President Forever results thread... (user search)

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Author Topic: President Forever results thread...  (Read 912481 times)
Middle-aged Europe
Old Europe
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Posts: 17,553

« on: March 25, 2005, 06:02:50 PM »
« edited: March 25, 2005, 06:11:45 PM by Old Europe »

Using the "New Frontiers - 1960", "Goldwater vs LBJ - II - 1964" and "1968mm" scenarios available on I just played the three U.S. presidential elections of the 1960ies. I always took the role of the Democratic candidate.

1960: Kennedy smashes Nixon.

John F. Kennedy
Popular Vote: 53%
Electoral Vote: 302

Richard Nixon
Popular Vote: 43%
Electoral Vote: 227

Harry Byrd
Popular Vote: 1%
Electoral Vote: 8

1964: Johnson wins... but with a rather "weak" electoral result (I mean, for Johnson).

Lyndon B. Johnson
Popular Vote: 53%
Electoral Vote: 359

Barry Goldwater
Popular Vote: 45%
Electoral Vote: 179

1968: In a rather dirty race for the presidency, both Humphrey and Nixon suffered some major scandals, leading to a suprisingly good result for Wallace and no majority in the Electoral College (Congress picked Hubert Humphrey in the end).

Hubert Humphrey
Popular Vote: 43%
Electoral Vote: 250

Richard Nixon
Popular Vote: 38%
Electoral Vote: 207

George Wallace
Popular Vote: 16%
Electoral Vote: 82
Middle-aged Europe
Old Europe
Atlas Icon
Posts: 17,553

« Reply #1 on: March 26, 2005, 05:29:53 AM »
« Edited: March 26, 2005, 12:20:24 PM by Old Europe »

I´m through with the 70ies.

1972: McGovern loses D.C., but wins Mississippi and some other conservative states.

Richard Nixon
Popular Vote: 49%
Electoral Vote: 309

George McGovern
Popular Vote: 48%
Electoral Vote: 229

1976 with a rather 2000ish result (see Popular & Electoral Vote):

Gerald Ford
Popular Vote: 48%
Electoral Vote: 271

James Carter
Popular Vote: 49%
Electoral Vote: 267
Middle-aged Europe
Old Europe
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Posts: 17,553

« Reply #2 on: March 26, 2005, 07:34:10 AM »
« Edited: March 26, 2005, 07:43:36 AM by Old Europe »

And now the 80ies...

1980: Carter wins a second term by capturing the South and narrowly winning Reagan´s homestate (California results: Carter 42.9%, Reagan 42.8%, Anderson 7.4%, Clark 6.9%).

James Carter
Popular Vote: 47%
Electoral Vote: 297

Ronald Reagan
Popular Vote: 45%
Electoral Vote: 241

John Anderson
Popular Vote: 5%
Electoral Vote: 0

1984: Mondale gets humiliated by Reagan... but at least not so bad than in real history.

Ronald Reagan
Popular Vote: 53%
Electoral Vote: 405

Walter Mondale
Popular Vote: 44%
Electoral Vote: 133

1988: Dukakis defeats Bush.

Michael Dukakis
Popular Vote: 52%
Electoral Vote: 276

George H.W. Bush
Popular Vote: 46%
Electoral Vote: 262

I think I´ll take a break now... Wink
Middle-aged Europe
Old Europe
Atlas Icon
Posts: 17,553

« Reply #3 on: March 26, 2005, 11:04:07 AM »
« Edited: March 26, 2005, 12:24:03 PM by Old Europe »

After a President Forever marathon I´m finally through with all elections from 1960 to 2004.

1992: Bascially the same problem I had in 1968. Both major candidates leaked so many scandals that the third party candidate scores big, leading to no electoral majority. Elections was decided by Congress (in favor of Clinton).

William Clinton
Popular Vote: 41%
Electoral Vote: 256

George H.W. Bush
Popular Vote: 37%
Electoral Vote: 252

Ross Perot
Popular Vote: 19%
Electoral Vote: 30

1996: Clinton landslide.

Bill Clinton
Popular Vote: 51%
Electoral Vote: 393

Robert Dole
Popular Vote: 38%
Electoral Vote: 145

Ross Perot
Popular Vote: 8%
Electoral Vote: 0

2000: Gore landslide.

Albert Gore
Popular Vote: 54%
Electoral Vote: 396

George W. Bush
Popular Vote: 44%
Electoral Vote: 142

2004: Kerry landslide.

John Kerry
Popular Vote: 52%
Electoral Vote: 408

George W. Bush
Popular Vote: 41%
Electoral Vote: 130

Ralph Nader
Popular Vote: 4%
Electoral Vote: 0
Middle-aged Europe
Old Europe
Atlas Icon
Posts: 17,553

« Reply #4 on: March 30, 2005, 12:07:04 PM »
« Edited: March 30, 2005, 01:02:38 PM by Old Europe »

Am I such a brilliant player or is the 1972 scenario just so easy to win?

George McGovern
Popular Vote: 52%
Electoral Vote: 323

Richard Nixon
Popular Vote: 46%
Electoral Vote: 215
Middle-aged Europe
Old Europe
Atlas Icon
Posts: 17,553

« Reply #5 on: March 31, 2005, 05:09:23 AM »
« Edited: March 31, 2005, 05:11:19 AM by Old Europe »

The 1972 game has a huge flaw, they confused DC with Washington state, so McGovern basically gets an extra 6 EV's.

I noticed this too. It isn´t such a problem when you´re playing with McGovern and both states/districts are yours in the end.

Of course, your EV number is messed up when you lose D.C., er, I mean Washington.
Middle-aged Europe
Old Europe
Atlas Icon
Posts: 17,553

« Reply #6 on: April 03, 2005, 05:11:39 AM »

Kucinich/Dean vs. Bush/Cheney Cheesy

Popular Vote: 50%
Electoral Vote: 371

Popular Vote: 43%
Electoral Vote: 167
Middle-aged Europe
Old Europe
Atlas Icon
Posts: 17,553

« Reply #7 on: April 10, 2005, 10:12:03 AM »
« Edited: April 10, 2005, 10:14:58 AM by Old Europe »


1976: Carter landslide. Ford got hit by two scandals a week before the election (one of them had a power of 10 or 11, if I recall correctly) and I spun them as long as I could.

Popular Vote: 56%
Electoral Vote: 434

Popular Vote: 38%
Electoral Vote: 104

Popular Vote: 3%
Electoral Vote: 0
Middle-aged Europe
Old Europe
Atlas Icon
Posts: 17,553

« Reply #8 on: April 10, 2005, 10:50:29 AM »

And I still need to find a way to win the 1984 election as Mondale. At least I came close this time...

Popular Vote: 51%
Electoral Vote: 294

Popular Vote: 47%
Electoral Vote: 244
Middle-aged Europe
Old Europe
Atlas Icon
Posts: 17,553

« Reply #9 on: April 12, 2005, 06:04:24 AM »
« Edited: April 12, 2005, 06:06:17 AM by Old Europe »

And I still need to find a way to win the 1984 election as Mondale. At least I came close this time...

Here's what my strategy was to win as Mondale:

1. Fix your horrible platform.  Change absolutely everything to "centrist".  You have such a tiny base that it hardly impacts anything to do so.

2. Immediately start researching a scandal on Reagan on whatever the people care most about.  If you're successful with a reasonable amount of time left in the campaign, do it again on another topic.  You must have at least one power 9 scandal against Reagan by the last week of the campaign.

3. Immediately start making ad after ad, deleting your weakest ads when you've accumulated four, until you have four ads of at least power 5.

4. Put as much effort as you can into getting endorsements from places that give you issue momentum.  Don't let a single one of them endorse Reagan.

5. Once all of this is done, spend the entire time giving policy speeches and barnstorming while keeping your issue knowledge/debating skills level.  Don't bother trying to win the debate against Reagan; just spin it down when he wins.  Put as much spin as you can spare on any and every news event that comes up that has a power level of 3 or more.

6. Two weeks before the election, leak your lower-power scandal if you have one and spin it with a 100% success rate for all it's worth until a week before the election or until it dies.  Stop whatever you're doing and just focus on spinning the scandal.

7. One week before the election, leak your power 9 scandal and spin, spin, spin, spin with a 100% success rate.  Again, stop whatever you're doing and just focus on spinning the power 9 scandal.  It's extremely important that the scandal stay with a high power and at the top of the headlines for the entire remaining duration of the campaign.

8. Three days before the election, set up your four ads to run in all 50 states.

9. Pray to God for mercy on election night. Smiley

Okay, thanks. Perhaps I will try it... as soon as I have the time for it. Wink
Middle-aged Europe
Old Europe
Atlas Icon
Posts: 17,553

« Reply #10 on: April 12, 2005, 04:17:22 PM »

Quiz: What election and what kind of scenario is this supposed to be? Wink
Hint: A rather exotic one. Cheesy

Middle-aged Europe
Old Europe
Atlas Icon
Posts: 17,553

« Reply #11 on: April 22, 2005, 11:01:45 AM »

I actually succeeded in winning a electoral majority in 1992.

Popular Vote: 42%
Electoral Vote: 286

Popular Vote: 37%
Electoral Vote: 237

Popular Vote: 19%
Electoral Vote: 15
Middle-aged Europe
Old Europe
Atlas Icon
Posts: 17,553

« Reply #12 on: May 07, 2005, 12:21:18 PM »

Dukakis: 60%, 522 EVs
Bush: 37%: 16 EVs

Wow, I´m impressed. Wink

Finally, I have succeeded in building up enough Mondale-mentum to win the 1984 election. Cheesy

Walter Mondale
Popular Vote: 49%
Electoral Vote: 288

Ronald Reagan
Popular Vote: 49%
Electoral Vote: 250
Middle-aged Europe
Old Europe
Atlas Icon
Posts: 17,553

« Reply #13 on: May 09, 2005, 11:42:11 AM »
« Edited: May 09, 2005, 11:45:43 AM by Old Europe »

No, this has nothing to do with Perot... this was the "The Driver - 2012" scenario, played in the standard configuration with Whitman.

Christine Whitman / Lincoln Chafee (Progressive)
Popular Vote: 36%
Electoral Vote: 311

Lindsey Graham / Bob Taft (Republican)
Popular Vote: 33%
Electoral Vote: 174

Barack Obama / John Edwards (Democratic)
Popular Vote: 26%
Electoral Vote: 53

Bob Jones / Tamara Millay (Independent)
Popular Vote: 3%
Electoral Vote: 0
Middle-aged Europe
Old Europe
Atlas Icon
Posts: 17,553

« Reply #14 on: May 13, 2005, 11:48:37 AM »
« Edited: May 13, 2005, 12:28:23 PM by Old Europe »

I just wanted to post an odd map... this is the "Liberal States of America - 2008" scenario, played with Dean. And don´t ask me why Indiana is part of the Liberal States.

Red - Dean
Green - Nader
Light Blue (California) - Kerry
Dark Blue - Blue, eh, I mean, Red States ("Conservative States of America")

Howard Dean (Socialist)
Popular Vote: 33%
Electoral Vote: 128

Ralph Nader (Green)
Popular Vote: 26%
Electoral Vote: 107

John Kerry (Democratic)
Popular Vote: 23%
Electoral Vote: 55

Arnold Schwarzenegger (Republican)
Popular Vote: 17%
Electoral Vote: 0

Election was tied, Congress chose John Kerry (and this is now called "democracy"...).
Middle-aged Europe
Old Europe
Atlas Icon
Posts: 17,553

« Reply #15 on: May 14, 2005, 06:21:51 AM »

1912, played with Roosevelt:

Popular Vote: 30%
Electoral Vote: 280

Popular Vote: 29%
Electoral Vote: 223

Popular Vote: 22%
Electoral Vote: 28

Popular Vote: 16%
Electoral Vote: 0
Middle-aged Europe
Old Europe
Atlas Icon
Posts: 17,553

« Reply #16 on: May 17, 2005, 04:18:41 PM »

Kucinich/Dean vs. Bush/Cheney again:

PV: 53%
EV: 397

PV: 41%
EV: 141
Middle-aged Europe
Old Europe
Atlas Icon
Posts: 17,553

« Reply #17 on: May 20, 2005, 11:26:26 AM »

My new personal record with the 1976 scenario:

Popular Vote: 55%
Electoral Vote: 462

Popular Vote: 41%
Electoral Vote: 76
Middle-aged Europe
Old Europe
Atlas Icon
Posts: 17,553

« Reply #18 on: May 21, 2005, 05:03:16 AM »

1980 election:

Popular Vote: 53%
Electoral Vote: 444

Popular Vote: 40%
Electoral Vote: 94

Popular Vote: 4%
Electoral Vote: 0

Popular Vote: 1%
Electoral Vote: 0
Middle-aged Europe
Old Europe
Atlas Icon
Posts: 17,553

« Reply #19 on: May 21, 2005, 10:27:53 AM »

And now 1992:

Popular Vote: 49%
Electoral Vote: 486

Popular Vote: 36%
Electoral Vote: 52

Popular Vote: 12%
Electoral Vote: 0
Middle-aged Europe
Old Europe
Atlas Icon
Posts: 17,553

« Reply #20 on: May 22, 2005, 09:50:38 AM »

Here we have a rather, uh, colorful result. I played the "Rising Stars - 2020" scenario with Gonzalez (Green).

Red = Democratic
Dark Blue = Republican
Light Blue = Libertarian
Green = Well, Green Wink

Michael Badnarik / Diana Devot (Libertarian)
Popular Vote: 25%
Electoral Vote: 224

Matt Gonzalez / John Eder (Green)
Popular Vote: 25%
Electoral Vote: 199

Stephanie Herseth / Harold Ford, Jr. (Democratic)
Popular Vote: 24%
Electoral Vote: 88

George P. Bush / Adam Putnam (Republican)
Popular Vote: 24%
Electoral Vote: 27

The election was tied and decided by Congress in favor of Gonzalez.
Middle-aged Europe
Old Europe
Atlas Icon
Posts: 17,553

« Reply #21 on: June 01, 2005, 04:35:28 PM »

1992 without Perot:

Popular Vote: 61%
Electoral Vote: 503

Popular Vote: 36%
Electoral Vote: 35
Middle-aged Europe
Old Europe
Atlas Icon
Posts: 17,553

« Reply #22 on: June 03, 2005, 09:14:23 AM »

Alternate 1992: Pat Buchanan vs. Paul Tsongas (me) vs. Ross Perot

Tsongas (D)
PV: 41%
EV: 300

Perot (I)
PV: 31%
EV: 238

Buchanan (R)
PV: 25%
EV: 0
Middle-aged Europe
Old Europe
Atlas Icon
Posts: 17,553

« Reply #23 on: June 05, 2005, 08:37:39 AM »
« Edited: June 05, 2005, 09:50:57 AM by Old Europe »

Jesus Christ, I think this is a) the most unrealistic result I´ve ever had and b) the best result I´ve ever had running as a third party candidate.

Ross Perot (Independent)
Popular Vote: 51%
Electoral Vote: 449

William Clinton (Democratic)
Popular Vote: 27%
Electoral Vote: 80

George H.W. Bush (Republican)
Popular Vote: 18%
Electoral Vote: 9

Andre Marrou (Libertarian)
Popular Vote: 2%
Electoral Vote: 0

What happened: Well, in short, both Clinton and Bush were each hit by two major scandals in the week before the election and I spun them as long as I could. As a result, the news in the last seven days basically consisted only of those scandals. In addition, a few days before the election I started to run three very successful attack adds (two against Bush, one against Clinton).

Throughout the entire campaign Perot wasn´t in the lead in a single state, but in the last poll released before the election Perot suddenly took the lead almost everywhere. Wink
Middle-aged Europe
Old Europe
Atlas Icon
Posts: 17,553

« Reply #24 on: June 08, 2005, 11:48:49 AM »

When you´ve learned to win ANY election with a landslide, this game becomes quite boring.

I played the 1912 election with Debs:

Popular Vote: 50%
Electoral Vote: 478

Popular Vote: 17%
Electoral Vote: 29

Popular Vote: 17%
Electoral Vote: 21

Popular Vote. 14%
Electoral Vote: 3
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