The Atlas Continent

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Battista Minola 1616
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« Reply #50 on: March 24, 2023, 06:33:23 PM »

Azurela is a unitary but decentralized state subdivided into 30 provinces. The degree of autonomy varies somewhat, mostly to include and respect traditional customs of the Kana peoples - Southern resentment about this is an occasionally salient political topic.

Here are the provinces, with names (and the names of the provincial seats inside brackets).

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Punxsutawney Phil
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« Reply #51 on: March 26, 2023, 11:39:05 PM »

I gave Secoterra so many states that it's hard to think of names for them all. Ugh.
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« Reply #52 on: March 29, 2023, 01:03:29 PM »
« Edited: April 02, 2023, 08:27:43 PM by Kuumo »

Government of Jahandir

The Republic of Jahandir is a semi-presidential parliamentary republic founded in 1926. Under the current constitution, the President is elected every five years via a two-round system where candidates from all parties run in the first round and the top two vote-getters advance to a second round four weeks later where the candidate with more votes in the second round is elected President. The National Assembly is the legislative body of Jahandir, consisting of 250 members elected concurrently with and 30 months after each Presidential election.

Political Parties of Jahandir

Law and Justice Party (right-wing populist)
(Arabic: حزب القانون والعدالة)
Leader: President Yousef Tahri
Assembly Leader: Minister of Foreign Affairs Abdelhamid Idrisi

The Law and Justice Party was founded in 1995 as a merger of the center-right Jahandi National Party and other right-of-center parties. Originally an internationalist, pro-business party continuing the legacy of the Jahandi National Party, the Law and Justice Party has taken an authoritarian turn in recent years, including increased censorship of perceived un-patriotic and un-Islamic values in media and public schools and attempts to curb the power of the independent judiciary. The current and historic base of party is in the outer cities of the Gharanjumu Delta, which are considerably wealthier and more Berber than Kounurakat and its immediate environs. Recent gains have been made in the arid, rural, and deeply religious central part of Jahandir under President Tahri through his focus on social and cultural issues on the campaign trail and in office.

Social Democratic Party (left-wing, social moderate)
(Arabic: الحزب الاشتراكي الديمقراطي)
Leader: Opposition Leader Oumar Kourouma

The Social Democratic Party has existed since the Republic's founding. In the early days of the Republic, it was the dominant party due to its strong support from the lower classes who felt left behind by the monarchy. During the Cold War, the party took a more neutral stance than the strongly pro-American Jahandi National Party, although today the Social Democratic Party is generally more supportive of the United States and the first-world countries on the continent than the Law and Justice Party. The Social Democratic Party aims to block President Tahri's attempts at increasing presidential power and improve the education and healthcare systems of the country. Their strongest support is found in Kounurakat, nearby communities in the Gharanjumu Delta, Cordoba (the largest city in central Jahandir), and the east coast, a relatively prosperous region due to trade with New Surrey and Sulista.

Brotherhood of Jahandir (right-wing, Islamist)
(Arabic: اخوان جهاندير)
Leader: Minister of Agriculture Ismail Hassan

The Brotherhood of Jahandir is the sole major Islamist party of Jahandir. Although historically a minor party, the Brotherhood of Jahandir has experienced a rapid surge in support in recent years as part of a backlash to the previous Social Democratic government. Due to inspiration from the Republic of Turkey a few years earlier and the geographic isolation of the country from other majority Muslim states, Jahandir was established as a secular republic without a state religion. The Brotherhood aims to amend the constitution of Jahandir to include Sunni Islam as the state religion as well as restricting the sale of alcohol, re-establishing anti-sodomy laws nationally, and instituting prayer in public schools. They are currently in a coalition government with Law and Justice after the latter lost their majority government following the 2021 parliamentary elections.

Sons of Maghan (right-wing, Mandinka nationalist)
(Arabic: أبناء مغان)
Leader: Assemblyman Moussa Kpoghoumou

Following the ouster of the last Keita Mansa in the early 1790s, a group of Mandinka nobles traveled west to establish a new community far away from Sultan Tariq I and his supporters. This area operated largely independently for generations despite officially remaining part of the Tariqid Sultanate. During the Jahandi Revolution, a group of radicals from this area briefly declared independence from Jahandir before being quickly defeated due to lack of popular support. The resentment toward the government in Kounurakat continued among the elite families, who formed the Sons of Maghan in 1950 in an attempt to achievement autonomy for their region. The establishment of the Kighanju and Rehousi autonomous republics in 1996 sparked outrage among the Mandinka population in far western Jahandir, who wanted the Social Democratic government to also grant them autonomy. The Sons of Maghan took advantage of this moment to increase their support among the common people in their home region but continue to have issues expanding their appeal to Mandinka Jahandis in other regions.

Jahandi Communist Party (far left)
(Arabic: حزب جهاندير الشيوعي)
Leader: Assemblyman Mohamed Farouzi

The Jahandi Communist Party is a Marxist-Leninist Party that has declined significantly since its height in the 1960s. The party's base is the mining communities in the western mountains along the Secoterran border. With the steady decline of mining in the region and the aging of the local population, the party has recently tried to expand its support to Kighanju voters in the neighboring autonomous republics. These effects have been met with little success due to a long history of disputes between miners and the local indigenous populations.

Green Party (left-wing, social liberal)
(Arabic: الحزب السياسي الأخضر)
Leader: Assemblywoman Mariam Rashid

The Green Party is a new political party founded in 2012. Sharing most of its views with the Social Democratic Party, the party is known for its opposition to mining, support for renewable energy, and support for LGBT rights, calling for the national government to overturn the (largely unenforced) anti-sodomy laws in central Jahandir and, among the more progressive leaders, pass civil unions for same-sex couples. The Green Party's strongest support is among young voters, especially women, in the Kounurakat area and the east coast, particularly in the city of Madinat al-Salaam at the mouth of the Rahalikesh River.

Rehousi People’s Party (left-wing, Rehousi interest)
(Arabic: حزب شعب الريحوسي) (Rehousi: zi’Rehsiyna Ekkidya)
Leader: Assemblyman Ali Kalnya-Parwus

The Rehousi People's Party is a big-tent but mostly left-wing party founded in 1972 and followed by a majority of Rehousi voters in the Rehousi Autonomous Republic. It is usually an ally of the Social Democratic Party.

National Democratic Alliance (left-wing to centrist, Kighanju interest)
(Arabic: التحالف الوطني الديمقراطي) (Kighanju: Ghayal Timukratiku Musunjari)
Leader: Assemblywoman Sayyida ri-Khalid Jutunaghasi

The National Democratic Alliance is a mainstream big-tent party founded in 1986 and followed by a narrow majority of Kighanju voters. Although less supportive of the mainstream parties than the Rehousi People's Party, it is also usually allied with the Social Democratic Party.

People’s Liberation Movement (far left, Kighanju nationalist, banned by current government)
(Arabic: حركة التحرير الشعبية) (Kighanju: Ghayal Najalamirakighi)
Leader: Former Assemblyman Uyujunal ru-Yanijur Tuharaghasi (imprisoned)

The People's Liberation Movement represents the radical elements of Kighanju politics. Its roots originate even before the Republic, when frequent conflicts with the Berber and Mandinka settlers in their ancestral homeland led to the creation of underground militias to defend their communities. During the chaos of the Jahandi Revolution, both the forces of the monarchy and the revolutionary army committed massacres against Kighanju civilians when seizing militarily important locations in the region.

After the establishment of the republic, Kighanju leaders demanded autonomy from the new government in Kounurakat and were rejected by the Berber and Mandinka-dominated government. Continued unrest in the Kighanju region, including explosions of trains and boats passing through the region led to 20 years of occupation by the Jahandi Army. Continued civil disobedience and terrorism by the Kighanju took a communist slant during the Cold War, leading to financial support for Kighanju radicals by the Soviet Union and communist organizations in other countries on the continent. Tensions between the Kighanju and the national government would thaw in the 1980s, with a few concessions made by the national government such as the allowance of Kighanju interest parties to field candidates in elections. This led to the formal founding of both the National Democratic Alliance and the People's Liberation Movement as political parties in 1986. Continued distrust of the People's Liberation Movement due to their leaders' past associations led to widespread distrust of the party. The People's Liberation Movement moved to the center in the 1990s, purging many of their more radical members.

However, paranoia over the rise of the far right in mainstream Jahandi society in the 2010s led to the People's Liberation Movement electing Uyujunal ru-Yanijur Tuharaghasi as their new leader in 2014. As a non-Muslim Kighanju animist practitioner and public supporter of communism with alleged ties to insurgent movements, Tuharaghasi quickly became a hero for the old guard of radical Kighanju activists and a boogeyman for Jahandi conservatives. He unexpectedly defeated the incumbent National Democratic Alliance assemblyman for the Southern Kighanju Autonomous Republic in 2016. With the rise of Yousef Tahri soon after Tuharaghasi's election, Tuharaghasi decided to run in the 2019 Presidential election as a statement for Kighanju independence. Though he finished with only 1.1% of the vote and narrowly lost his own constituency, his performance was the best ever for his party. Two years into the Tahri administration, Tuharaghasi was indicted for tax fraud and campaign finance violations. While there was clear evidence for Tuharaghasi's guilt, the timing of the indictment and the unusually long sentence have added to suspicions that it was politically motivated and orchestrated by the Law and Justice Party. A few months later, the party was banned after the passage of a law prohibiting parties advocating for violent overthrow of the Jahandi government from running candidates in elections.

2019 Presidential Election Round 1

Yousef Tahri (Law and Justice): 26.4% (advanced to second round)
Ibrahim Khalidi (Social Democratic): 25.1% (advanced to second round)
Malik Umar (Brotherhood of Jahandir): 17.3%
Menachem Salomon (Green Party): 10.1%
Hamidou Bagayoko (Sons of Maghan): 6.7%
Yahya Karam (Jahandi Communist Party): 6.1%
Samir ru-Tusajal Rumanaghasi (National Democratic Alliance): 3.2%
Mohamed Govarjin-Sarvipurakyal (Rehousi People’s Party): 1.6%
Uyujunal ru-Yanijur Tuharaghasi (People’s Liberation Movement): 1.1%

2019 Presidential Election Round 2

Yousef Tahri (Law and Justice): 52.8% (elected President)
Ibrahim Khalidi (Social Democratic): 47.2%
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« Reply #53 on: March 30, 2023, 12:45:34 PM »

Just popping in here to claim 10
Battista Minola 1616
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« Reply #54 on: April 01, 2023, 07:11:13 PM »
« Edited: April 02, 2023, 03:30:07 AM by The Corvid Whisperer »

There are currently 11 parties represented in the monocameral Parliament of Azurela.

In government:

Carnation Movement (Portuguese: Movimento dos Cravos - Spanish: Movimiento de los Claveles - Wankaqu: Tamaraka Klawilik-lha)
Progressive, anti-authoritarian big tent which supports an ideal we might call "social democracy with Kana characteristics" but gets votes from all sectors of the population.

Party for Progress and Democracy (Portuguese: Partido para o Progresso e a Democracia - Spanish: Partido para el Progreso y la Democracia - Wankaqu: Partya Taqarata-pu ya Timukrasya-pu)
Also progressive, incoherent but usually more centrist liberal than the Carnation Movement, consistently polls better among those of European (Iberian) descent and best of all in Laranjeira.

Left Bloc (Portuguese: Bloco de Esquerda - Spanish: Bloque de Izquierda - Wankaqu: Tluka Saya-lha)
Strongly left-wing with green elements, its vote skews urban and young to an extent but it also has a base in some traditionally left-wing agricultural communities in the desert and can poll well in some highland areas.

Radical Party (Portuguese: Partido Radical - Spanish: Partido Radical - Wankaqu: Partya Ratikaliy)
Economically and socially liberal, this is what remains of the old Radicals (and Liberals in part) which used to be among the dominant parties, quite small nowadays but it still polls relatively well in certain areas otherwise bad for the left such as Delft and Entre Rios.

Party for Social Justice (Portuguese: Partido para a Justiça Social - Spanish: Partido para la Justicia Social - Wankaqu: Partya Hufacha-pu Charukiy-pu - Arabic: حزب العدالة الاجتماعية)
Moorish interests party that is always having internal fights over the question of how Islamic it should be, very strong in the province of Nova Medina which is plurality Jahandi.

In opposition:

Social Democratic and Liberal Party (Portuguese: Partido Social Democrático e Liberal - Spanish: Partido Social Democrático y Liberal - Wankaqu: Partya Charukiy Timukrasiy ya Halifuriy)
As a Portuguese-speaking country, of course Azurela has a rather moderate centre-right party which calls itself "social democratic". It does better in whiter areas with conservative instincts like the southern plains and the southern part of the west coast, but it can post very good results in some highland areas depending on tribal factors - most notably the Manashe or Monash in the far north, the most significant non-Kana Indigenous group, are typically loyal to the PSDL.

Southern Cross (Portuguese: Cruzeiro do Sul - Spanish: Cruz del Sur - Wankaqu: Kawir Kara)
A populist semi-personalistic movement which shifted in various directions before settling on anti-poverty indigenist politics; in recent times it gets a strong plurality of the Kana vote and its results track with the Kana share of the population very well, thus being dominant in the highlands.

Democratic Convention (Portuguese: Convenção Democrática - Spanish: Convención Democrática - Wankaqu: Samsara Timukrasiy)
A party that implicitly or explicitly represents Southern autonomism and resentment, with a knack for "big brain" policy ideas. It normally gets a few right-wing or just disaffected voters elsewhere too but it polls awfully across the highlands.

National Bloc (Portuguese: Bloco Nacional - Spanish: Bloque Nacional - Wankaqu: Tluka Mawakaniy)
A conservative nationalist party with significant ties to the military which is often thought of as the rightmost wing of the PSDL.

Christian Conservative Front (Portuguese: Frente Conservadora Cristã - Spanish Frente Conservador Cristiano - Wankaqu: Filarucha Parasurtiy Kristaniy)
Hardline Christian conservative party primarily but not exclusively supported by non-Catholics, strongest in the vicinity of Delft where Dutch Calvinists are a major group.

Popular Unity (Portuguese: Unidade Popular - Spanish: Unidad Popular - Wankaqu: Wayta Ukuniy)
Alliance of a few far-left groups, mostly Trotskyist.

Map of the 2020 parliamentary election:


Map of the 2021 presidential election (Lourenço Albuquerque is an ex-PSDL independent who was supported by most right-leaning parties but also had the tacit approval of the PPD and other parts of the majority; Alexandra Caballo his primary opponent is from the Carnation Movement but was somewhat of a "symbolic" candidate; Kamil Chufta of the Southern Cross is the only other candidate who won any province but tended to underperform his party's results):

Arson Plus
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« Reply #55 on: April 01, 2023, 11:05:05 PM »
« Edited: April 01, 2023, 11:09:08 PM by Ishan »

Discovered by Portuguese explorers - the land was first settled by the British shortly afterwards when a flotilla intended for the Americas accidently diverged from course and hit the continent of Atlas, claiming land for the British crown and naming it after first name of the captain of the flotilla - John Fleming. The colony was mainly settled on the northwest and northern areas of Johnsberg, nearly wiping out the indigenous Abasian population and forcing them to the mountains. The colony - although small in size, grew to be profitable colony, specializing in exotic fruits and some gold mining and logging, and as time went on - rubber production and non-native crops grew in prominence. Due to its prime location - the colony was considered to be a major shipping port for travel to the Caribbean and for the British slave trade in between Africa and the Americas.

The first enslaved Africans came not soon after the establishment of Johnsberg's economy - with a Portuguese slave ship headed for Brazil accidently stopping in Johnsberg - with the settlers trading various goods for 120 slaves. The Black population soon grew rapidly, becoming 70% of the Johnsbergian population at one point, developing a creole language, before an attempt at a slave rebellion which was brutally crushed - with the execution of all involved and most of the freed Black population of Johnsberg.

Due to the War for Independence - many southern British sympathizers from the newly established United States came to Johnsberg, where they settled and established the city of Palmer. The Americans assimilated to the existing Anglo population fairly quickly.

After the abolition of the slave trade - the Anglo population grew - with Johnsberg being a vantage point for the West Africa Squadron for stopping illegal slave trade operations - along with it being a stop for British voyages in Asia.

Following the passage of the Slavery Abolition Act 1833, chaos ensured among slaveowners as the newly freed slaves were able to leave their owners - resulting in the creation of the Indian indentured system, similar to the system in the Caribbeans - which resulted in the importation of many Indians, first from Calcutta but soon afterwards from ports in the Northern Circars and Madras, along with a large population coming from Central India. The "servants" were put in slavery like conditions - with settlement by freed Indians starting in the 1850s following a change in policy by the British - resulting in the importation of Indian women and starting an Indian diaspora in Johnsberg which became the largest population group.

During the late 1800s - many Middle Eastern immigrants mainly from Lebanon came for opportunity, along with other European immigrants, mainly from Italy and Germany - leading to a creation of a separate European identity for non-British Europeans in Johnsberg.

Due to the large inequalities leading to the creation of a largely White upper class, a largely Indian middle class, and a Black and Indian lower class - the politics of the country are largely divided among race - and social class, with for example the Johnsbergian Labour Association being the labour party for Blacks on the country and the Johnsbergian Workers Party being the labour party for Indians, resulting in large racial tension in the country.

During World War I and World War II - many Johnsbergians volunteered for the British - and following World War II, due to the lack of opportunity in Johnsberg, many Indians and Blacks left to Great Britain - and forming a Johnsbergian diaspora there.

On January 1, 1951 - Johnsberg was granted independence, resulting in the politics in the divided country becoming very open - with the country being divided among class and racial lines and miraculously staying a democracy and not falling into dictatorship.

Following the collapse of numerous colonial/apartheid regimes between the 1960s and 1990s - the Anglo population grew in size as with the Indian population, and during that time - a small Chinese and Japanese diaspora formed, as with the creation of the Eastern European diaspora following the collapse of the Soviet Union.

Johnsberg is a parliamentary democracy and a constitutional democracy - with the Head of State being King Charles III who represented by the Governor-General appointed by the Prime Minister. The economy of Johnsberg is mainly focused on natural resources, tourism, agriculture and a growing services sector. The median household income is 15,000 dollars per year - with large divides between classes.

Johnsberg is somewhat socially conservative - with same sex marriage being a hotly contested issue - especially among the non-white Christian communities of the island.

The country is part of the Commonwealth and is close with the United Kingdom and the United States. Johnsberg recognizes the Republic of China due to various reasons, and it also recognizes Palestine because of influence by the Middle Eastern community of Johnsberg.

The political parties are:

will be elaborated on when i get to it along with maps and states
Punxsutawney Phil
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« Reply #56 on: April 01, 2023, 11:19:41 PM »

I like these rundowns. Cool work everyone.
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« Reply #57 on: April 15, 2023, 03:10:14 PM »


At 5:52 PM local time, a major earthquake appears to have struck north of Isallo. Estimated by scientists to have been around 8.5 on the Richter scale, it has already caused widespread devastation in Apeldoorn Province and Woestijn Province, with widespread building collapses as far away as northern Nieuw Eiland. Worse yet, a major tsunami has struck northeast Apeldoorn and Woestijn Province, with the major cities of Nieuw Urk and Pamplona underwater.

The tsunami is also expected to the rest of the west coast, from central Secoterra to eastern Isallo. How will governments respond to this massive catastrophe?
Punxsutawney Phil
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« Reply #58 on: April 15, 2023, 05:13:34 PM »

The Secoterran government has declared a state of emergency and the military is now mobilized to deal with what has occurred and what will occur.
God Bless Secoterra.
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« Reply #59 on: April 15, 2023, 10:13:38 PM »

New Surrey is responding to the crisis with the government passing legislation to ensure that bank deposits remain protected. It is also willing to contribute funding to bank bailouts in the event of a global bank failure.

Meanwhile some brief political history, since it seems everyone else did this:

(The entirety of political history is in my first post, this is just an in-depth look at recent politics)


Leader: Elizabeth Collins                            Josh Smith
Leader's Seat: North of the Delta                North of the Delta
Party: Radical Left                                     Liberals  
Percentage: 57%                                      43%
Swing +10%                                            -10%
Seats: 171                                               129
Seat Change: +30                                    -30

The fallout of the GFC was too much for the Liberal Party to handle. New Surrey's dominance of the banking sector meant it hit the country especially hard. The Liberal Party's problems were especially apparent in the wealthiest parts of North of the Delta, which had long favored the Liberal Party. The major financial newspapers in the country, including The Market Times and The Business Paper turned against the Liberals, rejecting their plans to expand the deficit. This led to a radical alignment in politics where the old moneyed wealthy interests, long the base of the Liberal Party delivered government to the Radical Left. For instance, in the neighborhood of Northern Heights, with an average income in excess of $550,000, the Liberals had won 70% in 2007, the Radical Left won the neighborhood for the first time with a vote percentage of 56%. The Radical Left also gained strongly in the car-dependent suburbs of North of the Delta. The "commuter belt" as it is often called objected strongly to the Liberal Party's plan to implement toll roads. The Radical Left kept its distance from the toll policy, though the Shadow Finance Minister, Mark Olson, acknowledged that the opposition may not shelve the policy, if elected. The Radical Left won swings as high as 20% in the "commuter belt." These swings were devastating to the Liberal Party, which was wiped out in an electoral landslide. The Radical Left had won a mandate for change, but many wondered just how Radical the change would be. Josh Smith's (2003-2011) government would leave with an impressive record: the implementation of toll roads across New Surrey, the completion of the plans for rail networks begun under the previous RL government (1995-2003), and the plan to begin the importation of electric cars. In the end, his government had been undone by factors including electoral fatigue, the financial crisis, and the botched implementation of the plan to import electric cars, the Prime Minister announced on Election Night that he would resign as leader once his defeat was projected at 10:30 PM.


Leader: Elizabeth Collins                 Jessica Turner
Leader's Seat: North of the Delta     North of the Delta
Party: Radical Left                          Liberals  
Percentage: 53%                           47%
Swing -4%                                   +4%
Seats: 159                                    141
Seat Change: -12                          +12

The Liberals under former Foreign Secretary Jessica Turner saw significant swings to them in. The Collins government had scrapped the Smith government's car importation plan noting it would seek other alternatives. The campaign lacked much of the intense partisan drama of 2011 with both parties largely agreeing on the major issues and with Turner elevated particularly to rescue the party's image. Turner noted in her speech following her election as leader by the party's MPs that "I know that we may not reach victory in 2015. I believe the goal of the Liberal Party is to rebuild itself, and that is my goal." The debates in this campaign were especially notable for Turner's dry delivery with the Radical Left at 51% in the polls prior to the debate and reaching 53% afterwards. On Election Night, the map looked much more like 2007, with the Liberals regaining the massive amount of ground they lost in 2011 in the affluent inner neighborhoods, but did not quite reach 2007 levels, with the party receiving 62% in the Northern Heights. The scrapping of the electric vehicle importation policy however alienated voters in the "commuter belt" who were left wondering what exactly was the alternative to more expensive driving. The Liberal Party gained swings as high as 30% in these parts of the country, doing better than 2007 in some of the neighborhoods. Green City and the rurals both held strong for the Radical Left, with Green City being home to government bureaucrats, who had long favored the Radical Left and the more deprived rurals opting for the slightly more redistributive politics of the Radical Left (the politics of the places not surrounding North of the Delta will not change substantially during this narrative). On Election Night, Turner did not announce whether or not she would step down as leader, but noted that "We have together rebuilt the Liberal Party into a viable force and all our party members and volunteers can be grateful for that."


Leader: Elizabeth Collins                 Ashok Kanvar
Leader's Seat: North of the Delta     North of the Delta
Party: Radical Left                          Liberals  
Percentage: 50.2%                         49.8%
Swing -2.8%                                  +2.8%
Seats: 151                                    149
Seat Change: -8                          +8

Collins' second term was almost immediately defined by the migrant crisis. Collins announced that New Surrey would accept as many migrants as was needed, in stark contrast to countries like the United States which capped the amount of refugees they would accept. Collins' leadership on the issue received praise from both parties. Jessica Turner stayed on as leader in the interim, but made it clear she would not accept another term. The 2017 locals provided a turning point, during the 2012 locals, the Liberal Party had suffered a total wipeout across the nation with the Radical Left enjoying a honeymoon from their already decisive 2011 victory. Perhaps the most damaging result was not just the loss of the North of the Delta council for the first time since   1927, and the margin with which it was lost. The Radical Left polled 56% and won 5 seats on the council as well as the tiebreaking mayoral position. The Radical Left Mayor, Matt Powell was a former financial executive and had run a moderate administration by all accounts and was widely expected to cruise to victory in 2017. His challenger was a 32 year old investment banker named Ashok Kanvar. Kanvar had been born in Rajasthan, India and immigrated to New Surrey when he was 10. The local members convinced that the race was gone, offered to give him a chance. Kanvar's energetic campaign and vision for change inspired voters. He talked about the need to move not just the country but the Liberal Party into the future. By Election Day, there was no doubt that the Liberal's Party crown jewel was no longer pink, but once again yellow, the Liberals polled 54% of the vote and Kanvar headed a council with a 6-5 composition in favor of the Liberals. Turner thought she had found her replacement. Turner was now nearly 75 and had already been a minister in two cabinets, she appointed Kanvar to be Shadow Finance Minister and two months later, announced her resignation. Kanvar was elected the leader at the age of 32, and his election signaled two major trends in New Surrey: the growth of the youth vote and the growth of New Surrey's minority population (around 30% of New Surrey was now nonwhite). The Liberals knew they still faced a tough battle to win back government in 2019, but were convinced the path existed to get close. Kanvar accepted the government's position on the migrant crisis, but attacked the government for low immigration levels. The 2019 Liberal campaign pledged to create the conditions in New Surrey to make skilled immigration, in particular, more desirable. The Liberals also continued to talk about the climate crisis, though Kanvar wisely kept his distance from the electric car issue, noting that while he would push to increase lithium exports, he found it unwise to discuss the specifics without knowing the situation the country was in. Everyone could agree the Liberals had run a good campaign, and Kanvar had not just won the debates, but received glowing endorsements from major newspapers such as the North of the Delta Herald and the Green City Evening Courier, newspapers which had traditionally endorsed the Radical Left Party. In the end, the Radical Left hung on to government, but just barely. The Liberal Party received large swings to it in North of the Delta, in some cases exceeding 10%, and finally was able to once again achieve 2007 margins in the well off quarters of it. The Liberal Party also did quite well in the middle class regions of the city, which traditionally voted for the Radical Left Party, and cut its margins there. But ultimately, the opposition had given the voters all the reasons to vote for it, but few for why the government had failed and a few cautious swing voters stuck with the government, getting it re-elected by the skin of its teeth.


After the close call in 2019, few expected the government to be returned to another term, but in early 2020, the government received a massive boost from the handling of the COVID pandemic. The government agreed to close the borders for 6 months and also implemented lockdowns. The government's policies stood in stark contrast to countries like the United States, where death tolls surged as states quickly reopened. In October 2020, the government began the process of reopening, while requiring masking and urging social distancing, at this time schools were also moved to a hybrid model. By the summer of 2021, COVID was largely over, and the nation had made it through with relatively few deaths (around 30,000). The government also reached its peak high of 57% in polls as the nation set out to enjoy the warm July soon for the first time in two years. The boost for the government did not last though, a combination of factors, including excessive stimulus, increased consumer spending, supply chain shortages, and dovish central banks helped to fuel worldwide inflation, and New Surrey was not an exception. By the end of 2021, the government's poll numbers had crashed to 48%. The Liberals particularly campaigned against the excessive stimulus and the dovish central banks. Kanvar pledged to make more hawkish appointments to the central bank. Bad news followed for the government in 2022 as economic growth slowed, and talk of recession increased. The central banks were forced to go for much more tighter monetary policy and the risk of overcorrection rose. The Credit Suisse crisis also greatly damaged the government's image as much of the country was dependent on banking, with the government dropping to 42% at the end of 2022. The SVB crisis and even greater presence of recession talk, once again dropped the government's poll numbers, and they sit at 39% today. Few expect the government to be re-elected with most noting the government was lucky to win in 2019, even if it may have been a poisoned chalice election. Few expect the government to change leaders as no potential successor wants to take responsibility for the ensuing cataclysmic wipeout that looks nearly assured. Thus most commentators suspect the Collins government will end as the Smith one did, a government in power for too long undone by financial problems.

Liberal Party Manifesto Pledges:

Abolish the Cap on Employment Visas
Cut Regulations on Business to Encourage Job Growth
Phase out COVID-era support
Cutting the Top Tax Rate to 25% by 2030
Pledge $400 billion for Research+Development

Radical Left Party Manifesto Pledges:

Continue to Provide COVID-era support
Increase Refugee Capacity by 200%
Freeze All Tax Rates for 5 Years
Introduce a Capital Gains Tax of 0.5% on Capital Gains above $2,500,000
Pledge $500 billion for Investment in Public Transport

On the note of the recent earthquake: The government of New Surrey is prepared to provide aid to the affected nations and will do all it can to contribute to humanitarian efforts.
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« Reply #60 on: April 16, 2023, 01:04:39 AM »

President Huang and Prime Minister Hazeltine express their condolences to those affected by the earthquake, and express hope for a speedy recovery.

Progressive Party leader Jackie Amalie (MP - Glisan Grove) calls upon the Fraser Republic to immediately provide humanitarian aid to the affected nations. Other prominent Progressive politicians have echoed these calls.

The offices of Republican Party leader Edwin Nguyen (MP - Lebec East) and Labor Party leader Antony Jung (MP - Rupert Station) have yet to offer comment on the disaster.
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« Reply #61 on: April 16, 2023, 01:59:51 AM »

President Tahri has issued a seismic activity warning for the provinces bordering Secoterra and offers his thoughts and prayers to those affected.

Green Party leader Mariam Rashid (G-Kounurakat West Central) has introduced a bill to provide aid to the affected countries. The current draft faces an uphill battle due to controversy over the amount of funding proposed and opposition to aid for Isallo among budget and foreign policy hawks in the governing coalition.
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« Reply #62 on: April 16, 2023, 06:14:57 AM »

The Apeldoorn earthquake has been weakly felt in the northern and western part of Azurela too, but of course the real danger is the tsunami waves that are expected to hit all of the western coast. Prime Minister Tinku immediately declared a state of emergency for cause of natural disaster in all areas affected and appeared on national television with President Albuquerque for a message to the nation. The Disaster Relief Corps will be deployed and the government may be temporarily evacuated to Punha if the waves hitting Amália are severe enough, though this is unlikely.

PJS leader Ayman Rakat, who is in the pocket of whoever is in government in Jahandir at any given time has cordial relations with the country dominated by his coethnics, will surely lobby Tahri for significant humanitarian aid. The opposition will clearly avoid cheap politicking, except for an FCC extremist blaming the disaster on homosexuals, Southern Cross politicians complaining that landslides and earthquakes in the Tupurian Range are never taken this seriously, and some Democratic Convention arsehole saying that northerners should have invested in earthquake-proof buildings and the relief funds will be appropriated for graft by local Carnation apparatchiks inevitable grumbling about the handling of the recovery. Local officials will be given a major say over the reconstruction, so that Carnation apparatchiks in the provinces and cities can better misuse the funds, that arsehole is not wrong unpopular decisions from above and bureaucratic clutter can be avoided.
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