The Century of Blood: Main Game Thread (Turn Three)

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Author Topic: The Century of Blood: Main Game Thread (Turn Three)  (Read 1936 times)
Jr. Member
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« on: April 30, 2016, 01:14:35 AM »
« edited: June 04, 2016, 02:28:41 PM by leonardothered »

Early 10 BC: Turn One

General View

Volantis has begun to fill the tremendous power vacuum left by the Doom of Valyria, much to the dismay of the rest of the so called "Free Cities". The wheels of the Game continue to turn in Westeros, with several houses vying for power and none truly holding all of the cards. New powers are rising in the world; it is up to you to seize what you can and destroy what you cannot. In the Game of Thrones, you win or you die. In the Century of Blood, you decide the fate of the known world and will set the course of history - forever.

The Triarchs of the Empire of New Valyria
-Prestige: 10/10
-Gold: 10,000,000 GD (5,000,000 Honors)
-Legitimacy: 6/10(Myr and Lys are extremely unhappy under the Volantene yoke, though support throughout the rest of the empire is at its height)
Horonno Maegyr(51): 1 son and 3 daughters, also a sister
Nyessos Vhassar(29): 3 sons and 2 brothers
Doniphos Paenymion(34): 4 sons and 2 daughters

-Fresh from a new unanimous tiger-led election, the elephants are already conspiring to take one of the triarchy seats with a new candidate, Nero Vhassar, the richest man in all of the Empire of New Valyria. He is currently buying friends throughout the freehold and will soon be hosting a huge racing event near the outskirts of the city

-It has been some time since the cities of Myr and Lys were conquered, and those who support the tigers(roughly 70% of the city) are pushing for you to make more conquests. However, there are also those who say the time is not yet ripe, and that further consolidation of power could prepare Volantis for more conquests and bring in even more wealth to the freehold, the primary proponents being the elephants

-An Astapori Magister has arrived with offers to do business in regards to unsullied. He says he has 5,000 unsullied ready for sale with many more in the offing at a discount for upfront financing. His current price is 20,000 GD for every century.

King Harren Hoare
-Prestige: 9/10(Harren is greatly feared in the realm and he is the most powerful of the Westerosi kingdoms)
-Gold: 1,400,000 GD(The castle is drawing away all incomes, now sucking at the treasury)
-Legitimacy: 5/10(House Hoare is reviled by nearly all of the Riverlords, and this continues to worsen as construction moves onward of Harren's castle)
Harwyn Hoare(29), widowed heir
Halleck Hoare(27), married to Asha Farwynd(24)
~Aeron Hoare(6), son of Halleck
Hable Hoare(23)
Heerow Hoare(19)

-By the latest estimates, your castle will take another ten years to complete. A maester begrudgingly tells you that by enlisting more slave labor, you could hasten the construction by some months, maybe even years, though this will undoubtedly anger the riverlords...

-Your whisperers tell you a man named Tristifer Mudd, supposedly one of the last of the line, has been making his way around the Riverlands making his case to the Riverlords of his claim on the ancient River kingdom. Once the Andals would have laughed at him, but in their current state his ideas may begin to take traction...

King Loren Lannister
-Prestige: 8/10(The gold of Casterly Rock shines bright for all to see)
-Gold: 7,000,000 GD
-Legitimacy: 9/10
Shiera Crakehall(21), wife
Tyrion Lannister(21), brother
Joy Lannister(26), sister
Tommen Lannister(2), son

-With Harren occupied with his monstrous castle, your counsel suggests you begin acquiring power at sea to being to at the very least protect your coast. Reavings are an everyday occurrence and are driving people away from rural areas of the coast as Harren gives his ironborn captains free reign to do what they will in this relative time of peace

-A former King Tommen Lannister lost the ancestral sword Brightroar on a trip to Valyria; acquiring one and having it reforged would further boost your prestige and strengthen your family's legacy. In fact there are a few already in the Westerlands...

King Torrhen Stark
-Prestige: 7/10
-Gold: 2,200,000 GD
-Legitimacy: 8/10
Lyarra Stark(31), wife
Jojen Stark (16)
Brandon Stark(14)
Brandon Snow(27), brother

-Relative isolation has helped to protect the North and keep it out of wars, but it has also allowed trade to diminish and relations with the other kingdoms to wither. At what point does the wisdom of keeping out of the affairs of Westeros turn to stagnation and cowardice?

-Your son Brandon Stark has come to you crying with a dream about a woman dancing on the water, who is being watched by a tiger. Soon the tiger pounces and begins to devour the maiden, but the water beneath him soon begins to boil and a shadowy leather-skinned creature then rises from the surface, with red glowing eyes...

-Your biggest buyer of your main export, Braavos, has come to you with a proposition: if you let them establish a lumber colony in the North, they will begin constructing you a fleet at great discount and for the worth they pull in lumber from the North. However this will likely cause rancor with the bannerman whose land is settled...

Princess Meria Martell
-Prestige: 6/10 (Dorne has become isolated and Meria mocked as the "Yellow Toad of Dorne)
-Gold: 1,700,000 GD
-Legitimacy: 8/10(Though quite respected and wise, Meria's health is failing her with age)
Nymor Martell(54), son
~Deria Martell,(28) granddaughter
Alleras Dayne(26), Deria's husband
~~Maron Martell(9), Deria's son
~~Myriah Martell(5), Deria's daughter
Serra Martell(47), daughter
Sybor "Clubfoot" Wyl(44), husband of Serra
~Obella Martell(30), daughter of Serra

-Tyrosh has come to you with offers of an alliance; the ruling family's patriarch offers to wed Obella Martell now that his wife has passed, though he is a man of almost 60 years...

-There is an outlaw band roaming the borders of Dorne, skirting in and out of the Dornish Marches and acquiring the ire of the Stormlords there. They are led by a man calling himself the Vulture of Dorne, and while he robs and rapes across the border, he causes no trouble for your people

King Argilac Durrandon
-Prestige: 10/10 (Argilac is nearly undefeated in battle and is a shrewd ruler)
-Gold: 2,000,000 GD
-Legitimacy: 7/10 (Without a legitmate male heir, questions of succession are becoming more and more frequent)
Argella Durrandon(19), daughter

-An outlaw band from the Dornish marches has been terrorizing villages near the border and recently put a knight's wooden keep to the torch along with his lands. He comes to you asking to honor the contract a liege owes his subject and eliminate this Vulture of Dorne.

-The magister of Tyrosh comes to you with an offer of marriage to his maiden daughter, a beautiful girl of 16 years. With yourself widowed and in need of a male heir, will you take this opportunity to both grow an alliance and gain a wife?

King Mern Gardener
-Prestige: 7/10(The line of Gardener is one of the oldest and most widespread in Westeros)
-Gold: 3,500,000 GD
-Legitimacy: 6/10(A series of civil wars following troubled succession continue to haunt your reign)
Elise Hightower(34), wife
Edmund Gardener(20), married to Melessa Redwyne(17)
~Garth Gardener(2), Edmund’s son
Gawen Gardener(17)

-You have recently quelled a rebellion and are recovering from the effects. The ironborn have taken advantage of the civil war and established themselves on a small island near the larger shield islands, taking control of a small wooden keep. They are using this as a base to raid the shield islands and will require serious intervention in order to oust them, either diplomatic or through war. The lords of the shield islands are asking for leave to take ships from the Redwyne fleet to siege the keep

-A man claiming to be your bastard son has shown up at court. His mother is a whore at an establishment you frequented in your youth, so his words have some merit. He is a talented swordsman and wrestler, and many claim he shares your features upon seeing him

Queen Regent Sharra Arryn
-Prestige: 8/10
-Gold: 2,700,000 GD
-Legitimacy: 5/10 (Sharra is only a regent, with a boy king. Your vassals will continue to prey on you and scheme because of this fact aside from House Royce, from whence Sharra comes)
King Ronnel Arryn(2)
Jonos Arryn(1)

-The sisters are on the verge of open rebellion, preparing to announce their own monarchy now that the old falcon king is dead and they believe you unable to properly deal with the threat. They have been making demands as a precursor to this, such as the right to reave the shores of the North and tax breaks. How will you resolve this situation before it becomes more serious?

-On the whole, your lords are becoming more brazen in their lack of belief that you deserve the regency of your son, claiming that you are now only the queen mother, not a queen in your own right. Something must needs be done to help placate your son's principal bannermen, and perhaps an alliance with another great house would solidify your place...

Lord Aegon Targaryen
-Prestige: 2/10 (Dragonstone and its isles are merely rocks in the sea, and none have seen the might of dragons in a good while...)
-Gold: 250,000 GD
-Legitimacy: 10/10 (None would dare snark at the might of Balerion)
Visenya Targaryen(19), wife
Rhaenys Targaryen(15), wife

-Some time ago the Volantenes offered your family the opportunity to rule the new Empire of Valyria, and perchance there are some who wish to be led by a dragon once more in Essos.

-Lord Celtigar has proposed you begin to try to win over unpledged lords in the realm who are in the proximity of your isles, and that the lords of crackclaw point may prove easy prey due to frequent warring among themselves. One or more may even bend the knee willingly for the opportunity to exact vengeance on their rivals, though their knees have rarely bent easily, and even King Harren has had trouble with this prickly bunch...
Jr. Member
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« Reply #1 on: April 30, 2016, 01:15:15 AM »
« Edited: May 01, 2016, 02:50:25 PM by leonardothered »


36,000 slave soldiers in Volantis (50,000 more available)
4,000 men of the noble guard in the black walls of Old Volantis
400 warships of varying sizes
600 trade ships homebased in Volantis, making trade routes

12,000 slave soldiers in Myr
8,000 Myrish Conscripts, being drilled and trained by sellswords
3,500 Company of the Cat in Myr
175 warships in Myr
200 trade ships homebased in Myr, making trade routes

12,000 slave soldiers in Lys
6,000 Lysene Conscripts being drilled and trained by sellswords
3,500 Long Lances in Lys
175 warships in Lys
200 trade ships homebased in Lys, making trade routes

3,000 Second Sons in the Disputed Lands

50,000 to be levied(18,000 from the Isles, 32,000 from the Riverlands and Crownlands holdings)
10,000 work slaves at Harrenhal
3,000 Royal Guard at Riverrun with Harren
200 War Galleys around the Isles
400 Longships around the Isles
100 Longships raiding throughout Westeros

34,000 to be levied
1500 Lannisport City Watch
2000 Royal Guard at Casterly Rock
50 Warships at Lannisport

38,000 to be levied
800 White Harbor city watch
2,500 Royal Guard at Winterfell
50 merchant ships galleys at White Harbour

20,000 to be levied
400 Plankytown watchmen
1400 Royal Guard at Sunspear

34,000 to be levied
2,000 Royal guard at Storm's End

28,000 to be levied(this number will grow as the game goes on and the Reach recovers from war)
1,800 Oldtown City Watch
2,500 Royal guard in Highgarden
100 War Galleys at the Arbor
300 Trade ships at the Arbor
100 Trade ships at Oldtown

32,000 to be levied
1000 Gulltown City Watch
1,000 Royal Guard at the Bloody Gate
500 Royal Guard at the Gates of the Moon
100 Royal Guard at Stone
50 Royal Guard at Snow
50 Royal Guard at Sky
100 Royal Guard in the Eyrie
25 War Galleys

1600 men to be levied(800 from Dragonstone, 400 from Driftmark, 200 from Claw Isle)
150 Noble Guard at Dragonstone
40 War Galleys at Driftmark
Jr. Member
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« Reply #2 on: May 04, 2016, 10:08:21 PM »
« Edited: May 04, 2016, 10:19:13 PM by leonardothered »



There is great traffic between the Reach and West as of late; many reachlords are taking credit with the Lannisters to acquire grain and help rebuild after the recent wars. The most notable candidate is House Osgrey of Coldmoat, who has accrued the most debt with 10,000 GD. However, he pledges that if allowed another 40,000 GD, he can double the Lannister investment within 2 years after harvests.

The Ironborn face high trade tariffs from the West and thusly the cost of building Harrenhal has begun to go up as resources become more difficult to gather.

The Stormlands have enacted a full ban on trade from Dorne, further increasing tensions at the border.


The Vulture has not been found, despite efforts of the Stormlords, though the raiding has ceased as they have gone into hiding rather than face a true army such as the one at Blackhaven, the seat of House Dondarrion. The border has become a hotbed for activity, and there have been deaths on both sides.


The Dragon

Balerion the Dread was seen going to and fro from Dragonstone and Crackclaw point. At a public meeting with the local lords, only Lothor Crabb decided to make an appearance. One lord Brune actually sent over a bag of dead lizards covered in dog excrement with a messenger claiming "it was all he meant to exchange with the largest lizard left after Valyria's fall, more of his kin". Crabb agreed to an alliance between himself and Dragonstone; the rest declined any such alliance and more steadfastly homage, though with more grace than Lord Brune.

Daemon Velaryon has been making his way amongst the eastern most free cities, beginning with Pentos and Tyrosh, now making his way towards Myr. The lords there have taken a much more favorable stance than the lords of crackclaw, hosting him in many halls, and slowly his retinue has been growing with foreigners.

The Storm
The lords of sharp point and Massey's Hook have taken turns hosting their liege, King Argilac, in a series of feasts and local tournaments as he makes his way through the area. He has bestowed boons amongst the winners of each tourney to accompany the champion's purse, and each named his daughter Lady Argella as the Queen of Love and Beauty. Many after victory then joined the King's hose looking for the Vulture, boosting the numbers there with both skill and quantity of knights.
Jr. Member
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« Reply #3 on: May 16, 2016, 11:38:42 PM »
« Edited: May 16, 2016, 11:43:21 PM by leonardothered »

Late 10 BC: Turn Two

General View

The Triarchs of the Empire of New Valyria
-Prestige: 10/10
-Gold: 8,800,000 GD
-Legitimacy: 7/10(With tiger cloaks on the move, fear is keeping the people in line)
Horonno Maegyr(51): 1 son and 3 daughters, also a sister
Nyessos Vhassar(29): 3 sons and 2 brothers
Doniphos Paenymion(34): 4 sons and 2 daughters

-Nero Vhassar is becoming extremely popular, and even tigers are being swayed over to his side. If his current success continues, there is a strong chance he will control a triarchy seat.

-Tyrosh is battening down the hatches, but it is a rushed effort as your men close in on the city. You have had several small skirmishes and are now stopped in several smaller towns and villages the free city controls; what is to be done with them?

-With a year, 3500 more Unsullied will be available for purchase, and traders from slaver's bay are becoming more frequent in Volantis. By offering up 18,000 per century up front, you can be guaranteed the new soldiers within a year; this will also increase the initial investment the slavers make as well, offering a greater yield of unsullied. Trade with the seven kingdoms is increasing as well, with Volantene traders bringing rare goods to the ports of Oldtown and Gulltown. Your purchased unsullied will arrive within a few short weeks.

-Fighting has begun in earnest to take the lower two stepstones; the pirates offer up no real resistance aside from chipping away at your forces, though they raid your supply train frequently and it has begun to become a real issue. Recently they managed to sink the first of your warships, and their numbers are starting to seem endless.

King Harren Hoare
-Prestige: 7/10(With Harrenhal ceasing construction, Harren's stock has begun to drop. Perhaps with another war of conquest, people may once again know the fear that should accompany the name of Harren the Black)
-Gold: 1,300,000 GD(The castle is drawing away all incomes, now sucking at the treasury)
-Legitimacy: 6/10(With Lord Tully as a more firm ally and vassal and your income not being diverted to Harrenhal, some of your vassals look to you more favorably, while all see the ceasing of Harrenhal as a sign of weakness and possible infirmity)
Harwyn Hoare(29), widowed heir
Halleck Hoare(27), married to Asha Farwynd(24)
~Aeron Hoare(6), son of Halleck
Hable Hoare(23)
Heerow Hoare(19)

-The halt in construction of Harrenhal has shaken the faith in many in your firm rule as it has been seen as a sign of weakness. You hear none of this from your new Warden of the Rivers, Lord Edmyn Tully however, who speaks nothing but praises of you... though perhaps a bit too often and loudly to be completely sincere. A traveler claiming to be a wizard has said that blood sacrifice could complete the castle in impossible time... Unfortunately he did so in public at court

-Tristifer Mudd has continued to try and rally support, and has supposedly been able to afford gifts to Riverlords; another lord is obviously funding him, and this problem must needs be dealt with

-A new tune is being sung in all but the heart of the Riverlands; "The Whores of Harrenhal" is a ballad about three prostitutes who one by one catch different poxes while trying to build a house. It ends with the house then collapsing in on them and a great storm coming to wash them all away.

-Six longships were sunk by Lannister forces without managing to take a single Lannister warship by force. Without more ships to enforce this blockade, you may find yourself outgunned by larger Lannister vessels

King Loren Lannister
-Prestige: 9/10(The gold of Casterly Rock shines bright for all to see)
-Gold: 6,300,000 GD
-Legitimacy: 9/10
Shiera Crakehall(21), wife
Tyrion Lannister(21), brother
Joy Lannister(26), sister
Tommen Lannister(2), son

-Tyrion managed to distinguish himself during the tourney, finishing in the last 5 of the joust. The Lord of Ashemark Roland Marbrand won the melee, but unfortunately there were no other notables on the Western side.

-Construction of your fleet has begun and is expected to take a little under 2 years to complete; your vassals have also begun constructing their own small fleets, though the blockade of ironmen has slowed progress due to lack of fresh iron

-The tourney of Lannisport is in full swing, will your own royal person compete or leave that to the others?

King Torrhen Stark
-Prestige: 7/10
-Gold: 2,200,000 GD
-Legitimacy: 8/10
Lyarra Stark(31), wife
Jojen Stark (16)
Brandon Stark(14)
Brandon Snow(27), brother

-Your son Brandon is being prescribed small amounts of sweetsleep by the maester, who insists these are bad dreams, while your brother who he was named for claims these are gifts from the old gods and not to stifle them. A large dog has begun to follow young Brandon around and will not leave his side and becomes near-mad when separated from his master.

-Lord Karstark is extremely displeased by the notion of settling Braavosi lumberers in his lands, but keeps his cool at the feast and in the end begrudgingly says he will follow your lead in this matter and do what he will to help. Perhaps there is a way to reach a compromise or soothe his displeasure?

-With the recent trade curfuffles with the Reach and Westerlands, ironborn and riverland traders are coming to you in droves. Perhaps by changing tariffs or enacting new policies you may seek to further profit from this new source of trade?

Princess Meria Martell
-Prestige: 6/10 (Dorne has become isolated and Meria mocked as the "Yellow Toad of Dorne)
-Gold: 1,700,000 GD
-Legitimacy: 8/10(Though quite respected and wise, Meria's health is failing her with age)
Nymor Martell(54), son
~Deria Martell,(28) granddaughter
Alleras Dayne(26), Deria's husband
~~Maron Martell(9), Deria's son
~~Myriah Martell(5), Deria's daughter
Serra Martell(47), daughter
Sybor "Clubfoot" Wyl(44), husband of Serra
~Obella Martell(30), daughter of Serra

-There have been a few Dornishmen killed by raids from various houses looking for the Vulture at the borders of Dorne. He remains hidden, though perhaps some of your peasantry could lead you to him if put to the question, either violently or diplomatically.

King Argilac Durrandon
-Prestige: 10/10 (Argilac is nearly undefeated in battle and is a shrewd ruler)
-Gold: 2,000,000 GD
-Legitimacy: 7/10 (Without a legitmate male heir, questions of succession are becoming more and more frequent)
Argella Durrandon(19), daughter

-There has been no luck finding the Vulture, though a knight of your household was caught raping a girl and murdering your father just after one of the latest excursions into the muddled Dornish/Stormland territory. What will be done with him?

-The magister of Tyrosh, Morro Melosi has arrived; his daughter Mya is all he described and he has brought ten galleys with him to gift to you if an accord is reached. He says that more will take time to construct, though by going to the Braavosi this could take less time. He offers to pay for this, but he needs assurances of an alliance and also asks that you or a viable emissary such as your daughter or high lord in your council travel to Tyrosh to take your measure of the city and discuss further terms at detail. You are at dinner in the halls of Bronzegate when a messenger comes to say that the Volantene armies are closing in on the city; Morro looks at you with wide eyes, and asks that you return to Tyrosh with him at the head of a large host.
Jr. Member
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« Reply #4 on: May 16, 2016, 11:40:34 PM »

King Mern Gardener
-Prestige: 8/10
-Gold: 3,500,000 GD
-Legitimacy: 7/10
Elise Hightower(34), wife
Edmund Gardener(20), married to Melessa Redwyne(17)
~Garth Gardener(2), Edmund’s son
Gawen Gardener(17)

-With your recent alliance to the Lannisters, a peaceful solution to the ironborn problem, and a grand tourney, your family's stock is higher than it has been over a decade. There are a few holdouts, but with time your rule is becoming much more secured.

-Three more supposed 'Gardener' bastards have arrived; two men and one woman. The woman shares your eye and hair color, but the men do not have the same resemblence Mern had to your own royal personage. As your trueborn second son Gawen does not share your coloring either, it is not proof that they are not your baseborn children...

-Your own fleet's construction is under way, and will be finished in around a year, the first products of this arriving in the coming weeks.

-Trade tariffs with the ironborn have increased profits piecemeal, while discouraging trade with the Reach and West overall. With the new trade alliance with the Lannisters however, this is being more than accounted for though iron begins to grow dear

Queen Regent Sharra Arryn
-Prestige: 8/10
-Gold: 2,700,000 GD
-Legitimacy: 5/10 (Sharra is only a regent, with a boy king. Your vassals will continue to prey on you and scheme because of this fact aside from House Royce, from whence Sharra comes)
King Ronnel Arryn(2)
Jonos Arryn(1)

-Lord Sunderland has sent a messenger: In no uncertain terms, if you do not marry Lord Sunderland's youngest son Elmar and name him Lord Protector, he will raise his banners and possibly announce his own kingship. Elmar is whispered to be 'simple' though pleasant to look at, the former being something his father firmly denies.

-Lord Lyonel Corbray has offered up his oldest son as a husband; he is dashing and is proven in battle but has also proven to be headstrong and by some reports very cruel. There are also whispers he prefers the company of young girls and boys... Though these may be only rumors and false reports. Lord Albrecht Waynwood has offered himself up as a possible husband, though he is grossly fat and already age 45. Finally, Lord Horton Redfort offers up his second son Mychel(17); he is on his way to becoming an decent warrior but stutters and is considered by many to be ugly, with an uneven jaw and beady eyes. He has a proven sense of humor however and is well liked by those who know him, a man of true charisma and charm. With time more candidates may come forward, but some of these may be wed in time.

Lord Aegon Targaryen
-Prestige: 2/10 (Dragonstone and its isles are merely rocks in the sea, and none have seen the might of dragons in a good while...)
-Gold: 250,000 GD
-Legitimacy: 10/10 (None would dare snark at the might of Balerion)
Visenya Targaryen(19), wife
Rhaenys Targaryen(15), wife

-Lord Brune has sent his champion, his second son Lunthor, to duel with you. A large brute of a man, he was outmanuveured by you and you now hold Blackfyre to his throat. He cries for you to spare him while Balerion hungrily looks on...

-Rhaenys has returned from Oldtown with a maester who offers to be taken into your service and to do coordinate trade between you and Oldtown for the price of 100,000 GD. He seems a very intelligent man, and very interested in Dragons. Visenya has returned with a map of the city, a choice book on the history of the city, and a the beginnings of a map of the southern Reach that will require more time

-Volantis has sent you extravagant gifts, though to be fair not as lavish as they sent to Lord Velaryon of Driftmark, who now sips on choice wines from the arbor and dines on Saffron flavored dishes by night
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« Reply #5 on: June 04, 2016, 02:28:24 PM »
« Edited: June 04, 2016, 02:55:01 PM by leonardothered »

Early 11 BC: Turn Three

General View

The Triarchs of the Empire of New Valyria
-Prestige: 10/10
-Gold: 8,300,000 GD
-Legitimacy: 7/10(With tiger cloaks on the move, fear is keeping the people in line)
Horonno Maegyr(52): 1 son and 3 daughters, also a sister
Nyessos Vhassar(30): 3 sons and 2 brothers
Nero Vhassar(24): 1 son

Ousted Tigers-
Doniphos Paenymion(34): 4 sons and 2 daughters

-The Elephants have taken over a triarchy seat; as you still hold the majority, Nero Vhassar is forced to support the war effort for now, and the nobility still supports war along with the lower class, both of whom are untouched due to having slave armies.

-You have captured a 1,200 strong Tyroshi host of freedmen who were out on patrol when you closed in the the city, and were captured when they attempted to return. What is to be done with them?

-Your unsullied have arrived, and more are on their way from Astapor. Their own discipline has been noticed by the ranks of your other soldiers, slowly bettering their habits. However, there is also a decent amount of bad blood between the two, but thankfully through your organization this is minimized.

-Your efforts in the Stepstones continue, clearing out pirate base after pirate base. Your trade is increasing due to the waters being safer, but the loss of ships is beginning to amount. Mayhaps you set your shipwrights to work once more? Lumber will need to be provided but much of the rest can be found across the sprawling Volantene Empire

-Most importantly, Tyrosh is now under siege by land. They were not able to properly prepare for this occurrence, lack their rightful ruler as well who is currently a captive guest of the Storm King Argilac Durrandon, and therefore the city could very well be assaulted in the coming months. If a more peaceable solution could be found, the Tyroshi may prove more loyal than Myr and Lys. Nero Vhassar himself offers to go an negotiate with their representatives.

-The Lysene fleet numbers just under a hundred ships, and there are also an unknown number of trade ships in the harbor. You have begun a blockade, but until the fleet is dealt with there will be opposition should you try to take the harbor, and you also leave a possible escape viable from the city should they break the blockade.

King Harren Hoare
-Prestige: 9/10(Now that Tristifer Mudd has been dealt with, Westeros once more looks on in fear at the might of Black Harren)
-Gold: 1,500,000 GD(The castle is drawing away all incomes, now sucking at the treasury)
-Legitimacy: 7/10
Harwyn Hoare(30), widowed heir
Halleck Hoare(28), married to Asha Farwynd(25)
~Aeron Hoare(7), son of Halleck
Hable Hoare(24)
Heerow Hoare(20)

-Lord Tully himself has brought you Tristifer Mudd, bound and in chains. He is placed in a tub of water and made to be seen from the walls of Harrenhal, guarded day and night; slowly the water begins to turn putrid and all manner of insects and monstrosities feed on his living body. His screams are almost constant until he screams himself hoarse, though once he regains his voice they begin again. He offers to divulge everything he knows of the Riverlords more rebellious activities and their supporters if you will end his torment and set him free to go to the wall. Tully now expects a suitable reward for his service...

-Production on Harrenhal is moving forward with greater speed as your organize more labor in the form of thralls and have begun to attract the poorest of beggars to their ranks with promise of feed and fare. Raids have also begun to bring more thralls through the Riverlands, though they need more viable targets than just the Westerlands...

-A new tune is being sung in all but the heart of the Riverlands; "The Whores of Harrenhal" is a ballad about three prostitutes who one by one catch different poxes while trying to build a house. It ends with the house then collapsing in on them and a great storm coming to wash them all away.

-Your ironmen have captured a Lannister vessel and all of its crew, most of whom were put to the sword or made into thralls. As is custom, the ironborn captain appointed one of his crew to lead his longship while he takes command of the larger vessel, naming it Lion's Get

-Lord Jason Mallister has reportedly converted to the faith of the drowned god, but wants to be drowned by none other than the king himself. Will you take the time to journey there and leave the construction of Harrenhal in the hands of another?

-As your ironmen patrol the river Trident, the question of provender has come up; they cannot continue a practice of reaving whilst on these rivers as they would bring ire from the Riverlords. Will you set aside gold to buy such or find another means to feed them, as man cannot live on fish alone?

King Loren Lannister
-Prestige: 9/10
-Gold: 6,800,000 GD
-Legitimacy: 8/10(The ironborn raids continue like waves lapping at a rock, keeping life from blooming)
Shiera Crakehall(22), wife
Tyrion Lannister(22), brother
Joy Lannister(27), sister
Tommen Lannister(3), son

-The blockade has ended, but raids continue, and they have taken their first albeit quite small victory in capturing a Lannister vessel. No notable nobility was onboard at the time, though it contained a shipment of spices meant for Lord Farman directly and he is displeased and vocal about it

-Construction of your fleet continues and is expected to take a little under a year and a half to complete; the first 5 ships have been delivered and their crews being trained in Lannisport. The time will soon come to appoint a Master of Ships to oversee future construction, maintenance, and distribution of the fleet.

-Tyrion Lannister was knocked unconscious during the melee and suffered a broken arm, lying comatose for two days. It has already been mended for the most part and has actually bolstered his reputation as a warrior who isn't afraid to get his hands dirty. However the reality of the matter is that his confidence is now shaken and he is more cautious than before. Mayhaps this can be remedied somehow?

-Your wife is pregnant, seven smile upon you! The maester reports things are progressing regularly

-Though the poorest region in Westeros, the iron islands have one of the greatest concentrations of Valyrian Steel due to raiding. It may be there your best chance for acquiring a sword of that magical caliber lies

King Torrhen Stark
-Prestige: 7/10
-Gold: 2,500,000 GD
-Legitimacy: 8/10
Lyarra Stark(32), wife
Jojen Stark (17)
Brandon Stark(15)
Brandon Snow(28), brother

-The construction of Braavosi ships is well documented; they are all made using one of a few designs, and each piece constructed beforehand. Perhaps by purchasing one of these designs or creating your own you may be able to duplicate their process at some point in the future? At any rate, the Braavosi have already sent along 20 of their warships which have arrived in White Harbour.

-The Karstarks have been trapped in the South along with your heir Brandon Stark after Volantis burned your fleet at anchor as they sat beside the Tyroshi ships siezed by Argilac. They must needs have new ships to travel back to the North

-While your lords grumble at your Southron dealings, they acknowledge such alliances must be made. The Three Sisters have recently gone into full blown rebellion and named their own monarch. The Vale sits idly by, and the time may be ripe for conquering or a possible alliance with the former Valemen. The feast has strengthened the bonds between you and some key bannermen, such as Lord Lyle Bolton, who is becoming a fast friend known for his wry wit and quick mind.

King Argilac Durrandon
-Prestige: 10/10 (Argilac is nearly undefeated in battle and is a shrewd ruler)
-Gold: 2,100,000 GD
-Legitimacy: 8/10 (Your alliance with the North, though weak for now, has earned praise from your bannermen, though there is also dissapointment at not choosing a bride from their own stock)
Argella Durrandon(20), daughter

-The Tyroshi fleet has been burned at anchor by Volantis, who take great affront at your dealings with the Tyroshi, though they applaud his capture. The ships sent South with the Northmen are burned as well, though there were no real casualties aside from a few sailors. This leaves both Brandon Stark and Snow stranded along with the Karstarks who came for the wedding.

-Word has reached you of the Vulture King's hideout thanks to the efforts of Brandon Snow, though his means were unsavory and literally torturous. It is in a waycastle in the mountains near the domains of House Wyl, who have supported them in secret; a ruin, it has once again been fortified, after, ironically, being sacked by Argilac during the last war. As your group is discussing what is to be done, a messenger arrives from the Vulture himself, a peasant boy of 13. He offers to swear fealty to you in exchange for a seat for himself, and claims some 900 men follow him; he knows the lands of Dorne and could give great strategic advantage to any war made against the Dornish. He even offers to lead a combined host and go South to claim his own seat from the Sand Lords, perhaps even for the hand of your daughter or another suitable wife?
Jr. Member
Posts: 895
United States

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« Reply #6 on: June 04, 2016, 02:28:54 PM »
« Edited: June 04, 2016, 02:38:52 PM by leonardothered »

King Mern Gardener
-Prestige: 8/10
-Gold: 3,700,000 GD
-Legitimacy: 7/10
Elise Hightower(35), wife
Edmund Gardener(21), married to Melessa Redwyne(17)
~Garth Gardener(3), Edmund’s son
Gawen Gardener(18), married to Joy Lannister

-Joy Lannister has become pregnant, and thusly the the alliance with the West is becoming more cemented!

-The supposed bastards were forced to make a walk of shame through Oldtown, and after the example made there are no more claims being made about the fidelity of King Gardener...

-4 warships ships fly the Gardener banner in the Mander and beside them anchor 35 longships, with more on the way and the rest of the fleet expecting completion within half a year.

-There are reports of disease coming in from near the Dornish mountains; it seems only a single village has been affected, but it seems quite virulent...

Lord Aegon Targaryen
-Prestige: 3/10 (Your recent victory bolsters the name of Targaryen)
-Gold: 200,000 GD
-Legitimacy: 10/10 (None would dare snark at the might of Balerion)
Visenya Targaryen(20), wife
Rhaenys Targaryen(16), wife

-With a new Lord Brune in control of the castle, Dyre Den now bends the knee to you. Clarence Crabb has followed suit and should be similarly rewarded as he was one of the first to come over to your cause with offers of an alliance.

-The maester has begrudgingly signed on, though you notice his interest in the dragons has not waned and he often marvels to see them wheeling about through the sky and pays close attention to their various habits, and the relationship between themselves and their masters.

-Lord Velaryon has returned with word of the siege of Tyrosh, and also a host of foreign retainers including a smith from Qohor, an extremely humorous fool with a patched face, and a pleasure slave from Lys to warm your lordships own bed. He had strangely little to say regarding Lys and Myr, claiming to not have been able to gain access to the cities proper due to the Volantene presence, though he was gone for an inordinate amount of time... He warns that all contact with the cities is monitored by their overlord Volantis and not to anger them
Jr. Member
Posts: 895
United States

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« Reply #7 on: June 04, 2016, 02:29:17 PM »
« Edited: June 04, 2016, 02:54:39 PM by leonardothered »


8,500 Unsullied in Volantis
8,500 slave soldiers in Volantis (50,000 more available)
4,000 men of the noble guard in the black walls of Old Volantis
200 warships of varying sizes
600 trade ships homebased in Volantis, making trade routes

94 Warships in the Stepstones
7200 slave soldiers in the Stepstones

12,000 slave soldiers in Myr
200 trade ships homebased in Myr, making trade routes

17,000 slave soldiers in Lys
3,500 Long Lances in Lys
275 warships in Lys
200 trade ships homebased in Lys, making trade routes

14,700 Slave soldiers sieging Tyrosh
7,900 Myrish Conscripts outside of Tyrosh
5,950 Lysene Conscripts outside Tyrosh
3,500 Company of the Cat outside of Tyrosh
3,000 Second Sons outside of Tyrosh

175 warships blockading Tyrosh, ready to do battle with the Lysene fleet

14,000 Slave Soldiers in Tyrosh
6,000 Freedmen in Tyrosh
2,000 Noble Guard
100? Warships in Tyroshi Harbor
Huh Tradeships in Tyroshi Harbor
5,000 Slave Soldiers at Little Tyrosh
4,000 Slave Soldiers Scattered throughout Tyroshi domains
3,000 Freedmen scattered throughout Tyroshi domains

54,000 to be levied(20,000 from the Isles, 34,000 from the Riverlands and Crownlands holdings)
10,000 work slaves at Harrenhal
1,700 thralls at work at Harrenhal
3,000 Royal Guard at Riverrun with Harren
200 War Galleys around the Isles
300 Longships around the Isles
92 Longships raiding the Westerlands
100 Longships patrolling the Trident and its vassal rivers

36,000 to be levied
1500 Lannisport City Watch
2000 Royal Guard at Casterly Rock
54 Warships at Lannisport
18 Trade Ships
12 Longships

40,000 to be levied
800 White Harbor city watch
2,500 Royal Guard at Winterfell
48 merchant ship galleys at White Harbour
20 Warships at White Harbour

21,000 to be levied
400 Plankytown watchmen
1400 Royal Guard at Sunspear

22,500 to be levied, currently mustering at Storm's End
2000 Men at Nightsong
2000 Men at Blackhaven
5000 Men at Bronzegate
4000 Men at Storm's End
2,000 Royal guard at Storm's End

33,800 to be levied(this number will grow as the game goes on and the Reach recovers from war)
1,800 Oldtown City Watch
2,500 Royal guard in Highgarden
100 War Galleys at the Arbor
300 Trade ships at the Arbor
100 Trade ships at Oldtown
4 Warships in the Mander
35 Longships in the Mander

34,000 to be levied
1000 Gulltown City Watch
1,000 Royal Guard at the Bloody Gate
500 Royal Guard at the Gates of the Moon
100 Royal Guard at Stone
50 Royal Guard at Snow
50 Royal Guard at Sky
100 Royal Guard in the Eyrie
25 War Galleys

2100 men to be levied(1000 from Dragonstone, 450 from Driftmark, 250 from Claw Isle, 150 from Dyre Den, 250 from the Whispers)
150 Noble Guard at Dragonstone
40 War Galleys at Driftmark
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