New ASOIAF/Game of Thrones game: Discussion and Voting

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Author Topic: New ASOIAF/Game of Thrones game: Discussion and Voting  (Read 1848 times)
Jr. Member
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« on: June 03, 2018, 02:53:56 PM »

I've got the the time and the notion to host a game to get my ASOIAF fix, but I'm interested in changing it up a bit. Rather than start in the midst of war, all three games would start during peace with the action ramping up as things move on. I designed the first two and have run campaigns for both.


Diplomacraft is a deeper ASOIAF experience and flavored more with the tones of the games Lumine has run, with a more open ended strategy and designed to take place over several in game years. Diplomacy between players is a huge part of the game, but just as important are dealing with your economy, statecraft in regards to your vassals and foreign powers, and also dealing with various crises and intrigues that will pop up from time to time. Players would create their own iterations of houses of the North in a virtually non descript time period in the Age of Heroes either before or during the Andal invasion, but definitely before the Doom of Valyria. Play will center around the Northern dynamic rather than deal too much with world affairs, as a mostly isolated kingdom, as well as some action with the Night's Watch(which is a much stronger entity than we know it from the series, 10,000 men strong) and Beyond the Wall.

Westeros has just come out of a brutal 8 year winter which led to a forced peace between the opposing factions. Much blood was spilt and the heads of both houses died in either the fighting or the winter that ensued, leaving much unsaid and done within this forced armistice. The crown of winter remains up for grabs though no one has yet claimed the title of King. Some examples of available houses and such:

1. Winterfell
Prestige: 9 (Held in high regard by all but their envious rivals)
Legitimacy: 9 (The Stark's bloodline dates back beyond memory and their works and triumphs are known throughout the North; however with the recent trade blockade of the Boltons this is beginning to be questioned)
Population: 420,000 / 3,200 foot, 1000 mounted
Income and coffers: Medium / 250,000 GD
Resources: Furs, Lumber
Traits and Notes:
The Starks of Winterfell - Inspires great loyalty, great troop morale, and has inherent magic, as well as being the rightful rulers of the North.
The Library of Winterfell - Aside from Castle Black and White Harbor, the only notable area encouraging study is the library of Winterfell, where many an ancient tome are kept

2. The Neck
Prestige: 2 (Feared, but generally looked down on)
Legitimacy: 8 (The Reed's have ruled the neck for a long while, but with the lack of formality and legalism comes its own risks, meaning lords are more flighty in decision making)
Population: 70,000 / 1,400 crannogmen
Income and coffers: Low to None / 20,000 GD (The treasures of your people and whatever plunder is gleaned from disrupted trade)
Resources: Peat (Heating in winter is not a problem due to the abundant sources of peat)
Traits and Notes:
Bog Devils - The infamy of the bog devils is well known; they are impossible to subjugate(supposedly) and their tactics are no less formidable for being known throughout the realm.
Warrior Culture - A substantial more amount of fighting folk can be raised than would usually be possible with such a small population due to the warrior culture of the Neck
The Neck - The Crannogmen control the only land route north, which is their only real source of income as well. Allow too many foreigners in however, and you will upset your bannermen

3. White Harbor
Prestige: 5 (The fact that the Manderly's worship the seven hampers their credibility, though makes the port a much more tolerant atmosphere for traders worldwide, increasing trade revenue)
Legitimacy: 6 (The wealth of House Manderly keeps many of the more outspoken zealots quiet, but there are those of your vassals who wish for a return to the old gods)
Population: 650,000 / 5,000 foot, 1,500 mounted
Income and coffers: High / 800,000 GD
Resources: Silver, Luxury Resource - Ale
Traits and Notes:
White Knife: One of the best trade routes in the North, this is vital to trade and whoever controls it recieves extensive benefits
The Seven: Gives troops poor morale and causes friction in the city between the two factions of believers
Silver Mines: Though it takes more time than trade, you can pull your wealth directly out of the ground if need be by setting up subsidized work projects. Pulls directly from soldier pool however due to the hard labor
Trade Fleet: House Manderly possesses a large trade fleet and a few warships, with the ability to convert these for battle or expand this fleet

2. Diplomacy

Similar in nature to most board games like Diplomacy but with some very doctored mechanics and ASOIAF feel injected into it. We had a lot of fun with this brutal game, though much like the real version shattered friendships and led to a huge schism between us that meant we never ran more than 3 games. This game became pretty labor intensive after awhile as well so I'd have to doctor the rules some,  but I'd be down to run one if we kept numbers low. The first game we had 20 players which became utter madness @.@

Setting is up for debate

3. The Crowned Stag

Back to the style of games Lumine runs, this would take during the reign of Robert Baratheon either post or pre Greyjoy rebellion. A relatively peaceful time where all the houses have opportunity to scheme. Play would be primarily focused on the court of King's Landing, meaning each player would need a representative for their house there, without the ability to control more than a single character until later in the game. Less focused on heads of houses with the exception of Jon Arryn and Robert Baratheon. Something I thought we should try, but I'm open to suggestions on something fun to run.

Now time for discussion to see what people are interested in and if people have the time currently.
Jr. Member
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« Reply #1 on: June 03, 2018, 11:30:06 PM »

I most likely couldn’t commit to diplomacy. However, diplomacraft or the crowned stag scenario seem to be well within the realm of possible. I’d be quite excited for another ASOIAF RP to pop up!
Jr. Member
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« Reply #2 on: June 04, 2018, 10:33:16 AM »

I'll get some more materials together for people to look at so they can start perusing the various holdings available to take. Last time we played no one took the Starks or Boltons which made the politics interesting...
Jr. Member
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« Reply #3 on: June 04, 2018, 11:33:09 PM »

This is by no means a complete list, but should offer some general guidelines as to some of the main factions of the North. Plenty of room to create a custom house in the open spaces on the map.

The first thing you'll want to do is pick a faction and then use the house member creator to flesh out your dynasty and court. There are some things that go unsaid about some of the factions, though most of the important points are noted. Not all factions will be equal or even equatable, and each essentially has different goals. You may have a maximum of 10 house members, though you will see why keeping numbers low can also be very important, and of course as previous one of these characters is the head of the faction.

Prestige: The respect of the realm towards you
Legitimacy: The respect of your vassals towards you
Population: The amount of people in your lands / The amount of armies able to be summoned at game start
Income and coffers: The income and current funds of your regime
Resources: The resources available to your faction
Traits and Notes: Any special rules or notes about your faction

1. Winterfell
Prestige: 9 (Held in high regard by all but their envious rivals)
Legitimacy: 9 (The Stark's bloodline dates back beyond memory and their works and triumphs are known throughout the North; however with the recent trade blockade of the Boltons this is beginning to be questioned)
Population: 420,000 / 3,200 foot, 1000 mounted
Income and coffers: Medium / 250,000 GD
Resources: Furs, Lumber
Traits and Notes:
The Starks of Winterfell - Inspires great loyalty, great troop morale, and has inherent magic, as well as being the rightful rulers of the North.
The Library of Winterfell - Aside from Castle Black and White Harbor, the only notable area encouraging study is the library of Winterfell, where many an ancient tome are kept

2. The Neck
Prestige: 2 (Feared, but generally looked down on)
Legitimacy: 8 (The Reed's have ruled the neck for a long while, but with the lack of formality and legalism comes its own risks, meaning lords are more flighty in decision making)
Population: 70,000 / 1,400 crannogmen
Income and coffers: Low to None / 20,000 GD (The treasures of your people and whatever plunder is gleaned from disrupted trade)
Resources: Peat (Heating in winter is not a problem due to the abundant sources of peat)
Traits and Notes:
Bog Devils - The infamy of the bog devils is well known; they are impossible to subjugate(supposedly) and their tactics are no less formidable for being known throughout the realm.
Warrior Culture - A substantial more amount of fighting folk can be raised than would usually be possible with such a small population due to the warrior culture of the Neck
The Neck - The Crannogmen control the only land route north, which is their only real source of income as well. Allow too many foreigners in however, and you will upset your bannermen

3. White Harbor
Prestige: 5 (The fact that the Manderly's worship the seven hampers their credibility, though makes the port a much more tolerant atmosphere for traders worldwide, increasing trade revenue)
Legitimacy: 6 (The wealth of House Manderly keeps many of the more outspoken zealots quiet, but there are those of your vassals who wish for a return to the old gods)
Population: 650,000 / 5,000 foot, 1,500 mounted
Income and coffers: High / 800,000 GD
Resources: Silver, Luxury Resource - Ale
Traits and Notes:
White Knife: One of the best trade routes in the North, this is vital to trade and whoever controls it recieves extensive benefits
The Seven: Gives troops poor morale and causes friction in the city between the two factions of believers
Silver Mines: Though it takes more time than trade, you can pull your wealth directly out of the ground if need be by setting up subsidized work projects. Pulls directly from soldier pool however due to the hard labor
Trade Fleet: House Manderly possesses a large trade fleet and a few warships, with the ability to convert these for battle or expand this fleet

4. The Dreadfort
Prestige: 8 (Uncouth tactics have left a bitter taste in the mouth when uttering the name Bolton, but the fear the name inspires hushes most criticism)
Legitimacy: 10 (Fear has an iron grasp on your vassals, and with the new trade route having developed and in Bolton control, your lords applaud your every move)
Population: 400,000 / 3,000 foot, 1000 mounted
Income and coffers: Medium / 250,000 GD
Resources: Furs, Lumber, Fish
Traits and Notes:
Trade Route: The new road leading east to the sea has given the Boltons somewhat of a monopoly on the trade central to the North not flowing up the white knife, as few ships visit the eastern coast at all
The Flayed Man: House Bolton inspires great fear, giving solid morale(though not as good as some) and makes revolt very unlikely

5. Karhold
Prestige: 6 (House Karstark doesn't enjoy the same status as their namesake kin, though they are known as doughty fighters. Too rural and somewhat remote to be considered with the same reckoning as Stark or Bolton)
Legitimacy: 8 (Your vassals are humble, but enjoy staying at home and dislike your dealings with the Braavosi, who they claim have begun to settle some of your coastlines to enact their own small logging operations)
Population: 300,000 / 2,300 foot, 700 horse
Income and coffers: Low* / 100,000 GD
Resources: Lumber(See below), Fish
Traits and Notes:
Greatwood Trees - The trees if Karhold are both plentiful and one of a kind; the greatwood tree only takes root in great number here, and Braavosi shipmakers pay highly for this as well as lumber for firewood, representing most of the Karstark income
Rural Coasts - The coasts are broad and the fishing is here is some of the best in the North, though it begins to freeze during winter and are somewhat hard to police
Woodland - This confers a bonus while fighting on your land, while also taking more time to mobilize men as well as making it more difficult to keep them fed in one place

6. Mountain Clans
Prestige: 4 (Though never openly mocked in their hearing for fear of reprisal, it is well known the North generally looks down on the mountain clans as backwater folk only a rung above wildlings)
Legitimacy: 6 (House Liddle currently holds senior position among the clan chiefs, but due to the democratic and squabbling nature of the mountain clans, holding any central position of power requires constant maintenance and pleasing of chiefs)
Population: 200,000 / 3,000 fighting men each with their own garron and equipment, many with spares
Income and coffers: Low to none / 50,000 GD
Resources: Garrons, Goats
Traits and Notes:
True Northmen - Due to living in the rugged mountains, there are no troops more suited to cold conditions of true winter than the clansmen, and their garrons will last longer than any other northern mount, however they are not ridden into battle generally
Mountainous - Easy to defend the lands these folk no well, and they are difficult to subjugate, though it also is time consuming to mobilize forces
Warrior Culture - Instead of soaking up precious resources in winter, these folk prefer to die with steel in hand, and in general value combat highly, letting them levy more troops than other factions

7. The Rills
Prestige: 7 (House Ryswell is known far and wide for their horseflesh and command a sizable chunk of the North, though not capable of the shows of force House Stark or Bolton can muster)
Legitimacy: 8 (Your vassals are rich through the horse trade, though many also now push for ways to expand this revenue and find new sources of trade and land expand this monopoly)
Population: 280,000 / 1,800 foot and 1000 mounted
Income and coffers: Medium* / 500,000 GD
Resources: Horses
Traits and Notes:
Horsemen - The rills boast the swiftest and fastest horses of the north, as well as the best riders
Longships - A number of fishing boats are available as well as a few longships to House Ryswell to help protect its coasts
Irrigation - Due to the nature of the rills, farmland is abundant due to easy irrigation methods, though not fit for all crops

8. Barrowton
Prestige: 5 (In short, House Dustin is known for its mead, not for its famous victories in the field; however, despite being a younger house they have managed to grasp a sizable portion of land, a deal of it being the best farmland the North has to offer)
Legitimacy: 6 (With more food than is known what to do with, your lords press you to secure trade routes with which to expand revenue streams outside of the North and Saltspear. They also press you to continue colonizing land by issuing grants to their own vassals)
Population: 450,000 / 3,500 fighting men, 1000 mounted
Income and coffers: Medium / 400,000 GD
Resources: Mead, Honey, Dairy products
Traits and Notes:
Best Farmland - The lands beholden to Barrowton are both vast and fruitful; a great deal of the best land is already in full production, but much of the outliers such as Cape Kraken remain unsettled
Rapid Growth - Due to its location and bountiful harvests, Barrowton can experience a great deal of population growth and is a hotbed for refugess of war

9. Bear Island
Prestige: 3
Legitimacy: 9 (None question the rule of House Mormont but your coastal vassals, who provide nearly half your manpower)
Population: 170,000 / 1300 foot, 400 mounted
Income and coffers: Low / 75,000 GD
Resources: Fish, Exotic Furs
Traits and Notes:
Large Game - There are no better hunters than those of bear island, who tangle with the largest prey available south of the wall
South Coast - The South coast of Bear island remains fishable even in the deeps of winter, providing a steady though less consistent source of food, with the rest being free of ice the rest of the time
Skinchangers - House Mormont boasts a large number of skinchangers, rumors say
Fleet - The Bear has not forgotten the Kraken; House Mormont has the only sizable fleet this side of the North

10. Skaagos
Prestige: 5 (Fear is a paramount figure in this equation, causing many lords to shun the island all together, as they are known as slavers, cannibals, and worse)
Legitimacy: 9 (The Skaagosi are bloodthirsty people, who require raiding and plunder to sate them, as well as preservation of old customs such as first night. Give them this, and they are putty in your hands)
Population: 120,000 / 3,000 foot*
Income and coffers: Low to None, 10,000 GD
Resources: Fish, Slaves, Obsidian Mines, Unicorn Blood/Horn/Hair*
Traits and Notes:
Unicorns - These creatures reportedly have great magical properties; their hair is whispered to be unbreakable and unlike any other material found in the world, their blood is reputedly able to grant great gifts to its drinker at a price, and its horns are said to be able to heard across great distances, inspire men, and even contact the children of the forest
Wildling Trade - Along with having trade with the wildlings for what few luxury goods beyond the wall land has to offer, they also are saddled with many a wildling washing up on their coasts, who they enslave and take as thralls, even occassionally selling them to those from the free cities, though your lords do not appreciate dealings with foreigners
Obsidian Mines - The lands of Skaagos boast of the only obsidian mines in the north, though the profession and act of mining is mocked as low by all Skaagosi, fit work only for thralls
Cannibals - The Skaagosi have methods to avoid starvation and harsh winters that are not even considered, let alone spoken openly of; some say they even engage in it ritualistically
*Skaagosi troops, while numerous and possessing almost unshakable morale, are poorly armored and armed

11. Last Hearth
Prestige: 7 (The mightiest fighters the North has to offer, these men often have fierce reputations which command respect, though is not always given by the haughtiest of Northern lords due to rumors of barbaric activities)
Legitimacy: 10 (The Umbers and their vassals keep the old ways such as First Night and blood sacrifice. By allowing them to hold to these traditions you command their undying loyalty, though it causes some in the realm to shun you)
Population: 340,000 / 2000 foot, 1000 men with garrons, 400 mounted
Income and coffers: Low / 120,000 GD
Resources: Lumber, Weirwood, Gold?*, precious resources?*, secrets?*
Traits and Notes:
Wildling raids - The Umbers suffer from raiding wildlings due to the lack of natural cover the mountain clans can boast, and some say they use passages and ways now lost to the North to pillage
Cave Systems - Underneath the North and extending even beyond the wall are vast caves of unknown origin; though some return with fables of riches untold waiting to be mined or secret passages with secrets, more return with tales of monsters and demons, or not at all
Weirwood Grove - The Umbers possess the largest natural grove of weirwoods south of the wall, rivalling Winterfell's godswood. The Umbers swear by its power and make regular prayer here, which they say explains their harvests which seem larger than should be possible...

12. The Wall
Prestige: 10
Legitimacy: 10
Population: 10,000 / 1,000 rangers, 3,000 foot, 1,000 mounted
Income and coffers: Low / 50,000 GD
Resources: None
Traits and Notes:
The Decline of the Watch - The Night's Watch is an institution of great prestige, however over the course of time this begins to decline as the watch forgets its true purpose
Libraries of Castle Black - If there is a center of learning of the North, it is ironically at the wall, where thousands of books lie dating from beyond living memory

13. Beyond The Wall
Prestige: 1 (You are a chief of the Free Folk, where respect and loyalty is earned through action, not birth)
Legitimacy: 1 (Your holdings are small, but those under your command are loyal)
Population: 500,000
Income and coffers: None / 100 GD in valuables
Resources: Giants, Mammoths, Obsidian
Traits and Notes:
Wildlings - The Free Folk are notoriously fickle and difficult to organize, and while forming armies is possible, forming labour groups is almost laughable
Mr. X
Atlas Star
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« Reply #4 on: June 09, 2018, 10:45:59 PM »

Dibs on House Bolton if we do Diplomacraft
Jr. Member
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« Reply #5 on: June 10, 2018, 03:09:24 AM »

Dibs on House Bolton if we do Diplomacraft
Junior Chimp
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« Reply #6 on: June 29, 2018, 02:34:05 PM »

Are we really ready for a new ASOIAF game? I'll consider joining though.
Jr. Member
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« Reply #7 on: June 29, 2018, 02:37:44 PM »

7 players and counting! Cheesy

I'd definitely say that means ready
Junior Chimp
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« Reply #8 on: July 03, 2018, 03:32:15 PM »

Cool! What's still available?
Jr. Member
Posts: 895
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« Reply #9 on: July 03, 2018, 09:47:23 PM »

Karstark, Beyond the Wall, Reed, Umber, Skaagosi and I think that's all thats open. It'll be in the sign up topic Smiley
Mr. X
Atlas Star
Posts: 27,249
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« Reply #10 on: July 03, 2018, 10:23:36 PM »

Karstark, Beyond the Wall, Reed, Umber, Skaagosi and I think that's all thats open. It'll be in the sign up topic Smiley

Mormont too IIRC
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