Crown & Country Game Thread

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Jack Enderman
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« Reply #25 on: August 13, 2013, 01:32:18 PM »

Great French Republic

His Excellency, Napoleon Bonaparte, First Consul of The Great French Republic and Her Colonies, therefore pass these decrees and shall be respected and honored and performed in the greatest possible manner for the next three months, if they are not discussed in the next three months, they shall be implemented until the next three months and so on:

As for the Government: We will not tolerate the Bourbons returning to power... We decide that any new form of government have to be decided and declared by the First Consul.

As for the Military: The Military posted at Somme is to move to Moselle and stand guard with the other military troops positioned in Lorraine to defend French interests there.

As for Diplomacy: We are very pleased to know that the HRE is willing to stand with us on the German Imperial issues, and wish to come to an agreement... (OOC: You can PM me what you would like Kitteh...)

As for the Navy: The North Atlantic fleet is to divide into threes and one of the third should be transported to the Caribbean to protect Haitian interests... and to defend La Reunion, St Pierre, and Guadalupe... As for the fleets protecting Scandinavian interests, they shall be divided in half and be moved to French Guiana to protect interests there.
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« Reply #26 on: August 13, 2013, 03:23:59 PM »

The United States of America: Turn 2

     -We accept Spain's offer for Florida and purchase the territory

     -Begin a new naval system. While initially it will be composed of a small "mosquito" fleet. Make plans with shipbuilders for future, larger and more powerful vessels.

     -Ohio is to be admitted as a state into the union alongside Florida.

     -Send ambassadors to Sweden, France, and Britain in order to conduct diplomacy
     -Jefferson/Clinton shall not openly campaign, as it is distasteful in the eyes of most Americans, but will expand their newspaper campaign into other forms such as committees of correspondence.
Atlas Has Shrugged
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« Reply #27 on: August 13, 2013, 05:33:35 PM »

The United Kingdom
-The British force in Malta is ordered to withdrawal from Gibraltor on the arrival of the Russians. Further reenforcements are sent to Gibraltor and Ireland.

-A special session of the House of Commons is called to debate the best way forward in the war with France. Until then, the status quo is to be kept up.

-Prime Minister Pitt introduces a Catholic Emancipation Bill to the House of Commons.
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« Reply #28 on: August 13, 2013, 05:56:05 PM »

Could we potentially get a world map, Cynic? I just want to see how the world changes as the game progresses. I'll understand if that's too much work though Smiley
Snowstalker Mk. II
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« Reply #29 on: August 13, 2013, 06:04:30 PM »

Since it's still very large (and fairly powerful, albeit on the decline), could I take Qing China?
Jack Enderman
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« Reply #30 on: August 13, 2013, 06:14:58 PM »

Since it's still very large (and fairly powerful, albeit on the decline), could I take Qing China?

A challenger to France appears Evil
Dr. Cynic
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« Reply #31 on: August 13, 2013, 07:00:44 PM »

Would you rather have the Ottomans or Spain?

A world map is probably a bit more than my capabilities, but, if someone wants to volunteer, I'll help them maintain it.
Snowstalker Mk. II
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« Reply #32 on: August 13, 2013, 08:10:29 PM »

This really helps.
True Federalist (진정한 연방 주의자)
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« Reply #33 on: August 13, 2013, 08:32:34 PM »

Headquarters, Russian Imperial Navy, Sankt-Peterburg

To Captain-Commodore Dmitry Senyavin

You are hereby promoted to the rank of Rear Admiral and placed in command of the newly established Mediterranean Flotilla.  Said flotilla is to consist of five ships of the line, ten frigates, five corvettes, and assorted support ships transferred from the Baltic Fleet as listed in the attached enclosure as well as those ships of the Black Sea Fleet currently in the Ionian Islands.  Said flotilla is to be subordinate to the Baltic Fleet. (While lines of communication from the Black Sea are more direct, they are dependent upon the continued good graces of the Ottoman Sultan which cannot be guaranteed.)

You are directed to take the ships of the Baltic Fleet that have been detached to your command and proceed forthwith to Malta, where it is expected that the British shall hand over control of the Island to you. Along with the ships under your direct command shall travel one corvette and two cutters which I have ordered transferred to the Military Hospitaller Order of the Knights of St. John.  Upon reaching Malta, they will no longer be under your direct command.The cutters will engage in the enforcement of customs and quarantine laws in Malta and the corvette shall sortie at the discretion of its captain on anti-piracy patrols.

Upon reaching Malta, your primary duty will be to oversee the defense of Malta and the Ionian Islands against any attempt to retake them by the French and their allies. Your secondary duty shall be the convoying of ships belonging to any nation that is a member of the League of Armed Neutrality. In doing so, you are authorized to provide support to and to coordinate with any ships of the Dano-Norwegian, Prussian, and Swedish Navies. As circumstances seem prudent to you, you are authorized to accept the placing of their ships in squadrons commanded by Russian offices and to place your ships in squadrons under the command of their officers. Your tertiary duty is to provide an interim military government of Malta and prepare a report outlining suggestions on the future governance of Malta.  The initial acceptance of the Maltese inhabitants of the French occupation indicates that simple restoration of the ancient regime is likely not desirable.

While we expect the British will withdraw upon your arrival, you will not compel any particular date for said withdrawal to be complete. Until further notice, you shall allow British ships to put in at Malta for the provisioning of food and water as well as any naval stores the British may have not yet evacuated from the island.

If the situation permits, you are directed to use your forces in a general suppression of pirates and privateers preying upon merchant shipping, whether they be European or Barbary.

(Other non-naval orders to come in a future post.)
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« Reply #34 on: August 13, 2013, 11:18:37 PM »

His Imperial Majesty would like to reiterate our simple terms for peace to the Consul: French control over the lands west of the Rhine, Imperial territories east of the Rhine to remain in the Empire, recognition of the French allied republics in Batavia, Switzerland, and Northern Italy, and acknowledgement of the independence and sovereignty of the Kingdom of Naples. The Empire is not willing to bend on these demands.

Meanwhile, a section of the Imperial army composed primarily of troops from the Duchy of Wurttemberg as well as nearby states (such as Baden) shall be sent to Stuttgart under the command of Duke Frederick I of Wurttemberg to reinforce against the French gathering on the other side of the Rhine. The rest of the Imperial army will remain in Tyrol awaiting further orders.

His Majesty decrees the lifting of some of the strictest laws regarding censorship of the arts, but not to the extent that any material critical of the State or offensive to the Church and the traditional morality of the Austrian people. State funding shall continue to go only to more traditional art, and the members of the Emperor's court and the high nobility shall be discouraged from sponsoring any radical artistic endeavors.

Imperial envoys are sent to His Holiness Pope Pius VII, inviting him to make a visit to Vienna. His Majesty seeks a closer relationship with the Roman Catholic Church, with the need to remain strong and united against the threat of the atheistic and anti-Christian revolutionaries in France.
Jack Enderman
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« Reply #35 on: August 14, 2013, 01:21:48 PM »

His excellency, Napoleon Bonaparte, First Consul of the Great French Republic and Her Colonies announces that we accept the treaty of recognitions and wish that all lands east of the Rhine shall be recognized and we will acknowledge the sovereignty and independence of the Kingdom of Naples.

And for the military gathering in Moselle and Lorraine, we are doing this only to affirm the safe transition of power and make sure that there is no rioting or displeasure with the French Government and to make sure that they won't rebel and declare independence and ask to be annexed by the HRE...
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« Reply #36 on: August 14, 2013, 09:37:24 PM »
« Edited: August 17, 2013, 03:17:30 PM by Emperor SJoyce »

On Monetary Affairs

The project of naval construction shall continue, but shall continue at a reduced rate in order to achieve the same end total over a longer span of time (to lessen the burden on national finances), with the end goal of completion removed to a less ambitious target of late 1805-early 1806. The great Swedish Navy will be one of the most formidable in Europe - eventually. The Riksdag is encouraged to investigate the possibility of lessening export tolls to promote an inflow of foreign capital in the agricultural sector.

In an additional effort to curb inflation and simplify our monetary system, we shall tie the values of our paper monies: 1 riksdaler banco is equivalent to 1 1/2 riksdaler riksgälds. Further monetary reform shall come about later.

The monarchy encourages but shall not mandate the wearing of the nationella dräkten as a way to lessen spending on expensive foreign fashions.

On Internal Affairs

The freedom of Jews, Catholics, and Muslims to worship freely and immigrate to Sweden shall not be infringed, though Lutheranism shall remain the true religion of the state.

The practice of capital punishment, save for the crimes of murder, high treason, piracy, espionage, arson against government installations, and various wartime offenses shall end, as shall the practice of strict capital punishment. Torture as either a punishment or a means to extract confessions is prohibited.

The amendments to the Freedom of the Press Act of 1766, and the provision allowing revocation of publishing licenses, are repealed.

Coffee is legalized now.

I would also like to announce my intentions to found an additional Royal Academy, the Royal Swedish Academy of Agriculture and Forestry.

On Foreign Affairs

Talks shall continue with Denmark-Norway - we send particularly our wishes to not dominate them with an iron fist, and instead look for more peaceful forms of cooperation.

These are the orders of His Majesty Gustav Adolf, by the Grace of God, of the Swedes, the Goths and the Vends King, Grand Prince of Finland, Duke of Pomerania, Prince of Rügen and Lord of Wismar, Heir to Norway and Duke of Schleswig-Holstein, Stormarn and Dithmarschen, Count of Oldenburg and Delmenhorst, etc. etc.
True Federalist (진정한 연방 주의자)
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« Reply #37 on: August 15, 2013, 12:05:02 AM »
« Edited: August 16, 2013, 04:46:18 PM by True Federalist »

Imperial Russian Army

The rank of Legionnaire is hereby established in the Imperial Russian Army and the rank of Brigadier, eliminated four years ago by our father, Paul I, is reestablished. Both ranks are be of rank V in the table of ranks.

One legionnaire shall be appointed for each governorate of Russia and shall be in charge of an army legion to be named after that governorate. Existing infantry and cavalry regiments named after a governorate are hereby made part of that identically named legion.  The legion is not intended to be a campaign unit but rather a command structure which shall see to the provisioning of its constituent troops while they are while they are within their home governorate, and see to the recruiting of troops for both the named regiments and the national units of the Imperial Russian Army. Fortifications and garrison troops located in a governate shall not be under the command of any legion.

The rank of brigadier is intended to be a brevet rank given to colonels who are given command of brigades established in the campaign armies as needed.

Foreign Affairs
We shall dispatch envoys to the Ottoman Sultan concerning the disposition of the Ionian Islands, formerly a part of the Venetian Republic before its dissolution two years ago and taken from the French in our joint expedition of last year.  Given what happened in Preveza, turning them over to sole Ottoman control is not an option, but neither is returning them to the French.  We shall propose a local government that owes nominal allegiance to the Sultan, much as the Republic of Ragusa does, but which shall not incite the Greeks on the mainland, and which shall be under our protection. In short, a government akin to that of Andorra on the border of France and Spain.

Economic Affairs
To help alleviate problems of local shortages of food and material in some locales, we have begun to look at ways of improving and expanding our country's canals and waterways.
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« Reply #38 on: August 16, 2013, 06:48:56 PM »

bump Smiley
True Federalist (진정한 연방 주의자)
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« Reply #39 on: August 17, 2013, 02:24:27 PM »
« Edited: August 17, 2013, 11:45:26 PM by True Federalist »

(OOC: While we wait, my thoughts have turned to other matters, and since some of my fellow monarchs have touched upon religion in their posts, I thought I would do the same, but I shan't be as crazily liberal.)

Law for the Promulgation and Protection of the Christian Faith

1. The official state religion of the Russian Empire shall be the Russian Orthodox Church headed by the Metropolitan of Moscow. The ordinary service of the Russian Orthodox Church shall be conducted in Church Slavonic. Exceptional services may be conducted in Greek for the the comfort of visiting clergy and laity coming from other Orthodox lands who customarily use the Greek language in their service.

2. The Catholic Church shall be tolerated and regulated in accordance with a concordat to be negotiated with the Metropolitan of Rome, or if a concordat is not negotiated, as laid out in regulations to be promulgated at later date.

3. The Lutheran Church shall be tolerated and organized as the Imperial Lutheran Church. It shall consist of six subordinate churches in the governorates that currently have a Lutheran presence, the Lutheran Church of Vyborg, the Lutheran Church of Ingermanland (Sankt-Peterburg Governorate), the Lutheran Church of Estland, the Lutheran Church of Livonia, the Lutheran Church of Kurland, and the Lutheran Church of Lithuania (Vilna Governorate). Services may be conducted in the German language and in the case of the six subordinate churches, the Finnish, Estonian, Latvian, and Lithuanian languages, and such other local languages they think proper. However, Lutheran services shall not be conducted in Church Slavonic or any of the Russian dialects (Great Russian, Little Russian, or White Russian).

4. The Mennonite Church shall be tolerated and organized as the Imperial Mennonite Church. It may coordinate the religious activities of the Mennonite colonies established in Novorossiysk and Saratov Governorates. Services may be conducted in the German language but not in Church Slavonic or any of the Russian dialects (Great Russian, Little Russian, or White Russian).

5. The state church and the tolerated churches shall be able to own property on which churches, monasteries, graveyards, and other religious institutions may be established or which have already been established.

6. Those professing to the Christian faith, but who hold no allegiance to the state church or a tolerated church may practice their faith, but they shall not be entitled to hold property corporately, nor may their leaders claim any benefit accruing under the laws of this empire to members of the clergy.

7. The Metropolitan of Moscow, subject to the veto of the Emperor, shall issue regulations for the collection as a tax of a tithe by all Christian subjects of this realm. If the subject is a member of a tolerated church the tithe shall be paid to the church they are a member of. If they are a member of the state church or of an untolerated church, the tithe shall go to the state church.

8. This law shall apply only to adherents of the Christian faith.  In due course, we shall issue laws applicable to those of other faiths resident in our lands.

Signed, this 17th day of May in first year of our reign,
Alexander I
Emperor and Autocrat of all the Russias, etc.

(OOC: In sections 3 and 4, Great Russian = Russian, Little Russian = Ukrainian, and White Russian = Belarussian. I can't use the term Ukrainian in the game, as that would be anachronistic. If the term were used at all in 1800, it would be referring to the Cossacks.)

True Federalist (진정한 연방 주의자)
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« Reply #40 on: August 17, 2013, 08:21:41 PM »

Law for the Regulation of the Buddhist Faith

1. The official state religion of the Russian Empire is the Russian Orthodox Church headed by the Metropolitan of Moscow.

2. Notwithstanding this, in recognition of the traditional Buddhist religion of the Kalmyk and Buryat subjects of the Empire, they shall be allowed to practice the Buddhist faith and corporately acquire land for the erection of their datsans.

3. Kalmyks and Buryats who follow the Buddhist religion shall register as such with the datsan of their choice.  Those who do not register with a datsan shall be considered to be Christian for the purposes of the law.

4. Buddhists shall pay four-thirds of the tithe they would owe as Christians, of which one-half shall be remitted to the state church and one-half to the datsan they are registered to.

Signed, this 20th day of May in first year of our reign,
Alexander I
Emperor and Autocrat of all the Russias, etc.

(OOC: The Kalmyks and Buryats are two of the three Russian minorities that are historically Buddhist.  The third, the Tuvans, is not under Russian rule in 1800.)
True Federalist (진정한 연방 주의자)
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« Reply #41 on: August 17, 2013, 09:07:41 PM »

Law for the Regulation of the Jewish Faith

1. The official state religion of the Russian Empire is the Russian Orthodox Church headed by the Metropolitan of Moscow.

2. Notwithstanding this, in recognition of the traditional Jewish religion of the Hebrew subjects of the Empire, they shall be allowed to practice the Hebrew faith and corporately acquire land for the erection of their synagogues. No synagogue shall be allowed to be established outside the area they are allowed according to the Edict of the 23rd of December of thirtieth year of the reign of Catharine II, as amended. No city shall have more than five synagogues and in any city in which there is more than five existing now, one shall be closed on the third Easter following the promulgation of this law, with an additional one closed each succeeding second Easter until the limit of five is reached.

3. Hebrews who follow the Jewish religion shall register as such with the synagogue of their choice.  Those who do not register with a synagogue shall be considered to be Christian for the purposes of the law. No synagogue may register more than one thousand adult males. For the purposes of this law, adult shall have the same meaning as in Jewish law, age thirteen or older.

4. Any synagogue which allows Hebrews to worship there without being registered. shall be subject to confiscation.

5. Jews shall pay five-thirds of the tithe they would owe as Christians, of which four-fifths shall be remitted to the state church and one-fifth to the synagogue they are registered to.

Signed, this 25th day of May in first year of our reign,
Alexander I
Emperor and Autocrat of all the Russias, etc.

(OOC: Yes I'm being oppressive.  I don't mind them becoming good Russian Christians, but having all those Jews in my lands is not desirable.  It would have been far better if my grandmother hadn't been convinced to partition the Commonwealth, as Russia had far fewer Jews before that, but it is too late to put that particular Humpty Dumpty back together again. Not that the Jews will be the only ones subjected to such tribulations.  The Poles won't have reason to like me either.)
True Federalist (진정한 연방 주의자)
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« Reply #42 on: August 17, 2013, 09:22:55 PM »

Law for the Regulation of the Islamic Faith

1. The official state religion of the Russian Empire is the Russian Orthodox Church headed by the Metropolitan of Moscow.

2. Notwithstanding this, in recognition of the traditional Islamic religion of the Circassian, Tatar and Kazakh subjects of the Empire, they shall be allowed to practice the Islamic faith and corporately acquire land for the erection of their mosques.

3. Circassians, Tatars and Kazakhs who follow the Islamic religion shall register as such with the mosque of their choice.  Those who do not register with a mosque shall be considered to be Christian for the purposes of the law.

4. Muslims shall pay four-thirds of the tithe they would owe as Christians, of which one-half shall be remitted to the state church and one-half to the mosque they are registered to.

Signed, this 29th day of May in first year of our reign,
Alexander I
Emperor and Autocrat of all the Russias, etc.

(OOC: In case you're wondering why the Buddhists and Muslims get off more easily than the Jews, it's simple. They're the primary inhabitants of the lands they live in and the Jews aren't.  I hope they will be encouraged by these laws to become good Orthodox Russians, but it's not worth starting a revolt to try and force the Buddhists or Muslims to convert.  I don't think there are any other significant religious groups in the country.  If there are, they aren't large enough to be a worry, so letting them pretend to be Christians who aren't part of the state or tolerated churches is fine with me.)
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« Reply #43 on: August 17, 2013, 09:28:11 PM »

OOC: (Just for fun) Unconfirmed reports from the Prussian Court seem to indicate that the Prussian King has lost his temper, and apparently he has yellled at the Cabinet and Queen Louise that he looks grossly incompetent and lazy when compared to Emperor Alexander.
True Federalist (진정한 연방 주의자)
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« Reply #44 on: August 17, 2013, 10:16:46 PM »

(OOC: Or it could be he has better things to occupy his time.  The Emperor's wife, Elizabeth Alexeievna, is currently expecting with his first child, so he has some free time.)
Dr. Cynic
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« Reply #45 on: August 18, 2013, 10:37:38 PM »

I think there's been plenty of time to do your second turn here... So...

True Federalist (진정한 연방 주의자)
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« Reply #46 on: August 24, 2013, 11:18:46 PM »

I'm going to go ahead and get a head start on turn three, since unless we unexpectedly have war breaking out, this is going to be happening.)

Sankt-Peterburg, 15 July 1800

Alexander I:  I always knew he was going to be a large ship, but this large?  Whatever was my father thinking?

Admiral Pyotr Khanykov: Your Majesty...

Alexander I:  I'll tell you what he was thinking!  He wanted the biggest warship afloat, regardless of the cost.  130 guns!  Four gun decks!  More than enough crew to man two ordinary ships of the line or a whole squadron of frigates.  He is not a Blessing (Благодать) but a curse! <sigh>

Admiral Pyotr Khanykov: Your Majesty, if I may be so bold, you didn't call me here just to rant at me.

Alexander I: <chuckle>  It would be in keeping with the House of Oldenburg, but no I am a Russian and a Romanov first.  When it is time to launch that white elephant, put him in ordinary.  Unless we get involved in a naval war, he too big to be useful.  The only naval war it looks like we'd be getting into soon is with Sweden if young Gustav proves as reckless as his father was.  Given the way he insulted my sister, I would not consider it beyond the bounds of possibility, but if we do get into a war with Sweden, again he is too big for the shallow waters of the Baltic.  No, if there is to be a large naval war, it will be between Britain and France. They might have a use for such a large ship.  I'll have our diplomats sound them both out If they are willing to pay sufficiently, if only to keep the other from getting such a fine ship, they can have him.  If not, we keep him in ordinary as a reminder not to get too far ahead of ourselves.  Big ships are good, but not at the expense of little ships, and the navy does not have enough frigates and corvettes to do what I want of it.
True Federalist (진정한 연방 주의자)
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« Reply #47 on: September 05, 2013, 07:00:40 PM »

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« Reply #48 on: September 07, 2013, 02:06:17 PM »

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« Reply #49 on: September 07, 2013, 03:37:06 PM »

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