President Forever results thread... (user search)

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Author Topic: President Forever results thread...  (Read 912644 times)
Atlas Icon
Posts: 11,684
Papua New Guinea

Political Matrix
E: 3.87, S: -6.09

« Reply #25 on: August 03, 2005, 03:17:33 PM »

I'm proud of this one, playing as Golisano.

What scenario is that?
Atlas Icon
Posts: 11,684
Papua New Guinea

Political Matrix
E: 3.87, S: -6.09

« Reply #26 on: August 09, 2005, 07:20:52 PM »

Best result ever as Wallace:

Nixon: 38% PV 258 EVs
Humphrey: 34% PV 150 EVs
Wallace: 26% PV 131 EVs

Best State:

Nixon: Oregon 64.1%
Humphrey: Washington 64.8%
Wallace: Louisiana 68.4%

Worst State:

Nixon: Louisiana 8.6%
Humphrey: Georgia 8.6%
Wallace: Illinois 4.8%
Atlas Icon
Posts: 11,684
Papua New Guinea

Political Matrix
E: 3.87, S: -6.09

« Reply #27 on: August 17, 2005, 01:53:18 PM »

Why don't you just run it youself Josh instead of continually asking people to run you.

Also haven't you asked this about 5 times before?
Atlas Icon
Posts: 11,684
Papua New Guinea

Political Matrix
E: 3.87, S: -6.09

« Reply #28 on: September 05, 2005, 02:06:18 PM »

The Cosmo Kramer Project

I'm personally very interested in how well a Populist independent would do nationally. So I did a little tweaking. I first off tweaked the Dean the Independent - 2004 scenario to give the independent a 5 in party visibility. I then made Preston's character, Arkansas Governor Cosmo Kramer, and got his issue positions off of the P4E Game that we were doing early this year. I also gave him 250,000,000 dollars. I use regionalism on all these sometimes with sometimes without dynamism.

First election:

George W. Bush (Republican): 38% 225 EVs
John Kerry (Democratic): 31% 96 EVs
Cosmo Kramer (Independent Populist): 28% 217 EVs
Michael Badnarik (player) (Libertarian): 1% 0 EVs

Second Election:

One of Kramer's best.

Bush (Republican): 33% 115 EVs
Kerry (Democrat): 35% 197 EVs
Kramer (Independent Populist): 28% 226 EVs
Badnarik (Libertarian): 3% 0 EVs

One of the more realistic maps.

Bush (Republican): 38% 252 EVs
Kerry (Democratic): 38% 270 EVs
Kramer (Independent Populist): 21% 16 EVs
Badnarik (Libertarian): 3% 0 EVs

Bush (Republican): 35% 202 EVs
Kerry (Democratic): 37% 208% EVs
Kramer (Independent Populist): 23% 128 EVs

Bush (Republican): 35% 156 EVs
Kerry (Democratic): 35% 194 EVs
Kramer (Independent Populist): 24% 188 EVs
Badnarik (Libertarian): 3% 0 EVs

A map in which Preston steals huge amounts from Kerry.

Bush (Republican): 40% 310 EVs
Kerry (Democratic): 32% 107 EVs
Kramer (Independent Populist): 24% 121 EVs
Badnarik (Libertarian): 2% 0 EVs

Well that's it for this edition of the Cosmo Kramer Project. Check back again later for more.
Atlas Icon
Posts: 11,684
Papua New Guinea

Political Matrix
E: 3.87, S: -6.09

« Reply #29 on: September 10, 2005, 03:12:11 PM »

Can you do a PA Governor Max Power project, please? Smiley Grin

I may just do that. Let me find your stats.
Atlas Icon
Posts: 11,684
Papua New Guinea

Political Matrix
E: 3.87, S: -6.09

« Reply #30 on: September 15, 2005, 05:08:54 PM »
« Edited: September 15, 2005, 07:54:02 PM by Senator Colin Wixted, PPT »


Based off the Cosmo Kramer project using my same modified scenario. I will be running a number of elections using President Forever and will post the results.

Test 1:

Reese has a reverse Perot like effect. This time allowing Bush to steal places like California, Vermont and Massachusetts while Reese's appeal to right leaning voters gives Kerry the edge in Georgia.

George W. Bush (Republican): 43% 357 EVs
John Kerry (Democratic): 34% 170 EVs
Max Power (Independent): 19% 3 EVs
Michael Badnarik (Libertarian): 2% 0 EVs

Bush (Republican): 42% 350 EVs
Kerry (Democrat): 33% 152 EVs
Reese (Independent): 22% 36 EVs
Badnarik (Libertarian): 2% 0 EVs

Bush (Republican): 39% 241 EVs
Kerry (Democrat): 36% 264 EVs
Reese (Independent): 21% 33 EVs

Bush: 37% 280 EVs
Kerry: 37% 214 EVs
Reese: 20% 44 EVs

Bush: 41% 296 EVs
Kerry: 35% 207 EVs
Reese: 20% 35 EVs
Badnarik: 4% 0 EVs

Bush: 407 EVs
Kerry: 44 EVs
Reese: 17 EVs

Bush: 41% 394 EVs
Kerry: 34% 133 EVs
Reese: 21% 11 EVs

Well that's it folks. I may come out with more, and less realistic maps, later if you want them.
Atlas Icon
Posts: 11,684
Papua New Guinea

Political Matrix
E: 3.87, S: -6.09

« Reply #31 on: September 15, 2005, 07:59:21 PM »

What do you mean by that's odd? I took out the ones where you one places like Arkansas and Mississippi and 200 EVs since they weren't very realistic.
Atlas Icon
Posts: 11,684
Papua New Guinea

Political Matrix
E: 3.87, S: -6.09

« Reply #32 on: December 20, 2005, 07:08:18 PM »

1924 Election played as LaFollette with Dynamism on.

Coolidge: 39% PV 294 EVs
Davis: 19% PV 80 EVs
LaFollette: 34% 157 EVs
Debs: 6% PV 0 EVs

Best States:

Coolidge: Maine 62.5%
Davis: Mississippi 58.5%
LaFollette: Wisconsin 66.6%
Debs: North Carolina 26.5% (one of the seven states where Debs got over 20% of the vote)
Atlas Icon
Posts: 11,684
Papua New Guinea

Political Matrix
E: 3.87, S: -6.09

« Reply #33 on: January 09, 2006, 05:20:36 PM »

So close, and yet so far...

Eugene Debs - 258 EV - 28% PV
Woodrow Wilson - 147 EV - 23% PV
Howard Taft - 102 EV - 26% PV
Theodore Roosevelt - 24 EV - 21% PV

I'm proud that Washington gave Debs his highest percentage. Cheesy
If only this could have really happened. Sad

Yeah then America would have been ed.
Atlas Icon
Posts: 11,684
Papua New Guinea

Political Matrix
E: 3.87, S: -6.09

« Reply #34 on: January 19, 2006, 06:48:51 PM »

How the hell do you do that Gabu. That's crazy!
Atlas Icon
Posts: 11,684
Papua New Guinea

Political Matrix
E: 3.87, S: -6.09

« Reply #35 on: February 09, 2006, 03:24:11 PM »

Reagan vs. Clinton vs. Anderson (Me) vs. Clark

Reagan: 28% PV 149 EV
Carter: 35% PV 273 EV
Anderson: 23% PV 116 EV
Clark: 12% PV 0 EV

Best States:

Reagan: Texas 49.3%
Carter: West Virginia 61.4%
Anderson: Ohio 51.7%
Clark: Virginia 32.7%

Worst State:

Reagan: Rhode Island 15.2%
Carter: Colorado 14.0%
Anderson: Mississippi 8.2%
Clark: 0.0% (911)

Oddest State:

New Jersey

Reagan: 22.8%
Carter: 28.4%
Anderson: 28.2%
Clark: 20.4%

Clark had over 30% in three states, Kansas, South Carolina and Virginia and over 20% in 9 states, Colorado, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Missouri, Indiana, Mississippi, New Jersey, Rhode Island, and Vermont.
Atlas Icon
Posts: 11,684
Papua New Guinea

Political Matrix
E: 3.87, S: -6.09

« Reply #36 on: April 03, 2006, 03:23:40 PM »

Joe Libertarian (R-NH)/Cheney 296 EV 47%
Dan Populist (D-WV)/Gephardt 242 EV 47% (won PV by 500,000)

I played as Nader and did nothing all campaign.  Both candidates were extreme on every issue.  I'm not sure how the Libertarian won AR by 17 points though
This map pretty much proves PresidentForever is worthless beyond one dimensional left-right politics.

No it's just that in the 2004 scenario the state position on issues, which is used when regionalism is turned on, is way off but if you set it towards more realistic positions, they have the south way too right wing and the Pacific Coast way too left wing, IIRC, then you can get a realistic map. The problems with it are mostly caused by the 80soft guys, and the creators of some of the other scenarios, being rather ignorant of politics.
Atlas Icon
Posts: 11,684
Papua New Guinea

Political Matrix
E: 3.87, S: -6.09

« Reply #37 on: April 05, 2006, 05:29:37 PM »

Colin, how'd you fix that problem then?

I went into the scenarios folder than clicked on the 2004 folder then opened the regional_centers file within the scenario folder. It then opens a text file that includes each state and its position on each issue ranging from 1, far left, to 5, far right.

As an example Alabama originally had Abortion at 3, which is the moderate stance, and free trade at 4, centre-right pro-free trade stance, both of which I thought were wrong. So I made Abortion a 4, only under special circumsatnces, and made free trade a 2, which is about protecting certain industries or something like that, since I thought that they made more sense. You have to go through all the states and do this manually though. If you want me to I can send over a copy of the file for you. It really does make the South more realistic so you don't have Joe Libertarian winning Arkansas.
Atlas Icon
Posts: 11,684
Papua New Guinea

Political Matrix
E: 3.87, S: -6.09

« Reply #38 on: May 22, 2006, 05:22:51 PM »

We've done this about 20 times. Look back through this thread. It's been done before. If you are so enthralled about running yourself as a candidate I suggest that you buy the game and edit yourself in as a candidate.
Atlas Icon
Posts: 11,684
Papua New Guinea

Political Matrix
E: 3.87, S: -6.09

« Reply #39 on: June 01, 2006, 12:45:41 PM »

Ross Perot (me) - 37% - 361 EVs
George Bush -  32%- 123 EVs
Bill Clinton - 29% - 54 EVs
Andre Marrou - nearly a million votes

Let me guess...dynamism?

Gotta love dynamism. Problem is you never get anything that looks at all realistic.
Atlas Icon
Posts: 11,684
Papua New Guinea

Political Matrix
E: 3.87, S: -6.09

« Reply #40 on: July 13, 2006, 11:07:36 AM »


I had Reagan not run and played as Carter and did nothing. I had dynamism on and gave Ed Clark and John Anderson more money. Anderon is blue, Carter is red, and Clark is green.

John Anderson (I): 39% 276 EVs 39,399,747
Jimmy Carter (D): 31% 119 EVs 31,411,282
Ed Clark (L): 29% 143 EVs 29,290,630

Best State:

Anderson: Maine 58.8%
Carter: Georgia 56.5%
Clark: Delaware 47.5%

Worst States:

Anderson: Delaware 22.2%
Carter: Idaho 20.1%
Clark: Pennsylvania 11.0%
Atlas Icon
Posts: 11,684
Papua New Guinea

Political Matrix
E: 3.87, S: -6.09

« Reply #41 on: July 16, 2006, 02:36:51 PM »

This is from a scenario I made called Secession - 2012 which basically came from a discussion I had with Bono where we tried to imagine what the US would be like with a Quebec style seperatist party.

Bill Owens (Republican): 37% 109 EVs
Evan Bayh (Democrat): 38% 250 EVs
Mike Easley (Southern National): 20% 179 EVs
Badnarik (Libertarian): 2% 0 EVs

Don't get on me about Easley wouldn't want secession either. It's my timeline and I can do what I want. Tongue
Atlas Icon
Posts: 11,684
Papua New Guinea

Political Matrix
E: 3.87, S: -6.09

« Reply #42 on: July 16, 2006, 08:43:15 PM »

Another game from the above scenario.

Rick Santorum (R): 32% 49 EVs
Al Gore (D): 44% 318 EVs
Blanche Lincoln (SN): 21% 171 EVs
Badnarik (L): 1% 0 EVs

Best State:

Dem: New York 65.4%
Rep: Idaho 67.7%
SN: Mississippi 68.5%
Atlas Icon
Posts: 11,684
Papua New Guinea

Political Matrix
E: 3.87, S: -6.09

« Reply #43 on: September 10, 2006, 02:37:46 PM »

Another game with me running as a rich independent. Gotta love what a third party can do to an electoral map.

Bush: 36% 242 EVs
Kerry: 33% 121 EVs
Wixted: 26% 175 EVs
Nader: 3% 0 EVs

Best State:

Bush: Idaho 60.0%
Kerry: DC 63.2%, New Jersey 46.8%
Wixted: Tennesee 38.8%
Atlas Icon
Posts: 11,684
Papua New Guinea

Political Matrix
E: 3.87, S: -6.09

« Reply #44 on: September 10, 2006, 03:23:29 PM »

What a coincidence.  This game is actually quite realistic - realistic enough that I purchased this and spend a few days of class letting students run their campaigns.

Where do you teach at Joel?

Are you a college professor? If you are that'll make you are second, the other one is Texasgurl.
Atlas Icon
Posts: 11,684
Papua New Guinea

Political Matrix
E: 3.87, S: -6.09

« Reply #45 on: September 25, 2006, 05:29:54 PM »

There is something I noticed was very odd about this scenario. Why does Washington start so lopsided?

They mixed up the Washington DC and the Washington state results in the electoral trends document.

Also its not that hard to win as McGovern. For some reason he is alot stronger in P4E than in real life, don't really know why. Damn Canadian hippie leftists at 80soft when are you going to learn anything about American politics?
Atlas Icon
Posts: 11,684
Papua New Guinea

Political Matrix
E: 3.87, S: -6.09

« Reply #46 on: November 14, 2006, 06:30:15 PM »

You should play as Bennett and see how well you do.
Atlas Icon
Posts: 11,684
Papua New Guinea

Political Matrix
E: 3.87, S: -6.09

« Reply #47 on: November 14, 2006, 07:10:51 PM »

You should play as Bennett and see how well you do.

Sounds like a plan to me. Smiley

EDIT: Actually, scratch that.  It is quite literally impossible to win as her.  She starts out with all of $2,500, and the cheapest action (Barnstorming) costs $50,000, so you basically can do nothing whatsoever.

Well then change it. Give yourself like $300,000 or something.
Atlas Icon
Posts: 11,684
Papua New Guinea

Political Matrix
E: 3.87, S: -6.09

« Reply #48 on: December 15, 2007, 03:43:35 PM »

Xahar I would suggest that you also download President Forever, the original I think it may be called 2004 now, which I still think is a far superior game than PF+P, even if it doesn't include primaries, and usually gives results that are much closer to reality than PF+P. Plus the overall amount of user created scenarios for that game is enormous and most are very enjoyable and well done.

Plus the Prime Minister Forever games are pretty damn cool as well, I personally think Chancellor Forever and PM4E Canada 2006 are probably the two best 80soft games.
Atlas Icon
Posts: 11,684
Papua New Guinea

Political Matrix
E: 3.87, S: -6.09

« Reply #49 on: December 15, 2007, 06:36:32 PM »

That is why PF+P often gives crazy results, very high numbers for third party candidates that would never achieve such electoral success. This was bad in the original, where third parties often added up to around 4% or 5% of the vote, but it seems to have gotten worse in the new game.
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