Peace Through Strength - (Gameplay Thread)

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Atlas Icon
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« on: February 10, 2017, 10:48:46 PM »
« edited: February 26, 2017, 07:12:48 PM by Lumine »

Peace Through Strength:
The World of Brexit, Trump, ISIS and beyond:


The Cast:

Game Moderator - Lumine

President Donald Trump - Leonardo
President Vladimir Putin - Dr_Novella
General Secretary Xi Jinping - Spamage

Prime Minister Theresa May - Dkrol
Chancellor Angela Merkel - Dereich
President Emmanuel Macron - GoTfan
Prime Minister Narendra Modi - dfwlibertylover

Prime Minister Shinzo Abe - 1184AZ
Prime Minister Paolo Gentiloni - Leinad
President Recep Erdogan - NeverAgain
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu - LLR

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau - Dr. Cynic
Caliph Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi - Enduro
Supreme Leader Mahmoud Shahroudi - Kalwejt
Supreme Leader Kim Jong-Un - X

World Map:

Economy and Popularity:

Popularity Ratings:

President Vladimir Putin: Very High

Prime Minister Theresa May: High
General Secretary Xi Jinping: High
President Recep Erdogan: High
Prime Minister Shinzo Abe: High
Supreme Leader Kim Jong-Un: High
Chancellor Angela Merkel: High

President Emmanuel Macron: Medium
Supreme Leader Mahmoud Shahroudi: Medium
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau: Medium

President Donald Trump: Low
Prime Minister Narendra Modi: Low
Caliph Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi: Low
Prime Minister Paolo Gentiloni: Low
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu: Low

Economic Performance:
(By each country's standards,
this doesn't measure compared size)

United Kingdom: Strong
China: Strong
Iran: Strong
Germany: Strong
Canada: Strong

United States: Moderate
Russia: Moderate
Japan: Moderate
Israel: Moderate
France: Moderate

India: Weak
Turkey: Weak
Italy: Weak

North Korea: Very Weak
ISIS: Very Weak
Atlas Icon
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« Reply #1 on: February 11, 2017, 11:07:33 PM »
« Edited: February 12, 2017, 12:03:22 AM by Lumine »

Turn One: Early 2017


President Trump sworn in, what can America expect of the new Administration?

Le Pen triumphs in first ballot with 29%, Macron beats Le Pen 56/44

Is ISIS losing ground in the Middle East?

Khamenei dies, Shahroudi elected Supreme Leader of Iran

Assad Government, Syrian Rebels manage a January ceasefire, will it last?

Turn Crises:

United States:

Greetings, President Trump.

-You've been elected despite losing the Popular Vote, leading to large protests while your relationship with Congress and even the federal bureaucracy is strained at best. How will you navigate the distrust towards your Administration and pass your agenda?

-The issue most people are anxious to see action on is immigration, both on the hotly debated  and so called "muslim ban" and the pledge to build a wall across the frontier with Mexico. How will you get to work on this issue?

-One of your main pledges has been to force deep changes in the way the US handles its foreign relationships, from trade deals to the fight against ISIS and even the relationship with China, Russia, Israel and other key countries. What will you do on the foreign stage?

United Kingdom:

Prime Minister,

-The main issue of debate as 2017 begins is still Brexit, six months after the referendum. The courts have ruled against you by forcing Article 50 to be passed by Parliament. How will you handle the Brexit process now that the time to activate Article 50 has come?

-On March a key moment for your government will come, as Chancellor Hammond will present the first budget since you became Prime Minister. What will be the course to follow on this budget? Is austerity gone for good?

-One of the main positives of the current context is the dismal state of the Labour Party under Jeremy Corbyn, and soon key tests are to come. The resignation of several Labour MP's opens up several by-elections (some to be heavily targeted by UKIP), and the local elections come soon as well. How will you handle these tests?


President Putin, good evening,

-After more than two years of bitter struggle, the War in Donbass continues amidst brief ceasefires and heavy fighting. Despite the best attempts of the separatists the Ukrainian Army has gained significant ground and appears to plan a large-scale offensive. Will you take any action?

-Your intervention in Syria has gained you a valuable ally in President Assad (and brought a potential front of cooperation with Iran), and finally a brief ceasefire has been reached to lead to peace talks. How will you continue to handle the struggle in Syria, and will you seek to influence the peace talks?

-The relationship with Turkey has been changing in significant ways, and the recent strain between Ankara and the West seems to open an opportunity for Russian influence in the region. Will you seek a closer relationship with President Erdogan?


General Secretary, welcome,

-Always an odd ally, the issue of North Korea has become more and more of a problem as the Kim Jong-Un regime grows more unpredictable and the relationship with South Korea improves. What will you do regarding North Korea?

-The election of Donald Trump and the growing efforts to militarize Japan by Prime Minister Abe could create problems for your expansion into the South China Sea, either by challenging your construction of artificial islands or reactivating the conflict with Taiwan.

-Having broken most of his ties to the United States, President Duterte of the Philippines has already made a state visit to Beijing, and plans for another. It is believed Duterte wishes to form closer ties to China in what could dramatically expand your sphere of power in Asia, although the nature of his regime brings many questions.
Atlas Icon
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« Reply #2 on: February 11, 2017, 11:30:27 PM »


President Macron, congratulations on your election.

-Your shock victory has the drawback of lacking a large pool of allies to govern, making your government an interesting one to see. Who will you choose to become your Prime Minister, and which parties will be made overtures to gain the Assembly's approval?

-A few weeks after the Presidential Election comes the legislative contest, key if you wish to hold a decent base in Congress. En Marche, while successful in the election, is still untested in an election of such scale. How will you secure a good performance in the coming electoral battle?

-Lacking Hollande's crippling unpopularity you can wield enormous influence in Europe, particularly after Renzi's resignation and with the coming Brexit negotiations. What will France do with this new political capital?


Chancellor Merkel,

-The time for the election nears, and despite your high approval ratings there appears to be a sentiment that you may have been in power for too long. Indeed, under the leadership of Martin Schulz the SPD is tied and even surpassing the CDU for the first time in years. Can you counter Schulz's unexpected rise before it's too late?

-Now that Theresa May and the UK move to activate Article 50 the difficult time of the Brexit negotiations is to come, with the British probably seeking several advantages despite their departure of Europe. What line will you take with the UK?

-Ever the issue, the migration crisis appears to have decreased its dramatic impact in Germany as the number of refugees stabilizes, but it is still a factor of unpopularity and much distress. Will you modify your approach to the crisis or stay the course?


Prime Minister Gentiloni,

-After Renzi's resignation the constitutional debate has grown more complicated, with the courts now issuing a ruling that would leave the electoral system for the lower house under PR, with a majority bonus for a party winning 40 of the vote. This leaves the Senate with a different system as well, causing confusion. What should follow on constitutional reform?

-The economy continues to perform bad as several bubbles begin to burst, showing that Italy still has key weaknesses that could show up at any moment. How will you attempt to avoid a future crisis?

-Despite the government remaining unpopular, the supporters of former PM Renzi believe an early election hold this year rather than 2018 offers a better chance at survival, a high-risk, high-reward type of gambit. Will you accept this point of view or attempt to gain time until 2018?


Prime Minister Modi,

-While broadly popular last year, your government's measures on demonetization have caused major economic distress as there are shortages of cash, and it may take a long time to see the positive effects that were promised. Indeed, polls show that in the upcoming local elections your  Bharatiya Janata Party could take a beating. What will you do?

-Regarding the foreign stage, one of India's biggest ambitions has been a permanent seat in the UN Security Council. Curiously enough, the UK, US, Russia, France and even China have expressed support for this at some point (although China demanded India to drop support for Japan's bid in return). Will you attempt to make this dream a reality?

-One of the most concerning issues pressing India has been that of multiple insurgent groups, from separatists in the Northeast to the Naxalite maoist groups, conflicts that have taken thousands of lives as the Indian military attempts to disrupt their actions. How will you continue to handle these insurgencies?
Atlas Icon
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« Reply #3 on: February 11, 2017, 11:53:16 PM »


Prime Minister Abe,

-Despite some moments of uncertainity your approval ratings stand strong again, leading some in the LDP to recommend calling an early election to seize the moment, if your past historic landslide would be difficult to replicate.

-Tensions continue to rise in the South China Sea as China continues to expand and claim Japanese territory as its own in the case of the Senkaku Islands. Usually the United States proves a reliable ally against Chinese expansion, but under President Trump is not clear what policies he will pursue for Asia. What will you do?

-Following Emperor Akihito's desire to abdicate the throne a panel of experts has given parliament a green-light on allowing an exception for the monarch, an effort intended to culiminate in his abdication by the end of 2018. Will you back these efforts?


Prime Minister Trudeau,

-For the first time since elected your approval ratings have dropped significantly, signaling the end of a political honeymoon. Will you treat this as a passing moment, or take steps to rebound your approvals?

-Ever a contentious issue, there's been talk amongst some in the Liberal Party to drop the pledge to achieve electoral reform, particularly as the rise of politicians such as Kellie Leitch appears to open questions about how desirable PR would be. Will you take such a dramatic step, or continue to promove electoral reform?

-The election of Donald Trump could prove challenging for the US-Canada relationship, particularly as thousands of Americans are reportedly considering moving to Canada. How will you react to a President Trump?


Supreme Leader, congratulations on your election.

-You've been elected as Supreme Leader after Khamenei's unexpected death as a compromise choice, but you appear to lack a large base of personal support. How will you cement your power in Iran, and how will you deal with the President's moderate tendencies?

-General Soleimani and several volunteer forces continue the fight against ISIS and the Syrian rebels on behalf of President Assad, intervention which has given you a valuable ally. With the war ongoing and potential peace talks, how will you act on this matter?

-Thanks to the "US Iran Deal" the economy has picked up significantly, allowing Iran to rebound and recover in a very positive way. And yet, with the election of Donald Trump sanctions could return to Iran, which would greatly damage the economy. How will you keep the US at bay?


Prime Minister Netanyahu,

-Despite all the warnings, Naftali Bennett and the hardliners in your coalition continue to pressure you to approve the building of further settlements in disputed territory, even if such an act would assuredly bring a negative reaction across the world. And yet, Bennett goes as a far as to threaten to bring down the government. What will you do?

-Due to the war in Syria and Iraq rivals such as Iran have greatly expanded their power and projection, becoming even more of a threat to Israel. How will you counter the Iranians now that the international context is so uncertain?

-The fallout over the UN Resolution over Israeli settlement continues, as calls grow for Israel to pull its monetary contribution away from the UN in response to this and even more drastic actions.
Atlas Icon
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« Reply #4 on: February 12, 2017, 12:02:32 AM »


Evening, President Erdogan,

-The aftermath of the failed coup has allowed you to expand your powers to huge levels, and now a constitutional proposal in parliament stands ready to turn Turkey into full Presidentialism with virtually unchallenged power for yourself. Can you ensure the passage of such a crucial package?

-Tension continues to rise with the Kurds inside and outside Turkey, particularly as the lack of control from Syria and Iraq threatens to end up with something as unacceptable as Kurdish state. What will you do?

-You continue to be criticized across the west for your new powers and your acts after the coup, placing strain in your relationship to NATO and Europe. On the other hand, Russia appears as a potential and tempting target for a new relationship.

North Korea:

Supreme Leader,

-While ongoing purges continue to cement your power inside the party, signs of unrest grow as smuggling from China and South Korea floods the country with undesirable goods, which are still sold and bought despite the fear of the army. How will you react?

-Over the past few years your relationship to China has appeared to be less secure, the Chinese constantly reducing aid to North Korea. Will you manage to restore the relationship, or... even find new allies?

-Despite the warnings of the United States and the UN North Korea continues its nuclear programme and nuclear tests, with substantial success. And yet, with President Trump at the helm these very tests could mean war. Will you continue to promote them?

Islamic State:


-Despite the expansion of ISIS into Afghanistan, Yemen, Nigeria and Libya the situation grows tough in Syria and Iraq, your fighters having lost ground through 2016. Can you restore your standing, and spare your new Caliphate from destruction?

-One of the main issues plaging ISIS is the lack of allies and foreign support, which could make the difference in the current struggle. Despite how unlikely it seems, can you manage to find foreign support for the cause?

-Thanks to the use of social media the assets of the Caliphate have expanded, giving you several potential fighters in the West ready to cause chaos.
Atlas Institution
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« Reply #5 on: February 12, 2017, 05:35:12 AM »

The Islamic Republic of Iran remains the only large country in the region fully committed to destroying the menace ISIS. The government of Saudi Arabia, despite official statements, has done little to prevent its citizens from financing or otherwise aiding the terrorists. Turkish actions are unclear at best.

President Trump had declared his willingness to work closer with our two major allies, Russia and Syria, to defeat ISIS, but there’s some concern about signals the new administration may be considering going back on the progress that was made in Iranian-American relations. Working together with Russia and Syria while antagonizing Iran, the major contributor to the fight against the terrorists, is illogical. We hope President Trump, who had declared himself a pragmatist and a dealmaker, trains we deeply respect, will come to recognize the importance of working with Iran as well.
YaBB God
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« Reply #6 on: February 12, 2017, 01:08:49 PM »

From the Office of the Prime Minister

The Prime Minister recognizes the decision of the supreme court on the matter of Brexit and will follow through with their ruling, as is required in liberal democratic nations. The Government will introduce the following bill in the House of Commons in the coming days, in order to follow through with the will of the British people, as expressed on 23 June 2016:

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« Reply #7 on: February 12, 2017, 01:33:09 PM »

Twitter Feed

Feb. 3rd
Obama administration claims to be friends of Israel but praises a two state system. Sad!

Feb 7th
Iran government claims they do more to fight terror than any government, but I don't see it! #trumptruth
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« Reply #8 on: February 12, 2017, 01:34:07 PM »


Announcement of the People's Republic to neighbors, friends, and colleagues:

The People's Republic of China is eager, in the wake of the failure of the Trans-Pacific Partnership, to establish excellent trading relationships with its regional partners. Therefore we would like to welcome proposed members of the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (India, Japan, South Korea, Australia, New Zealand, and others highlighted above) to a new round of discussions to be held in Beijing, with the special focus on finalizing the agreement and moving forward to setting it in stone.

Creating a wide area of trade within our region will grow our businesses, create jobs, and better the lives of our people. Together our nations hold a large percentage of the global population, resources, and GDP, so cooperation will undoubtedly be beneficial for all.
Atlas Institution
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« Reply #9 on: February 12, 2017, 01:40:51 PM »

Feb 7th
Iran government claims they do more to fight terror than any government, but I don't see it! #trumptruth

The Iranian forces had long been active, on the ground and in the air, in directly fighting the ISIS in Iraq and Syria. President Trump says he wants to see ISIS destroyed, so do we.
Atlas Institution
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« Reply #10 on: February 12, 2017, 02:44:52 PM »

The Islamic Republic of Iran won't accept a peace process in Syria to be used as a way to undermine the legitimate government in Damascus, the government that had been consistently at the frontline of defense against the expansion of the Unislamic State. Unlike the "opposition", which is a very muddy term to begin with, President Assad is the best guarantor of stability. We would welcome the sides coming to a reasonable understanding.
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« Reply #11 on: February 12, 2017, 05:11:57 PM »

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« Reply #12 on: February 12, 2017, 07:50:20 PM »

US Statement on Japanese military reformation:

This is completely unacceptable both in content and proposed implementation without consultation of various parties as per the UN agreements on collective security. Japan's self defense force has already been granted extended powers as of 2014, an act supported by the US yet condemned by both China and South Korea as they believed it may lead to increased tensions.

The people of Japan will never stand for this, as many already view the expansion of Japan's self defense force illegal due to the circumvention of Japan's system to amend their constitution.

We have no issues with countries wishing to defend themselves and therefore develop a military as is the sovereign right of any nation; however since the second great war Japan has been a special case and their lack of pursuit in regards to a standing military applauded by generations of history in the decades of the post world war era; what started as a deliberate measure to insure peace by the several powers of the time grew into an example being set that the entirety of humanity could take pride in, and to throw it away so rashly is foolish and moreso suspicious as this seems entirely bent towards invasion of foreign powers.

We urge the world to watch this development carefully and best in mind this obviously does not reflect the will of the Japanese people.

There are no current or arising threats to Japan and this will only lead to senseless, needles violence and war.

The US will not stand idly by and watch a few people with I'll intentions fracture what world peace exists for virtually no reason. Once again, this is completely unacceptable to the United States and will certainly lead to difficult situations.
YaBB God
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« Reply #13 on: February 12, 2017, 09:14:47 PM »

From the Office of the Prime Minister

The Prime Minister and the Government are pleased to announced the key details of the budget that Chancellor Hammond will present in the coming weeks.

  • A higher minimum wage for over-25s
  • A great investment in roads, bridges, and rail
  • Counter-inflationary measures
  • A mild raise in spending for the NHS
  • A spending freeze for the Defense, Foreign, and Home offices
  • A mild spending cut for Housing and Environment
  • The elimination of tolls on both Severn Bridges, beginning in 2020
  • The creation of a central register of trusts for the purpose of the Inheritance Tax
  • The continuation of Chancellor Osborne's sugar tax scheme
  • A 3% tax increase on tobacco and a 4% tax increase on handrolling tobacco
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« Reply #14 on: February 13, 2017, 07:25:41 AM »

Press release:

The Prime Minister affirms the decision to create more settlements on the West Bank. He looks forward to negotiating a peace deal with the Palestinian government, but hopes they can reach an agreement within a one-state agreement. The Israeli government hope their allies will support them in these actions.
Dr. Cynic
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« Reply #15 on: February 13, 2017, 06:41:50 PM »

From The Office Of The Prime Minister of Canada:

- My government will introduce legislation that will legalize, tax, and regulate the consumption of marijuana throughout Canada's provinces and territories.

- My government will also introduce legislation that will bring about $60 Billion in infrastructure improvements. This is of primary objective for my government as it will both employ Canadians from every province and territory, but also it will fix this nation's aging infrastructure.

- As Prime Minister, I will continue to advocate for electoral reform. My goal is to introduce legislation that will change Canada's method of election from FPTP to Ranked Choice by the time of the next general election.

- Obviously, it is not the policy of the Canadian government to comment on the elections of the United States. We want to continue our close relationship with the United States, and I will do my best to work with President Trump. However, we welcome Americans who wish to make Canada their new permanent home. We believe immigration to be a source of strength for Canada, and we will continue our policy of being an open and welcoming society toward any Americans who may wish to reside here instead.
Terry the Fat Shark
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« Reply #16 on: February 14, 2017, 03:53:39 AM »

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Junior Chimp
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« Reply #17 on: February 15, 2017, 06:58:34 PM »

France and Canada have agree to terms related to a major fair trade deal.

The France-Canada Fair Trade Agreement

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x President Emmanuel Macron
Dr. Cynic
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« Reply #18 on: February 15, 2017, 09:55:02 PM »

The France-Canada Fair Trade Agreement

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x President Emmanuel Macron
x Prime Minister Justin Trudeau
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« Reply #19 on: February 16, 2017, 06:34:59 PM »

1.The Japanese government feels with over a year left in the current term, it is irresponsible to hold an early election.

2.Japan plans on holding meetings with the Chinese government in hopes of reaching a diplomatic solution to the current conflict in the Senkaku Islands.

3. The Japaneses government supports the current plan to do without a monarch.

Atlas Icon
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« Reply #20 on: February 16, 2017, 07:14:08 PM »

Clarification: Strictly speaking France has no power to make a free trade agreement, the European Commission handles those matters on a EU level. The agreement can technically proceed if France insists, just be wary of the consequences.
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« Reply #21 on: February 16, 2017, 07:55:04 PM »

The People's Republic of China
Early 2017

--We would be honored to continue our new friendly relationship with the government of the Philippines. Invite delegates from the nation to discuss the possible trade agreement, potential military cooperation, and the future of our two nations.

--China will also continue to fund infrastructure projects in Africa in return to payments, favorable trade, or cooperation with local governments. Contact the governments of Mozambique, Tanzania, Zimbabwe, Kenya, the Democratic Republic of Congo, and others in the area and offer them high quality Chinese roads or railways. Emphasize this could be the first step to a trade agreement and increased cooperation between China and their nations.

--We would be more than happy to host Japanese envoys to discuss a potential agreement regarding the islands of the South China Sea that are disputed between us.

--Officially begin laying the groundwork for a free trade agreement throughout the whole of Eurasia. It shall be called the Eurasian Trade Agreement (ETA). Tenatively we would like to invite the following nations to the agreement: PRC, North Korea, Mongolia, Russia, India, Iran, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgysztan, Turkmenistan, Pakistan, Syria (pending peace agreement there), Serbia, Bosnia, Belarus, and the Philippines.
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« Reply #22 on: February 22, 2017, 11:05:36 PM »

Turkey! - Early 2017
- Reform pension plans to allow for more personal investment, creating 2 new plans, the A, B, and C programs which are lowering benefits for new-retirees individuals making over $50,000 a year to 80% of what they would be currently (A plan). A B plan which will be raising benefits to 110% of what it would've been for those making over $15,000 a year. And a C plan which raises benefits to 125% for those making under $15,000.

-Reform OYAK (Veterans Health and Pension Services) to increase both individual benefits, but also universal access to care for all veterans.

- Start national monthly "Turkish Pride" Parades, with vibrant demonstrations of our people and our values, along with the demonstration of our armed forces and their strength throughout every city, including Ankara.

- Start the creation of 5 new oil wells along the Kirkuk-Ceyhan pipeline, costing $27.2 Million

- Announce new Nationwide Tolling Program used to pay for a new rail project

- Create new marriage tax exemptions to boost marriages and decrease unwed mothership

- Ban all Abortions except in the cases of a Mother's life, Rape, or Incest.

- Increase family allowances to $500 per child annually

- Establish a $10 minimum hourly wage

- Start work on new Universal Basic Income and Healthcare Expansion Programs

- Create a 0.1% Financial Transaction Taxes directed at public works and new purchases

- Create and a new 10% Tax on all tobacco or tobacco related products along with alcohol products to be given to help fund expansions to the health service and pension program.

Foreign Announcements
- The People of Turkey have demanded the quick return to justice of the terrorist Fethullah Gullen, who masterminded a bloody attack a few months ago against our people. This shall not stand, and we expect his return very soon from the people of the United States

- We ask for Unity among the Korean people's and a openness to work with all people's of all countries.

- Our people denounce the attempts by the Cyprus people to usurp the peaceful Turkish citizens who live on the island in harmony.

- We join with the multitude of nations in denouncing an attempt for a rogue state like "Kurdistan" to attempt to occur, and ask that nations who are committed to the fight against ISIS support our nation who has been the foremost fighter against ISIS's affront to the world's livelihood.

- We look forward to increasing the effectiveness of Arab organizations like OPEC to create a true Arab bond in these troubling times
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« Reply #23 on: February 23, 2017, 01:31:50 AM »

-The new budget will consist of an infrastructure program (road construction and maintenance, bus lines, and continued improvement of the high-speed rail program), investment in schools (specifically targeted for low-income areas), and making new hirings and pay raises (for low-to-medium paying jobs) tax deductible. This will be paid for by a gas tax, a carbon tax, and a 20% cut in military spending--after all, we are lovers, not fighters. Smiley

-The government will introduce legislation to fully legalize same-sex marriage.

-The Chamber of Deputies will be elected via party-list PR with a 1% threshold, and the Senate will be elected via STV on a district-by-district basis. All regions with 6 or more Senate seats will be split into districts that will elect no less than 3 and no more than 4 seats.

-The next election will be held in 2018, not 2017.

-We reaffirm our support for the European Union, and will continue to abide by the rules of the EU with regards to things such as trade agreements, etc.
Junior Chimp
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« Reply #24 on: February 23, 2017, 02:33:24 AM »

-En Marche has already developed a plan to contest the legislative elections (OOC: Lumine, I believe I already sent this and my intentions regarding the Prime Minister)

-France will respect the wishes of the EU and will not further pursue its trade agreement with Canada.

-Come the new legislative session, various important bills will be proposed, such as a tax raise of 3% on those who make more than 175,000 Euros per year and a bill that calls for increased infrastructure spending.

-The first budget will cut military spending by 5%. In turn, the funds saved here will be reallocated to research of renewable energy sources. It will also allocate increased funding for infrastructure, education and healthcare.

-France has not forgotten the barbaric attacks of radical Islamists, but will emphasise the difference between the radicals and the peaceful Muslims, who represent the majority of their religion.

-The national state of emergency will be ended without delay. We cannot continue this cycle of fear.
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