Israel-Gaza war (user search)

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Author Topic: Israel-Gaza war  (Read 250707 times)
Atlas Legend
Posts: 46,713
United States

« on: October 07, 2023, 05:59:54 AM »

this one is going to be worse than the others, Hamas has done some very bad things

I wonder if we will have the usual confusion over the timeline with the anti-Zionists.  Usually they only hear about these things when Israel retaliates and then get all confused ("but I was told Israel started it!?") when the timeline is laid out for them.  Going to be kind of hard to ignore this one.
Atlas Legend
Posts: 46,713
United States

« Reply #1 on: October 07, 2023, 06:11:49 AM »

I am still waiting for the collective West media to somehow come up with an argument that Putin is to blame for this.  I can think of the logic to get to that conclusion but I am sure they will come up with something.
Atlas Legend
Posts: 46,713
United States

« Reply #2 on: October 07, 2023, 06:31:25 AM »

I am still waiting for the collective West media to somehow come up with an argument that Putin is to blame for this.  I can think of the logic to get to that conclusion but I am sure they will come up with something.

Like clockwork.  This is the head of

one guy (and whatever European Resilience is), who Google describes as an "internet personality", is not the collective west
Atlas Legend
Posts: 46,713
United States

« Reply #3 on: October 07, 2023, 06:39:11 AM »

The IDF is a hundred times more competent than the Orcs invading Ukraine right now (and Ukrainians are hundred times more competent than Hamas), don't worry about the drones too much.
Atlas Legend
Posts: 46,713
United States

« Reply #4 on: October 07, 2023, 06:51:20 AM »

Invasion of Gaza?

(honestly we've gotten to the point that 'liberation' would be a more appropriate word, especially from the POV of ordinary Gazans)
I wouldn't be surprised if this expands to Iran given they probably helped

If iran was behind it, surely Hezbollah would probably be involved or taking advantage of the situation, given they are Tehran's proxy forces. Instead they seem just as taken by surprise as anybody else.
indeed, they aren't even sure what excuse Hamas is using for this escalation
Hezbollah congratulated Hamas on Friday, praising the attack as a response to “Israeli crimes” and saying the militants had “divine backing.” The group said its command in Lebanon was in contact with Hamas about the operation.
I guess all the previous times Hamas escalated they didn't have "divine backing".  Mo (pbuh) must have been busy with something else.
Atlas Legend
Posts: 46,713
United States

« Reply #5 on: October 07, 2023, 09:07:14 AM »

Laki and the other <self censored> want you to change that to "occupied Palestine from Space".
Atlas Legend
Posts: 46,713
United States

« Reply #6 on: October 07, 2023, 08:13:37 PM »

Would Israel become a major military operation to win its territory back tomorrow? this coming week? How fast would something like this occur?
Google tells me sunrise in the area is 6:40am local time, local time is GMT +3. which happens in about 2 hours and 40 minutes.  I suspect when the sun rises Israel will have taken all or most of their territory back. <because of the advantages modern western armies have fighting at night> If they haven't done it by their lunch time (5am EST), I for one will be surprised and disappointed.

edit-of course all of that is out the window if they must stop every 250 meters to resolve a hostage situation
Atlas Legend
Posts: 46,713
United States

« Reply #7 on: October 07, 2023, 09:21:07 PM »

In more relevant news (which may have already been posted here) Muslims in London and Berlin have publicly celebrated the terrorist attacks. Videos show processions of honking vehicles in London and sweets being handed out in Berlin.

DSA-NY is planning a rally celebrating the attack in New York tomorrow as well.
within 72 hours these same people will be calling Israel racist for not agreeing to an immediate cease fire, ya know, 'cause they only want peace
Atlas Legend
Posts: 46,713
United States

« Reply #8 on: October 10, 2023, 12:21:59 AM »

Now what does completely eliminate Hamas entail? It's not as easy as you guys think and if done fully it will cause mass deaths.
if Hamas wants to save lives and surrender, the world and Israel would love that.  If the non-Hamas in Gaza want to fix their own problem and take care of Hamas themselves, the world and Israel would love that even more.

Atlas Legend
Posts: 46,713
United States

« Reply #9 on: October 10, 2023, 12:42:01 AM »

This is not how the world works, what you are advocating for is that you're fine with a mass death toll, just let me know in months from now how that pans out. I'll be happy to be proven wrong.
oh I'd rather it not happen, I'd much rather have Hamas surrender or the non-Hamas in Gaza take care of their own mess, but Hamas already made their bed, they will sleep (and a long sleep at that) in it no matter what my (or your) opinion is.
Atlas Legend
Posts: 46,713
United States

« Reply #10 on: October 10, 2023, 12:42:43 AM »

Showcasing civilizational cope since 1999
Hamas was formed in 1987, not '99
Atlas Legend
Posts: 46,713
United States

« Reply #11 on: October 10, 2023, 06:14:50 AM »

Holy s##t.  Hamas cut the heads off babies.  Wait until you see those pictures. 
Snowbigtot, Laki(ng) and the...ahem...others, agree that this is bad, but, ya know, settlers, blah blah, occupation blah blah, whataboutery.
Atlas Legend
Posts: 46,713
United States

« Reply #12 on: October 10, 2023, 06:31:17 AM »

in news that will shock no one, Hamas leadership are big fat liars
Atlas Legend
Posts: 46,713
United States

« Reply #13 on: October 10, 2023, 01:14:41 PM »

and it will be soon if it hasn't already
Atlas Legend
Posts: 46,713
United States

« Reply #14 on: October 10, 2023, 09:29:21 PM »

Why doesn't mossad launch an operation eichmann style raid to grab the hamas top brass in qatar? Seems kind of ridiculous that gaza is being obliterated ostensibly to wipe hamas out while these fat corrupt creeps live in luxury?
hell, even a Muslim that actually cares about Palestinians should want to see their heads off
Atlas Legend
Posts: 46,713
United States

« Reply #15 on: October 11, 2023, 05:21:28 AM »

no, it's a reference to a different porn meme
Atlas Legend
Posts: 46,713
United States

« Reply #16 on: October 11, 2023, 06:13:01 AM »

how one brave woman and her team sent 25 terrorists straight to hell
Inbar Lieberman, the security coordinator of Kibbutz Nir Am since December 2022, has emerged as a symbol of unwavering courage and determination.

Early on a fateful Saturday, as the terrorists' explosive sounds shattered the peace of Nir Am, Inbar knew that this attack was unlike the typical rocket assaults that had become a grim routine for the region.

The distinctive nature of the threat urged Inbar into swift action.

She dashed to open the armory, equipping her 12-member security team with firearms and coordinating their response to the unfolding attack.

In an incredible act of valor, Inbar positioned her squad strategically across the settlement and devised ambushes that took the gunmen by surprise, turning the tide of the assault.

Over a span of four hours and despite the odds stacked against her, Lieberman killed five terrorists single-handedly, while her compatriots took down an additional 20, as reported by Walla News.
Atlas Legend
Posts: 46,713
United States

« Reply #17 on: October 12, 2023, 05:23:59 AM »

Tunnel combat is n a s t y even compared to other urban warfare. Lord have mercy.
Israel has more experience than anyone in dealing with tunnels and the monsters that live in them.  One tactic they might use.

We also should be reminded now that Hamas uses children to dig the tunnels.
Atlas Legend
Posts: 46,713
United States

« Reply #18 on: October 13, 2023, 05:28:41 AM »

Some posters here truly believe that Israeli lives are simply more precious than Palestinian lives.
even Hamas and Fatah know Israeli lives are worth more than Palestinians.  There are two ways you can tell: they (Fatah and Hamas) treat Palestinians (if you cared about the lives of Palestinians, you certainly wouldn't do what Hamas did last week)
2.every prisoner exchange they fully expect to get thousands of terrorists let out of prison in exchange for a single Israeli corpse
Atlas Legend
Posts: 46,713
United States

« Reply #19 on: October 13, 2023, 07:19:34 AM »

I don’t see how this ends in anything other than a Sack of Carthage situation.

For those of us who are historically inept.
Rome were complete dicks in the Third Punic War.  After defeating, eventually, Hannibal, in the Second Punic War they completely demilitarized Carthage and, as part of the deal, Rome would protect Carthage if they were attacked.  Well, they were attacked, Rome did nothing.  Carthage eventually put together a small army to defend themselves against barbarians and lost to them.  This made the toddlers in charge of Republican Rome at the time super pissy, they made some ridiculous demands they knew Carthage wouldn't accept so they invaded.  That went very very poorly for them (disease broke out in the Roman camps during the siege).  Romans were extremely superstitious and believed that only a Scipio could win wars in Africa, so they found one, sent him down there and they won.  They probably didn't "salt the Earth" but they did take anything of value and forced the few remaining Phoenicians to move many miles out into the desert.
Atlas Legend
Posts: 46,713
United States

« Reply #20 on: October 18, 2023, 06:12:03 AM »

What an absolute calamity for Western media. We went to bed with Israel leveling a hospital killing over 500, to the reality of Palestinian rocket debris killing 10-20 at most.

Shame on you NYT, Guardian, and the rest of the usual culprits.
the reaction when they find out it wasn't those evil Jews that did it is very telling.

"well, it's still Israel's fault"

It's happening in this very thread with our own racists.  We will see a lot more of it as the day goes on and the bigots awake to the "tragic" news that the IDF wasn't at fault for the hospital.
Atlas Legend
Posts: 46,713
United States

« Reply #21 on: October 18, 2023, 06:29:40 AM »

What an absolute calamity for Western media. We went to bed with Israel leveling a hospital killing over 500, to the reality of Palestinian rocket debris killing 10-20 at most.

Shame on you NYT, Guardian, and the rest of the usual culprits.
the reaction when they find out it wasn't those evil Jews that did it is very telling.

"well, it's still Israel's fault"

It's happening in this very thread with our own racists.  We will see a lot more of it as the day goes on and the bigots awake to the "tragic" news that the IDF wasn't at fault for the hospital.

If so then it will be similar to Nov 2022 when a Ukraine missile hit Poland

"Missile that hit Poland likely came from Ukraine defences, say Warsaw and Nato"

“Let me be clear: this is not Ukraine’s fault,” Jens Stoltenberg said after an emergency meeting of alliance ambassadors in Brussels. “Russia bears the ultimate responsibility as it continues its illegal war against Ukraine.”
indeed, the entity that started the current conflict is the most responsible

also, Ukraine had 1 (that we know of) missile fall short.  Hamas and the other terrorists do this sh**t all the time.  Because they suck.
Atlas Legend
Posts: 46,713
United States

« Reply #22 on: October 18, 2023, 07:28:44 AM »

I don't even understand what Laki(ng) is seeing in that post that makes it genocide denial.
Atlas Legend
Posts: 46,713
United States

« Reply #23 on: October 20, 2023, 01:48:58 PM »

Everyone really needs to stop believing the hysterical claims coming out of Hamas-controlled Gaza until there’s been at least a day or two to verify them.

Where's the fun in that?

Hands up, don't shoot!

the Venn diagram of people who are "anti-Zionist" and the people who believe Michael Brown was murdered by the police has a TON of overlap.
Atlas Legend
Posts: 46,713
United States

« Reply #24 on: October 20, 2023, 09:35:25 PM »

and the people who believe Michael Brown was murdered by the police

...He literally was. Wtf are you talking about?

then why have three different investigations (two of which really wanted to find Wilson guilty) never found that to be true?

if you want to keep this going, please start a new thread
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