List of Alternate Presidents

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YaBB God
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« Reply #2025 on: December 19, 2016, 05:01:06 PM »

Presidents of the United States

43. Albert J. Gore Jr. - Democrat, Tennessee, January 20, 2001 - January 20, 2005
Defeats Governor George W. Bush, Republican of Texas
44. John S. McCain - Republican, Arizona, January 20, 2005 - January 20, 2009
Defeats President Albert J. Gore Jr., Democrat of Tennessee
45. Jeanne Shaheen - Democrat, New Hampshire, January 20, 2009 - January 20, 2013
Defeats President John S. McCain, Republican of Arizona
46. John S. McCain - Republican, Arizona, January 20, 2013 - January 20, 2017
Defeats President Jeanne Shaheen, Democrat of New Hampshire
47. Barack H. Obama - Democrat, Illinois - January 20, 2017 - January 20, 2025
Defeats Vice President Brian Sandoval, Republican of Nevada in 2016; Defeats Governor Nikki Hayley, Republican of South Carolina in 2020


VP Al Gore (D-TN) / Sen. Joe Lieberman (D-CT) - 292 EV, 48.4% PV
Gov. George W. Bush (R-TX) / Sec. Dick Cheney (R-WY) - 246 EV, 47.9% PV


Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) / Gov. Tom Ridge (R-PA) - 306 EV, 51% PV
Pres. Al Gore (D-TN) / VP Joe Lieberman (D-CT) - 232 EV, 48% PV


Sen. Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH) / VP Barack Obama (D-IL) - 304 EV, 50% PV
Pres John McCain (R-AZ) / VP Tom Ridge (R-PA) - 234 EV, 48% PV


Fmr. Pres John McCain (R-AZ) / Gov. Brian Sandoval (R-NV) - 269 EV, 49.8%
Pres. Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH) / VP Barack Obama (D-IL)  - 269 EV, 48.1%
A faithless Elector in New Mexico throws their vote to John McCain making the actual results 270-268


Fmr. VP Barack Obama (D-IL) / Sen. Tim Kaine (D-VA) - 348 EV, 51% PV
Gov. Brian Sandoval (R-NV) / Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI), 190 EV, 47% PV


Pres. Barack Obama (D-IL) / VP Tim Kaine (D-VA) - 313 EV, 52% PV
Gov. Nikki Hayley (R-SC) / Gov. Charlie Baker (R-MA), 225 EV, 48% PV
NOT gonna be banned soon
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« Reply #2026 on: December 20, 2016, 12:42:16 PM »
« Edited: December 20, 2016, 06:02:40 PM by Golfman76 »

Another "Socially Conservative Dems, Socially Liberal GOP" List

1945-1949: Harry S. Truman/Vacant (Democratic)
1949-1957: Thomas Dewey/Earl Warren (Republican)

1948: Harry S. Truman/Alben Barkley (Democratic), Strom Thurmond/Fielding Wright (Dixiecrat)
1952: Claude Pepper/William O. Douglas (Democratic)
1957-1961: Harry S. Truman/Hubert Humphrey (Democratic)[1]
1956: Earl Warren/Harold Stassen (Republican), Harry F. Byrd/Herman Talmadge (Dixiecrat)
1961-1965: Richard M. Nixon/Prescott Bush (Republican)
1960: Lyndon B. Johnson/Franklin D. Roosevelt, Jr. (Democratic)
1965-1973: Hubert Humphrey/John Connally (Democratic)
1964: Richard M. Nixon/Prescott Bush (Republican), Ross Barnett/Strom Thurmond (Dixiecrat)
1968: Nelson A. Rockefeller/Charles Percy (Republican), Strom Thurmond/George Wallace (Dixiecrat)
1973-1977: John Connally/Sargent Shriver (Democratic)
1972: Jacob Javits/Spiro Agnew (Republican)
1977-1981: John G. Hospers/Edward Brooke (Republican)
1976: John Connally/Sargent Shriver (Democratic), Charles Mathias/Dan Evans (Independent Republican)
1981-1983: George Wallace/Scoop Jackson (Democratic)
1980: John G. Hospers/Edward Brooke (Republican)
1983-1985: George Wallace/Vacant (Democratic)[2]
1985-1993: John Tower/Bill Clinton (Republican)
1984: George Wallace/Ed Koch (Democratic)
1988: Ed Koch/Howell Heflin (Democratic)
1993-1997: Bill Clinton/John McCain (Republican)
1992: Richard Shelby/Bruce Babbitt (Democratic)
1997-1999: Bob Casey, Sr. /Zell Miller (Democratic)
1996: Bill Clinton/John McCain (Republican)
1999-2001: Zell Miller/Vacant (Democratic)
2001-2005: Zell Miller/Virgil Goode (Democratic)
2000: Slade Gorton/Arne Carlson (Republican)
2005-2009: Rudy Giuliani/Kay Bailey Hutchinson (Republican)
2004: Zell Miller/Virgil Goode (Democratic)
2009-2013: Rick Perry/Collin Peterson (Democratic)
2008: Rudy Giuliani/Kay Bailey Hutchinson (Republican)
2013-2021: Kay Bailey Hutchinson/William Weld (Republican)
2012: Rick Perry/Collin Peterson (Democratic)
2016: Joe Manchin/Evan Bayh (Democratic)
2021-XXXX: John B. Edwards/Mike Pence (Democratic)
2020: Gary Johnson/George Pataki (Republican)

[1]=Was drafted as Kefauver, Humphrey and Byrd delegates couldn't agree on one candidate. Truman learned from his 1948 mistakes (ITTL he has a less effective campaign) and
[2]=Wins 1958 Democratic Primary for Alabama Governor
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« Reply #2027 on: December 20, 2016, 03:10:34 PM »

1992- President Gerald Ford (re)elected with Running Mate Bob Dole vs Governor Douglas Wilder and Running Mate Dukakis
1996- Senator Bob Kerrey and Running Mate Joe Biden elected vs Vice President Bob Dole and Running Mate Ron Paul
2000- President Bob Kerrey and Vice President Joe Biden reelected vs Secretary Elizabeth Dole and Running Mate John Kasich
2004- Governor Jeb Bush and Running Mate Donald Trump elected vs Senator Evan Bayh and Running Mate Al Gore
2008- Governor Jeb Bush and Running Mate Newt Gingrich reelected vs Senator Chris Dodd and Running Mate Tim Kaine
2012- Senator Al Gore and Running Mate Barack Obama elected vs Governor Bobby Jindal and Running Mate Nicky Haley
2016- President Al Gore and Vice President Barack Obama reelected vs Governor Nicky Haley and Running Mate Jon Huntsman
2020- Vice President Barack Obama and Running Mate Martin Heinrich elected vs Speaker Paul Ryan and Running Mate Chris Christie

President Infinity provides some crazy results.
P. Clodius Pulcher did nothing wrong
Junior Chimp
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« Reply #2028 on: December 22, 2016, 03:15:04 PM »

H. W. gets assassinated because why not, the world is crazy sometimes. The GOP becomes more NE while Dems go more southern. This gives Dems an electoral lock from '96 to '16. Obama looks like he'll lose in 2016 but he gets assassinated shortly before election day and gets grief-vote posthumously elected, giving ticket-balancer Landrieu the reins for five years. There's more backstory here so if anyone would like to see some maps.... I'm all ears

40. Pres. Ronald Reagan [R-CA] 1981-1989
43. VP George H. W. Bush [R-TX] 1981-1989
41. Pres. George H. W. Bush [R-TX] 1989-1991
44. VP Dan Quayle [R-IN] 1989-1991
42. Pres. Dan Quayle [R-IN] 1991-1993
No VP 1991-1993
43. Pres. James A. Baker [R-TX] 1993-1997
45. VP Jack Kemp [R-NY] 1993-1997
44. Pres. Maurice Ferré [D-FL] 1997-2005
46. VP Bill Clinton [D-AR] 1997-2005
45. Pres. Bill Clinton [D-AR] 2005-2013
47. VP Dianne Feinstein [D-CA] 2005-2013
46. Pres. Barack Obama [D-IL] 2013-2016
48. VP Mary Landrieu [D-LA] 2013-2016
47. Pres. Mary Landrieu [D-LA] 2016-2021
No VP 2016-2017
49. VP Martin O'Malley [D-MD] 2017-2021
48. Pres. Marco Rubio [R-FL] 2021-2029
50. VP Kelly Ayotte [R-NH] 2021-2029
Mr. Smith
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« Reply #2029 on: December 23, 2016, 01:07:25 AM »

Reagan Successfully Assassinated

1. Ronald Reagan [R-CA] / George H.W. Bush (1981)
2. George H.W. Bush [R-TX] / Jack Kemp (1981-1989)

3. Lee Iacocca [D-PA] / Jerry Brown  [D-CA](1989-1993)
4. Bob Dole [R-KS] / Arlen Specter  [R-PA](1993-1997)
5. Al Gore [D-TN] / Bob Graham [D-FL] (1997-2005)
6. John McCain [R-AZ] / Colin Powell [R-NY] (2005-2009)
7. Hillary Clinton [D-NY] / Russ Feingold [D-WI](2009 -2017)
8. Rand Paul [R-KY] / Ted Cruz [R-TX] (2017-Present)


1980: Jimmy Carter [D-GA] / Walter Mondale [D-MN]
1984: Gary Hart [D-CO] / Harvey Milk [D-CA]

1988: Jack Kemp [R-NY] / Dan Quayle [R-IN]
1992: Lee Iacocca [D-PA] / Paul Tsongas [D-MA]
1996: Bob Dole [R-KS] / Arlen Specter [R-PA]
2000: Dennis Hastert [R-IL] / George W. Bush [R-TX]

2004: Bob Graham [D-FL] / John Kerry [D-MA]
2008: John McCain [R-AZ]/ Sarah Palin [R-AK]
2012: John Kasich [R-OH] / Marco Rubio [R-FL]

2016: Cory Booker [D-NJ] / Tim Kaine [D-VA]
Unconditional Surrender Truman
Harry S Truman
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« Reply #2030 on: December 23, 2016, 09:35:06 PM »
« Edited: December 23, 2016, 09:38:07 PM by Secretary of the Interior Truman »

PRESIDENTS of the UNITED STATES (First Republic, 1788-1807)
1. George Washington (No Party-Virginia) 1789-1797
2. Thomas Jefferson (Republican-Virginia) 1797-1801 [1]
3. Alexander Hamilton (Federalist-New York) 1801-1803 [2]
4. Charles C. Pinckney (Federalist-South Carolina) 1803-1809

[1] Unseated
[2] Resigned to assume personal command of the joint American-British invasion of Louisiana

FIRST CITIZENS of the UNITED STATES (Alexandrian Period, 1807-1848)
Alexander I     1807-1837 [3]
Alexander II    1837-1848 [4]

PRESIDENTS of the UNITED STATES (Alexandrian Period, 1807-1848)
4. Charles C. Pinckney (Hamiltonian-South Carolina) 1803-1809
5. Timothy Pickering (Hamiltonian-Massachusetts) 1809-1817
6. Rufus King (Hamiltonian-New York) 1817-1821
7. Richard Stockton (Hamiltonian-New Jersey) 1821-1825
8. Harrison Gray Otis (Hamiltonian-Massachusetts) 1825-1833

9. Richard Rush (Liberal Hamiltonian-Pennsylvania) 1833-1841
10. William H. Harrison (Conservative-Ohio) 1841-1845 [5]
11. Daniel Webster (Conservative-Massachusetts) 1845-1847 [6]
12. John Tyler (Independent Conservative-Virginia) 1847-1848 [4]

[3] Some historians date the start of Alexander I's reign in 1803, for he effectively retained many of the powers of the presidency even after resigning the office, and Pinckney was generally considered Hamilton's prime minister rather than president in his own right. The act of Congress officially conferring upon him the title of "First Citizen" was passed in 1807.
[4] Deposed by the Revolution of 1848
[5] Upon the death of Alexander I, the Hamiltonian faction began to splinter between liberal reformists led by Richard Rush, Martin Van Buren, and James Buchanan, and conservatives allied with the new emperor, Alexander II. To check the rising political power of the liberals, Alexander supported William H. Harrison for the presidency, but soon came to see Harrison's popularity with the common people as a threat.
[6] The aged and worryingly popular Harrison was passed over by the Conservative caucus of 1844, who at Alexander's request nominated Daniel Webster for the presidency. Webster, however, proved even more ambitious than his predecessor; between 1845 and 1847, he oversaw a significant expansion of presidential authority at the expense of the emperor, encouraging the cabinet to report directly to him rather than Alexander and introducing legislation without consulting the throne. This led Alexander to lobby, successfully, for his impeachment in 1847. The so-called "Washington Massacre" saw Webster, Vice President Crittenden, and most of the cabinet dismissed in one fell swoop; John Tyler was accordingly elected President Pro-Tempore by the Senate, as Alexander had requested, and became president under the terms of the Presidential Succession Act of 1792. Intended to secure Alexander's authority, the coup provided the spark that would result in the Revolution of 1848 and the fall of the Alexandrian Empire.

PRESIDENTS of the UNITED STATES CONGRESS (Second Republic, 1848-present) [7]
1. Charles F. Adams (Republican-Massachusetts) 1848-1858
2. Stephen Douglas (Republican-Illinois) 1858-1861 [8]
3. Salmon P. Chase (Republican-Ohio) 1861-1863
4. Schuyler Colfax (Republican-Potawatomi) 1863-1868 [9]
5. Henry Wilson (Whig-Massachusetts) 1868-1873 [9]
(1) Charles F. Adams (Liberal-Massachusetts) 1873-1878
6. Thomas A. Hendricks (Liberal-Potawatomi) 1878-1885 [8]
7. William S. Rosecrans (Liberal-California) 1885-1888
8. James Garfield (Whig-Ohio) 1888-1898
9. Marcus A. Hana (Whig-Ohio) 1898-1904 [8]
10. Thomas H. Carter (Whig-Shoshone) 1904-1908 [9]
11. Atlee Pomerene (Liberal-Ohio) 1908-1923
12. William G. McAdoo (Liberal-California) 1923-1933 [9]
13. Charles Curtis (Conservative-Kansas) 1933-1936 [8]
14. Charles G. Dawes (Conservative-Illinois) 1936-1938 [9]
15. Burton K. Wheeler (Progressive-Shoshone) 1938-1948
16. Thomas E. Dewey (Conservative-New York) 1948-1953 [9]
17. Estes Kefauver (Progressive-Tennessee) 1953-1963
18. Hubert H. Humphrey (Progressive-Minnesota) 1963-1968 [9]
19. George Romney (Conservative-Michigan) 1968-1978
20. George H. W. Bush (Conservative-Connecticut) 1978-1983 [9]
21. Mario Cuomo (Progressive-New York) 1983-1993
22. Richard G. Lugar (Conservative-Potawatomi) 1993-2008
23. John Edwards (Progressive-North Carolina) 2008-2009 [10]
24. Howard Dean (Progressive-Vermont) 2009-2013 [9]
25. W. Mitt Romney (Conservative-Massachusetts) 2013-incumbent

[7] A position analogous to that of the British Prime Minister established by the Constitution of 1848.
[8] Died in office
[9] Unseated
[10] Resigned

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« Reply #2031 on: December 24, 2016, 09:54:52 AM »

1976 - 1980 Edward M. Kennedy (D- MA)
1980 - 1988 Ronald Reagan (R- CA)
1988 - 1992 George H. W. Bush (R - TX)

1992 - 1999 William J. Clinton (D - AK)*
1999 - 2000 Al Gore (D - TN)

2000 - 2004 Colin Powell (R - NY)
2004 - 2012 John Kerry (D - MA)
2012 - 2016 Barack Obama (D - IL)

2016            Donald Trump (R - NY)**
2016 - 2024 Mitt Romney (R - MA)
2024 - 2032 Marco Rubio (R - FL)

2032 - 2036 Joseph P. Kennedy III (D - MA)
2036 - 2044 Andrew Vayo (R - FL)

**President Trump and Vice President Romney takes office
FEMA Camp Administrator
Atlas Star
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« Reply #2032 on: December 26, 2016, 08:28:21 PM »

34. Thomas E. Dewey (Republican-New York)/Earl Warren (Republican-California) 1949-1953
35. Harry S. Truman (Democrat-Missouri)/Joseph P. Kennedy, Jr. (Democrat-Massachusetts) 1953-1957
36. Joseph P. Kennedy, Jr. (Democrat-Massachusetts)/Lyndon B. Johnson (Democrat-Texas) 1957-1965

37. Nelson A. Rockefeller (Republican-New York)/Hiram Fong (Republican-Hawaii) 1965-1973
38. Frank Sinatra (Democrat-Florida)/Thomas Eagleton (Democrat-Missouri) 1973-1979
39. Thomas Eagleton (Democrat-Missouri)/vacant 1979-1981

40. William Warren Scranton (Republican-Pennsylvania)/Spiro T. Agnew (Republican-Maryland), George H.W. Bush (Republican-Texas) 1981-1989
41. Charles Wilson (Democrat-Texas)/Jeanne Kirkpatrick (Democrat-New York) 1989-1997
42. William W. Scranton, III (Republican-Pennsylvania)/Newton L. Gingrich (Republican-Georgia) 1997-2001
43. L. Douglas Wilder (Democrat-Virginia)/J. Richard Perry (Democrat-Texas) 2001-2009
44. Joseph R. Biden (Republican-Delaware)/John Kasich (Republican-Ohio) 2009-2017
45. Robert P. Casey (Democrat-Pennsylvania)/Steve Bullock (Democrat-Montana) 2017-Present
America Needs R'hllor
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« Reply #2033 on: December 28, 2016, 11:31:11 AM »
« Edited: December 28, 2016, 11:34:36 AM by Parrotguy »

1960- Governor Lyndon Johnson and Running Mate John Kennedy elected vs Governor Nelson Rockfeller and Running Mate Henry Cabot Lodge Jr.
1964- Lyndon Johnson was assassinated after 1.5 years. President John Kennedy and Vice President Hubert Humphry reelected vs Governor Thomas Dewey and Running Mate Nelson Rockfeller
1968- Senator Edward 'Ted' Kennedy and Running Mate George McGovern elected vs Governor George Romney and Running Mate Jim Rhodes, and vs Governor George Wallace and Running Mate J. Edgar Hoover
1972- President Edward 'Ted' Kennedy and Vice President George McGovern reelected vs Governor Ronald Reagen and Running Mate George Romney
1976- Senator Robert 'Bobby' Kennedy and Running Mate Edmund Muskie elected vs Vice President Richard Nixon and Running Mate Bill Scranton, and vs Governor George Wallace and Running Mate J. Edgar Hoover
1980- President Robert 'Bobby' Kennedy and Vice President Edmund Muskie reelected vs Governor Bill Scranton and Running Mate John 'Whispering Willie' Williams
1984- Senator Bob Dole and Running Mate Gerald Ford elected vs Governor Hugh Carey and Running Mate William Proxmire
1988- Senator Paul Tsongas and Running Mate Joe Biden elected vs President Bob Dole and Vice President Gerald Ford
1992- President Paul Tsongas and Vice President Joe Biden reelected vs Vice President Gerald Ford and Running Mate Harold Stassen, and vs Businessman Ross Perot and Running Mate James Stockdale (won New York)
1996- Vice President Gerald Ford and Running Mate John McCain elected vs Senator Al Gore and Running Mate Douglas Wilder, and vs Businessman Ross Perot and Running Mate James Stockdale
2000- Vice President John McCain and Running Mate Steve Forbes elected vs Governor Bill Clinton and Running Mate Tom Harkin

2004- Governor Howard Dean and Running Mate Mark Warner elected vs President John McCain and (new) Running Mate Paul Ryan
2008- President Howard Dean and Vice President Mark Warner reelected vs Senator Fred Thompson and Running Mate Rick Perry

2012- Governor Mitch Daniels and Running Mate Rick Santorum elected vs Senator John Kerry and Running Mate Nancy Pelosi
2016- President Mitch Daniels and Vice President Rick Santorum elected vs Senator Barack Obama and Running Mate Evan Bayh

2020- Senator Russ Feingold and Running Mate Kristen Gillibrand elected vs Governor Rick Perry and Running Mate Marco Rubio
2024- President Russ Feingold and Vice President Kristen Gillibrand reelected vs Senator Paul Ryan and Running Mate Brian Sandoval

Poor GOP.
Unconditional Surrender Truman
Harry S Truman
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« Reply #2034 on: December 28, 2016, 03:21:25 PM »

34. Dwight D. Eisenhower (Republican-Kansas) 1953-1954
35. Joseph McCarthy (Republican, Nationalist-Wisconsin) 1954-1968 [1]
--. Hubert H. Humphrey (Democratic Alliance/Socialist/Workers'-Minnesota) 1968-1969
36. Martin Luther King, Jr. (Socialist-Alabama) 1969-1973
37. George Romney (Democratic Alliance/Christian Democratic-Michigan) 1973-1976
38. Birch Bayh, Jr. (Democratic Alliance/Socialist-Indiana) 1976-1985
39. George McGovern (Socialist-South Dakota) 1985-1989
40. Alexander Haig (Christian Democratic-Pennsylvania) 1989-1993
41. Jesse Jackson, Sr. (Socialist-South Carolina) 1993-1997
42. B. Evan Bayh III (Democratic Alliance-Indiana) 1997-2005
43. Richard Cheney (Christian Democratic-Wyoming) 2005-2013
44. Barack H. Obama (Socialist-Hawaii) 2013-incumbent

† Assassinated

[1] Elected vice president in 1952 and elevated to the presidency upon the assassination of President Eisenhower by an alleged communist. Granted emergency powers by act of Congress, he undertook a systematic campaign to root out communist sympathizers and others deemed "subversive" by the administration. Following his reelection in 1956, he governed as the de facto dictator of the United States until deposed by the Revolution of 1968

1952   Adlai E. Stevenson II (Democratic-Illinois)
1956   Adlai E. Stevenson II (Democratic-Illinois)
1960   (incumbent unopposed)
1964   (incumbent unopposed)
1968   Edmund Muskie (Democratic Alliance-Maine), Clifton DeBerry (Workers-Mississippi), Eugene McCarthy (Equal Rights-Minnesota)
1972   Pres. Martin Luther King, Jr. (Socialist-Alabama), Clifton DeBerry (Workers-Mississippi)
1976   Phyllis Schafly (Christian Democratic-Illinois), Matilde Zimmerman (Workers-New York)
1980   Clifton DeBerry (Workers-Mississippi)
1984   John B. Anderson (Democratic Alliance-Illinois), Phillip M. Crane (Christian Democratic-Illinois)
1988   Pres. George McGovern (Socialist-South Dakota), Albert A. Gore, Jr. (Democratic Alliance-Tennessee)
1992   Pres. Alexander Haig (Christian Democratic-Pennsylvania), E. "Jerry" Brown (Democratic Alliance-California)
1996   Pres. Jesse Jackson, Sr. (Socialist-South Carolina), Patrick J. Buchanan (Christian Democratic-Virginia), Ralph Nader (Green-Connecticut)
2000   Patrick J. Buchanan (Christian Democratic-Virginia), Bernard Sanders (Socialist-Vermont)
2004   Howard Dean (Socialist-Vermont), John S. McCain III (Democratic Alliance-Arizona)
2008   Dennis Kucinich (Socialist-Ohio), John F. Kerry (Democratic Alliance-Massachusetts)
2012   Richard J. Santorum (Christian Democratic-Pennsylvania), Lisa Murkowski (Democratic Alliance-Alaska)
2016   W. Mitt Romney (Democratic Alliance-Michigan), Richard J. Santorum (Christian Democratic-Pennsylvania)
Atlas Star
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« Reply #2035 on: December 29, 2016, 04:52:01 PM »

A Roosevelt Son in California
1933-1941: Franklin Roosevelt/John Nance Garner(Democratic)
1941-1942: Businessman Wendell Willkie/Governor Thomas Dewey
1942-1949: VP Thomas Dewey(R-NY)/Secretary of the Navy Theodore Roosevelt, Jr.(R-CA)
1949-1957: Governor Coke Stevenson(D-TX)/Senator Adlai Stevenson II(D-IL)
1957-1962: VP Adlai Stevenson II(D-IL)/Secretary of War Stuart Symington(D-MO)
1962-1965: VP Stuart Symington(D-MO)/Senator Barry Goldwater(D-AZ)
1965-1977: Governor George Christopher(R-CA)/Senator John Lindsay(R-NY)
1977-1982: Senator Howell Heflin(D-AL)/Governor Barry Goldwater, Jr.(D-AZ)
1982-1985: VP Barry Goldwater, Jr.(D-AZ)/HEW Secretary Mary Elizabeth Hanford-Kemp(D-NC)
1985-1993: Senator Mark Hatfield(R-OR)/Senator Birch Bayh(R-IN)
1993-2001: VP Birch Bayh(R-IN)/Justice Secretary Jerry Brown(R-CA)
2001-2003: Fmr. Speaker Jack Hanford-Kemp*(D-NY)/Governor Rick Santorum(D-PA)
2003-2009: VP Rick Santorum(D-PA)/Treasury Secretary Mary Landrieu(D-LA)
2009-2017: Senator Christine Todd Whitman(R-NJ)/Governor Newt Gingrich**(R-GA)

*Forced to resign after suffering a heart attack
**The liberal Republican version of Gingrich who first ran for public office
Unconditional Surrender Truman
Harry S Truman
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« Reply #2036 on: December 29, 2016, 08:07:23 PM »

PRESIDENTS of the UNITED STATES CONGRESS (First Confederation, 1774-1786)
1. Peyton Randolph (No Party-Virginia) 1774
2. Henry Middleton (No Party-South Carolina) 1774
(1) Peyton Randolph (No Party-Virginia) 1775
3. John Hancock (No Party-Massachusetts) 1775-1777
4. Henry Laurens (No Party-South Carolina) 1777-1778
5. John Jay (No Party-New York) 1778-1779
6. Samuel Huntington (No Party-Connecticut) 1779-1781
7. Thomas McKean (No Party-Delaware) 1781
8. John Hanson (No Party-Maryland) 1781-1782
9. Elias Boudinot (No Party-New Jersey) 1782-1783

10. Thomas Jefferson (Federalist-Virginia) 1783-1785
(5) John Jay (Federalist-New York) 1785-1786

PRESIDENTS of the UNITED STATES CONGRESS (Second Confederation, 1786-1814)
11. James Madison (Federalist-Virginia) 1786-1793
12. Alexander Hamilton (Federalist-New York) 1793-1795

13. William Paterson (Anti Federalist-New Jersey) 1795-1799
(10) Thomas Jefferson (Whig-Virginia) 1799-1802
14. James Monroe (Whig-Virginia) 1802-1809
15. John Q. Adams (Whig-Massachusetts) 1809-1812
16. Henry Dearborn (Whig-Massachusetts) 1812-1814
17. Elbridge Gerry (Whig-Massachusetts) 1814
(14) James Monroe (Whig-Virginia) 1814-1815

* Resigned   † Died in office

PRESIDENTS of the UNITED STATES CONGRESS (Period of Disintegration, 1814-1861)
(14) James Monroe (Whig-Virginia) 1814-1815
16. William H. Crawford (Whig-Georgia) 1815-1818

17. Nathaniel Macon (Quid-North Carolina) 1818-1821
18. John Randolph (Quid-Virginia) 1821-1823

19. Henry Clay (National Republican-Kentucky) 1823-1829
20. John C. Calhoun (National Republican-South Carolina) 1829-1832

21. Robert Hayne (Anti Federalist-South Carolina) 1832-1835
22. John Floyd (Anti Federalist-Virginia) 1835-1839

23. John Sergeant (National Republican-Pennsylvania) 1839-1842
24. Charles Stewart (Independent-Pennsylvania) 1842-1845
25. Robert J. Walker (Democratic-Mississippi) 1845-1849
26. William O. Butler (Democratic-Kentucky) 1859-1852
27. Robert Stranger (Democratic-North Carolina) 1852-1854

28. William A. Graham (National Republican-Georgia) 1854-1855
29. John C. Breckinridge (Democratic-Kentucky) 1855-1859
30. Joseph Lane (Democratic-Oregon) 1859-1861

* Resigned   † Died in office

PRESIDENTS of the UNITED STATES CONGRESS (Wars of Unification, 1861-1875)
31. John Tyler (Unionist-Virginia) 1861 *
32. Alexander Stephens (Unionist-Georgia) 1861 *
33. John J. Crittenden (Unionist-Kentucky) 1861-1862
Position abolished, 1862

* Resigned

CHANCELLORS of the SUSQUEHANNA CONFEDERATION (Wars of Unification, 1861-1875)
1. William H. Seward (Free Soil-New York) 1861-1872
2. Oliver P. Morton (Independent-Indiana) 1872-1875

1. Winfield Scott Hancock (Independent-Pennsylvania) 1875-1885
2. James G. Blaine (Independent-Maine) 1885-1890

3. William McKinley (Conservative-Ohio) 1890-1900
4. Theodore Roosevelt, Jr. (Conservative-New York) 1900-1910
5. Charles W. Fairbanks (Conservative-Indiana) 1910-1915
(4) Theodore Roosevelt, Jr. (Conservative-New York) 1915-1920

6. Altee Pomerene (Liberal-Ohio) 1920-1930
7. Charles Curtis (Conservative-Kansas) 1930-1940
8. Wendell Wilkie (Liberal-Indiana) 1940-1950
9. Thomas E. Dewey (Conservative-New York) 1950-1955
10. Estes Kefauver (Social Democratic-Tennessee) 1955-1963
11. Hubert H. Humphrey (Social Democratic-Minnesota) 1963-1965

12. Nelson Rockefeller (Liberal-New York) 1965-1970
13. Spiro Agnew (Conservative-Maryland) 1970-1973 *
14. William E. Miller (Conservative-New York) 1973-1975
15. Frank Church (Progressive Democratic-Idaho) 1975-1984
16. Birch Bayh (Progressive Democratic-Indiana) 1984-1990
17. J. Danforth Quayle (Conservative-Indiana) 1990-2000
18. John S. McCain (Conservative-Arizona) 2000-2010

19. John F. Kerry (Progressive Democratic-Massachusetts) 2010-2015
20. Paul D. Ryan (Conservative-Wisconsin) 2015-incumbent

* Resigned   † Died in office
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« Reply #2037 on: December 29, 2016, 09:02:15 PM »
« Edited: December 29, 2016, 09:06:58 PM by Lorendiac »

1837-1841. William Henry Harrison (Whig-MS) [1]
1841-1845. James K. Polk (D-TN)
1845-1849. Henry Clay (Whig-KY)
1849-1853. Winfield Scott (Whig-VA)
1853-1857. James Buchanan (D-PA)
1857-1861. Stephen A. Douglas (D-IL)
1861-1865. Abraham Lincoln (R-IL)
1865-1873. Joseph Holt (R-KY) [2]
1873-1881. Ulysses S. Grant (R-OH)
1881-1885. John Sherman (R-OH) [3]
1885-1889. Grover Cleveland (D-NY)
1889-1893. John Sherman (R-OH)
1893-1897. Grover Cleveland (D-NY)
1897-1901. William Jennings Bryan. (D-NE) [4]
1901-1905. Adlai Stevenson I  (D-IL) [5]
1905-1913. Theodore Roosevelt (R-NY)
1913-1917. Elihu Root (R-NY)
1917-1921. Woodrow Wilson (D-NJ)
1921-1927. Leonard Wood (R-NH)
1927-1933. Hiram Johnson (R-CA) [6]
1933-1937. John Nance Garner (D-TX) [7]
1937-1945. Huey Pierce Long, Jr. (D-LA)
1945-1953 Thomas E. Dewey (R-NY)
1953-1957. Dwight D. Eisenhower (R-KS)
1957-1961. Earl Warren (R-CA) [8]
1961-1963. John F. Kennedy (D-MS) [9]
1963-1965. William Stuart Symington (D-MO)
1965-1969. William Scranton (R-PA)
1969-1973. Hubert Humphrey (D-MN)
1973-1977. Ed Muskie (D-ME)
1977-1985. Ronald Reagan (R-CA)
1985-1989. Richard Schweiker (R-PA)
1989-1997. Michael W. Dukakis (D-MS)
1997-2005. John McCain (R-AZ)
2005-2009. Jeb Bush (R-FL)
2009-2017. Barack Obama (D-IL)


1. Martin Van Buren (the incumbent VP) fails to carry the state of Pennsylvania. This means nobody has an Electoral College majority, so the election is thrown to the House of Representatives, with the top two Whigs (in a field of four regional candidates all from the same party) automatically joining Van Buren on the short list of three names for the House to consider. Senator Daniel Webster, having failed to make it into the "final three," moves heaven and earth to round up sufficient votes to put William Henry Harrison over the top.

2. Joseph Holt was a Southern Unionist who had long called himself a Democrat, but was invited by Abraham Lincoln to be his running mate in 1864 as a sign that "balanced tickets" (representing both North and South) were still possible during and after the Civil War. Result: after Lincoln is assassinated by John Wilkes Booth in April 1865, Holt inherits the Presidency. By 1868, he is sufficiently trusted by the Radical Republicans that he is able to secure the party nomination for a second term and thus continue with the work of Reconstruction.

3. After President Sherman is shot by deranged office-seeker Charles J. Guiteau on July 2, 1881, he is treated by a progressive surgeon who believes in the newfangled European idea of "sterilize your instruments before you poke them into the patient's body!" As a result, Sherman eventually recovers. Unfortunately for him, most of the thus-acquired "martyr image" has worn off by November of 1884 when he is up for reelection.

4. Most observers felt that Bryan would have lost several swing states to Republican candidate William McKinley, and thus the election, if his fellow Democrat, President Cleveland, had not bitten the bullet and strongly supported the Bryan campaign despite their sharp disagreement over "Free Silver" versus "the sacred nature of the Gold Standard.")

5. Bryan begins his second term, then is assassinated by anarchist Leon Czolgosz in September 1901. Vice President Adlai Stevenson inherits the bulk of a four-year term.

6. At the Republican National Convention of 1920, Hiram Johnson of California arrives with the most delegates already committed to him for the first ballot, due to winning several state primaries, but completely lacks the confidence of the Republican "bosses" of the eastern United States. However, front-runner General Leonard Wood persuades Johnson to take a chance on combining forces with him by accepting the VP slot on the national ticket. (Wood being several years older, and thus likelier to die first.) The duo is elected in 1920 and reelected in 1924. After President Wood dies of natural causes on August 7, 1927, Hiram Johnson inherits the job. He is widely considered a very vulnerable non-elected President when he seeks election to a full term in 1928 -- but instead of capitalizing upon this opportunity to retake the White House, the Democrats stubbornly shoot themselves in the foot by nominating a Roman Catholic "dry" candidate from New York City, (Al Smith); a daring move which painfully fails to resonate within the states which have previously been considered the Democratic Party's "Solid South."  

7. John Nance Garner is in the unique situation of having, in effect, "inherited the Presidency" from a winning candidate who was never inaugurated! On February 15, 1933, Giuseppe Zangara shoots at President-elect Franklin Delano Roosevelt in Miami, Florida, and kills him. (Narrowly missing Anton Cermak, Mayor of Chicago, who was standing right next to FDR at the time.) Vice President-elect "Cactus Jack" Garner is sworn in as the new President on March 4, 1933, per the provisions of the Twentieth Amendment.

8. Ike's stroke in November 1957 is so bad that he finds it necessary in December to become the first person to ever resign from the Presidency. According, Earl Warren inherits over three years' worth of a Presidential term.

9. After Lee Harvey Oswald assassinates John F. Kennedy in Dallas on November 22, 1963, Vice President Symington inherits. Reform-minded Democrats then rejoice at the realization that things might have developed very differently if Lyndon B. Johnson, at the Democratic National Convention of 1960, had agreed to give up all the real power of Senate Majority Leader in exchange for the opportunity to become a marginalized Vice President in the upcoming Kennedy administration. Seeing right through this ploy, LBJ turned down the VP nomination, and thus Kennedy was able to offer that opportunity to his "second choice" (who was actually his preference all along).

Note: I just recently discovered this site, and decided to amuse myself by rattling off a fairly "conservative" list of how things might have gone differently at various points. I may try something more "radical" later on. This time around, I didn't invent any assassinations out of thin air, nor tamper with the timing of when a historical figure is known to have died of natural causes, but I did flip the results of some of the assassination attempts that actually occurred. (And sometimes I assumed the assassin would have shot anyone who happened to be President on that date.)
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« Reply #2038 on: December 30, 2016, 01:36:28 AM »

Ronald Reagan(R-CA)/George H.W. Bush(R-TX)* (1981-1981)
George H.W. Bush(R-TX) (1981-1989)/Bob Dole(R-KS)**(1983-1989)
Bob Dole(R-KS)/Alfonse D'Amato(R-NY)(1989-1997)
Al Gore(D-TN)/Evan Bayh(D-IN)(1997-2005)
Rudy Guliani(R-NY)/Christine Todd Whitman(R-NJ)(2005-2009)
Bill Richardson(D-NM)/Kathleen Sebelius(D-KS)(2009-2017)

*= Reagan was successfully assassinated in this universe.
**= The VP slot was vacant from 1981-1983.
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« Reply #2039 on: January 02, 2017, 06:54:38 PM »
« Edited: January 03, 2017, 08:07:37 PM by Speaker Maxwell »

RIP Ronald

40. Ronald Reagan (R-CA) - 1981-1981
41. George H.W. Bush (R-TX) - 1981-1989
42. Mario Cuomo (D-NY) - 1989-1997
43. Bill Clinton (D-AR) - 1997-2001
44. John McCain (R-AZ) - 2001-2005
45. John Edwards (D-NC) - 2005-2009
46. Jeb Bush (R-FL) - 2009-2017
47. Bernie Sanders (D-VT) - 2017-Continuing

Vice Presidents
41. George H.W. Bush (R-TX) - 1981-1981
42. Howard Baker (R-TN) - 1982-1989
43. Bill Clinton (D-AR) - 1989-1997
44. John Kerry (D-MA) - 1997-2001
45. George Allen (R-VA) - 2001-2005
46. William Cohen (D-ME) - 2005-2009
47. Orrin Hatch (R-UT) - 2009-2017
48. Barack Obama (D-IL) - 2017- Continuing

Losing Tickets
1984 - Jesse Jackson/Bernie Sanders
1988 - Jack Kemp/Bob Dole
1992 - Jeanne Kirkpatrick/Dan Quayle
1996 - George W. Bush/Dick Cheney
2000 - Bill Clinton/John Kerry
2004 - John McCain/George Allen
2008 - John Edwards/William Cohen
2012 - Hillary Clinton/Evan Bayh
2016 - W. Mitt Romney/John Kasich

Bush 41 -> In his first term, Bush promised to honor Ronald Reagan's legacy by holding on to his team and passing his agenda. This meant massive tax cuts and strengthening on the military. Democrats had little chance of beating Bush, so the bench was thin, allowing Jesse Jackson to rise through the ranks. Jackson trailed in the polls, often by as much as 50 points, and lost in a sizable margin. But that was the end of Bush's luck - Bush decided to shuffle the deck after a landslide re-election, and by the end of the Bush term his approval ratings hovered at around 30%, thanks to several economic shocks and scandal in his administration. Republicans would lose that year even as an Anti-Bush candidate, Jack Kemp, took the reigns

Cuomo -> Groomed for success, he won a sizable margin in his first election and an even more sizable one in his re-election. Despite this, Cuomo faced difficulties throughout his term, including dealing with a sizable Republican congress by 1994. Still, Cuomo was regarded as a fairly progressive President, halting the downward movement on taxes, expanding healthcare access, and rejecting the "New Democrat" label. His successor, however, would change that.

Clinton -> Clinton was Cuomo's antagonistic Vice President, always distancing himself upon Cuomo's unpopular decisions. In Clinton's fight for the nomination, Cuomo personally favored Bill Bradley over Clinton or Wellstone, the other major contender, but Bradley gained 0 traction. Clinton would end up the nominee with Cuomo's apathetic blessing, and win a narrow election despite a thriving economy in 1996. Clinton himself would prove rather popular most of his term thanks to his New Democrat centrism, and McCain trailed most of the 2000 election by 10+ points, but Clinton's issues with women came out and the dot com bubble burst, causing Clinton's numbers to fall in a tailspin.

McCain -> McCain ran as a reform-minded candidate, and planned on governing that way. As a result, he managed to piss off both the party establishment of the Republicans and the Democrats. He called for an end to pork barrell spending, the invasion of Iraq, and a balanced budget. McCain angered his party the most when he vetoed a major tax cut on the grounds that it would send the budget out of balance. McCain, with an apathetic Republican base, went into re-election facing tough odds, but did win public credit for his response to 9/11 and his honest approach to the White House. That would not be enough to overcome the Democrats massive spending and their handsome, populist candidate John Edwards.

Edwards -> The less said about President Edwards, the better.

Bush 46 -> Part of the reason Bush Jr. failed was because he wasn't reform minded. Part of the reason why H.W. Bush had a tough Presidency was because he wasn't trusted by rank and file Republicans. Jeb Bush was both. He promised a wide array of new conservative reforms that were widely popular among Republicans and some became popular in the public eye. He faced fierce opposition from Democrats, and indeed, Democrats made unprecedented gains during the Bush years, making him the first Republican President since his father to face Democrats controlling both houses of congress. Despite Bush's policy expertise, he would be laughed at by comics for how easy it is to flap him, and Bush's push for conservative policy would sow the seeds of discontent and anger among liberal activists, who would strike and strike hard in 2016 after years and years of "New Democrat" ideals. Bernie Sanders defeated Bush buddy W. Mitt Romney in 2016 despite many viewing Sanders as a radical, AND despite Bush himself generally having pretty high approval ratings.
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« Reply #2040 on: January 02, 2017, 10:03:08 PM »
« Edited: January 25, 2017, 12:50:11 AM by Kingpoleon, Never The Best/Worst Poster »

1901-1903: Henry G. Davis*/William Jennings Bryan
1903-1905: William Jennings Bryan/vacant
1905-1913: William Jennings Bryan/Adlai Stevenson I
1913-1921: Charles Joseph Bonaparte/Robert Todd Lincoln
1921-1922: William Gibbs McAdoo/Former Associate Justice Joseph Patrick Tumulty**

*Died of a heart attack in November of 1903
**Despite Lincoln beating McAdoo/Tumulty in the PV by four percent, the McAdoo/Tumulty ticket wins the EC; this causes instability particularly among German-Americans

The German victory of WWI, after the horrific defeat of the French in the Battle of the Somme, would turn out to have some good consequences and some bad ones. Italy, the allies of the Germans, were awarded Corsica as a satellite state. Austro-Hungary would suffer severe rebellions, leading to the creation of the Kingdom of Yugoslavia, led by King Alexander I, who would marry Princess Maria. Their son, Peter II, would go on to marry Princess Viktoria, the fourth child of Crown Prince Wilhelm.

The temporary Hohenzollern allies in Mexico made advancements against America. The Italian Kingdom joined the war and blockaded the East Coast and the Gulf of Mexico. When President Harding refused to surrender after New York City was occupied, as were Texas, California, New Mexico, Arizona, Florida, and parts of Lousiana, Nevada, Utah, Colorado, and Georgia, Vice President Lowden, Secretary of State Charles Evan Hughes, Treasury Secretary Nicholas Murray Butler, Defense Secretary Leonard Wood, and Chief of Staff John Pershing agreed to overthrow him in a coup and surrender.

Despite the police siding with Butler, Longworth, and Hughes, the military successfully took power in a national referendum(55% Military, 36% Republic, 9% Other). They implemented a Chamber of Deputies, numbering thirty-six+two per state, and a President with weakened powers. Each member of the Junta nominated twelve Deputies, with each state electing two. The Chamber of Deputies elected three Presidential candidates, all approved by the Junta, and then the three candidates would compete nationally in an IRV election. The President and Chamber could be dismissed by unanimous vote of the Junta at any time, triggering a new election. Otherwise, the Presidents served ten year terms, renewable zero times, and the Junta served five year terms.

The Junta:
1922-1936(resigned): John J. Pershing
1936-1943(retired): Charles Pelot Summerall
1943-1989(retired): Theodore Roosevelt III
1989-2003(resigned): Colin Powell

1922-1936(died): William Sims
1936-1955(retired): Douglas MacArthur
1955-1973(retired): Nathan F. Twining
1973-2003: John Eisenhower

1922-1927(died): Leonard Wood
1927-1943(retired): John L. Hines
1943-1969(resigned, lasted 3.5 years past retiring date because Roosevelt asked him to stay on): Dwight Eisenhower
1969-1976(retired): Maxwell D. Taylor
1976-2003(stayed on four years at Eisenhower's request): James Stockdale
Military Presidents:
1923-1930: Charles Evan Hughes
1930-1940: Herbert Hoover
1940-1950: Thomas Dewey
1950-1960: Adlai Stevenson II
1960-1964: Richard Nixon*
1964-1974: Nelson Rockefeller
1974-1980: Spiro Agnew**
1980-1990: Larry Pressler***
1990-2000: Ann Richards
2000-2001: Rudy Giuliani
*Dismissed for abuse of power
**Dismissed for corruption
***An exceptionally incorruptible and honest President

Most normally retire at the age of 75 unless another is about to die. Then they wait until the other dies to resign. John L. Hines lived until 1972, becoming a powerful American figure in the public conscience after he outlasted many of his fellow Chief Generals.

The German Empire often called their allies to war. It was a success every time. However, the Second American Revolution was partially funded by Germany. Giuliani's Chief of Staff and best friend was John Avlon, a Democratic-Republican sympathizer and leader. The Junta had Giuliani arrested and attempted to arrest Avlon. Avlon, in New York City, escaped the arrest attempt. The guard sent to arrest him numbered thirty-six, twelve from each of the Junta member's allied groups. However, Lee P. Brown, Raymond Kelly, and Elizabeth Watson overthrew the Junta's allies and led the NYPD to rally for Avlon.

The 1,000 officers managed to destroy the Avlon Arrest Group and sent messages throughout the country on Avlon's orders. On May 3, 2001, the 123rd day of the year, the Democratic, the Republican, and the Federalist armies struck. Protests overwhelmed the Junta at Indepence Hall. Alex Fagan, the new Chief of Policd of Philadelphia, joined the protesters and arrested the Junta. Even as the Junta's armies prepared to strike, mass defections struck. James Stavridis, Eric Shinseki, David L. Goldfein, Vivien Krea, Johnniee L. Wilson, Wesley Clark, and Larry R. Ellis led military defections. Most corps split and redrew themselves, as one in four servicemen defected while one in three stayed neutral. Eleven of twenty Reserves defected, while another seven in twenty stayed neutral. Politicians defected and seized power all over the place. Those that remained were not utilized until it was too late. David Petraeus, Jesse Jackson, Jr., and Michael Madigan went to Jefferson City, Missouri. They fortified the city. Civilian raids, lead by James Stavridis, Gabriel E. Gomez,  and Wesley Clark damaged the loyal armed forces called there greatly. The loyal armed forces sent there 600,000. Defections reduced that number to 350,000. However, raids and ambushes by the militia, which itself numbered a mere 40,000 at first, are estimated to have killed one thousand and take prisoner another 14,000. This inspired a group within the city to kidnap ninety-six soldiers and forced the group to kill the eight officers, causing a total of 104 casualties. The ninety-six soldiers were smuggled out of the city and sent as prisoners to Fort Smith, AR, where a prison had been prepared. The fear this inspired in soldiers in Jefferson City caused desertations estimated to number 95,000, while another 40,000 defected. The militia now numbered 125,000 against an armed force numbering between 190,000 to 210,000.

Soon, massive reinforcements arrived. David L. Goldfein took charge of the force that now numbered nearly a million(~976,500), of which about 326,500 were civilians. Another 175,000 were policemen or veterans under forth-five. 475,000 were armed forces or reformed gangsters/terrorists. The latter group is believed to have numbered about 25,000.

When the Democratic-Republican-Federalist Army struck, the opposing army's amazing skills was no match for them. Reformed gangs looted outposts in the northeast as terrorists blew up five major armories and another fifteen barracks on the west side. From the south, the policemen struck and seized control of many barracks and armories alongside about a quarter of the militiamen/civilians. The remained forces struck from the north. David L. Goldfein, Wesley Clark, Gabriel Gomez, James Stavridis, and Vivien Krea followed a policemen/militiamen force numbering eight hundred with each of the leaders receiving forty guards and a gang. They arrested Petraeus, Jackson, and Madigan.

A Parliament was declared as the Hohenzollern sent a diplomatic corps to Independence Hall.

2003-2005, 2005-2010: Ambassador to Germany Condoleeza Rice/Admiral James Stavridis(Unity)*
2010-2015, 2015-: Oregon Premier Ron Wyden/Ambassador to League of Nations Jendayi Frazier(Liberal-Freedom-Center)

Prime Ministers:
2005-2009: John Kasich(Unity)
2009-2010: Harold Ford, Jr.(Center-Liberal Coalition)
2010-: Howard Dean(Liberal-Freedom-Progress coalition)

*The Unity Party dissolved in 2009.
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« Reply #2041 on: January 04, 2017, 10:10:44 PM »

34. Dwight D. Eisenhower (R-PA) January 20, 1953-January 20, 1961
35. Richard M. Nixon (R-CA) January 20, 1961-November 22, 1963*
36. Henry Cabot Lodge (R-MA) November 22, 1963-January 20, 1969

37. John F. Kennedy (D-MA) January 20, 1969-January 20, 1977
38. George Romney (R-MI) January 20, 1977-January 20, 1985
39. Gary Hart (D-CO) January 20, 1985-January 20, 1989
40. Robert J. 'Bob' Dole (R-KS) January 20, 1989-January 20, 1997
41. Albert 'Al' Gore Jr. (D-TN) January 20, 1997-January 20, 2005
42. John McCain (R-AZ) January 20, 2005-January 20, 2013
43. John Kerry (D-MA) January 20, 2013-

*Assassinated by Lee Harvey Oswald

36. Richard M. Nixon (R-CA) January 20, 1953-January 20, 1961
37. Henry Cabot Lodge (R-MA) January 20, 1961-November 22, 1963

Office vacant November 22, 1963-January 20, 1965
38. John W. Byrnes (R-WI) January 20, 1965-January 20, 1969
38. Hubert Humphrey (D-MN) January 20, 1969-January 20, 1977
39. Howard Baker (R-TN) January 20, 1977-January 20, 1985
40. Michael Dukakis (D-MA) January 20, 1985-January 20, 1989
41. John Anderson (R-IL) January 20, 1989-January 20, 1997
42. Jerry Brown (D-CA) January 20, 1997-January 20, 2005
43. Richard B. 'Dick' Cheney (R-WY) January 20, 2005-January 20, 2013
44. Barack Obama (D-IL) January 20, 2013-
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« Reply #2042 on: January 04, 2017, 10:41:24 PM »
« Edited: January 04, 2017, 10:43:48 PM by brucejoel99 »

Presidents of the United States of America:
25. William McKinley (R): Mar. 4, 1897-Mar. 4, 1905
26. Charles W. Fairbanks (R): Mar. 4, 1905-Mar. 4, 1909
27. William Howard Taft (R): Mar. 4, 1909-Mar. 4, 1917
28. Woodrow Wilson (D): Mar. 4, 1917-Mar. 4, 1921
29. Leonard Wood (R): Mar. 4, 1921-Jul. 11, 1925
30. Herbert Hoover (R): Jul. 11, 1925-Mar. 4, 1933
---. Norman Thomas (WC): elected Nov. 8, 1932; assassinated before his Inauguration
31. Upton Sinclair (WC): Mar. 4, 1933-May 17, 1933

Vice Presidents of the United States of America:
25. Theodore Roosevelt (R): Mar. 4, 1901-Mar. 4, 1905
26. William Howard Taft (R): Mar. 4, 1905-Mar. 4, 1909
27. James S. Sherman (R): Mar. 4, 1909-Mar. 4, 1917
28. Thomas R. Marshall (D): Mar. 4, 1917-Mar. 4, 1921
29. Calvin Coolidge (R): Mar. 4, 1921-Mar. 4, 1925
30. Herbert Hoover (R): Mar. 4, 1925-Jul. 11, 1925
---. VACANT: Jul. 11, 1925-Mar. 4, 1929
31. Charles Curtis (R): Mar. 4, 1929-Mar. 4, 1933
---. Upton Sinclair (WC): elected Nov. 8, 1932; succeeded to the Presidency-elect before his Inauguration
---. VACANT: Mar. 4, 1933-May 17, 1933

Presidents of the Union of American Socialist Republics:
0. Upton Sinclair (WC): May 17, 1933-Apr. 12, 1934 (Provisional President)
1. Upton Sinclair (WC): Apr. 12, 1934-Nov. 25, 1968
2. Earl Browder (WC): Nov. 25, 1968-Jun. 27, 1973
3. Thomas Gardiner Corcoran (WC): Jun. 27, 1973-Dec. 6, 1981
4. Farrell Dobbs (WC): Dec. 6, 1981-Oct. 31, 1983
5. Jay Lovestone (WC): Oct. 31, 1983-Mar. 7, 1990
6. Gus Hall (WC): Mar. 7, 1990-Oct. 13, 2000
7. Sam Webb (WC): Oct. 13, 2000-present

Deputy Presidents of the Union of American Socialist Republics:
1. Louis C. Fraina (WC): Apr. 12, 1934-Sep. 15, 1953
2. Earl Browder (WC): Sep. 15, 1953-Nov. 25, 1968
3. Thomas Gardiner Corcoran (WC): Nov. 25, 1968-Jun. 27, 1973
4. Farrell Dobbs (WC): Jun. 27, 1973-Dec. 6, 1981
5. Jay Lovestone (WC): Dec. 6, 1981-Oct. 31, 1983
6. Gus Hall (WC): Oct. 31, 1983-Mar. 7, 1990
7. Sam Webb (WC): Mar. 7, 1990-Oct. 13, 2000
8. John Bachtell (WC): Oct. 13, 2000-present

R: Republican Party
D: Democratic Party
WC: Workers' Communist Party
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« Reply #2043 on: January 05, 2017, 06:37:33 AM »

President of the United States:

32. Franklin D. Roosevelt: March 4, 1933 - April 12, 1945 (1)
33. Paul V. McNutt: April 12, 1945 - January 20, 1953
34. Douglas MacArthur: January 20, 1953 - January 20, 1961
35. John F. Kennedy: January 20, 1961 - November 22, 1963 (2)
36. Stuart Symington: November 22, 1963 - January 20, 1969
37. George Smathers: January 20, 1969 - January 20, 1973
38. Ronald Reagan: January 20, 1973 - January 20, 1981
39. Walter Mondale: January 20, 1981 - April 4, 1981 (3)
40. Robert F. Kennedy: April 4, 1981 - January 20, 1989
41. Robert Dole: January 20, 1989 - January 20, 1993
42. Jimmy Carter: January 20, 1993 - January 20, 2001
43. Al Gore: January 20, 2001 - January 20, 2005
44. John McCain: January 20, 2005 - January 8, 2008 (4)
45. Kay Bailey Hutchison: January 8, 2008 - January 20, 2013
46. Barack Obama: January 20, 2013 - January 20, 2021 (5)

1. Died of a cerebral hemorrhage
2. Assassinated by Lee Harvey Oswald
3. Assassnated by John Hinckley
4. Died of a heart attack
5. Elected to a second term
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« Reply #2044 on: January 08, 2017, 02:13:07 AM »

32. Franklin D. Roosevelt (1932-1941)
33. Wendell Willkie (1941-1944)*
34. Robert Dewey (1944-1953)
35. Ronald Reagan (1953-1961)
36. John F. Kennedy (1961-1969)
37. Spiro Agnew (1969-1973)
38. Jimmy Carter (1973-1977)
39. Gerald Ford (1977-1981)
40. Ted Kennedy (1981-1989)
41. Bill Clinton (1989-1993)
42. Donald Trump (1993-1997)
43. John McCain (1997-2005)
44. John Kerry (2005-2009)
45. Mitt Romney (2009-2017)
46. John Hickenlooper (2017-)

Atlas Star
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« Reply #2045 on: January 08, 2017, 03:25:18 AM »

President of the United States:

32. Franklin D. Roosevelt: March 4, 1933 - April 12, 1945 (1)
33. Paul V. McNutt: April 12, 1945 - January 20, 1953
34. Douglas MacArthur: January 20, 1953 - January 20, 1961
35. John F. Kennedy: January 20, 1961 - November 22, 1963 (2)
36. Stuart Symington: November 22, 1963 - January 20, 1969
37. George Smathers: January 20, 1969 - January 20, 1973
38. Ronald Reagan: January 20, 1973 - January 20, 1981
39. Walter Mondale: January 20, 1981 - April 4, 1981 (3)
40. Robert F. Kennedy: April 4, 1981 - January 20, 1989
41. Robert Dole: January 20, 1989 - January 20, 1993
42. Jimmy Carter: January 20, 1993 - January 20, 2001
43. Al Gore: January 20, 2001 - January 20, 2005
44. John McCain: January 20, 2005 - January 8, 2008 (4)
45. Kay Bailey Hutchison: January 8, 2008 - January 20, 2013
46. Barack Obama: January 20, 2013 - January 20, 2021 (5)

1. Died of a cerebral hemorrhage
2. Assassinated by Lee Harvey Oswald
3. Assassnated by John Hinckley
4. Died of a heart attack
5. Elected to a second term

60 Democratic years to 28 Republican years? Doesn't seem hackish at all...
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« Reply #2046 on: January 08, 2017, 02:19:13 PM »

As a fake moderate independent you know everything about being a hack.

And it's just a list. Don't take it too serious.
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« Reply #2047 on: January 09, 2017, 03:03:58 AM »

President of the United States:

32. Franklin D. Roosevelt: March 4, 1933 - April 12, 1945 (1)
33. Paul V. McNutt: April 12, 1945 - January 20, 1953
34. Douglas MacArthur: January 20, 1953 - January 20, 1961
35. John F. Kennedy: January 20, 1961 - November 22, 1963 (2)
36. Stuart Symington: November 22, 1963 - January 20, 1969
37. George Smathers: January 20, 1969 - January 20, 1973
38. Ronald Reagan: January 20, 1973 - January 20, 1981
39. Walter Mondale: January 20, 1981 - April 4, 1981 (3)
40. Robert F. Kennedy: April 4, 1981 - January 20, 1989
41. Robert Dole: January 20, 1989 - January 20, 1993
42. Jimmy Carter: January 20, 1993 - January 20, 2001
43. Al Gore: January 20, 2001 - January 20, 2005
44. John McCain: January 20, 2005 - January 8, 2008 (4)
45. Kay Bailey Hutchison: January 8, 2008 - January 20, 2013
46. Barack Obama: January 20, 2013 - January 20, 2021 (5)

1. Died of a cerebral hemorrhage
2. Assassinated by Lee Harvey Oswald
3. Assassnated by John Hinckley
4. Died of a heart attack
5. Elected to a second term

60 Democratic years to 28 Republican years? Doesn't seem hackish at all...
Well let's see here. 1932 through 1964 all had the same party winning elections. 1968 was an agonizing narrow victory for the GOP, any number of things could've swung it to the Democrats. Republicans very narrowly lost in 1976, and honestly if the campaign had gone on another week IRL Ford probably would've won. Seeing as a Republican would've been in office during the Iran hostage crisis and the OPEC embargo, it's probable we'd see a swing towards the Dems in 1980, and incumbent strength carry him through to 1984. 1988-1996 are the same. Al Gore received the most votes in 2000 IRL.

I don't think it's as unrealistic as you posit.
Atlas Star
Posts: 22,144
United States

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« Reply #2048 on: January 09, 2017, 06:23:26 PM »

President of the United States:

32. Franklin D. Roosevelt: March 4, 1933 - April 12, 1945 (1)
33. Paul V. McNutt: April 12, 1945 - January 20, 1953
34. Douglas MacArthur: January 20, 1953 - January 20, 1961
35. John F. Kennedy: January 20, 1961 - November 22, 1963 (2)
36. Stuart Symington: November 22, 1963 - January 20, 1969
37. George Smathers: January 20, 1969 - January 20, 1973
38. Ronald Reagan: January 20, 1973 - January 20, 1981
39. Walter Mondale: January 20, 1981 - April 4, 1981 (3)
40. Robert F. Kennedy: April 4, 1981 - January 20, 1989
41. Robert Dole: January 20, 1989 - January 20, 1993
42. Jimmy Carter: January 20, 1993 - January 20, 2001
43. Al Gore: January 20, 2001 - January 20, 2005
44. John McCain: January 20, 2005 - January 8, 2008 (4)
45. Kay Bailey Hutchison: January 8, 2008 - January 20, 2013
46. Barack Obama: January 20, 2013 - January 20, 2021 (5)

1. Died of a cerebral hemorrhage
2. Assassinated by Lee Harvey Oswald
3. Assassnated by John Hinckley
4. Died of a heart attack
5. Elected to a second term

60 Democratic years to 28 Republican years? Doesn't seem hackish at all...
Well let's see here. 1932 through 1964 all had the same party winning elections. 1968 was an agonizing narrow victory for the GOP, any number of things could've swung it to the Democrats. Republicans very narrowly lost in 1976, and honestly if the campaign had gone on another week IRL Ford probably would've won. Seeing as a Republican would've been in office during the Iran hostage crisis and the OPEC embargo, it's probable we'd see a swing towards the Dems in 1980, and incumbent strength carry him through to 1984. 1988-1996 are the same. Al Gore received the most votes in 2000 IRL.

I don't think it's as unrealistic as you posit.

Any loss in 1968 would cause enough butterflies to make it unlikely.

1969-1973: Hubert Humphrey/Edmund Muskie
1973-1981: Ronald Reagan/Gerald Ford
1981: Henry Jackson/Morris Udall
1981-1989: Morris Udall/Birch Bayh
1989-1997: Birch Bayh/David Denkins
1997-2005: Howard Baker/Jeanne Kirkpatrick
2005-2009: Elizabeth Dole/Timothy Scott
2009-2017: Howard Dean/Evan Bayh

That's about the likely largest extent of Democratic rule.
Del Tachi
Atlas Icon
Posts: 17,841
United States

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« Reply #2049 on: January 09, 2017, 07:51:51 PM »

40.  Ronald Reagan (R-CA) / George H.W. Bush (R-TX); 1981-1989
41.  Michael Dukakis (D-MA) / Al Gore, Jr. (D-TN); 1989-1997
42.  Al Gore, Jr. (D-TN) / Evan Bayh (D-IN); 1997-2001

43.  John McCain (R-AZ) / Christine Todd Whitman (R-NJ); 2001-2009
44.  John Edwards (D-NC) / Joe Biden (D-DE); 2009-2010*
45.  Joe Biden (D-DE) / Barack Obama (D-IL); 2010-2017
46.  Barack Obama (D-IL) / Tim Kaine (D-VA); 2017-present

* Resigned due to scandal
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