why hasn't katyal been nominated to anything?

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He would have been a great pick for either the seventh circuit for either the Flaum or Wood seat or for the DC Circuit. If I'm in charge of nominating people - I'm of the view that while you don't need stars for each opening, you want to try to get as many people who can be feeder judges as possible.

Skill and Chance:
He is likely seen as too corporate for the people now managing Dem judicial nominations.  Admittedly, he has gone to SCOTUS on behalf of multinational companies defending some very questionable practices. 

His gushing praise about Gorsuch and Kavanaugh is not helping either.

Hogan Lovells takes in $2.5 mil per equity partner. A federal circuit judge makes a little less than $250k.

Skill and Chance:
Quote from: Taylor Swift Boat Veterans for Truth on July 09, 2023, 11:06:51 PM

Hogan Lovells takes in $2.5 mil per equity partner. A federal circuit judge makes a little less than $250k.

He appears to have been a partner there since he left the Obama administration in 2011.  If the firm has performed similarly for the past decade, money would be no object for him at this point.  On top of this, his wife is a physician.


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