America's Maverick Part 2: Madame President

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Author Topic: America's Maverick Part 2: Madame President  (Read 32115 times)
Junior Chimp
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« Reply #125 on: December 14, 2022, 11:35:01 AM »

Looking at these Results while Republicans overperformed at the Gubernatorial Level they definitly underperformed at the House Level. If you told President Clinton, CoS McAuliffe & their Campaign Strategists that Democrats would have over 200 Seats at the end of this Night no matter if it ends up at 204 or 206 they would have taken that.

Also, with the Progressive Wing getting decimated (Russ Feingold) it will allow Hillary to cut more Deals with incoming Speaker Boehner and Senate Minority Leader Kyl.

I think Hillary will win Re-Election in 2012 and they real brawl for Democrats and Republicans will be in 2016.
Jr. Member
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« Reply #126 on: December 14, 2022, 07:56:21 PM »

2016 will be more heated than OTL
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« Reply #127 on: December 15, 2022, 01:14:52 AM »

2010 Election Results:

House of Representatives:

Republicans: 229(+14) 50.9%
Democrats: 204(-14) 48.2%
Uncalled: 2

Senate Results:

Note * VA is other WV Special

Democrats: 52(+2)
Republicans: 48(-2)

Results of Battleground Senate Seats:

Missouri: McCaskill 49.8% Blunt 49.4%
Wisconsin: Ryan 49.9% Feingold 49.3%
Washington: Murray 49.7% Rossi 48.8%
Pennsylvania: Sestak 50.7% Toomey 49.2%
West Virginia: Capito 51.3% Tennant 48.6%
Arkansas: Lincoln 51.4% Boozman 48.5%
Kentucky: Mongiardo 51.5% Paul 48.3%
Nevada: Sandoval 52.7% Reid 45.9%
North Carolina: Hunt 54.1% McCrory 45.7%
Alaska: Murkowski 53.4% Ulmer 44.2%
North Dakota: Hoeven 75.3%  Potter 23.1%

Gubernatorial Results:

Net Change: Republicans +5 or Republicans +6

What type of agenda will we see from the next two years given the split legislature:

Blitzer: Given that we will be having a split legislature for the first time since 1986, what will we see from congress over the next two years. Will we see much done

Gergen: It is interesting you mention 1986 because remember Ronald Reagan had a split legislature for 6 of his 8 years and in those 6 years he did get a lot of his major policy goals enacted. Now of course there are some differences, on being that President Clinton did not win 44 and 49 states like President Reagan did which enabled him to get his way through congress and number two and most importantly the parties are more ideologically sorted than before. So due to that not only will the President be dealing with a Republican House but one that is majority conservative as well.

Blitzer: So does this mean gridlock

Gergen: No I don't think that but I also dont think either side will really get any of their major policy items passes over the next two years either but you will see more work done on issues that may seem to be more minor but are important. For example you will probably see some tweaks to programs, trade deals , deals made on budgets etc.

So the next two years might not satisfy liberals or conservatives but the fact is neither side got a mandate this year , so we likely will be seeing governance from the center over the next two years. So If both parties are smart they will recognize this and keep their power dry for 2012 when due to it being a presidential year it will be easier for both sides to ask for a mandate from the voters.

Why did the Republicans underperform in the Senate compared to the House and especially Governor's Races:

Blitzer: Why did Republicans underperform so much in these senate races compared to the House and especially Governor's races

Borger: Well I think there are multiple reasons and one like many people said last night and that is Republicans did do a lazy job recruiting candidates and didnt have an affirmative national message for the future they could have used. That is very different from 1994 when Republicans did just not talk about how great of a job they did in the 1980s but also had an affirmative message with the contract of America and they just didnt have that this time and that hurts weaker candidates as that is something they could use.

Also I think ironically a lot of this is caused by how they lost in 2008. Given that they lost in a tiebreaker method rather than outright made many Republicans not really accept the fact the the country isnt fundamentally as Republican as it was 5-10 years ago . So due to that they haven't really changed strategies from 2008 and now are starting to realize that 2008 loss wasnt just bad luck but rather the national environment has changed. Keep in mind if Ralph Nader did not run, its very possible Hillary Clinton gets elected with 301 302 electoral votes so the fact is the country just isnt as fundamentally as Republican as it was prior to 2008 and Republicans not realizing that probably made them make costly mistakes .

Blitzer: Why did they do so good in Governor's races then

Borger: Well its simple and that is the Republicans in most of the states they have picked up have been out of power for many years so due to that have realized the important of choosing good individual candidates that the nation republicans who were in power for so long did not understand.

What do the results of 2010 say about 2012:

Blitzer: So John what do the results of 2010 say about 2012 and did last night shake up the map in anyway

King: Well I would say two things changed and that is one that West Virginia a state that since the new deal era has been solidly Democratic and since 1932 has only gone Republican  in 1956 , 1972, 1984 which by the way were all massive landslide wins for an incumbent Republican President is now clearly a battleground state. While it only has 5 electoral votes, the fact is given how close the previous election was , it will be heavily contested come 2012.

Another is you can say Washington is clearly a state that leans to the democrats now given that Governor Rossi was unable to win , its gonna be hard to see any Republican candidate for President win the state outside a pretty favorable year. Now there is a senate race up there in 2012 and Governor Rossi will probably make another run for it so it will be contested but its hard for me to see the Republicans winning that state presidentially.

Blitzer: Given how big the Republicans won in Michigan this time , could it be in play

King: With Michigan, my mantra more or less is prove it as it is a state that did not vote for John McCain either time so unless we see data proving the Republicans have regained support in key areas such as Macomb County or Oakland County at a national level, the state has to start out as lean Democratic.

Blitzer: So overall would you say we are in for another close election in 2012

King: Well given that we don't know what the national environment would be in 2012 and given the President has a mixed approval rating, it is my belief that is how we should be approaching discussions like this. Now of course two years is a lot of time for the national environment to change or for the President's approvals to go up or down but if both stay the same as today, I would say we have to approach the election as if it will be close. Does not mean it will be , but two years out thats a safe bet.

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« Reply #128 on: December 16, 2022, 01:54:09 AM »

President Hillary Clinton Reacts to the Midterm results :


Clinton : Last Night tens of millions of American from all types of backgrounds and walks of life went to the polls to vote to decide the direction of our nation and I want to thank everyone regardless of who they voted for , for doing an important civic duty . I also want to congratulate every candidate who won their elections last night and let them know that I along with my administration look forward to working with you over the next couple years to help improve our nation . Lastly I want to invite every newly elected governor , senator and representative to the White House so we can talk about how we can work together as well as celebrate your victories .

Media Member 1 : Do you view the loss of the house as any sort of message the American people are sending and if so do you view it as a rebuke of your administration

Clinton : Listen , losing the house is of course disappointing and I obviously would have preferred my party to keep the house but I think we should look at some historical context . The average loss for the party holding the White House is 21-22 seats and we at most will be losing 16 so we have overperformed the base line in midterms .

Media Member 1: What about the governor results where Republicans made huge gains

Clinton : Well first we have to remember there were more open seats in states where the democrats were holding the governor mansion going in than republican ones so republicans had more opportunities to make gains than we did . Second keep in mind that governor races are fundamentally different than federal races due to the fact there are different issues that determine states races than federal ones . This isn’t to take anything away from the Republican candidates who won but I think it’s a mistake to look at these races to make a judgment of what the voters want federally.

Media Member 2: Madame President, do you think republicans taking the house means your agenda is dead for the next two years .

Clinton : I don’t think so , because if you look at some of the things that you in the media call my agenda or the democratic agenda , the fact is multiple opinion polls show a majority of both Democratic and Republican voters approve of that particular policy and those are the types of things I believe we can pass over the next two years .

Now at the same time are there certain things that we won’t be able to pass that we would if we had kept the house , the answer yes but I think everyone already knows that .

Media Member 2 : So what are some of the stuff you think can be done with a Republican House

Clinton : That is something we will find out when I meet with Speaker-Elect Boehner later this week and we will discuss all sorts of issues to find out which areas we can work together on and which areas we likely won’t and then in the upcoming session we will focus on the areas that we can work together on .

Media Member 3: Madame President now that Senate Majority Harry Reid has been defeated, who will be the new Senate Majority Leader: New York Senator Chuck Schumer or Illinois Senator David Durbin

Clinton: It's only been one day since the election which is not enough time for either Senator Schumer , Senator Durbin or really anybody else to have made their case to our senate caucus of why they think they should be the next leader. I can tell you we have many great choices and I am sure whoever ends up being the new senate majority leader at the end of the day will end up doing a great job .

Also people should keep in mind that Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid will still be the majority leader for the next couple months and we still have some work to do before this session is completed so right now I am mostly focused on getting that done too. Thank you but I won't be answering any more questions
Jr. Member
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« Reply #129 on: December 16, 2022, 02:36:06 AM »

Lots of OTL 2022 feels in Hillary’s first midterms. She did well especially after a close 2008 and the contingent election
OSR stands with Israel
Atlas Legend
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« Reply #130 on: December 16, 2022, 02:52:44 PM »

Lots of OTL 2022 feels in Hillary’s first midterms. She did well especially after a close 2008 and the contingent election

Come to think of it there are some similarities between Blake Masters and Rand Paul(The Paleconservative Libertarians) and Roy Blunt and Adam Laxalt(The bland establishment candidates who thought they could ride by due to year).

Junior Chimp
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« Reply #131 on: December 16, 2022, 03:12:32 PM »

President Hillary Clinton kept the losses for her Party in this TL low because she governed as a "Centrist President" unlike Obama in the OTL while President Biden kept his losses 2022 low because Republican Candidates flopped. That is a big Difference.

I think Hillary will get a Mandate in 2012. Sure West Virginia will go Republican BUT with the growing Hispanic Population New Mexico, Colorado, Nevada, Florida & Virginia could all go Democrat.

Losing the Ohio Governor Race was a very big blow to Republicans as well.

Considering the massive Hispanic Growth in places like Bernalillo County, New Mexico...Jefferson, Araphaoe, Adams Counties in Colorado...Clark County in Nevada, the I4-Corridor in Florida with Counties like Orange & Osceola and Loudoun, Prince William Counties in Virginia this will be a massive Problem for Republicans come 2012 + they do not have a Magic Silver Bullet like George W. Bush who can appeal to Hispanics like they had in 2008. Also there will be no Ralph Nader this time monkiing things up.
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« Reply #132 on: December 16, 2022, 03:39:26 PM »

For Fun here are some Atlas reactions in this TL.

General MacArthur
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Reaction to the Midterm Results
« on: November 3, 2010 2:09:08 pm »

Last night was a great night for the Democratic Party given that we still will have 52 senate seats come January and the fact that we overperformed historical averages despite what all the blue avatar hacks on this forum and so called "smart pundits" cable tv thought. The fact is the country is no where near as Republican as cable news makes it out to seem, and last night proved it. Of course now that the Republicans lost there are excuses made on how their candidates were not good, when all we heard going into the election was how amazing of a candidate Dino Rossi was who I can tell you has being a resident of this state was no where near as liked as the media make him to to be, how great of a leader in the house Roy Blunt was even though there was no evidence whatsoever of such.

The fact is the pundits badly wanted this to be another 1994 and the American people said no . Now I am sure that blue avatars will be here to provide a lot of excuses of why the GOP underperformed but the fact is they did

Atlas Icon
Posts: 18,234

Reaction to the Results of the Midterm
« on: November 3 2010, 4:23:56 pm »

It depends on which. I am very happy by the fact that it seems like Arnold Schwarzenegger will be our next governor and the fact that we won the Attorney general race so the fact is Republicans will still have a good deal of say in governance here which is always good. I am also happy about the house results and I think people citing the average have to understand a huge reason for huge gains in the past was cause the party in power held much larger majorities going into the election then the Democrats had this time. Keep in mind despite the 54 seat gain in 1994 vs only 14 to 16 now the total amount of house seats will be around the same come 2011 as they were in 1995.

As for the senate yes its disappointing we didnt win but I can tell you I am very happy that Rand Paul didnt win. A Republican who rejects the successful McCain policies especially very successful foreign policy  deserves to lose and thats exactly what happened. Overall though I am disappointed by the losses of Republicans like Toomey, Boozman, Blunt and Rossi but the fact is with a Republican House we will have more influence in how the country was governed than we have had the past two years and that is a good thing

Sir Mohamed
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Reaction to the Midterm Results
« on: November 3 2010, 5:43:46 PM  »

While I am disappointed by the fact that Steve Cooley defeated Kamala Harris in the Attorney General Race and the fact that it looks like at this moment we will have Republicans for 4 more years in the Gubernatorial Mansion, I am happy by the Midterm results overall.  While I would have preferred to keep the house, the fact is we overperformed the historical average which is always good and the senate results are good.

Not only did we keep the senate , we were able to keep right wing ideologues like Rand Paul and Pat Toomey out of the senate which is always good , we will be getting a great new senator in Claire McCaskill and we kept tough races like Washington and Arkansas in our column. Now obviously the senate results aren't all great given that we lost a great progressive in Russ Feingold to someone as conservative as Paul Ryan but my hope is some other progressive will stand up and hold the ground on some key issues.

Compromise and bipartisanship is good but it depends on what: as we don't need another increase to the military budgets or pro Wall Street policies as those types of compromises are bad. Polls for example show a majority of Democratic voters and Republican Voters think support adding Dental and Vision Coverage to Medicare for example as well and Democrats in the senate should push these types of policies because we have the support of the people on that .

OSR stands with Israel
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« Reply #133 on: December 16, 2022, 03:50:21 PM »

President Hillary Clinton kept the losses for her Party in this TL low because she governed as a "Centrist President" unlike Obama in the OTL while President Biden kept his losses 2022 low because Republican Candidates flopped. That is a big Difference.

Yup , Hillary Clinton learned the lesson from her husband’s first two years as President and that definitely helped the democrats here .

President Johnson
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« Reply #134 on: December 17, 2022, 03:36:18 PM »

You should also do reaction of OC, bronz and BRTD, lmao. Good job otherwise!
OSR stands with Israel
Atlas Legend
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« Reply #135 on: December 17, 2022, 03:42:26 PM »

You should also do reaction of OC, bronz and BRTD, lmao. Good job otherwise!

I probably won’t do a great job for OC or Bronz lol , we need someone who can do that as OC’s posts need to look authentic  .

OSR stands with Israel
Atlas Legend
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« Reply #136 on: December 17, 2022, 09:12:49 PM »

Senate Passes Don't Ask Don't Tell Repeal and President Clinton signs into law:

Cooper: The Senate Earlier passed a bill that would repeal the policy that former President Bill Clinton put into place which allowed gay and lesbian Americans to serve in the military as long as they didnt disclose the fact that were gay and lesbian to the public. While former President Bill Clinton was the one who put this policy in place, at the signing ceremony today he remarked at the fact that he is happy that this policy could be removed and that gay and lesbian Americans could serve in the military openly. Afterwords President Hillary Clinton gave her remarks and signed the bill making the repeal of dont ask dont tell official

Los Angeles Mayor Arnold Schwarzenegger defeats California Attorney General Jerry Brown to become the next Governor


Blitzer: CNN can now project that in the State of California Los Angeles Mayor Arnold Schwazenegger will defeat California Attorney General Jerry Brown to be the next governor of the state. Also in the Lieutenant Governor's race we can project that the Republican Abel Maldonado will also narrowly defeat San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom to win a full term to that office. In the Secretary of State - CNN Can project the Democrat Debra Bowen will win in her 2nd attempt for that job.

Here now is a summary of how the different California offices went by each party with the gains being bolded. As you can see there has been no net change in state wide offices and given Democrats still hold comfortable majorities in both houses of the state legislature, this year's midterms in California basically has just upheld the status quo there

Won by Republicans: Governor, Lieutenant Governor, Attorney General, Insurance Commissioner

Won By Democrats: Senator , Secretary of State, State Controller, State Treasurer

Blitzer: In the outstanding two house races , CNN can project one will be one by a Democrat and the other by a Republican meaning this will be the balance of power in the house next year

Republicans: 230(+15)
Democrats: 205(-15)

President Johnson
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« Reply #137 on: December 18, 2022, 02:32:31 PM »

By how much Ahnund win? I guess it was a really close one?
OSR stands with Israel
Atlas Legend
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« Reply #138 on: December 18, 2022, 02:55:57 PM »

By how much Ahnund win? I guess it was a really close one?

Arnold won by just half a percentage point but given it is California and how big it is that means it would take a few weeks for his win to be confirmed.

Junior Chimp
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« Reply #139 on: December 18, 2022, 03:19:25 PM »
« Edited: December 18, 2022, 03:37:11 PM by 2016 »

The bigger thing though was Newsom & Harris losing the Lt. Governor & Attorney Generals Race.

Those two losses by Democrats are and will have massive consequences for "America's Maverick, Part 2" and potentially for "America's Maverick Part 3".
Sir Mohamed
Atlas Star
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« Reply #140 on: December 19, 2022, 10:05:00 AM »

Looks pretty good, imho. Something is just wrong with the avatar, which isn't shown. Thanks for the notifaction, btw.

You should also do reaction of OC, bronz and BRTD, lmao. Good job otherwise!

I'd volunteer for that task, with the permission of OSR. It's his timeline and I don't want to add this just right away.
OSR stands with Israel
Atlas Legend
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« Reply #141 on: December 19, 2022, 11:34:19 AM »

You should also do reaction of OC, bronz and BRTD, lmao. Good job otherwise!

I'd volunteer for that task, with the permission of OSR. It's his timeline and I don't want to add this just right away.

You do a great job at these so you definitely can
Junior Chimp
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« Reply #142 on: December 19, 2022, 11:58:26 AM »

I would definitly recommend OSR to use FOX NEWS Coverage for all the Major Events from 2017 onwards in "America's Maverick Part 3".

FOX has gotten better as of late while CNN you can throw in the garbarge bin.
OSR stands with Israel
Atlas Legend
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« Reply #143 on: December 23, 2022, 10:41:29 PM »
« Edited: December 24, 2022, 05:01:06 PM by Old School Republican »

Chuck Schumer to take over as Senate Majority Leader after Senator Dick Durbin withdraws him name from consideration:

Cooper: Senator Dick Durbin earlier today after meeting with the President and other top democrats announced he would be withdrawing his name for consideration to be the next Democratic Leader in the senate and announced he would be endorsing New York Senator Chuck Schumer to be the next Democratic Leader in the Senate. His departure means the vote by the incoming senate Democratic Caucus of whom will be their next leader will be a formality as New York Senator Chuck Schumer will be the only Democrat left in the race, meaning he will be the next Senate Majority Leader as well.

President Hillary Clinton meets with incoming Speaker John Boehner and Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer to talk about the plan for the next two years

Blitzer: The President currently is wrapping up a meeting in the White House with incoming Speaker John Boehner and Incoming Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer so lets now go to the White House to hear a statement from them

Clinton: I just had a great conversation with Speaker-Elect John Boehner and Senate Majority Leader-Elect Chuck Schumer to talk about how we can work together over the next two years to most help benefit our nation. As it may not come to anyone's surprise there are some issues where our disagreements are too big for us to bridge so we rather focused on the areas where we believe we could come to an agreement

Media Member 1: What are some of those areas

Clinton: Well as you know the bipartisan economic commission we created in 2009 to investigate how much of a risk we were at a financial crises a few years back will be coming out soon and we believe we can make some of the reforms that commission proposes into reality. Also there are always things we can work on together such as infrastructure and trade so we believe we can get a lot of substantial things done in 2009 .

Boehner: I will like to concur with the President on the examples she gave and from the conversation we had, I believe we can have a productive next two years.

Schumer: Agreed

Clinton: Ok we will not be taking any more questions but thank you
OSR stands with Israel
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« Reply #144 on: December 28, 2022, 09:38:09 PM »

Breaking News: Iran and Syria Launch Joint attack of Iraq by launching ballistic missiles from both sides


Amanpour: We have some breaking news to report and that is the Iranians and Syrians have launched a joint attack of Iraq and have done so by launching ballistic missiles at Iraq from both directions including one at a US base. We are unsure at the moment to know how many missiles the US was able to intercept but all we can do is hope that they were able to be intercepted. With us now is general Colin Powell who served as the head of the Joint Chief of Staff under President Bush and as Secretary of State under President McCain. So General Powell, how likely is it is that this is a prelude to an invasion

Powell: It is very likely that this is the case given that such missiles would not be launched in case of just a border clash and would only be done so in the case of full fledged war. Also the coordination of these attacks between the Iranians and the Syrians show this wasn't some random attack but rather the opening salvo to an invasion.

Amanpour: How likely is it such attacks were intercepted

Powell: It is very difficult given that the inventory of such interceptors are limited so all we can hope for is that enough were intercepted to keep the casualties as low as possible. Now this does not mean that such attacks likely would be as successful in the future as what likely will happen is the President will invoke the war powers act and Congress will then likely declare war, meaning we can move our troops around more from the bases then we could before. 

Amanpour: How fast will the US be able to scale up deployments to Iraq to be able to defend from such an invasion

Powell: It likely will take many weeks to a few months to do so as moving hundreds of thousands of troops along with all the military equipment needed cannot be done immediately so at this moment my guess is the troops that we already have there will likely work more in an advisory role and in helping fortify the cities as keep in mind Baghdad is only 132.5 miles from the Iraq-Iran Border and Mosul is less than 200 miles from the Syrian border so what is important is to fortify the cities.

Secretary of Defense Hamre gives emergency briefing

Hamre : As everyone knows , the Iranians and Syrians earlier today launched an attack against both the people of Iraq as well as our troops who were stationed there . As a result of the attack the President has activated the war powers act to ensure our troops can respond to these attacks as well as help the Iraqis defend their freedom that Iran and Syria is trying to take away from them at this moment . Currently the President is on Air Force returning from Little Rock and is currently being briefed by our military leadership and when she returns to the White House will also be meeting with the rest of her national security team to ensure we can respond in the most effective way possible and in the evening will address the American people from the Oval Office about the attack today.

Media Member 1: Will US residual troops be moved near the border to stop the invasion there or will they will stay in Baghdad , Mosul and the big cities

Hamre : At this moment US troops are helping fortify cities such as Baghdad , Mosul , Fallujah as the most important thing we can do at this moment is make sure these cities remain in the hands of the Iraqis and diverting resources from that effort would not be wise .

Media Member 2: How long will it take for the US to deploy the troops and equipment needed to effectively counter back

Hamre : To get back to the amount of troops and equipment we had in Iraq around 5 years ago would take a few weeks to a couple months to accomplish but keep in mind that the Iraqi military today is also in much better shape than it was 5 years ago and I can tell you they will do everything in their power to defend the freedom of the Iraqi people .

Media Member 3 : With congress out of session until the new congress can take over two days from now , would that limit our response.

Hamre : The War powers act gives the president a lot of authority to react and we will be using the full extent of that to help the Iraqis fight back . Also keep in mind if the President needs congress , we would call a special session of congress but we don't need to thanks to the war powers act . Anyway I won't be taking any more question but I would ask the public to pray for our troops , the Iraqi troops and the Iraqi people for their safety .

President Hillary Clinton gives an address from the Oval Office about the Iran and Syrian Invasion of Iraq

Source: Photoshop Done by Fhtagn

Clinton: My fellow Americans, earlier today the government of Iran and Syria launched an unprovoked invasion of Iraq and did so without showing any regard for human life what so ever. The reason they have invaded Iraq is because the people of Iraq are showing to people living in dictatorships all across the world that a democratic society  that respects individual liberty can succeed and neither of the tyrannically governments of Iran and Syria want it too happen because they know if Iraq succeeds their people will demand more freedom as well.

Along with their invasion of Iraq , the Iranian and Syrian Governments also attacked our military bases in Iraq in an attempt to scare us away from our goal of defending liberty. I can tell them though that their attempt has failed because I as the commander in chief have ordered our military to do whatever it take to stop this horrific invasion and to help protect the liberty of the Iraqi People and have also requested congress to officially declare war on Iran and Syria as doing so will give our military the full ability to do so. While I do not know how long it will take to win this war, I can tell you that the forces of freedom will win just like they always have and the forces of tyranny will once again be defeated. Thank You, May God Bless you and May God Bless our Troops.

Junior Chimp
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« Reply #145 on: December 28, 2022, 11:03:09 PM »

Wait, if US troops are being attacked as well, then a straight forward declaration of War is much more plausible ( in my view ) than using the war powers act.
OSR stands with Israel
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« Reply #146 on: December 28, 2022, 11:07:31 PM »

Wait, if US troops are being attacked as well, then a straight forward declaration of War is much more plausible ( in my view ) than using the war powers act.

The War Powers Act lets the President Act before Congress officially votes on it as well . Btw a formal declaration of war will happen(in the next update), it is just that the war powers act being used lets our military respond immediately.

Jr. Member
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« Reply #147 on: December 30, 2022, 01:55:24 AM »

Lots of close Senate races decided by 5 or under
OSR stands with Israel
Atlas Legend
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« Reply #148 on: December 31, 2022, 04:32:14 PM »

Congress officially declares War on Iran and Syria after beginning new session:


Blitzer: After the 112th congress was officially sworn in and voted for the leaders of both the house and the senate, the quickly moved to declare War on Iran and Syria . In the House every member of the house of representatives but Ron Paul of Texas and Barbara Lee from California voted for the resolution and in the Senate every member of the senate voted for it except Bernie Sanders who voted present. Both the house and senate were able to bypass regular order and get the declaration quickly passed which then the President signed within half and hour of the declaration's passage.

A Spokesperson for Congressman Ron Paul said he voted against the declaration as he views the US getting involved in another middle eastern war a mistake and also he believes that US presence in the middle east increases the chances of such an attack.

NATO activates article 5 after Iran and Syrian attacks on US bases:


Amanpour: Along with the congress, today NATO held and emergency meeting where they agreed to activate article 5 against Iran and Syria, meaning not only is the US at war with Iran and Syria but NATO as well. Every NATO country also announced major sanctions against Iran and Syria which included they would be barring their nation's businesses from continuing to do business in either country and that includes nations such as Germany where Chancellor Angela Merkel announced that all German firms will be barred from doing business in either nation as well.

Secretary of State Sam Nunn called today's decision by NATO the correct decision and also a sign that NATO will stand up to defend freedom from under attack.

United Nations Security Council condemns invasion but refuses to back military intervention in conflict

Cooper: While the UN security council voted to condemn the invasion, Russia and China announced they would be vetoing a UN resolution that called for a similar global mandate against Iran and Syria as what was used against Saddam Hussain's Iraq 20 years ago when he invaded Kuwait. Russian President Vladimir Putin called the invasion sad but said he believed negotiations rather than war are the best way to end this conflict.

Ambassador Susan Rice in a statement said that Russia and China by vetoing a UN action are not only choosing to enable the Iranian and Syrian actions but that such actions will result in consequences for both nations when it comes to potential future trade policies with the US
Junior Chimp
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« Reply #149 on: December 31, 2022, 05:34:14 PM »

NATO activating article 5 despite Iraq not being a NATO Country is quite interesting.

Article 5 being activated after the 9/11 Attacks was justified because the United States was attacked on their Homeland.

This Decision looks a lot more grey to me. We'll see what happens longterm but it potentially great and big News for the Ukraine assuming Putin potentially invades Crimea during a 2nd Clinton Term.
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