. X
Atlas Star
Posts: 27,249
United States

« Reply #10 on: July 03, 2018, 10:45:30 PM »

There are maaany branches of House Flint

After an hour I was having trouble with vassal names lol

When does turn end?
Mr. X
Atlas Star
Posts: 27,249
United States

« Reply #11 on: July 04, 2018, 11:18:17 PM »
« Edited: July 05, 2018, 05:01:40 PM by X Marks The Spot »

I think you have 6 or so points too many; each house member costs costs 1 point.

Including women and court members? Just checking before I deduct anything

I believe so
Mr. X
Atlas Star
Posts: 27,249
United States

« Reply #12 on: July 09, 2018, 02:52:48 PM »

Let's start getting any questions in that need answering as we move towards the end of the turn; I'll be taking care of any I currently have soon

Turn ends tomorrow, right?
Mr. X
Atlas Star
Posts: 27,249
United States

« Reply #13 on: July 12, 2018, 07:47:18 PM »
« Edited: July 12, 2018, 07:53:01 PM by X Marks The Spot »

Mr. X
Atlas Star
Posts: 27,249
United States

« Reply #14 on: July 12, 2018, 07:53:36 PM »

Flint's Finger is controlled by nobody in that map right?  and all the white land around it is controlled by nobody too, right?

I dunno, I never heard back about it that.
Mr. X
Atlas Star
Posts: 27,249
United States

« Reply #15 on: July 13, 2018, 11:57:50 AM »

Honestly everyone keeps bungling my potential story arcs by acting in totally unexpected ways lol... but thats just in me not being able to guess people's moves better.

That’s good though in a way, speaking from past experience, many of the best story arcs in these games often emerge organically in just that way (unexpected player moves).  I can tell you that Lumine certainly didn’t see the Others storyline coming in The Lion and The Rose at the start of that game (nor did anyone else, myself included).
Mr. X
Atlas Star
Posts: 27,249
United States

« Reply #16 on: July 15, 2018, 03:34:53 PM »

Indeed. If I could get a list of witnesses beforehand, I would appreciate it. Is the defense allowed to contact witnesses? Or will this be more of a neutral trial, in which the witnesses do not work with the prosecution or defense?

I assume you wouldn’t get access to or a list of prosecution witnesses since Tyrion didn’t in ASoS. 
Mr. X
Atlas Star
Posts: 27,249
United States

« Reply #17 on: July 15, 2018, 04:17:42 PM »

Can I join please?

I would like to play a small house very loyal to House Stark. I would like to improve my roleplay!

House Reed would seem to fit the bill.
Mr. X
Atlas Star
Posts: 27,249
United States

« Reply #18 on: July 15, 2018, 04:54:09 PM »

Can I join please?

I would like to play a small house very loyal to House Stark. I would like to improve my roleplay!

House Reed would seem to fit the bill.
I accept if it is possible!

You need to create it though (see the first page for instructions)
Mr. X
Atlas Star
Posts: 27,249
United States

« Reply #19 on: July 15, 2018, 09:02:07 PM »

Considering the urgency and timing of the trial, I saw that as happening first as there were no explicit plans for timings of the weddings, and it requires all parties to be at the Dreadfort per the orders. That's a fair deal of running back and forth

I thought the Stark-Bolton wedding was happening in three weeks and then the Dustin-Bolton wedding a week after that.  Manderly can always await trial in a cell or be confined to comfortable chambers at Winterfell until the festivities are over if that is cool with BaconKing.  It'd certainly be my vote.
Mr. X
Atlas Star
Posts: 27,249
United States

« Reply #20 on: July 15, 2018, 09:29:54 PM »

Ah thats my bad then I forgot the date. I'll amend my post when I get home, who all ended up attending?

All the Lords are invited (sans Manderly o/c because he's under arrest, I said so in the announcement).  Do people need to actually announce attendance?  I mean, given guest right, that seems like it might be a little bit of an excessive requirement, but your call.
Mr. X
Atlas Star
Posts: 27,249
United States

« Reply #21 on: July 15, 2018, 09:41:39 PM »
« Edited: July 15, 2018, 10:30:06 PM by Pope Michael Bolton »

Considering the urgency and timing of the trial, I saw that as happening first as there were no explicit plans for timings of the weddings, and it requires all parties to be at the Dreadfort per the orders. That's a fair deal of running back and forth

I thought the Stark-Bolton wedding was happening in three weeks and then the Dustin-Bolton wedding a week after that.  Manderly can always await trial in a cell or be confined to comfortable chambers at Winterfell until the festivities are over if that is cool with BaconKing.  It'd certainly be my vote.

Holding a reigning lord in a cell would be a serious breach of protocol. He turned himself over voluntarily and, as a reigning lord, cannot legally be confined so long as he remains bound to trial by his honor.

Hence, confined to comfortable chambers.  There is no shame in that, I think.  Sort of like medieval house arrest/an ankle bracelet.  Look, I'm trying to give you a way to save face here Tongue  You're mistaken about a Lord not being able to be confined though.
Mr. X
Atlas Star
Posts: 27,249
United States

« Reply #22 on: July 15, 2018, 10:30:47 PM »

Because someone who voluntarily turns himself over and is nobility doesn’t take a cell? Tyrion “committed the great crime of being a dwarf,” was not a reigning lord, and the circumstances of his imprisonment is rather different.

So you can be confined to comfortable guest chambers at Winterfell, if BK is cool with that.  Problem solved Tongue
Mr. X
Atlas Star
Posts: 27,249
United States

« Reply #23 on: July 16, 2018, 01:50:40 AM »

Lady Barbrey Snow of House Bolton, is henceforth betrothed and engaged to be married to Vickard of House Dustin. The ceremony and a feast held in their honor shall occur at The Dreadfort in three month's time, one week after the wedding of Lady Arsa Stark and my son, Jon of House Bolton.  I cordially request the attendance of all Northern Lords.  Furthermore, I humbly ask that the King of The North – in the interest of strengthening familial ties between his loyal vassals and offering The North yet another chance to bask in the hope and joy that come with seeing young love come to fruition – grant my daughter Barbrey a decree of legitimization.  

I think this is where my confusion came in; due to everyone being at Winterfell for the trial, they certainly can't be at the Dreadfort, and the turn is already over. They could very well be wed at Winterfell, but the arrangements for the trial were made for the timespan within these 3 months. As it stands Arsa Stark and Jon Bolton would be wed a week before the end of turn, but this trial has complicated matters. As the trial is already in motion, it isn't possible for everyone to be at the Dreadfort for the wedding.

Ah thats my bad then I forgot the date. I'll amend my post when I get home, who all ended up attending?

All the Lords are invited (sans Manderly o/c because he's under arrest, I said so in the announcement).  Do people need to actually announce attendance?  I mean, given guest right, that seems like it might be a little bit of an excessive requirement, but your call.

Announcing attendance is pretty important; mayhaps not all of a house would attend, which would be important ala "Always a Stark in Winterfell". What's more, certain characters may not find travel as easy, or some intrigue event could happen at a wedding, so who is there would certainly be important.

Then we can just change it to Stark-Bolton in two months, Bolton-Dustin one week after that, then the trial two weeks after that.  The weddings do need to come first.  My worry with (non-player ordered) intrigue events at a wedding is the same as children doing things that weren’t ordered: namely that it reduces player control of their own forces (this more of an issue with children stuff though).
Mr. X
Atlas Star
Posts: 27,249
United States

« Reply #24 on: July 17, 2018, 05:25:24 AM »

Yes I intended to be the marriage to occur during the second turn, in what I figure would be the fourth month after starting the game, and for turn two I'd personally invite each high lord individually as befits their status. I had assumed the trial would chronologically occur "during" the first turn and occur immediately following his arrest, as soon as the judges have gathered. I assumed the trial itself wouldn't take more than a couple of days? I'm ready to start the trial as soon as reasonable fwiw

Works for me
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