2024 Election Game (Gameplay Thread)

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John King wannabe
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« Reply #150 on: August 03, 2022, 06:29:47 PM »


The mood has certainly become more jubilant as it has become clear that Vice President Harris is likely to eke out a victory over Governor Cooper, although many supporters booed Governor Cooper as he came on tv before the results were even final as he attacked Vice President Harris' record in his speech, meanwhile many of the Vice President's small Iowa supporters have begun speaking at the podium awaiting the Vice President's arrival.

Meanwhile in the Harris War Room in a local Marriot Hotel, Vice President Harris has been described as relieved at the result although bitter at the fact that Governor Cooper used his speech to take shots at her record and her candidacy and is expected to address that in her speech tonight to supporters, Vice President Harris is expected to leave her hotel for her HQ in around 15 minutes.
Pink Panther
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« Reply #151 on: August 03, 2022, 07:12:48 PM »

Vince McMahon's Celebratory Speech Regarding the Results from the Iowa Caucus

"Ladies and Gentlemen, this has been a wild ride so far. A few months ago in Stamford, I announced this candidacy to quite possibly the brightest crowd of people, maybe ever,  and it felt good. It felt good that so many people shared my same frustrations on how this country and the Republican Party currently operates, and how they have to change for the better. And over the course of this campaign, we have gotten so many people over to our campaign and our movement, it's astounding and simply amazing and beautiful to see. And from looking at these results, all of our hard work and dedication seems to have finally paid off. Despite the projections of the Fake News networks and publications, it's clear from the TRUE and UNTAMPERED results that we have in fact won the Iowa Caucus." loud cheers soon erupt from the audience.

"Trust me, you don't know how many times my advisors have told me to not make this speech. They want to save face. However, when the truth is on hand, and it's a celebratory occasion like this, I couldn't hid this from any of you. This is a monumental moment for this campaign and movement, and I'm confident we can repeat this success in New Hampshire, Nevada, South Carolina, etc. But sadly, Trump will unfair get most of the delegates, as fraudulent ballots flown in from China and Cuba at the last moment to give Trump the victory according to all these fake news. I agree that there's a Deep State, but Trump is their goddamn leader!! It's sickening, but I'm confident that the American people will see through his lies. And as for the Dem Caucuses, I'm certain fraud has distorted those results as well! Governor Cooper, I'm confident you have in fact won, but fraudulent ballots looks to have cost you this election. Stand up to them and fight for your rightful victory! But anyways, have a goodnight, everybody, and thanks for this massive accomplishment. Also, can Fox, CNN, and MSNBC play John Cena's theme song in full? Please and thank you."
Junior Chimp
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« Reply #152 on: August 03, 2022, 07:28:56 PM »

2024 Iowa caucuses

Maddow: It's now midnight in the east and MSNBC can finally project that Vice President Kamala Harris is the winner of the 2024 Iowa Democratic caucuses. It was a much tighter contest than expected, but again, MSNBC is saying that Kamala Harris is the winner of Iowa caucuses for the Democrats. For more, we got to Steve.

Kornacki: Thanks again Rachel. Well, it's been a lng night, but yes, Kamala Harris has defeated Roy Cooper in Iowa. We're able to make this call because we have effectively 100% of the vote counted, and there simply not enough votes left for Cooper to overcome Harris's lead. What allowed Harris to eke out this win? Take a look at Ames. It's the home of the Iowa State University and naturally, a lot of young progressives. Harris didn't win them overwhelmingly, but did just well enough with them to beat Cooper. Progressives may've been coming around to Cooper, but after the Adams endorsement, I think they were looking at him a bit sideways. So a victory for Harris in Iowa.

Democratic Iowa caucuses (40 delegates) - 100% reporting

VP Harris: 52.8% (21 delegates)

Gov. Cooper: 47.2% (19 delegates)

Republican Iowa cacuses (38 delegates) - 100% reporting

Fmr Pres. Trump: 67.3% (26 delegates)

Mr McMahon: 32.7% (12 delegates)

Maddow: Overall, a win for Harris, but not by the margins she would've been hoping for, one would venture to guess. She comes out of this with just two delegates more than Roy Cooper, and her momentum has likely taken a battering.

Wallace: Exactly, Rachel. I know we keep harping on this, but she is the sitting Vice President. She should've been able to win this pretty easily. She has the majority of institutional support, there's no question about that. The concern here, and one thing her team will have to look at, is that I don't think she's reasonating with the grassroots base of the party, and if a Democrat can't turn out that activist base, they lose in a general election. That's just a fact.

Joy: I agree as well. The other important thing is that the mood in America still hasn't dipped from that populist anger that propelled Trump and Sanders in 2016 and 2020. That hasn't disappeared, and that's to Cooper's benefit and Harris's detriment. Cooper is able to run with that outsider label on him, but as Steve said, that Adams endorsement did likely scare off those key progressive votes that Cooper needs going forward.

Hayes: Taking a look at the Republican race as well, Vince McMahon's speech just then sounded like the closest thing we'll get to a concession out of him. No reports of voter fraud at all at this stage, at least not in numbers needed to overturn the resultsof either contest. It does seem like McMahon is trying to lean into that angle that the foour years Trump spent in the White House corrupted him, and it's an argument that could play very well with Trump's supporters.

Maddow: New Hamsphire certainly is going to be interesting. To recap, MSNBC is saying that Kamala Harris has won the Iowa Democratic caucuses with 52.7% of the vote; she walks away with 21 delegates. Roy Cooper put in a strong showing with 47.3% of the vote and takes 19 pledged delegates. Donal Trump has easily won the the Republican caucuses with 67.3% of the vote and 26 delegates to Vince McMahon's 32.7%, which translates to 12 delegates. From Nicole, Chris, Joy, Steve and myself, goodnight.
John King wannabe
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« Reply #153 on: August 03, 2022, 07:39:56 PM »
« Edited: August 03, 2022, 08:34:06 PM by John King wannabe »


Wassup, Des Moines! I gotta say, Iowa it has been a little rocky throughout this campaign but I gotta say you definitely pulled through in the end! First I wanna thank the incredible Second Gentleman for that introduction, soon to be First Gentleman Doug Emhoff! Dougie, I love you and thank you so much for partaking in this journey with me, and I am so glad to say we are one step closer to the Oval Office!

First let me applaud Governor Cooper for a race well run in the end, and I guess it’s true what they mean when they say sticks and stones may break my bones but words can't hurt me! And it certainly hasn’t hurt the spirit of the people of Iowa! I refuse to let any candidate divide this country, especially not a Democrat who is in danger of dividing this party! We need to be prepared to stand up and fight against the threat that is Donald Trump and let me tell you! I have beat him before and I will beat him again!

I wanna thank the volunteers and organizers who helped make this win possible! Without you there is no way we would’ve won here tonight in Iowa and I gotta say I know for a fact you all have a bright future in public service and I will do everything in my power to elevate you! Because that’s the responsibility of a President! To lift up not tear down, now there are some candidates in this primary who believe it benefits them very well to tear down others, but let me tell you this it is easy to tear down but it is hard to build back up! So let’s build together for a brighter future for this nation!

Iowa this victory is dedicated to you! But I know we have more work to do! We are gonna take this fight to New Hampshire! To Nevada! To South Carolina! And across the country come November we are going to keep the White House and elect our first female President of the United States of America!

Iowa, I love y’all so much and I need you to keep your energy all the way till November! Thank you all so much and I will be back very very soon!

Harris's speech was livestreamed and carried by major news networks, after the speech she would quickly board Air Force Two to leave for New Hampshire.
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« Reply #154 on: August 03, 2022, 10:17:23 PM »


"Well, folks, the result have come in, and it looks like Kamala Harris narrowly won the caucus tonight.

It's only right we give VP Harris the credit she's due. Congratulations, Vice-President Harris. It looks like the fundraisers you attended and the money you dumped into the state really worked wonders for you.

But like I said - this is only beginning. We may have lost this particular caucus tonight to Kamala Harris and the donors in the establishment who fear real change, but you know what? We came damn well close, and I think we've scared them. We won 19 delegates, just two less than Kamala Harris. And you know what else? Our movement is gaining traction. People, Democrats, are sick and tired of candidates who say one thing and do another, who send mixed signals, who promise progress but balk when they get the chance to achieve it.

Kamala Harris, in her speech, called me a candidate who divides Democrats. Is that true? Is it true that a record of fighting for justice, fighting for reform of our criminal justice system, a record of fighting for LGBT rights - is divisive to the Democrats? I would think that a record of throwing people in jail for marijuana, of equivocating on every issue under the sun, of missing numerous opportunities as AG to pursue justice, would be more controversial, VP Harris.

In any case, yes, we lost Iowa. But all that does is energise me, energies us and our movement. We're going to show Kamala Harris and her donors that we are sick and tired of minorities getting put on to death row, we are sick and tired of people getting criminal records for having marijuana, that we want justice and consistency - not injustice and inconsistency. Kamala Harris has promised change and is promising change once more, but the only thing Kamala Harris has been able to change during her career is her political positions!

I've promised change too, but the difference between Kamala Harris and me is that I've delivered. I've brought about that change in North Carolina - as attorney general and as governor, whether that means investigating the cases of innocent people in jail, decriminalising medical marijuana, or repealing bigoted and transphobic laws. Now, I want to bring that experience and that kind of change, to a national level, so we can bring about the reforms we as a nation so desperately need.

Although we narrowly failed in Iowa, we will make sure we use that loss to motivate us, to drive us forward in New Hampshire and South Carolina and Texas and California, to remind us of the uphill battle we're facing that we CAN and WILL win if we stick together and fight hard.

On that note - I once again congratulate Kamala Harris on her win here in Iowa, but I will also warn her that from here on out, we as a campaign and as a movement, are dedicated to ensure that there are no more such wins for her and the establishment!"
Atlas Icon
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« Reply #155 on: August 03, 2022, 10:27:18 PM »

"Kamala Harris has promised change in the past and is promising change once more - but the only thing she's been able to change during her career is her political positions!"

Campaign leaflets bearing these words - along with information and details about Harris' equivocation on the death penalty and ineffectiveness as California's AG are distributed across New Hampshire ahead of that state's primary next week in an attempt to discredit the Vice-President and winner of the Iowa caucus. These pamphlets have an impact in swaying progressive and liberal primary voters in New Hampshire who are undecided towards Cooper's column.

"Kamala Harris has a lot of experience - placing thousands of people in jail for having marijuana."

A similar flyer is mailed out across the Granite State which comprehensively analyses Kamala Harris' "integral role in advancing and enabling a broken criminal justice system. While Roy Cooper was busy investigating cases of innocent people in jail" - separate details of this feat are provided elsewhere in the brochure - "Kamala Harris was also busy, securing marijuana convictions and outdoing her predecessors in throwing nearly two thousand people in jail on marijuana convictions."

The pamphlet closes with a reminder to reads about the importance of their vote: "New Hampshire will decide which experience they want in the White House next Tuesday. Make sure to vote in the Democratic primaries for president."

Atlas Icon
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« Reply #156 on: August 03, 2022, 10:33:20 PM »

"Kamala Harris has promised change in the past and is promising change once more - but the only thing she's been able to change during her career is her political positions!"

Campaign leaflets bearing these words - along with information and details about Harris' equivocation on the death penalty and ineffectiveness as California's AG are distributed across New Hampshire ahead of that state's primary next week in an attempt to discredit the Vice-President and winner of the Iowa caucus. These pamphlets have an impact in swaying progressive and liberal primary voters in New Hampshire who are undecided towards Cooper's column.

"Kamala Harris has a lot of experience - placing thousands of people in jail for having marijuana."

A similar flyer is mailed out across the Granite State which comprehensively analyses Kamala Harris' "integral role in advancing and enabling a broken criminal justice system. While Roy Cooper was busy investigating cases of innocent people in jail" - separate details of this feat are provided elsewhere in the brochure - "Kamala Harris was also busy, securing marijuana convictions and outdoing her predecessors in throwing nearly two thousand people in jail on marijuana convictions."

The pamphlet closes with a reminder to reads about the importance of their vote: "New Hampshire will decide which experience they want in the White House next Tuesday. Make sure to vote in the Democratic primaries for president."

To ensure these powerful messages go beyond the Granite State and can be shared with voters from Los Angeles to Laredo, San Diego to San Antonio, Denver to Dallas, Charleston to Carson City - these are also turned into TV ads.

The first of these ads (aired in the media markets of DFW, Houston and El Paso in Texas; Los Angeles, San Francisco - Oakland - San Jose, Bakersfield, California; and Denver, Colorado) uses the message of "Kamala Harris has promised change in the past and is promising change once more - but the only thing she's been able to change during her career is her political positions!" and, in essence, provides examples of Harris' incompetence as AG and flip-flopping and equivocation on issues such as the death penalty.

The second ad, like its New Hampshire brochure counterpart, refers to Harris' controversial record of marijuana lockups as DA. It is aired in the media markets of San Antonio (TX), Austin (TX), Los Angeles (CA), San Diego (CA), Fresno-Visalia (CA), Sacramento-Stockton (CA), San Francisco - Oakland - San Jose (CA), Denver (CO), Columbia (SC) and Charleston (SC).
John King wannabe
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« Reply #157 on: August 04, 2022, 12:37:03 AM »

Harris Campaign Prepares for New Hampshire
Television Spot 1: Fighter for the People
Ad aired in New Hampshire, Nevada and California as well as neighboring state markets..

Narrator: Despite lies prompted by some chaos agents in the Democratic Primary, Kamala Harris is one of the most progressive Vice President’s in American history.
(Pre-recorded video of VP Harris on the phone in her ceremonial office)
Whether that be the fight to secure the right to an abortion or the fight to expand voting rights, Kamala Harris has been there to provide for the American people.
As President, Kamala Harris will fight for progressive causes such as the fight for Universal Healthcare, rebuilding our critical infrastructure and building a future built on clean renewable energy.
(Clip of VP Harris walking in a factory talking to multiple workers, pointing out certain aspects in the building)
Kamala Harris has seen what needs to be done as Vice President, and as President she will continue the work of the Biden administration and fight for a future that builds this nation up for everyone involved.
(Cut to VP Harris on a park bench with children playing a board game as she turns and smiles at the camera)
Kamala Harris: I’m Kamala Harris, and I approve this message, for your future and yes, for our children’s future.

In addition to the television advertisements, Vice President Harris' campaign website has been updated to celebrate her Iowa victory with the homepage now reading "THANK YOU IOWA!" with a photo of VP Harris on caucus night smiling at the crowd of supporters, the campaign also includes a new section called "Truth Tracker" which seeks to debunk any false claims put out by candidates on the Vice President's record.

The Vice President has also shipped her senior staff to New Hampshire to primary for what is expected to be a closer than expected primary, volunteers have been instructed to get out and meet with voters that the Vice President will not be able to reach as easily, especially young college students who are wary on the Vice President, fliers will be distributed highlighting her 20 year career such as her signature "Back on Track" program as District Attorney which helped offenders get a stable education and job, taking on Big Banks for their role in the 2008 mortgage crisis as well her record on criminal justice reform on a bipartisan basis as Senator.

The Harris campaign has also begun stretching resources beyond Super Tuesday as it is now clear the race will not be locked in for their candidate by the end of Super Tuesday, and are preparing themselves for a long primary showdown to the convention.

Before boarding Air Force Two in Des Moines, Vice President Harris addressed supporters on the night.
"You know, I am just so glad that the people of Iowa were wise enough to choose the candidate who is ready on Day One to become President of the United States, and it is about results and lifting up the American people than bashing your opponent, as you saw even in your own concession speech and to insinuate that I only won this race because of money? That is a real slap in the face to my supporters who will be required if the Democratic nominee wants to win in November so let's move past the attacks and look forward to a future that we can believe in as a country. Thanks guys"

Vice President Harris' campaign itinerary for the next week in Iowa will be released to supporters in a few hours her campaign manager announced to the press before taking off.
Senator Spiral
Atlas Politician
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« Reply #158 on: August 04, 2022, 02:47:26 AM »

John Kerry 2024: January 19-26

January 19: Announcement (Boston, MA)

On this day, John Kerry announced his second presidential campaign to be headquartered in Boston, MA. Senior staff from the Kerry 2004 campaign have been brought back to rekindle relations with voters, donors, unions, and other organizations. Additionally, heavy recruiting efforts are being made for veterans of past Democratic primary campaigns, including that of Joe Biden, Barack Obama, Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren, Tammy Baldwin, Kathy Hochul, and Eric Adams. Noting the urgency of a late entry into the primaries, ballot organizing for upcoming states is among the top priorities for the campaign. Surrogates and other allies are also engaging in a coordinated media campaign to raise awareness for the Kerry 2024 effort and to bolster support among key demographics, including liberals, progressives, retirees, students, African-Americans, Latino-Americans, and Asian-Americans.

Ladies and gentlemen, thank you all for gathering here today. You may be wondering, "What the hell is John Kerry doing here with what looks like a campaign announcement?" *laughs* Make no mistake: I am running for President of the United States. This was not a decision I take lightly at all.

I have been looking at the state of this campaign season and, frankly, the caliber of the discourse does not meet these pressing times. On the one hand, we have seen insurrectionists and carnival barkers fully take helm of the Republican Party and they now pose an existential threat to our democracy. All the while, we have seen the Democratic primary devolve into one-noted, petty differences between the two contenders without providing a real vision for our country and planet. We are in the middle of a climate crisis with the clock ever ticking. Americans have been left economically insecure over decades of greed and mismanagement from the top. Our institutions in healthcare, education, and even our basic social rights in reproductive health are compromised. Who really wants to hear about marijuana one more time in this campaign? These candidates, I worry, do not have the muster nor the purpose to defeat Donald Trump.

This campaign is about presenting real leadership: not only to win the general election, but to actually govern and represent America on the world stage. I have served with honor my entire life as a Vietnam veteran, United States Senator, Secretary of State, and now the Special Presidential Envoy for Climate. I have blown the whistle on government corruption, no matter Democrat or Republican. I have brokered peace and cooperation around the world, whether it be the Iran Deal for nuclear weapons or the Paris Agreement on climate change. My record and experience reflect who I am as a progressive with meat on the bone, not just for the cameras or to gain votes. For those who doubt whether I have the ability to win and unite this party, I'll remind you that I have already done so before in 2004. With your help, we shall get the job done again in 2024.

We as Americans have the resolve to make real change when we band together. As your President, we will enact a Green New Deal that will invest in sustainably reshaping our energy sector and reducing global emissions. We are going to bring power back to the working class through the repeal of Taft-Hartley, universal healthcare, and new stimulus measures to revive American manufacturing in high-tech. We will support democracy around the globe and stand up to countries like Russia and China who wish to invade and disrupt to get their way. We are going to codify and expand our rights in voting, same-sex marriage, reproductive health, and all others endangered by an out-of-control Supreme Court. These goals can and will happen under a Kerry administration because I have seen the vigor of the American people when they know something is wrong in our country. Our movement is one of courage to do the right thing, and to persist.

I'm John Kerry, and I'm reporting for duty!

January 20: Vermont

John Kerry spent the first full day of his campaign in Vermont, laying the groundwork for success in Super Tuesday and beyond. Kerry spent considerable time talking in private with Senators Bernie Sanders and Peter Welch in private, then subsequently in a press conference. Kerry spent time canvassing the state, primarily in Burlington and the surrounding towns, talking with voters and making impressions at local Democratic clubs. The campaign sees Vermont and the rest of New England as fertile ground given Kerry's regional roots and the lack of attention placed by the other candidates.

Well, delighted to see such an impressive attendance for my first official press conference of the campaign. *laughs* Meeting with Senator Sanders and Senator Welch today was a very productive session. We discussed everything from prescription drug costs to the new labor movement taking root in this country. I have to just preface, for the record, that I count myself among the millions of Americans who will be sad to see Senator Sanders depart after this term. Bernie, from the time we served in the Senate together I always respected you for your passion and commitment to bettering regular people's lives. You've done so much over the years to fight for the right to healthcare, a fair tax code, affordable college education, and a cleaner planet. While you will be sorely missed, I think we can all agree that you've more than earned your retirement. *laughs*

January 21-23: California

The Kerry campaign set its eyes on the Golden State as the next state on the itinerary. With the largest amount of delegates for the taking, campaign advisors see California as crucial to their post-Super Tuesday success and the infrastructure is important to this. Plans are being made for potential victory in a fragmented field, or a very strong showing at a minimum. The campaign is not intimidated by Vice President Harris's home-state status, noting that she notoriously had polling struggles in the state during the 2020 primaries. Secretary Kerry made stops to talk with prominent elected officials such as Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Governor Gavin Newsom, and Representatives Katie Porter and Ro Khanna. Additionally, donor outreach is being conducted with sales pitches including electability concerns with other candidates and having the most compelling campaign message. Cities that Kerry visited during this stop include Los Angeles, San Francisco, San Jose, Sacramaneto, and Oakland. Events covered during this stop include town halls, fundraisers, and meetings with prominent local labor unions.

VOTER: Secretary Kerry, thank you for coming here to Oakland. I was an early supporter of Senator Tammy Baldwin and I volunteered for her campaign, but I have been very undecided with the field since she dropped out. Your background and experience is interesting, but what I would like to know from you today is whether you support Senator Baldwin's Stop Corruption Now bill that would create a Federal Integrity Commission?

KERRY: Thank you for this question, ma'am. The answer to your question is yes, unequivocally yes. Having a system like the Federal Integrity Commission that would really enforce ethics in politics would keep our elected officials accountable to we the people. I have long been an advocate for this sort of transparency in my career. After serving in Vietnam, I spoke out about the war crimes that I saw our government partake in as regular conduct. Later, in the Senate, I organized investigations on missing Vietnam POWs and what the Reagan administration knew about Iran-Contra.

Regarding Senator Baldwin, I consider her a friend and we go quite a way back. I invited her to have a primetime slot at the 2004 DNC, making history as one of the first openly gay officials to speak at our convention. She has always been forward-thinking and collaborative in getting things done in Washington. We could use many more folks like Tammy, and I hope that our campaign will help to make this a reality.

January 24-26: Virginia

Following California, Kerry visited Virginia, a state with deep campaign ties going back to 2004. Kerry quickly assembled a new operation with field offices spanning Fairfax County to the rural Southwest. The candidate also made visits with Senators Mark Warner, Tim Kaine, and the rest of the state congressional delegation for support and other avenues of assistance to the campaign. Activities during this stop include rallies, town halls, fundraisers, and interviews with local media affiliates. Themes emphasized during events include electability, Kerry's progressive record, and doubts over the other Democratic candidates.

I congratulate Vice President Harris on her win in Iowa earlier. It was a hard slog between the two and her team deserves credit for pulling it out. However, I must note that Governor Cooper seems to have already gotten under the Vice President's skin. To which I ask: You know it doesn't get any easier after this, right? *laughs* As a past nominee, I've seen the dirty tricks and the slander that campaigns can put out. Any of us who might become the nominee this year have to be ready for anything and everything, especially with Trump on the ballot.

Vice President Harris says that she's beaten Trump before, but we must respectfully give credit here to President Biden who went toe-to-toe with the man. The President was Trump's focus, not the Vice President. What happens when Trump and the Republican machine goes beyond marijuana and unleashes their full barrage against her? We as Democrats must not let these attacks get to us. If we do, then we will lose in November.

As far as Governor Cooper, I do appreciate his spunk. Really, though, you need a new script, man. I recall it was Eric Adams himself who pointed out that the Governor flip-flopped on the marijuana issue in the past few years. Then to have Mayor Adams, who's against legalization, out there for you while you're promoting legalization at the same time? Governor Cooper is not a credible messenger, and progressives have good reason to be wary of his campaign.
Senator Spiral
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« Reply #159 on: August 04, 2022, 03:11:37 AM »
« Edited: August 05, 2022, 12:30:28 AM by Spiral »

John Kerry TV Ad: Service

He served our country in uniform, earning three Purple Hearts from Vietnam.

He served our country as Secretary of State, reining in nuclear weapons and pushing the largest global climate change treaty in history.

John Kerry has always served his country because he believes in the goodness of America.

As President, John Kerry will tackle our biggest problems, from climate change to our children's education. He will proudly serve you and work for a fairer, stronger America.

I'm John Kerry, and I approve this message.

The ad shall play in the following states: Alabama, American Samoa, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Maine, Massachusetts, Minnesota, North Carolina, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, Missouri, and Wisconsin.
Atlas Icon
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« Reply #160 on: August 04, 2022, 02:17:28 PM »


"Well, it seems that John Kerry is now seeking the nomination, too. And frankly, I'm quite surprised by that news. That said, I'd like to welcome Mr Kerry to the race. I look forward to campaigning against him.

First of all, we really need to choose somebody younger as your nominee!" (laughs) "We as a country really need to. Back in 2016, Donald Trump broke the record of oldest president. Then, in 2020, we had a campaign between two men, one 74 and the other 78. Joe Biden won. I like and respect President Biden a great deal, but it's worth noting that with his election, he broke Trump's record to become oldest president. Now it seems like John Kerry wants to break that record yet again! John is 81 years old. We need younger candidates. We as a nation have been governed by seventy- and eighty-something presidents for the past eight years. President Biden made the right choice when he retired this year, because we need younger presidents. John Kerry was a good presidential choice back in 2004. Now, twenty years later, I'd honestly say, John Kerry should retire. We don't need to elect an 81-year-old as our president. We've elected a 70 year old, and a 78 year old, but I think it's time to draw the line and choose somebody a little younger.

Secondly, Mr Kerry said marijuana is irreverent, a non-issue. He's said I have no agenda beyond marijuana. I disagree with him on both counts. We've waited for so long, and no president, Democratic or Republican, has been able or willing to legalise marijuana. We still have a broken criminal justice system, one that disproportionately incarcerates African-Americans. And when we've got one of the presidential candidates whose record includes putting people in jail for having marijuana, a record of enabling the criminal justice system, and another candidate who has consistently fought for the reform of the criminal justice system, I think that's worth considering. Now, it's worth considering that the third presidential candidate doesn't think our criminal justice system is even worth addressing! And yes, yes, I was endorsed by Eric Adams. But if you listened to what Eric said, my support for legal weed really had nothing to do with his endorsement. Eric endorsed me because of integrity and consistency, because he's noticed that I've been consistent in my views much more than VP Harris has. Listen, I may disagree with him on marijuana, but Eric himself has a record of consistency. So, to be endorsed by him because I'm relatively consistent in my political positions, was a great honour to me.

I get what John is saying, though. I HAVE been making a lot of comments about marijuana and the criminal justice system. Absolutely. I can't deny that. However, to say that my campaign hasn't taken climate change seriously is laughable, is laughable. John, we all appreciate your time as Special Envoy to President Biden on climate change, believe me, we really do. However, it's disingenuous to suggest you are the only candidate who cares about climate change, who has addressed climate change, or who is prepared to combat climate change. And on this count I'll defend Kamala's record as well as my own, because, as I've said in the past, on this one issue, we cannot afford any infighting. We must be united on climate change. So, I set up, if you remember, a climate conference. Kamala attended, as did Senator Tammy Baldwin and Governor Kathy Hochul. So did a Republican, Governor Phil Scott. Listen, I wouldn't have allowed a Republican to join if I was doing this to win votes, or for political purposes. But I welcomed his presence, and here's why: because I really think this issue is the most serious of our time, and we need whatever cooperation, whatever support, whatever agreement, whatever progress we can get. But anyway, it was a productive talk, and we came away with over a dozen great ideas we've all pledged to implement. Among those are: heavier investment in rail systems and public transportation; working intentionally with major countries such as China and India to get them to agree to decrease carbon emissions, expanding lanes for walking and biking to promote environmentally friendly modes of travel, a fund to help coal miners and help them transition, the hiring of young people to plant trees and pick up plastic. That's just to name a few. My point is: I'm serious, and Kamala Harris is serious, when it comes to this issue. Neither of us are taking it at all lightly or ignoring this issue, so to attack us on that issue, that's, that's, not right. I'd absolutely welcome you cooperating with us, working with us, on this issue, so that we are all united. If you're unwilling to, that's fine. But do not say that I am not, or Kamala Harris is not, serious about this issue."
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« Reply #161 on: August 04, 2022, 03:59:11 PM »

Vince McMahon's Nationally Televised and Livestreamed Speech on January 20th in Manchester, NH

"Ladies and gentlemen here today, I am confident in our chances at winning the New Hampshire primaries in a few weeks. I truly believe that we won Iowa, but sadly the faked ballots were included in the tabulation, meaning that Trump "recieved" two thirds of the vote. We all know that's hogwash, but we can't do anything about it for the moment. However, what we can do is vote, and vote overwhelmingly here in New Hampshire that we can beat the fraudulent ballots. I truly believe that we can do so. Sadly enough, Trump doesn't actually care about the sanctity of election safety. He actually only cares about winning, and he only parroted the albiet true claims of fraud in 2020 because he lost and only wanted to win. He doesn't give a damn whether or not our electoral process is violated or how foreign countries can steal elections, he only cares about himself, not the American people or country, and let's be honest, he would be totally fine and happy if fraud benefits him, as we have just seen with Iowa. Donald Trump is an amazing actor in the sense that he continuesly lies about caring about this country and actually wanting to do good, but sadly, he only cares about himself and his buddies in the elite.

Now look, I used to be be great friends with Donald. We had so many business and personal ties back in the day. However, I eventually learned how Trump is a great lier. And I learned how much of an asskisser he is to the elite of this world. He promised the world in 2016. Tax cuts, no more wars, strong economy, bringing back our jobs, standing up to big media, standing up to illegal immigration, all you can name. But as he said countless times in 2016, it was all talk, no action. He cut taxes, sure, but that was mostly for the elites and in some cases, taxes for hard working Americans INCREASED. Last time I checked, he promised to cut taxes especially for the middle and lower classes, but the exact opposite occurred and he only benefited his friends in the elite and big business. He also promised no more wars, but he increased drone strikes pretty considerably in comparison to Obama, and many of his reckless behavior nearly got us in to many wars, especially with Iran. I promise to stand up to these countries, sure, but not in a reckless way like Trump. Last time I checked, Trump loves to talk about how he has an amazing economy. That is true until 2020, when Trump cuddled with his buddies and either allowed or even in some cases shut down many parts of the economy. He only did it because it would make his friends in higher up places happy and because he didn't give a damn about the economy and the livelihoods of hard working Americans. He also didn't bring jack back in terms of jobs. Many places who have suffered due to outsourcing still suffer today because Trump lied and didn't do a damn thing to make these communities prosperous again! He may have called big media nicknames, but he was putting on an act to help his friends in big media rake in more dollars. I guarantee that many big media executives voted for Trump in 2020 because they wanted to continue their deal with Trump. Trump didn't care about the rampant silencing of conservative voices. He only wanted to put on an act to help his elitist buddies become even more richer!! And as for illegal immigration, ICE on many records have stated that Obama deported MOREillegals than Trump. That is pathetic for Trump, and another lie from him. And as for working harder than Obama, who always played golf, Trump spent essentially his entire Presidency working on his strut and swing, since he cared more about his golf game than caring for the American people.

 The people of New Hampshire and the nation as a whole, can you trust Donald Trump anymore after his countless lies and his Presidency? He is for the elite, not the American people, and has always been. However, that has never been the case with Vincent Kennedy McMahon, and I promise to actually stand up to the elite and fight for the American people, unlike that fraud and phony named Donald Trump."
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« Reply #162 on: August 04, 2022, 08:23:30 PM »

Vice President Harris Campaign Schedule
Kamala Harris: For the People

January 23rd - 26th | New Hampshire

On January 23rd Vice President Harris will arrive in New Hampshire fresh off the heels of a win in the first primary contest, After departing Air Force Two, Vice President Harris was asked to respond to the Kerry candidacy in which she responded saying

“I have a great deal of respect for John Kerry and I wish him the best of luck in this primary, I mean I gotta say this was certainly unexpected (laughs) but um, you know may the best man OR woman win in this case and I am confident that our campaign will prevail in that matter, but once again the best of luck to Secretary Kerry.

Afterwards Vice President Harris attended a roundtable with single mothers working to get quality affordable childcare for their children, in the roundtable which was open to the press, Vice President Harris stressed her plan for Universal Child Care that would be paid for by the federal government for all children 6 months to the age they start kindergarten. In the meeting, Vice President Harris cracked jokes at her childhood childcare system where her mother took her to her lab and cleaned tubes.

After the event, Vice President Harris attended a town hall which her advisors believe is the best way to connect to undecided voters in the New Hampshire primary, at this event Vice President Harris answered a question on her record with marijuana from an undecided voter, the voter later said she had decided to vote for Harris after the exchange.

VOTER: Thank you, Madam Vice President, I am a 20 year old college student and I am currently undecided between you and Governor Cooper, and one thing we hear Governor Cooper talk a lot about is your record on weed-

HARRIS: He talks about it more than he says why he wants to be President. (laughs with audience)

VOTER: (politely chuckles) But, I am concerned with your record when it comes to marijuana and I really want you to clear up any confusion anyone may have cause me and a lot of my friends are concerned about your very tough record on weed and so, well yeah can you explain it.

HARRIS: Well thank you so much for that question, so when I was District Attorney of San Francisco, yes I will admit there were convictions for marijuna related charges, and I was not the Mayor of San Francisco or the Governor of California so I couldn’t take my pen and legalize it as some of my opponents seem to think I can do, so weed was not yet legal in my jurisdiction and my job as District Attorney of San Francisco to uphold the law of the jurisdiction that I was in charge of.

But if you look at the facts, most of those who were charged with marijuana related charges were never ever locked up and walked away from court with minor fines, that was the system that I put in face I did not want to push a broken system that was started by the war on drugs and continue it under my reign as the first black woman District Attorney. Now as for when I was Attorney General many of those marijuana convictions were prosecuted by independent district attorney’s beyond my control but I have fought for the legalization of marijuana nationwide and that will be a staple of my presidency.

After the town hall, Vice President Harris visited her campaign headquarters in Manchester and helped volunteers knock on doors and passed out pamphlets to undecided voters.

For the rest of her stay in New Hampshire, Vice President Harris would hold many one-on-one events with voters in an attempt to reach out to supporters and undecided voters and even those who may be uneasy on the Cooper campaign, Harris has spent the last few days as well prepping for the upcoming Democratic primary debate with Cooper and possibly Kerry.
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« Reply #163 on: August 04, 2022, 10:21:17 PM »

On January 23, Roy Cooper arrives in Nashua. He holds a rally with State Senator Cindy Rosenwald, where, among other subjects, he discusses his plans to "balance the Supreme Court:"

"I intend to nominate only judges who absolutely, 100%, support a woman's right to bodily autonomy, her right to consent to a medical procedure - her right, in other words, her right to have an abortion. But beyond that, I will support judges who oppose rulings like Citizens United and McDonald v. Chicago. I will support judges who respect the Ninth Amendment, who respect the context with which the Second Amendment was written. I will support judges who support labour and labour unions over big corporations. I will support only solid liberals. I mean, right now, it's still a 6-3 conservative majority. That is crazy, and it's because Donald Trump and Mitch McConnell colluded - because of their double-standards and hypocrisy. It's time to balance the court. If we are not able to through regular means balance the court to a more even ideological composition, I will absolutely not rule out court packing. It is no more outrageous or unfair than Mitch McConnell's actions - denying Merrick Garland even a hearing, and then jamming through Amy Coney Barrett's nomination in the last days before the election."

After the rally, Cooper heads east, hosting a town hall in Hudson and another in Pelham. Both town halls are fairly mellow. The primary highlight is the exchange that follows (from the Hudson town hall):

VOTER: "Governor Cooper, Vice-President Harris said that she really had no power as DA to legalise marijuana, but that she worked within the system to reform it, and that she actually didn't put people in jail, but just gave them fines. Until now I've been leaning towards you because I'm a strong supporter of criminal justice reform, but it feels to me like you've distorted the truth. It feels like Kamala Harris supports criminal justice reform too, and now I'm leaning towards her. Could you reiterate why you are a stronger champion for reforming the system than her?"

COOPER: "Well, ma'am, thank you for the question. Yes, it is true that as district attorney, Kamala Harris really could not legalise marijuana. I acknowledge that fact.

But it's not just marijuana. Kamala Harris, John Kerry, have made jokes that I've only talked about weed. But really, when I say criminal justice reform, I'm talking about much more than that. Yes, I've stressed Kamala Harris' marijuana lockups, but it is not as if that is all.

Kamala Harris, when it comes to other crucial questions and issues regarding the criminal justice system, either flip-flops or backs the system. In other cases, she says she supports reform, but when she has the power to advance reform, she won't change a thing.

Yes, as DA, Kamala could not do much beyond prosecution. I acknowledge that. But what about as AG? Kamala Harris and I both served as attorneys general of our states. Our records, however, are radically different. Kamala Harris did not support amendments to end the death penalty in California, despite the fact that death row is disproportionately African-American and Hispanic, despite the evidence that innocent people get executed, despite having refused to use the death penalty as DA. She also, when two African-American were fatally shot by the police in LA and San Francisco, refused to look into the subject. As for me, though? Well, as AG, I did investigate. In fact, I was at the forefront and front lines of a major investigation that revealed the problems with our present criminal justice system. There was a man, Gregory Taylor. He served 17 years in jail. In 2010, though, I looked into the matter. What did I discover? There had been a massive suppression of evidence on the part of the forensics lab. I dug deeper. And what I then discovered was shocking. For 20 years, certain agents at the state Bureau of Investigation had been withholding and suppressing crucial evidence. They didn't keep up with testing or updated scientific standards. 230 criminal cases had been tainted as a result of this massive misconduct. Three of the people who were involved in those cases had already been executed. Another 80 were still imprisoned. From there, we launched a massive investigation into all those cases, to ensure that nobody innocent had to remain in jail because of forensic misconduct. When did I REFUSE to do anything? Not when it came to the police killing African-Americans, or the abolition of the death penalty. Instead, I refused to take action when I was asked to defend HB 2 - the transphobic and unconstitutional bathroom bill. I refused to defend such unjust, unconstitutional and bigoted laws.

So, Kamala Harris' record on criminal justice reform is shaky, inconsistent, uninspiring. It's filled with big promises and little action. My record as AG, on the other hand, is plain as day: wherever I have seen injustice, misconduct, unfairness, I have investigated. I've dug deep, dug as deep as necessary in the pursuit of justice."
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« Reply #164 on: August 05, 2022, 01:34:36 AM »

John Kerry Statement on Roy Cooper Comments

For all the comments about the marijuana issue that Governor Cooper has made recently, I really believe Kamala Harris put it best: "He talks about it more than he says why he wants to be President." I mean it. I'm beginning to forget what else his campaign is about, and this isn't a case of my age getting to me. If fellow candidates think this way, imagine what voters feel.

Roy is being obtuse on my stance with marijuana, I'll add. Of course I support legalization and reforming our criminal justice system to better treat non-violent offenders. Of the Democrats running, I have been on the record as supporting medical marijuana since the '90s before anyone else. On many of these issues, I have long been ahead of the curve, and it delights me to see the country shifting more towards compassion and treatment.

We as Democrats should all be united on the urgency of climate change, and I appreciate last year's climate conference that the candidates organized in solidarity. All of those proposals will benefit us in the long run, and many of them overlap with my climate plan. That being said, there is talk and there is action. There are promises and there are records.

Governor Cooper has made a big deal about Vice President Harris and her criminal justice record not living up to claims. What he has never bothered to disclose to voters is how he hired a major oil and gas lobbyist to be his state's legislative director. Not only that, but Roy approved a pipeline right before where the same lobbyist was involved in pushing that development. As part of that sweet pipeline deal, Roy won a $58 million slush fund donated by the lobbyist's group where the Governor can personally use those funds however he likes without any oversight.

Roy Cooper made the choice to hire that lobbyist to oversee his legislative agenda. Roy Cooper made the choice to accept oil money with no strings attached. Now the Governor must live with his choices and explain to voters how he is the clean progressive outsider he claims to be.
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« Reply #165 on: August 05, 2022, 02:26:56 PM »

On the 24th, Cooper first hosts a town hall in Salem, then continues heading eastward, through Atkinson and Plaistow, before turning northeast and going through Kingston and Brentwood. The next town hall is held in Exeter. He spends the evening at a guesthouse in Exeter.

Come the 25th, Cooper rises early to head through Stratham (where he holds a brief rally) and Greenland, before arriving in Portsmouth. In Portsmouth, he holds a town hall. The big highlight is when he defends his record on climate change. A voter says: "Governor Cooper, I live right here on the coast, and if global warming gets severe and the ice caps melt, the entire coast of New Hampshire will go underwater. So climate change is my number one priority. I supported you because I thought you were a leader in combatting climate change, but Secretary Kerry's attacks are making me wonder if I should support him instead, and if he has a better record on climate change. Could you tell me why your record on climate change is stronger than Secretary Kerry's?"

Cooper's reply (which is also uploaded to his YouTube channel, and excerpts of which are aired in the Boston media market as an ad to refute Kerry's attacks that Cooper is weak on climate change):

"What you really need to look at is my record on oil and gas, which is very clear. Yes, I accepted oil and gas money and hired an oil and gas lobbyist to oversee my legislative agenda. However, I did not for one minute waver from my environmentalist convictions. You don't need to take my word for it - just take a look at my record.

Back in 2017, I vocally opposed President Trump in his efforts to bring offshore drilling to North Carolina's coast: "It's clear that opening North Carolina's coast to oil and gas exploration and drilling would bring unacceptable risks to our economy, our environment, and our coastal communities--and for little potential gain. As Governor, I'm here to speak out and take action against it. I can sum it up in four words: not off our coast." Does that sound like a pro-oil or pro-fossil fuel stance?

This is what I said in 2020: "It's good the President finally appears to have listened to the bipartisan voices of North Carolinians who for years have been fighting this administration to stop oil drilling off our coast." I also said this: "North Carolina has been clear, we do not want...the damage from offshore drilling that could follow. The studies of our waters show little prospect for drilling, and the environmental damage to our coast could be irreparable if seismic testing goes forward."

It's not just words, either - my administration has taken action. I signed a 2017 bill, HB 589, which took a strong stand in favour of solar energy. In 2018, I issued Executive Order 80, whose aim was to lessen the impact of natural disasters like Hurricane Florence. It pledged to reduce greenhouse emissions by 40% from their 2005 levels, by 2025. It also laid out a plan to put 80,000 electric-powered vehicles on North Carolina's roads by 2025.

In 2022, I issued Executive Order 246, which took steps for North Carolina to meet its net-zero greenhouse gas emissions plan, to also achieve our goal to have greenhouse gas emissions reduced by 50% from 2005 to 2030. I've testified before Congress on the disastrous effects of climate change. The state's Department of Transportation, during my administration, has proposed large tax credits for electric vehicles, and made plans to build electric vehicle charging stations across the state.

Those are only a few examples. If John Kerry or Democratic voters want more instances of my unequivocal support of the environment, and opposition to offshore drilling and fossil fuels, I'll gladly provide them. Because Kerry is absolutely correct: we cannot afford any equivocation or mixed signals on this monumental issue."

From Portsmouth, Cooper quickly departs west, heading towards Manchester. Here, he holds a fundraiser with Chris Pappas, who discusses, among other things, electability and the importance of defeating Republicans. He also has a solo town hall in Manchester, and a rally with State Sens. Donna Soucy and Lou D'Allesandro, both Manchesterites.

On the 26th, Cooper holds quick town halls in Hooksett and Bow before arriving in the State Capitol of New Hampshire. Here, he holds a Grand Finale - all 11 endorsees of Cooper in New Hampshire (the 10 Democrats in the State Senate, as well as U.S. Rep. Pappas) give speeches (the state senators' speeches are roughly 5 minutes apiece, while Pappas is allocated 10 minutes) give rousing speeches in support of the candidate, followed by a brief address by Cooper himself. Cooper heads out to Hopkinton for a town ahll, before heading through Warner and Sutton on his way to another town hall in New London. From New London, it's Springfield, Grantham and Plainfield. From Plainfield, Cooper heads up north, along the Vermont border - with three town halls: in Lebanon, Hanover and Lyme. He spends the evening in a campaign bus in Lyme.
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« Reply #166 on: August 08, 2022, 05:57:16 PM »

January 27-February 3rd, 2024

Harris, Trump take Iowa; Kerry Enters Race

The Iowa caucuses have finally happened, and the picture of the race is now clearer.

Vice President Harris and Former President Trump have emerged as the winners. However, there have been vast differences in their victory. While Trump was easily able to put away Vince McMahon, Harris it seems struggled to put away Governor Roy Cooper. Cooper, running an aggressive campaign, managed to close the gap with Harris significantly in the weeks and days leading up to the contest, and for a time, it looked like he may've even eeked out a win.

As New Hampshire gears up for its January 30 primary, the Democratic race has been shaken up once more. John Kerry, Presidential Climate Envoy, former Secretary of State and former Senator for Massachussetts, has announced his entry into the race for the Democratic nomination. While Kerry has entered the race too late to get on the ballot in the early states, there is some speculation he may attempt a write-in campaign to avoid losing momentum.

It is considered unlikely at this stage that the Democratic nomination will be sorted out by Super Tuesday unless something dramatically changes. Meanwhile, Trump's change of residency to Nevada has fuelled speculation that he may be angling to nominate DeSantis as his running mate. While the primary is still taking shape, the idea of a Trump/DeSantis ticket is one that has considerable support witin the Republican Party.

Incident at Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Rally

Firebrand progressive Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is perhaps no stranger to being the bette noir of many of our right-wing populist counterparts. However, while Ocasio-Cortez was holding a rally in her home district just after the Iowa Caucuses, a security incident occurred when a man pulled a firearm from under his jacket before being wrestled to the ground by security.

The man, 52, declared himself a 'Christian warrior against communists' at his interrogation.

Ocasio-Cortez, purportedly using the rally to announce her bid for a fourth term in Congress, is said to be 'badly shaken up' according to one staffer. She has also declined all requests for comment from various news sources.

Former President Jimmy Carter Dies, Aged 98

Jimmy Carter, 39th President of the United States, passed away in his sleep the night of January 26 at the age of 98.

His grandson Jason, who followed him into politics, gave the news to a small crowd of Georgia reporters at 2:30 PM. "My grandfather was a man who believed in the best humanity; who believed that we can all work together. He believed that we must do what we can to make the world a kinder place, where all people can live in peace, freedom and security."

Carter served as a State Senator and Governor of Georgia, but it's his single term as President, from 1977 to 1981, that remains the most cntentious part of his legacy. As President, Cart came to office after Watergate, and was confronted throughout his term by the Oil Crisis, stagflation, and of course, the Iran Hostage Crisis. All of this contributed to Carter's defeat in 1980 at the hands of Ronald Reagan.

Since then, Carter has become renowned for his humanitarian work, and has been viewed as one of the world's greatest humanitarians.

"His passing leaves heaven a little brighter tonight." Jason said in his concluding remarks.

The funeral has been scheduled for February 1 at the fomrer President's home in Plains, Georgia.


-As always, this turn will commence after the polls go up, but yu can post immediate reactiosn to the headlines.

-This turn will last for 96 hours, but can be extended if circumstances demand it.

-Endorsements are currently under review for approval

-The New Hampshire Primary occurs this turn, on January 30 to be precise. Coverage will begin 36 hours from the polls going up.

-There will be a debate this turn. I highly reccommend attending given the recent shakeups.

-All candidates have been invted to attend the Carter funeral on February 1. Eulogy to be delivered by President Biden.
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« Reply #167 on: August 08, 2022, 08:09:13 PM »
« Edited: August 10, 2022, 11:51:00 AM by CentristRepublican »


"I was greatly saddened when I learned of Jimmy Carter's death today. President Carter served as a beacon of good, of humanity, and of selflessness, during his life - both in his political career, where, among other things, he was a champion for civil rights as Governor of Georgia, and the humanitarianism that followed. He was a tireless fighter who dedicated his long retirement not to himself or his family - but to the people of this world, helping to feed those who were hungry, helping to unify those who were divided. Today, upon his death, the United States, and in fact, the entire world, lost a great man and a great leader. There are many things to learn from Jimmy Carter and much to be inspired by. President Carter has inspired, and now his memory shall inspire, others to follow his example and strive towards goodness and helping other people. My thoughts and prayers are with his family during this difficult time."

(Cooper also confirms that he will be attending President Carter's funeral on February 1.)


"I was horrified when I heard about the recent assassination attempt at a rally for Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. Unfortunately, I was not quite as shocked as I should have been. We have seen many instances of the far-right resorting to violence against their political enemies, often with fatal results. I think of Charlottesville, where white supremacists and neo-Nazis rioted and killed a counter protestor - where our president at the time said there were very fine people on both sides. I think of January 6, where a far-right mob, fed utter lies and conspiracy theories, stormed the Capitol - a first of its kind since the War of 1812 - breached the Capitol, endangered lawmakers. An act of violence instigated and propagated by Donald Trump and his ilk of far-right Republican lawmakers such as Josh Hawley and Mo Brooks. I thank God that in this case, the would-be assailant was stopped in his tracks by law enforcement and that Representative Ocasio-Cortez and the attendees of the rally were all unharmed. We must stand firm and hold our ground in the face of far-right resistance. They might try to be violent, but we will defeat them at the ballot box and we will not ever back down from our convictions and our - American - values."
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« Reply #168 on: August 09, 2022, 10:35:53 AM »



Vice President Harris: 40.3%

Governor Cooper: 38.9%

Secretary Kerry: 18.8%

Undecided: 2%

New Hamsphire (final poll):

Vice President Harris: 44.3%

Governor Cooper: 42.9%

Undecided: 12.8%


Vice President Harris: 45.6%

Governor Cooper: 43.5%

Undecided: 10.9%

South Carolina

Governor Cooper: 44.2%

Vice President Harris: 42.3%

Undecided: 13.5%


Former President Trump: 58.9%

Mr McMahon: 21.3%

Undecided: 19.8%

New Hampshire:

Former President Trump: 60.1%

Mr McMahon: 18.9%

Undecided: 21%


Former President Trump: 67.2%

Mr. McMahon: 10.4%

Undecided: 22.4%

South Carolina:

Former President Trump: 59.2%

Mr McMahon: 21.4%

Undecided: 19.4%

Current Delegates:

Democratic Primary (2,266 required)

Vice Pres. Harris: 21 pledged delegates

Gov. Cooper: 19 pledged delegates

Republican Primary (1,217 required)

Fmr. Pres. Trump: 26 pledged delegates

Mr. McMahon: 12 pledged delegates

Upcoming Primaries:

New Hampshire Primary, January 30 (this turn)

Nevada Primary, February 6

South Carolina Republican Primary, February 24

South Carolina Democratic Primary, March 2
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« Reply #169 on: August 09, 2022, 11:20:11 AM »

Rachel Maddow interviews Secretary John Kerry on The Rachel Maddow Show

Maddow: With us now is the most recent addition to the Democratic primary, the current Presidential Climate Envoy and former Secretary of State, John Kerry. Secretary Kerry, welcome.

I'm very happy to be joining you tonight, Rachel. Thank you for having me on the show.

Maddow: Let's get started, and I'll get started with the elephant in the room. Mr. Secretary, you are currently 79 years old, and if you were to win, you would be 80 on inauguration day; the oldest elected President in American history. How do you plan to counter attacks based on your age when other officials, such as Senator Sanders and President Biden, are ending their government service this term?

Kerry:This is a very fair question and I'm glad you brought it up here tonight, because I want to dispel the critics who will use age against me and anyone else like-minded such as President Biden or Senator Sanders. I have always been open and honest with the American people through my decades of public service. I would not be in this campaign if I didn't think that I would have the stamina and fortitude to lead this country as President for the next four years. Those who know me best will tell you that you'll see me still always riding my bicycle, going skiing, or even playing hockey. I've got the bruises, bumps, and scratches over the years to prove it!

What I offer through my extra years that the other candidates cannot claim is an extensive record of progressive values and action to back it up to this day. I started off in the early days of the peace movement rallying against Vietnam, and I worked as a Senator and Secretary of State on everything from protecting Social Security to reducing global poverty to imposing the strongest emission standards to date. Even working as the Special Envoy for Climate now, you'll see me negotiating with China one day and the EU on the next. I have always been bustling around and I don't see that changing anytime soon.

As I mentioned earlier, I'll always be upfront with you about my health and well-being. If there comes a point when I can no longer handle the duties of the presidency to my fullest ability, I will communicate this to the American people and step down from public life. I maintain my trust in the voters who will use their best judgment on who is up for the job and who is not.

Maddow: You've had a consistent record on liberal issues for your entire career, and have been particularly prominent on the issue of climate change, which is what's led you to your current post. President Biden, and more recently Defense Secretary Austin and even Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, have all taken to describing climate change as a national security issue. Would you agree with this assessment?

Kerry:This is absolutely accurate, and the sooner that Republicans understand and accept this, the better off we will be. I've taken to calling this a climate crisis for years because the situation will soon become untenable for the planet if we do not act quickly. We will in fact witness cities flooding, unprecedented loss of biodiversity, and climate refugees from Africa and Asia within the next fifty years without proper measures from the global community.

The U.S. must step up and lead the effort going forward. I have proposed a Green New Deal of $7 trillion over the next ten years. This will be a multi-pronged investment in wind, nuclear, solar, hydroelectric, and biofuel sources. A new generation of infrastructure will take root, which will increase Americans' safety and well-being. We will connect everyone from the small farmers to the urban dwellers and create millions of sustainable new jobs in the process. I understand that there are many who would balk at a price tag like that or question the urgency of my tone, but time is truly running out. We must first get our ship together and then compel other major world leaders like China to follow suit. My record of diplomacy is uniquely suited for these times, however, and I view it as a duty to help solve the climate crisis. We owe it to the next generation and every generation after that who deserve a healthier planet than what we had.

Maddow: Mr. Secretary, in 2020, there were reports that before the South Carolina primary, you were considering jumping into the race to prevent Bernie Sanders from being the Democratic nominee that year. This was obviously before President Biden's comeback. Is there any truth to the rumour that you were considering running and if so, was it to prevent a hypothetical Sanders nomination?

Kerry:There were fleeting times early, early on in the 2020 process when I considered running. However, I deemed it to not be my time then and ruled a campaign out. The moment you referred to before South Carolina was a case of a reporter only catching one side of a two-way conversation. Keep in mind for context, this was back when many Democrats feared a contested convention with multiple candidates fracturing the party would happen. An old friend of mine called in with this fear and encouraged me to run, to which I explained all the hurdles of a presidential campaign and why I declined running to begin with.

I never had any intention of running to block a candidate like Senator Sanders, whom I deeply admire. As you know, Rachel, I endorsed President Biden early on in the primary. This was back when everyone in the media and professional class already counted him out. I endorsed Joe and stuck with him the whole way because I knew he had the right experience and judgment to be president, and he would be the one who can best unite Democrats to defeat Donald Trump. Now I'm running because I see an intensely divided party that needs to come together and defeat Donald Trump once more. With the help of you viewers watching at home, we will make this happen. *smiles*

Maddow: Secretary Kerry, thank you for joining us and good luck with the campaign.
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« Reply #170 on: August 09, 2022, 12:13:53 PM »

Vice President Harris addresses recent events

After arriving in New Hampshire earlier this morning, Vice President Kamala Harris was asked to respond to the news of President Carter's passing and the recent act of violence against Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. Her remarks are transcribed below.
REPORTER: Madam Vice President, do you have any comment on the passing of President Jimmy Carter?
HARRIS: Well, first I want to express my condolences to the family of President Carter and they are in my thoughts and prayers, and just ya know, we have lost a great public servant, a great public servant, and as we reflect on the legacy of President Carter we must not forget what he stood for, love, peace and lifting up our neighbor. In the conversations that I had with President Carter before his passing he would always tell me to stay in God's will and to keep my head up, well I know what I have to say to you all, stay in God's will and keep your head up and may God bless President James Earl Carter.
REPORTER: Before you go, how do you respond to the recent act of violence against Congresswoman Ocasio-Cortez?
HARRIS: Well first off I am confident that the FBI will handle this clear act of violence against a sitting member of Congress, and what we must do is stand up against all forms of political extremism and violence wherever they come from. Obviously me and President Biden have been briefed on this and we are confident that the Congresswoman has been or will eventually work with our federal investigators to work on this issue, but obviously you know there is so much more we can do to protect our legislators from right wing extremism and unfortunately this has been fueled by Republican extremists-so-called leaders who have failed to stand up for what is right in this country.

But this also brings up another issue, how was this man allowed to gain access to a gun? We must do better with our background check system that allows people to have a gun, we must do better and we will do better I promise you that.

Thanks guys.
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« Reply #171 on: August 09, 2022, 08:03:05 PM »


Democratic debate

Venue: Paris Las Vegas, Las Vegas, Nevada

Date: January 28

Moderator: Anderson Cooper

Cooper: Hello and welcome everyone to tonight's Democratic debate, coming live from Paris Las Vegas in Nevada. I'm your moderator Anderson Cooper. Tonight's debate will be feature question around a variety of policy areas such as the economy, foreign policy, and healthcare. Now, let's welcome our candidates. Governor Roy Cooper, Vice President Kamala Harris, and former Secretary of State John Kerry.  Of course, tonight's debate is being held in the shadows of the retirement of Senator Sanders and of course, the passing of President Jimmy Carter. Before we get into questioning, I invite each of you to say a few words about these two men.

General questions

Recently, the Sevastopol Treaty, which allowed Ukraine to join NATO in exchange for surrendering the Donbass region, was signed. Normally, the process of accession to NATO would take some time, but President Zelensky has asked for Ukraine's candidacy to be accelerated. Would you support an accelerated timetable for Ukrainian accession to NATO at the risk of agitating Russia?

Under President Biden, the economy has suffered notable fluctuations, most visibly felt by people through gas prices. How would you as President, manage our energy transition away from fossil fuels to renewable energy, while also lowering gas prices and keeping our energy grid running at full capacity?

In recent times, the Democratic Party has begun concerted efforts to push towards universal healthcare, primarily based on the single-payer model. Would you advocate for and sign a bill creating a single-payer system in the United States?

Specific questions

Vice President Harris, you're the only woman on stage tonight, and you happen to be the daughter of a mother who emigrated from India and a father who emigrated from Jamaica. As someone from this background, what was your reaction to the recent incident at a re-election rally for Congresswoman Ocasio-Cortez?

Vice President Harris, you recently unveiled a plan for universal child care. This is similar to plans that have been proposed by Democrats in the past, but haven't gained much traction. Why is it this time you would be able to pass it, when it has failed under previous Presidents?

Governor Cooper, there is a growing perception that you are overly focused on the marijuana issue, and some are beginning to see you as a single-issue candidate. Why have you been pressing so hard on this issue, considering the Democratic Party is solidly behind legalisation?

Governor, there are also concerns that your campaign is too aggressive and too attacking towards other candidates and runs the risk of damaging the party heading forward. Do yu have anything to say to these concerns?

Secretary Kerry, you are the oldest candidate on stage, at 79 years. Given the retirements of President Biden and Senator Sanders this year, how do you answer questions regarding your age?

Mr Secretary, emissions in the Unted States have lowered; the same cannot be said for China or India. Given that China is considered a current geopolitical adversary to the United States, and India's current diplomatic alignment with China, how do you plan to get them onboard with emissions reduction plans?

Thank you all for coming. I'm Anderson Cooper and from all of us here in Las Vegas, goodnight.

Republican debate

Venue: Fox Theatre, Detroit, Michigan

Moderator: Brett Baier

Baier: Hello and welcome to the Republican primary debate tonight, coming to you live from the Fox Theatre here in Detroit. Tonight's debate will be largely focused around healthcare, the economy, and foreign policy. For now, let's welcome our candidates: Former President Donald Trump, and former CEO of World Wrestling Entertainment, Vice McMahon. I invite boths candidates to now make an opening statement.

General questions

Wages are stagnating across America right now. Many economists are saying that this is the root cause of most of the current economic problems facing our nation; when people earn less, they end up spending less. Would you sign off on a bill that would raise the national minimum wage despite possible inflation issues?

In recent years, the Democratic Party has begun an all-out push for some form of universal healthcare, most obviously in the single-payer form. This is a simple question: what is your alternative plan to universal healthcare?

In 2022, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi undertook a trip to Taiwan. This trip was not officially sanctioned by the United States and was met by sabre-rattling from the Chinese government. Would you, as President, visit Taiwan even if it meant the possibiltiy of triggering a standoff with a nuclear power?

Specific questions

President Trump, there was a recent incident in New York City where Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez was reportedly nearly assassinated. Evidence is suggesting that rhetoric used by some of your supporters may've inspired this attempt. What was your reaction to this incident?

Mr President, you were criticised for your respnse to coronavirus in 2020. Scientists are saying that this won't just be a one-off, and that the next major pandemic is just around the corner. How would you respond to a second potential pandemic?

Mr McMahon, your comments at the last debate sparked controversy in Nevada and to a leser extent Arizona when you responded 'who cares' to the topic of storing nuclear waste. Are you willing to say to the voters of these states tonight that you misspoke on the topic if nuclear waste, which does cause health and environmental issues if not stored correctly?

Mr McMahon, you recently lambasted the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017, which to be brutally honest, is rhetoric one would normally hear from a Democrat, considering that the Republican party considers the Act one of their landmark achievements. Is this to say that you would pursue a different line on economic issues than the current Republican Party?

That's all we have time for tonight. From myself, our candidates, and everyone hear at the Fox Theatre, goodnight.
Senator Spiral
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« Reply #172 on: August 10, 2022, 02:52:57 AM »

John Kerry Statements on Recent Events

On Jimmy Carter: I am incredibly saddened to learn of the passing of President James Earl Carter. This was a man who exemplified the universal human principles of love and kindness, plain and simple. Jimmy Carter was also a president far ahead of his time. He was prescient in warning Americans about the pending energy crisis and our need for unity within our communities. I can say I have had the great fortune of knowing President Carter and collaborating with him across the world, whether it is Israel-Palestine, Sudan, or North Korea. President Carter was not only a strong man of faith--he inspired faith in millions worldwide that there can be peace in our times. My full condolences go to the Carter family, and may God bless him for all he has done on this earth.

On Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez: This attempt on Congresswoman Ocasio-Cortez's life is not just revolting. This is sadly a reflection of the incendiary rhetoric that leaders like Donald Trump have fostered on the right time and time again. The would-be assassin is a self-described Christian nationalist, and I fear we are seeing unprecedented coordination by these folks and other far-right militias. They know the weaknesses of many states' gun laws and will exploit them. They know they have willing allies in many Republican officials who will turn the other way or even shield them legally. How can we stand here today and think that this will be the only attempt this election, or that the next attempt won't be successful?

As President, I will not tolerate this. America must confront its demons and stamp out extremists who only know violence as an answer. The marvelous work of the January 6th Commission must be built upon to hold all those who divide and maim our national fabric accountable. I am very relieved that the Congresswoman is okay, and she will share her side of the story when the time is right for her. For now, we must let law enforcement get to the bottom of this and we must put Washington's feet to the fire this November.

Secretary Kerry shall attend the funeral of President Jimmy Carter on February 1st. This will be Secretary Kerry's only public event for the day as he will abstain from campaigning out of respect. The campaign requests that all other candidates follow suit in this decision.
Atlas Icon
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« Reply #173 on: August 10, 2022, 11:45:19 AM »

John Kerry Statements on Recent Events

On Jimmy Carter: I am incredibly saddened to learn of the passing of President James Earl Carter. This was a man who exemplified the universal human principles of love and kindness, plain and simple. Jimmy Carter was also a president far ahead of his time. He was prescient in warning Americans about the pending energy crisis and our need for unity within our communities. I can say I have had the great fortune of knowing President Carter and collaborating with him across the world, whether it is Israel-Palestine, Sudan, or North Korea. President Carter was not only a strong man of faith--he inspired faith in millions worldwide that there can be peace in our times. My full condolences go to the Carter family, and may God bless him for all he has done on this earth.

On Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez: This attempt on Congresswoman Ocasio-Cortez's life is not just revolting. This is sadly a reflection of the incendiary rhetoric that leaders like Donald Trump have fostered on the right time and time again. The would-be assassin is a self-described Christian nationalist, and I fear we are seeing unprecedented coordination by these folks and other far-right militias. They know the weaknesses of many states' gun laws and will exploit them. They know they have willing allies in many Republican officials who will turn the other way or even shield them legally. How can we stand here today and think that this will be the only attempt this election, or that the next attempt won't be successful?

As President, I will not tolerate this. America must confront its demons and stamp out extremists who only know violence as an answer. The marvelous work of the January 6th Commission must be built upon to hold all those who divide and maim our national fabric accountable. I am very relieved that the Congresswoman is okay, and she will share her side of the story when the time is right for her. For now, we must let law enforcement get to the bottom of this and we must put Washington's feet to the fire this November.

Secretary Kerry shall attend the funeral of President Jimmy Carter on February 1st. This will be Secretary Kerry's only public event for the day as he will abstain from campaigning out of respect. The campaign requests that all other candidates follow suit in this decision.

The Cooper Campaign also will not be doing any campaigning on February 1, and the only event attended by Roy Cooper will be the funeral of President Carter.
Atlas Icon
Posts: 12,667
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« Reply #174 on: August 10, 2022, 11:48:06 AM »


Former New Orleans Mayor & gubernatorial candidate MITCH LANDRIEU
State Senator CLEO FIELDS
State Senator JOSEPH BOUIE, JR
State Senator GARY L. SMITH
Former State Senator & Former Chair of the Louisiana Democratic Party KAREN CARTER PETERSON
New Orleans Mayor LaTOYA CANTRELL

South Carolina
State Senate Minority Leader BRAD HUTTO
State Senator KARL B. ALLEN
State Senator & Chair of the South Carolina Democratic Party DICK HARPOOTLIAN
Allendale County Councillor WILLIAM ROBINSON
Allendale County Councillor THERESA TAYLOR
Charleston County Councillor HENRY DARBY
Charleston County Councillor TEDDY PRYOR
Charleston County Councillor KYLON J. MIDDLETON
Charleston County Councillor ANNE JOHNSON
Greenville City Councillor LILLIAN BROCK-FLEMING
Bamberg Mayor NANCY FOSTER
Bamberg County Councillor SHARON HAMMOND
Bamberg County Councillor LARRY HAYNES
Bamberg County Councillor JONATHAN GOODMAN
Bamberg County Councillor SPENCER DONALDSON
Bishopville City Councillor ENNIS BRYANT, SR.
Fairfield County Councillor SHIRLEY GREENE
Fairfield County Councillor TIMOTHY ROSEBOROUGH

New Hampshire
US Representative CHRIS PAPPAS
All 10 Democratic state senators (Tom Sherman, Cindy Rosenwald, Jay Kahn, Suzanne Prentiss, Rebecca Kwoka, Kevin Cavanaugh, Lou D'Allesandro, Becky Whitley, Donna Soucy, David Watters)

State Attorney General TOM MILLER
Des Moines Mayor FRANK COWNIE
Iowa City Mayor BRUCE TEAGUE
Dubuque Mayor BRAD M. CAVANAGH
State Senate Minority Leader ZACH WAHLS
State Senator TODD TAYLOR
State Senator JACKIE SMITH
State Senator AMANDA RAGAN
State Representative & former Minority Leader TODD PRICHARD
State Representative CHRIS HALL
State Representative STEVE HANSEN
State Representative CHARLIE McCONKEY
State Representative SHARON SUE STECKMAN
State Representative & Chair of the Iowa Democratic Party ROSS WILLBURN
State House Minority Leader JENNIFER KONFRST

US Representative SUSIE LEE
US Representative DINA TITUS
State Assemblywoman SARAH PETERS

Other States (CO, CA, TX)
Congressman Collin Allred (D-Dallas)
Congresswoman Lizzie P. Fletcher (D-Houston)
Congressman Lloyd Doggett (D-Austin)
Austin Mayor Steve Adler (D-Austin)
Former HUD Secretary and San Antonio Mayor Julian Castro (D-San Antonio)
Congresswoman Diana DeGette (D-Denver)
Congressman Eric Swalwell (D-Dublin, CA)
Congressman Mark DeSaulnier (D-Concord, CA)

UPDATE: New endorsements for Cooper -

Congresswoman Veronica Escobar of Texas' 16th district (El Paso)
Congressman Joaquin Castro of Texas' 20th district (San Antonio)
Governor Jared Polis of Colorado
Senator Michael Bennet of Colorado
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