NOTE (sticky): Internal polls


Sam Spade:
Do not post them into the polling database.  You may post them as threads on this forum, BUT please indicate that they are internal polls.

The same rules apply for polls done for so-called *independent* groups or lobbying firms or any other similarly designated group.  If unsure, err on the side of caution and post a thread on the forum to find out the details of the polling survey BEFORE posting it into the polling database.

You may post Daily Kos-sponsored polls into the polling database at this point in time.  However, please indicate in the submission that they are being sponsored by Daily Kos.

Congressional District polls should also be posted in the polling forum, NOT in the generic Congressional Elections forum.

Failure to meet with this requirements shall result in termination.  Consider this your warning...

...(Inks, Quincy)...


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