The Nyman Questioner (DFW BOMBSHELL) (user search)

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Author Topic: The Nyman Questioner (DFW BOMBSHELL)  (Read 9140 times)
Jr. Member
Posts: 1,600
United Kingdom

« on: August 08, 2017, 07:27:03 PM »

must be the concussion affecting the man's memory
Jr. Member
Posts: 1,600
United Kingdom

« Reply #1 on: August 09, 2017, 07:06:19 PM »

Yes, I miss the days Fhtagn was Speaker in a clear and specific way. I learned the virtue of activity. Fhtagn introduced me to that. She taught the crop of delegates which I was part of of this. That is nothing to be ashamed of - activity is the lifeblood of the game.
Are you trying to be Atlasia's equivalent of the National Enquirer by misreporting on this issue?

The least we can expect is for the politicians that we pay our hard-earned money to is that they show up for work; the fact that some seek election without being aware of that is incredibly troubling, and is condemned by The Questioner.

We are an independent news organisation that seeks to report the news that others are scared to.  We are apolitical and examine everyone, unlike our competition who are merely the press arm of the Presidency.  We stand by all of our reporting, and would suggest that the legal system is available if you feel challenged - although we refer you to the reply given in the case of Arkell v. Pressdram if you elect to go down that route.
Jr. Member
Posts: 1,600
United Kingdom

« Reply #2 on: September 08, 2017, 11:14:58 AM »

While it's great to see that the spirit of democracy remains high in Atlasia even while the Nyman elites try to rip it to the ground; we at the Questioner would rather that you argue elsewhere rather than in our Foyer.  You see we've started to get complaints from the neighbours about the noise and we'd rather not anger them lest they try to complain to our landlord.  Plus you've got to consider the legal concerns as well; I mean DFW may be a scurrilous power mad individual who maneuvered this entire thing to grip onto power in Atlasia but he's not a racist.  I mean I'd rather that he didn't overhear someone saying that in our offices and then try to sue us for slander or libel or something - I mean can you imagine!

I do have a new hot exclusive coming out this evening, as we carry on our mission to report the news that everyone else is scared to report!
Jr. Member
Posts: 1,600
United Kingdom

« Reply #3 on: September 08, 2017, 07:59:59 PM »

Category: Real News
Written By: Isaac Cummings

For the last few days, the offices of the Questioner have resembled the Ekklesia of ancient Athens rather than the offices of a functioning newspaper.

Certainly I could not tell you why this rag tag bunch of failed politicians and concerned citizens decided to take up residence in our Foyer to talk about the latest scandal within this stinking cesspool of a city.  Admittedly, the increasing irrationality of the argument and the growing number of glass bottles thrown in our bins ruining our recycling record suggests one reason.  But from this perfect demonstration of Athenian excess, I did discover one important piece of news for the world.

Indeed, we may be seeing a blast from the past in the next Presidential election - that being if our rulers allow us to have a meaningful election again - as Mr Winfield may well be making another run for the Presidency, my sources report.  Normally I would be delighted to hear about any challenge to our lovely, august, undemocratically imposed President Frank but when you look into the situation a lot more closely; my second to last preference would quite clearly be for the President.

There are two important factors to consider: first the past political actions of Whitney Winfield are quite frankly unpatriotic and against the views on any ordinary, right thinking Atlasian citizen.  I could name a countless list of examples, but the prime one to consider is his opposition to Marriage Equality in our fine country.  I know that many of you will have forgotten that fact - because quite frankly, when was the last time that Whitney was relevant, anyway? - but alas, it was true.  Such a terrible attack on an incredibly large number of Atlasian citizens shows that he is not fit to serve in the highest office in the land.

But there are also his present… difficulties to consider.  When I was busy running through our foyer getting to meetings and working on stories trying to avoid the modern day Athenian assembly taking place in our once very lovely reception; I couldn’t help noticing that Whitney was continually there, in the thick of it - usually sitting down, for some reason.  I must admit to finding that incredibly intriguing - after all, this once perennial candidate and office holder seemed to have nothing better to do that rant and rave about how all of the corrupt Nyman elite were white supremacists (accusations which The Questioner totally condemn - the swamp creatures may be many bad things, but they are certainly not racists).  I also found it especially odd that he was lurking outside our offices beside the bins when I left very late a few nights ago.  The reason that my sources report sounds shocking but I can confirm its veracity: Mr Winfield doesn’t seem to have anywhere else to live.  He used the continual, continual badgering of our employees as an excuse to sneak it and sleep on our reception sofas during the day, between his continual, spurious accusations.

Quite how this once proud public figure got into this sad, sad situation is not for me to say - indeed, in any other western democracy, the state would be there to help him in his hour of need.  However; it would suggest to me that he is not suited for any powerful office in this land.  I would not suggest that of all homeless people naturally - there are many people who are dealt a terrible hand in life and we ought to not judge them for their misfurtines.  However, if someone who’s spent most of his adult life engaged in the Atlasian political process and gets in that situation, they clearly do not have enough personal responsibility to be in any influential Atlasian role.
Jr. Member
Posts: 1,600
United Kingdom

« Reply #4 on: September 11, 2017, 06:04:23 PM »
« Edited: September 11, 2017, 06:35:36 PM by IceAgeComing »

I didn't realise that there were any serious floods in Florida whilst my pal dfw was President?

Also if you're so active in flood relief stuff, why aren't you doing that rather than arguing with people in our offices; it seems like a much better use of your time.  I mean I can't write the weekly Wrestling Wrap-up with all of this noise distracting me, can I?  Especially with war likely around the corner; shouldn't this be the time to come together rather than calling each other liars - I mean, imagine us spreading lies!
Jr. Member
Posts: 1,600
United Kingdom

« Reply #5 on: September 26, 2017, 06:02:40 PM »

I actually like a lot of this article, but I think we probably disagree on the solutions.

For one thing I would note, the present Chamber is I think overwhelmingly an appointed body because the last election had so many candidates that it spiked the size of the legislature beyond what the region could sustain. Several resignations happened and the end result is a chamber is mostly appointed and therefore all basically coming from the same mindset.

Now I am not sure who said that line about "other priorities" this is where the voters need to step up and say you can spend a couple weeks and put an arrangement in place for healthcare. My polls with Survey Atlasia just finished and there is a lot of different opinions on how to approach this. Regional Legislators need to start looking into this issue now and people need to rise up and demand that they do or run themselves for such office.

People are making a big mistake though, laying blame for this at the hands of the System and this is where Lumine and I fundamentally disagree. The same problem was present in the unicameral Chamber between 2009 and 2013 (I WAS THERE DAMN IT, I SAW IT!!!).  The problem with echo chamber consensus will be made worse if you cut the number of House seats, because it raises the quota beyond where more partisan candidates can compete, favoring moderates. And Regional Senate elections have always favored a narrow range of candidates in the center, with the exception being the Midwest where demographics where overwhelming to the left.

Removing the House, or cutting the house is the most counter productive thing you can do to address echo-chamber consensus.

I don't wish to disclose who said that since it was asked without being clear that I would use it for the Questioner so I'd feel uncomfortable (it was a question of genuine interest really) but that was someone who was elected, not an appointed member.

The problem of there being just an odd consensus on everything in Atlasia at the moment isn't just the South though; Wells did a study on it and found that there hadn't been a negative vote at all in the game - counting House, Senate and all four regions - in over a week; and that just these lengthy periods of seemingly no one disagreeing with anything surely can't be healthy.  The more concerning thing about the South isn't so much the consensus; its the fact that there have been several bills which have been introduced with support mentioned; then as soon as another delegate mentions their opposition there has been instant moves to table them.  That isn't good for the reasons that I think are very clear in the article.

I don't wish to talk about constitutional or institutional solutions since I wonder how effective they'll be - incidentally I also don't want to be the person moaning about all of this while not trying to fix it, hence why I'm running with a commitment for a full term if elected.  There is certainly a case for it though; considering the amount of double jobbing going around which is fundamentally a bad thing.  I think the fundamental thing is more that, well, its honestly not very interesting if everyone believes the same things and votes the same way, and just that lack of excitement drags away people.  I'd support reducing the number of offices if it also came along with a ban on double jobbing, or certainly having both a state and federal office at the same time.  I do think that its something that we need to have a game-wide debate involving everyone on though; rather than it being a decision of all of the institutions separately.
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