Israel-Gaza war

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Author Topic: Israel-Gaza war  (Read 254312 times)
Silent Hunter
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« Reply #1550 on: October 10, 2023, 12:58:48 PM »

It was organised by a government, because that is what Hamas is.
YaBB God
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« Reply #1551 on: October 10, 2023, 01:01:57 PM »

How exactly are Palestinians trapped in Gaza supposed to inform the Israelis of such an attack? Try to get the attention of a bomber flying overhead? There aren't exactly a lot of opportunities for interfaith dialogue in the region.
Silent Hunter
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« Reply #1552 on: October 10, 2023, 01:05:18 PM »

How exactly are Palestinians trapped in Gaza supposed to inform the Israelis of such an attack? Try to get the attention of a bomber flying overhead? There aren't exactly a lot of opportunities for interfaith dialogue in the region.

They have the Internet in Gaza.
Punxsutawney Phil
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« Reply #1553 on: October 10, 2023, 01:09:10 PM »

Hamas is a cancer within the body of the pro-Palestinian cause. This conflict has somehow shoved me further into the "pox on both their houses" position towards the leadership of both sides.
I hope the men who did take pleasure in murdering the children of Moroccan Jews and slaughtering innocent old men understand that their Creator will judge them for their actions.
certified hummus supporter 🇵🇸🤝🇺🇸🤝🇺🇦
Junior Chimp
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« Reply #1554 on: October 10, 2023, 01:10:50 PM »

Hamas is a cancer within the body of the pro-Palestinian cause. This conflict has somehow shoved me further into the "pox on both their houses" position towards the leadership of both sides.
I hope the men who did take pleasure in murdering the children of Moroccan Jews and slaughtering innocent old men understand that their Creator will judge them for their actions.

Indeed, the fires of Jahannam are eagerly awaiting their arrival
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« Reply #1555 on: October 10, 2023, 01:14:41 PM »

and it will be soon if it hasn't already
Jr. Member
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« Reply #1556 on: October 10, 2023, 01:17:21 PM »

A Palestinian man has been killed by a Hamas rocket from Gaza that landed in the West Bank village near Tulkarm where he lived. Aside from the tragedy and irony of it all, this goes to show just how primitive these Qassam rockets are. They aren't spin-stabilized, unlike most other rockets, so they can't be targeted with any degree of accuracy.

The mayor stated he was killed by shrapnel from an Iron Dome missile that fell at the town entrance.
It’s so Joever
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« Reply #1557 on: October 10, 2023, 01:20:27 PM »


Looks like the NYT managed to find Hnv1

The holy land everybody. Baber killers and champagne corks popping off when bombs are dropped.
Do you know anything about Sderot? God forbid people celebrate when the terrorists who rain rockets down on them day after day get their facilities and munitions knocked out. Did you harshly judge Americans for cheering when Osama was killed (which was good, btw?) Keep your self-righteous moral grandstanding to yourself. It does not somehow become unacceptable to celebrate the defeat of terrorism just because the terrorists are right on your doorstep instead of the other side of the world.

Last we heard Hnv is volunteering, despite being past reserves age, to do anything they can find for him to help Israel in this moment of crisis. I would hope you would do the same should Belgium be attacked. Going after him in such a way in this moment says much more about you than it does about him. He is clearly an honorable man and this speaks volumes.
Yet when Palestinians cheer for the same reason, you say they want the death of all Jews on here. Do you see the problems in your reasoning? Hello?
Okay, fine, I overgeneralized yesterday in a moment of stress and anger. Sorry. However I will not listen to anyone claim the rallies in places like NYC and Sydney where people have been chanting things like "gas the Jews" and displaying swastikas are out of anything other than pure, genocidal Judenhass. People like the NY DSA deflecting and making excuses for this are utterly shameful.
It takes a lot of courage and self awareness to be able to admit fault, especially when it’s related to something so close to home, I respect that a lot, I know it wasn’t easy.

And yeah I was talking about the people in Palestine, personally I have little sympathy with those in the West who LARP in these protests and cheer on the death of civilians.
Jr. Member
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« Reply #1558 on: October 10, 2023, 01:37:47 PM »

Best speech Joe Biden has made during his entire administration.  Israel has the greenlight. 
YaBB God
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« Reply #1559 on: October 10, 2023, 01:45:24 PM »

How exactly are Palestinians trapped in Gaza supposed to inform the Israelis of such an attack? Try to get the attention of a bomber flying overhead? There aren't exactly a lot of opportunities for interfaith dialogue in the region.

They have the Internet in Gaza.

"Hello, occupying power, I am a Palestinian writing you regarding an impending military operation by the organization governing my home. In spite of your blockade of my city, which reveals that you do not consider my life to be very valuable, please ensure that my identity does not get back to Hamas, as this might put my family and me in danger of reprisals. Also, notwithstanding the fact that you seemingly ignored Egyptian intelligence on this attack (which was likely provided in turn by a Palestinian double agent within Hamas), please do not dismiss this warning out-of-hand, seeing as it is just coming from some random, in all probability without corroborating evidence. Thanks!"
Jr. Member
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« Reply #1560 on: October 10, 2023, 01:48:58 PM »

They found the bodies of 40 babies in a kibbutz.

The US can't stop what's to come now. No one can. That's not an endorsement of it, that's just a statement of fact. This isn't 9/11, this is the impact of Pearl Harbor combined with the sadism of the Holocaust, and it's unleashed something in Israel that won't be put back in the bottle.

I'm actually disgusted right now. Does Hamas have any humanity in them?

That was a rhetorical question btw. Idk how the hell Israel is going to deal with the occupation of the Gaza strip if ppl have become that radicalized. Nightmare scenario.
Atlas Icon
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« Reply #1561 on: October 10, 2023, 01:54:09 PM »

The “PLO”/Fatah is apparently apart of talks to try and resolve this peacefully. Given a significant amount of Fatah right now around Marwan Barghouti and even Palestinian liberals like the PNI support the activities of Gaza, it will fall on deaf ears as no Palestinian or Israeli wants to hear what they have to say.

Outside of the tried and true minority clique around Mahmoud Abbas, the actions in Gaza have united the whole of the Palestinian people within Palestine and outside of it. Gaza has successfully won the political battle within the Palestinian camp, now it seems their focus is the military one ahead.
President Johnson
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« Reply #1562 on: October 10, 2023, 02:00:14 PM »

They found the bodies of 40 babies in a kibbutz.

The US can't stop what's to come now. No one can. That's not an endorsement of it, that's just a statement of fact. This isn't 9/11, this is the impact of Pearl Harbor combined with the sadism of the Holocaust, and it's unleashed something in Israel that won't be put back in the bottle.

I'm actually disgusted right now. Does Hamas have any humanity in them?

That was a rhetorical question btw. Idk how the hell Israel is going to deal with the occupation of the Gaza strip if ppl have become that radicalized. Nightmare scenario.

My concern is that they invade the Gaza strip without a real post-war strategy. Although this is a vastly different conflict, the lessons of Iraq should be in everybody's mind. Nonetheless, I believe Israel has no choice but try to go after Hamas with full force.
Junior Chimp
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« Reply #1563 on: October 10, 2023, 02:00:48 PM »


Looks like the NYT managed to find Hnv1

The holy land everybody. Baber killers and champagne corks popping off when bombs are dropped.
Do you know anything about Sderot? God forbid people celebrate when the terrorists who rain rockets down on them day after day get their facilities and munitions knocked out. Did you harshly judge Americans for cheering when Osama was killed (which was good, btw?) Keep your self-righteous moral grandstanding to yourself. It does not somehow become unacceptable to celebrate the defeat of terrorism just because the terrorists are right on your doorstep instead of the other side of the world.

Last we heard Hnv is volunteering, despite being past reserves age, to do anything they can find for him to help Israel in this moment of crisis. I would hope you would do the same should Belgium be attacked. Going after him in such a way in this moment says much more about you than it does about him. He is clearly an honorable man and this speaks volumes.

I don’t have any issue with people like Hnv presenting themselves for duty after such an attack. I do have issue with people popping champagne corks and singing jingles while civilians and especially children are slaughtered. It shows how decrepit and morally vacuous the Holy Land and the Middle East in general is, a place so hardened by hatred its propaganda videos and media treatment of such an operation is almost indistinguishable from Fauda (which I enjoy watching on Netflix)

Incidentally this why I find also the blubbery eyed reaction from anyone who has.never been there completely inappropriate. There are posters here who think of Israelis and Palestinians the same way some people thought of the Irish during the Troubles i.e quasi-mythical beings to be elevated because they are somehow in a Kibbutzim the same way people think they identify with Japanese because of Manga or worse some weird religious reason. In the end there are arseholes who believe in massacring “the other side” and then there are the rest and for me there is not much distinguishing between the two regardless of which side they are on. Hnv for me has the same rhetoric as the Hamas terrorist. He has had enough time for the rage to subside. Calling for an entire bantustan-city to be extinguished would be genocide in any other context.

Did nobody click the link to see the article is from 2014? Come on.
The Mikado
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« Reply #1564 on: October 10, 2023, 02:07:20 PM »

They found the bodies of 40 babies in a kibbutz.

The US can't stop what's to come now. No one can. That's not an endorsement of it, that's just a statement of fact. This isn't 9/11, this is the impact of Pearl Harbor combined with the sadism of the Holocaust, and it's unleashed something in Israel that won't be put back in the bottle.

I'm actually disgusted right now. Does Hamas have any humanity in them?

That was a rhetorical question btw. Idk how the hell Israel is going to deal with the occupation of the Gaza strip if ppl have become that radicalized. Nightmare scenario.

My concern is that they invade the Gaza strip without a real post-war strategy. Although this is a vastly different conflict, the lessons of Iraq should be in everybody's mind. Nonetheless, I believe Israel has no choice but try to go after Hamas with full force.

The problem is that the obvious answer for post-invasion Gaza, "turn administration back over to the PA and Fatah," would last all of a week or two before Hamas reemerges.
President Johnson
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« Reply #1565 on: October 10, 2023, 02:10:28 PM »

They found the bodies of 40 babies in a kibbutz.

The US can't stop what's to come now. No one can. That's not an endorsement of it, that's just a statement of fact. This isn't 9/11, this is the impact of Pearl Harbor combined with the sadism of the Holocaust, and it's unleashed something in Israel that won't be put back in the bottle.

I'm actually disgusted right now. Does Hamas have any humanity in them?

That was a rhetorical question btw. Idk how the hell Israel is going to deal with the occupation of the Gaza strip if ppl have become that radicalized. Nightmare scenario.

My concern is that they invade the Gaza strip without a real post-war strategy. Although this is a vastly different conflict, the lessons of Iraq should be in everybody's mind. Nonetheless, I believe Israel has no choice but try to go after Hamas with full force.

The problem is that the obvious answer for post-invasion Gaza, "turn administration back over to the PA and Fatah," would last all of a week or two before Hamas reemerges.

Or potentially an even more radical Islamist force. At least that's what I read in the news here. Kind of reminds me of Afghanistan with the Taliban, which internally push back against the so-called Islamic State.
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« Reply #1566 on: October 10, 2023, 02:11:23 PM »

Gunfire reported in Ashdod, south of Tel Aviv
Snowstalker Mk. II
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« Reply #1567 on: October 10, 2023, 02:11:33 PM »
« Edited: October 10, 2023, 02:15:40 PM by Snowstalker Mk. II »

Eventually we'll know what was and wasn't atrocity propaganda. Thankful for at least one fewer casualty than claimed.
Snowstalker Mk. II
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« Reply #1568 on: October 10, 2023, 02:15:05 PM »

They found the bodies of 40 babies in a kibbutz.

The US can't stop what's to come now. No one can. That's not an endorsement of it, that's just a statement of fact. This isn't 9/11, this is the impact of Pearl Harbor combined with the sadism of the Holocaust, and it's unleashed something in Israel that won't be put back in the bottle.
Already being walked back. Again: we'll see.
Punxsutawney Phil
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« Reply #1569 on: October 10, 2023, 02:18:14 PM »
« Edited: October 10, 2023, 02:25:32 PM by Punxsutawney Phil »

They found the bodies of 40 babies in a kibbutz.

The US can't stop what's to come now. No one can. That's not an endorsement of it, that's just a statement of fact. This isn't 9/11, this is the impact of Pearl Harbor combined with the sadism of the Holocaust, and it's unleashed something in Israel that won't be put back in the bottle.
Already being walked back. Again: we'll see.

From Anadolu Agency on Twitter: "Israeli army tells Anadolu that they have no information confirming allegations that ‘Hamas beheaded babies'"
Going forward I think I'll be a bit more careful making judgements about these sorts of stories. At least, I'll try.
EDIT: fortunately my post in the previous page still works, nothing in it has been disproved and it still is true. The benefit of cautiously wording things.
YaBB God
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« Reply #1570 on: October 10, 2023, 02:31:15 PM »


Looks like the NYT managed to find Hnv1

The holy land everybody. Baber killers and champagne corks popping off when bombs are dropped.
Do you know anything about Sderot? God forbid people celebrate when the terrorists who rain rockets down on them day after day get their facilities and munitions knocked out. Did you harshly judge Americans for cheering when Osama was killed (which was good, btw?) Keep your self-righteous moral grandstanding to yourself. It does not somehow become unacceptable to celebrate the defeat of terrorism just because the terrorists are right on your doorstep instead of the other side of the world.

Last we heard Hnv is volunteering, despite being past reserves age, to do anything they can find for him to help Israel in this moment of crisis. I would hope you would do the same should Belgium be attacked. Going after him in such a way in this moment says much more about you than it does about him. He is clearly an honorable man and this speaks volumes.

I don’t have any issue with people like Hnv presenting themselves for duty after such an attack. I do have issue with people popping champagne corks and singing jingles while civilians and especially children are slaughtered. It shows how decrepit and morally vacuous the Holy Land and the Middle East in general is, a place so hardened by hatred its propaganda videos and media treatment of such an operation is almost indistinguishable from Fauda (which I enjoy watching on Netflix)

Incidentally this why I find also the blubbery eyed reaction from anyone who has.never been there completely inappropriate. There are posters here who think of Israelis and Palestinians the same way some people thought of the Irish during the Troubles i.e quasi-mythical beings to be elevated because they are somehow in a Kibbutzim the same way people think they identify with Japanese because of Manga or worse some weird religious reason. In the end there are arseholes who believe in massacring “the other side” and then there are the rest and for me there is not much distinguishing between the two regardless of which side they are on. Hnv for me has the same rhetoric as the Hamas terrorist. He has had enough time for the rage to subside. Calling for an entire bantustan-city to be extinguished would be genocide in any other context.

Did nobody click the link to see the article is from 2014? Come on.

The point is that both sides have elements of the populace so off the deep end that they love to celebrate death and destruction.
Bacon King
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« Reply #1571 on: October 10, 2023, 02:46:02 PM »

How exactly are Palestinians trapped in Gaza supposed to inform the Israelis of such an attack? Try to get the attention of a bomber flying overhead? There aren't exactly a lot of opportunities for interfaith dialogue in the region.

They have the Internet in Gaza.

They quite literally don't anymore. not without electricity

ICYMI Israel has cut off all utilities and shipments from the Gaza Strip, the whole place has gone dark

local electricity sources (both the Gaza Power Station and small generators owned by individuals) all rely on imported diesel supplies that have also been cut off.

It's basically a guarantee that Hamas forces have sequestered away all remaining diesel supplies within the Strip to ensure their own facilities have running generators for as long as possible
Bacon King
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« Reply #1572 on: October 10, 2023, 02:55:44 PM »

They found the bodies of 40 babies in a kibbutz.

The US can't stop what's to come now. No one can. That's not an endorsement of it, that's just a statement of fact. This isn't 9/11, this is the impact of Pearl Harbor combined with the sadism of the Holocaust, and it's unleashed something in Israel that won't be put back in the bottle.

I'm actually disgusted right now. Does Hamas have any humanity in them?

That was a rhetorical question btw. Idk how the hell Israel is going to deal with the occupation of the Gaza strip if ppl have become that radicalized. Nightmare scenario.

My concern is that they invade the Gaza strip without a real post-war strategy. Although this is a vastly different conflict, the lessons of Iraq should be in everybody's mind. Nonetheless, I believe Israel has no choice but try to go after Hamas with full force.

The problem is that the obvious answer for post-invasion Gaza, "turn administration back over to the PA and Fatah," would last all of a week or two before Hamas reemerges.

is "UN Peacekeeping Mission in the Gaza Strip" a remotely viable and politically feasible as a possibility?

Actually, does the Arab League do peacekeeping missions? or maybe peacekeepers from North Africa, seconded from the African Union??
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« Reply #1573 on: October 10, 2023, 03:01:22 PM »

They found the bodies of 40 babies in a kibbutz.

The US can't stop what's to come now. No one can. That's not an endorsement of it, that's just a statement of fact. This isn't 9/11, this is the impact of Pearl Harbor combined with the sadism of the Holocaust, and it's unleashed something in Israel that won't be put back in the bottle.

I'm actually disgusted right now. Does Hamas have any humanity in them?

That was a rhetorical question btw. Idk how the hell Israel is going to deal with the occupation of the Gaza strip if ppl have become that radicalized. Nightmare scenario.

My concern is that they invade the Gaza strip without a real post-war strategy. Although this is a vastly different conflict, the lessons of Iraq should be in everybody's mind. Nonetheless, I believe Israel has no choice but try to go after Hamas with full force.

The problem is that the obvious answer for post-invasion Gaza, "turn administration back over to the PA and Fatah," would last all of a week or two before Hamas reemerges.

is "UN Peacekeeping Mission in the Gaza Strip" a remotely viable and politically feasible as a possibility?

Actually, does the Arab League do peacekeeping missions? or maybe peacekeepers from North Africa, seconded from the African Union??

i think the far more likely option is bibi goes for resettling of gaza with israelis, undoing with sharon did, and making palesitinians leave by coercian/force/etc
President Johnson
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« Reply #1574 on: October 10, 2023, 03:11:04 PM »

German media reporting that Lufthansa Airline offers to take all German citizens back home from Israel, with four flights per day. Switzerland already launched evacuation flights for their citizens.
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