Will the US ever pass another Constitutional Amendment?

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Based on my previous thread, it seems that the last time a constitutional amendment got even close to being approved by Congress was the Flag Desecration Amendment in 2006. With that in mind, do you think that the US will pass a 28th Amendment any time soon? What would it be about?

For one, I think it might be the pending Child Labor Amendment, as it has already been ratified by 28 states, making it only 10 states short of ratification (especially since some of the non-ratifying states tend to be liberal "blue states", such as New York or Hawaii). Child labor has become an increasingly controversial topic, with some states passing laws that make it easier for minors to work.

"Ever" is a long time, but likely not anytime in the near-future; it'd be easier to invent time travel than to get 2/3rds of each chamber of the modern Congress & 38 contemporary states to agree on something.

The U.S. BETTER pass my proposal for rewriting the 14th Amendment to make its meaning narrower and clearer, before I die. That is what I strongly hope for. I don't know whether it will happen, but if it doesn't, I will certainly die an unhappy man.

Quote from: MarkD on February 11, 2024, 05:14:14 PM

The U.S. BETTER pass my proposal for rewriting the 14th Amendment to make its meaning narrower and clearer, before I die. That is what I strongly hope for. I don't know whether it will happen, but if it doesn't, I will certainly die an unhappy man.

I’m sorry to hear that.

Open Source Intelligence:
I see zero reason why good governance constitutional amendments could not be passed by bipartisan majorities other than Congress are lazy and have no interest.

To the question, yes. At current rate an Article V Convention will take place in my lifetime (at least 40 years I hope) if Congress take no action.


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