Labor Party Winter 2024 Convention: Scranton PA

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Author Topic: Labor Party Winter 2024 Convention: Scranton PA  (Read 2583 times)
Junior Chimp
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« on: January 26, 2024, 12:22:47 PM »
« edited: March 04, 2024, 08:33:44 PM by Pyro »

Update Mar 4: Convention is Now Closed

Party Bylaws


1. Any Party Member may introduce changes to the by-laws. Changes shall be presented and discussed during the allotted time slot at the Convention.
a. If there are no objections within 24 hours, the by-laws will be automatically approved.
b. If there are objections, 24 hours will be given for the Members to discuss and make changes as a group; more time can be given by the Politburo if necessary.
c. Following that, a 72 hour vote will take place to approve or reject the by-laws.

2. Outside the Convention, changes to the by-laws shall be presented and discussed in a place designated by the Chair. They shall subsequently be approved or rejected by Party Members according to the procedures set forth in Section I-1.


1. The Politburo, and any number of appointed Party Members, will have the initial task of creating the party platform and will be in charge of initial changes in subsequent Conventions. The platform shall then be presented to the Members, who will then be allowed to make objections and suggest changes to the platform.
a. If there are no objections within 24 hours, the platform will be automatically approved.
b. If there are objections, 24 hours will be given for the Members to discuss and make changes as a group; more time can be given by the Politburo if necessary.
c. Following that, a 72 hour vote will take place to approve or reject the platform.

2. Outside the Convention, changes to the platform shall be presented and discussed in a place designated by the Chair. They shall subsequently be approved or rejected by Party Members according to the procedures set forth in Section II-1.


1. The Labor Party Convention will start five weeks before the Atlasia Presidential Election, with the location of the Convention rotating among the three regions of Atlasia in alphabetical order.

2. Establishing the next Labor Party Convention shall employ the following process: Each Member is given 24 hours to nominate one city in the given region assigned for the next Convention, with the top three (3) nominations being placed on the ballot. Members will be given 24 hours to select their choice.

3. Each Labor Party Convention will have the following agenda:
a. Updates and amendments of the Party by-laws
b. Updates and amendments of the Party platform
c. Endorsements for the upcoming Atlasia Federal Elections and subsequent-month regional elections
d. Special and irregular business put forward by the Politburo
e. Establishment of the date and city for the upcoming Convention
f. Election of new party leadership

4. The schedule of the convention shall be as follows:

(Note: "-7" refers to the seventh Friday before the presidential inauguration, "-6" to the sixth, and so on.)

-7: Convention opens, sign-in. Work on and edits to the bylaw and platform through the week.
-6: Bylaw/Platform work and other business of the politburo, and campaigning for the presidential primary.
-5: Presidential primary begins, to last three days.
-4: Downballot endorsement primary begins, to last three days, after a four day request period.
-3: Final week prior to election
-2: Federal election begins
-1: Politburo election cycle begins (conducted in accordance with Article IV)
0: New leadership takes office at the start of the day, Federal gov't at noon.
1: Endorsement primary for following-month elections, after four day request period, and convention site vote.
2: Convention must close by this date.


1. Members will have 48 hours to declare that they wish to seek the following positions, beginning on the final Friday of February, June and October: Chair, Vice Chair, & General Secretary. There will then be 72 hours for campaigning, followed by a 48 hour election.

2. In the event of resignation or vacancy of the Chair position, the Vice Chair shall immediately assume the role on an interim basis. A special declaration period, campaigning period & subsequent election shall be held beginning on the first Friday at least 168 hours from the time of the Chair vacancy, with the same time-frames for each period as outlined in IV-1.

3. In the event of resignation or vacancy of the Vice Chair or General Secretary positions, the Chair shall appoint Labor Party Members to these offices for the remainder of their terms.


1. Chair
a. The official leader of the Labor Party, unless there is a Labor Party President
b. Is in charge of the Convention process
c. Officiates Party voting
d. Gives the Vice Chair and the General Secretary goals and objectives for their given jobs
e. Is in charge of Party political strategy
f. Is allowed to create and/or appoint other Party officials as he or she sees fit
g. Ensures insubordination by other Members of the Politburo is handled within the caucus
h. Is in charge of GOTV operations for both the Party and allied factions, which includes supporters not officially registered with the Party

2. Vice Chair
a. Takes over for the Chair temporarily if the Chair requests a leave of absence or has been absent for 72 hours
b. Is in charge of Party recruitment in order to grow the Party
c. Responsible for keeping up with business at the Federal and regional levels, and makes sure that the Labor Party has an official stance on each issue; this will be done in collaboration with the rest of the Politburo and the advice of the Party
d. Deals with logistics and personnel

3. General Secretary
a. Takes over for the Chairman or Vice Chair if either the Chair and Vice Chair both have requested a leave of absence or both have been absent for 72 hours
b. Is in charge of candidate recruitment for all levels of government
c. Serves as a Congressional Whip, working with Members of Congress to find common ground and support for bills proposed by the Party


1. Endorsement elections will take place two (2) weeks before the respective election. Voting will last 72 hours.  An additional primary for elections during the subsequent inauguration month shall take place beginning one week after Inauguration Day.

2. All Labor Party candidates in compliance with Sections VII-2a, VII-2b, & VII-2c are automatically endorsed by the Party.

3. If there are not enough Labor Party Members running in a given election, the Party may then endorse candidates from other parties who agree with the Party's principles and values, allowing our Party to endorse a maximum number of candidates, equivalent to the number of open seats in an election.

4. In order to be eligible to receive the Endorsement of the Labor Party, the non-Party candidate(s) must declare that he or she wishes to receive our Party’s Endorsement during the Endorsement suggestion period, which begins three weeks before the election and ends two weeks before the election. The candidate must also have a Laborite second the Endorsement nomination in order to be placed on the Endorsement Ballot.

5. Endorsement voting will begin immediately following the Endorsement Suggestion Period and will last for 72 hours. Votes for each non-Party candidate shall be cast and counted either as an affirmative, negative, or abstention. An abstention ballot is counted against a candidate's affirmative percentage as it applies in Section VI-6.

6. A non-Party candidate must receive affirmative preference from at least 60% of all Endorsement Ballots cast in order to receive the Endorsement of the Party. In the event there are more candidates with 60%+ affirmative preference than available Endorsements, they will be awarded from highest percentage affirmative preference downward. In the event of a tie in affirmative preference percentages between 2 or more candidates, the candidate or candidates who declared their intent to receive the Party's Endorsement first shall receive the Endorsement.

1. Primaries will take place two (2) weeks before the respective election for all non-presidential races, and three (3) weeks before the respective election for presidential races. Voting will last for 72 hours. An additional primary for elections during the subsequent inauguration month shall take place beginning one week after Inauguration Day.
2. All Labor Party candidates are automatically endorsed by the Party, except for the following situations in which there will be a Labor Party Primary:
   a. There are multiple Labor Party Members running in a single-seat election
b. A Labor Party member is a presidential or vice-presidential candidate on a cross-party ticket

3. If there are multiple presidential/vice-presidential tickets consisting of Labor Party Members, but only one ticket is led by a Labor Party member then that ticket shall be endorsed.

d. In all other situations, a Primary shall be held in concurrence with the provisions outlined in Sections VI & VII
e. In the event there is a reasonable doubt about the qualifications or intent of the preferred presidential ticket as selected via Section 3a, 3b, or 3c, the automatic Endorsement can be suspended by a unanimous vote of the Politburo, with a Primary being held to select the winner
4. The loser(s) of a Primary are strongly encouraged not to run as an independent, as doing so will result in a loss of position within the Politburo, a denial of access to Labor primaries and the Endorsement of the Party in the subsequent three (3) Federal elections.


1. All Members of the Labor Party who were registered with the Census Bureau as such at least 336 hours (two weeks) before the opening of any vote in a Convention, Primary, Endorsement, Politburo election, or expulsion are eligible to vote. The 336-hour registration requirement does not apply to persons joining the game as new citizens.

2. Voting in a Labor Party Convention, Primary, Endorsement, Politburo election, or expulsion will proceed in the following manner:
a. Voters shall mark their ballot with an “X” in the case of single-choice elections, and shall rank their preferences in the case of multiple-choice elections
b. In the event of a tie, a runoff election shall be held 24 hours following the end of the election, and shall last for 48 hours
c. In the event there is a tie in a runoff, the first person to request an Endorsement shall be the winner (in the case of non-Party Members) and the person with the highest number of [1] preferences shall be the winner (in the case of Party Members)

1. Members whose actions are judged inappropriate or unbecoming of the Party may be subject to expulsion, initiated by a motion consisting of two (2) Party Members and one (1) Member of the Politburo.

2. A simple majority of those Party Members voting in favor of expulsion shall be sufficient to expel a Member, assuming the total number of Members voting in favor of and against expulsion is at least one-quarter (25%) of the Party's Membership.

3. All persons registered under the Labor Party with the Registrar General shall be granted membership in the Labor Party, unless they have been expelled via the procedures detailed above.


1. The Senate Leader is in charge of ensuring unity and cohesion among the Labor caucus in the Senate as well as serving as the second highest-ranking Labor Party elected official in the absence of a Labor President or Vice President.
a. Should the Senate President Pro Tempore be a member of the Labor Party, they shall be designated the Senate Leader.
b. Should the Senate President Pro Tempore be a member of another party, the designation of Congressional Leader shall fall on the longest continuously serving Labor Party Senator.

Party Platform


1. The Labor Party is a democratic socialist party dedicated to the idea that society should be structured in an equitable fashion. It believes that by the strength of our common endeavor we achieve more than we achieve alone, to create for all of us a community in which power, wealth and opportunity are in the hands of the many, not the few.  We seek to build a society that reflects the spirit of solidarity, tolerance and respect.

2.The prosperity of the working class is paramount to maintaining a just and equitable society. In recognition that labor is prior to, and independent of, capital, a prosperous working class means a prosperous Atlasia. Workers, therefore, deserve fair pay for their labors as well as adequate, guaranteed workplace benefits for sustaining a healthy and dignified life. This includes statutory paid sick leave, vacation and personal time, a four-day working week, paid holidays, maternity and paternity leave, pension plans, and remote work options.

3. It is the role of the government to ensure that the basic needs and necessities of all persons are met. It is uncivilized to allow any person to live in squalor. The distribution of food, public housing, and financial assistance is paramount. Clean air and water must be maintained.

4. All workers have the right to join a union, and to bargain collectively with their employers. Employers must not be permitted to fire striking workers. The use of replacement workers, or “scabs”, is unconscionable.

5. The wealthy must pay their fair share in taxes, and a progressive tax system should exist to promote wealth equality while ensuring those at the bottom aren’t unduly hurt. In recognition of the risk of instability posed by extreme wealth inequality, the federal government must ensure public policy reflects the need to end such inequities.

6. The federal government must vigorously regulate corporate enterprise to eliminate private monopolies and other illegal combinations of industry, stamp out corruption and malfeasance, seek the total elimination of wage theft, and ultimately ensure a fair economy. Furthermore, it must be recognized that banks cannot be too big to fail. As is the case with combinations of industry, large banks must be broken up. In addition, the federal government must regulate and intervene in the stock market to the extent that is necessary to ensure sufficient oversight of the national economy.

7. Healthcare is a human right.All people deserve  quality, universal healthcare free-of-charge. Access to healthcare and childcare services must always be maintained.

8. It is the right of all persons to do as they wish with their own bodies. All attempts to criminalize drug use, abortion, or sex between consenting adults must be opposed.

9. Every student has a right to a quality, no-cost, and public education from pre-kindergarten through university. Options for enrollment in trade schools must also be funded. It is vital to provide incentives to those who wish to enter the teaching profession.

10. Our cities must be revitalized by helping deal with entrenched cost-of-living issues made especially acute by NIMBY (not-in-my-backyard) policies on local and state levels. Atlasians of all income levels ought not be confronted with outrageous cost-of-living levels in the vibrant urban centers in which they dwell. Furthermore, it must be recognized that policies such as upzoning are the primary means for which the dream of having a long-term residence, either by owning or renting, may be made more realistic for low-income Atlasians by increasing the amount of supply in the housing market.

11. The outsourcing of jobs from Atlasia is an unjust act that serves to shrink our economy for the sake of corporate profit. International trade agreements should protect workers of all nations.

12. Atlasia should be welcoming to all immigrants. All efforts to mass deport undocumented immigrants or build/expand a border fence or wall are inhumane and should be opposed. We support a pathway to legalization and, ultimately, citizenship for undocumented peoples living in Atlasia, as well as for migrant arrivals.

13. Combating climate change, pollution, and the degradation of natural resources is important for the health of the environment and all people. The national energy policy of Atlasia must reflect this urgency. The government must establish collective ownership of energy and public utilities by the Atlasian Energy Authority founded on the principles of democratic governance and local control. Furthermore, emissions regulations must be tightened to protect the Earth from damage brought upon by greenhouse gases. Additionally, the government should facilitate new renewable energy construction and work to create new renewable energy solutions and phase out fossil fuels. In our efforts to de-carbonize the power sector, the government’s energy approach must be inclusive of all zero-carbon technologies, including hydroelectric power, geothermal, existing and advanced nuclear, and carbon capture and storage.

14. The government should invest in research aimed towards developing technology which will curb or prevent natural disasters such as wildfires and hurricanes.

15. People have a right to privacy and as such should be free from unwarranted government surveillance. Government censorship of media and communications should not exist for any reason.

16. Discrimination in all forms must be condemned. It is the duty of the government to ensure none are subject to discrimination based on race, gender identity, sexual orientation, class status, disability, or religious beliefs. No business or government office can be permitted to fire personnel or deny service to people based on their race, gender identity, sexual orientation, class status, disability, or religious beliefs.

17. Prisons should focus on rehabilitating offenders. Prison conditions should be improved.  For-profit prisons should not exist. Maximum sentences must be decreased for all but the most serious crimes. Life imprisonment should be used sparingly. The death penalty is barbaric and must always be outlawed.

18. Police are to be the keepers of peace, not the instigators of violence. Policing must be regulated to ensure equal and fair treatment of all under the law.

19.  All of the rights and protections enshrined in the Constitution should be defended. The right to free speech should be protected - including in schools and in the workplace. The right to assemble should not be hindered by fees, permits, or inhumane "control" tactics, including tear gas, rubber bullets, sound machines, or similar projectiles.

20.  The government needs to strike an appropriate balance between gun rights and protecting public safety.

21. In recognition of the authority of the United Nations to uphold international law, our military spending must reflect the position that Atlasia is not the world's policeman. The presence of Atlasia's armed forces abroad, except where absolutely necessary, should be eliminated. The use of international diplomacy is integral in ensuring lasting peace throughout the world. Military aggression and use of torture in times of war must be condemned, and any perpetrators of such acts must be criminally prosecuted.
22. The Labor Party must support the territorial integrity of Palestine and of the Kurdish people, and take the appropriate steps diplomatically establish independent states for both groups.

23. The Labor Party is pro-democracy and rejects attempts to achieve constitutional changes without the consent of the people.

24. The Labor Party denounces the actions of the Kansas Crisis plotters, whose conduct did not in any way represent our party or its values.

25. The Labor Party is a Unionist Party. It recognizes that the Union of the Regions, and of the States, is perpetual, vital, and unbreakable. The Labor Party is committed to supporting and defending strongly supports the Union of Atlasia and strongly opposes attempts to reduce the sovereignty of our federal government over any part of it.
Junior Chimp
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United States

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« Reply #1 on: January 26, 2024, 12:25:54 PM »

Opening Statement from Labor Chair Pyro

Here ye, here ye! I call upon this Convention of the Labor Party of Atlasia to come to order!

Dearest delegates, friends, comrades and fellow champions of the working class, it is my pleasure to welcome you to Scranton for the Winter 2024 Convention of our glorious party. It is here, under the shining lights of the Electric City, that we reconvene to focus our sights to upcoming challenges. To fulfill our progressive vision for a brighter, safer tomorrow, we must fight like hell to prove to all Atlasians our commitment to the tenants of integrity, fairness, open democracy, and solidarity as we proudly proclaim in the Labor Platform. Here we will demonstrate why it is once again the Labor Party that shall deliver better days for the republic.

Now, without further ado, I hereby declare this convention open and welcome Labor Party delegates to sign in.

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« Reply #2 on: January 26, 2024, 01:09:46 PM »

x Pericles
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Junior Chimp
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« Reply #3 on: January 26, 2024, 07:42:38 PM »

x Solid4096
Punxsutawney Phil
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« Reply #4 on: January 26, 2024, 08:30:10 PM »

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« Reply #5 on: January 27, 2024, 08:38:02 PM »

x nerd73
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« Reply #6 on: January 29, 2024, 01:01:44 PM »

x Cosmo
Junior Chimp
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« Reply #7 on: January 30, 2024, 10:50:14 PM »

Platform & Bylaws Proposals

To all that come to this happy place, welcome! All members of the Labor Party are encouraged to sign-in as delegates as we engage in convention business and get this train a-rolling. To begin, I will open the floor for delegates to submit before this body proposals for our platform and bylaws - including amendments, updates, or any other desired changes. Any and all proposals either submitted by or sponsored by a Labor delegate shall be included on the ballot.

Junior Chimp
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« Reply #8 on: February 05, 2024, 10:52:28 PM »
« Edited: February 11, 2024, 03:23:59 PM by Pyro »

Endorsement Period Now Open

The period to submit revisions to the Party Platform and Bylaws is now closed. Seeing as no changes were submitted, both documents will remain as-is with no modifications.

The next order of business for the convention is endorsements. Those candidates seeking election to the Senate, or any regional office, in the upcoming February elections may request an official endorsement from the Labor Party. Furthermore, seeing as no Laborite has yet declared for the upcoming February Presidential Election, I will expand on the endorsement period to allow for presidential contenders to likewise request an official endorsement. If, during this nomination period, a Labor candidate declares interest in political office, they shall be endorsed automatically per the party bylaws.

The floor is now open for nominations.

The nominating period for endorsements shall last five days, or until Feb. 10th at 11PM EST.

Senator Sirius
Junior Chimp
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« Reply #9 on: February 06, 2024, 10:53:26 AM »

I will request the labor nomination for president
Punxsutawney Phil
Atlas Politician
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« Reply #10 on: February 09, 2024, 08:14:02 AM »

Am seeking the Labor endorsement for President.
Junior Chimp
Posts: 6,729
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« Reply #11 on: February 11, 2024, 03:24:15 PM »

Endorsement Vote Now Open

The period to submit endorsement requests is now closed. Two candidates have declared interest in seeking the endorsement of the Labor Party. In the interest of allowing this convention to democratically select their candidate, and in recognition of the limited time we have prior to the election next weekend, I hereby waive the standard procedure in order to include both options on the ballot. Per our bylaws, the endorsement voting period must begin immediately following the endorsement suggestion period.

Therefore, the endorsement voting period is now open. Please only vote for your first preference.
The voting period shall last for 72 hours, or until Wednesday, Feb. 14th at ~4PM EST.

Official Labor Party Endorsement Ballot

For President:
[] Sirius
[] TimTurner
[] Write-In: ______

America needs a 13-6 Progressive SCOTUS
Junior Chimp
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« Reply #12 on: February 11, 2024, 03:28:25 PM »

Official Labor Party Endorsement Ballot

For President:
[X] Sirius
[] TimTurner
[] Write-In: ______
Punxsutawney Phil
Atlas Politician
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« Reply #13 on: February 12, 2024, 06:30:23 AM »

Jr. Member
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« Reply #14 on: February 12, 2024, 08:57:34 PM »

Official Labor Party Endorsement Ballot

For President:
[1] Sirius
[] TimTurner
[] Write-In: ______
Adam Griffin
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« Reply #15 on: February 12, 2024, 08:59:37 PM »

[1] TimTurner
[2] Sirius
YaBB God
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« Reply #16 on: February 13, 2024, 12:40:07 PM »

Official Labor Party Endorsement Ballot

For President:
[] Sirius
[X] TimTurner
[] Write-In: ______
Junior Chimp
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« Reply #17 on: February 14, 2024, 11:41:41 PM »

Endorsement Election Results

As prescribed in the party bylaws and in the announcement above, the allotted time for Labor Party members to vote expired as of Feb. 14th at 4PM (EST). All votes cast prior to this deadline have been accepted, and shall now be certified and counted. The finalized result is as follows:

TimTurner is endorsed by the Labor Party.
Resulted calculated based on five valid votes. Two votes for Sirius and three votes for TimTurner.

The second-place candidate, Sirius, shall receive the second preference of the Labor Party.

Punxsutawney Phil
Atlas Politician
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« Reply #18 on: February 15, 2024, 01:01:33 AM »

I thank the Labor Party for endorsing my run for President.
We shall further reward hard work and unify Atlasia and uphold our Constitution.
Thank you.
Joseph Cao
Rep. Joseph Cao
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« Reply #19 on: February 15, 2024, 11:07:51 PM »

Endorsement Election Results

As prescribed in the party bylaws and in the announcement above, the allotted time for Labor Party members to vote expired as of Feb. 14th at 4PM (EST). All votes cast prior to this deadline have been accepted, and shall now be certified and counted. The finalized result is as follows:

TimTurner is endorsed by the Labor Party.
Resulted calculated based on five valid votes. Two votes for Sirius and three votes for TimTurner.

The second-place candidate, Sirius, shall receive the second preference of the Labor Party.

Wait, which vote is invalid? To my knowledge Nerd's most recent registration is with Labor.
Punxsutawney Phil
Atlas Politician
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« Reply #20 on: February 15, 2024, 11:10:13 PM »

Endorsement Election Results

As prescribed in the party bylaws and in the announcement above, the allotted time for Labor Party members to vote expired as of Feb. 14th at 4PM (EST). All votes cast prior to this deadline have been accepted, and shall now be certified and counted. The finalized result is as follows:

TimTurner is endorsed by the Labor Party.
Resulted calculated based on five valid votes. Two votes for Sirius and three votes for TimTurner.

The second-place candidate, Sirius, shall receive the second preference of the Labor Party.

Wait, which vote is invalid? To my knowledge Nerd's most recent registration is with Labor.
Pericles voted too late.
I as well as anyone would know that voting past deadline means it doesn't count.
Liminal Trans Girl
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« Reply #21 on: February 16, 2024, 04:10:10 PM »

Endorsement Election Results

As prescribed in the party bylaws and in the announcement above, the allotted time for Labor Party members to vote expired as of Feb. 14th at 4PM (EST). All votes cast prior to this deadline have been accepted, and shall now be certified and counted. The finalized result is as follows:

TimTurner is endorsed by the Labor Party.
Resulted calculated based on five valid votes. Two votes for Sirius and three votes for TimTurner.

The second-place candidate, Sirius, shall receive the second preference of the Labor Party.

Wait, which vote is invalid? To my knowledge Nerd's most recent registration is with Labor.

I ain't giving up
I ain't giving up
theres cake at Stake Lewis
Junior Chimp
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« Reply #22 on: February 21, 2024, 04:58:33 PM »

Election Results & Politburo Declarations

As we await the latest census for final certification of this weekend's election, all estimates point to the winner as the nominee of the Labor Party, Senator TimTurner! Prevailing over a worthy field of candidates and a fiery campaign season, Tim has proven that he that is up for the challenge of governing in Nyman. It is my hope and expectation that the President-elect shall be a fine unifier for Atlasia, overseeing an administration focused on defending working families and fairness before the law. Tim will be our 20th Labor President. An incredible triumph worthy of the history books!

With the election now complete, we will press on with the last of our tasks here at this convention. The floor is hereby open for leadership declarations (Chair, Vice Chair, and General Secretary). Any member of Labor may declare interest for any one of these positions, and this convention shall then vote on the candidates. If you are considering advancing your position in the party or curious about running for leadership, I implore you to declare. (We have cookies!) More information regarding the duties of each position are listed in our Party Bylaws.

Furthermore, to wrap things up nice and tidy, the floor shall also be open for city proposals for the upcoming convention this June. Since we are presently celebrating in the joyous city of Scranton (PA, Lincoln), all sites proposed are to be based in the next region alphabetically: The South. Better grab your sunscreen, now!

To reiterate: The floor is open for leadership nominations and the next convention host city.

Junior Chimp
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« Reply #23 on: February 21, 2024, 05:01:46 PM »

I will stand for re-election as Chair.
Jr. Member
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« Reply #24 on: February 21, 2024, 05:04:30 PM »

standing for re-election as vice chair
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