$ = $10

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The problem is what it does to people in debt.   Someone who still owes say, $100,000 for their house would suddenly owe a million dollars.

No, because they owe 100,000 old dollars. Basically, you'd just gradually phase out the old stuff.

Quote from: Philip on September 15, 2004, 04:55:21 PM

It's not just that. Even dimes aren't worth much.

Under this, a dime would be worth a (current) dollar, for use in soda machines. A quarter would be $2.50.

True.  I didn't actually understand what you were talking about until I read it again; now that I do understand it I think it's a good idea.

Fmr. Gov. NickG:

The problem with this is that I think people just don't like carrying coins around anymore...there isn't even a good place for them in most men's wallets.  Just look at the repeated failure of the dollar coin to catch on.  We should be trying to reduce the number of coins in use, not increase them.

I just keep change in my pockets.

And if you only had bills, well, the lowest one could get you $10 worth of stuff. I don't know that there's much I'd buy for less than that.


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