The Coalition System: Turn One (January 1813)

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Author Topic: The Coalition System: Turn One (January 1813)  (Read 1333 times)
YaBB God
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« on: January 20, 2019, 05:07:00 PM »
« edited: January 21, 2019, 12:43:49 PM by DKrol »

Turn One: January 1 – July 31, 1813

The Cast:
Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland: Prince Regent George of Wales (GoTFan)
United States of America: President James Madison (SawxDem)
Empire of Austria: Emperor Francis I (JacksonHitchcock)
Empire of France: Emperor Napoleon Bonaparte (Kingpoleon)
Ottoman Empire: Sultan Mahmud II (Lumine)
Kingdom of Portugal and the Algarve: Prince Regent John (Mycool)
Kingdom of Prussia: King Frederick William III (TrumanJohnson)
Russian Empire: Emperor Alexander (Dereich)
Bonapartist Spain: King Joseph Bonaparte (HenryWallaceVP)
Bourbon Spain: King Ferdinand VII (YPestis)
Kingdom of Sweden: Prince Regent Charles John (KingSaul)
Mexican Rebels: Father Jose Maria Morelos (Gorguf)
Kingdom of Italy: Viceroy Eugene de Beauharnais (Dr_Novella)


The World

The Armies of the World

Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland:
Home Guard, in Kent: 75,000
Peninsular Army, in Lisbon: 50,000
Canadian Army, in Ottawa: 15,000

United States of America:
Northern Army, in Buffalo: 5,000
Southern Army, in Virginia: 3,000
Various Militias, across the country: 2,000

Empire of Austria:
Imperial Army, in Vienna: 100,000

Empire of France:
Grande Armee, in Paris: 22,000
Continental Army, in Cologne: 35,000

Ottoman Empire:
Sultan’s Army, in Constantinople: 70,000
Janissaries Corps, in Constantinople: 15,000

Kingdom of Portugal and the Algarve:
Peninsular Army, in Lisbon: 36,000

Kingdom of Prussia:
Northern Army, in Hanover: 70,000
Southern Army, in Munich: 25,000

Russian Empire:
Imperial Army, in Moscow: 25,000
Cossacks, across the Empire: 150,000

Bonapartist Spain:
Imperial Army, in Madrid: 65,000

Bourbon Spain:
Royal Army, in Lisbon: 45,000
Personal Retinue, in Valency: 150
Colonial Army, in Mexico City: 15,000

Kingdom of Sweden:
 Royal Army, in Gothenburg: 50,000

Mexican Rebels:
Revolutionary Army, in Cuautla: 30,000

Kingdom of Italy:
Army of Italy, in Rome: 75,000
YaBB God
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« Reply #1 on: January 20, 2019, 11:49:27 PM »
« Edited: January 21, 2019, 12:45:31 PM by DKrol »

Player Crisis Prompts

Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland
Prince Regent George, Greetings.

The most pressing issue facing you at this time is the war with your former colonial subjects in America. For years tensions have been rising between you and now they have burst forth into open war. Your Canadian forces have repelled an American invasion of Ottawa but the Americans have regrouped near the border and seem to be preparing for a second campaign. How will you respond? Some in your Government are calling for you to seek peace with the Americans in order to better focus your efforts on the Continent, while others argue that you need to order march on Washington, to crush the upstart Republic once and for all.

Your perpetual enemy, Napoleon of the French, has been forced to retreat to Paris, licking his wounds after being repelled by the Russians. The public are clamoring for you to send an army across the Channel to take advantage of your weakened enemy but some in your government worry that the risks outweigh the potential benefits, especially with the ongoing crisis in America. What will you do?

Finally, sir, there is the delicate matter of your father, the King. He is blind and in near constant pain from rheumatism. Your enemies mock you as “The Pretty Prince Regent” and some newly elected MPs feel free to challenge your authority. Some, especially your mistresses, suggest you sign an article of abdication on your father’s behalf and assume the throne for yourself. Others warn that your disabled father is still deeply popular with the public and any hint of a force abdication could spark revolution. What path will you take?

United States of America:
President Madison, Greetings.

There are two major issues before you. The first is the war with Britain. Your attempted invasion of Ottawa was unsuccessful and you lost several thousand men there. Now your army waits in New York for new orders. Will you simply hold the border or will you order a new campaign into Canada?

The second issue is the ongoing revolution in Mexico. What began as a few angry priests has grown into several thousand army revolutionaries and now threatens to topple the French rule to your South. Some in your government have called on you to send a force to the South to aid the revolutionaries, to rid the continent of the French and promote the freedom from colonialism. Others have advised you to do the opposite and send aid to the beleaguered French, arguing that it is better to have an enemy you know than one you don’t know.

Empire of Austria:
Emperor Francis, Greetings.

There is only one serious thought in your court: war. Your life-long enemy, Napoleon, sits weak and scarred in Paris. There is a chorus of voices around you calling for a fast march on Paris, a swift defeat of Napoleon, and the rebirth of the Holy Roman Empire, under your noble hand, of course. The only questions seems to be thus: Will you seek to build allies and join you in the fight, or will you go it alone?

Empire of France:
Emperor Napoleon, Greetings.

You are not in an easy position. You have just been defeated by the Russians and lost hundreds of thousands of men. Your Grande Armee is now 1/10th its original size and many of those who are alive are injured or ill. How will you rebound from this defeat? Some suggest you take the time to sure up your domestic position, having just defeated the revolt of General de Malet. Others think that you need to regroup quickly and launch a new campaign into Prussia, Poland, and Russia, in order to secure your dreams of a grand Empire.

In Spain, your brother Joseph sits on a tenuous throne. The British have backed a Bourbon claimant to the throne and, although you hold Ferdinand Bourbon as your prisoner, the armies under his name have started to make their way across Iberia. Some call for you to send an army to aid your brother and hold Spain. Others advise you to release Ferdinand, recall your brother, and abandon your Spanish dreams for the sake of securing your own throne. What will you do?

Ottoman Empire:
Sultan Mahmud II, Greetings.

Your advisors are agitating for you to take action against the European forces who have, largely, repelled the Turks for the last several years. They see the Russian Empire as weakened, thanks to Napoleon, and fertile ground for expansion. Others suggest a campaign into Poland, Hungary, and the Germanic Kingdoms would be more fruitful, given their preoccupation with the French.

Also, a warning has arrived at your court from Greece. There are reports that a secret society has been formed with the sole purpose of securing Greece for the Greeks and forcing the Ottomans from the islands. While it does not appear that they have any kind of serious organization or arms, some of your advisors are calling for immediate swift action in order to crush any talks of Greek independence before they could blossom. Others worry that such steps would only embolden Greek separatists.

Kingdom of Portugal and the Algarve:
Prince Regent John, Greetings.

You are one of the last representatives of absolutism in monarchs across Europe, although you rule as the regent to you aged and infirm mother from your colony in Brazil. Some in your court argue that now is the time for you to return to Portugal, rally your subjects, and uproot the French interests from Portugal. They even suggest you aid the Bourbon King of Spain in his effort to rid the French of Iberia as a means to expand Portuguese authority and territory in Europe. Others caution that a return to Europe could spark unrest in Brazil and lead to problems in the colony, much like those the French are facing in Mexico. A potential solution is raising the status of Brazil from a colony to an equal state of the realm.

You have several daughters that are currently unwed. Maria Teresa, Maria Isabel, and Maria Francisca are all of marrying age, as is your son and heir, Pedro. Many in your court are calling on you to find suitable matches for each of your children to restore the place of honor of the House of Braganza.

Kingdom of Prussia:
King Frederick William, Greetings.

You are faced with several different voices from your advisors. A strong contingent, led by the supporters of your late wife, beg you to take advantage of the weak position of the French and make a swift move for Paris before Napoleon can regroup. Others argue that a campaign against France would be a distraction from your bold reforms and urge you to maintain a policy of neutrality.

A movement is growing across your realm calling for the unification of the many Germanic states. While it is unclear what kind of realm this could be, some have suggested a Holy Roman Empire-type of arrangement, where the various princes unify in a federation led by a strong Emperor. A more radical suggestion is a United States of Germany, where each realm is equal in all aspects and democratically elect a central leader. The movement is still in its infancy. Will you weigh in?

Your late wife, Queen Louise, has been deceased for nearly three years now. Public opinion indicates that the people want to see you remarry, but some of your advisors are opposed to a remarriage on the basis that it would likely tie you down in European affairs.

Russian Empire:
Tsar Alexander, Greetings.

Although you successfully repelled the French invasion, many Russians were killed in the process. Perhaps worth than that, a number of factories and bridges were taken down and many fields were ruined. With so many Russian subjects in danger of starving through the winter, a vocal group of your advisors warn that any counter campaign against the French would ruin your standing with the public and endanger your rule. Others suggest the opposite, arguing that allowing the French to retreat, regroup, and heal will make you look weak and, potentially, embolden the French to launch a second campaign.

Word has reached your court of stirrings among the Ottomans itching to claim Russian lands near the Black Sea. While these are just rumors at this time, some argue that you should take action to stamp out any potential Ottoman threat before it can blossom. Meanwhile you have also received reports of agitators in Greece, Germany, and Italy calling for their own national governments. Some worry that, if those movements blossom across the Continent, it is only a short time before similar movements spring up across your Empire.

Bonapartist Spain:
King Joseph, Greetings.

You have suffered a series of losses in the war to maintain control of Spain for your French House. There are rumors in your court that your brother is preparing to withdraw support for your reign in an effort to secure his own rule in France, including replacing you as King of Spain with the Bourbon claimant. Your advisors are appalled by this and call on you to make an immediate plea to Napoleon to continue support for your rule. Others suggest you abdicate your throne in Spain, sail across the sea, and take up the mantle of securing Mexico for the French, or yourself. Perhaps now is your time to assert yourself as the elder Bonaparte brother and take advantage of your brother’s weakness.

Bourbon Spain:
King Ferdinand, Greetings.

Although you remain a prison of Napoleon in France, word has reached you that he may be considering releasing you back to Spain, given the failures of Joseph to gain the support for the people. Some suggest you petition Napoleon for your freedom in exchange for providing a friendly border to the embattled French Emperor. Others suggest you reach out to the British or the Prussians and coordinate a military operation to free you from your country prison.

In Mexico, where the Spanish loyalists still recognize your rule, you face danger. Your forces have largely been forced into the fort at Cuautla by the rebels and reports indicate a siege is about to begin. What will you do? Some suggest that much of the country is still loyal to you and all you need to do is show them that you are still invested in the colony. Others worry that it will be impossible to fully suppress the fanaticism of the priest-led rebellion.

Kingdom of Sweden:
Prince Regent Charles John, Greetings.

You have had a mixed relationship with the French Emperor. Only a few years ago he honored you as the Marshal of the Empire. On his campaign into Russia, however, Napoleon invaded some of your territory in order to secure his vanguard. Some suggest you forgive the great Frenchman for his transgression, others suggest you should lead a campaign onto the Continent to reclaim Pomerania and turn your armies against the now-weak French, while others still suggest you maintain a policy of neutrality and focus on domestic affairs, including paying off the national debt.

There is also the matter of Finland. Your most senior advisors tell you that, by rights, the Crown of Finland is yours. Others believe that it is not worth angering the Russians over, that you should seek to maintain the peace with the Russian Emperor even if it means not having Finland. Others note that Russia is in a weakened state because of Napoleon’s invasion, putting it in a very poor position to defend itself.

Mexican Rebels:
Father Jose Maria Morelos, Greetings.

What began as a small rebellion has blossomed into a full-blown revolution. You now stand at the head of a strong army which has forced the colonial army into virtual isolation in Cuautla. There is word in your camp that a fleet is sailing for Mexican shores to relieve their army. Some suggest you should seek a peace with the Spanish colonial force and extract promises of liberal reforms, while others bang their fists and decry such an idea as defiling the memory of Miguel Hidalgo.

There is a vocal minority of your supporters who suggest that you reach out to President Madison and seek statehood for the lands you currently control. Doing so, they argue, would strengthen your position, securing the liberal progress you need, and create a stronger force to repel the Spanish. Most, however, are not advocating for full statehood but, certainly, a friendship with the Americans, should they be able to survive their second war of independence.

Kingdom of Italy:
Viceroy Eugene, Greetings.

Your seat on the throne is unstable at best. As your step-father retreated to Paris, many Italians questioned what right you had to rule as their Viceroy. Your closeness to the French Emperor, which got you the throne to begin with, is now a major draw on your ability to govern, as angry Italians shun you as a foreign puppet. What will you do to secure yourself?

While some call on you to distance yourself from your step-father, others argue that you should lead your army into Poland and claim it in the name of Napoleon, proving your loyalty to him. He won’t be weakened forever, they say, and he will remember who stood with him in this time of trouble. Providing him with a friendly state separating his Empire from Russia, as well as keeping Prussian growth in check, would be the ultimate sign of loyalty.
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« Reply #2 on: January 21, 2019, 05:12:18 PM »

Treaty of Russian-Prussian Alliance

(Russia and Prussia shall be bound by military alliance. In the event that Russia goes to war, Prussia shall come to Russia’s defense. If Prussia goes to war, Russia shall come to Prussia’s defense.)
YaBB God
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« Reply #3 on: January 21, 2019, 05:31:55 PM »

Treaty of Russian-Prussian Alliance

(Russia and Prussia shall be bound by military alliance. In the event that Russia goes to war, Prussia shall come to Russia’s defense. If Prussia goes to war, Russia shall come to Prussia’s defense.)

X Alexander Romanov
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« Reply #4 on: January 21, 2019, 06:59:12 PM »


On the past and future of the Empire

It was known by the entire world that from the beginning of our mighty Empire its laws and precepts and those of the glorious Quran were honored and followed, and it was so that the empire rose in strength and its subjects enjoyed untold prosperity for the longest time. However, it is so that through the last decades a succession of events, accidents and misfortune have caused a dangerous disregard for such laws and principles, weakening an Empire whose proper stability and prosperity is the single most urgent concern in our mind.

We deem it urgent to take active action to provide the Empire and our many subjects with the benefits of good administration, learning from the experiences of others while never yielding on the defense and preservation of what is proper and just, and blessed from the heavens. Full of confidence in the help of the Most High, confident of the support of our Prophet, we deem it right to start our work to further improve administration via the foundation of new and vigorous institutions.

On the creation of the Meclis-i Vükela,
or Council of Ministers

Therefore, we shall not further seclude ourselves from the labors and affairs of state, and shall regularly and actively attend our new Meclis-i Vükela in order to work for the prosperity and greatness of the Empire along with our old and new advisers alike. Alongside key members of our Court, Military and such other institutions, the Meclis-i Vükela shall be presided and directed by our Grand Vizier Hurşid Ahmed Pasha, hereby confirmed on his post. It shall include the new seven "Ministries" entrusted with various public responsibilities: Finance, Trade, Public Order, Justice, Foreign Affairs, War and the Kapudan Pasha.

We trust that by establishing this "Council" under the authority of our Grand Vizier and our active attendance the affairs of state will be dealt with with greater urgency, efficiency and skill, and that the Empire and its subjects will profit from it.

On the creation of the Hariciye Nezâreti,
and the expansion of diplomatic and trade efforts

It is our belief that the diplomatic efforts of the Ottoman Empire are in need of renewal and expansion, the Empire lacking active and long-term ambassadors in Europe beyond officials of smaller and irregular rank. Having been approached by one or two esteemed foreign rulers in Europe regarding their thoughts on the present continent-wide crisis and their proposals as to the hypothetical role the Empire would have to play in such conflicts, it seems clear to us that our diplomatic efforts must be expanded. It will be our intention to have the new Ministry of Foreign Affairs, presided by the respected and accomplished diplomat Mehmed Said Galip Pasha, gradually open permanent Embassies and dispatch permanent Ambassadors, giving a priority to nations pursuing a positive relationship with the Empire.

This we expect to combine with our belief in the merits of the expansion of trade at a time in which substantial disruptions from the different alliances and coalitions involved in the conflicts of the past decade warrant some resumption of normal trade in areas affected by it. Blessed both with access to the ports and markets of the Mediterranean, India and the East Alike, it will be the pleasure of the Ottoman Empire to grant trade concessions and tariff reductions to her friends and discuss arrangements with potential new partners.


The above dispositions warranting necessary attention they shall be published at Istanbul and in all places of our empire, and officially communicated to ambassadors and representatives of foreign powers resident in Istanbul, that they may be witnesses to these institutions which should it please God shall last forever.

His Sacred and Imperial Majesty Mustafa III, Padishah, Sultan of Sultans, Khan of Khans, Commander of the Faithful, etc. etc.

His Sacred and Imperial Majesty Mahmud II,
Sultan of the Ottoman Empire, Padishah,
Caliph of Islam and other associated titles.

Atlas Icon
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« Reply #5 on: January 23, 2019, 06:42:23 AM »

You must be logged in to read this quote.

~James Madison, President of the United States of America
Junior Chimp
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« Reply #6 on: January 23, 2019, 07:19:59 AM »

You must be logged in to read this quote.

~James Madison, President of the United States of America

-George, Prince Regent.
Atlas Icon
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« Reply #7 on: January 25, 2019, 10:40:35 AM »

Orders will be placed some time today.
Junior Chimp
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« Reply #8 on: January 28, 2019, 06:00:54 PM »

To the leaders of Austria, Prussia and Russia,

We are aware of your betrayal.

Our memories are long, and our ability to hold grudges even longer. Rest assured, this will not be forgotten.

George, Prince Regent.
Atlas Star
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« Reply #9 on: January 28, 2019, 10:23:25 PM »

To all of Europe:

I thought that the Prince Regent was supposed to replace the Mad King George? It seems he can do nothing but embarrass his crown. I urge all of Europe: One man stands alone against us. A little man from a little island dares to threaten all of Europe. Why will you not stand together and declare that we will not be bullied by London, by a new Mad George?

- Napoleon, Emperor of the French
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