interesting job gain/loss data

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The Duke:
I looked up the actual unemployment rates of these guys, and only Bush and Nixon had a rising unemploment rate on the whole.

Carter created jobs, but it was because no one checked the inflation rate.  Inflation was largely controlled when he took office, but in an attempt to cut unemployment, he let inflation get away from him.  FDR, Truman, and Johnson can all credit their job creation to wartime economies.  Clinton can credit his to congress.  Reagan can credit his to being too old and stubborn to change his mind about stuff.  Eisenhower was surprisingly low, especially given his emphasis of public works.  Ford wasn't there long enough to go through a whole business cycle.

Anyone else see a correlation of strong energy policy to strong job growth?

David S:
Quote from: Reignman on August 18, 2004, 03:20:28 PM

Job Loss or Gain
by President and Party
        Roosevelt (Democrat)    5.3
        Johnson (Democrat)     3.8
        Carter (Democrat)     3.1
        Truman (Democrat)     2.5
        Clinton (Democrat)     2.4
        Kennedy (Democrat)     2.3
        Nixon (Republican)    2.2
        Reagan (Republican)    2.1
        Coolidge (Republican)     1.1
        Ford (Republican)     1.1
        Eisenhower (Republican)     0.9
        G. Bush (Republican)     0.6
        G.W. Bush (Republican)     -0.7
        Hoover (Republican)     -9.0

note: numbers are in percent

May I ask what the source of that data is?


or find it elsewhere:

or the Bureau of Labor Statistics, which is cited in many books, including We're Right They're Wrong and Had Enough? by James Carville.


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