Major Escalation in Nagorno Karabakh conflict, KIAs on both sides

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This is to be expected. Now that Russia is no longer a source of stability in the Caucasus and Central Asia, that whole region is going to become a warzone.

Quote from: SnowLabrador on April 11, 2023, 02:08:08 PM

This is to be expected. Now that Russia is no longer a source of stability in the Caucasus and Central Asia, that whole region is going to become a warzone.

Russia wasn't particularly helpful since the 2020 war either, and even at the end of that conflict, they were far less supportive of their CSTO ally than they'd historically been.

This is happening right now because they're preoccupied in Ukraine, but in the long term, they were already set to continue growing closer to Azerbaijan because of the growing disparities in wealth/population between it and Armenia. There was also some tension between the Russian and Armenian administrations due to the latter's overtures to the EU.

Quote from: TiltsAreUnderrated on April 11, 2023, 02:16:30 PM

Quote from: SnowLabrador on April 11, 2023, 02:08:08 PM

This is to be expected. Now that Russia is no longer a source of stability in the Caucasus and Central Asia, that whole region is going to become a warzone.

Russia wasn't particularly helpful last time. This is happening right now because they're preoccupied in Ukraine, but in the long term, they were set to continue growing closer to Azerbaijan because of the growing disparities in wealth/population between it and Armenia. There was also some tension between the Russian and Armenian administrations due to the latter's overtures to the EU.

Man, this timeline sucks.

Punxsutawney Phil:
Well, I hope this doesn't escalate any further.

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