A Feast For Crows Game Thread

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Author Topic: A Feast For Crows Game Thread  (Read 2728 times)
Junior Chimp
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« on: March 25, 2019, 11:14:26 PM »

Turn I-Early 300 AC

The Cast:

The Kings and Queens:

King Stannis Baratheon:
Queen Regent Cersei Baratheon:Kingpoleon
Queen Daenerys Targaryen:DatGOTTho

The Lords and Ladies:

Lady Asha Greyjoy:
Garlan Gunter
Lord Paramount Mace Tyrell: KingSaul
Lord Protector Petyr Baelish:leonardothered
Lord Wyman Manderly:Skrevski
Junior Chimp
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« Reply #1 on: March 26, 2019, 12:05:14 AM »

Military and Political Situation

King Stannis Baratheon:
-Army at the Wall; 1,500 strong (mostly Southern or sellsword cavalry)
-Garrison of Dragonstone; 500 strong and commanded by Ser Rolland Storm
-Garrison of Storm's End; 200 strong and commanded by Ser Gilbert Farring
-Royal fleet; 50 ships (largely sellsails)

Queen Regent Cersei Baratheon:
-Main royal army; 6,000 strong
-City Watch of King's Landing; 4,000 strong
-King's Landing Fleet; 12 ships
(can recruit 5,000 more men from the Crownlands and is backed by House Lannister)

Queen Daenerys Targaryen:
-8,600 Unsullied
-5,000 Unnsullied-in-training
-8,000 freedmen (questionable quality)
-1,000 sellswords (questionable loyalty)
-3 dragons (untamed)

Lady Asha Greyjoy:
-30 retainers
-4,000 Harlaw soldiers

Lord Paramount Mace Tyrell
-Garrison of Highgarden; 5,000 strong
-Army of the Stormlands; 25,000 strong and commanded personally by Mace Tyrell
-Army of Maidenpool; 20,000 strong and commanded by Randyll Tarly
-Mander Fleet; 40 ships near Highgarden
-Hightower fleet; 30 ships near Oltown
-Redwyne fleet; 200 ships
(can recruit 20,000 troops; 10,000 immediately)

Lord Protector/Lord Paramount Petyr Baelish:
-Garrison of the Eyrie; 500 strong
-Garrison of the Bloody Gate; 1,000 strong
-Army of Riverrun; 2,000 strong and commanded by Ryman Frey (currently besieging Riverrun)
-Army of Raventree; 500 strong and commanded by Lord Jonos Bracken (currently besieging Raventree)
-Army of the Riverlands, 6,000 strong (dubious loyalty)
(can recruit 40,000 men from the Vale; 15,000 immediately)

Lord Wyman Manderly:
-Garrison of White Harbor; 150 strong
-Army of White Harbor; 300 strong
Junior Chimp
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« Reply #2 on: March 26, 2019, 01:54:01 AM »

Player Crises

General Overview

A new year has dawned has dawned, as the crows begin to feast on the carcass of Westeros. The dual deaths of Joffrey Baratheon and Tywin Lannister have damaged the crown, but they are still a force to be reckoned with. Stannis seeks to revive his cause by winning the North, while the Iron Islands elects its new leader. While the high nobles war with each other, both Lords Baelish and Maderly have their own plots. Meanwhole, Daenerys Targaryen seeks to solidify herself in Meereen.

All the while, disturbing reports have begun to make their way down from the Wall . . .

King Stannis Baratheon
5/10 (lost the Blackwater; won stunning victory over Mance Rayder)
Gold: 25,000 GD (already low gold reserves depleted by sellswords and sellsails)
Legitimacy: 4/10 (cause is failing)

-Greetings, Your Grace. Despite being outnumbered many times over, you have smashed the army of the King-Beyond-The-Wall Mance Rayder, winning a much-needed victory for your cause. You must now decide what is to be done with him. If he does bend the knee, you may gain thousands of additional soldiers, at the risk of alienating the Northern lords you desperately need.

-Speaking of the Northern lords, many of them lost fathers, brothers, sons and other relatives at the Red Wedding and long for revenge. They may respond to your call, but then again, many of their surviving family members are imprisoned by the lannisters, Freys and Boltons. How will you proceed?

-There is the matter of how you wish to proceed. With your plans for Jon Snow scuppered, some are advocating an immediate march on the Dreadfort, others are calling to march on Winterfell, while still others favour a more gradual approach, focused on retaking limited objectives to win Northerners to your side.

-Finally, the matter of coin is an urgent one. You are running dangerously low. Yet, there remains hope, as the Iron Bank has called in the crown's debt. Should they be unable to pay, you could convince them to support you . . .

Queen Regent Cersei Baratheon
6/10 (family name invokes fear; questions remain over children)
Gold: 350,000 GD (3m in debt to Iron Bank, 0.9m to the Faith and 0.5m to House Tyrell; war has been extremely costly)
Legitimacy: 8/10 (unquestioned as Queen Regent)

-Good evening, Your Grace. With the war all but won and the backing of your own Lannister family and the Tyrells, you can turn your attention to other things. The lack of a decently powerful fleet is of great concern, especially as Stannis's loyalists still hold Dragonstone. Aurane Waters, pardoned for fighting for Stannis has since bent the knee, and is reportedly preparing plans for a new type of warship. Commissioning him to have them constructed will be expensive, but may pay off.

-Your alliance with House Tyrell was not the best to begin with, and with your father dead, is on even shakier ground. Attempting to solidify this alliance further may help, but you must be wary of Tyrell influence at court.

-Speaking of your father, his death is no doubt a severe blow to your cause, and many suspect your escaped brother Tyrion, or even another one of Stannis's shadow assassins. You must decide how to catch the assailant, and how much you would be willing to spend on your father's funeral, consideing your shaky financial grounds.

-The Iron Bank is demanding a repayment of a portion of the loans; at least one tenth. Grand Maester Pycelle is already saying the Crown should pay the money and begin the long, hard road road to paying off the debt, but even with money from House Lannister, doing so may imperil the crown's finances. There is course the option of borrowing from House Tyrell, but this would increase their influence. How will you proceed?

Queen Daenerys Targaryen
Prestige: 8/10 (Mother of Dragons, victor at Meereen)
Gold: 500,000 (treasury of Meereen)
Legitimacy: 6/10 (rules Meereen; Astapor taken over by brutal king and slave cities dispute authority)

-Meereen is yours, Your Grace, though tempers still boil. A group of noblemen in the city who dispute your rule have taken up arms as the Sons of the Harpy. How will you proceed about pacifying the city?

-Numerous crimes were committed by the sellswords and freedmen when the city was taken. Needless to say, this has not endeared the noblemen who have not taken up arms. How will you appease them?

-Your dragons are growing increasingly out of control. Something must be done to stop them doing more damage to the people and countryside before they damage your reign irrevocably.

-Finally, what has happened in Asatpor and Yunkai cannot be ignored. Astapor has fallen under the rule of Cleon, the brutal self-proclaimed King of Astapor, while Yunkai has eturned to slavery and is rumoured to be raising an army. You must act quickly.

Lord Paramount Mace Tyrell
8/10 (high social standing, supplies food to King's Landing)
Gold: 1.3m GD (costs of war)
Legitimacy: 9/10 (undisputed Lord of Highgarden)

-My Lord, despite the death of Joffrey, your daughter Margaery has now been betrothed to King Tommen and Loras has been appointed to the Kingsguard. Will yu seek to further the Tyrell presence at court by seeking a marriage or appointment for Willas at the risk of agitating the Queen Regent?

-You have one of the largest armies left in Westeros, relatively untouched by the heavy fighting, and currently lead 25,000 men yourself in the Stormlands. Striking the final blow against Stannis would win enormous prestige for yourself and your house, but you may have a vested interest in keeping your army as intact as possible. How will yu proceed?

-There is also the question of finances. The Iron Bank has called in a portion of the crown's debts. You could offer to pay and thus increase your standing while simultaneously forestalling Stannis's attempted revival in the North, but you again run the risk of agitating the Lannisters

Lady Asha Greyjoy
6/10 (is a woman, but won victories in the North)
Gold: 10,000 GD (no access to Iron Islands gold reserves)
Legitimacy: 6/10 (anti-woman prejudice, despite being Balon Greyjoy's presumed heir)

-My Lady, a kingsmoot is about to be held to replace your father. You of course could choose to support one of the other candidates, but it is widely expected you will declare yourself one, as you do have the support of House Harlaw already.

Lord Protector/Paramount Petyr Baelish
7/10 (powerful titles, but lacks battlefield victories)
Gold: 450,000 GD
Legitimacy: 6/10 (not well liked by new bannermen)

-Lord Baelish, through deft politicking, you now find yourself in charge of both the Riverlands and Vale. Marillion has been convicted of murdering Lysa, and the younf Lord Robert Arryn is now under your protection, yet a cadre of lords, led by Yohn Royce, remain skeptical of you. How will you convince them?

-Alayne proved herself key in putting Marillion's head on the chopping block, and her identity remains known solely to you. What are your plans for her?

-Your Lord Paramountcy over the Riverlands has not been welcomed by all. While the Freys recognise you, Brynden Tully has seized control of Riverrun. You must figure a way to retake Riverrun from the last free member of House Tully, before the other Riverlords seek to undermine you.

Lord Wyman Manderly
6/10 (viewed largely as an oaf)
Gold: 35,000 GD (relatively wealthy due to trade)
Legitimacy:8/10 (undisputed Lord of White Harbor)

-The North remembers, my Lord. The Starks may have fallen, but their remnants may still be alive, and many Northern lords hunger for revenge over the Red Wedding. How will you proceed?

-Stannis Baratheon offers a hope for your efforts, but he is grievously outnumbered, and with your son not yet returned, will you decide to raise arms for Stannis, or decide that discretion is the better part of valour?
Garlan Gunter
Jr. Member
Posts: 702
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« Reply #3 on: March 26, 2019, 09:32:50 AM »


The winds have blown my nuncle Euron Crow's Eye back to us, a scourge to our people and my House. Scarcely had my father, your King, Balon IX Greyjoy, toppled into the sea than Euron's red Silence was seen at anchor off Pyke; now the exile usurps his brother's seat. Euron did not kill my father by his own hand, for he lacked the courage, but through some foreign minion or spell accursed he stands a kinslayer nonetheless. Speak up at my side, my other nuncles Victarion and Aeron, for you both know what the Crow's Eye is.

The taint of kinslaying removes the instant right of lordship and kingship from the blood of the Kraken, and though I claim the rule of Pyke, at this Kingsmoot, the first for uncounted centuries and requiring of especial prudence, I shall support the most experienced and wise of all Ironborn lords - my Scythe nuncle, Lord Rodrik, commonly called the Reader, of Ten Towers, of the House and Isle of Harlaw. Alongside King Rodrik I intend to counsel a new voyage for our people, to the harbours of strong alliances, conquests, prosperity, vengeance, honour and at the last peace.

Junior Chimp
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« Reply #4 on: April 04, 2019, 09:58:08 AM »

Early 300 AL-Aftermath

Chaos in the Iron Islands

To the surprise of many Ironborn, Asha Greyjoy made no play for the Seastone Chair herself, instead throwing her considerable influence behind Rodrik Harlaw, the Lord of Ten Towers. Lord harlaw was reluctant to accept the crown, but was eventually encouraged to accept by his heir and the Master of Grey Garden, Ser Harras Harlaw. With his champions Tristifer Botley, Baelor Blacktyde and Lorren Longaxe in tow, he sailed for Nagga's Hill, but Asha Greyjoy was not quiet in the meantime, as she and Rodrik the Reader made plans to act on the danger of Euron Greyjoy.

Attempted assassination of Euron Greyjoy: An attempt on the life of her uncle was attempted by Asha Greyjoy, leveraging Hagen, Qarl the Maid and Hagen's daughter. Despite being successfully lured into the trap and taken by surprise when Hagen and Qarl sprung out with swords drawn, the Crow's Eye somehow managed to effect an escape, killing Qarl and Hagen's daughter, and mortally wounding Hagen. Enraged, Euron ordered his loyalists to take up arms and sail to the kingsmoot to take the kingship by force.

Kingsmoot of 300 AL: This kingsmoot proved to be an unsual one, with Asha herself choosing not to stand. Instead, the candidates were Victarion Greyjoy, Erik Ironmaker, Lord Gylbert Farwynd, Lord Dunstan Drumm and Lord Rodrik Harlaw, with the expected departure of Euron Greyjoy delayed. The candidates presented their gifts for the Seastone Chair, though Rodrik humliated Ironmaker by asking if he could stand on his own two feet.

It was soon clear that the two candidates with the heaviest support were Rodrik Harlaw and Victarion Greyjoy. Just as it seemed a riot was about to break out, the sounding of a dragon horn announced the arrival of a very miffed Euron Greyjoy. He accused Lord Harlaw of trying to prevent him from making his case to the kingsmoot. Rodrik, true to his nature, admitted to this, but then proceeded to make an eloquent argument about the danger that Crow's Eye represented, that he would lead them into a war the could not win. Despite this, Ironmaker sided with Euron, as did many lords from lesser houses. Just as it seemd a fight was about to break out again, Victarion, deciding that the devil he knew in Rodrik was better than the one he didn't with Euron, threw his support behind the Harlaw. The other claimants followed suit. Euron howled and vowed revenge, especially as other lords, most notably Germund Botley and Iornmaker, refused to bend the knee.

It was through this extraordinary series of circumstances that Rodrik Harlaw, Lord of Ten Towers, was anointed King of the Iron Islands

Assault on Pyke: In the black of that very night, Asha Greyjoy and her elite retinue stormed Pyke. The few loyalists Euron had put up only minimal resistance, and the castle was seized in less than an hour. Just behind them were 1,000 Harlaws led by Ser Haras, intent on seizing the rest of the island of Pyke. They made short work of Iron Holt and the soldiers of House Wynch, but were counterattacked by Germund Botley, the new Lord of Lordsport (after he had drowned his brother Sawane), and forced to retreat. As morning dawned, news that came was that Euron Greyjoy had rallied several houses to his side and was directly challenging Rodrik Harlaw, declaring him an illegitimate king. A civil war has enveloped the Iron Islands.

Northerners take sides

Stannis Baratheon wasted no time after he arrived at the Wall in gathering a new army. With a tentative resolution to the situation with Mance Rayder, he dispatched ravens to all the Northern houses, demanding their loyalty. Despite being rebuffed by the Dustins, karstarks and Mormonts (the latter of which will no doubt try to remain neutral in the coming campaign), he won the support of the Northern Mountain clans, who added their strength to his own. They were followed by the Glovers, who through some very clever manouevering by Lady Sybelle, were able to slip away from the Ironborn. Howland Reed also bestired himself, marching up from Greywater Watch with 1500 men eager to avenge the Starks. House Umber split, with 400 men under Mors Crowfood joining Stannis. Stannis rallied his forces and instructed them to march east . . . to the Dreadfort.

March on the Dreadfort: As Stannis' forces marched to the Dreadfort, very few expected they would be able to remain hidden, and the word that House Reed was marching up from the Neck confirmed the suspicions of Roose Bolton. Alas, Roose needed to gather his own strength, and was unable to mount an assault on the forces marching to the Dreadfort. Nonetheless, the snows were harsh, and there were rumours that some of the southern troops with Stannis resorted to cannibalism. Despite harrying from Dustin and Ryswell forces, the Glovers made it to the rally point at the Dreadfort, with Stark loyalists who had fought with Ser Rodrik Cassell with them, along with the Mountain Clans.

Stannis Baratheon now faces uncertainty as Roose Bolton with his Frey allies march on him from the west, while the Karstarks advance from the east. All the while, House Manderly remain the wildcards . . .

The crown's hold solidifies . . . expensively

Cersei Baratheon, acting as Queen Regent for her son Tommen, set about solidifying the crown's grip on the lands south of the Neck. Though, she did surprise many people by openly coordinating with House Tyrell. The Great House of the Reach paid 350,000 of the crown's debt to the Iron Bank, thus staving off financial ruin for the moment and increasing their influence at court. Though, Lord Tyrell failed to answer for an attempt to wed Cerenna Lannister to his heir Willas.

Petyr Baelish meanwhile kept up his loyalty to the crown, having Lothor Brune and 1,000 men take possession of the valuable prisoner Edmure Tully, as well as his heavily pregnant wife Roslin and other survivors of the Red Wedding, but failed to answer calls to hand Greatjon Umber over to the crown. The Siege of Riverrun also continues to drag on.

Meanwhile, Mace Tyrell and Kevan Lannister set about kicking Stannis' supporters out of the Stormlands.

Assault on the Royal Fleet: With support from the King's Landing Fleet, Paxter Redwyne attempted to mount an assault on the few ships that were bringing up supplies from Dragonstone to the Wall. However, the assault was clumsily executed, as each of the captains were eager to be the one that doomed the small squadron of ships flying the flaming heart. Ser Rolland Storm, Castellan of Dragonstone, exploited this to no end, and had his garrison's archers deploy outside of the walls and rain arrows on the Redwyne ships. Just as the battle was reaching a stalemate, the squadron commander panicked when one of his ships was boarded, and tried to flee. As soon as they were in open water, the Redwyne fleet ripped them to shreds. Paxter Redwyne would bitterly describe it as a "A pointless victory."

Battle of Storm's End: A joint Tyrell-Lannister army led by Lord Mace Tyrell and Ser Kevan Lannister, with Garlan Tyrell leading the cavalry, advanced on Storm's End, the ancestral seat of House Baratheon. The Castellan, Ser Gilbert Farring, declined Ser Garlan's challenge to personal combat, knowing he would stand a better chance fighting from his position, and thus the battle began. The crown's troops attacked in waves of 1,000 men, but the defenders were resolute, fighting with grim determination and the knowledge that they were making their enemies pay dearly and that they would not be relieved. The 200 men bearing the Baratheon stag held the line for hours, defeating 5 separate attacks and inflicting huge casualties on the attackers. But it couldn't last forever. The 6th attack finally forced a breach, and reserves poured in. Farring called on the exhausted defenders to die where they stood, and that they did. Not one of the defenders surrendered.

The Eastern fire

Daenerys Targaryen made the decision to continue with her reforms in Meereen. Those that were accused of conpisracy were tried by their former slaves and all social clssses suddenly became equal in the eyes of the law. This angered the nobles to no end, and they were only marginally placated by the crown's reimbursement. However, the sight of Unsullied patrolling in squads of four rendered them impotent, and though the Sons of the Harpy stepped up their attacks, they found themselves unable to break into the small Unsullied formations.

Meawhile, her attempts at diplomacy with Yunkai and Astapor were less successful. The Yunkai'i responded with a flat demand for recongition of their status or else. Cleon meanwhile continues to desire Daenerys' hand in marriage.
Junior Chimp
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« Reply #5 on: April 06, 2019, 07:41:41 AM »

Weddings, births and deaths
Deaths: Hagen, Hagen's daughter, Qarl the Maid
Weddings: None

Military and political situation

King Stannis Baratheon
-Army of the North; 6,900 strong (1400 southern knights, 5,500 Northmen)
-garrison of Dragonstone; 200 men commanded by Ser Rolland Storm
-Royal Fleet; 40 ships at Eastwatch

Queen Regent Cersei Baratheon
-Main Crownlands Army; 6,000 strong
-Royal Fleet; 12 ships
-City Watch of King's Landing; 4,000 strong
-2,000 Lannister soldiers under Ser Kevan Lannister (can muster additional trops)
(can recruit 5,000 Crownlands soldiers)

Queen Daenerys Targaryen
-8,550 Unsullied (light casualties in street-to-street fighting0
-5,000 Unsullied in training
-8,000 freedmen
-1,000 sellswords
-3 dragons (untamed)

Lady Asha Greyjoy
-30 retainers
-Army of Pyke; 800 men commanded by Ser Haras Harlaw
-Army of Great Wyk; 3,800 strong

Lord Paramount Mace Tyrell

-Garrison of Highgarden; 5,000 strong
-Army of the Stormlands; 21,000 strong and commanded by Lord Leyton Hightower
-Army of Storm's End; 2,500 strong and commanded personally by Mace Tyrell
-Army of Maidenpool; 20,000 strong and commanded by Randyll Tarly
-Mander Fleet; 40 ships near Highgarden
-Hightower fleet; 30 ships near Oldtown
-Redwyne fleet; 180 ships near Dragonstone
(can recruit 20,000 troops; 10,000 immediately)

Lord Protector/Paramount Petyr Baelish

-Garrison of the Eyrie; 500 strong
-Garrison of the Bloody Gate; 1,000 strong
-Army of Riverrun; 2,000 strong and commanded by Ryman Frey (currently besieging Riverrun)
-Army of Raventree; 500 strong and commanded by Lord Jonos Bracken (currently besieging Raventree)
-Army of Harrenhal; 1,000 strong and commanded by Lothor Brune
-Army of the Riverlands, 6,000 strong (dubious loyalty)
(can recruit 39,000 men from the Vale; 14,000 immediately)

Junior Chimp
Posts: 8,009

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« Reply #6 on: April 06, 2019, 08:48:21 AM »

Turn 2: Early-Mid 300 AL

General Overview
The war for the Iron Throne seems to have picked up steam again. In the east, Daenerys Targaryen has focused on consolidating her rule and pushing ahead with the reforms she had planned, much to the ire of the nobility. The explosion of war in the Iron Islands has left that region without a clear ruler, as the Ironborn still occupying the North turned on each other, leaving them vulnerable to Roose Bolton, who successfully retook Moat Cailin. Meanwhile, Stannis Baratheon has enjoyed mixed fortunes, managing to get an army to the Dreadfort, but losing his remaining footholds in the Stormlands as Cersei and the Tyrells try to strengthen their position.

King Stannis Baratheon
Prestige: 5/10 (lost Storm's End, but now seen as best chance for Northern vengeance)
Gold: 25,000 GD
Legitimacy: 4/10

-Congratulations, Your Grace, you have won the support of many Northerners still loyal to the Starks.However, each has their own set of conditions. The Glovers want to retake Deepwood Motte next; Howland Reed wants to make sure his crannogmen are going to be used in their intended role; and Mors Umber is refusing to fight Hother Umber. Moreover, there are now religious tensions in your camp, with followers of the Seven, the Lord of Light and the Old Gods. You must balance these requests

-There is also the question of justice for some particularly heinous crimes. Four men of House Peasebury have been accused of cannibalism during the march to the Dreadfort, as well as Lord Peasebury himself. How will you proceed

-You stand at the gates of the Dreadfort, but are short on time. Roose Bolton is marching up from the Neck and although the 500 men Reed left behind are bleeding them every step, they will reach you soon. Moreover, the Karstarks are marching from the west as well, leaving you in a uniquely vulnerable situation. Yet there is also an opportunity. Howland Reed suggests that his crannogmen may be of some use here . . .

-You have lost Storm's End and the few ships still at Dragonstone. Your hold in the south is perilous. Will you gamble everything on the North where your last hopes seem to be?

-The crown has repaid its debt and any hope of support from the Iron Bank is gone. You must find a new source of revenue.

-Lord Commander Jon Snow has requested 500 men to help keep the peace between the Night's Watch and Wildlings, yet you may not be able to spare the men. How do you proceed?

Queen Regent Cersei Baratheon
Prestige: 7/10
Gold: 350,000 GD (2.65m in debt to Iron Bank, 0.9m to the Faith and 0.85m to House Tyrell; war has been extremely costly
Legitimacy: 9/10 (power base solidified)

-With the destruction of the ships at Dragonstone and capture of Storm's End, only Dragonstone itself remains, yet Grand Maester Pycelle has cautioned against all-out attacks in the future, pointing to the cost of both victories. Will you take his advice or ignore it?

-The Tyrells have paid back a portion of the crown's debt, and thus increased their influence at court; now the Faith is also calling in a third of the debt you owe them. Will you pay it yourself, or continue to allow the Tyrells to mass power?

-Some of your advisors are suggesting that you attempt to remove Jon Snow as Lord Commander of the Night's Watch, to try and remove one more threat from the table and some are saying that since he gave Stannis Baratheon shelter, he has violated the laws of the Night's Watch. Pycelle has suggested sending a raven to tell the Night's Watch that the crown will not send them men until he is removed. Qyburn has offered the less subtle approach of sending 100 men to remove him by any means necessary. Will you proceed with either of these plans?

Queen Daenerys Targaryen
Prestige: 8/10
Gold: 400,000 GD (money for reimbursement and construction)
Legitimacy: 6/10

-Your Grace, the insolent Yunkish have flatly refused to listen to you, and have taken up arms with the Slavers' Alliance of New Ghis, Tolos, Elyria, Mantarys and possily Qarth. Ser Barristan has suggested that he take charge of training the freedmen to fight properly, but his brand of hard discipline may be unwelcome. Will you give him the authority to train them?

-The four-man Unsullied patrols was an ingenious idea, allowing them to bring their strength of formation fighting to the fore. Casualties have been lighter than expected, but the Sons of the Harpy are stepping up their attacks. A solution must be decided.

-The nobles are not happy with your dogged pursuit of reforms, and many now speak against you privately. Hizdahr zo Loraq has suggested that a marriage between the two of you could pacify them, but Barristan, ever cautious, has said that marrying Loraq may kill any chance you have of forming alliances in Westeros. Who will you take your advice from?

-Cleon of Astapor has made a counteroffer: once again, he asks for your hand in marriage, though many counsel against this. Will you accept it or not?

Lady Asha Greyjoy
Prestige: 7/10 (captured Pyke)
Gold: 100,000 GD
Legitimacy: 6/10

-My Lady, Rodrik Harlaw is King, but a good portion of the Iron Islands refuse to recognise him and are rebelling under Euron. Rodrik has given you charge of all land forces, while your nuncle Victarion commands the remains of the Iron Fleet. What are your commands?

-In terms of more immediate danger, Germund Botley is now dangerously close to cutting you off from Haras Harlaw, a situation you can ill afford. Tristifer however, has offered to sneak in to the Botley camp and rally those still loyal to his father . . .

Lord Paramount Mace Tyrell
Prestige: 9/10 (victor of Storm's End)
Gold: 950,000 GD
Legitimacy: 9/10

-You have seized Storm's End Lord Tyrell, but only after very heavy fighting and disproportionate losses. Privately, many Reach lords have expressed worries that other high-casualty battles may lead to your strength being sapped fast. Can you convince them otherwise?

-Your influence at court has increased drastically with the payment of a tenth of the crown's debt, and many in the capital are beginning to see you as their saviour. Will you attempt to cultivate this image?

-Storm's End has fallen and the few ships at Dragonstone have been destroyed, but the castle of Dragonstone remains standing, and Rolland Storm refuses to talk with any servant of the 'false king'. Will you attempt another all-out assault or use guile to take the castle? Or will you simply let the crown take the lead?

Lord Paramount/Protector Petyr Baelish
Prestige: 6/10
Gold: 450,000 GD
Legitimacy: 6/10 (Lords Declarant and Riverlords still skeptical)

-You now possess the hostages taken at the Red Wedding, most notably Edmure Tully and his heavily pregnant wife, though your relationship with the Freys is now permanently damaged. What are your plans for them?

-Lothor Brune is in place at Harrenhal with his personal force. Do you have any further orders for him?
Garlan Gunter
Jr. Member
Posts: 702
United Kingdom

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« Reply #7 on: April 08, 2019, 08:24:46 AM »


People of Lordsport! Sons of Pyke! Servants of the Drowned God! Folk of the Ironborn!

Long have you served the Greyjoy, and served him well. Now King Balon's blood stands accosted by a thief, a traitor, a coward and a kinslayer, acting at the beck and call of another and greater such.

Germund Botley defies his rightful King Rodrik the Reader, risen by the will of the first Kingsmoot in thousands of years; of his immediate master the Lady of Pyke and of House Greyjoy; and of nature, his blood, his lord and his god, in the foul, profane, and boasted murder by drowning, a holy rite, of Lord Sawane Botley, his elder brother, a leal bannerman of House Greyjoy and the rightful shield of Lordsport.

Sawane's mantle descends by right to his son Lord Tristifer Botley, a sworn and brave man to King Rodrik and a dear friend to myself.

But as Germund wronged Tristifer, so Euron Crow's Eye has wronged me, stealing my father's life from me. I confess that I hoped to capture him and hold him accountable and punished for his crime. His life now stands doubly forfeit, for returning from exile against King Balon's will and for kinslaying most vile. I have reclaimed my seat, and though I no longer claim the Iron Crown, believing it rightly disposed upon my Scythe nuncle, King Rodrik, with your aid, men of Lordsport, Pyke, and the Isles, I swear I will claim the benison of this false Germund's blood, and then of the Crow's Eye's.

Our people are strong. Our forces scarce dented. Our King wise. We retain pivotal conquests in the Greenlands. Ironborn, it is profoundly forbidden by He Who Sleeps Beneath the Waves for us to shed one another's blood upon the Isles. Around us our foes are divided and weak. Let us not become their sport and mockery by proving ourselves weaker still. Stand together and condemn the kinslayers and we may all yet be the richer for it.

For my own part, I seek the lives of none but the kinslayers, Euron the false Greyjoy, and Germund the traitorous Botley. Lord Ironmaker has proven himself too old, fat and foolish for aught but an honourable seat at the fireside, but I have no quarrel at all with his grandsons. The rest of you have yet to strike a blow in treason. Abandon the two murderers and we shall conquer together as is the right of the Ironborn. Persist in their crime and folly and you will learn to rue it.

Atlas Star
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« Reply #8 on: April 08, 2019, 12:04:29 PM »

Proclamations of the Queen Regent Cersei in the Name of King Tommen Baratheon

“Firstly, it is my decision, with the advice of the Hand, that Ser Kevan Lannister shall rule as Lord Regent of the Stormlands. Once King Tommen comes of age, he shall be recognized as the Lord of the Stormlands in title, but he shall continue to have a Regent carry out his duties in this position. The firstborn son of King Tommen shall succeed him as King upon his death, holding the position as heir of the realm from birth. The second born son of the King shall succeed King Tommen as Lord of the Stormlands upon birth. Until such comes to pass, Ser Kevan Lannister shall serve as Regent with authority over the various lords in the Stormlands only in the name of King Tommen.

“Secondly, Lord Regent Kevan Lannister and Lord Randyll Tarly shall serve as Commanders of King Tommen’s Armies. These commanders shall jointly appoint captains, commanders of each wing, and vanguard commanders. Aurane Waters and Paxter Redwyne shall serve as Admirals of King Tommen’s Fleets. These admirals shall jointly manage any necessary actions regarding captains of each vessel and fleet movements during battle.”
Junior Chimp
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« Reply #9 on: April 18, 2019, 02:35:12 AM »

Mid-early 300 AL-Aftermath

General overview:

The war takes a turn While the Ironborn civil war continues, the arrive of aid from King's Landing boosted the Harlaw cause, and a subordinate seizing the initiative on the island of Pyke. Stannis meanwhile scores an unlikely victory. Daenerys continues to try and use diplomacy to end the conflict in Essos, while the Tyrells and Lannister make use of unlikely allies in the Iron Islands.

But a betrayal at the Wall may cost Westeros everything . . .

Victory in the North?

Stannis, true to his nature, moved to suppress the divisions among his army immediately. The Boltons were the enemy, so focus your hatred on them, he urged. Though divisions remain within his army, the parties have agreed to set them aside until a victory can be acheived. When Howland Reed approached Stannis with a plan to take the Dreadfort, the King deferred to him. And thus, the battle got underway.

Battle of the Dreadfort: In the night, a small party of Reed soldiers, led by Lord Howland, scaled the walls of the Dreadfort. Silently eliminating the Bolton sentries, they advanced to the gates as Stannis drew up his army as quietly as possible outside. Soon, the gates of the Bolton stronghold were open and the armoury set ablaze. With a mighty cry of "Remember the Red Wedding!" the Northern soldiers of Stannis' army, eager for revenge, charged in. The Bolton garrison was taken utterly by surprise. Unable to get their proper weapons, the garrison was cut to pieces by the vengeful Northmen. Ravens were dispatched immediately, and come the morning, the remaining Northern houses, save for the Karstarks, Dustins and Ryswells, swore their allegiance to Stannis as their King.

Ironborn Civil War

Civil war continued to engulf the Iron Islands. Rodrik Harlaw attempted to solidify his power base as Asha Greyjoy, one of his primary commanders, set about defeating germund Botley and opening up the war fronts. With a strategy of securing Pyke and delivering defeats to Euron in the open settled on, the Harlaw loyalists began their campaign, but a severe miscommunication could have dire consequences . . .

Raid on Lordsport: In the night, Tristifer Botley, accompanied by a handful of chosen men, led a raid on Lordsport to bring supporters to his side. He largely succeeded; taking his nuncle Germund by surprise, setting fire to the town arsenal and gathing a number of deferctor to his side. In short, he was in and out before germund knew what was happening, but the elder Botley was determined he would not be made a fool of again, and readied his men for a fight.

Battle of Lordsport: Come the morning, Ser Haras Harlaw led his 800 men, with 700 reinforcements who had blackened their shields to cover their sigils, advanced on the Botley line. As Germund oriented his force to face the Harlaw men, Asha Greyjoy led her retinue, accopmanied by 200 Harlaws and the Botley defectors in a charge into Germund's rear. An attempt to reorient the defending army resulted in severe confusion as Germund's troops struggled to bring themselves to bear on either enemy. As the Harlaw and Greyjoy shieldwalls crashed into the Botley line, many threw down their arms in surrender. Germund himself was lost in the melee, and was only found hours after the battle, an axe embedded in his chest. Regardless of whether a Botley, Harlaw, Greyjoy or even one of his own supporters had done it, it was nonetheless a victory

Battle off of Saltcliffe: The Harlaw victory at Lordsport was dampened only weeks later, as a severe miscommunication resulted in half the Redwyne fleet and 2,000 Tyrell troops sailing to the Iron Islands. The breakdown in communication between the unlikely allies would have fatal consequences as Victarion Greyjoy, en route to Barrowton and with Asha's orders (countersigned by King Rodrik) to prevent outsider intervention in his mind, attacked. Paxter Redwyne aligned his fleet for a counterattack, and soon an all-out naval melee was taking place between the supposed allies. Eventually, both sides were forced to retreat; Victarion to Lordsport and Redwyne to the Shield Islands. The Ironborn are decrying the Tyrell intervention in what they consider an internal affair, and Euron made hay wth the matter. Meanwhile, many Reachmen in general and the Redwynes in particular are baying for blood and demanding a full invasion of the Iron Islands

The south quietens?

Southern Westeros, as opposed to the North, remains the land of intrigue and plot, with each playing their own game. All the while, the war in the Riverlands was beginning to come to a close, as Jaime Lannister marched in with 3,000 men, determined to put an end to Brynden Tully's occupation of Riverrun, and the siege of Dragonstone was maintained. All the while, some are preditcing a period of heightened tension between the crown and the Vale, who has continued to remain unresponsive to the Queen Regent's requests.

Second Siege of Riverrun: The Freys were overjoyed at the sight of the Lannister reinforcements, only to be bluntly told by Jaime Lannister that they had done a poor job in besieging the castle. He immediately set about doing a better job himself. 2 weeks later, his army was ready, and they began an assault on Riverrun in the night. However, one Tully sentry shined his torch in just the wrong direction for the attackers and raised the alarm. The Tully men rushed to their positions, firing crossbows as well as dropping rocks and boiling water on the attackers as they tried to scale the walls, inflicting heavy losses. A small party led by the Kingslayer himself managed to make it up the wall and assaulted the gatehouse, valiantly defended by a handful of Tully men-at-arms. They succeeded in taking the gatehouse, but only the Kignslayer and one other attacker survived. Nonetheless, the gate was raised and the drawbridge lowered. The remaining attackers charged . . . right onto a Tully spearwall. The Tullys fought like lions, knowing this was their final stand, causing losees so heavy that the Kingslayer had to fall back temporarily to regroup his forces. As the son rose, the last of the defenders was finally overrun. In the aftermath though, some troubling new information was revealed: Brynden Tully had escaped.

War comes to Essos

Daenerys continued her attempts to use diplomacy to resolve the situation in Essos, receiving a dozen men who were allegedly either supporters or members of the Sons of the Harpy. Almost immediately after her terms were offered, the delegation descended into infighting. Chaos ensued, and half the delegation stormed out, with the other half agreeing to support Daenerys in exchnage for the terms to be formally declared in writing at a later time. However, the Dragon Queen was also preparing for the worst, and though Barristan's brand of dsicpline was much despised by the freedmen he was assigned to train, those that stayed the course muscled through, and became better soldiers. While still lacking the training of the slave soldiers of the other cities or that of Westerosi levies, there can be no denying that they have become more hardened.

The marriage of Daenerys Targeryen and Hizdahr zo Loraq has also played a part in pacifying the city, as the infighting between the Sons of the Harpy coupled with Hizdahr's negotiations with the other nobles has led to a decline in attacks. Cleon however, angered at being spurned, has declared he will burn Meereen to the ground.

Mutiny at Castle Black

Jon Snow had always occupied a precarious position as Lord Commander of the Night's Watch, and his harbouring of (and sympathy towards) the Wildlings and Stannis (whom he had actually advised) led to the discontent rising, even though the Rangers continued to back him. The breaking point was eventually reached when Jon revealed the offer of men from Cersei Baratheon, along with his refusal. He also revealed his intent that he would not send men to eject Selyse and Shireen Baratheon, along with Melisandre from the Nightfort.

While many of the Rangers sided with Jon, believing that the men Cersei offered could not be trusted, Bowen Marsh and Wick Whittlestick, along with the other Stewards and Builders, decided something needed to be done. After dark, Jon Snow was lured from his quarters under the pretense that Benjen Stark had finally returned. Suddenly he was set upon by Marsh, Whittlestick and others, who though in tears, thrust knives into his body, muttering "For the Watch".

Jon Snow, 998th Lord Commander of the Night's Watch, was left to bleed out in the courtyard of Castle Black
Junior Chimp
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« Reply #10 on: April 19, 2019, 10:04:43 AM »
« Edited: April 24, 2019, 06:13:11 AM by GoTfan »

Weddings, births and deaths

Deaths: Jon Snow
Births: None
Weddings: Trystane Martell and Myrcella Baratheon; Willas Tyrell and Cerenna Lannister

Military and political situation

King Stannis Baratheon
-Army of the North: 6,800 strong (occupying Dreadfort)
-Garrison of Dragonstone; 200 men commanded by Ser Rolland Storm
-Royal Fleet; 40 ships at Eastwatch

Queen Regent Cersei Baratheon
-Main Crownlands army; 6,000 strong
-Royal Fleet; 12 ships
-City Watch of King's Landing; 4,000 strong
-2,000 Lannister soldiers, commanded by Ser Kevan Lannister
-1,500 Lannister soldiers commanded by Ser Jaime Lannister
(can recruit 5,000 Crownlands troops and additional Lannister forces)

Queen Daenerys Targaryen
-8,550 Unsullied
-5,000 Unsullied-in-training
-8,000 freedmen (basic level of training)
-1,000 sellswords
-3 dragons (untamed)

Lady Asha Greyjoy
-20 retainers
-Army of Pyke; 1300 strong and currently occupying Lordsport
-Army of Great Wyk; 3,500 strong (losses suffered in fighting)
-Loyalist Iron Fleet; 61 ships commanded by Victarion Greyjoy

Lord Paramount Mace Tyrell
-Garrison of Highgarden; 5,000 strong
-Army of the Stormlands; 21,000 strong and commanded by Lord Leyton Hightower
-Army of Storm's End; 2,500 strong and commanded personally by Mace Tyrell
-Army of Maidenpool; 20,000 strong and commanded by Randyll Tarly
-Mander Fleet; 40 ships near Highgarden
-Hightower fleet; 30 ships near Oldtown
-First Redwyne fleet; 90 ships near Dragonstone
-Second Redwyne fleet; 74 ships at the Shield Islands
-Army of the Shield Islands; 1500 strong
(can recruit 18,000 troops; 8,000 immediately)

Lord Paramount/Protector Petyr Baelish
-Garrison of the Eyrie; 500 strong
-Garrison of the Bloody Gate; 1,000 strong
-Army of Riverrun; 1,000 strong and commanded by Ryman Frey
-Army of Raventree; 500 strong and commanded by Lord Jonos Bracken (currently besieging Raventree)
-Army of Harrenhal; 1,000 strong
-Army of the Riverlands, 6,000 strong (dubious loyalty)
(can recruit 39,000 men from the Vale; 14,000 immediately)

Prince Doran Martell
-Garrison of Sunspear; 1,000 strong
(Can recruit another 34,000 men; 15,000 immediately)
Junior Chimp
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« Reply #11 on: April 19, 2019, 11:29:29 AM »
« Edited: April 22, 2019, 08:31:07 PM by GoTfan »

Turn 3-Mid 300 AL

General overview

The war in Westeros has taken several turns as the crown it seems, is under siege from all sides. The victory of Stannis Baratheon in the North and disappearance of Brynden Tully, coupled with the battle between the Ironborn and Tyrells has left the royal forces in a precarious position. Meanwhile, in Essos, the Daenerys Targaryen is seemingly seeking peace, but preparing for war.

King Stannis Baratheon
Prestige:7/10 (won the Battle of the Dreadfort)
Gold: 60,000 GD (captured Bolton treasury)

-Congratulations on your victory at the Dreadfort, Your Grace. You have struck a telling blow to the prestige of House Bolton and seemingly revived your cause. However, some men in your camp have heard a rumour that Rickon Stark is alive and in hiding on Skagos. Recovering the last Stark will go a long way to winning support (Wyman Manderly has stated that Stannis must return the Starks to Winterfell in exchange for their support), but there is the question of whether the Northmen will accept you as their king, having so recently had a king of their own. What will you do?

-With your victory at the Dreadfort, the North is flocking to your side. The only ones who have not sent their allegiance are the Karstarks, Ryswells and Dustins, though this was to be expected. Even now, the Bolton army marching up from the Neck, harrassed by the crannogmen all the way, is beginning to slowly disintegrate among infighting and desertion. Will you gamble everything on an all-out assault on the Boltons as they head up the Kingsroad to Winterfell?

-Your victory has naturally been dampened by news from the Wall. The death of Jon Snow means that you are now short a powerful ally. However, Melisandre has sent a raven to you. She believes that Snow still has a role to play in the war to come, and that the Wildlings will return the favour he paid them. You know what lies beyond the Wall. Will you allow Melisandre the opportunity to resurrect Jon Snow?

Queen Regent Cersei Baratheon
Gold: 350,000 GD (2.56m in debt to Iron Bank and 0.82m to Faith)
Legitimacy: 9/10

-The Siege of Dragonstone is proceeding, Your Grace, though some are questionig the strategy of using mainly archers; Rolland Storm has simply garrisoned his men in the keep where they are able to wait them out in relative ease. Some of the on the ground commanders are asking permission to assault the castle. Will you allow them to do so?

-Riverrun is secure, Your Grace. However, your forces suffered extremely heavy casualties against an enemy with nothing to lose. Moreover, they held long enough for Brynden Tully to escape with no trace found of where he is headed. Your brother advises carefully combing the Riverlands for him, while others are counselling for a reward on the Blackfish's head and an immediate scouring of the Riverlands. Both actions are fraught with danger, but perhaps you can find a third way. No matter what, Brynden Tully must be found.

-House Tyrell's influence continues to grow, as does Margaery's influence over Tommen. Pycelle warns that you are in danger of almost becoming irrelevant in the eyes of the smallfolk. Yet, others are saying that Pycelle is exaggerating. How will you proceed?

-The situation in the North is troubling. Not only has Stannis' victory won him the support of many Northerners thus causing the Bolton army to collapse into infighting, but many lay the blame for Jon Snow's death squarely at your feet, regardless of circumstance. Either way, you must find a way to crush them, lest you face a Northern army united under the banner of Stannis Baratheon.

-The Iron Islands situation is no better. Despite a successful seizure of Lordsport with your involvement remaining hidden, the attempted Tyrell intervention resulted in disaster. You must try to smooth this situation over fast, or take on both Rodrik Harlaw and Euron Greyjoy in a full invasion. Regardless of what you choose, you must act quickly.

-Finally, the Vale. Lord Baelish has responded to your request for the prisoners of the Red Wedding with nothing but silence. Where will you draw the line?

Queen Daenerys Targaryen
Prestige: 8/10
Gold: 400,000 GD
Legitimacy: 7/10 (partially successful negotiations)

-Your attempt at negotiations yielded a partial success. Though many doubted the effect they would have, there are now reports of Sons of the Harpy attacking each other in the streets. It would appear that rival factions have sprung up. Will you attempt to play them off each other?

-Hizdahr zo Loraq, as promised, has begun neogtiating with the nobles of the city. Though many are recalcitrant, he expects a breakthrough with them soon. Do you have any specific requests for him to negotiate for?

-Cleon has completely rebuffed your attempts to negotiate again, and now marches for Meereen. You could of course, attempt to confront him, but the Yunkish also consider him an enemy because of his treatment of the Astapori nobles. Barristan has suggested letting them fight each other before mvoing in to mop up the survivors, while Hizdahr says that a great victory over Cleon will give him a strong negotiating position. What will you do?

-Xaro Xhoan Daxos has come from Qarth to again offer you ships to transport your forces to Westeros, only this time, he is threatening war if you do not accept. You have two very different choices here, so make sure you choose only after careful thought.

Lady Asha Greyjoy
Gold: 140,000 GD (50,000 in debt to Iron Throne)
Legitimacy: 6/10

-Lordsport has fallen and Germund Botley has been killed; Tristifer is now the Lord of Lordsport and as expected, swiftly bent the knee to Rodrik. However, a handful of Germund's supporters still reside in the town. They must be flushed out.

-Your victory on Pyke seems to have inspired the loyalist forces across the Iron Islands, and Rodrik has proved himself to be an adept strategic planner. He has asked that you take the central island of Orkmont, where the Tawneys are fighting a losing battle against the Orkwoods. Lorren Longaxe however has suggested you head to Saltcliffe to reinforce the Saltcliffes in the fight against the Sunderlys, arguing that the isalnd needs to be under full control if the greenlanders return.

-Many Ironborn are decrying the intervention of the Tyrells, and many are saying you struck a bargain with the greenlanders for their support in the civil war. Amny on your side, notably Victarion, are demanding blood for the Ironborn who were killed fighting the Tyrells, yet such an endeavour could prove costly. What will you do?

Lord Paramount Mace Tyrell
Prestige: 9/10
Gold: 860,000 GD
Legitimacy: 9/10

-Your commanders have been studying war tactics and strategy for some time now, though the effects on your bannermen have been varied. Willas has suggested recalling Randyll Tarly from Maidenpool to educate to lords in the finer points of war, while replacing his command with Garlan. Such a move may prove risky though, as tensions between the crown and Vale heighten.

-Paxter Redwyne and a sizable faction of your bannermen are calling for a full invasion of the Iron Islands as revenge for what they preceive to be a betrayal by the Ironborn. Whatever you do, act fast before the discontent reaches a boiling point.

Lord Paramount/Protector Petyr Baelish
Prestige: 6/10
Gold: 450,000 GD
Legitimacy: 7/10 (some Riverlords and Lords Declarant coming around)

-Your plans seem to be working, Lord Baelish. The marriages you've arranged have seemingly solidified a power base. However, you still need to win over a skeptical Yohn Royce. Others counsel that if he were to fall in line, the remaining Lords Declarant would as well. How will you proceed?

-Edmure Tully, much like Royce, is very skeptical of your intentions despite the introdcutions you made. It would appear experience has hardened him, though your release of the Riverlords taken hostage at the Red Wedding has gone some way to winning his trust. He has offered counsel that you seek out his uncle Brynden, no doubt hiding somewhere in the Riverlands after the fall of Riverrun

-Your attempt to keep the Manderlys out of the war has seemingly failed, with them declaring their support for Stannis. Though, there is a caveat to their support for him: a Stark must be returned to Winterfell. You may have an important card to play here . . .

-Your stony silence to the crown's requests for the hostages will no doubt lead to a rise in tension. You may be running out of time. How will you buy more?

Prince Doran Martell
Prestige: 8/10
Gold: 400,000 GD
Legitimacy: 8/10

-Good evening, Prince Doran. The death of your borther Oberyn as left your daughter Arianne with a burning desire for vengeance, but at the same time, your plans require the utmost secrecy. Will you bring her in on your plans?

-The marriage of Trystane and Myrcella has been completed, thus tying you to the crown. Loyalty can be fickle though, and there are some who whisper that Dorne should declare for Myrcella, but this may ruin your plans as well.

-The Queen has requested that you supply men for the war against Stannis, but others have counselled that such a manuever may leave your armies depleted for when the time comes, yet it could destroy Stannis for good.
King Saul
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« Reply #12 on: April 19, 2019, 02:25:06 PM »

Public Statement of the Hand of the King and Lord Paramount of the Reach Mace Tyrell:

On behalf of the House Tyrell,I, Lord Mace Tyrell, I sent the humblest apologies to Lady Asha Greyjoy and Lord Rodrik Harlaw, there was a failure of communication and the delay of a raven to Lord Paxter Redwyne who moved in an extremely wrong way without my command, he should not have done so but rather gone to another location and attacked only the Euron Mad Kraken forces approaching, he will be punished for this unacceptable error and any other form of necessary repair, please contact me.


-Lord Mace Tyrell, Lord Paramount of Reach and Hand of King Tommen I Baratheon.
Atlas Star
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« Reply #13 on: April 19, 2019, 08:11:21 PM »

By Order of the Queen Regent

Lord Redwyne is now dismissed as Master of Ships and replaced by Aurane Waters. He shall remain in his position as an Admiral, but, under the circumstances, shall no longer lead any fleets beyond the Shield Islands without the express consent of the Ironborn. No further actions will be taken at this time.
Garlan Gunter
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« Reply #14 on: April 21, 2019, 08:00:30 AM »

The Lady Reaper of Pyke for her part accepts the Queen and Hand of Westeros’s accounts of Lord Redwyne’s grave error, and will take counsel with her uncles King Rodrik and Lord Captain Victorian Greyjoy as to fitting reparation. In the meantime the Kingdom of the Isles and the North remains a free ally of the Iron Throne.

- Asha of House Greyjoy, Lady Reaper of Pyke, victrix of Lordsport
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« Reply #15 on: May 02, 2019, 08:46:10 AM »

Mid-300 AL Aftermath

War explodes anew as the Vale finally enters the fray. Daenerys Targaryen goes to war against the full Slavers' Alliance and her supposed allies in Astapor, and somehow, the death of one man is inexplicably reversed.

The Flayed Man hanging by a thread

Losing the Dreadfort was an enormous blow to the prestige of House Bolton, and Roose knew it. With the return of Wylis Manderly as well, Lord Wendel was loudly declaring that Roose Bolton was also part of the Red Wedding, executed on the orders of Tywin Lannister. Things began to grow worse when his own army began fighting amongst itself, causing many to desert. Nonetheless, he received word that Stannis was preparing to wipe him out once and for all, and it seems that the imminent threat of total annihilation managed to stave off a complete disintegration.

Battle of the Northern Kingsroad: The battle began when Stannis ordered his infantry to advance. Arrows flew and shieldwalls clashed as the two armies tried to gain leverage over the other, but it was borderline impossible. The battle was beginning to settle into a stalemate when Roose Bolton ordered Ramsay to execute a flanking attack with pikemen. It worked, and Bolton pikemen began drilling into Stannis' flanks. At the very last second, Ser Wylis Manderly appeared on the field with the knights of White Harbor, and assailed the exposed Bolton flankers. The battle and turned against him, and Roose ordered a withdrawal. In the confusion, Ramsay Bolton was pulled down from his horse by Asher Forrester, a man with a huge personal grudge against the Bastard of the Dreadfort. The Lord of Ironrath smashed his family's greatsword into Ramsay until his head was a bloody pulp.

Despite inflicting serious losses, Roose Bolton has been forced to retreat to Moat Cailin, and now faces a guerrilla war from the south, a potential second attack from the north, and having no heir. An attempt at winning over the Dustins, Ryswells and Karstarks by the Queen Regent succeeded, and the overall plan may have worked . . . if Alys Kartsark had not ridden hard for several days to reach Stannis and inform him

The Falcon soars and the Trout swims again

With Jaime Lannister ordered to make for the Twins in preparation for an attack on Stannis, Petyr Baelish ordered Ryman Frey and all the remaining Frey men to take over the siege of Raventree Hall, left unresolved by the Lannisters. The Brackens retired to their stronghold, not in a position to argue.

However, unbenknownst to them, Littlefinger had decided the time was right to strike. 15,000 men commanded by Yohn Royce and Edmure Tully marched out from the Bloody Gate as the cloak was thrown to the side and Sansa Stark married to Harrold Hardyng, heir to the Vale. As word that the army was nearing its first objective reached him, Baelish was heard to remark "The die is now cast."

Battle of Raventree Hall: At first, the Freys were overjoyed to see that so many fresh troops had arrived . . . only for that joy to turn to ash in their mouth as the host raised Tully banners. Ryman Frey tried to get his men to form up, but it was no use. The first line of the Knights of the Vale, led by an Edmure Tully with the bloodlust of a man seeking revenge at all costs, crashed into the disorganised Freys. Sensing opportunity, the Blackwoods came pouring out of Raventree Hall and attacked the Freys from the rear. The Freys panicked, but as they ran, were slaughtered by outriders and scouts.

Third Siege of Riverrun: With the last Frey forces smashed at Raventree Hall, the army of Yohn Royce and Edmure Tully was reinforced by 4,000 Riverlanders, eager for revenge. They set up siege lines outside of Riverrun. Emmon Frey insisted that he would fight for the castle before his wife Genna talked him into surrendering. The Riverlords were eager to take their revenge, Edmure ordered them to stay their blades. For now.

With much celebration, the banner of the Twin Towers was cut down from the walls of Riverrun, and the banner of the Trout returned.

Siege of the Twins: While this was happening, Jason Mallister and Karl Vance marched with 2,000 men to lay siege to the Twins. Walder Frey however has saunchly refused to surrender, and with an enemy army of 10,000 on their way, the two Riverlords find themselves in a lot of trouble.

Hunt for Brynden Tully: Under orders from his siter, Jaime Lannister began a quiet search for Brynden Tully, having 500 men combing through the Riverlands. A Lannister party of 20 men eventually stumbled on the Blackfish by pure chance sheltering at a farm. Of course, this just happened to be terrible timing for the Lannisters, but fortuitous for the Blackfish. A pack of hundreds of wolves attacked the Lannisters . In the confusion, Brynden Tully barely managed an escape, mounting a horse and bolting eastward.

When Jaime Lannister was brought to the site, one of the dying men reported that the wolf pack was led by a monstrously sized she-wolf . . . possibly a direwolf.

Iron Islands Civil War expands

Theon Greyjoy was finally returned to the Iron Islands, more specifically to Ten Towers and his mother Alannys. But he was not the same man. Indeed, the mentality of the broken Theon may have summed up the entire nature of the Iron Islands.

Victarion Greyjoy, outraged at the perceived meekness of his niece and King, declared his own rebellion against Rodrik Harlaw, stating the Kingsmoot was illegitimate as Theon had not been present to stake his claim.

Battle of the Sunset Sea: Victarion was eager for his first victory, and led the Iron Fleet in a grand assault on Shield Islands Fleet as the latter sailed to reinforce the Harlaws. The result was a bloody stalemate at first, before some tricky manouevers allowed the Reachmen to outflank the Ironborn and forced Victarion to beat a hasty withdrawal. His next destination is unknown

Assault on the Silence: The Shield Islanders, flush from their victory, moved directly to attack Euron Greyjoy's flagship, the Silence. However, they were met with a shock . . .

The Silence was nowhere to be found. Neither was Euron Greyjoy.

The Dragon goes to war

Daenerys Targaryen ahd tried to maintain a tenuous peace, and her succesful negotiations with some of the Sons of the Harpy seemingly gave hope. That was all to come crashing down when all of sudden, the Yunkish delcared war. For unrelated reasons, an enraged Cleon of Astapor aslo declared war. However, his army would have to march past Yunkai, and Daenerys made the decision to let them fight each other, then take out the survivors.

Battle of Yunkai: Daenerys' plan worked like a charm. The Yunkish and Astapori armies clashed outside the walls of the former as hell seemingly arrived on Earth. The battle lasted for hours, neither side managing to gain an advantage. It took near ten hours for the Yunkish to gain a decisive advantage as Cleon took an arrow in the eye. As the battle wound down, both sides were exhausted, and Barristan Selmy seized his moment. The Knight charged down at the head of 2,000 cavalry, catching the fatigued Astapori and Yunkish soldiers off-guard, and utterly wiping them out.

A dead man returns

Jon Snow had been left to die in the courtyard of Castle Black when his black brothers betrayed him. It was his personal Steward Satin who found his body. Satin and a handful of Rangers brought Snow into his chambers and holed up to protect themselves from the conspirators . . .but Snow had powerful allies.

On the orders of the Lady Melisandre (countersigned by Stannis), Alester Florent reluctantly led both Florent soldiers and Wildlings on a rescue mission. The giant Wun Wun broke down the gates and the men poured in. Outnumbered, the Watchmen were afraid to do anything as Melisandre made her way to the Lord Commander's chambers and began the ritual Stannis had told her to.

The next morning, Jon Snow walked out onto the courtyard of Castle Black.
Junior Chimp
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« Reply #16 on: May 04, 2019, 07:53:32 PM »

Weddings, births, deaths and resurrections

Weddings: Harrold Hardyng and Sansa Stark

Births: None

Deaths: None

Resurrections: Jon Snow

Military and political situation

King Stannis Baratheon
-Army of the North; 7,900 strong
-Garrison of Dragonstone; 200 strong and commanded by Ser Rolland Storm
-Royal Fleet; 40 ships at Eastwatch

Queen Regent Cersei Baratheon
-Crownlands army; 3,000 strong
-Royal Fleet; 12 ships
-Army of the Riverlands; 10,000 strong
-City Watch of King's Landing; 4,000 strong
(Can recruit 5,000 Crownands troops and additional Lannister forces)

Queen Daenerys Targaryen
-8,400 Unsullied
-5,000 Unsullied-in-training
-7,900 freedmen
-1,000 sellswords
-3 dragons (untamed)

Lady Asha Greyjoy
-30 retainers
-Army of Pyke; 1300 strong and currently occupying Lordsport
-Army of Great Wyk; 3,200 strong (losses suffered in fighting)

Lord Paramount Mace Tyrell
-Garrison of Highgarden; 5,000 strong
-Army of the Stormlands; 21,000 strong and commanded by Lord Leyton Hightower
-Army of Storm's End; 2,500 strong
-Army of Maidenpool; 20,000 strong and commanded by Randyll Tarly
-Mander Fleet; 40 ships near Highgarden
-Hightower fleet; 30 ships near Oldtown
-First Redwyne fleet; 90 ships near Dragonstone
-Shield Islands Fleet; 59 ships near the Iron Islands
-Army of the Shield Islands; 1500 strong
(can recruit 18,000 troops; 8,000 immediately)

Lord Paramount/Protector Petyr Baelish
-Garrison of the Eyrie; 500 strong
-Garrison of the Bloody Gate; 1,000 strong
-Army of Riverrun; 17,500 strong; commanded by Edmure Tully and Yohn Royce
-Army of Harrenhal; 1,000 strong
-Army of the Riverlands; 1,500 strong (currently besieging The Twins)
(can recruit 39,000 men from the Vale)

Prince Doran Martell
-Garrison of Sunspear; 1,000 strong
(Can recruit another 34,000 men; 15,000 immediately)
Junior Chimp
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« Reply #17 on: May 04, 2019, 09:12:47 PM »

Turn 4: Mid-Late 300 AL

General Overview
The Crown once again is found under siege from all sides. Stannis Baratheon is solidifying his hold on the North, while Petyr Baelsih has seemingly declared for him. A potential rebellion looms in the Reach, and a definite rebellion has occurred in the Iron Islands. Meanwhile, Daenerys Targaryen has achieved a major victory.

But the Night's Watch has dispatched an urgent message to all all the lords of the realm.

King Stannis Baratheon
Prestige: 7/10
Gold: 60,000 GD
Legitimacy: 7/10 (has defeated House Bolton decisively)

-Excellent news Your Grace! House Bolton has been decisively defeated and the Bastard of Bolton lies dead at the hands of Asher Forrester. Roose has escaped into the neck with his remaining loyal men, but the threat they pose now is minimal. Of more concern is the alliance of Dustins, Ryswells and Karstarks. Alys Karstark has ridden hard for several days to warn you that the three houses intend to rally against you. Will you turn north to crush them, or south to reinforce the Siege of the Twins?

-Speaking of the Twins, the forces of your newfound ally Petyr Baelish have smashed the last of the Frey forces and taken Riverrun, where the banner of the Tully trout flies once more. While the victory has bouyed morale, many of your Northern supporters still don't trust Littlefinger. How will you convince them that he's on your side?

-Jon Snow, against all odds, has been resurrected and executed his would-be assassins. He has also declared that with his death (and resurrection), his time in the Night's Watch is at an end. You could offer to legitimise him again, but if Davos returns with Rickon Stark, the boy will no doubt have a better claim to Winterfell than Ned Stark's bastard. What will you do?

-Rolland Storm is requesting permission to attempt a breakout of Dragonstone and to make for White Harbor, but he and the garrison are more than prepared to die where they stand. The choice is yours

-The Night's Watch has informed you via raven of a massacre near Hardhome. Cotter Pyke himself has written that the Others were involved. If so, it cannot be long before the Enemy attacks the Wall. You do have an abundance of prisoners . . .

Queen Regent Cersei Baratheon
Prestige: 7/10
Gold: 350,000 GD (2.56m in debt to the Iron Bank and 0.82m to the Faith)
Legitimacy: 8/10

-Betrayal! The treasonous cur Lord Baelish has taken up arms against you, declared for Stannis, restored House Tully and married Sansa Stark (who had taken with him after Joffrey's death) to harrold Hardyng, heir to the Vale. More disturbingly, Baelish has one of the only full-strength armies left, and your troops in the Riverlands now face the prospect of being faced dwon by Edmure Tully and Yohn Royce, who severely outnumber your brother's forces. A solution must be decided on, and fast.

-More bad news from the North. Roose Bolton's army has been smashed and for all intents and purposes, he is defeated. Your attempt to build a secret alliance out of the Karstarks, Ryswells and Dustins may have worked, had Alys Karstark not remained loyal to the memory of Ned and Robb Stark. It is unlikely those three houses can muster enough troops to fight Stannis openly. Will you proceed with the plan despite its unlikelihood to succeed?

-Reports from Dragonston indicate the fortress is nearly out of supplies. Your commanders once again request permission to take it by storm.

-Rumours have made their way south that Stannis' red witch has resurrected Jon Snow. If true, this makes things harder, as Snow is even less likely to negotiate with you than Stannis. How will you deal with this?

-The Night's Watch has dispatched an urgent raven informing you of a massacre at Hardhome. The others have been named as responsible, but nearly everyone at your court burst out in laughter when the message was read. Will you take this warning seriously or ignore it?

Queen Daenerys Targaryen
Prestige: 9/10 (victory at Yunkai)
Gold: 400,000 GD
Legitimacy: 7/10

-Barristan has smashed both armies outside Yunkai and acting on his on initiative, seized Yunkai itself. This adds another important stronghold to your defences as the Slavers' Alliance rally their forces. You must decide what to do with Yunkai and the slavemasters captured there.

-Rumours have reached you that Jorah Mormont has been sighted with a very short man in tow. Many men have requested the opportunity to gain your favour by killing him, but others have counselled that he wishes to get back in your favour. What will you do?

-Hizdahr has approached you to say that the victory at Yunkai, while it has made his negotiating hand stronger, insists that you must make some concessions. He asks that you organise a Great Games as a way of pacifying the nobility, but former slaves argue that it is a barbaric practice meant only to keep them down. How will you proceed?

Lady Asha Greyjoy
Prestige: 6/10 (Victarion's betrayal)
Gold: 140,000 GD (50,000 in debt to Iron Throne)
Legitimacy: 5/10 (Victarion's betrayal)

-Victarion has betrayed you. Enraged at what he sees as your meekness towards the greenlanders, he has declared the kingsmoot illegitimate, as Theon was not there to press his claim. He has also taken what's left of the Iron Fleet, and having failed to destroy the Shield Islands fleet, has fled. He must be found, but his destination is unknown

-Your spies at the Wall have reported the Wildlings are against helping you. Besides their gratitutde towards Stannis for letting them behind the Wall, they also feel a sense of loyalty to Jon Snow for similar reasons. The rumoured resurrection of the latter is also likely to cause problems.

-With your means of inter-island transport gone, there is now a pressing need for sellsails to reinforce the just-arrived Shield Islands fleet. Several have come to Pyke to offer their services, but only in exchange for gold and land.

-A message from the Night's Watch tells you of a massacre at the Wildling village of Hardhome. While the problems of the greenlanders are usually far from your mind, Harras has quietly confided in you that King Rodrik believes that Euron's escape may be connected somehow. How will you proceed?

Lord Paramount Mace Tyrell
Prestige: 9/10
Gold: 860,000 GD
Legitimacy: 8/10 (rumblings of rebellion)

-Your ships have arrived to reinforce the Harlaws, but were attacked by Victarion Greyjoy on the way. Many ironborn loyal to the Harlaws are calling for a search. If you were to find him, it might redeem yourself in the eyes of your bannermen.

-Speaking of your bannermen, rumours are circulating that Paxter Redwyne has been making the rounds in the Reach, meeting with lords who are said to be dissatisfied with you. Moreover, he has flatly refused to send Desmera to the Iron Islands or pay the dowry you have organised. Something must be done quickly, but carefully so that a rebellion is not ignited.

-The Night's Watch has sent a raven informing you of a massacre at Hardhome, and that the Others are responsible. Surely these are just stories . . . right?

Lord Paramount/Protector Petyr Baelish
Prestige: 7/10 (victory at Riverrun)
Gold: 450,000
Legitimacy: 8/10 (position secure by Sansa and Harrold's marriage)

-Congratulations on your success in the Riverlands, my lord. House Tully has been effectively restored and the Riverlords now believe you are on thir side. Many Northmen however may still be skeptical of you. How will you win their trust?

-The resurrection of Jon Snow threatens to play havoc with your plans for the North. How will you go about making sure your plans are not derailed?

-Jason Mallister and Karl Vance have besieged the Twins, but Jaime Lannister and 10,000 Lannister troops are marhing in their direction. How will you go about fighting them?

-The Night's Watch is claiming the Others were responsible for a massacre at the Wildling village of Hardhome. How will you respond to these rumours?

Prince Doran Martell
Prestige: 8/10
Gold: 400,000 GD
Legitimacy: 8/10

-Good evening, Prince Doran. The death of your borther Oberyn as left your daughter Arianne with a burning desire for vengeance, but at the same time, your plans require the utmost secrecy. Will you bring her in on your plans?

-The marriage of Trystane and Myrcella has been completed, thus tying you to the crown. Loyalty can be fickle though, and there are some who whisper that Dorne should declare for Myrcella, but this may ruin your plans as well.

-The Queen has requested that you supply men for the war against Stannis, but others have counselled that such a manuever may leave your armies depleted for when the time comes, yet it could destroy Stannis for good.
Garlan Gunter
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« Reply #18 on: May 09, 2019, 10:52:51 AM »

Speech made in person by Asha Greyjoy at Pyke, Lordsport and Great Wyk, and circulated all over the Isles by crier, rider and raven

Folk of the Ironborn! Look at yourselves! Listen to the swell of the sea and beyond it, the laughter of Westeros!

A Northman's bastard gelded your Prince, Theon Greyjoy, now devoted in service to the Drowned God.

Euron the Crow's Eye murdered his elder brother, my sire and your king, for a traitor and kinslayer's claim, but fled when he could not uphold it, and sold sword and sails alike to the vile Storm God in the far North. He is the enemy not just of Ironborn, but of the realms of men.

Victarion Greyjoy, a fabled warrior but ever a fool, disobeyed orders and sailed straight into a defeat.

My last true nuncles, King Rodrik the Reader and Aeron Damphair, now take counsel together as to the truth of the Kingsmoot. But one truth stands yet evident.

I, Asha, Lady Reaper of Pyke, Greyjoy on my father's side, Harlaw on my mother's, doubly royal and unbeaten in battle, am the only fit war leader to unite our insulted and scorned people.

Once together again, we shall be strong, and there is still war in Westeros, with prizes ripe for taking. With me you shall have war, war on favourable terms with quick victories and lasting conquests.

Call me Queen or Lady if you care to, for I am Lady of Pyke and a Queen aboard my Black Wind, but I prefer simply Captain, Captain Asha Greyjoy, leader of all the Ironborn to united victory.

Come with me. We will be looting, aye, and soon, we, not our weakling foes, will be laughing once more.
Atlas Star
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« Reply #19 on: May 10, 2019, 11:28:50 AM »

A Declaration of Justice

It is hereby proclaimed that the enemies of King Tommen shall be punished, and his allies rewarded. Many Northern houses are now in open rebellion, and it is to you I speak. Send back, without delay, a message swearing loyalty to the only True King, renounce the Last Usurper, and withdraw from his forces.

All who refuse, from House Mormont to House Manderly, from Lord Howland Reed to Lord Galbart Glover, will have thereby forsaken their rights to the North. Their lands, their gold, their very lives are forfeit to the Iron Throne and its allies. Respond in haste, and know refusal means death. Join us and be pardoned. Refuse and be destroyed.

The Iron Throne wishes not to make war upon its former friends in the North, so one more chance is at hand. If any refuse or remain silently supportive of Stannis the Usurper, if any thus doing so take arms against the rightful king, we will bring the vast armies we have arrayed to bear arms against you. Those who live among these rebel lords shall be served the Justice of the Crown.

As for the Riverlands and the Vale, our allies there are also guaranteed rewards, and our enemies there are guaranteed punishments. The false Lord Baelish, nearly of common stock, the greatest liar in Westeros, and the greatest traitor still - there will be no pardon for him. Peace was nearly established, and he has destroyed it with great treachery. If any of you believe you can trust him, count whom he has served: King Robert, King Joffrey, King Tommen, and now Stannis the Usurper. Sent away in disgrace by Lord Tully, after insulting Brandon Stark, he is truly the descendant of a sellsword who changes sides for coin. If anyone believes they can trust the false Lord Baelish, they must be a greater fool than any I have ever seen at court.

- By Order of the Queen Regent, in the Name of King Tommen I Baratheon
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« Reply #20 on: May 13, 2019, 12:52:44 AM »

A True Declaration of Justice

House Baelish reserves the right to punish its new subjects in House Frey. They have bastardized the rightful rules of guest right and shamed all who reside I'm Westeros with their actions; the Crown's latest actions prove the Lannisters wholly and totally supported this despicable move by HouseFrey and thus remain complicit in their crimes. They claim we have attacked the crown in attacking House Frey, this sanctioning and claiming ownership of the abomination of broken guest right. Whatever religious faith, Old gods or New, this is an egregious affront to the laws that govern all men of natural order. We have made no cause to declare war against the crown unless the above is true, and in light of this, Petyr Baelish surrenders Lord Paramount status to the rightful owners in House Tully, renounces its friendship to the Lannisters and the bastard Tommen Hill, and affirms the family ties of houses Stark, Arryn, and Tully.
Junior Chimp
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« Reply #21 on: May 15, 2019, 09:05:28 AM »

Mid-Late 300 AL Aftermath

General Overview:[/u]
The war for the iron Throne died down a little as Stannis attempted to consolidate his gains with his newfound allies, Daenerys tries to appease her enemies in the East and the Harlaws solidify their position in the Iron Islands. But as ever, the Riverlands remain the center of conflict. And then of course, there is the changing of the seasons . . .

The Northerners return
Baelish appeared to continue to win the trust of the North, as the prisoners of the Red Wedding were returned home. While countless lords welcomed the chance to return hom, of particular note were two powerful lords: The Greatjon Umber and Harrion Karstark. The two had sworn their allegiance through their relatives Mors Umber and Alys Karstark, and immediately got to work. As Umber began assembling troops to confront the anti-Baratheon alliance in the North, Karstark arrived at Karhold. The sight of their returned lord stunned the Karstark followers. He decalred the castellan, his great uncle Arnolf a traitor, and promptly beheaded him before marching the Karstark troops to join with Umber as they prepare to march on Barbrey Dustin.

The Iron Ilands stabilise
After a brutal civil war, the Iron Islands seem to have finally calmed down with the departure of both Victarion and Euron Greyjoy. Rodrik and his unofficial second-in-command Asha Greyjoy immediately set about doling out rewards for their loyalists, granting them supremacy over the islands. Despite suggestions that he step down, Rodrik remained focused on his objective of uniting the Iron Islands, which now lies firmly within his grasp.

The War in the Riverlands and Vale
The sudden arrival of the Vale's forces had taken the Lannisters completely by surprise as they attempted to shore up their forces in the Riverlands to withstand the inevitable horde of Vale troops. Additional reinforcements came in, but were unable to prevent the organised withdrawal of the main army. Riverrun was besieged again, but the main force had slipped away. Randyll Tarly was hanging back with 16,000 troops, and tried to force a battle.

Skirmishing in the Riverlands: Utilising the knowledge of the land freely given over by Riverlanders, the joint Riverlands-Vale army moved swiftly, but were hounded every step of the way by Randyll Tarly's force. Yet he was unable to force the decisive battle he needed, as Yohn Royce skilfully manouevered his forces away. Though the skirmishes fought were undeniably victories for Lord Tarly, his inability to force a battle would prove decisive, as Royce and Edmure Tully had another target.

Battle of the Twins: Jaime Lannister was marching at full speed to relieve the Twins, yet perhaps it was this fierce speed that proved to be his undoing. By the time his men arrived, they were exhausted and in need of rest, but Edmure Tully and Yohn Royce would not let him rest. The remaining 15,000 men of their army smashed into Ser Jaime's host. Jaime himself tried to reorganise his troops, only for Karl Vance and Jason mallister to attack him in the rear. Under attack from two sides, the Lannister force was overwhelmed. Jaime himself must have killed dozens of men on his own, but was surrounded. Humiliated for the second time since the war started, the Kingslayer threw down his sword, a prisoner once more.

Raid on the Fingers: The Royal Fleet of King's Landing had left the blockade of Dragonstone to attack the Fingers, the ancestral home of Petyr Baelish. The raiders landed and pillaged the countryside, burning the home of House Baelish. While a crushing victory, many are questioning the wisdom of such an action, as it has done little harm to Baelish's image, hardened the resolve of the Valemen and with the capture of Jaime Lannister, was blasted by one captain as "Completely and utterly pointless."

Holding Meereen
Daenerys Targaryen had no wish to squander her victory at Yunkai, and immediately handed the responsibility for punishing the defeated Masters over to their former slaves. This failed to even arouse tempers from the former slavers in Meereen. Hizdahr zo Loraq was even heard to say "They have no one but themselves to blame."

The Great Games also proved to be a remarkable success in pacifying the nobility, yet some were seen to depart the arena when former Yunkish Masters were sent in to fight. Many began decrying this as a violation of her own rules about not forcing anyone to participate. Of course, Daenerys also had the personal issue of Jorah Mormont's return to Meereen . . . with Tyrion Lannister.

Winter has come
One evening, the Maesters occupying the Citadel came to a conclusion, and the white ravens were dispatched. Winter had finally returned to Westeros. Many maesters suspect this winter may be one of the longest and coldest in memory. The cries of Samwell Tarly were naturally not taken seriously by the Maesters, and began to treat him with even less respect when he claimed the Horn of Winter had been stolen in the middle of the night.

Nonetheless, winter is now upon Westeros, and despite the entreaties of Jon Snow and the Night's Watch, few seem to be listening.

Junior Chimp
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« Reply #22 on: May 16, 2019, 06:36:45 AM »

Weddings, births and deaths

Weddings: Cersei Lannister and Daven Lannister; Elinor Tyrell and Harras Harlaw

Births: None

Deaths: None

Military and political situation

King Stannis Baratheon
-Army of the North; 7,000 strong
-Army of Greatjon Umber; 1500 strong
-Army of Jon Snow; 3,000 Wildlings
-Garrison of Dragonstone; 200 strong and commanded by Ser Rolland Storm
-Royal Fleet; 40 ships at Eastwatch

Queen Regent Cersei Lannister
-Crownlands army; 3,000 strong
-Army of Riverrun; 25,000 strong
-Royal Fleet; 12 ships
-City Watch of King's Landing; 4,000 strong
(Can recruit 5,000 Crownands troops)

Queen Daenerys Targaryen
-8,400 Unsullied
-5,000 Unsullied-in-training
-7,900 freedmen
-1,000 sellswords
-3 dragons (untamed)

Lady Asha Greyjoy
-30 retainers
-Army of Pyke; 1300 strong and currently occupying Lordsport
-Army of Great Wyk; 3,000 strong (losses suffered in fighting)
-Lordsport Fleet; 68 ships

Lord Paramount Mace Tyrell
-Garrison of Highgarden; 5,000 strong
-Army of the Stormlands; 21,000 strong and commanded by Lord Leyton Hightower
-Army of Storm's End; 2,500 strong
-Army of Randyll Tarly; 15,800 strong
-Second Army of Riverrun; 4,000 strong
-Mander Fleet; 40 ships near Highgarden
-Hightower fleet; 30 ships near Oldtown
-First Redwyne fleet; 90 ships near Dragonstone
-Shield Islands Fleet; 34 ships near the Iron Islands
-Army of the Shield Islands; 1500 strong
(can recruit 18,000 troops; 8,000 immediately)

Lord Paramount/Protector Petyr Baelish
-Garrison of the Eyrie; 500 strong
-Garrison of the Bloody Gate; 1,000 strong
-Army of the Twins; 16,500 strong; commanded by Edmure Tully and Yohn Royce
-Army of Harrenhal; 1,000 strong (under siege)
-Army of Riverrun; 1000 strong (under siege)
-Army of the Vale; 5,000 strong and gathering strength
(can recruit 34,000 men from the Vale)

Prince Doran Martell
-Garrison of Sunspear; 1,000 strong
(Can recruit another 34,000 men; 15,000 immediately)
Junior Chimp
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« Reply #23 on: May 16, 2019, 07:53:15 AM »

Turn 5: Late 300 AL

Though the Riverlands have remained a centre of fighting, the war has quietened as the leaders consolidate themselves. Though all must now face the prospect of winter, as the Starks have been proven right, as they always are in the end: winter has come.

King Stannis Baratheon
Gold: 60,000 GD
Legitimacy: 7/10

-It would appear that Lord Baelish has upheld his bargain. Food is now making its way into Storm's End, but your troops are still gravely outnumbered. Is it time to mount a full assault to break the siege?

-Jon Snow has placed himself at your command, and he has been joined by Mance Rayder and 3,000 Wildlings. While lacking the discipline of frontline troops, they are ferocious in a fight and skilled skirmishers. Do you have any orders for him?

-Greatjon Umber has assembled a force and joined by Harrion Karstark, who has suppressed the Karstark revolt. Yet reports suggest that the Reach has dispatched troops to aid Lady Dustin and the Ironborn, which could result in heavy opposition. What is your course of action?

-With the arrival of winter, it is now possible that your war for the Iron Throne has to be put on hold to face the true enemy. With your shipments of dragonglass now at a halt due to the siege of Storm's End, some of your subordinates are skeptical you can hold if the Enemy attacks. Will you turn northward or focus on the Iron Throne?

Queen Regent Cersei Lannister
Prestige: 8/10 (married Warden of the West)
Gold: 350,000 GD (2.56m in debt to Iron Bank, 0.82m to the Faith)
Legitimacy: 8/10

-Your raid on the Fingers was a success, as was your attempt to win over Olyvar and purge Baelish's house in King's Landing, but the Battle of the Twins has rendered it all strategically insignificant, and has only prompted Vale houses skeptical of Baelish to fully back him. Moreover, your brother is once more a prisoner with the destruction of his army. This is a delicate situation, and must be handled carefully.

-Your uncle Ser Kevan Lannister has informed you of grave news: the manpower of the Westerlands is now completely exhausted. He cannot raise additional troops without causing irrevocable damage to the Westerlands economy. Your only source of fresh troops now are the pitifully small reserves you have in the Crownlands, possible recruitment of sellswords, and House Tyrell, whose loyalty remains uncertain. Pycelle has said that Dorne cannot be counted on, as they claim they did not receive your raven requesting troops. What will you do?

-With winter having arrived, food stockpiles have turned into a prominent question. Qyburn claims that you have enough grain to feed King's Landing for three years, but that could disappear quickly given the food shortages. Tyrell food supplies are also shifting the people towards them. How will you rectify this?

-Tommen has proven to be more receptive to Margaery than Lancel, and thus is beginning to drift away from your influence. How will you reverse this situation?

-The Iron Bank is demanding another payment. They have declined to state an amount, but have implied that not paying will incur a hefty penalty. To make matters worse, the Faith is also demanding additional payment of at least 200,000. This is indeed a dire situation, yet must be tackled somehow.

Queen Daenerys Targaryen
Prestige: 9/10
Gold: 400,000 GD
Legitimacy: 8/10

-The Great Games have largely proved a success, with security measures staving off an attempt by unfriendly Sons of the Harpy to attack from within. Yet, many nobles were outraged when former Masters of Yunkai were forced into the arena, decrying you as a hypocrite for not forcing others to fight while they were. This is a situation that must be handled with care.

-Jorah Mormont has returned, and has brought Tyrion Lannister to you. The brother of Jaime Lannister, many assume that you want to execute him out the gate. Yet, Barristan has said that Tyrion did not have the love of his family, and if the rumours about him killing his father are true, then they are likely out for his head. He could prove useful, if you are willing to give him the chance

-Sealord Antaryon, indulging in Braavos's fundamental hatred of slavery, has allied with you. This brings with it the prospect of support from the Iron Bank. The Bank could be a powerful ally if the Usurper's wife is unable to pay the debt. How will you approach this?

-Wyman Manderly has sent a regretful message. His honour will not permit him to break his oath to Stannis Baratheon, regardless of what you offer. Yet, his message has also come with a warning. A warning of an army of the dead approaching the Wall. He says that if you do have dragons, they may be needed in the war to come. Barristan, though skeptical, has said that Northerners are terrible liars. Of course, there is the spectre of Stannis, and he is not likely to make peace. yet Manderly insists that there are Starks still alive . . .

-Speaking of dragons, Drogon has been spotted not far from Meereen, circling the skies above. This may be the chance you've been waiting for to bring him to heel and give you a powerful weapon for your war against the Slavers' Alliance.

Lady Asha Greyjoy
Prestige: 7/10 (victory in the civil war)
Gold: 190,000 GD (50,000 in debt to Iron Throne)
Legitimacy: 6/10 (victory in civil war)

-The Ironborn Civil War has concluded in your favour, though Euron has escaped. You must now turn your attentions elsewhere. With the manpower of the Westerlands exhausted, Dagmer has suggested that Lannisport is ripe for plunder, and sod the greenlanders in the North. Yet, Rodrik is uneasy on this course of action. As the unoffifical second-in-command, Rodrik has asked your advice on the matter.

-Greenbeard has manage to send you some dire news: There was indeed a large massacre at Hardhome. After joining a small scouting mission though, he has added that though there were signs of combat, there were no dead bodies. The Wildlings and Night's Watch are saying the Others are back, and Greenbeard has urged you to halt your current campaigns and make for the Wall in all haste. If it falls, he warns, there is nothing to stop the tide of the dead . . .

-Rodrik and Aeron are currently seeking counsel on the kingsmoot. They should have their findings available soon.

-Alannys has written to you expressing worry for Theon. He barely eats, is excessively timid, immediately cowers when someone raises their voice at him, never leaves his room, and only answers to Reek. What will you do?

Lord Mace Tyrell
Prestige: 9/10
Gold: 860,000 GD
Legitimacy: 8/10

-Lord Redwyne has largely agreed to your terms, but was outraged when his demand for revenge was unanswered. After some thought, he has demanded that he be allowed to challenge Asha Greyjoy to single combat as a compromise, and has implied he will do so with or without your permission. Will you grant him your approval?

-Your spies at the Wall have indeed confirmed that the Night's Watch and Wildlings are preparing for the Others, yet do not have physical evidence. It is up to you whether you take them seriously or not.

-Margaery's influence over Tommen has increased, as has yours over the people of King's Landing. With winter now here, food shortages in the capital and the Iron Bank and Faith demanding repayment, you are in a good, but tenuous position. How will you go about resolving these problems?

-On a more disturbing note, Samwell Tarly, a maester-in-training, claims that someone snuck into his room at the Citadel one day while he was tending to the books and stole the Horn of Joramun. Your own maester has said that it's a ridiculous notion that the horn even exists, though surely it cannot be a coincidence that the reports of the Hardhome massacre came only a few months before . . .

Lord Protector Petyr Baelish
Prestige: 8/10 (army captured Jaime Lannister)
Gold: 450,000 GD
Legitimacy: 8/10

-Congratulations on your success in the Riverlands, my lord. The Kingslayer's army has been smashed and he himself is your prisonder. What is to be done with him?

-Your garrisons at Harrenhal and Riverrun have been besieged by the Tyrells and Lannisters. Edmure Tully is unlikely to accept losing his home a third time,and is urging to attack. What are your orders?

-Your men with Jon Snow have indeed confirmed that the people at the Wall are readying for an atrack from the Others, and they have asked your help. What will you do?

-The relief missions so far to Dragonstone have been successful,  with food finally reaching the defenders. Yet, there is now the possibility that the blockade and siege will tighten, and of an all-out assault. Will you attempt to break the siege and lift the blockade?

Prince Doran Martell
Prestige: 8/10
Gold: 400,000 GD
Legitimacy: 8/10

-Arianne is now well aware of the full scale of your plans, and the Golden Company is now confirmed to have broken their contract with Myr. All that remains is word from you that the time is right to begin the war you have been planning for 17 years.
Atlas Star
Posts: 22,155
United States

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« Reply #24 on: May 22, 2019, 01:41:22 PM »

Queen Regent Cersei’s Proclamation

“As of today, Ser Loras Tyrell is now the acting Lord Commander of the Kingsguard. Until such time as Ser Jaime is returned to us, we will trust the good Ser Loras with our lives and honor against those who would do us harm.

“Furthermore, five hundred prisoners, imprisoned for debt, rape, and other crimes, are hereby to take the black. We shall send them to the Wall with a small escort, and should they be attacked, it will be taken as violating the sacred duties of the Night’s Watch. And, if any commoner should wish to take the black, it shall be allowed, and a family shall be given a gold dragon for every man under fifty and over sixteen who volunteers to take the black, up to the first five hundred to do so.

“Lastly, Joy Hill is hereby legitimized and named Joy Lannister. A fatherless child, I hereby name her as protected by myself and my husband, the Warden of the West. Let no one say that the richest family in Westeros leaves its kin out in the cold.”
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