Gilded Ambitions: Concert of Europe Part V (Gameplay Thread)

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Author Topic: Gilded Ambitions: Concert of Europe Part V (Gameplay Thread)  (Read 21501 times)
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« Reply #300 on: February 10, 2024, 02:53:35 PM »
« edited: February 10, 2024, 03:47:46 PM by YPestis25 »


In re Erickson


This case arises out of a suit by Gustav Erickson seeking to enjoin the future application of Imperial law to his rail line in Northern Germany. Erickson owns and operates a rail line which runs from Hamburg to Hanover. Upon hearing news of new railway gauges, which conflict with the normal Scandinavian gauges, being debated in the Imperial Reichstag, Erickson brought suit in the District Court of Hamburg. We now hear this case on appeal from the Circuit Court of Hanover.

This case raises questions of the most serious nature. To what extent does Imperial Law govern within the Kingdom of Scandinavia? And to what extent, if any, can Imperial Law supersede domestic Scandinavian law?


This Court has two legs of authority on which to base its jurisdiction to hear this case. The first, and traditional basis, of this authority is that this is a suit involving a Scandinavian citizen who will be harmed financially by the application of Imperial Law to his business operating in Scandinavian territory. The second basis of authority is based in the long history of Sweden, and then Scandinavia, as the guarantor of the Imperial Constitution. This role, established in the Peace of Westphalia, allows the Scandinavian Kingdom to serve as the guarantor of the rights of the Imperial Princes, as well as of the liberties and peace of the German Empire. These dual fonts of authority provide our jurisdiction in this case.


The 1648 Peace of Westphalia established the principle of non-interference by foreign actors in the domestic affairs of a state. This principle was established after the devastation of the Thirty Years War, and is as much a legal principle as a practical one. This conception of sovereignty emerged out of the wreckage of 17th century Germany as a means not just to protect the authority of the sovereign from outside interference (See the reaffirmation of the principle of cuius regio, eius religio in the Peace of Westphalia), but also as means to prevent the descent of Germany into another decade of internecine bloodshed. While this principle of non-interference has not always been followed, state responses to breaches of their Westphalian Sovereignty show that it is a widely accepted precept of international law and a fundamental right of free and civilized states.  

That the principle of Westphalian Sovereignty emerged out of a struggle for authority in the Holy Roman Empire is especially illustrative here. Westphalian Sovereignty was a rejection of the supra authority of the Catholic Pope and the Holy Roman Emperor. Naturally, this opinion does not purport to support the rejection of the authority of the Emperor as the supreme nominal sovereign in those Scandinavian territories within the German Empire, rather it merely asserts the ultimate decision-making authority of local princes over outside control. The principle of cuius regio, eius religio informs the analysis here. The principle permitted local Princes to determine the religion of their princedom, and today we now recognize that cuius regio, eius religio also stands for the proposition, in line with our previous discussion of Westphalian Sovereignty, that local princes determine their own laws.

Without a principle of customary international law and barring the consent of the Imperial Princes, the Reichstag’s Acts will not of their own accord supersede a conflicting Scandinavian Law, or otherwise be binding with the Kingdom of Hanover, the Grand Duchy of Pomerania, or the Duchy of Holstein.


The above notwithstanding, customary international law may nevertheless result in Scandinavia's Imperial Territories being bound by the decrees of the Reichstag. Customary international law can exist at the regional level when a general practice among the states concerned exists and that practice is accepted by those concerned states as law (opinio juris) among themselves. The question here is whether or not there exists customary international law which posits that members of the Holy Roman Empire are totally and completely bound by the Imperial Government's decrees.

To determine whether there exists a principle of customary international law, we must examine the history of the Holy Roman Empire in the 18th and 19th centuries. While portions of the Holy Roman Empire have had a long history of accepting the pronouncements for the Imperial Government, notably those southern German princedoms and duchies, other portions of the Empire have strongly resisted attempts by the Imperial Court to strengthen its authority, most notably the Kingdom of Prussia, but also the Kingdom of Saxony, and some of the Rhenish Princes. Indeed, the acceptance of Imperial Authority over the internal laws of an Imperial Prince is not common or universal enough to constitute general practice.

Likewise, there exists little evidence to support the principle that Imperial Princes accepted Imperial authority of their own local laws because that acceptance was required by law. In the past  expansions of binding Imperial authority have tended to follow cataclysmic events in Germany, such as the Great Eastern War, which suggests that the Imperial Princes consented to this expansion of authority not out of any legal reason, but due to practical concerns.

With no general practice and no opinio juris, principles of customary international law do not suffice to bind the Kingdom of Scandinavia’s Imperial Territory to Reichstag acts.


A final argument exists that Scandinavia’s Imperial Territories are bound by the Reichstag’s Acts because of its own consent. It is well accepted that a state can waive its sovereignty through its consent. This consent can be explicit or implicit. The question here is, through its acceptance of the Third Imperial Reform, and its taking part in Reichstag debates through its delegates, did the Kingdom of Scandinavia consent to be bound by the decisions of the Reichstag within its own territory?

The acceptance of the Third Imperial Reform suggests a willingness on the part of the Kingdom of Scandinavia to accept at least some of the pronouncements of the Reichstag. The Third Imperial Reform explicitly mentioned a strengthened Reichstag, with enhanced legislative powers. The Scandinavian King in his role as an Imperial Prince accepted these reforms, and thus implicitly consented for his Imperial Territories to be bound by the Reichstag’s pronouncements.

However, this consent is not without bounds, and there is another head of authority in the Kingdom of Scandinavia besides the monarch, and that is the national Riksdag. The National Riksdag’s acts, when they conflict with the acts of the Imperial Reichstag, act as a rejection of this consent to be bound.

Thus, the Kingdom of Scandinavia’s Imperial Territories are bound by the Reichstag’s acts only to such extent as these acts are not inconsistent with the acts and pronouncements of the National Riksdag.


When the Reichstag adopts legislation, that legislation is presumptively binding on Scandinavia's Imperial Territories unless the Reichstag's act is in conflict with an act of the Riksdag passed either before or after the adoption of the Reichstag's legislation.
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« Reply #301 on: February 10, 2024, 03:49:18 PM »


Soldiers, sailors, and citizens of the Republic of China: I address you today from the liberated Great Hall of the People which, while torn asunder by the perfidious French barbarians, remains a resolute and unconquerable symbol of the Chinese people and our great Republic. Indeed, this Hall has endured in the face of strife, discord, and oppression over the past 50 years. It is thanks to the outstanding bravery and courage of our men at arms that we have freed Beijing from the clutches of a heinous and alien imperialism that, though wounded, still bedevils our shores.

Gentlemen, we have won great victories all across the Middle Republic. From the banks of the Yangtze to the mountains and mists of Central Burma, from the fields of Assam to the streets of Beijing, free men and women everywhere enjoy the sunlight of freedom. The French barbarians attempted to seize Wuhan in a fit of vainglorious greed, but our soldiers and sailors routed them on the battlefield. In their arrogance, the French King abandoned his allies and left them alone to face the onslaught of our vengeful armed forces. Even now, in Anqing, the soldiers and sailors of Japan speak of this utter betrayal at the hands of a foreign interloper.

These actions form the cornerstone of a greater pattern, gentlemen. Everywhere we see the French barbarian connive and scheme to divide and conquer the people of East Asia. We saw this perfidy on full display in Mysore and in Aceh. Now the soldiers and sailors of Thailand and Japan are manipulated to act as unwitting pawns for the great octopus of French imperialsm. We have seen countless free people fall into the grasp of this autocratic and Papist power. Let me say now and forever, unequivocally, that the men and women of China will resist the French invader with every breath of the being! No more shall the free people of East Asia and of India be subject to the tyrannical and corrupting influence of the French monarchy! We utterly and wholly reject the Caesaropapist project of the Parisian demon, and all its works in Asia.

Gentlemen, there is much to be done. But 1902 marked the turning point in our Great East Asian war. Our brave allies in Kabul have seized much of India and have liberated countless men and women from French imperialism. The terrible power of the King-Emperor and his bishops is now routed en masse. All the people of East Asia see his weakness plainly. Many others will now join us on the field of battle, perhaps even those who once were taken hostage by the siren song of French "glory" and "honor".

In time, the Han, Manchu, Tibetan, Hui, and Mongol peoples will enjoy the fruits of liberation in totality. The rigors of our war economy will one day be a bitter memory of our national liberation struggle. All men and women will walk in the sunlight of a more prosperous, free, and happy age. It is my promise and oath to you, gentlemen, that I shall work tirelessly to bring a new golden age to our Republic and to liberate the people of China and East Asia as expeditiously as possible. Let us all pray that 1903 is the year that China and Asia wins its liberation from perfidious French political and economic imperialism. Thank you.
Junior Chimp
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« Reply #302 on: February 10, 2024, 04:06:32 PM »

The Black Flag Speech

"Brothers and sister of Italy, hear me.

We face our darkest hour. French forces have taken our capital and seek to snuff out the light of Italy. Our enemy is a monstrous one, and clearly has designs on smashing our kingdom to pieces, as they have so wished their vicious stab in the back a mere thirty years ago. The French ability to stay two-faced is a remarkable one.

Let no illusions be had: we are in this together. I have signed decrees today ordering mobilisation of any man of military age and for their places in the factories to be taken by the brave women of Naples. My own family will not be exempted.

People say the French are unbeatable. Undefeatable. We know they are savage warriors, but they are only human. Cut them and they bleed, same as the rest of us! Shoot them and they die, same as the rest of us! Their forces in Italy are isolated and cut off from their homes, completely at our mercy.

To those living in the occupied zones, take arms against the invaders and the traitors who aid them. Destroy everything. Rip up railways. Burn farms. Detonate factories. Kill their officers.

This is a time for warriors! A time for heroes! A time for the greatest among us to rise! The French invaders want your homes for their own! They want your wives and daughters for their pleasure! Will you give them that!?





(No mercy!)
Junior Chimp
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« Reply #303 on: February 10, 2024, 04:09:05 PM »

The Total War Decree

1) Production of civilian goods is suspended. All factories turned over to war production

2) All males aged between 16 and 60 are called into National Guard service.

3) Women are to take places in factories

4) The raising of guerrilla forces in the occupied zones is authorised

5) It is the duty of every Italian to do harm to the occupiers and the traitors who aid them

6) Where retreat is necessary, anything of use to the enemy is to be destroyed

7) Parliament is suspended for the duration of occupation.

8 ) Responsibility for governance is now the King's and the current government

9) No quarter is to be given to any French soldier or collaborator on Italian soil. They surrender unconditionally or die.
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« Reply #304 on: February 10, 2024, 05:42:00 PM »
« Edited: February 10, 2024, 06:25:20 PM by KaiserDave »

Speech of the President to the Russo-Bulgarian Friendship Society

President Milyukov did not want to make such a speech, in made him furious to write such a speech, it was a humiliation to sit down late at night in his study with his chief speechwriter and get it done. It was a further humiliation to see Mikhail Alexievich's sneering smile upon reading it, to implore him to attend the giving of the speech, and urge him to dismiss the rumor work in Moscow that the right was preparing to withdraw from the coalition. Milyukov had no great love for the Bulgars, whom he viewed as ungrateful as they were duplicitous. The Treaty of Limassol had been exceeding generous to the Bulgarians, granting them vast tracts of ancestral land in Dobruja and Macedonia. Russian effort had granted the Bulgarians much. How did they repay this? By sending their fleet through the Dardanelles under the cover of "naval exercises" to hoodwink Moscow on their planned war on the Greeks.

Milyukov did not hate the Bulgarians from ignorance, he had lectured in Sofia and was fluent in their language, or from prejudice, as he viewed the Bulgarians as constituent members of the Russian world, but out of fury for the awkward situation they had placed the government. He had hoped the Russian public would be furious at taking advantage of Dardanelles passage, but instead the public was filled with emotive Pan-Slavism. Very well. But Milyukov was putting plans into motion, plans they could ultimately render Bulgaria's attempt at independence moot, and it started with appeasement of the Slavophiles. And so he came to the Russo-Bulgarian Friendship Society, an organization of Bulgars and their Russian sympathizers in Moscow. The speech would be delivered in Bulgarian as a demonstration of solidarity, but distributed to the public in Russian.

Greetings my friends. For those who may be unfamiliar, and I see expressions of surprise on many of your faces, I am fluent in the native tongue on the Bulgars. Which while so resembling our Russian language, has many of its own unique particularities which I thoroughly appreciate. The Bulgarians are a very unique and special people, and near and dear to the heart of the Russian people. I remember when I was a youth, and when the news came that Konstantingrad had fallen to our combined armies, the streets were filled with the tricolor of the Republic, but also golden lions of the Bulgars. Bulgarians and Russians knelt together in the Haga Sophia to give thanks to Almighty God, and since then we have had decades of close friendship. The closeness of our peoples has never been more apparent than in recent days since invading armies have violated Bulgaria, and Russians have once again pinned lion badges on their chest and Banitsas have been front and center in all the bakeries of St. Petersburg and Moscow.

I am here because I want it to be clear to every Russian that their President shares their fraternal feelings. I have worried that many Russians have had great concern that their elected officials do not share deep companionship and patriotic feelings for our Slavic brothers, that the memory of 1875 has faded. Not so! Let the clarity of my Bulgarian speech make it clear, and let me say emphatically, long live Bulgaria! Long live the friendship of the Bulgarian and Russian peoples!

Under no circumstances will the Russian Republic allow for the dismemberment and humiliation of the Bulgarian nation, and there are millions of Russians who will take up carbine and saber to guarantee the safety and independence of the Bulgarians upon this Earth. The Greeks may claim all of Europe as their defenders. But the Bulgarians also have a defender, and it is Russia, which possesses the finest army on the face of the Earth.

Let me be clear, because lack of clarity leads to catastrophe, Russia does not intend to inaugurate war on this continent. I consider myself very deeply a man of peace. We have all seen what war has wrought for the American continent, which has become an ungovernable bloody mess under the strain of decades of warfare. Only a madman would seek to plunge Europe into the fire. But Bulgaria is under Russia's protection! Just as we would not allow Konstantingrad to be defiled by foreign invaders, we will not allow Burgas to be defiled.

It is my intention to end this war with a just and final peace. Just because it will not punish or violate the Bulgarians, and final because it Bulgaria will receive the full and comprehensive protection it deserves from Russia. I intend to guarantee Bulgarian independence and security for good.

Should the Greeks and their allies insist upon the unreasonable humiliation and annihilation of Bulgaria, it therefore be their decision to bring about conflict. But I am confident that Vienna and Stockholm will be reasonable.

A toast, friends, to Bulgaria and to Russia, friends for all time! God Bless our Friendship!
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« Reply #305 on: February 10, 2024, 06:10:31 PM »

An ACT PROPOSAL of the Duma of the Russian Republic:
On Extremist Anti-Russian Organizations

Introduced by the Honorable Alexander Sergeyevich Zarudny on this Day, the 3rd of February, the Year of our LORD 1903

In view of the terrorist attack on the Bolshoi Theater, discovery of clandestine terrorist networks as a result of the investigation in the attack, and widespread public outrage at public disorder brought about by political radicalism, this act proposal is hereby submitted to the Duma of th Russian Republic.

I. To make illegal any organization that seeks violent overthrow of the constitution or the Russian government, and too make membership in any such organization a crime.
Ia. To make membership of the so-called "People's Cause" terrorist organization a criminal offense to be punishable by no less than 15 years imprisonment, and to make collaboration of any kind with members of such organization a criminal offense to be punishable by no less than 5 years imprisonment.

II. To make illegal any political party or organization that is proven to be against the basic democratic-republican order of the state.

III. To make the stockpiling of weapons by any organization outside of official state organs a crime.

A Memo of the Office of the Prosecutor-General

The captured terrorists Vera Ivanovna Zasulich and Maria Alexandrovna Spiridonova will be charged with the crimes of murder, conspiracy, and treason. Their accomplice Ioseb Besarionis dze Jughashvili will also be charged for aiding and abetting their evasion of the police.

The state confirms it will seek the maximum penalty for Vera Ivanovna and Maria Alexandrovna.
Senator & Ambassador Dwarven Dragon
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« Reply #306 on: February 10, 2024, 10:29:47 PM »

Declaration of National Emergency

Pursuant to Article V of the Constitution, in light of the ongoing disloyalty, subversion, and danger to the integrity of the state and lives of its people, a national emergency is hereby declared. Terms will be as follows:

- Any plan to attack France is hereby formally rescinded.

- Soldiers currently in Mexico are hereby ordered to return home as soon as peace negotiations with Louisiana are finalized. Necessary ships for transportation will be sent. REDACTED



- A military draft of all men between the ages of 18 and 50 is hereby ordered, initially for training only, but REDACTED

- Women are to take places in factories

- Where retreat is necessary, anything of use to the enemy is to be destroyed.

- Those members of parliament who are currently abstentionist, anarchist, or otherwise not a current regularly voting participant are hereby suspended and shall have no vote until further notice.


- In this emergency situation, one cannot always wait REDACTED. It is the duty of every Spaniard, women and children included, if they believe there is imminent danger to life or property, to do harm to the rebellion and the traitors who aid them.
Senator & Ambassador Dwarven Dragon
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« Reply #307 on: February 10, 2024, 10:38:40 PM »
« Edited: February 10, 2024, 10:42:57 PM by LGC Speaker & Former PPT Dwarven Dragon »

Pursuant to the treaty of Trois-Reveries, the Spanish Embargo legislation is hereby enforced with respect to the nation of France.

Additionally, pursuant to the national emergency, the planned 1904 world cup is hereby cancelled and any election scheduled for 1903 or 1904, including but not limited to the Presidential election, is hereby postponed until further notice.
YaBB God
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« Reply #308 on: February 11, 2024, 10:21:43 AM »

Treaty of Mexico City
1. All hostilities between the signatories shall end with immediate effect.
2. The States of California and Liberia shall be transferred to Mexican administration with immediate effect.
3. The border between the Commonwealth of Louisiana and the Kingdom of Mexico in Texas shall return to its pre-war, internationally-recognized location.
4. The islands of Cuba and Jamaica shall be transferred to Mexican administration with immediate effect.
5. Any resident of territory that is changing administration by the terms of this Treaty shall be given six months to leave the territory unencumbered and shall be allowed to relocate to other territory in the Commonwealth.
6. Any man who took up arms against the Kingdom of Mexico shall be given six months to leave the Kingdom unencumbered and shall be allowed to relocate to the Commonwealth.

x Louis-Philippe de Bourbon-Orleans
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« Reply #309 on: February 11, 2024, 10:25:09 AM »

Treaty of Mexico City
1. All hostilities between the signatories shall end with immediate effect.
2. The States of California and Liberia shall be transferred to Mexican administration with immediate effect.
3. The border between the Commonwealth of Louisiana and the Kingdom of Mexico in Texas shall return to its pre-war, internationally-recognized location.
4. The islands of Cuba and Jamaica shall be transferred to Mexican administration with immediate effect.
5. Any resident of territory that is changing administration by the terms of this Treaty shall be given six months to leave the territory unencumbered and shall be allowed to relocate to other territory in the Commonwealth.
6. Any man who took up arms against the Kingdom of Mexico shall be given six months to leave the Kingdom unencumbered and shall be allowed to relocate to the Commonwealth.

x Louis-Philippe de Bourbon-Orleans

x Huey Tlatoani Luis II of Cuauhtémoc
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« Reply #310 on: February 11, 2024, 10:31:57 AM »

On the Spanish civil war

The Empire of the Mexicans expresses gratitude to the Republic of Spain for their assistance to the Mexican people. In return, Mexico will assist with the return of the Spanish volunteers to their home and will be offered a Medal of Honor in Veracruz for their participation in the war. Mexico hopes that the experience gained on the battlefield will help them at their home, and will consider the Spanish their brother in arms.

Additionally, Huey Tlatoani Luis II hereby condemns the actions of the Spanish Bourbons, it not being in the interest of the Spanish people, and it being a French plot to destabilize and destroy Spain and transform Spain into a French puppet. Mexico calls on the Spanish to reject the Bourbon invasion and to resist the invader.
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« Reply #311 on: February 11, 2024, 12:14:16 PM »
« Edited: February 11, 2024, 12:25:40 PM by Laki »

The states of the Empire of the Mexicans

The border in New Mexico and Wyoming is an approximation given they do not align with the counties shown on the map

1. The official name of Jamaica shall be changed into Xaymaca
2. California, Liberia, Xaymaca and Cuba are adopted as new states in the Empire.
3. Cuba, Liberia and Xaymaca will be granted special state status following Mosquitia and Yucatan, being autonomous states in the empire.
4. Mexico considers the occupation of Mosquitia, Nicaragua & Costa Rica by France and Brazil an illegal occupation of their territory.

Subdivisions of each newly admitted state

1. The new/and or altered states will be redivisioned as following

1. California - CAL
Alta California
El Dorado
San Francisco
Santa Clara
San Joaquin
Santa Cruz

2. Liberia - LIB
El Salado

3. Baja California - BCN
Las Vegas
Los Angeles
Santa Barbara
San Bernardino
San Diego
San Luis Obispo

4. Arizona - AZN
Nuevo Mexico

5. Cuba - CUB
Pinar del Rio
Santa Clara

6. Xaymaca - XAY

2. The following cities will be the capitals of each state

AZN: Maricopa aka Phoenix
BCN: Tijuana
CAL: San Francisco
CUB: Habana aka Havana
LIB: Ciudad Libre del Lago Salado aka Freetown or OOC name Salt Lake City
XAY: Caguay aka Kingston
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« Reply #312 on: February 12, 2024, 05:35:38 AM »
« Edited: February 12, 2024, 08:38:21 AM by Laki »

Free State of Liberia

The Free State of Liberia will be granted special state status within the Empire of Mexico, being considered a highly autonomous entity within the realm. It will operate as a self-governing state in union with Mexico, characterized by a federalist relationship. The constitution will be updated to reflect this, with civil rights laws within the Empire also being adjusted to provide equal status not only to Liberians but also to other Afro-Mexicans within the realm.

Liberian government

The Free State of Liberia will have its own state executive (a chairman) and parliament, with elections held every four years, coinciding with federal elections. The first chairman will be George W. Woodbey of the Liberian Socialist Party. Liberia will have autonomy to manage several domestic affairs according to local needs and preferences, such as for instance the organization of the church, civil law, administration, and the state economy. Additionally, Liberia will have its own official languages (though Spanish will be official through association with Mexico) and religion.

Federal system and elections of 1904

The Free State of Liberia will participate in the federal election system, with districts drawn for representation in the federal parliament. Liberian districts will be reserved for parties based in Liberia, excluding Mexican political parties from fielding candidates in these districts. For the upcoming elections, the People's Alliance will align with the Liberian Socialist Party through an electoral alliance, promising one cabinet post to a member of the Liberian Socialist Party in the Mexican government.

Economic Aid

To assist in post-war reconstruction, Mexico will provide economic aid to Liberia, including a yearly transfer of income from the Mexican treasury to the Liberian government. Liberian citizens will benefit from reduced tax rates to compensate for the state tax system.

Military reform

The Mexican Army will undergo reforms to incorporate the Black Socialist Liberation Army, allowing black citizens equal status and promotion opportunities within the military. The BSLA will be integrated into the Mexican Army, as Mexico will be responsible for defending Liberia as a federal authority.

Trade with Louisiana

Mexico intends to normalize trade relations with Louisiana, rebuilding infrastructure and railroads to facilitate trade. Borders will be opened for Louisiana merchants, gradually increasing their presence in the realm. Mexico aims to re-establish the San Francisco - Freetown - Denver trade route for Pacific-Louisiana trade.

Luis reforms

Some of the Luis reforms will be implemented in Liberia by the Liberian Socialist Party, including the nationalization of industries and railroads. The extent of other Luis reforms and the organization of the tax system will be determined by the Liberian government due to the autonomy granted to Liberia.

Citizenship and civil rights law

Citizens in Liberia will be considered citizens of Mexico and granted Mexican nationality. With the assistance of the Liberian Socialist Party, Mexico will enact civil rights reforms to ensure equality for not only Liberians but also other Afro-Mexicans throughout the realm, eliminating distinctions based on race.
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« Reply #313 on: February 15, 2024, 12:51:56 PM »


Two flags have been adopted to represent new Scandinavian holdings abroad. The Flag of Scandinavian Oman shall represent both those areas of Oman under direct Scandinavian management as well as the broader autonomous Sultanate of Oman and Imamate of Oman. Its crest, personifying both the Omani Monarchy and its armed forces, represents the continued sovereignty and autonomy of the Royal House of Oman. The Flag of the Scandinavian Mediterranean shall represent both Scandinavian Rhodes and Limassol, and its crest of two lions personifies both of these possessions.

The flag of Scandinavian Oman shall be:

Source: Wikimedia/Me

The flag of the Scandinavian Mediterranean shall be:

Source: Wikimedia/Me
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« Reply #314 on: February 15, 2024, 03:48:51 PM »

Conference of Konstantingrad

A Treaty between the Habsburg Monarchy, the Kingdom of Scandinavia, the Kingdom of Greece, and the Kingdom of Serbia, and, The Turkist Empire, the Tsardom of Bulgaria, and the State of Albania, under Russian mediation, putting an immediate end to the Balkan War

The signatories, sharing a common concern over balance of power in the Balkans, as well as common concern over the costs of a long term war, have agreed to peace based on moderation and respect for the Principles of the Treaty of Limassol.

Article I: General Provisions
A . Complete cessation of all hostilities upon the agreement of all parties, to be followed by a ten-year non-aggression pact between both sets of signatories. Scandinavia will serve as a guarantor by pledging to embargo the guilty party on breaches of this article.
B . The release of all prisoners of war, hostages, and other detained persons to their respective party, including dead bodies.
C . A pledge from each party to not intervene in the domestic and internal affairs of each respective party.
D . The disavowal of all foreign claims by Greece, Bulgaria, and Albania, including that on Konstantingrad by Greece.

Article II: Concerning the Turkist Empire
A . The international boundaries between the Kingdom of Greece and the Turkist Empire shall revert to the status quo antebellum. These boundaries shall be guaranteed by the Habsburg Monarchy, the Kingdom of Scandinavia, and the Russian Republic.
B . The Kingdom of Greece agrees to enact a domestic programme for the protection of Turkish minorities within its borders.
C . The Turkist Empire agrees to enact a domestic programme for the protection of Greek minorities within its borders.

Article III: Concerning Albania
A .The Kingdom of Greece shall take possession of Northern Epirus to a line from just north of the City of Vlore to Lake Ohrid.
B . The Kingdom of Serbia shall take possession of the Kosovo District as well as those lands in Northern Albania as far as, but not including, the Lezhe District.
C . The Turkist Empire's special interest in the State of Albania and its Muslim population is formally recognized, and the signing powers commit to respect this interest.
D . These boundaries shall be guaranteed by the Habsburg Monarchy, the Kingdom of Scandinavia, and the Russian Republic.

Article IV: Concerning Bulgaria
A . The Kingdom of Greece shall take possession of the districts around the Rodopi Mountain Range.
B . The Kingdom of Serbia shall take possession of those districts of Macedonia ranging from the northern environs of Skopje to Mt. Korab.
C. The Tsardom of Bulgaria shall take possession of those districts of Western Thrace as far as Xanthi.
D . These boundaries shall be guaranteed by the Habsburg Monarchy, the Kingdom of Scandinavia, and the Russian Republic.

Article V: Concerning Balkan Minorities
A .  A committee shall be convened of the Habsburg Monarchy, the Russian Republic, the Kingdom of Scandinavia and the Turkist Empire for the monitoring of minority rights within the Balkan states.
B . Such committee shall have a rotating chairmanship, and shall issue reports periodically to ensure the continued protection of minority populations in the Balkans.
C . The freedom of movement of minorities to their home nations in the Balkan peninsula is guaranteed, and the Habsburg Monarchy and the Kingdom of Scandinavia shall provide compensation to those of Turkish descent who wish to depart for the Turkist Empire in Serbia and Greece, respectively.

Reference Map Prepared by the Royal-Imperial Scandinavian Cartographic Society
Source: Spamage/Me

xCharles XIV, King of Scandinavia and Emperor of Africa
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Bosnia and Herzegovina

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« Reply #315 on: February 15, 2024, 03:53:36 PM »

Conference of Konstantingrad

A Treaty between the Habsburg Monarchy, the Kingdom of Scandinavia, the Kingdom of Greece, and the Kingdom of Serbia, and, The Turkist Empire, the Tsardom of Bulgaria, and the State of Albania, under Russian mediation, putting an immediate end to the Balkan War

The signatories, sharing a common concern over balance of power in the Balkans, as well as common concern over the costs of a long term war, have agreed to peace based on moderation and respect for the Principles of the Treaty of Limassol.

Article I: General Provisions
A . Complete cessation of all hostilities upon the agreement of all parties, to be followed by a ten-year non-aggression pact between both sets of signatories. Scandinavia will serve as a guarantor by pledging to embargo the guilty party on breaches of this article.
B . The release of all prisoners of war, hostages, and other detained persons to their respective party, including dead bodies.
C . A pledge from each party to not intervene in the domestic and internal affairs of each respective party.
D . The disavowal of all foreign claims by Greece, Bulgaria, and Albania, including that on Konstantingrad by Greece.

Article II: Concerning the Turkist Empire
A . The international boundaries between the Kingdom of Greece and the Turkist Empire shall revert to the status quo antebellum. These boundaries shall be guaranteed by the Habsburg Monarchy, the Kingdom of Scandinavia, and the Russian Republic.
B . The Kingdom of Greece agrees to enact a domestic programme for the protection of Turkish minorities within its borders.
C . The Turkist Empire agrees to enact a domestic programme for the protection of Greek minorities within its borders.

Article III: Concerning Albania
A .The Kingdom of Greece shall take possession of Northern Epirus to a line from just north of the City of Vlore to Lake Ohrid.
B . The Kingdom of Serbia shall take possession of the Kosovo District as well as those lands in Northern Albania as far as, but not including, the Lezhe District.
C . The Turkist Empire's special interest in the State of Albania and its Muslim population is formally recognized, and the signing powers commit to respect this interest.
D . These boundaries shall be guaranteed by the Habsburg Monarchy, the Kingdom of Scandinavia, and the Russian Republic.

Article IV: Concerning Bulgaria
A . The Kingdom of Greece shall take possession of the districts around the Rodopi Mountain Range.
B . The Kingdom of Serbia shall take possession of those districts of Macedonia ranging from the northern environs of Skopje to Mt. Korab.
C. The Tsardom of Bulgaria shall take possession of those districts of Western Thrace as far as Xanthi.
D . These boundaries shall be guaranteed by the Habsburg Monarchy, the Kingdom of Scandinavia, and the Russian Republic.

Article V: Concerning Balkan Minorities
A .  A committee shall be convened of the Habsburg Monarchy, the Russian Republic, the Kingdom of Scandinavia and the Turkist Empire for the monitoring of minority rights within the Balkan states.
B . Such committee shall have a rotating chairmanship, and shall issue reports periodically to ensure the continued protection of minority populations in the Balkans.
C . The freedom of movement of minorities to their home nations in the Balkan peninsula is guaranteed, and the Habsburg Monarchy and the Kingdom of Scandinavia shall provide compensation to those of Turkish descent who wish to depart for the Turkist Empire in Serbia and Greece, respectively.

Reference Map Prepared by the Royal-Imperial Scandinavian Cartographic Society
Source: Spamage/Me

xCharles XIV, King of Scandinavia and Emperor of Africa

X Grand Vizier for Life Ahmed Muhtar Pasha, Turkist Empire
YaBB God
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« Reply #316 on: February 15, 2024, 04:35:22 PM »

Conference of Konstantingrad

A Treaty between the Habsburg Monarchy, the Kingdom of Scandinavia, the Kingdom of Greece, and the Kingdom of Serbia, and, The Turkist Empire, the Tsardom of Bulgaria, and the State of Albania, under Russian mediation, putting an immediate end to the Balkan War

The signatories, sharing a common concern over balance of power in the Balkans, as well as common concern over the costs of a long term war, have agreed to peace based on moderation and respect for the Principles of the Treaty of Limassol.

Article I: General Provisions
A . Complete cessation of all hostilities upon the agreement of all parties, to be followed by a ten-year non-aggression pact between both sets of signatories. Scandinavia will serve as a guarantor by pledging to embargo the guilty party on breaches of this article.
B . The release of all prisoners of war, hostages, and other detained persons to their respective party, including dead bodies.
C . A pledge from each party to not intervene in the domestic and internal affairs of each respective party.
D . The disavowal of all foreign claims by Greece, Bulgaria, and Albania, including that on Konstantingrad by Greece.

Article II: Concerning the Turkist Empire
A . The international boundaries between the Kingdom of Greece and the Turkist Empire shall revert to the status quo antebellum. These boundaries shall be guaranteed by the Habsburg Monarchy, the Kingdom of Scandinavia, and the Russian Republic.
B . The Kingdom of Greece agrees to enact a domestic programme for the protection of Turkish minorities within its borders.
C . The Turkist Empire agrees to enact a domestic programme for the protection of Greek minorities within its borders.

Article III: Concerning Albania
A .The Kingdom of Greece shall take possession of Northern Epirus to a line from just north of the City of Vlore to Lake Ohrid.
B . The Kingdom of Serbia shall take possession of the Kosovo District as well as those lands in Northern Albania as far as, but not including, the Lezhe District.
C . The Turkist Empire's special interest in the State of Albania and its Muslim population is formally recognized, and the signing powers commit to respect this interest.
D . These boundaries shall be guaranteed by the Habsburg Monarchy, the Kingdom of Scandinavia, and the Russian Republic.

Article IV: Concerning Bulgaria
A . The Kingdom of Greece shall take possession of the districts around the Rodopi Mountain Range.
B . The Kingdom of Serbia shall take possession of those districts of Macedonia ranging from the northern environs of Skopje to Mt. Korab.
C. The Tsardom of Bulgaria shall take possession of those districts of Western Thrace as far as Xanthi.
D . These boundaries shall be guaranteed by the Habsburg Monarchy, the Kingdom of Scandinavia, and the Russian Republic.

Article V: Concerning Balkan Minorities
A .  A committee shall be convened of the Habsburg Monarchy, the Russian Republic, the Kingdom of Scandinavia and the Turkist Empire for the monitoring of minority rights within the Balkan states.
B . Such committee shall have a rotating chairmanship, and shall issue reports periodically to ensure the continued protection of minority populations in the Balkans.
C . The freedom of movement of minorities to their home nations in the Balkan peninsula is guaranteed, and the Habsburg Monarchy and the Kingdom of Scandinavia shall provide compensation to those of Turkish descent who wish to depart for the Turkist Empire in Serbia and Greece, respectively.

Reference Map Prepared by the Royal-Imperial Scandinavian Cartographic Society
Source: Spamage/Me

xCharles XIV, King of Scandinavia and Emperor of Africa

X Grand Vizier for Life Ahmed Muhtar Pasha, Turkist Empire

Louis-Henry von Habsburg-Lothringen on behalf of Charles IX von Hapsburg-Lothringen, Holy Roman Emperor
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« Reply #317 on: February 15, 2024, 04:47:48 PM »
« Edited: February 15, 2024, 04:52:26 PM by KaiserDave »

Conference of Konstantingrad

A Treaty between the Habsburg Monarchy, the Kingdom of Scandinavia, the Kingdom of Greece, and the Kingdom of Serbia, and, The Turkist Empire, the Tsardom of Bulgaria, and the State of Albania, under Russian mediation, putting an immediate end to the Balkan War

The signatories, sharing a common concern over balance of power in the Balkans, as well as common concern over the costs of a long term war, have agreed to peace based on moderation and respect for the Principles of the Treaty of Limassol.

Article I: General Provisions
A . Complete cessation of all hostilities upon the agreement of all parties, to be followed by a ten-year non-aggression pact between both sets of signatories. Scandinavia will serve as a guarantor by pledging to embargo the guilty party on breaches of this article.
B . The release of all prisoners of war, hostages, and other detained persons to their respective party, including dead bodies.
C . A pledge from each party to not intervene in the domestic and internal affairs of each respective party.
D . The disavowal of all foreign claims by Greece, Bulgaria, and Albania, including that on Konstantingrad by Greece.

Article II: Concerning the Turkist Empire
A . The international boundaries between the Kingdom of Greece and the Turkist Empire shall revert to the status quo antebellum. These boundaries shall be guaranteed by the Habsburg Monarchy, the Kingdom of Scandinavia, and the Russian Republic.
B . The Kingdom of Greece agrees to enact a domestic programme for the protection of Turkish minorities within its borders.
C . The Turkist Empire agrees to enact a domestic programme for the protection of Greek minorities within its borders.

Article III: Concerning Albania
A .The Kingdom of Greece shall take possession of Northern Epirus to a line from just north of the City of Vlore to Lake Ohrid.
B . The Kingdom of Serbia shall take possession of the Kosovo District as well as those lands in Northern Albania as far as, but not including, the Lezhe District.
C . The Turkist Empire's special interest in the State of Albania and its Muslim population is formally recognized, and the signing powers commit to respect this interest.
D . These boundaries shall be guaranteed by the Habsburg Monarchy, the Kingdom of Scandinavia, and the Russian Republic.

Article IV: Concerning Bulgaria
A . The Kingdom of Greece shall take possession of the districts around the Rodopi Mountain Range.
B . The Kingdom of Serbia shall take possession of those districts of Macedonia ranging from the northern environs of Skopje to Mt. Korab.
C. The Tsardom of Bulgaria shall take possession of those districts of Western Thrace as far as Xanthi.
D . These boundaries shall be guaranteed by the Habsburg Monarchy, the Kingdom of Scandinavia, and the Russian Republic.

Article V: Concerning Balkan Minorities
A .  A committee shall be convened of the Habsburg Monarchy, the Russian Republic, the Kingdom of Scandinavia and the Turkist Empire for the monitoring of minority rights within the Balkan states.
B . Such committee shall have a rotating chairmanship, and shall issue reports periodically to ensure the continued protection of minority populations in the Balkans.
C . The freedom of movement of minorities to their home nations in the Balkan peninsula is guaranteed, and the Habsburg Monarchy and the Kingdom of Scandinavia shall provide compensation to those of Turkish descent who wish to depart for the Turkist Empire in Serbia and Greece, respectively.

Reference Map Prepared by the Royal-Imperial Scandinavian Cartographic Society
Source: Spamage/Me

xCharles XIV, King of Scandinavia and Emperor of Africa

X Grand Vizier for Life Ahmed Muhtar Pasha, Turkist Empire

Louis-Henry von Habsburg-Lothringen on behalf of Charles IX von Hapsburg-Lothringen, Holy Roman Emperor

x Pavel Nikolayevich Milyukov, President of the Russian Republic
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« Reply #318 on: February 15, 2024, 10:33:07 PM »

Conference of Konstantingrad

A Treaty between the Habsburg Monarchy, the Kingdom of Scandinavia, the Kingdom of Greece, and the Kingdom of Serbia, and, The Turkist Empire, the Tsardom of Bulgaria, and the State of Albania, under Russian mediation, putting an immediate end to the Balkan War

The signatories, sharing a common concern over balance of power in the Balkans, as well as common concern over the costs of a long term war, have agreed to peace based on moderation and respect for the Principles of the Treaty of Limassol.

Article I: General Provisions
A . Complete cessation of all hostilities upon the agreement of all parties, to be followed by a ten-year non-aggression pact between both sets of signatories. Scandinavia will serve as a guarantor by pledging to embargo the guilty party on breaches of this article.
B . The release of all prisoners of war, hostages, and other detained persons to their respective party, including dead bodies.
C . A pledge from each party to not intervene in the domestic and internal affairs of each respective party.
D . The disavowal of all foreign claims by Greece, Bulgaria, and Albania, including that on Konstantingrad by Greece.

Article II: Concerning the Turkist Empire
A . The international boundaries between the Kingdom of Greece and the Turkist Empire shall revert to the status quo antebellum. These boundaries shall be guaranteed by the Habsburg Monarchy, the Kingdom of Scandinavia, and the Russian Republic.
B . The Kingdom of Greece agrees to enact a domestic programme for the protection of Turkish minorities within its borders.
C . The Turkist Empire agrees to enact a domestic programme for the protection of Greek minorities within its borders.

Article III: Concerning Albania
A .The Kingdom of Greece shall take possession of Northern Epirus to a line from just north of the City of Vlore to Lake Ohrid.
B . The Kingdom of Serbia shall take possession of the Kosovo District as well as those lands in Northern Albania as far as, but not including, the Lezhe District.
C . The Turkist Empire's special interest in the State of Albania and its Muslim population is formally recognized, and the signing powers commit to respect this interest.
D . These boundaries shall be guaranteed by the Habsburg Monarchy, the Kingdom of Scandinavia, and the Russian Republic.

Article IV: Concerning Bulgaria
A . The Kingdom of Greece shall take possession of the districts around the Rodopi Mountain Range.
B . The Kingdom of Serbia shall take possession of those districts of Macedonia ranging from the northern environs of Skopje to Mt. Korab.
C. The Tsardom of Bulgaria shall take possession of those districts of Western Thrace as far as Xanthi.
D . These boundaries shall be guaranteed by the Habsburg Monarchy, the Kingdom of Scandinavia, and the Russian Republic.

Article V: Concerning Balkan Minorities
A .  A committee shall be convened of the Habsburg Monarchy, the Russian Republic, the Kingdom of Scandinavia and the Turkist Empire for the monitoring of minority rights within the Balkan states.
B . Such committee shall have a rotating chairmanship, and shall issue reports periodically to ensure the continued protection of minority populations in the Balkans.
C . The freedom of movement of minorities to their home nations in the Balkan peninsula is guaranteed, and the Habsburg Monarchy and the Kingdom of Scandinavia shall provide compensation to those of Turkish descent who wish to depart for the Turkist Empire in Serbia and Greece, respectively.

Reference Map Prepared by the Royal-Imperial Scandinavian Cartographic Society
Source: Spamage/Me

xCharles XIV, King of Scandinavia and Emperor of Africa

X Grand Vizier for Life Ahmed Muhtar Pasha, Turkist Empire

Louis-Henry von Habsburg-Lothringen on behalf of Charles IX von Hapsburg-Lothringen, Holy Roman Emperor

x Pavel Nikolayevich Milyukov, President of the Russian Republic

X- Tsar Charlz I of Bulgaria
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« Reply #319 on: February 15, 2024, 10:37:33 PM »

Russo-Bulgarian Treaty of Friendship and Fraternity

A TREATY between the Russian Republic and the Tsardom of Bulgaria to enshrine the bonds of friendship that exist between the two states.

- The Russian Republic and the Tsardom of Bulgaria recognize the close bonds of kinship between the Russian and Bulgarian peoples on the basis of shared culture and traditions, and resolve to bring closer our two nations.
- The Tsardom of Bulgaria recognizes the sincere and dear feelings of the Bulgarian people towards friendship with Russia, and resolves to pursue a policy of friendship and cooperation.
- The Russian Republic and the Tsardom of Bulgaria vow to uphold strong cultural exchange programs.
- The Russian Republic shall guarantee the absolute inviolability of the present Bulgarian borders under the Conference of Konstantingrad against any foreign aggression or interference, by force of arms.
- The Russian Republic shall station a permanent military mission in Bulgaria, of reasonable size according to the wishes of the Bulgarian government, to uphold the defense of the nation and advise the Bulgarian military leadership on organization and strategy.
- The Russian Republic shall assist the Tsardom of Bulgaria in upgrading its land and naval forces.

x Pavel Nikolayevich Milyukov, President of the Russian Republic

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« Reply #320 on: February 15, 2024, 10:38:04 PM »

Russo-Bulgarian Treaty of Friendship and Fraternity

A TREATY between the Russian Republic and the Tsardom of Bulgaria to enshrine the bonds of friendship that exist between the two states.

- The Russian Republic and the Tsardom of Bulgaria recognize the close bonds of kinship between the Russian and Bulgarian peoples on the basis of shared culture and traditions, and resolve to bring closer our two nations.
- The Tsardom of Bulgaria recognizes the sincere and dear feelings of the Bulgarian people towards friendship with Russia, and resolves to pursue a policy of friendship and cooperation.
- The Russian Republic and the Tsardom of Bulgaria vow to uphold strong cultural exchange programs.
- The Russian Republic shall guarantee the absolute inviolability of the present Bulgarian borders under the Conference of Konstantingrad against any foreign aggression or interference, by force of arms.
- The Russian Republic shall station a permanent military mission in Bulgaria, of reasonable size according to the wishes of the Bulgarian government, to uphold the defense of the nation and advise the Bulgarian military leadership on organization and strategy.
- The Russian Republic shall assist the Tsardom of Bulgaria in upgrading its land and naval forces.

x Pavel Nikolayevich Milyukov, President of the Russian Republic

X- Tsar Charlz I of Bulgaria
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« Reply #321 on: February 15, 2024, 11:02:14 PM »
« Edited: February 15, 2024, 11:07:11 PM by KaiserDave »

After deliberations of cabinet and the State Duma Committee on the Judiciary, the Act on Extremist Anti-Russian Organizations has been reintroduced, in an amended form.

An ACT PROPOSAL of the Duma of the Russian Republic:
On Extremist Anti-Russian Organizations

Introduced by the Honorable Alexander Sergeyevich Zarudny on this Day, the 9th of March, the Year of our LORD 1903

In view of the terrorist attack on the Bolshoi Theater, discovery of clandestine terrorist networks as a result of the investigation in the attack, and widespread public outrage at public disorder brought about by militant political radicalism, this act proposal is hereby submitted to the Duma of the Russian Republic to restore peace and tranquility.

I. Any organization that seeks the violent overthrow of the constitution or the Russian government shall be a criminal organization, and membership in any such organization shall be a crime.

II. Membership of the so-called "People's Cause" terrorist organization shall be a criminal offense to be punishable by no less than 15 years imprisonment, and collaboration in any manner with members of such organization shall be a criminal offense to be punishable by no less than 5 years imprisonment.

III. Any political party or organization that is proven to be against the basic representative-democratic order of the state shall be banned from organizing, meeting, or participating in elections.

IV. The stockpiling of weapons by any organization outside of official state organs shall be a crime, and any organization found to be doing so shall be banned on either a temporary or permanent basis, depending on the specifics of the case.

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« Reply #322 on: February 15, 2024, 11:32:53 PM »

Empire of Québec
Proclamations and Statements from Her Imperial Majesty


Her Imperial Majesty has been heartened and encouraged by recent decisions by our North American neighbours in Mexico and New England to embrace the cause of female suffrage, a major step towards equality in a world striving to maintain the path of progress.

During this second Sacred Union, the women of Québec – mothers, sisters, daughters – have all shared in their own way in the sacrifices to ensure victory, and they too deserve to win the peace when it arrives.

It is also Her Imperial Majesty’s belief and her hope that the arrival of female rule to the Empire over the past eight years, as well as the successful leadership shown by female leaders such as the late Scandinavian Queen-Empress, and our respected and current opponent Queen Mary of Britain, showcases the immense waste of talent associated with the lack of female participation in democratic rule.

Although Her Majesty the Empress will in no way presume to dictate her views to the political parties on this matter, she nonetheless has decided to publicly endorse the cause of female suffrage on a personal basis, and warmly encourages the political parties to consider their own stances on the matter.

Her Imperial Majesty will ultimately defer to the wisdom of the people, but it is her passionate wish that the Empire lead the way in enfranchising women, and that the next electoral contest, to be called at such a point in which the military and international situation allows, may prove to be the last General Election without their active participation.
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« Reply #323 on: February 15, 2024, 11:43:47 PM »

The Green-Blue Entente Cordiale (1903)

The Empire of Quebec and the Turkist Empire hereby agree to expand the terms of the Bursa-Montréal Accord into a deeper relationship, under the following terms:

1.) The signatories hereby designate each other as preferential diplomatic, economic, trading and military partners for the Middle East and the Americas.

2.) The signatories agree, in lieu of a formal alliance, to consider means of cooperation and collaboration in future international crises.

3.) The Empire of Québec will send a naval mission to Bursa to help rebuild and reconstruct the Turkist fleet based on fully modernized guidelines.

4.) The Turkist Empire will provide an immediate loan to bolster the economy of Québec. In return, Montréal shall make relevant military technology available to Bursa.

5.) At the conclusion of the Colombian War, the Turkist Empire will provide manpower to Montreal for the purposes of infrastructure rebuilding and construction of new key projects.

6.) At the conclusion of the Colombian War, Québecois private companies will be provided with benefits and/or other encouragement to invest within the Turkist Empire. At such a point in that the Québecois economy has recovered from present conditions, the Empire of Québec will also provide long term capital infusion for the industrialization of the Turkist Empire.

7.) An Office of Economic Exchange (OEE) shall be established with headquarters in Bursa and Montréal. The OEE will coordinate with the relevant economic and trading ministries of each nation to ensure both signatories can complement their respective importation needs with local exports from the other.

8.) REDACTED by the order of the Emniyet and the Imperial Security Bureau, for purposes of national security.

x Wilhelmina I von Hohenzollern,
Empress and Defender of Québec
Senator Spiral
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« Reply #324 on: February 15, 2024, 11:46:26 PM »

The Green-Blue Entente Cordiale (1903)

The Empire of Quebec and the Turkist Empire hereby agree to expand the terms of the Bursa-Montréal Accord into a deeper relationship, under the following terms:

1.) The signatories hereby designate each other as preferential diplomatic, economic, trading and military partners for the Middle East and the Americas.

2.) The signatories agree, in lieu of a formal alliance, to consider means of cooperation and collaboration in future international crises.

3.) The Empire of Québec will send a naval mission to Bursa to help rebuild and reconstruct the Turkist fleet based on fully modernized guidelines.

4.) The Turkist Empire will provide an immediate loan to bolster the economy of Québec. In return, Montréal shall make relevant military technology available to Bursa.

5.) At the conclusion of the Colombian War, the Turkist Empire will provide manpower to Montreal for the purposes of infrastructure rebuilding and construction of new key projects.

6.) At the conclusion of the Colombian War, Québecois private companies will be provided with benefits and/or other encouragement to invest within the Turkist Empire. At such a point in that the Québecois economy has recovered from present conditions, the Empire of Québec will also provide long term capital infusion for the industrialization of the Turkist Empire.

7.) An Office of Economic Exchange (OEE) shall be established with headquarters in Bursa and Montréal. The OEE will coordinate with the relevant economic and trading ministries of each nation to ensure both signatories can complement their respective importation needs with local exports from the other.

8.) REDACTED by the order of the Emniyet and the Imperial Security Bureau, for purposes of national security.

x Wilhelmina I von Hohenzollern,
Empress and Defender of Québec

X Grand Vizier for Life Ahmed Muhtar Pasha, Turkist Empire
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