The Official Obama Approval Ratings Thread (user search)

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  The Official Obama Approval Ratings Thread (search mode)
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Author Topic: The Official Obama Approval Ratings Thread  (Read 1276296 times)
Posts: 116
« on: April 18, 2009, 09:03:05 AM »

Not too bad, given that Rasmussen has Obama @ 55% nationally (-7).

But Obama got a 9-10% lower share in TX on Election Day.

They giving Obama a 48 percent approvol Is not bad for him in Texas.From how Perry Is talking you would think It would be 38 percent approval.
Posts: 116
« Reply #1 on: April 28, 2009, 02:40:23 PM »

SurveyUSA April Polls:


48% Approve (+1)
49% Disapprove (+2)


69% Approve (+2)
27% Disapprove (-1)


59% Approve (+2)
35% Disapprove (-5)


44% Approve (-11)
50% Disapprove (+10)


52% Approve (-4)
41% Disapprove (+3)


63% Approve (+2)
33% Disapprove (+1)


57% Approve (nc)
40% Disapprove (+1)

New Mexico:

63% Approve (+2)
32% Disapprove (-3)

New York:

73% Approve (+1)
24% Disapprove (+1)


58% Approve (-4)
37% Disapprove (+6)


57% Approve (+2)
39% Disapprove (+4)


64% Approve (+2)
30% Disapprove (-4)


56% Approve (+3)
42% Disapprove (nc)

No data for Massachusetts so far.

KS = Outlier ? Or just returning to its conservative roots ?

Obama Is doing well In the states he won.Here In Missouri people are seeing he Is not the carticure Palin and others were saying.Remember Mccain only won by 4 thousand votes.
Missouri Is the Mccain state most likely to flip In 2012.I am surprised by Kentuckey.Perhapes
White Democrats are coming around.Remember Bill Clinton won It In both 92 and 96.I would be very Intrested In poll out of West Virginia.I am also surprised by him only slightly more disapproved In Alamaba than Approve.I thought It would be higher disapproval.
Posts: 116
« Reply #2 on: April 29, 2009, 08:04:48 AM »

Obama Is doing well In the states he won.Here In Missouri people are seeing he Is not the carticure Palin and others were saying.Remember Mccain only won by 4 thousand votes.
Missouri Is the Mccain state most likely to flip In 2012.I am surprised by Kentuckey.Perhapes
White Democrats are coming around.Remember Bill Clinton won It In both 92 and 96.I would be very Intrested In poll out of West Virginia.I am also surprised by him only slightly more disapproved In Alamaba than Approve.I thought It would be higher disapproval.

I disagree with you on Missouri only with one qualification: Arizona seems more likely to flip. Although John McCain carried his home state by 8%, that is decidedly less than the usual effect (about 10-15%) of the Favorite Son effect.  To be sure, Obama did almost as well in 2008 in Massachusetts as did Kerry in 2004 -- Massachusetts wasn't going to vote for any Republican for President in either year, and probably won't for the next twenty. Obama did "only" a little better (7%)  in Illinois than did Kerry in 2004 -- but then, Obama did little campaigning in Illinois.  He did far more campaigning in Indiana, and Indiana responded as if he were a Favorite Son.

Bush won Texas by about 11% more in 2004 than did McCain in 2008.  To be sure, demographic trends (larger Hispanic electorate, more urbanization) might push Texas more toward Obama next time, the Favorite Son effect is significant.  It was enough to get South Dakota to give 45% of its vote for George McGovern in 1972 (one of his best performances in a dreadful result) in contrast to the 35% that he got in North Dakota and the 30% that he got in Nebraska.

Demographics -- Arizona has a fast-growing and young Hispanic electorate and is one of the most urban states in America (greater Phoenix and greater Tucson probably have more than 80% of the state's population) -- suggest that Arizona would have been a tough state for any Republican other than McCain to carry.  I think that Obama could lose Indiana and gain Arizona. The Republicans will not take Indiana for granted next time.

Missouri? With an effective Presidency, Obama wins Missouri -- no question.  

I totaly see your point.I see Arizona as totally flipable.Let's remember while Mccain was the favored son In 2008 he was kinda weak.Obama didn't campagin there except for a commercial In the last week and on Election Eve Mccain felt he had to have a rally In Arizona yet Obama got 45 percent of the vote.
With Mccain off the ticket Arizona Is In play for Obama,and he will campagin there In 2012.A Arizona poll has come out with him at 53 percent approval so winning there Is possable.And also consider
Clinton narrorly lost arizona In 92 but won it In 96

As for Indiana It Is the obama state most likely to flip however don't underestimate Obama.The
Clintons,Mccain,and the congressional Republicans have all made that mistake.
Posts: 116
« Reply #3 on: April 29, 2009, 11:55:45 AM »

Louisiana (Southern Media & Opinion Research)Sad

53% Excellent/Good
38% Not So Good/Poor

600 Likely Voters, April 13-16, 2009

Surprised by this.I guess In Lousiana the white democrats are coming along.We know the
Black Democrats are on Obama's side.
Posts: 116
« Reply #4 on: June 11, 2009, 02:52:58 PM »

Fox News Poll

Obama Approval/Disapproval

Overall: 63%/31%

Democrats 88%/8%

Republicans: 28%/62%

Independents: 66%/26%

Biden Approval/Disapproval

Overall: 49%/32$

Democrats: 75%/13%

Republicans: 18%/59%

Independents: 48%/27%

Economy getting better/getting worse/staying the same

Overall: 40%/42%/16%

Democrats: 50%/28%/19%

Republicans: 27%/57%/14%

Independents: 41%/41%/16%

Posts: 116
« Reply #5 on: June 29, 2009, 07:32:24 PM »

Obama Is in better shape than Clinton or Bush JR were.

In 1996 Clinton lost 2 States that Perot caused him to win Colorado and Montanta.He also
lost Georgia which he barely won In 1992.He won Florida which Perot cost him In 1992.He
also won Arizona which he might have won In 1992 had Perot stayed out of the general

Bush In 2004 with a 50 percent approvol ratings lost New Hamphserie which would have gone to al Gore In 2000 If not for Ralph Nader and won Iowa and New Mexico which he
lost In 2000 due to Incresed support from Hispanic by fear tactics.

As I have said many times Obama will not win a landslide In 2012.Obama has a good shot at taking Missouri.His best approval from a Mccain state.Nader may have cost Obama Missouri In 2008.Nader got more votes here than Mccain beat Obama by.Beyond that Arizona without Mccain on the ticket could be In Play.Indiana and Noth Carolna are questions.My thinking Is If he loses one It will Indiana.NC Is more likely to stay Dem.
Posts: 116
« Reply #6 on: June 29, 2009, 08:04:18 PM »

Republicans have been saying for years Perot caused Clinton's election.You have to acknoldge third party candiates cost candiates from major party states In General Election.

Keep bringing up Carter.Obama Is not Carter.A better candiate than Carter ever was.And
better President.Clinton and Bush won reelection.Although with Bush It was more an election after the supreme court stopped the recount.

On this forum I repersente the Democrats where most others are against him on this forum.I will be for Obama while many others here are for romney.
Posts: 116
« Reply #7 on: June 30, 2009, 12:25:27 PM »

The biggest Myth Is the Media In the tank for Obama.Besides the weeknight prime time lineup on MSNBC you can't find any Media outlets fair to Obama.Why do you think MSNBC Is beating CNN In the raitings?

In 2005 Kerry was never given as much airtime as Mccain got and Kerry got more votes than Mccain did.

Gingrich reelected Clinton by shuting down the government and his other actions.Kerry lost due to sabatoge by Clinton people and one of the dirtiest campagins ever.

I was only 3 In 1977 so I only know Carter as President by History but keep underestimating Obama and you will regret It.
Posts: 116
« Reply #8 on: July 01, 2009, 01:20:59 PM »

Approve 63%(+3)
Disapprovol 30%(-2)
Posts: 116
« Reply #9 on: August 07, 2009, 12:35:01 PM »

Gallup new numbers

Approve 58%
Disapprove 36%
Posts: 116
« Reply #10 on: August 11, 2009, 04:27:00 PM »

RAS had Mccain gaining In PA last fall.They had people supporting Drill Baby Drill.How well
did that go.As a rule I Ignore RAS untill we are In General Elections then they can be taken
seriously.As for CBS/NYTimes polls calling them liberal orginazations are a joke.The New York
Times buried the surveilance programs till 2005.And If you think CBS Is proObama that Is
news to the Democratic base.
Posts: 116
« Reply #11 on: September 02, 2009, 12:27:15 PM »


Approval 54% +2

Disapprove 40% -2
Posts: 116
« Reply #12 on: September 04, 2009, 12:24:48 PM »


Approve 55%(No change)

Disapproval 38%(-1)
Posts: 116
« Reply #13 on: October 01, 2009, 12:16:09 PM »

New Gallup Numbers

Approve 54%(+1)
Disapproval 38%(no change)
Posts: 116
« Reply #14 on: October 11, 2009, 01:28:50 PM »

New Gallup Numbers

Approval 56%(+2)
DisApproval 37%(-1)

His best numbers since early August from Gallup.
Posts: 116
« Reply #15 on: October 12, 2009, 12:08:08 PM »

Today's gallup numbers

Approval 56%(no Change)
Disapproval 36%(-1)
Posts: 116
« Reply #16 on: March 06, 2012, 01:57:01 PM »

And some wonder why some don't take Gallup seriously anymore.
Posts: 116
« Reply #17 on: March 06, 2012, 02:27:00 PM »

When rasmussen Is more favorabilty for Obama than Gallup you know why some are calling
Gallup a joke today.
Posts: 116
« Reply #18 on: March 26, 2012, 10:52:14 AM »

The actul complete numbers are

approve 49 %  Disapprove 51 %
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