A Feast For Crows Game Thread (user search)

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Author Topic: A Feast For Crows Game Thread  (Read 2745 times)
Garlan Gunter
Jr. Member
Posts: 702
United Kingdom

« on: March 26, 2019, 09:32:50 AM »


The winds have blown my nuncle Euron Crow's Eye back to us, a scourge to our people and my House. Scarcely had my father, your King, Balon IX Greyjoy, toppled into the sea than Euron's red Silence was seen at anchor off Pyke; now the exile usurps his brother's seat. Euron did not kill my father by his own hand, for he lacked the courage, but through some foreign minion or spell accursed he stands a kinslayer nonetheless. Speak up at my side, my other nuncles Victarion and Aeron, for you both know what the Crow's Eye is.

The taint of kinslaying removes the instant right of lordship and kingship from the blood of the Kraken, and though I claim the rule of Pyke, at this Kingsmoot, the first for uncounted centuries and requiring of especial prudence, I shall support the most experienced and wise of all Ironborn lords - my Scythe nuncle, Lord Rodrik, commonly called the Reader, of Ten Towers, of the House and Isle of Harlaw. Alongside King Rodrik I intend to counsel a new voyage for our people, to the harbours of strong alliances, conquests, prosperity, vengeance, honour and at the last peace.

Garlan Gunter
Jr. Member
Posts: 702
United Kingdom

« Reply #1 on: April 08, 2019, 08:24:46 AM »


People of Lordsport! Sons of Pyke! Servants of the Drowned God! Folk of the Ironborn!

Long have you served the Greyjoy, and served him well. Now King Balon's blood stands accosted by a thief, a traitor, a coward and a kinslayer, acting at the beck and call of another and greater such.

Germund Botley defies his rightful King Rodrik the Reader, risen by the will of the first Kingsmoot in thousands of years; of his immediate master the Lady of Pyke and of House Greyjoy; and of nature, his blood, his lord and his god, in the foul, profane, and boasted murder by drowning, a holy rite, of Lord Sawane Botley, his elder brother, a leal bannerman of House Greyjoy and the rightful shield of Lordsport.

Sawane's mantle descends by right to his son Lord Tristifer Botley, a sworn and brave man to King Rodrik and a dear friend to myself.

But as Germund wronged Tristifer, so Euron Crow's Eye has wronged me, stealing my father's life from me. I confess that I hoped to capture him and hold him accountable and punished for his crime. His life now stands doubly forfeit, for returning from exile against King Balon's will and for kinslaying most vile. I have reclaimed my seat, and though I no longer claim the Iron Crown, believing it rightly disposed upon my Scythe nuncle, King Rodrik, with your aid, men of Lordsport, Pyke, and the Isles, I swear I will claim the benison of this false Germund's blood, and then of the Crow's Eye's.

Our people are strong. Our forces scarce dented. Our King wise. We retain pivotal conquests in the Greenlands. Ironborn, it is profoundly forbidden by He Who Sleeps Beneath the Waves for us to shed one another's blood upon the Isles. Around us our foes are divided and weak. Let us not become their sport and mockery by proving ourselves weaker still. Stand together and condemn the kinslayers and we may all yet be the richer for it.

For my own part, I seek the lives of none but the kinslayers, Euron the false Greyjoy, and Germund the traitorous Botley. Lord Ironmaker has proven himself too old, fat and foolish for aught but an honourable seat at the fireside, but I have no quarrel at all with his grandsons. The rest of you have yet to strike a blow in treason. Abandon the two murderers and we shall conquer together as is the right of the Ironborn. Persist in their crime and folly and you will learn to rue it.

Garlan Gunter
Jr. Member
Posts: 702
United Kingdom

« Reply #2 on: April 21, 2019, 08:00:30 AM »

The Lady Reaper of Pyke for her part accepts the Queen and Hand of Westeros’s accounts of Lord Redwyne’s grave error, and will take counsel with her uncles King Rodrik and Lord Captain Victorian Greyjoy as to fitting reparation. In the meantime the Kingdom of the Isles and the North remains a free ally of the Iron Throne.

- Asha of House Greyjoy, Lady Reaper of Pyke, victrix of Lordsport
Garlan Gunter
Jr. Member
Posts: 702
United Kingdom

« Reply #3 on: May 09, 2019, 10:52:51 AM »

Speech made in person by Asha Greyjoy at Pyke, Lordsport and Great Wyk, and circulated all over the Isles by crier, rider and raven

Folk of the Ironborn! Look at yourselves! Listen to the swell of the sea and beyond it, the laughter of Westeros!

A Northman's bastard gelded your Prince, Theon Greyjoy, now devoted in service to the Drowned God.

Euron the Crow's Eye murdered his elder brother, my sire and your king, for a traitor and kinslayer's claim, but fled when he could not uphold it, and sold sword and sails alike to the vile Storm God in the far North. He is the enemy not just of Ironborn, but of the realms of men.

Victarion Greyjoy, a fabled warrior but ever a fool, disobeyed orders and sailed straight into a defeat.

My last true nuncles, King Rodrik the Reader and Aeron Damphair, now take counsel together as to the truth of the Kingsmoot. But one truth stands yet evident.

I, Asha, Lady Reaper of Pyke, Greyjoy on my father's side, Harlaw on my mother's, doubly royal and unbeaten in battle, am the only fit war leader to unite our insulted and scorned people.

Once together again, we shall be strong, and there is still war in Westeros, with prizes ripe for taking. With me you shall have war, war on favourable terms with quick victories and lasting conquests.

Call me Queen or Lady if you care to, for I am Lady of Pyke and a Queen aboard my Black Wind, but I prefer simply Captain, Captain Asha Greyjoy, leader of all the Ironborn to united victory.

Come with me. We will be looting, aye, and soon, we, not our weakling foes, will be laughing once more.
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