Kaiserreich - The Legacy of the Weltkrieg

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Author Topic: Kaiserreich - The Legacy of the Weltkrieg  (Read 5836 times)
Junior Chimp
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« on: May 22, 2018, 05:45:59 PM »

Kaiserreich - The Legacy of the Weltkrieg:
A Balance of Power Game -


"Welcome to a different world. . ."

It has been more than a decade since the end of the Weltkrieg, or as you may know it better - "The Great War". The world has seen the fall of the French and British empires... to be replaced by the Kaiserreich. Germany and her allies reign supreme over this world. In Europe, her "Mitteleuropa" economic and military partnerships allow her power over both her Syndicalist neighbors to the West, and her everweakening Russian neighbors to the East. In Africa, "Mittelafrika" claims supremacy as a successful German client state providing crucial raw materials for the German people. In Asia, her occupation of Viet Nam and fellow surrounding puppets signify her dominance to the Oriental peoples.

But all is not to be seen as rosy for the Kaiserreich. An aging and weakened Kaiser, emphasized by the world's dampened economy, is surrounded by former and new enemies alike, is worried if this grand empire can survive what fate has in store for it...

The fate of the Kaiserreich, and the world, rest in your hands. Whether a the world shall remain under "Peace with Honor" , or shall be plunged into another war rests within your hands. This is your new world. This is Kaiserreich.


Basic Rules:

1. Turns: Just like BoP I, II, and Sword of Damocles, players will have to play turns that represent six months, in which they will react to ongoing crises and events and post their policies, moves and reactions to what other players do. If we enter a World War (which I will define), the game enters a special mode, much slower, in which we play month by month or with two-month turns at best.

2. Historical Context: The Game starts on January 1st, 1936. All events before January 1st, 1914 are considered to have gone as they did in history, and after that, we'll base our new history from the Kaiserreich world and the backstory we will come up with.

3. Messages: Secret messages between the players must include the GM, all of them. I will not acknowledge moves or negotiations I am not aware of, so be careful with that.

4. Historical Events: A mixture of dice and random number generator will work out to determine events as they go. There are no historical events to simulate per se, but we will see similar events to our history emerge in the game. Each year, we will also have the announcement of the Nobel Peace Prize and the Man of the Year (from a magazine I will select later on), prizes that any player can win to boost his public profile and prestige.

5. Stats: These are to be released every two turns in terms of your popularity, economic state and internal strife. I have reworked the military system of BoP II into a much simpler version, and in this game we will use Divisions, Fleets and Air Corps rather than going by too much detail. This will be explained in further detail on a thread of its own.

6. Game Over: Game Over can come in three ways: A.- (All) By getting defeated in war and then deposed by the enemy. B.- (Democratic Nations) By losing a significant election, and C.- (Monarchies/Dictatorship) Losing a Revolution/Civil War. Assassinations and ending one's term in office (with no electoral defeat) will not count as Game-Overs, and you will continue with the successor if your party or movement won. In case of a game over for a player who led a nation that still exists (or has changed leaders via elections), said nation will be offered to another player first.

7. Players, Nations and Simulation: I will simulate all NPC countries, but will do so in simple manner. The objective is not to come up with a 100% accurate and realistic world, but to strike a balance between gameplay and something "realistically" ahistorical.

Note: I will be your host, but I will be consulting with Lumine (who is the master of BoP) in doing so. If I make a couple of mistakes, please bear with me as I struggle to understand this magical game.
Junior Chimp
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« Reply #1 on: May 22, 2018, 05:47:31 PM »
« Edited: May 28, 2018, 09:55:37 PM by NeverAgain »

Players and Countries:


German Empire: (New Tennessean Politician)
In 1919, after five years of bloody warfare, the German army finally overran the Entente in France. By 1921, Britain as well made peace. The Weltkrieg made Germany the world's first uncontested superpower, yet things are going downhill for her since the start of this decade. A recessive world economy has dampened the nation's industrial output, while other nation's manufacturing power strives to recover. Nationalism now rows in Germany's client states, who start to drift away from her Reich. In 1936, she stands at a crossroads, and already we can see cracks in her mighty empire, as her ancestral and newfound enemies alike, gain strength.

Commune of France: (JacksonHitchcock)
The French Third Republic ended the way in began: defeated by German arms and facing a revolution at home. In 1919, a General Strike was called by the CGT, causing the downfall of the bourgeois government. For 15 years, the new "Commune of France" has united behind a common platform of Synico-Socialist consensus, headed by the Comité de Salut Public. However by 1936, the calls to rebuild the country and defend the ideals of the revolution are believed to be outdated, and many strive for greater radicalism. France is confident in her mission, but it is unclear which revolutionary strangs shall become dominant in the years to come...

The Union of Britain: (HenryWallaceVP)
After 1921's "Peace with Honor" ended the Weltkrieg, the faith and support of the people in the Home Islands had wholly disappeared. In 1925, disaster struck, a minor labor dispute quickly escalated into a General Strike called by the Trade Union Committee, followed by military desertions to the strikers. After six weeks of rioting on a massive scale, the Royal Family and most of the country's elites were evacuated to Canada and the Congress of Trade Unions assumed political and governmental authority. The British people are currently content with their ability to build a socialist state in isolation, yet many are starting to think that the Monarchists in Canada cannot be allowed to plot against the Union indefinitely.

Russian Republic: (Lumine)
During Russia's Civil War, the White forces fought with all they had, but the Red Army still dominated the country's industrial heartland. The German Empire, however, fearing a Red Russia, intervened on behalf of the Whites. Two years later, Petrograd and Moscow fell to the White Forces, and a new Russian Republic was established. The past fifteen years have seen a Russian Republic governed by Andrew Kerensky, which is growing increasingly unstable. Other political forces are growing, and they are considering that it is now time for change - that Russia must proclaim herself again in this world.

Netherlands: (terp40hitch)
While preserving neutrality in Europe, the Netherlands faced all the fiercer challenges in their colonies. The Insulindian Independence movement grows bolder by the day, and the grand days of the Dutch Navy are long gone. Even in Europe, things could be better; the Netherlands have always had a special economic and personal relationship with Germany, but the rising German economic troubles could extend unto the Low Countries. And all of this comes at a time in which a rising number of the Dutch people falter over French syndicalism or the dreams of a Greater Netherlands.

Italian Republic:
After Italy lost everything in the Weltkrieg, due to what can only be called horrific incompetence, the cowardly Savoyard kings fled the country and allowed the Austrians to impose a Federation led by a puppet Archduke in Modena. From the Ashes, the Republic was proclaimed; but French lapdogs divided the revolution between Democratic and Syndicalist principles. After much bloodshed, an uneasy border at the Po River was proclaimed, but Italy controls little of its former Kingdom. Now, as crisis and war loom so do the opportunities for Italy to rise from its ashes like a phoenix... no matter the cost.

Two Sicilies: (ASPN/Dr. Novella)
The Kingdom of the Two Sicilies was never meant to be independent, but rather a member of the Italian Federation to replace the Kingdom. In the chaos of the Civil War, only brave Sicily stood firm against the Syndicalist tide, and its timely help saved the Holy See from a grizzly fate at the hands of anarchists. Over the last two decades, much has changed.  Economic growth and stability have allowed the Kingdom to enjoy a relative state of peace despite the ever-present threat in the North. However, as Germany and Austria weaken and the Syndicalist vultures grow bolder - war now looms over the Mezzogiorno.

Austria Hungary: (YPestis25)
Austria–Hungary, also known as the Austro-Hungarian Empire or the Dual Monarchy, is a state in Central Europe ruled by the House of Habsburg in Vienna, constitutionally a monarchic union between the Crowns of the Austrian Empire and the Kingdom of Hungary. The state is a result of the Ausgleich or Compromise of 1867, under which the Austrian Habsburgs agreed to share power with a separate Hungarian government, dividing the territory of the former Austrian Empire between them.

After the renegotiations of the Ausgleich in 1927, the constituent parts of Austria–Hungary are:

 - Austria, a primary constituent of the Dual Monarchy
 - Hungary, a primary constituent of the Dual Monarchy
 - Illyria, a secondary constituent of the Dual Monarchy.
 - Bohemia, a secondary constituent of the Dual Monarchy under the control of the Austrian Crown
 - Galicia-Lodomeria, a secondary constituent of the Dual Monarchy under the control of the Austrian Crown

Now, a fragile less-than-a-decade old coalition, can this once great World Power stay together?

Kingdom of Lithuania: (Chadpotkin)
This fragile German puppet back just two decades to its inception. In 1917, during the Weltkrieg, the Great Seimas, where gathered intellectuals and Lithuanian representatives declared the Lithuanian right to autonomy within the Russian Empire, was repeated with the Vilnius Conference. The Council of Lithuania was elected as the representative of the Lithuanian nation, and in December of 1917, it declared the creation of the Kingdom of Lithuania, with "eternal ties to Germany". Wilhelm von Urach, a Catholic German duke, was elected as King of Lithuania and officially coronated in 1920 under the new name Mindaugas II. After his death in 1929, he was succeeded by his son, Mindaugas III.

The freshly baked Kingdom immediately joined Mitteleuropa and the Reichspakt, but still has its big share of problems. Many Lithuanians were disappointed by the state of affairs and the German dominance in the kingdom, which led to the creation of extreme nationalist groups wishing to break this domination. Socialism has been gaining influence in Lithuania since the early 20th century, too, and the Social Democratic Party has been receiving many votes in the elections for many years, too. While the Christian Democrats remain in power for now, who knows what can happen in the next period of history?

Kingdom of Spain: (HCP)
After the failure of the three-year Rif War, bringing down both the sitting government and most support for Spanish Democracy, furthered by the Assassination of Prime Minister Dato, Spain was in dire need for a leader. The weak new Liberal Government alienated the military and pushed unpopular military spending cuts, widely seen as attempts to weaken the strength the military had over the government. General Miguel Primo de Rivera led a coup d'etat and took Madrid with popular support and King Alfonso XIII soon declared him the new Prime Minister.

After continued losses, Rivera called on German Support to end the Rif Conflict. With the arrival of over 100,000 German Troops, the Rifians were hopelessly outnumbered and the conflict ended. In 1925, the British Empire fell, and Spain ignited many land grabs after its seizing of Gibraltar. Rivera's foreign strengths were coupled with his poor domestic economic handling, which soon sent Spain into an economic depression. Rivera resigned, yet still public opinion soured on the Constitutional Monarchy. Republicans led an attempted coup over the Kingdom and, seeing the waning Monarchist support, Alfonso fled Spain. On May 12th, 1931, a landslide victory for a coalition of Marxist and Republican Leftists emerged, headed by War Minister Manuel Azaña Díaz.

Immediately, reforms under the Azaña administration became unpopular among the people, and a coup seemed imminent. On August 10, 1932, revolts broke out through the whole of Spain, and Azaña and his cabinet had fled the capital - the Republic had fallen. The two key players Sanjurjo and Barrera established themselves as Prime Minister and Minister of the Interior respectively. The monarchist tendencies of both Sanjurjo and Barrera, led the exiled Alfonso XIII to be invited back to Spain and offered his throne. King Alfonso XIII now leads an unstable regime, can he keep it?

America, Asia, and Africa (A.K.A. THE REST OF THE WORLD):

United States of America: (SaltGiver)
The USA almost left their isolationist policy to help the Entente during the Weltkrieg, but ultimately kept out of the war. This directly led to the victory of the Central Powers. Since then, the USA has struggled economically, European trade opportunities, and the repayment of US loans to the Entente have been made impossible by a German victory. Still internationally regarded as a "nobody", the US now faces internal dissent as the two-party hegemony is challenged by two groups - Syndicalists of the North and America First Unionists of the South. With a mounting crisis at home and a meek reputation abroad - the USA faces challenges ahead.

Dominion of Canada: (Not_Madigan)
After the 1925 Revolution, the Royal Family and other British exiles found refuge in Canada. With the support of the Conservative Party, they established a semi-official government in exile, in the hopes of one day reclaiming the Home Islands. All in not well, however, with the loss of Bennett's Conservatives to Mackenzie King's Liberals, who, with a loose coalition of "Progressives", now seek to assert Parliamentary sovereignty over the growing power of the exiled Crown members. With the global political situation deteriorating, the stage is set for intense conflict both at home and abroad.

Ottoman Empire: (Kalwejt)
When peace came in 1921 the Ottoman Empire gains constituted Cyprus directly and a set of puppet governments in Albania and Libya. The Berlin-Baghdad Railway was finally completed and extended to Basra as well. However, despite these victories, the Sultanate remained in desperate need of reform. In 1936, the Sultanate is seemingly staggering and slipping, more and more groups demanding reforms are appearing to be joined by ever increasing ethnic tensions, economically too it is reliant on German support especially the oil trade from the Middle East.

Japan: (TimTurner)
While the "Peace with Honor" guaranteed Japanese rule over the colonies, not all was well in the Empire of the Rising Sun. After a period of economic upheaval culminated in the Syndicalist attempt on the life of Prince Hirohito in 1926, unstable governments followed one another in a year of crisis. First General Tanaka, the Democratic Coalition, and an intervention in NE China all proved unhelpful to the Japanese cause. In 1936, Japan is poised to extend her empire. With Germany's dominance appearing to be in decline, the Japanese look hungrily at the remaining Qing territories and Germany's Pacific possessions.

Australasia: (GoTFan)
Nearly two decades after the Weltkrieg, Astralasia still hasn't healed. Unbelievably catastrophic manpower losses and sacrifices in the Weltkrieg all for not have led to an atmosphere of cynicism and hopelessness as the once-great British Empire crumbled to pieces. The economy is a complete dumpster fire, a natural consequence of the fall of the UK and the ensuing  loss of exports. The shadow of the syndicalist "Melbourne Commune" still haunts the continent, but there are many who have not forgotten the Empire and desire to claim their birthright.

As a protectorate of the British Empire, Egypt was forced to side with the Entente in the Weltkrieg. Yet with the signing of the "Peace with Honor", the fermenting of the Egyptian anger was unquenchable until the 1925 British Revolution. In the chaos, the Egyptians launched their own liberal revolution, headed by the Egyptian Sultan. As 1936 arrives, the Sultanate's eyes fall increasing upon the Young Farouk, the heir being groomed for the Sultan's throne. And with the decline of the Ottoman Empire, members of all political parties begin to wonder and plan to restore the might of Egypt - and quite possibly a Ottoman-Free Middle-East.

National France: (Dereich)
Not all Frenchmen were happy with the Commune. When the workers rose up in 1919 military leaders, conservatives, and part of the liberal establishment fled ahead of Syndicalist reprisals. Safe in Algeria under the protection of the French Fleet, a junta of officers quickly proclaimed a Fourth Republic led by the war hero Marshal Pétain, a government ready to lead the Republic to retake what was taken from them. But as 1936 dawns, the Republic's future is uncertain. French exiles on the left and the right have grown tired of the junta, and demands for a new Constitution arise. The native population, long dormant, have begun to chafe under French rule. And across the Mediterranean, the Commune is preparing for war...

Finland: (Sestak)
Finland gained her independence during the general collapse of the Russian Empire in 1917, and the country fought a brief, but bitter civil war soon after between the Reds, formed from various leftist activists, and the Whites, made up by the conservative-nationalist opposition and the official government. In the end the White forces won with the help of German support, and Finland became a monarchy under the rule of Prince Frederick of Hesse, who assumed the name Fredrik Kaarle I. Now, the right-wing Lapua Movement holds all government positions, after a widely supported started a revolt in Mäntsälä, much to the chagrin of the remaining Syndicalist and leftist Finns. With growing internal tensions, and enjoying cold relations with their Swedish and Russian neighbors over the Treaty of Tartu, Finland is ripe for change...

Poland: (wxtransit)
For more than a century before the end of the Weltkrieg, there had been no Polish nation - carved up by Prussian and Russian neighbors. Polish fortunes appeared to change with the Act of November 5th, 1916, when the Polish lands occupied by the German Empire were granted autonomy from the collapsing Russian Empire. This success, however, came at a price. The Germans made a concerted effort to colonize a portion of their land known as the Polish Frontier Strip. Meanwhile, the election of a new King of Poland has been fraught with difficulty. Janusz Radziwiłł and the Regency Council has been unable to form a consensus on who exactly should be elected. Complicating matters, both Germany and Austria have involved themselves in the debate as whoever is elected could tie Poland to either country's royal house, the Hohenzollerns or the Hapsburgs. With no clear end in sight, Poland's "Eternal Regency" is set to continue...

Any of the nations seen in Kaiserreich ARE playable. However, since not all are as in-depth and focused as those above, I will not be able to therefore give as in-depth as focused questions or stats at the beginning. As you develop your nation, the culture and questions will be essentially based on your early decisions and chosen path.
Punxsutawney Phil
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« Reply #2 on: May 22, 2018, 05:48:33 PM »

What countries can we play? This looks fun!!
Huey Long is a Republican
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« Reply #3 on: May 22, 2018, 05:49:31 PM »

I'll have Germany please
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« Reply #4 on: May 22, 2018, 06:26:33 PM »

What countries can we play? This looks fun!!
A list of countries could be very helpful
YaBB God
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« Reply #5 on: May 22, 2018, 06:27:23 PM »

What countries can we play? This looks fun!!
A list of countries could be very helpful
Patience could be helpful as well my dude.
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« Reply #6 on: May 22, 2018, 06:41:41 PM »

Russia, please. I'd love to play as Wrangel if possible!
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« Reply #7 on: May 22, 2018, 06:44:16 PM »

Russia, please. I'd love to play as Wrangel if possible!

Don't you mean Tsar Pyotr IV??

I'll take Austria-Hungary if it's open!
YaBB God
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« Reply #8 on: May 22, 2018, 06:46:00 PM »

I'd like the Dominion of Canada please.
YaBB God
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« Reply #9 on: May 22, 2018, 06:59:50 PM »
« Edited: May 22, 2018, 07:04:42 PM by Dereich »

National France if possible. Italian Federation if not.

Normally I'd say I don't have time for a game like this, but I adore Kaiserreich. Which version will you be basing this game on? I understand there have been pretty radical changes to recent canon.
Punxsutawney Phil
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« Reply #10 on: May 22, 2018, 07:01:11 PM »

I would like to reserve Britain.
Gone to Carolina
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« Reply #11 on: May 22, 2018, 07:07:31 PM »

May I reserve the United States, if possible?
Junior Chimp
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« Reply #12 on: May 22, 2018, 07:11:52 PM »

Sorry for the delay, I probably should have locked this so that people got a sense of what countries were possible before I opened this up. I would encourage everyone to read over the list, and solidify their decisions.
Punxsutawney Phil
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« Reply #13 on: May 22, 2018, 07:14:08 PM »

I have lost interest in the UK. I'd rather play Japan.
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« Reply #14 on: May 22, 2018, 07:15:11 PM »

I confirm my choice of Russia.
YaBB God
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« Reply #15 on: May 22, 2018, 07:15:59 PM »

I reaffirm my choice of the Dominion of Canada.
YaBB God
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« Reply #16 on: May 22, 2018, 07:17:02 PM »

I'd still like National France if possible.
Punxsutawney Phil
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« Reply #17 on: May 22, 2018, 07:17:21 PM »

I confirm it - I'm choosing Japan.
also, Nev, I thank you for the effort you put into this!
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« Reply #18 on: May 22, 2018, 07:17:48 PM »

Atlas Institution
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« Reply #19 on: May 22, 2018, 07:19:38 PM »

The Ottoman Empire.

At risk of sounding "greedy", given the RL peace at Brest, I think it would be reasonable for TTL Ottomans to have some similar gains on the Russia's expense.
Junior Chimp
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« Reply #20 on: May 22, 2018, 07:24:07 PM »

Russia, please. I'd love to play as Wrangel if possible!

Kerensky currently leads Russia, but I am sure that may change soon enough with the hope of many being that he can restore Russia to greatness where radical leadership has failed.

Okay, Mr. Kaiser.

I'll take Austria-Hungary if it's open!

It is, you will be Emperor Karl von Habsburg-Lothringen I!

Your Royal Highness, King George the Fifth!

National France if possible. Italian Federation if not.

Normally I'd say I don't have time for a game like this, but I adore Kaiserreich. Which version will you be basing this game on? I understand there have been pretty radical changes to recent canon.

National France is! You will be The Lion of Verdun - Philippe Pétain!

Basing this off the most recent iteration in Hearts of Iron IV.

May I reserve the United States, if possible?

Your Excellency.

You must be logged in to read this quote.

Your Pashaness.

I confirm it - I'm choosing Japan.
also, Nev, I thank you for the effort you put into this!

Your Majesty.

Mrs. Queen.

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« Reply #21 on: May 22, 2018, 07:26:43 PM »

Can I create a country? I wanted to be like the Republic Of Alaska
Junior Chimp
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« Reply #22 on: May 22, 2018, 07:30:42 PM »

Can I create a country? I wanted to be like the Republic Of Alaska

I am sorry. While this is an alternate history world, I still need to base things on some semblance of fictional reality. You are more than welcome to look through the list of Kaiserreich nations and find one you like: http://kaiserreich.wikia.com/wiki/List_of_Countries
YaBB God
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« Reply #23 on: May 22, 2018, 07:32:58 PM »

Can I create a country? I wanted to be like the Republic Of Alaska

For reference, this is basically what the (older version) map looks like. It's different, but not that different from this.

Junior Chimp
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« Reply #24 on: May 22, 2018, 07:34:28 PM »

Can I create a country? I wanted to be like the Republic Of Alaska

For reference, this is basically what the (older version) map looks like. It's different, but not that different from this.

I will probably make a couple of minor changes in the Balkans, Middle East, and Italy, but other than that, this will likely be the map.
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