Senate Legislation Introduction Thread (New) (user search)

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  Senate Legislation Introduction Thread (New) (search mode)
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Author Topic: Senate Legislation Introduction Thread (New)  (Read 49058 times)
Southern Senator North Carolina Yankee
North Carolina Yankee
Atlas Institution
Posts: 54,118
United States

« on: July 02, 2021, 09:31:50 PM »

This will be the new thread for introducing Legislation in to the new Senate.

Southern Senator North Carolina Yankee
North Carolina Yankee
Atlas Institution
Posts: 54,118
United States

« Reply #1 on: July 02, 2021, 09:33:33 PM »

Doing this the easy way.

Senate Rules


1.) Legislation is defined as any Bill, Amendment, or Resolution to a current Act, Procedural Resolution, or Constitutional Amendment.

2.) In all past, present and future instances of the terms, a Bill is defined as a piece of legislation that is awaiting or is presently in debate on the Senate floor. An Act is defined as a Bill that has achieved passage into Law.

3.) The Dean of the Senate is defined as the serving Senator, who is not the President pro Tempore, with the longest continuous service in the Senate in his or her present stint of service. For the purposes of this clause, continuous service begins at the moment of swearing-in in the first term of the stint of service. The Dean of the Senate may pass the title, powers and responsibilities of the Dean of the Senate, to the next longest serving Senator for any reason whatsoever.

4.) A quorum is defined as the minimum number of members of the Senate that must be present at any of its meetings to make the proceedings of that meeting valid, which is defined as a majority of the sitting Senate.

Article 1: Officers of the Senate

1) The Vice President shall be the President of the Senate.

a.) The President of the Senate shall keep a Senate Noticeboard’, where the PPT shall update this board with recent events on their respective chamber’s legislation.

b.) The President of the Senate shall also track the activity of legislation of the Senate by posting an ‘Activity Tracker’ detailing the Senate slots, Rejected and Passed Legislation, along with the current Senatorial queue.

2.) The most senior Senator (seniority shall be determined by length of continuous service) who isn't on Leave of Absence and who has been active on the forum in the preceding 168 hours, or the Senator chosen by the most senior Senator if they are on a leave of absence, shall convene the Senate to elect a President pro tempore on the first day of each legislative session and when the office of President pro Tempore is vacant. The Senate shall elect a President Pro Tempore from among its members by majority consent with the Vice President being the tiebreaker. The most senior Senator, who isn't on Leave of Absence and who has been active on the forum in the preceding 168 hours, or the Senator chosen by the most senior Senator if they are on a leave of absence shall retain the powers and prerogatives as President pro Tempore until the election of the President pro Tempore.

a) If there is a serving Deputy President pro tempore, appointed during the same session of the Senate, they shall instead maintain the powers and prerogatives of the President pro tempore and shall be responsible for administering the vote for President pro tempore.

b) If the official responsible for the vote falls behind by over 24 hours, the President of the Senate shall take over administration in their stead.

3.) The PPT, after taking his or her oath of office, must appoint a successor should he or she fall inactive. This successor shall be named the Deputy PPT, and will retain all of the powers of the PPT, if the PPT falls inactive for over 120 hours or is on an LOA. In case of the PPT resigning or being deposed, the Deputy PPT (or, should none currently exist, the Dean of the Senate) will serve as Acting PPT with full powers until a new PPT is elected.

4.) The President Pro Tempore will be subject to a Motion of No Confidence should his peers decide it, said proceeding being initiated if at least two Senators have sponsored a Motion of No Confidence, introduced in the Legislative Introduction Thread, against the PPT, citing the motives of why the PPT should be removed from his office.

5.) The Dean of the Senate shall open a thread and commence the debates. Debates shall last at least for 72 hours. After the debates have elapsed, the Dean of the Senate shall open a vote, which shall last for 72 hours. A two-third majority of the sitting Senators is needed for the motion to succeed, at which point the concerned Senator will immediately cease to be PPT. Only one Motion of No Confidence can be introduced against a given PPT per legislative session.

6.) The President Pro Tempore shall retain the powers and prerogatives as the President of the Senate under the following circumstances:

-A publicly announced absence by the President of the Senate from the Atlas Forum.

- If the President of the Senate has been inactive from the Atlas Forum for seven consecutive days.

- During any period of time when no person is presently holding the office of President of the Senate

-The President of the Senate should be absent by reason of exercising responsibility as Acting President under the Constitution.

-A publicly announced conferral of such powers by the President of the Senate.

Article 2: Introducing Legislation

1.) The President Pro Tempore shall keep a thread on the Fantasy Government board for introducing legislation. This thread shall be known as the Senate Legislation Introduction Thread. Sitting Senators may post in this thread. The President pro Tempore shall also keep a separate thread listing all sponsored legislation in the Legislation Introduction Thread.

2.) If the PPT determines that a piece of legislation is functionally impractical, frivolous, or is directly unconstitutional, he may, in a public post on the Legislation Introduction thread, remove said legislation from the Senate floor. The sponsoring Senator of the legislation shall have seventy-two (72) hours to challenge this action in a public post, and with the concurrence of one-third (1/3) of office-holding Senators in the affirmative (excluding the PPT), may override the actions of the PPT. (Nasolation clause)

3.) 20 threads about legislation may be open for voting and debate simultaneously.

a.) The first 15 open threads shall be open to all legislations initially regarding bills, resolutions or constitutional amendments. If the sponsor already has two or more pieces of legislation on the Senate floor, legislation from Senators who do not shall take priority until all such other legislation is completed. The PPT shall be the president officer for these open threads.

b.) The sixteenth slot shall be reserved for national emergencies.

c.) The seventeenth slot shall be reserved for budgetary legislation.

d.) The eighteenth and nineteenth slots shall be reserved for the President of the Republic of Atlasia.

e.) The twentieth slot shall be reserved for public submissions and shall be introduced by the President of the Senate.

4.) A legislation is no longer on the Senate Floor when it has been tabled, rejected, or passed by the members of the Senate.

5.) If at any time the original sponsor vacates his office as Senator, all legislation introduced in the Legislation Introduction Thread shall, within a week of the next session, be declared withdrawn by the PPT by public post, if no Senator sponsors the legislation. If a piece of legislation has been introduced on the Senate floor, any office-holding Senator may assume sponsorship.

6.) Co-sponsors of legislation under consideration shall have no power to withdraw legislation nor contest withdrawal of legislation by the original sponsor. Any office-holding Senator may assume sponsorship of the legislation within 72 hours after the original sponsor has motioned to withdraw. Once a motion to assume sponsorship has been filed by a Senator, Senators shall have 24 hours to object to this motion. If any Senator objects, the PPT shall open a vote on the motion lasting until a majority has voted for or against the motion, but not more than 72 hours. If the motion is rejected, the bill shall be removed from the floor.

8.) All resolutions seeking to amend the constitution must be introduced along with a passage detailing what is being changed in the Constitution and why, called the Amendment Explanation. All amendments to the resolution, must change the explanation if they change the resolution so as to be inconsistent with it. This shall not infringe on the presiding officers ability to correct for grammar and formatting issues, nor impede the presiding officer's ability to update and maintain a mission statement in the outer quote box of a given bill or resolution.

8.) All legislation on the Senate floor shall be given a distinct designation. The format of this designation shall denote in the following order "S" for the Senate chamber, followed by "B" for a bill or "R" for a Resolution. Immediately following the second letter will be number of the present senate at the time of introduction, followed by a colon and then a number displaying at least two digits beginning with "01" and increasing until the end of the session.

Article 3: Amendments

1.) During the course of debate on legislation, any sitting Senator may offer amendments to the legislation. The President Pro Tempore may remove amendments from consideration that are functionally impractical, frivolous, directly unconstitutional, or lack clear intent regarding the changes to be made. The amendment sponsor shall have 24 hours to object to the decision and may overturn the action with the concurrence of 1/3rd of his fellow Senators. Unless stated otherwise in the amendment, components of the underlying legislation not referenced in an amendment will remain unchanged.

2.) The legislation's primary sponsor shall judge the amendment(s) in relation to their intent with the legislation. If judged friendly by the sponsor, the PPT shall give twenty four hours for objections to the amendment, after which, with no objections having been entered the amendment shall be considered as passed.

3.) If judged hostile by the sponsor, or if a Senator has objected, a vote shall be started by the PPT once the amendment has been on the floor twenty four hours. The vote shall last for three days or until a majority has voted in favor or against the amendment, at which point Senators who have voted shall be prohibited from changing their votes and the vote shall be declared final.

4.) The PPT shall number and track all amendments offered during the course of each Senate session. The designated number shall begin an with S for the Senate Chamber followed by the number of the present Senate, followed by a colon and then a number displaying at least two digits beginning with "01" and increasing until the end of the session.

5.) The PPT shall have authority to correct grammar and formatting of legislation, provided that such technical changes do not alter the intended meaning of the legislation.

Article 4: Debate

1.) After a piece of legislation is introduced to the Senate floor, debate shall begin immediately. Debate on the legislation shall last for no less than 72 hours. The Senate may waive the 72-hour requirement on non-controversial legislation by unanimous consent. To waive the 72-hour requirement, the presiding officer must request unanimous consent to waive the minimum debate time requirement and provide 24 hours for a Senator to object to this request. If the 72-hour requirement is waived, the presiding officer shall immediately open a final vote.

2.) The sponsor of a piece of legislation may at any time withdraw his or her sponsorship. In addition, when the sponsor is no longer a Senator, his or her sponsorship shall be revoked automatically. If no member of the Senate moves to assume sponsorship of the legislation within 36 hours, the legislation shall be tabled automatically.

3.) Any Senators may file a motion to table a piece of legislation during debate. The presiding officer shall open a vote on the motion to table when at least an another Senator has seconded the motion. A two thirds majority is required for the approval of the motion to table.

4.) When debate on legislation has halted for longer than 24 hours and the legislation has been on the floor for more than 72 hours, any Senators may call for a vote on said legislation. The presiding officer shall open a vote if no other member of the Senate objects within 24 hours of the call for a vote. When the legislation has been on the floor for more than 72 hours, any Senators may motion for cloture. Upon the concurrence of two-thirds of the Senate, the Senate shall end debate, and proceed to a final vote. If the legislation has been on the floor for more than 336 hours, or debate has ceased for 24 hours, a simple majority is needed in order to end the debates. The presiding officer shall then open a final vote.

Article 5: Motions to Table

1.) Any Senator can, during a period of debate, with the support of one other Senator, introduce a motion to table the legislation.

2.) The PPT shall open a vote on the motion to table. This vote shall last for a maximum of two (2) days during which time the Senators must vote. Voting may be declared final at any time if the motion to table has been approved or rejected.

3.) For the motion to table to pass, two thirds of those voting (excluding abstentions) must support the motion.

4.) Tabled legislation shall be taken off the Senate floor by the President pro Tempore.

Article 6: Final Votes

1.) Final Votes and veto overrides votes shall last for a maximum of 3 days (i.e. 72 hours). A final vote may be ended earlier than 72 hours:

a. If the vote has a majority to pass or fail, then the Presiding officer may call 24 hours for Senators to vote or change their votes.
b. If all Senators have voted and the result is unanimous for or against, then the Presiding Officer may end the vote immediately.

2.) If a bill has been vetoed, a Senator has 24 hours to motion for a veto override. A two-thirds majority of the members of the Senate is needed in order to override a veto.

3.) If a redraft is presented, the original sponsor shall have 72 hours after it is offered to accept the redraft or reject it and request an override. If the redraft is rejected by the Senate, the sponsor may than either motion to resume debate on the bill or withdraw the bill from the floor. If the original sponsor shall have left the chamber, the Presiding Officer shall allow for someone to assume sponsorship as with a normal bill, with the 72 hours commencing after it is completed.

4.) Veto Override and Redraft proceedings shall not be conducted in a slot and thus not subjected to any limits on the amount of legislation on the floor, but shall be conducted in their original threads. If a redraft or override comes to the Senate from the House, it shall be administered in its original thread for that chamber with the same Presiding Officer.

Article 7: Confirmation Hearing

1.) Once a nomination is made by the President, it shall be brought to the floor immediately by the President of the Senate. The President of the Senate shall then open a confirmation hearing for presidential nominees immediately following the president's announcement of the nomination.

2.) Each hearing shall last for at least 3 days (i.e. 72 hours). The hearing may be abbreviated according to the unanimous consent rules outlined in Article III: Debate.

3.) The vote shall last for a maximum of three days (72 hours). No Senator shall be prohibited from voting until after the nominee has received enough votes to pass or fail confirmation, at which point vote changes shall be prohibited.

Article 8: Expulsion and Censure of a sitting Senator

1.) Senators can be subject to either Censure (formal statement of disapproval) or Expulsion by their peers, so long as reasonable justification exists in the form of unethical or corrupt behavior, inactivity, treason and such other offenses or behavior.

2.) Censure proceedings shall be initiated if at least three Senators have sponsored a motion of Censure, introduced in the Legislative Introduction Thread, against one of their Senate colleagues, citing the motives of why said Senator should be censored.

3.) The President Pro Tempore, or, if he is the subject of the motion, the Deputy President Pro Tempore shall open a thread and commence the debates. Debates shall last at least for 72 hours. After the debates have elapsed, the President Pro Tempore or Deputy President Pro Tempore shall open a vote, which shall last for 48 hours. The assent of two-thirds of the Senate is required for the Senator to be censored, in which case he will lose his seniority.

4.) Expulsion proceedings shall be initiated if:

a.) the Senator has not posted anything on the Atlas Fantasy Government board for 168 consecutive hours and hasn't posted a valid Leave of Absence (then the time covered by that LOA shall not count toward those 168 hours, but periods of inactivity before and after the LOA shall count as a continuous period, provided there are no interceding posts. In order to be valid, a Leave of Absence shall not be longer than 368 hours). And an article of expulsion has been introduced in the Senate Legislative Introduction Thread.

b.) 3 Senators have sponsored an article of expulsion, introduced in the Legislative Introduction Thread, against one of their Senate colleagues

5.) The President Pro Tempore shall open a thread and commence the debates. Debates shall last at least 72 hours. After the debates have elapsed, the President Pro Tempore shall open a vote, which shall last for a maximum of 3 days. When the articles of expulsion have enough votes to pass or fail, the President Pro Tempore shall announce that he or she will close the vote in 24 hours and that any Senator who wishes to change his or her vote must do so during that interval. In order to expel the Senator, a two-third majority of the sitting Senators is needed.

Article 9: Impeachment Trials

1.) After the Senate has passed an article of impeachment by three-fifths of the voting Senators, the Chief Justice shall convene the Senate to try the impeached official.

2.) A two-thirds majority of the members of the Senate is needed in order to convict any impeached executive or judicial officer of the federal government.

3.) If a Senator objects to the proceedings to a final vote, they may object and require a 3/4ths majority before moving to a Final Vote

Article 10: Rules Disputes

1.) The Senate may elect to suspend any section of these rules at any time with the consent of two-thirds of sitting Senators.

2.) The presiding officer may unilaterally suspend any section of these rules at any time, unless another Senator objects. If a Senator objects, suspending the rules shall require the consent of two-thirds of sitting Senators.

3.) If the Senate cannot resolve a rules dispute, the Supreme Court of Atlasia may issue a binding decision dictating the proper interpretation.

Article 11: Relationship within the Senate

1.) The President of the Senate shall be in charge of overseeing the Senate.

2.) When a bill passes the Senate, the PPT shall notify the President of the Senate of its passage.

3.) A bill shall be sent to the president after it has been approved by the Senate. The leader of the chamber it most recently passed shall notify the president.
Southern Senator North Carolina Yankee
North Carolina Yankee
Atlas Institution
Posts: 54,118
United States

« Reply #2 on: July 02, 2021, 09:34:00 PM »

Introducing on behalf of former president Sestak:

Senate Succession Rules

The nine at-large seats shall be numbered 1 through 9. Succession of these seats shall be determined by applying the following rules, one at a time, to assign seats both to parties and to individual Senators:

1. Any incumbent at-large Senator continuing to serve in that capacity in the subsequent Senate shall retain their seat.

2. Any political party holding seats in both the preceding and subsequent Senates shall retain the seats held in the precdeding Senate.
a) If a party holds fewer seats than in the preceding Senate, they shall retain the seats they have held continuously the longest.

3. Any elected at-large Senator who has previously served in an at-large seat, if they are eligble to serve in said seat after the evaluation of the previous rules, shall again hold that seat.
a)If an incoming Senator has held (and is eligible for) multiple available seats, preference shall be given to the seat most recently served in.
b)If multiple former members would be assigned to the same seat under this mechanism, preference shall be given to the Senator who most recently served in the seat.

4. Any party holding more seats in the subsequent Senate than in the preceding one shall be entitled to the party's most recently held seats which are still available after the evaluation of the previous rules, if such seats exist.
a) If multiple parties would be assigned the same seat under this mechanism, preference shall be given to the party that most recently served in the seat.

5. If, after evaluation of the previous rules, there is a clear ideological alignment between the outgoing Senator in an available seat and an unassigned incoming member - with no other unassigned member having a plausible ideological connection to said incumbent - the incoming member in question shall be assigned that incumbent's seat.

6. After evaluation of the previous rules, any further incoming at-large Senators shall be assigned to the lowest-numbered available seat for which they are eligible at the time when they post their swearing into office.

For the purposes of seat allocation for the inaugural Senate under the new Constitution (the 104th Senate), the history of the nine seats of the House of Representatives shall be substituted for the history of prior Senates in terms of the seats being held by both parties and individuals. For all following Senates, House history shall not be taken into account except when breaking ties under rule 2(a) if a party has held multiple seats since the start of the 104th Senate.
Southern Senator North Carolina Yankee
North Carolina Yankee
Atlas Institution
Posts: 54,118
United States

« Reply #3 on: December 28, 2021, 07:15:42 PM »

Trouble in Fremontian paradise,  General "I have suppressed the centralist element"?

Southern Senator North Carolina Yankee
North Carolina Yankee
Atlas Institution
Posts: 54,118
United States

« Reply #4 on: December 28, 2021, 07:32:41 PM »

To combat the rise in "arms length legislating" and to help facilitate the production of budgets in the future

Be it resolved in the Senate Assembled that the Senate Rules shall be amended as follows:

The Harry S Truman Memorial Anti-Lazy Legislating Resolution

1. Article 2, Section 8 shall be included as follows with the existing 8 renumbered as 9.

8.) All legislation raising revenue must be submitted along with revenue estimates to be brought to the floor. All legislation changing spending must explicitly state the amounts spent or redirected to be brought to the floor.

2.Article 3, Section 1  shall be amended as follows:

1.) During the course of debate on legislation, any sitting Senator may offer amendments to the legislation. The President Pro Tempore may remove amendments from consideration that are functionally impractical, frivolous, directly unconstitutional, raise revenue without submitting an estimate, spend vague amounts of money, or lack clear intent regarding the changes to be made. The amendment sponsor shall have 24 hours to object to the decision and may overturn the action with the concurrence of 1/3rd of his fellow Senators. Unless stated otherwise in the amendment, components of the underlying legislation not referenced in an amendment will remain unchanged.

People's and Regions Senate of Atlasia
Southern Senator North Carolina Yankee
North Carolina Yankee
Atlas Institution
Posts: 54,118
United States

« Reply #5 on: December 28, 2021, 07:50:12 PM »

Lets make use of this often unused Discussion Thread as opposed to cluttering this thread up:
Southern Senator North Carolina Yankee
North Carolina Yankee
Atlas Institution
Posts: 54,118
United States

« Reply #6 on: January 01, 2022, 10:10:58 PM »
« Edited: January 01, 2022, 10:26:37 PM by Southern Senator North Carolina Yankee »

Because trying to sort through the existing mess is murder and because people don't listen!

Be it enacted in the Senate Assembled,

The Scott-Yankee Memorial Budget Process Act of 2022

Section 1:  Previous Legislation
1. The Budget Process & Control Act of 2017 is hereby repealed

Section 2: Definitions
1. Fiscal Year: Fiscal Year shall be a twelve month period from October 1st until September 30th of the next calendar year.

2. Budget: A piece of legislation that shall be passed each year by October 1st, for the fiscal year commencing that date, functioning as an omnibus appropriations bill.
3. Authorizations: Any spending that is mentioned or included in laws other than the budget.  

Section 3: The Budget Process
1. The President shall submit to the Senate no later than April 1st, a budget proposal for the fiscal year starting October 1st.

2. No spending authorized after August 1st shall be included in the budget for the fiscal year starting October 1st, but shall instead take effect the following fiscal year thereafter.  Emergency measures shall be excluded from this restriction, on declaration of the President, provided such spending does not exceed two fiscal years.

3. If the President fails to submit a budget by April 1st, Congress should proceed with its own proposal.

4. All non-exempt appropriations shall be amended into the budget on or following August 1st.

Section 4: Authorizations Bills
1. Any bill that includes spending shall be considered an authorization bill, excepting for the budget itself.

2. All spending must be explicitly stated in legislation to be authorized and all authorizations affecting taxation must pass with revenue estimates.  

3. No spending may be appropriated in the budget without having first been authorized.

4. Emergency measures shall be exempt from clauses 3 and 4, on declaration of the President, provided such spending does not exceed two fiscal years.

Section 5: Implementation
1. This bill shall take effect beginning with the fiscal year commencing October 1, 2022 and the budget and related spending bills passed for such.

People's and Region's Senate
Southern Senator North Carolina Yankee
North Carolina Yankee
Atlas Institution
Posts: 54,118
United States

« Reply #7 on: May 11, 2022, 02:23:35 PM »
« Edited: May 11, 2022, 09:20:08 PM by Southern Senator North Carolina Yankee »

Senate Resolution
To amend the Senate Rules so as to preserve the rights of Senators under the constitution.

Be it resolved in the Senate Assembled, that the rules be amended as follows:
Protecting the Constitution and Senator's Rights Resolution

Section 1: Article 1, Clause 7 shall read as follows
7. No Presiding Officer operating under the rules of this chamber shall
       1. Deny or inhibit the powers of the Senate as expressed in the Constitution.
       2. Subordinate the Senate to another branch or subvert the co-equal status of the Legislative Branch.
       3. Prematurely end an objection or vote change period.
       4. Close a vote before a quorum has had a reasonable opportunity to vote.

Section 2: Article 2, Clause 3 sub clause a) shall be altered as follows:
a.) The first 15 open threads shall be open to all legislation initially regarding bills, resolutions or constitutional amendments. Legislation shall be brought up into these 15 slots by the PPT in the order of their introduction, unless the sponsor already has two or more pieces of legislation on the Senate floor. Legislation from Senators who do not already have two bills on the floor shall take priority until all such other legislation is completed. The PPT shall be the Presiding Officer for these open threads.

Section 3: Article 3, Clause 3 shall be amended as follows:
3.) If judged hostile by the sponsor, or if a Senator has objected, a vote shall be started by the PPT once the amendment has been on the floor twenty four hours. The vote shall last for three days or until a majority has voted in favor or against the amendment, at which point Senators who have voted shall be prohibited from changing their votes and the vote shall be declared final. No amendment vote shall be declared passed unless a quorum has voted on the amendment.

Section 4: Article 4, Clause 4 shall be amended as follows:
4.) When debate on legislation has halted for longer than 24 hours and the legislation has been on the floor for more than 120 hours, any Senator may call for a vote on said legislation. The presiding officer shall open a vote if no other member of the Senate objects within 24 hours of the call for a vote. When the legislation has been on the floor for more than 120 hours, any Senator may motion for cloture. Upon the concurrence of three-fifths of the Senate (with a quorum present in the vote), the Senate shall end debate, and proceed to a final vote. If the legislation has been on the floor for more than 168 hours, or debate has ceased for 24 hours, a simple majority (with a quorum present in the vote) is needed in order to end the debates. The presiding officer shall then open a final vote.

Section 5: Article 5 Clause 3 shall be amended as follows:        
3.) For the motion to table to pass, two-thirds of those voting (excluding abstentions and with a quorum present in the vote) must support the motion.

Section 6: Article 6, Clause 1 shall be amended as follows:
1.) Final Votes and veto overrides votes shall last for a maximum of 4 days (i.e. 96 hours). No final vote may be ended without a quorum present in the vote. A final vote may be ended earlier than 96 hours:

a. If the vote has a majority to pass or fail, then the Presiding officer may call 24 hours for Senators to vote or change their votes.

b. If all Senators have voted and the result is unanimous for or against, then the Presiding Officer may end the vote immediately.

Article 7: Clause 3 shall be amended as follows:
3.) The vote shall last for a maximum of four days (96 hours) and require a quorum present in the confirmation vote. No Senator shall be prohibited from voting until after the nominee has received enough votes to pass or fail confirmation, at which point vote changes shall be prohibited.

People's and Region's Senate
Southern Senator North Carolina Yankee
North Carolina Yankee
Atlas Institution
Posts: 54,118
United States

« Reply #8 on: May 11, 2022, 09:18:08 PM »

Senate Resolution
To amend the Constitution to make the Department of Federal Elections and Registrar General Constitutional Officers.

Be it Resolved in the Atlasian Senate Assembled, that upon ratification by 2/3rds of the Regions, the constitution shall be amended as follows:

The Securing Our Elections Officers Amendment

Section 1: The Departments of Federal Elections and Registrar General

Article IV, Section 4, shall read as follows:
Section 4. Elections Administration
1. The Department of Federal Elections shall exist for the purposes of administering Elections.
2. The Office of Registrar General shall exist for the purposes of maintaining the census list.
3. These two positions may be held simultaneously by the same person.
4. The Senate may regulate these entities through appropriate legislation.
5. Appointments to these positions shall be conducted in accordance with the provisions of Article 4: Section 2, but the President shall remove said occupants of these offices only with the concurrence of a majority of the Senate.

Quote from: Amendment Explanation
This constitutional Amendment moves the origination authority of the Department of Federal Elections and the Registrar General from Presidential Executive Order to the Constitution, thereby eliminating the ability of the President to abolish these entities, assume them, or recombine them with another cabinet office. Further, it grants the Senate the power to regulate these offices through legislation, while restricting the ability of the President to unilaterally fire either the SoFE or the RG.

People's and Region's Senate
Southern Senator North Carolina Yankee
North Carolina Yankee
Atlas Institution
Posts: 54,118
United States

« Reply #9 on: November 05, 2022, 12:58:37 AM »

To regulate the Mobile Apps and ensure fairness in their operations

Be it enacted in the Senate Assembled,


1. Unless otherwise modified by federal anti-terrorism or criminal law, no person or entity providing banking, credit, debit or other financial services, payment processing services, currency conversion services, stock or financial instrument brokerage services, utility or common carrier services, or hotel services in Atlasia or to a resident of Atlasia shall deny such services or cancel any contract to perform such services to any customer on the basis of such customer's membership in a class protected by law, or on the basis of constitutionally protected speech made or associations conducted by such customer, or to benefit a particular political party, policy, or viewpoint; nor shall any stock or financial instrument brokerage services refuse to complete a transaction due to a reason other than that which a prudent investor would make

A. A violation of this paragraph shall be a misdemeanor punishable by imprisonment for no more than one (1) year, and a fine of $10,000.00 per individual customer who was denied service.

B. A customer who was unlawfully denied service pursuant to this paragraph may maintain a civil action to recover actual damages, punitive damages of up to $10,000, reasonable legal costs, and any equitable relief necessary to enforce this act.


1. Unless otherwise modified by federal anti-terrorism or criminal law, no donation-based crowdfunding platform operating in Atlasia that permits users to solicit for and donate to charitable causes for which there is no reward or consideration offered in exchange for a donation shall unfairly interfere with such donations. Unfair interference shall include the impoundment, seizure, forfeiture, and misappropriation of funds donated to a non-fraudulent charitable cause. Any such funds shall be promptly transferred to the intended donee, or if such transfer is not possible promptly refunded to the donors with an accompanying communication of such refund and the reason why the fund transfer did not occur. Unfair interference shall also include the refusal to host lawful charitable causes based on the race, sex, disability, or political affiliation of the solicitor or the intended recipients, or the granting of preferential advertising, fee rates, or fund delivery priority for such reasons.

2. No donation-based crowdfunding platform operating in Atlasia that permits users to solicit for and donate to charitable causes for which there is no reward or consideration offered in exchange for a donation shall authorize or complete a transfer of funds from a donor to a donee without first disclosing of all fees charged to the donor and donee by the crowdfunding platform, including the amounts and purposes of such fees.

3. No person in Atlasia may have their bank accounts frozen or seized merely for having donated to a charitable cause on a donation-based crowdfunding platform. The Attorney General is hereby authorized to prosecute violations of this act.


1. As used in this title ride share service means any business who provides prearranged rides using a digital platform that connects passengers with drivers or who contracts or enters into an agreement, or arrangement, with a customer and who, in accordance with such contract, agreement, or arrangement, arranges any transportation or negotiates for or holds itself out by solicitation, advertisement, or otherwise as one who arranges for such transportation but does not control the manner in which such transportation is provided.

2. No ride share service may operate in interregional commerce in Atlasia, unless it has obtained consent from every region in which the ride share service seeks to operate.

3. Regions, as a condition of consent may require background checks of all drivers, a review of driving history of all drivers, zero tolerance for the use of illegal drugs or alcohol by any drivers while driving, and a suspension pending investigation of any driver accused of violating the zero tolerance policy, age restrictions on drivers, vehicle capacity limits, vehicle safety inspections, insurance, manifests, price transparency, privacy, anti-discrimination, and similar requirements to promote safety and good order.

4. Any ride share service that operates in violation of this law shall be fined $10,000.00 per day of illegal operation per region and be disgorged of all profits.


1. No food delivery platform operating in Atlasia shall submit an order on behalf of a consumer to a restaurant or arrange for the delivery of an order from a restaurant without first obtaining an agreement with the restaurant expressly authorizing the food delivery platform to submit orders to and deliver food prepared by the restaurant. Such agreement shall require disclosure of all fees charged by the food delivery platform, including commissions, delivery fees, promotional fees, and the baseline cost of the food order, to the restaurant.

2. Prior to the confirmation of any online order by a food delivery platform, the food delivery platform shall clearly display through its online ordering system the baseline cost of the food order and any additional fees associated with the order, including the amounts and purposes of such fees.

3. If a restaurant uses an independent online ordering system to facilitate orders of food for sale to consumers that includes with the order the option of delivery by a specific food delivery platform, then the restaurant may elect to display a single total cost of the order rather than clearly listing each fee associated with the order.

4. No food delivery platform shall give any restaurant preferential advertising on its platform, rate, or delivery priority on the basis of the race, color, ethnicity, or other protected status of the owner of the restaurant.


1. As used in this title:

A. Lootbox means a consumable virtual item which can be redeemed to receive a randomized selection of further virtual items, found as part of certain video games and that can be purchased through the use of real world money or cryptocurrency.

B. Digital video game purchase means the purchasing of a video game or other downloadable content, or unlock or the purchase of virtual video game currency digitally through the internet.

2. The sale, advertising, or distribution in Atlasia of any digital video game purchase that contains a lootbox is hereby prohibited, except for games rated "Mature (M)", "Adult (A)", or "Likely Mature 17+". Except as just specified herein, all such digital video game purchases in the Atlasia shall be free from any prohibited lootbox and any existing game containing a prohibited lootbox shall have functionality and access to such lootbox disabled by the game licensee or distributor.

3. No digital video game purchase in Atlasia that contains a lootbox shall permit the lootbox to be redeemable or usable within a general store for products, benefits, merchandise, or any other thing of value unrelated to the game containing the lootbox. This includes but is not limited to company products, discounts on company products, gift cards, tangible prizes, and cash.

4. A violation of this act shall constitute a misdemeanor punishable by a fine of no more than $10,000.00 per transaction and disgorgement of any profits.


1. No federal law enforcement may seize, copy, or view private security camera recordings without consent or a court order or warrant.

2. No operator of a private security camera application may sell the recordings of such camera to a third party.

3. A violation of this act shall constitute a misdemeanor punishable by a fine of no more than $10,000.00 per transaction and disgorgement of any profits.


1. No person in Atlasia shall violate the privacy of another by using or permitting audio recording technology to record or capture the voice or speech of another in a private home or dwelling, nor shall any such technology be used to collect data on any other person in a private home or dwelling,  nor shall any data obtained from such technology in a private home or dwelling, be sold or transferred to another.

A. This shall not apply if the person subject to the technology affirmatively consents to the recording, collection, sale, or transfer. Requiring consent as a condition of an end-use customer to fully use or interface with a cellphone, computer, appliance, or product sold to such customer shall not be considered affirmative consent.

B. A violation of this paragraph shall be a misdemeanor punishable by disgorgement of any profits, imprisonment for no more than one (1) year, and a fine of $10,000.00 per individual person whose privacy was violated. Any technology used to facilitate a crime under this paragraph shall be subject to forfeiture. Any data collected in violation of this paragraph shall be subject to forfeiture.

C. A person whose privacy was unlawfully violated pursuant to this paragraph may maintain a civil action to recover actual damages, punitive damages of up to $10,000, reasonable legal costs, and any equitable relief necessary to enforce this act.


1. This act shall take effect forty-five (45) days from the date of enactment.
Southern Senator North Carolina Yankee
North Carolina Yankee
Atlas Institution
Posts: 54,118
United States

« Reply #10 on: November 05, 2022, 12:55:59 PM »
« Edited: November 05, 2022, 01:02:13 PM by Southern Senator North Carolina Yankee »

Senate Bill
To restrict embassy's displaying of flags and other purposes

Be it enacted in the Atlasian Senate Assembled,


1. No flag shall be displayed by the government of Atlasia, or any officer or employee thereof upon the exterior property of any Atlasian embassy or consulate other than the Atlasian flag, the flag of any Region, the NATO flag, or the POW-MIA Flag, nor shall any federal funding be expended for the purchase, acquisition, or display of any such prohibited flag upon such embassy or consulate.

2. This act shall take effect immediately.
Southern Senator North Carolina Yankee
North Carolina Yankee
Atlas Institution
Posts: 54,118
United States

« Reply #11 on: November 05, 2022, 01:01:16 PM »


To rebalance legal obligations of corporate boards and to prioritize domestic business operations, and other purposes.

Be it Enacted in the Atlasian Senate Assembled,


1. The officers and governing board of any publicly traded stock corporation incorporated in Atlasia hereby possess a fiduciary duty to make business decisions as a reasonably prudent investor would for the benefit of the corporate shareholders. Accordingly no such officer or board member shall make business decisions on behalf of the corporation based off environmental, social and governance (ESG) factors, personal political viewpoints, or personal bias nor shall any such officer or board member make a public statement on behalf of the corporation supporting or opposing a public policy that does not directly affect the corporation. Any shareholder shall be entitled to iniate a shareholder derivative class action lawsuit against any officer or board member violating this paragraph to seek damages and legal costs. For purposes of this section, decisions made that prioritize domestic businesses and workers over foreign businesses and workers, the national interest, legal compliance, and patriotism to Atlasia shall not be considered a prohibited factor that violates the duty as a prudent investor.

2. The officers, agents, and employees of any financial investment company or fund that manages finances for persons in Atlasia hereby possess a fiduciary duty to make investment decisions as a reasonably prudent investor would for the benefit of the beneficiaries of the investments. Accordingly no such officer, agent, or employee shall make investment decisions on behalf of the company or fund based off ESG factors, personal political viewpoints, or personal bias nor shall any such officer, agent, or employee make a public statement on behalf of the company or fund supporting or opposing a public policy that does not directly affect the corporation. Any beneficiary shall be entitled to iniate a beneficiary derivative class action lawsuit against any officer, agent, or employee violating this paragraph to seek damages and legal costs. The Atlasian government therein shall transfer any financial assets it has deposited or invested with a financial investment company or fund that violates this provision within six (6) months of such violation. Any financial investment company or fund that manages finances for persons in Atlasia shall be prohibited from casting proxy votes on behalf of beneficiaries when such company or fund owns more than 1% of a particular company’s voting securities. In such case the individual passive investors shall be responsible for casting votes. For purposes of this section, decisions made that prioritize domestic businesses and workers over foreign businesses and workers, the national interest, legal compliance, and patriotism to Atlasia shall not be considered a prohibited factor that violates the duty as a prudent investor.

3. The officers, agents, and employees of any shareholder proxy voting firm or company that advises on corporate shareholder proxy voting for persons in Atlasia hereby possess a fiduciary duty to make business decisions as a reasonably prudent investor would for the benefit of the contracted shareholders. Accordingly no such officer, agent, or employee shall cast or recommend any proxy vote or make business decisions on behalf of the firm or company based off ESG factors, personal political viewpoints, or personal bias nor shall any such officer, agent, or employee make a public statement on behalf of the firm or company supporting or opposing a public policy that does not directly affect the contracted shareholders. Any shareholder contracted with such firm or company shall be entitled to iniate a shareholder derivative class action lawsuit against any officer, agent, or employee violating this paragraph to seek damages and legal costs.
For purposes of this section, decisions made that prioritize domestic businesses and workers over foreign businesses and workers, the national interest, legal compliance, and patriotism to Atlasia shall not be considered a prohibited factor that violates the duty as a prudent investor.

4. No publicly traded stock corporation incorporated in Atlasia shall be permitted to maintain any bylaw or policy that discriminates in board composition or employment against any protected class under the Constitution, including but not limited to bylaws or policies mandating race or sex quotas or mandatory retirement ages.

5. Any Business Trust Series or Real Estate Investment Trust created pursuant to federal law that owns real property or engages in commerce within any region in Atlasia shall be deemed to consent to personal jurisdiction to be sued in such region and shall make publicly available the names and contact information of the Trust's beneficiaries, trustee, and address for service of process, regardless of if such Trust was organized in such Region or not.

 6. Any limited liability company (LLC) that owns real property or engages in commerce within any region shall be deemed to consent to personal jurisdiction to be sued in such region and shall make publicly available the names and contact information of the LLC's manager, beneficiaries, and address for service of process, regardless of if such LLC was organized in such region or not.

7. If an officer, board member, manager, trustee, employee, or agent of any partnership, corporation, LLC, or trust commits any illegal fraud or an intentional tort under federal, regional, or State law, and the assets of such entity are insufficient to cover the legal damages, any person upon filing a civil suit shall be permitted to pierce the veil of the entity and join the officer, board member, manager, trustee, employee, or agent as a defendant to such suit.

8. It shall be considered an illegal antitrust violation for any foreign country or any investment firm or financial management service, other than a financial institution, to own or hold an ownership stake exceeding 10% in more than 50,000 residential rental properties or in more than 50,000 acres of commercial farmland. The Attorney General may prosecute such violations which shall be punishable by a fine of $10,000.00 per day. A court of competent jurisdiction shall also order any appropriate equitable relief, including but not limited to the divestment of residential rental properties or commercial farmland exceeding the cap.

9.This act shall take effect 120 days from the date of passage.
Southern Senator North Carolina Yankee
North Carolina Yankee
Atlas Institution
Posts: 54,118
United States

« Reply #12 on: November 05, 2022, 01:31:38 PM »

To guard against espionage and subversion of national interests via social media platforms and other purposes.

Be it enacted in the Atlasian Senate Assembled,


1. Title II of the Fighting Sino-Espionage Act shall be amended as follows:

A. The term “covered application” means the social networking service TikTok or any successor application or service developed or provided by ByteDance Limited or an entity owned by ByteDance Limited, as well as the communication service Discord or any successor application or service developed or provided by TenCent Holdings Limited or an entity owned by TenCent Holdings Limited.;


2. This act shall take effect thirty (30) days from the date of passage unless TenCent Holdings Limited, or any subordinate entity thereof divests its ownership stake in Discord.
Southern Senator North Carolina Yankee
North Carolina Yankee
Atlas Institution
Posts: 54,118
United States

« Reply #13 on: November 16, 2022, 11:17:40 PM »

To reduce excessive Pentagon spending and consolidate military capabilities

Be it enacted in the Atlasian Senate Assembled,

a. This law shall be known as the G.I. Joe Act

a. The following military weapons programs shall be eliminated:
   1. Eliminate B61 Nuclear Bomb Life Extension Program;
   2. Eliminate B83 Nuclear program excepting 100 for use against asteroids;
   3. Eliminate C-130 Avionics Modernization Program;
   4. Eliminate C-17 Transport Aircraft Program;
   5. Eliminate C-27 Joint Cargo Aircraft Program;
   6. Eliminate EA-18G Growler Program;
   7. Eliminate EP-X Aircraft Program;
   8. Eliminate Far-Term Sea-Based Terminal Defense Program ;
   9. Eliminate Global Hawk Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Program;
   10. Eliminate Joint Strike Fighter Program;
   11. Eliminate JLENS blimp Program;
   12. Eliminate Littoral Combat Ship Program;
   13. Eliminate MEADS Program;
   14. Eliminate SM-3 II-B Missile Defense System Program;
   15. Eliminate TALOS Project;
   16. Eliminate Third Generation Infrared Surveillance Program;
   17. Eliminate Trident II Missile Program;
   18. Eliminate V-22 Osprey Program (Continue to use MH-60, H-92, CH-53)
b. The following military weapons shall be retired from service:
   1. HH-60G Pave Hawk helicopter
   2. U-2 Spy Plane
   3. EP-3 Aires Aircraft
   4. Bell TH-67 Jet Ranger Helicopter
   5. Bell OH-58 Kiowa Helicopter
   6. A-10 Thunderbolt Attack Aircraft
   7. B-2 Spirit Bomber
   8. B-52 Stratofortress Bomber
c. A moratorium is hereby imposed on the purchase of the following until 2023:
   1. M-1 Abrams battle tanks
   2. San Antonio Class Amphibious Assault Ships
   3. Air Force Long Range Bomber research
d. Purchases of Operational Support Aircraft shall be reduced by 25%;
e. The naval fleet of small surface combat ships shall be reduced from 42 to 30. The ships to be retired shall be sold to foreign allies.
f. Funding for the Cruiser Modification Program shall be reduced by 30%

a. No federal funding allocated for the Department of State shall be expended on counter-narcotics operations.
b. The National Guard shall be prohibited from enforcing drug laws on Atlasian soil.
c. The National Guard Agricultural Development Team program is hereby eliminated.
d. The High Risk Personnel Program for off-base housing is hereby eliminated.
e. Housing Allowances for off-base commuters is hereby reduced by 10%.
f.  Funding for demonstrations by the Blue Angels Demonstration Squad, the 13th Air Force Air Expeditionary Group, and the 109th National Guard Airlift Wing is hereby reduced by 25%
g. Funding for military musical bands is hereby reduced 50%
h. Funding for the Marine Band Newsletter Notes is hereby eliminated.
i. Military bands shall be permitted to sell recordings of their music
j. Federal payments to private air carriers for transportation of military personnel shall not exceed those levels guaranteed in the contracted for agreement.

a. This act shall take effect sixty (60) days from the date of ratification.

Southern Senator North Carolina Yankee
North Carolina Yankee
Atlas Institution
Posts: 54,118
United States

« Reply #14 on: November 16, 2022, 11:20:48 PM »

To reduce abuse of power by the executive branch in the use of military force

Be it Enacted in the Atlasian Senate Assembled,

1. No activity, including the provision of any equipment or facility or the assignment or detail of any personnel, shall include or permit direct participation by a member of the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, Space Force, or other federal armed forces in a search, seizure, arrest, or other similar activity or general police power, unless participation in such activity by such member is otherwise expressly authorized by law. For purposes of this section, other federal armed forces includes but is not limited to the National Guard when under federal chain of command. For purposes of this section, other similar activity or general police power, includes but is not limited to the enforcement of any drug law, the enforcement of any quarantine, mass vaccination, or mass incarceration of citizens or lawfully present aliens, or the performance or facilitation of any abortion; however the performance of border patrol activities or the detainment of unlawfully present aliens shall not be prohibited, pursuant to law.

2a. Whenever there is an insurrection in any Region against its government or the government of a State or locality therein, the President may, upon the request of the Governor of the Region concerned, call into Federal service such of the militia of the other Regions or States, in the number requested by the Governor of the Region concerned, and use such of the armed forces, as the President considers necessary to suppress the insurrection.

2b. The President may not invoke the authority under this section unless the President, the Secretary of State, and the Attorney General certify to the Senate that the Governor of the Region concerned has requested the aid described to suppress an insurrection. Such authority shall lapse within ten (10) days unless an extension is approved by a majority vote of the whole Senate. The President shall not be permitted to redeploy armed forces under this section after this ten (10) day period against the same insurrection without prior approval by a majority vote of the whole Senate.

3a. Whenever violent obstructions, combinations, or assemblages, or rebellion against the authority of Atlasia, make it impracticable to enforce the laws of Atlasia in any State by the ordinary course of judicial proceedings, and the Governor of the Region in which such State is located requests aid in or expressly refuses to disperse or desist such violent obstructions, combinations, or assemblages, or rebellion, the President may call into Federal service such of the militia of any other State or Region, and use such of the armed forces, as the President considers necessary to enforce those laws or to suppress the rebellion.

3b. The President may not invoke the authority under this section unless the President, the Secretary of State, and the Attorney General certify to the Senate that the Region in which the State concerned is located has requested such aid or is unable or unwilling to suppress the violent obstruction, combination, or assemblage, or rebellion against the authority of Atlasia. A certification under this paragraph shall include:

i. A description of the circumstances necessitating the invocation of the authority under this section.

ii. Demonstrable evidence that the Region concerned has requested aid or is unable or unwilling to suppress such unlawful obstruction, combination, or assemblage, or rebellion against the authority of Atlasia, and a legal justification for resorting to the authority under this section to so suppress.

iii. A description of the mission, scope, and duration of use of members of the armed forces under this section.

3c. Such authority, when at the request of the Governor of the Region concerned, shall lapse within ten (10) days unless an extension is approved by a majority vote of the whole Senate. The President shall not be permitted to deploy armed forces under this section without the request of the Governor of the Region concerned or redeploy armed forces under this section after this ten (10) day period against the same violent obstruction, combination, or assemblage, or rebellion, without prior approval by a majority vote of the whole Senate.

3d. A Region that has lawfully seceded or exercised its authority pursuant to the laws of Atlasia shall not be considered a violent obstruction, combination, or assemblage, or rebellion under this act.

4.The President, in every possible instance, shall consult with the Senate before invoking the authority under this act. Correspondingly, any request by the President to the Senate made pursuant to this act shall be expeditiously considered by the Senate, and shall immediately come to the floor for debate and vote regardless of if there are any empty legislative slots available at the time of the request.

5. Notwithstanding, and without prejudice to, any other provision of law, any individual or entity, including a Regional, State, or local government, that is injured by, or has a credible fear of injury from, the use of members of the armed forces under this act may bring a civil action for declaratory or injunctive relief to the Supreme Court. In any action under this section, the Supreme Court shall have jurisdiction to decide any question of law or fact arising under this act, including challenges to the legal basis for members of the armed forces to be acting under this act. It shall be the duty of the Supreme Court to advance on the docket and to expedite to the greatest possible extent the disposition of any matter brought under this section.

6. The President may not avoid any of the provisions of this act by authorizing the militia or armed forces of a Region to enter into the territory of another Region, without the request of the Governor of such other Region, outside of the federal chain of command. Any such authorization shall be considered an activity or deployment subject to the provisions of this act.

7. The National Guard of Nyman shall be subject to the command of the government thereof to the same extent as any other State.

8. 10 U.S.C. 251 -  253 and 10 U.S.C. 275 are hereby repealed and replaced by this act.

9. This act shall take effect immediately.
Southern Senator North Carolina Yankee
North Carolina Yankee
Atlas Institution
Posts: 54,118
United States

« Reply #15 on: January 12, 2023, 11:43:33 PM »


1. The Arsenal of Democracy Act shall be amended as follows:


2.) In light of the above criteria the following countries are hereby barred from purchasing either non-lethal or lethal arms from Atlasia or from receiving military or policing training; either in their own country or in Atlasia.

2A.) Azerbaijan
2B.) Central African Republic
2C.) China
2D.) Brunei
2E.) Belarus
2F.) Egypt
2G.) Iran
2H.) Syria
2I.) Myanmar
2J.) Zimbabwe
2K.) Saudi Arabia

2A.) Azerbaijan
2B.) Belarus
2C.) Brunei
2D.) China
2E.) Cuba
2F.) Iran
2G.) Mauritania
2H.) Myanmar
2I.) North Korea
2J.) Russia
2K.) Saudi Arabia
2L.) Syria
2M.) Ukraine
2N.) Zimbabwe


2. This act shall take effect 30 days from the date of passage.
Southern Senator North Carolina Yankee
North Carolina Yankee
Atlas Institution
Posts: 54,118
United States

« Reply #16 on: January 12, 2023, 11:45:08 PM »



1. $20 Billion is hereby authorized to be expended through FY 2025 to fund improvements to and the expanding, securing, and hardening of critical electricity transmission infrastructure in Atlasia to ensure grid security, functionality, and reliability. The following amounts shall be expended for the following purposes:

A. $ 5 Billion for electrical substation upgrades and construction.

Grant and loan determinations for this purpose shall consider all relevant factors and shall prioritize electrical infrastructure determined to be: critical to the national security, owned by an owner that has a critical lack of funding, in an area with a critical lack of available or adequate infrastructure, or other hardships that make the receipt of funds critically important to national security or the health and safety of the residents of Atlasia.

B. $ 5 Billion for Transmission infrastructure upgrades and construction.

Grant and loan determinations for this purpose shall consider all relevant factors and shall prioritize electrical infrastructure determined to be: critical to the national security, owned by an owner that has a critical lack of funding, in an area with a critical lack of available or adequate infrastructure, or other hardships that make the receipt of funds critically important to national security or the health and safety of the residents of Atlasia.

C. $3 Billion for utility Battery Storage interconnection projects to store surplus electricity generation during off-peak times for use during peak times.

Grant and loan determinations for this purpose shall consider all relevant factors and shall prioritize projects determined to be: critical to the national security, owned by an owner that has a critical lack of funding, in an area with a critical lack of available or adequate infrastructure, or other hardships that make the receipt of funds critically important to national security or the health and safety of the residents of Atlasia.

D. $4 Billion to acquire and construct a critical supply reserve of transformer infrastructure and equipment for use by the federal government during an emergency. The President shall determine the best locations in each Region for such reserves. A supply reserve may be co-located on or at the property or facilities of a State or local government with the consent of the Regional government thereof. All stockpiled infrastructure and equipment shall be Faraday shielded against electromagnetic pulses (EMPs).

E. $2 Billion for Faraday shielding of electrical infrastructure vulnerable to EMPs.

Grant determinations for this purpose shall consider all relevant factors and shall prioritize electrical infrastructure determined to be: critical to the national security, owned by an owner that has a critical lack of funding, in an area with a critical lack of available or adequate infrastructure, or other hardships that make the receipt of funds critically important to national security or the health and safety of the residents of Atlasia.

F. $1 billion on cybersecurity and grid control and management software.

Grant determinations for this purpose shall consider all relevant factors and shall prioritize electrical infrastructure determined to be: critical to the national security, owned by an owner that has a critical lack of funding, in an area with a critical lack of available or adequate infrastructure, or other hardships that make the receipt of funds critically important to national security or the health and safety of the residents of Atlasia.

2. Any government-owned electric utility, electricity cooperative, privately-owned electrical utility that is subject to public regulation, and any Regional Transmission Organization (RTO) shall be permitted to receive funds under this Title. For funds dispersed pursuant to 1(A) - (C) privately-owned utilities and RTOs shall only be eligible for interest free loans payable after ten (10) years with all recovered funds to be deposited in the treasury.

3. Any recipient of funds under this Title shall adopt and implement a Cybersecurity Plan approved by the Governor that is capable of adequately protecting the infrastructure funded by this Title as well as any other infrastructure owned, controlled, or managed by the recipient.

4. Any recipient of funds under this Title shall be considered contractors for purposes of the Stopping Sino-Espionage Act.

5. Any RTO operating in Atlasia and any person who owns, manages, or controls interregional transmission infrastructure in Atlasia is hereby required to install technology that enables any transmission infrastructure that sends or receives electricity to or from a foreign country or another Region to instantaneously stop all such transmission without damaging or harming the electrical grid and component infrastructure.


1. $20 Billion is hereby authorized to be expended through FY 2025 to fund improvements to and the expanding, securing, and hardening of critical internet delivery, propagation, amplification, and storage infrastructure in Atlasia to ensure internet security, functionality, and reliability. This may be in the form of grants or zero-interest loans. The following amounts shall be expended for the following purposes:

A. $5 Billion on DNS Server acquisition and upgrades.

Grant and loan determinations for this purpose shall consider all relevant factors and shall prioritize infrastructure determined to be: critical to the national security, owned by an owner that has a critical lack of funding, in an area with a critical lack of available or adequate infrastructure, or other hardships that make the receipt of funds critically important to national security or the health and safety of the residents of Atlasia.

B. $2 Billion on Internet Exchange Port (IXP) centralization and upgrades.

Grant and loan determinations for this purpose shall consider all relevant factors and shall prioritize infrastructure determined to be: critical to the national security, owned by an owner that has a critical lack of funding, in an area with a critical lack of available or adequate infrastructure, or other hardships that make the receipt of funds critically important to national security or the health and safety of the residents of Atlasia.

C. $4 Billion on Wireless Transmission infrastructure acquisition and upgrades.

Grant and loan determinations for this purpose shall consider all relevant factors and shall prioritize infrastructure determined to be: critical to the national security, owned by an owner that has a critical lack of funding, in an area with a critical lack of available or adequate infrastructure, or other hardships that make the receipt of funds critically important to national security or the health and safety of the residents of Atlasia.

D. $2 Billion to acquire and construct a duplicate backup of core internet backbone infrastructure for use by the national government. The President shall determine the best locations in each Region for such infrastructure. Infrastructure may be co-located on or at the property or facilities of a State or local government with the consent of the Region thereof. All duplicate infrastructure and equipment shall be Faraday shielded against electromagnetic pulses (EMPs).

E. $4 Billion to acquire and construct a critical supply reserve of servers and other core internet infrastructure components and equipment for use by the national government during an emergency. The President shall determine the best locations in each Region for such reserves. A supply reserve may be co-located on or at the property or facilities of a State or local government with the consent of the Region thereof. All stockpiled infrastructure and equipment shall be Faraday shielded against electromagnetic pulses (EMPs).

F. $1.5 Billion on Faraday shielding of internet infrastructure vulnerable to EMPs.

Grant determinations for this purpose shall consider all relevant factors and shall prioritize infrastructure determined to be: critical to the national security, owned by an owner that has a critical lack of funding, in an area with a critical lack of available or adequate infrastructure, or other hardships that make the receipt of funds critically important to national security or the health and safety of the residents of Atlasia.

H. $1.5 Billion on cybersecurity and core internet infrastructure control and management software.

Grant determinations for this purpose shall consider all relevant factors and shall prioritize infrastructure determined to be: critical to the national security, owned by an owner that has a critical lack of funding, in an area with a critical lack of available or adequate infrastructure, or other hardships that make the receipt of funds critically important to national security or the health and safety of the residents of Atlasia.

2. Any government-owned ISP, privately-owned ISP, or private owner of internet infrastructure shall be permitted to receive funds under this Title. For funds dispersed pursuant to 1(A) - (C) privately-owned providers shall only be eligible for interest free loans payable after ten (10) years with all recovered funds to be deposited in the IA.

3. Any ISP operating in Atlasia and any person who owns, manages, or controls internet infrastructure, including but not limited to IXPs, in Atlasia is hereby required to install technology that enables any internet infrastructure that directly sends or receives internet traffic to or from a foreign country or another Region to instantaneously stop all such traffic without damaging or harming the internet and component infrastructure.

4. Any recipient of funds under this Title shall adopt and implement a Cybersecurity Plan approved by the Governor that is capable of adequately protecting the infrastructure funded by this Title as well as any other infrastructure owned,
controlled, or managed by the recipient.

5. Any recipient of funds under this Title shall be considered a contractor for purposes of the Stopping Sino-Espionage Act.


1. This act shall take effect immediately.
Southern Senator North Carolina Yankee
North Carolina Yankee
Atlas Institution
Posts: 54,118
United States

« Reply #17 on: January 12, 2023, 11:45:50 PM »


1. $40 Billion is hereby authorized to be expended through FY 2025 to acquire and construct emergency shelters and critical supplies reserves for use by the federal government during an emergency. The President shall determine the best locations in each Region for such shelters and supply reserves. An emergency shelter may be co-located on or at the property or facilities of a State or local government with the consent of the Region thereof.

2. The following items shall be stockpiled in amounts determined by the President to minimize disruption and dislocation during a crisis.

A. Inputs required to process and refine petroleum oil.

B. Batteries

C. Potable water purification technology and chemicals

D. Shelf-stable, high caloric food

E. Shelf-stable Baby formula

F. Medicine identified on the WHO Essential Medicines list

G. Motor Vehicle parts and components

H. Motor Vehicle Tires

I. Tents, tarpaulins, wool blankets, and cordage

J. Portable Cookstoves and fuel therefore

K. Handtools, chainsaws, and parts and lubricants therefore

L. Flashlights

M. Generators and parts and components thereof

3. All items purchased shall be packaged and stored so as to maximize shelf life and minimize degradation, as well as to provide Faraday shielding where appropriate. Any item that is within one (1) year of its shelf life or expiration date shall be disposed of or donated with any revenue resulting therefrom being deposited in the treasury. New purchases shall be made to replace stock that is rotated out pursuant to this paragraph.

4. All emergency shelters and emergency stockpiles shall be designed so as to withstand natural disasters and direct physical attacks.

5. This act shall take effect immediately.
Southern Senator North Carolina Yankee
North Carolina Yankee
Atlas Institution
Posts: 54,118
United States

« Reply #18 on: January 12, 2023, 11:47:50 PM »



1. $2 Billion is hereby appropriated to fund the support and development of services for the assistance of women undergoing an eligible pregnancy. This goal shall be achieved through public and private collaboration, including with Pregnancy Assistance Groups (PAGs).

2. Beginning July 1, 2023, any public middle, junior high, or high school and any public college or university that receives any public funding from the federal government must allow reasonable access to its facilities and classrooms to PAGs to share information.


1. For taxable years beginning on and after January 1, 2024, an individual or married persons filing a joint return shall be allowed a refundable credit against the tax equal to $1,000 for each birth for which a certificate of birth resulting in stillbirth has been issued and such stillbirth was not intentionally caused by the mother. The credit may be claimed only in the taxable year in which the stillbirth occurred and if the child would have become a dependent of the taxpayer as defined in federal law.

2. For any taxable year in which married persons file separate income tax returns, the credit provided under this section shall be allowed against the tax liability for only one (1) of such two (2) tax returns. If the amount of the credit exceeds the taxpayer's tax liability for the taxable year, the excess shall be refunded to such taxpayer.


1. In accordance with the rights of parents, any public or private employer, healthcare provider, camp, daycare, tutorial program, or school in Atlasia subject to FERPA or HIPPA shall adopt procedures for notifying a child's parent or legal guardian if there is a change in the child's services or monitoring related to the child's mental, emotional, or physical health or well-being and the employer, healthcare provider, camp, daycare, tutorial program, or school's ability to provide a safe and supportive environment for the child.

2. The procedures must reinforce the fundamental right of parents to make decisions regarding the upbringing and control of their children by requiring personnel to encourage a child to discuss issues relating to his or her well-being with his or her parent or legal guardian or to facilitate discussion of the issue with the parent or legal guardian.

3. The procedures may not prohibit parents or legal guardians from accessing any of their child's education and health records created, maintained, or used by the employer, healthcare provider, camp, daycare, tutorial program, or school.

4. An employer, healthcare provider, camp, daycare, tutorial program, or school may not adopt procedures or support forms that prohibit personnel from notifying a parent or legal guardian about his or her child's mental, emotional, or physical health or well-being, or a change in related services or monitoring, or that encourage or have the effect of encouraging a child to withhold from a parent or legal guardian such information.

5. Employer, healthcare provider, camp, daycare, tutorial program, or school personnel may not discourage or prohibit parental or guardian notification of and involvement in critical decisions affecting a child's mental, emotional, or physical health or well-being.

6. This act does not prohibit an employer, healthcare provider, camp, daycare, tutorial program, or school from adopting procedures that permit personnel to withhold such information from a parent or legal guardian if a reasonably prudent person would believe that disclosure would result in abuse, abandonment, or neglect to the child.


1. As used in this act, "Eligible pregnancy" means an unplanned pregnancy or a planned pregnancy that has become a serious problem to the pregnant woman because of her age or medical status, desertion by or lack of support from the birth father, lack of support from her family, financial insecurity, or other hardship.

2. As used in this act, "Pregnancy Assistance Group (PAG)" means a non-profit entity that offers counseling, financial resources, and other aid, services, or assistance to pregnant women facing an eligible pregnancy and which does not provide, facilitate, or offer referrals for abortion services.

3. Unless otherwise specified herein, this act shall take effect immediately.
Southern Senator North Carolina Yankee
North Carolina Yankee
Atlas Institution
Posts: 54,118
United States

« Reply #19 on: February 22, 2023, 11:37:13 AM »


Article VI of the Official Senate Rules and Procedures shall be amended as follows:


6. ) All bills appropriating money must have any funding increases and decreases connected to a specific federal department or program budget. Any bill that includes a funding change that is not connected to a specific federal department budget shall not be able to be brought to a final vote.

Southern Senator North Carolina Yankee
North Carolina Yankee
Atlas Institution
Posts: 54,118
United States

« Reply #20 on: February 22, 2023, 11:37:52 AM »


1. Section 161 of the Energy Policy and Conservation Act (42 U.S.C. 6241) is amended by adding at the end the following new subsection:

(k) Plan.—

“(1) IN GENERAL.—Except in the case of a severe energy supply interruption described in subsection (d), the President may not execute the first drawdown of petroleum products in the Reserve after the date of enactment of this subsection, whether through sale, exchange, or loan, until the President has developed a plan to increase the percentage of Federal lands leased for oil and gas production by the same percentage as the percentage of petroleum in the Strategic Petroleum Reserve that is to be drawn down in that first and subsequent drawdowns, subject to the limitation under paragraph (2).

(2) LIMITATION.—The plan required by paragraph (1) shall not provide for a total increase in the percentage of Federal lands described in paragraph (1) leased for oil and gas production in excess of 10 percent.

2. This act shall take effect thirty (30) days after passage.
Southern Senator North Carolina Yankee
North Carolina Yankee
Atlas Institution
Posts: 54,118
United States

« Reply #21 on: February 22, 2023, 11:38:24 AM »


1. At least sixty (60) days prior to the implementation of any federal regulation issued by the President, the Department heads, or any subordinate thereof, such regulation shall be presented, in full, to the Senate.

2. If the Senate fails to pass a resolution approving the regulation, such regulation shall not take effect.

3. This act shall take effect immediately.
Southern Senator North Carolina Yankee
North Carolina Yankee
Atlas Institution
Posts: 54,118
United States

« Reply #22 on: February 22, 2023, 11:38:56 AM »


1. The statute of limitations for a claim brought under the Quiet Title Act is hereby declared to be jurisdictional rather than procedural. No federal court may hear any case under the Quiet Title Act if the statute of limitations for filing such claim has been exceeded.

2. The Bullmoose Act shall be amended as follows:


8. It shall be considered an illegal antitrust violation for any foreign country or any investment firm or financial management service, other than a financial institution, to own or hold an ownership stake exceeding 10% in more than 50,000 residential rental properties or in more than 50,000 acres of commercial farmland, or for any foreign country or subordinate entity thereof to own or hold an ownership stake exceeding 10% in more than 10,000 residential rental properties or in more than 10,000 acres of commercial farmland. The Attorney General may prosecute such violations which shall be punishable by a fine of $10,000.00 per day. A court of competent jurisdiction shall also order any appropriate equitable relief, including but not limited to the divestment of residential rental properties or commercial farmland exceeding the cap.

3. The Secretary of State and Secretary of Internal Affairs shall be permitted to sell federally-owned superfund sites to entities agreeing to remediate and assume liability for the property on an expedited timeframe.

4. This act shall take effect thirty (30) days from the date of passage.
Southern Senator North Carolina Yankee
North Carolina Yankee
Atlas Institution
Posts: 54,118
United States

« Reply #23 on: February 22, 2023, 11:39:12 AM »


1. The Federal Employee Retirement System (FERS) shall be prohibited from investing in cryptocurrencies, cryptocurrency exchanges, and crypto hedge funds.

2. All existing investments in cryptocurrencies, cryptocurrency exchanges, and crypto hedge funds shall be divested following the passage of this act.

3. This Act shall take effect immediately sixty (60) days following the passage of this act.
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